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راهبری زندگی با شهود درونی؛ متعادل‌کردن زمین و آسمان

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"It is an audacious notion to put forth in this age of
science and willful determination that one s existence is somehow
inspired, guided, and even managed by unseen forces outside our
control. Whether called fate, destiny, or the hand of God, slender
threads are at work bringing coherence and continuity to our lives."

So begins Balancing Heaven and Earth, Robert Johnson s luminous memoir
about how these "slender threads" have guided his own life. As much a
personal guide as a memoir, this book teaches us to follow, as Johnson
has, the subtle influences of dreams, visions, and even our deepest
sufferings in order to live attuned to our spiritual selves. A pure
delight for Johnson s many fans and a splendid example of his trademark
blend of illustrative myth and psychological insight, this is a work of
incomparable beauty and inspiration showcasing the wisdom of a lifetime.

Robert Al Johnson is a psychoanalyst and bestselling author,
renowned for his graceful applications of Carl Jung s rich but complex
theories. His previous books include He and She, We, Inner Work,
Ecstasy, The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden
and Owning Your Own
. He currently lives in California.

500 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

About the author

Robert A. Johnson

90 books697 followers
Robert A. Johnson is a noted lecturer and Jungian analyst in private practice in San Diego, California. He has studied at the Jung Institute in Switzerland and at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in India.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews
Profile Image for Maede.
52 reviews15 followers
November 2, 2018
رشته های نازک شاید مهمترین چیزی بود که توی این کتاب اشاره شده، هرچند خط به خط این کتاب حرف هایی داره که میتونه نجات دهنده باشه.
به نظرم قبل از خوندن این کتاب فوق العاده چند کتاب رو باید خوند. جوجه اردک زشت درون و سایه ات را مالک شو خیلی میتونه توی فهم این کتاب کمک کنه. بدون پیش زمینه خوندن این کتاب ممکنه حق مطلب رو ادا نکنه
Profile Image for Michael.
115 reviews5 followers
November 5, 2008
There is a LOT in this book. Johnson has lived an odd, yet fascinating life. He lost a leg at the age of 11 and nearly bled to death, during which time he had an experience of what he terms "The Golden World." He has another of these experiences in his late teens and his early life is an attempt to recapture this feeling, without much success. He is drawn to music and finds relationships there which his family of origin failed to give him. He went to Europe and studied with Carl Jung. Life has many paths, which he feels are not coincidences but rather the following of "slender threads." He finds equilibrium in India.

Here is a summation on page 171:

"This is the essence of what I learned from dr. Jung: listen to your interior intelligence, take it seriously, stay true to it, and--most important--approach it with a religious attitude. His psychological term for this is individuation--discovering the uniqueness of yourself, finding out what you are not and finding out what you are. Individuation relates to wholeness, but it is not some indiscriminate wholeness but rather your particular relationship to everything else. You get to the whole only by working with the particularity of your life, not by trying to evade or rise above the specificity of your life. This is the blending of heaven and earth. This is a truly religious life."
Profile Image for Abbas Madani.
105 reviews4 followers
March 21, 2020
از نظر من کتابی فوق العاده بود،حال مرا تغییر داد،مطالب و مفاهیمش برای من که بطور محدود مطالعات اسلامی دارم جدید نبود اما تفکر دینی و اعتقادات من را بطور روشنی تبیین و روشن کرد،و سوالی که همیشه و بخصوص در دنیای کنونی در رابطه با جمع بندی بین دنی�� و اخرت داشتم تا حدی راهنما گردید، با شجاعت بسیاری ابتذالات و مسایل سطحی ولی چشم پر کن امروز دنیا را روشن و انکار نموده،اینکه به هند رفته و دنیای ان ها را کاویده ارزشمند است ولی بنظر میرسد گاه بتوهم رفته،توجه اش به رویا ارزشمند است، توجه اش به اسطوره ها با ارزش میباشد .اینکه توجه به ایگو را از توجه به جهان طلایی و یا بقول خود بهشت جدا نموده قابل توجه است .اینکه تاکید مینماید هر گاه در مسایل دنیا و اخرت بالانس بطرف یکی بهم میخورد ان را متوقف میکند و بسمت دیگری میرود خیلی شایان توجه است،اینکه وقتی مورد استقبال دنیا قرار میگیرد و درامد زایی پیدا میکند انگاه متوقف میکند و بسمت دیگری میرودبرای ما درس خوبی است.بنظر میرسد ازدواج نکرده و فرزند ندارد که شاید اگر این کار هم انجام شده بود و چالش های یک زندگی مشترک را در کنار سایر چالش ها داشت و با انها سعی در بالانس میکرد کتاب غنی تر بود.توصیه من بدوستانی که این کتاب را خواندند اینست که بعد از ان خطبه همام علی ع را بخوانند.این یک تبلیغ دینی نیست شاید وقتی یک سخن ارزشمند از زبان دو فرد با تاریخ و جغرافیای متفاوت زده میشد انسان به مفهوم ناخوداگاه جمعی بیشتر واقف گردد.از نظر من کتاب ارزش دوباره خواندن را دارد
Profile Image for Eileen.
508 reviews18 followers
November 17, 2010
A Jungian psychotherapist has a near death experience and spends the rest of his life trying to find his balance between heaven, where he wants to be, and earth, where he is bound to life. He deals with eternal problems: how to be close to God but not cut himself off from other people, how to honor his introverted character and also deal with a longing for connection with others, how to make a living and at the same time keep his focus on what's really important in life – being the person God created him to be. I love this book because Johnson is a lot like me in some ways. It reassures me I'm not the only one out there like me.
Profile Image for Sandy.
388 reviews
August 24, 2016
This is a book that does not want to be put down. I underlined so many words of wisdom in this brief autobiography by Robert Johnson, that I've decided to type all those words into an index to more easily access them. I felt the warmth of friendship and scholarliness of Jung on each page. Like a visit with a spiritual mentor, I didn't want the time with Robert's words to ever come to an end.
His books He, She, and We, which have been so helpful in my personal life and my practice, shine a little less brightly compared to Balancing Heaven and Earth. I just purchased his book, Ecstasy and will read it next, but rue the day when I finish reading all his books!
This book has cultivated my continued loyalty to studying and being mindful of the Unconscious and its mysteries. Gratitude to you, Robert Johnson for sharing some of the stories and gentle wisdom of you ninety-plus years.
Profile Image for Veronika Pooky.
3 reviews13 followers
August 20, 2016

*Sorry for spoilers and not entirely sure what's the point of this review. *

I like this book because I am a fan of Carl Jung. Robert has obviously understood and lived a solitary religious life as Carl Jung once advised. It is quite an adventure to follow Robert's words and enter his inner world.

However, there are lots of dreams and symbols used that are not entirely well explored. I can only comprehend at the level I know about the unconsciousness, which is many characters in the dream or story represents different parts of you/consciousness. So the girl and 2 boys in a story meant the girl holds an ideal image of a boy and the boys hold an ideal image of the girl, representing the animus and anima. The girl and the 2 boys were attracted to each other at first because of the ideal images they have in their mind. Just like romantic love in our society, when girls feel like they have a crush on a boy they barely know. It is due to the image they have imagined and idealized.
The end goal of the self is the integration of all different parts. Bear that in mind, the ceremony that intends to bury the girl and the boys represents sacrifice, the burning away of the ideal image one has and then a new level of consciousness is born, which is represented by the son of the girl.

It is quite confusing to read through a story where there are 3 characters and then something surreal happened: a burial and then the son is left behind(which is unethical when you think this in terms of parenting) The story is actually talking about the development of human consciousness but not parenting. Different parts of the self need to talk to each other, go through tensions and struggles, then sacrifice and at the end, a new consciousness is made possible. It's a bit like in a dream, one character talks to another character. In reality, you are talking to yourself at the back of your head while you are having the dream.

I absolutely love the quote where he writes, 'If you can stand to live in paradox long enough, then a transformation takes place and a new consciousness is born.'

I am not sure if my interpretation is correct, but I guess you understand my struggle. These are things that can only understand by intuition, knowledge about the unconsciousness and personal experiences.

This book is a cherishable one because Robert allows me to have a glimpse into Jungian analysis. It actually involves lots of dream recording (which I didn't know) and being humble that the analysist may not know what the solution is but the dreams(unconsciousness) do know what you need.

He is such a wise man who learnt to trust god so much that he can laugh even when he is in trouble. With the unshakable belief that god will take care of everything. I am far from this level of serenity/calmness. I can only awed by his experiences and attitude towards life while living my life in anxiety.

