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If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to play the game…both on and off the field. If it hadn’t been for that one teenage slipup where I kissed Beau Campbell, I’d be able to keep fooling myself. Football is the one thing I use to distract myself from the truth, and when I screw-up and lose the game I love, I find myself right back in Fever Falls. And right back face-to-face with Cranky Campbell, who hates me even more than he did when we were kids. Whatever magic he held over me then is still there. As much as I fight it, I still want him. And I always get what I want…well, except with Beau, who constantly calls me on my crap. Why do I like that so much?

I might’ve spent years watching Ash live out my dream—without the off-field antics and orgies with women, at least—but I’ve made a good life for myself. I’m a firefighter, and I coach my brother’s football team for those with developmental disabilities. But when Ash swings back into town armed with his monster ego and an arsenal of stupid nicknames, everyone is in awe of him. Nope, not me. I don’t care if our kiss years ago was responsible for my sexual awakening. I won’t fall for Ashton Carmichael. Though that resolution would be a whole lot easier if he wasn’t so tempting. Once he finds his way into my bed, I’m screwed—in more ways than one. But there’s more to Ash than meets the eye, buried beneath his ego, sarcasm and how we burn up the sheets together. Soon, it’s more than a game. We don’t just get each other fired up, we just might win each other’s hearts.

Too bad things are never that simple…

386 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 2, 2019

About the author

Riley Hart

106 books6,452 followers
Riley Hart is the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's a hopeless romantic. A lover of sexy stories, passionate men, and writing about all the trouble they can get into together. If she's not writing, you'll probably find her reading.

Riley lives in California with her awesome family, who she is thankful for everyday.

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50 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 629 reviews
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,788 reviews295 followers
January 14, 2019
Fun and Sexy!

This was fun, if simple. It went kinda like this:

I want you
I want you
I want you
Hot virgin sex
Oh crap, what just happened?!
More sexy sex
I love you
Sex sex sex
Conflict stuff
HEA mushy as hell ;)
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,396 reviews1,545 followers
June 3, 2019

I loved both Beau and Ash, but the writing, at times, felt kinda "cutesy" to me, like it was trying a bit too hard, at least for my own personal tastes.

The steamy bits were hot and the angsty parts were pretty manageable.

The phrase "fired up" felt waaaaay too overused and the fireman trope felt slightly under-utilized.

Overall a good story, but the romantic parts didn't grab me by the heart and squeeze, feeling more surface-level than bone deep.

I'd rate it at around 3.5 stars, but not really categorize this story as groundbreaking.

I'll probably read book 3, Riley's, but I don't really click that well with McCormack's hyper-sexualized, bordering on durty style, so I doubt I'll read book 2.


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

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January 16, 2019
This book was not a total win for me, which is a surprise since I love firemen, the friends/frenemies-to-lovers trope, Riley Hart's writing, small town settings, and also firemen.

Did I mention firemen?

So why 3 stars?

For one, I never fell for Ashton. His internalized homophobia and denial were too much. He acted like a big jock.

Ashton and Beau's interactions were very dude-bro and didn't strike me as romantic.

Also, while I really like stories that showcase diversity, including disabled MCs, Beau's brother Kenny read too much like a prop at times; his personality didn't always feel genuine.

I still remember Linda, Kyle's twin sister who had Down syndrome, in Heidi Cullinan's Winter Wonderland (Minnesota Christmas #3). Linda, whose character was based on a friend of Heidi's, was so authentic and real. She was a joy and stole the show! I didn't feel the same about Kenny, although I liked that he was included and that Beau had such a good relationship with his brother.

Fired Up ends on a happy note. I would read the second book in the series, but it will be written by Devon McCormack, and I'm just not a fan of his style. I may come back for the third book.
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,033 followers
January 6, 2019
This was a sweet love story. Very romantic and I loved Beau’s brother Kenny.

The next book was written by Devon and it’s titled #burn. Linc’s story? Coming Feb. 8.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,321 reviews591 followers
June 4, 2019
4 Stars

I enjoyed this story a great deal. It had a lot of the things I look for in my contemporary M/M romance reads, including charismatic characters, fluent writing, and a well-paced story featuring the perfect balance of heart, romance and steam. I even enjoyed the small town setting of Fever Falls and the use of a simple but effective frenemies-to-lovers trope between firefighter Beau and ex-NFL star Ash.