August 9, 2016
This is an amazing book. Makes one put our own lives into perspective. The author gets us completely involved in the his quest of heaven and earth. There are very few books that can bring a significant change in the readers thought process and way of living. Kudos to the author for writing such an awe inspiring book. I loved it completely.
Profile Image for Sirpa Grierson.
442 reviews34 followers
May 21, 2008
The story of "my beggar" always will remain with me.

Johnson, a Jungian analyst, travels to India after meeting Carl Jung and finding his own life work. Of Jung (whom I so admire), he wrote: "Many brilliant people display their knowledge by talking in big words and might concepts that serve the dual purpose of inflating the speaker and confusing the listener. They sit like Olympian gods and expect other people to learn their language. But Jung could adjust his discourse in as was that would best serve the needs of the other person. He was a great intuitive thinker, but he did not speak to me in abstract intellectual language; he addressed me in the feeling language that I could relate to."

The academy could take note of this!

This book was referred to me by peaceful Brother John at The Hermitage in Big Sur, California.

Why do we struggle so to understand that "Enlightenment is simply being, the act or fact of being a human with consciousness that you are following the will of God"

My favorite lesson: "But if you can stand to live in paradox long enough, then a transformation takes place and a new consciousness is born--a child called Samadhi. This occurs when one has stopped trying to maneuver external reality so that it will work out as the ego desires. One turns authority to something greater than oneself; the ego is sacrificed to the Self, the earthly world serves the heavenly world, and one learns, at last, to trust the slender threads.
Profile Image for Susie.
201 reviews
May 12, 2012
Rick is reading this 5.11.12
5.11.12 - Interesting read - at the end of the book the story of "The Transposed Heads" - "A funeral pyre is necessary for burning up the old form of consciousness. As long as you think in terms of this one or that one, then you are still caught up in the world of duality. But if you can stand to live in paradox long enough, then transformation takes place and a new consciousness is born - a child called Samandhi. This occurs when one has stopped trying to maneuver external reality so that it will workout as the ego desires. One turns authority over to something greater than oneself; the ego is sacrificed to the self, the earthly world serves the heavenly world, and one learns, at last, to trust the slender threads"."
Profile Image for Sanjog .
2 reviews
March 5, 2012
Balancing Heaven and Earth reveals, for the first time, Johnson's own fascinating and mystical life-from his near-death experience at the age of eleven to the lifelong soul journey that has informed his writing and taught him how to live a spiritual life in the endlessly challenging modern world. Full of compelling, humorous, and surprising stories of encounters with an assortment of "sages, saints, and sinners," it lays bare Johnson's own inner world and its dazzeling landscape of powerful dreams, mystical visions, and synchronistic events.