Ash’s internalized issues surrounding his sexuality ran deep and most of the angst present in this story focused on his feelings of denial, his struggles with self-acceptance, and his fears relating to the acceptance from others. In general, Ash was a fairly jovial character, both boisterous in personality and as cocky as could be, but most of that masked his inner turmoil, which he’d perfected over the years until he was back in Fever Falls and he was faced with (re)ignited sparks with his old friend Beau.

I’ve read in many reviews that people struggled or just outright disliked Ash as a character, but, interestingly, I found myself connecting more with Ash than with sweet and steadfast Beau. That’s not to say I didn’t like Beau, because I did, a lot, I just preferred being in Ash’s more complex, if sometimes frustrating, mind.

It should also be noted that I always give a story more praise if it can move me to tears, and this one surprisingly did. I don’t know if this was a reaction shared by many readers here, if any, but I teared up on several occasions while reading this story which definitely elevated my enjoyment level – because I’m weird like that. There was this one scene between Beau’s mother and Ash that pulled on my heart strings something fierce, but shortly after that there was this scene between Ash and Kenny – Beau’s delightful younger brother who has down syndrome – that truly slayed me. My strong emotional response can probably be due to the fact that both Kenny and Beau’s mother were my idea of fantastic support characters, and I really felt that the various scenes they shared with Beau and/or Ash throughout the story were the true highlights of the book for me.

Overall, I could have done with a little less of Ash’s internalized angst, but in all other regards Fired Up was a solid start to the series and I’ll definitely be back for more of these deliciously hot and romantic Fever Falls stories.
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews782 followers
January 14, 2019
3 Cranky & Cocky Stars

Ash and Beau were best friends, somehow! Ash had always tried to get under Beau’s skin and for the most part, he was successful! He always drove Beau crazy and challenged him. Ten years ago, Ash drunk-kissed Beau at their high school graduation party and then left town for the college without knowing with that kiss he changed something in Beau...

Now Ash is a football player but because of his bad attitude, his career is in danger so he’s taking early retirement and coming back to his hometown, to Beau. The Beau who always saw the real him…

Beau loved football but for some reasons he chose to be a firefighter, it gave him a purpose. But he didn’t miss any of Ash’s games these years, not even one of them! He couldn’t forget Ash, that confident and charming Ash, even if he would try. If you wouldn’t know better you thought he was in love with Ash, but how can he fall for his straight, womanizer frenemy!?!

Told in dual POV, 1st person. It’s almost angst-free, slow-burn, and a sweet story. The characters weren’t really well developed but I should say I enjoyed their banter, most of the times! I thought it’s gfy but I don’t count it as one because Ash was in denial for years, so deep in closet! It’s the first installment in the "Fever Falls" series and can be read as a standalone and I noticed the next book is written by another author whom I am not a fan! Overall, it wasn’t that special or something new, hope you like it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for kal.
260 reviews95 followers
July 18, 2020
Give me a day and I won’t probably remember any of this. It wasn’t bad or anything. It just failed to catch my attention. Usually I don’t mind generic plots when it comes to these stories but this is not it.
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,142 reviews378 followers
August 18, 2019
3.5 rounded to 4.

This one didn't have too much "substance," but plenty of sex scenes, perhaps one too many, but my current mood does not want me to complain, hence rounded up instead of down.

Enemies to lovers sort of thing. Not a lot of mistakes in editing. Not really funny or intense or anything really, just fast reading.

And that cover deserves an extra 0.5 stars :) Daaayyyyuuummm them abs!

I am such a cover slut...

Felt like Ash was a bit too wussy... and I get his conflicted drunken self made him into a massive manhore for 10+ years, but... that's just wussy to me. I like the REAL men.
Profile Image for Claude.
250 reviews22 followers
January 7, 2019
This guy is amazing!!!! I mean I don't know (or I know but I just don't want admit it to myself) if in his shoes I would have taken the same decisions. He has somehow sacrificed a "possible" great career to take care of his mother and his brother who has Trisomy 21 ( Kenny is an amazing character. Just read this book to meet him.). And he never regretted it. Not a single day. No bitterness, just infinite love for his family. His plans for the future changed, he had to adapt and managed to find a job that makes him even more heroic in my eyes...FIREFIGHTER. Just that.