It a nice book to read

Profile Image for Leanne Seymour.
13 reviews2 followers
August 7, 2016
Absolutely loved reading this book and love this authors previous books that I've read......he is one of my favourite Jungian writers! After having read his books on the masculine, feminine, ecstacy and love, it was so refreshing to read his autobiography where I felt I got to understand him and his relationship with Jung so much better. A truly inspiring reading and I thoroughly recommend this to all of those seekers who are drawn to all things Jungian!
Profile Image for Heather.
8 reviews
July 15, 2017
This book was very powerful in helping me understand that we can experience Heaven or Paradise at any time we choose. It's really about finding your inner gratitude to all of your experiences in life. Also, we need to understand that as individuals, we do not have the same idea of what Paradise is or that the same path of getting there.
4 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2009
fantastic review of johnson's sprirtual journey. connects with majpr Jungians and a must read for folks intersted in dream analysis.
basically have read all Johnson's works to signif personal bebefit.
Profile Image for Zahra.
22 reviews18 followers
March 22, 2019
كتاب خيلى خوبى بود. رابرت جانسون در ضمن بيان سرگذشتش به نكات بسيار خوبى اشاره ميكند. به غير از بخش مربوط به هندش كه براى من خيلى گيرا نبود، در كل كتاب از كشش بالايى برخورداره و خواندنش را توصيه ميكنم.
Profile Image for Parastoo.
56 reviews4 followers
May 26, 2021
#بیوگرافی رابرت الکس جانسون_ فیلسوف و روانکاو یونگی
یه جورایی در عین حال که از اتفاقات در هم تنیده شده و از پیش نوشته شده‌ی زندگی رابرت الکس جانسون شگفت زده میشدم و لذت میبردم، به این همه شهود درست و بی نقص رابرت الکس جانسون حسودیم میشدD;
چرا خواب و شهود من انقدر دقیق نیست؟ مشکل از منه؟ یا نویسنده زندگی خیلی خاصی داشت؟
در دورانی از زندگیم به سر میبرم که توی یک چندراهی بزرگ گیر افتادم و شهودم صدایی هم ازش درنمیاد چه برسه به راهبری!
کتاب امیدوار کننده و جالب توجهی بود و شاید فعلا غیر از باب شهود، چیزهای خیلی زیادی ازش یاد گرفتم.
فکر میکنم که بعدا باید دوباره این کتاب رو بخونم.
اها راستی این رو هم بگم که به کسایی که میخوان به مقوله ی دین و معنویت با دید مدرن و آگاهانه تری نسبت به صوفی نگری شرق نگاه کنند این کتاب رو بسیار توصیه میکنم. بدون جبهه(بلکه تا حدودی با جبهه‌ی مخالف نسبت به دین) و با علم و منطق امروزی حکایت از چیزی میکند که امروز سعی در فراموش کردنش داریم ولی به آن نیاز مفرط داریم نه برای اون دنیا که برای زندگی کردن در این دنیا.. و حقیقتا شنیدنی است.
Profile Image for Professor Weasel.
862 reviews9 followers
April 6, 2013
Fascinating. Really glad I read this. I found the discussions about alchemy (i.e. the idea of relationships being about 'carrying somebody else's gold' until you become strong enough to carry your own) particuarly intriguing. It's always fun for me to read about India and Jung. And what do you know, out of all places, Mr. Johnson is from Portland, Oregon, my home city of almost eight years!!! Coincidences, coincidences(or I guess what he would call 'the slender threads.')
Profile Image for Setare Talebzade.
26 reviews5 followers
May 17, 2019
یک زندگی نامه خودنویس
با اینکه دکتر شیری و سهیل رضایی و انتشارات بنیاد فرهنگ زندگی خیلی روی این کتاب مانور دادن به نظرم صرفا یه داستان تقریبا لوس و معمولی از یه ادم خودشیفته بود
که بیشتر ازینکه دنبال کشف درک عمیقتری از زندگی باشه میخواست ثابت کنه ادم خاصیه و زندگی خاصی داشته
نکات خوبی هم داشت قطعا ولی میتونست یه کتاب ۵۰ صفحه‌اب عالی با اون نکات بنویسه بجای ۵۰۰ صفحه خودستایی غیر مستقیم
Profile Image for Jen.
22 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2009
Robert Johnson is a fascinating man - his search to understand the Golden World and Life here on Earth. Loved reading about his life, his search, his life as a student of Jung (Psychology). The second half about his life and exploration in India - liked the first half of book better.n
Profile Image for Heather Finlayson.
26 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2013
A compelling memoir of a thoughtful man's inner journey. Inspiring and insightful. A necessary read for anyone interested in the experience of their dream life and how dreams relate to our external reality.
Profile Image for Belén Rey Álvarez.
82 reviews2 followers
July 13, 2022
Para todos los buscadores.

Inspirador y perspicaz. Una lectura necesaria para cualquier persona interesada en la experiencia de la vida vivida con consciencia y para todos los que aún seguimos buscando.

Una de las biografías más bonitas que he leído.
Profile Image for Alex.
20 reviews4 followers
March 19, 2011
let you know when i'm done.A very curious book, by a man who lived life according to certain slender threads.was moved by certain passages,give's you something to think about.
Profile Image for Julienne.
42 reviews3 followers
July 11, 2013
One of the most beautiful memoirs I've ever read.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
201 reviews14 followers
April 11, 2024
A memoir of a intuitive, feeling man. A master Jungian analyst who inspires me to "follow the slender threads" and live in a much more surrendered way.
Profile Image for Brian Fagan.
107 reviews4 followers
May 24, 2018
Important man. An important life worth learning from.
Profile Image for Hedieh Madani.
86 reviews19 followers
May 27, 2022
شخص خود جانسون رو من دوست دارم. آشنا شدن با نگرشش به زندگی برام جذاب بود. مرد فروتن، درونگرا و سرسخت و البته متاسفانه آمریکایی.
Profile Image for Austin.
44 reviews7 followers
September 14, 2019
Written by a man who knew himself as well as anyone I’ve known.

I’ve been exploring Jungian thought and theory but was curious how it would play out in a life.

This is it.

By opening up a window to his soul Johnson shed light on my own.

I found his depiction of India to be compelling but somewhat oversimplified. I guess he could only look through his particular lenses in his particular time. On the other hand maybe his lenses were exactly what he needed...

A bit meandering at times...like life itself.
Profile Image for Gail.
23 reviews7 followers
March 28, 2011
This is a riveting book. The author is a highly regarded Jungian analyst. In childhood, he had a gruesome experience and almost died. His story proceeds through his bleak childhood, during which he becomes apprenticed to a pipe organ technician. He develops a love of music, that leads to some amazing experiences in his adult life while he visits Europe. Robert Johnson is famous for his analysis and his acclaimed books that many therapists have found valuable in their practice. This book, however, chronicles his almost too-amazing-to-be true experiences that find him in Europe, accepted by chance into the very first class at the Jungian Institute, and the amazing dream he had that moved Carl Jung himself to call Johnson into his home to talk. We sometimes think of celebrated people for their professional or public accomplishments--this book presents Robert Johnson, the person: a man of extraordinary talent.
Profile Image for Sanam.
90 reviews27 followers
October 21, 2020
رِیت نمیدم چون هیچ درکی ندارم که باید چطوری ریت بدم!
و باز هم به همون نتیجه‌ی طلایی می‌رسیم که من باید ادبیاتم رو بخونم و اعصابم رو با روانشناسی خرد نکنم. در حقیقت چیزی که فهمیدم اینه، اگه بنا به روانشناسی خوندن باشه، ترجیح میدم یک موضوع رو انتخاب کنم و یا پیدا کنم و مستقل درباره‌ش بخونم. نه اینکه یک رمان و یا زندگی‌نامه بخونم که وسطش بخواد خیلی تخصصی بهم روانشناسی یاد بده... الان من نفهمیدم این زندگی‌نامه بود، سفرنامه بود و یا کتابی با موضوع روانشناسی!!
انی وی. نمیتونم هیچ نظری بدم و حتا حس میکنم پیام درست رو هم از کتاب نگرفتم. در حقیقت من یه مقدار انرژی و وایبِ مذهبی و دینی گرفتم و مقداری زن‌ستیزی:/ که خب قطعن اشتباهه و من نباید خیلی اعتماد کنم به این احساساتم!
در کل، تاجایی که میدونم این نشر خیلی خوب و تخصصی داره در این زمنیه کار میکنه. و شاید بد نباشه کتاب‌های دیگه‌ش رو هم یک بررسی بکنم.
و در آخر، جون هرکی دوست دارید وقتی میخواید بهم کتاب هدیه بدید، stick to the list :)))
92 reviews4 followers
June 8, 2014
I went to a Jungian workshop recently in which the leader recommended some spiritual autobiographies, and this one was high on the list. Since I am a huge fan of all things Jungian, I quickly downloaded this on my kindle and dove in. Robert Johnson is a wise and gentle soul and his personal history is fascinating and idiosyncratic. Lots of great nuggets of Jungian-oriented brilliance in here, yet Johnson's perspective on his own life strikes me as very humble and comfortable with his own fragility. A wonderful example of someone who has had the courage to chart his own very unique path in spiritual life and his career as a Jungian analyst and writer. Loved all his insights about and experiences with India. A truly enriching read.
8 reviews
September 16, 2024
خیلی دوست داشتم از میان سطرهای این کتاب راهی برای تعادل بین زمین و آسمان پیدا کنم.یکی از دغدغه های اصلی زندگیم این است که بفهمم آیا زندگی همینی هست که به حس در می آید یا نیروهایی ماورای حواس،ما را هدایت می‌کنند.سراسر کتاب تلاش کردم بدون تعصب و با کنار گذاشتن همه‌ی دانسته هایم پذیرای مطالب کتاب باشم.اما موفق به کسب این شهود درونی وعده داده شده نشدم.تقریبا نیمی از کتاب سفرنامه ی هند است و در نیم دیگر زندگینامه خود را روایت می کند با این تفاوت که هر رویداد تاثیر گذار در زندگی خود را که دیگران شانس یا تصادف می نامند را رشته های نازک می نامد و معتقد است که این رشته های نازک را نیروهای ماورایی هدایت می کنند.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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