And he's such a HOTTIE.

At the top of all this he managed to create a football team with children suffering from the same disease as his brother. As a Doctor, I imagine the height of this gesture. The happiness of these children. Having the opportunity to do something that society feels we can not do is incredible. I was so smiling big during every matches. This is the kind of thing I want to do. Bring unmeasurable happiness to anyone but more to those whose life is more "complicated". Beau is a thing of beauty, inside and outside. .


(a totally hottie too for what I know)
You can imagine that he just could not compete with Beau in my heart. I'm kidding tough, he was awesome too. He is a professional footballer who after an eighth slip is dismissed by his team. He's a mess. Well, as my mum says "when we don't know where we go, we look where we come from". So he went home. But he's just alone in this world. His parents are no longer there and he has no siblings. He feels alone. Very alone. To have it ALL at one time then to lose it in a few minutes it puts a little KO. He seeks to rebuild himself, to know who he really is. The young high school star that everyone loved? Or the football star that everyone has loved for a while until the lapse? He is lost. And luckily for him he falls on Beau.
These two together was cute. Ashton has long struggled against his feelings for men in general. Professional gay athlete? Hard. We all know. So it's very difficult for him to confess his buried feelings, even more to confess them to someone else. It took him a while but he finally got there (and in what way!). Beautiful. As usual Riley Hart writes hot scenes. I love it! And they are funny!

« Oh fuck,” we said in unison, then chuckled.
“I’m not sure I like that you’re longer than me,” Ash admitted.
“I can’t believe you just said that. Only you.”
“Yeah, but that’s why you like me,” he replied.
“You’re thicker, if that makes you feel better. »

Special mention for Kenny, Beau's little brother. This boy fell on a great family. His mother is strong. We understand where Beau is coming from. Kenny studies, practices a sport, has a girlfriend. A life that can clearly be described as ordinary, because he's loved. Unconditionally. I hope there are plenty of people like these two out here.

I love Riley Hart! It's never gonna change.
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,267 reviews351 followers
January 2, 2019
My first read of 2019 and WOW, what a TOTAL winner! Riley Hart kicks off a new series set in the town of Fever Falls, where we will get stories that alternate between her and Devon McCormack.

I loved Cranky Campbell and Cocky Carmichael! They had a bit of a "frienemies" relationship growing up together as kids being on the same high school football team, and their first kiss as teenagers was what caused Beau to realize he is gay. After Ash left town and went pro, Beau kept up with Ash's professional sports career, still wondering 10 years later what that kiss may have meant to Ash.

When Ash comes back home to hide out and figure his next steps in life, he and Beau are reunited. I loved their banter together, how they were friends but still a bit snarky with each other and most of all, how unsure they were of the other as they tip-toed around the chemistry between the two of them. Ash especially is dealing with the growing feelings inside of him the more time he spends with Beau, and I loved his inner-conflict and thought it was handled very well.

This had a bit of a slow burn to it, and I love how Ash dealt with rationalizing how he wanted Beau and finally acting on it, coming out to Beau's family, dealing with the idea of being out, and finally knowing what he wanted in life - Beau, or pro-football. I won't say much else to give anything away, so all I will say is this - OMG that instagram post! My heart!

Ash and Beau might be the main characters, but I also have to say that Kenny, Beau's younger brother who has Downs Syndrome, totally stole the show. I just adored Kenny's love of life, his complete adoration of brother, and how he saw and said things the way they were and kept it simple. The beginning of Beau's chapters began with a little thought from Beau, and they just melted my heart. I loved the family dynamic between Beau, Kenny, and their mom, and how Ash got to be a part of that, too. Kudos to Riley for writing such an endearing and wonderful character and including him so much in this story.

This was emotional, sexy, funny, and introduces us to plenty more characters that I can't wait to read about from Riley and Devon. Give me more Fever Falls!

I received an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
October 27, 2019
Nothing I like more then books with athletes, closeted jocks, firemen, lots of gay love & yummy sex!! And this book, this book has it ALL!!! Once I started it, the only time I wasn’t reading it was when I fell asleep with it in my hands! Only to wake up and start reading again! It was that good! I loved Ash & Beau! Even the side characters were an important part of this story & you fall in love with them too! Specially Kenny & Linc! If you love Riley Hart like I do, get this book!!! It’s one of her best & I cannot wait for the next book in this series!!!
Profile Image for Snjez.
884 reviews805 followers
January 14, 2019
3.5 stars

Overall, I enjoyed this book.

I really liked Beau and his brother Kenny. They were lovely characters.
Not sure how I felt about Ashton, though. I liked his friendship with Beau and I liked how he treated Kenny, but there were some parts of his story that I didn't find believable.
Profile Image for Anne Boleyn's Ghost.
373 reviews68 followers
February 22, 2019
3.5 stars. I almost rounded up for Ash’s Instagram post. It was that good. Alas, the book itself wasn't quite that good for me.

One of my first m/m reads was Crossroads (which reminds me that I’m sooo behind on rating books from "life before Goodreads”). Like Crossroads, Fired Up is sweet and sexy. Professional football player Ash returns to his hometown after his off-field antics hurt his on-field prospects. He encounters Beau, a firefighter who was his high school teammate - and first kiss (but Ash doesn't want to think about that). Beau and Ash have always straddled the line of friendship, feeling both aversion and desire for each other. The flame reignites (wink, wink) when they are reunited and Ash comes to terms with his sexuality.

The main reasons that I put the book in the "good-but-not-great" category? I found the romantic chemistry between Ash and Beau somewhat lacking. At times it seemed too much of a friendship, too much of a “bros with benefits” arrangement. The romance was better realized near the end, but I wanted a bit more. Ash also spends most of the story denying then hiding his sexuality, and while I appreciated that Beau didn’t pressure him to come out, it made for frustrating reading. But their relationships with Beau's brother Kenny, who has Down syndrome, were highlights.

Will I read more in the series? Probably. Although I’m not that interested in the mess between Lincoln, who got on my nerves, and the doormat dirt bike guy (you can tell that he made a big impression on me). Still, Fired Up was a better than average m/m contemporary romance with fun and funny moments, and another engaging story from Riley Hart.
Profile Image for Miranda.
272 reviews15 followers
May 26, 2024
I only I kept reading for Kenny, he was the cutest. Ash’s sexuality came out of nowhere, he supposedly struggled with it since he was younger but there wasn’t enough mention of how he dealt with those feelings, he seemed to be ok with his life, I kept thinking he is bi, but no, he turned out to be gay and that doesn’t make sense, years and years of sleeping with women and hiding his true self up until he went back to his hometown? Idk I didn’t believe it.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
January 14, 2019
Riley Hart tiene libros que me encantan y otros que después de tanto entornar los ojos siento que se me van a salir de las cuencas. No soy nada fan de los pueblos inventados con miles de personajes gays así que mis expectativas no eran muy altas, pero el libro ha sido una sorpresa agradable. Historia de amor entre antiguos enemigos/amigos después de reencontrarse, uno siendo bombero y el otro jugador de football americano (¿quién da más?), momentos muy sexys, pero otros también muy tiernos.
Puro entretenimiento.
Es una pena que el siguiente de la serie sea de otro autor, no me fío nada...
Profile Image for N.M. Pratt.
Author 1 book39 followers
January 5, 2019
This is Riley at her best.

The first m/m romance I ever read was Collide by Riley Hart. That one book opened a whole new world for me. Since then, I’ve enjoyed Riley’s books but not as much as I enjoyed Fired Up.

Both characters were well developed, and their growth and history helped make their story that much more believable. The storyline didn’t feel rushed and the supporting characters-especially Beau’s brother Kenny-really made this book shine.

A little bit sexy and filled with a whole lot of love, this low-ish angst novel is a new favorite of mine.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,258 reviews260 followers
January 31, 2019
Fired Up by Riley Hart was a fun and sexy read, but it wasn't a total home run.


-Dual POVs
-Nice relationship development
-Beau's family
-Small town
-Frenemies to lovers
-Low angst
-And a sweet HEA.


Their inner monologues were repetitive and drove me a bit batty. I found myself thinking: YOU ALREADY THOUGHT/SAID THAT! Lol Maybe it wasn't even bad, but they irked me, especially Ashton's internalized homophobia.

All in all, it was an enjoyable read and do recommend it.

3.5 Stars
Profile Image for Sanaa .
1,218 reviews178 followers
January 11, 2019
4.5 stars.

Riley Hart's books are something I've been a fan of for quite a while. So I was really excited to read this book when I read the blurb and that cover. Damn. I wouldn't mind staring at that for a while.

I read this book and everything about it made me happy. I loved the relationship between Beau and Ash. The chemistry was there and their interactions made me smile and swoon. I loved how Beau was with the people he cares about, especially his brother Kenny.

We were introduced to some amazing people so I'm excited to see if there will be more books and whose it will be.

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Profile Image for Caipi.
1,137 reviews33 followers
October 9, 2020
I really enjoyed listening to this sweet, sometimes fun romance, great narrated by Michael Pauley!

Ten years after a stolen kiss at the end of the highschool graduation party, former highschool football teammates and frenemies Ashton "Cocky Carmichael" and Beau "Cranky Campbell" meet again for the first time.
Beau is still living in their hometown, he never left because he wanted to support his mum and his brother Kenny, who has Down Syndrome. Beau is a firefighter now, openly gay, meeting with friends and coaching his brother's football team in his off time.
Ash is a pro football player with a wild reputation, deeply in denial about his sexuality. After yet another scandal he doesn't get a new contract and goes back to his hometown to get a grip on his life.

Beau and Ash spend more and more time together, often also with Kenny, who is an awesome secondary character.
While Ash and Beau's relationship slowly develops to friends and then lovers, Ash is working through a lot of self discovery, struggling to find his own identity, until he's finally proud of who he truly was.
And yeah, okay, hometown hero Beau might be too perfect to be real, but hey, this is fiction and I just loved his character. ;)

4.5 stars
Profile Image for ☆Kylie☆.
280 reviews4 followers
January 24, 2024
It's an okay book... It's kinda of a snow flakes book, what that means to me is "wow I don't know you that well but for some reason I'm so obsessed with you" is a common theme in this series so be warned!
Profile Image for Yarie ☆.
326 reviews25 followers
June 2, 2020
This series of books are so much fun!
This series cannot be taken too seriously, if you like real portraits of gay relationships this series is not for you.

The book begins with Ash moving back to his hometown after a sex tape of him having an orgy came out and ruined his career (having an orgy with women).

When he arrives in his hometown he has to confront his problems, first that he ruined his career, and second that he has feelings for his childhood friend / former teammate Beau. The relationship they develop is super cute and the book in general is quite enjoyable / drama free.

Rating: 4 Stars.
Steam: 7 out of 10.
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,365 reviews554 followers
January 11, 2019
I absolutely loved this book. Sometimes Hart's books aren't a win for me, sometime's they're good but not amazing - but sometimes she really pulls out amazing ones, and this is one of them.

Beau and Ash had chemistry from the get go, their story was intriguing, and Ash's character didn't feel like just another character in the closet. I mean even though there doesn't seem to be a reason for his fear of being out and admitting he's gay - we don't learn much about his parents - it could just be that in the world he grew up in - football - and being a jock and that type of environment, the things said must have gotten to him more than they ever did to Beau.

Beau and Ash grew up in the same town and were friends - kind of - for a long time, and all throughout high school. They both played football and were really good at it. Only when they kiss on graduation night, it sends Ash running in the other direction, while it makes Beau face his sexuality and start to come to terms with it.

Plus, Beau decides to stay in Fever Falls and go to the Community College instead of leaving to try to become a professional football player like Ash does to stay and help his younger brother Kenny, who has downs syndrome. Beau adores Kenny and would do anything for him - and Beau is so selfless that he would stay in town to look after him. And Kenny is so sweet and adorable that you get why Beau would stay, with how selfless he is.

So instead of football, he ends up becoming a firefighter - HOT ;) - and ten years later, Ash has had one to many scandals as a professional football player and when no team wants him anymore, he retires early and retreats to his hometown.

Ash's closeted status felt different in this for me in that he denied, denied, denied it for so long that it seemed like he really could have been bisexual and was scared to admit that while he was fine just being with women all the time because he was still attracted to them. But no, he faked it with them the whole time. But he tried to convince himself so badly of being straight that he never really fully, consciously let himself think about being gay.

Like he held onto being straight for so long that when he finally did admit to being gay with Beau and finally shedding that mask, it was understandable when it took him awhile to come out. I didn't even get really frustrated as it sometimes can feel like with closeted characters before the coming out did happen.

And I always feel bad to be frustrated too, because no matter how much things have changed, for some people it is just harder - and for some people their situation is still as bad as it used to be - so I shouldn't feel frustration. But I always just want the MC's to be happy and staying closeted is HARD, especially when one is out and they have to kinda go back into the closet for that person. It sucks all around.

But while Ash's coming out wasn't ideal, I'm glad he was leading up to it and that he was slowly starting to feel better about it. He came out to friends and family all on his own, and their acceptance made him feel better.

He did do a kinda dick move at the end - because he wasn't ready for the whole world to know when they did, he freaked out and ran from everything, especially Beau - but he more than made up for it. I do kinda wish he'd made a grand speech to Beau in apology, but what he said in his instagram post was amazing and heartfelt and real and it was a huge deal.

Plus, he did apologize in a smaller, quieter way later on with Beau, and that's good enough for me, that he at least apologized.

I loved all the secondary characters in this too. Beau's mom, and Kenny, were amazing. I liked Lincoln as well, and Beau's other friends, and I liked Wyatt as well, although we didn't get to see much of him.

I just...Beau and Ash's chemistry was so palpable, and I don't know how they didn't just jump each other all the time, because they CLEARLY wanted to ;)

Sometimes Hart's sex scenes can feel a little lacking to me, but they didn't in this book. They were written well and Beau and Ash's chemistry on top of it just made them all the better.

I just loved this book, so two massive thumbs up from me. HIGHLY recommend it!
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
February 1, 2019
Fantastic second chance romance from Riley Hart

One of Riley's best lighter subject romances and a real treat to kick off this new series.

I love second chance romances and this had all the ingredients to create a super sweet relationship with just enough angst to prevent it becoming sickly.

Both Beau and Ash were lovingly crafted characters and I loved how they moved from friendship into something more and then to love.

I also loved Kenny and the little peeks of insight from his journal as chapter teasers was a great way to flesh out the action, same with the newspaper style headlines for Ash's.

Together they were a powerful connection to the characters and the introduction to this new series. I'm loving the setting and the secondary characters.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
720 reviews85 followers
September 19, 2019
4 Stars!! 💕Loved it!!💖 I was looking for a smexy, sweet read on the low angst side.. and boy did this deliver..😍👏💞. Beau is almost like a knight in shining armor.. a super hero per his brother Kenny and that is quite an apt description👨‍🚒. He's a fire-fighter, a champion for his special-needs brother and a support for his mother. Whereas, Ash in comparison comes off as a selfish ex-football player who despite having money, fame and talent squanders it away in scandal and infamy😢. From the outside, they come off as opposites. They have stark different attitudes regarding how they identify themselves; for Beau, finding his identity has made him proud and grounded in reality; for Ash it has made him run, hide and live in denial. 😱😬
When Ash comes back home to Fever Falls (to lick his wounds after an abrupt end to his pro-football career) and runs into Beau, he finally decides to stop running and reignite the friendship they once had. 😍👬. They very smoothly fall back into an easy friendship surrounded by the love and support of Beau's family. Of course there is an undeniable chemistry between them that has simmered for more than 10 years and it finally reaches a crescendo when Ash despite trying to push Beau away cannot deny that he's always had feelings for him👨‍❤️‍👨. Beau's defensive walls start to melt too and he finally lets himself feel everything for Ash that he has held so close to his heart💖. But the path to their HEA cannot be that easy can it? 😢Is Ash really done with football? Will he have the courage to be true to himself?😳 Will Beau fight for Ash's love or let him run again? 😬Can they hope to find long term happiness in Fever Falls? 😍
This book has everything I love; slow-burn🔥, friends-to-lovers😍, first-time-gay-sex,💞 sizzling hotness🔥🤩, sassy-cocky banter😄, supportive-amazing family😇, wonderful friends👍.. and a sweet sweet HEA..💖😇. Highly recommended to all fans of low-angst-steamy-romances 😍👍👍. I loved the supportive characters too(Beau's friends from Saturgay festivities🤩😍) and am looking forward to reading their stories. 💞👍
Profile Image for Iman (semi-hiatus).
726 reviews211 followers
June 4, 2022
3.75 ⭐️

This book could’ve had a lot potential tbh. At least the first half. Every scene could have grabbed me but it didn’t. It seemed forced at some point. A lot of things that happened feels fake and I feel like Beau forced Ashton to discover his sexuality just because he knew he was gay because of the kiss. That disturbed me honestly.

There’s also no depth in Ashton’s sexuality history either so when everything unfolds, it felt off, again

I also don’t get the “nemesis” part. It doesn’t seem real because there was no depth to it as the story goes on. The author keeps trying to say that Ashton and Beau dislike each other but there was no story behind it.

Despite the messy first 50% of the book, I happened to enjoy most of it by 70% in. Hence the 3.75 stars. I loved how easy their story is after they’ve established their love, it was sweet. I loved the things Ashton did for Beau and Ashton’s coming out post was so heartwarming. I also loved how their personalities didn’t change despite being so in love with each other—they’re still grumpy and cranky with each other. SO cute :3 Oh, and I love the parallel of the last chapter and the prologue ❤️
Profile Image for Makhda.
874 reviews141 followers
January 13, 2019
I don't really like fuck buddy plot. And this book screamed fuck buddy. Thank goodness, from the beginning I realized they do have feelings with each other, they just don't know about it. Hey, I'm a woman. I'm all about feelings. Although I kind of hate when Beau gave too many leeways with Ash but I tried to understand. It's his character after all. I enjoyed this book a lot. :)
Profile Image for Trio.
3,354 reviews187 followers
October 5, 2020
It's nice to get back to Riley Hart, and listening to Michael Pauley is never a hardship. This is a good couple and Hart does a nice job bringing these two together slowly so it doesn't seem fake or forced. I wish there'd been a few more "first time" experiences between the men bc Riley Hart writes them so well! Still, a nice story and a terrific audiobook.
Profile Image for Books on Stereo.
1,387 reviews171 followers
July 26, 2019
Fired Up is an amalgamation of other romance novels resulting in a book that is not bad, but not good.
Profile Image for Tamara.
872 reviews30 followers
January 25, 2020
Read this book as part of the 2019 Members' Choice Awards Challenge.
Categories: Best audiobook narrator (Michael Pauley), Best Athletes/Coaches & Best Medical/Rescue Worker Professionals

Audio: 2 starts
This was my first Michael Pauley narration and I think it's the last one.
I don't know if it's because I'm not an English language native, but his cadence sounded really strange to me and very often distracted me from the story. It didn't help that whenever there was an intense emotion or a sex scene in the book
1) I had a feeling he was shouting at me
2) his voice resembled the one doing all the movie trailers in Hollywood

Story: 2 stars
I wasn't really impressed with the story. At best, I can say that it was okay.
The overall feeling after finishing this book is "meh". There's nothing that really pissed me off and nothing that really jumped out. It was just really, really bland.
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
1,231 reviews41 followers
January 27, 2019

*3.5 stars*

I hoped I would've loved it more. The premise was great. An ex-football player coming home, confronted with his teen-attraction-or-not and a fireman....
I loved Beau. I needed some more time to warm up to Ash. Ash was a bit full of himself. A lot was just his armor but evenso it was tiresome.

I was happy for Ash though when he finally let himself living his trueself.

"Like of Love?"

"Because like is just okay. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with just being okay. You should love who I am."

Displaying 1 - 30 of 629 reviews

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