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Blood #1

More Than Blood

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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B07LF2PN3X

MMMMM Dark Paranormal romance.

A prince, a miscreant, a warrior, a workaholic & one wild werewolf.

Karter's been nothing but trouble since the day he learned to walk. A werewolf with a knack for f@#$*ng s#%t up, he’s caused so much trouble that even his pack is tired of dealing with it. With his pack done bailing him out, Karter is left alone and with no one to care. If he doesn’t get his life in order, he’ll end up dead.

When he’s dragged in by the people who will happily put a silver bullet in his head, they give him an opportunity instead of death… to feed vampires — aka a walking blood bank. To feed the enemy is unheard of, but with nowhere else to turn he reluctantly goes.

Four vampires and one werewolf. What should be a disaster may turn into something so much more.

Why can’t he stop craving things that no werewolf should crave from bloodsuckers?

(Warning graphic language for 18+, gay Paranormal haram, graphic scenes, vampire take on blood play😉)

262 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 16, 2018

About the author

Brea Alepoú

46 books1,149 followers
Brea Alepoú realized her dream was to write and tell stories after spending five years in college getting a degree. She has since been writing and letting her imagination free. She thought she would only write contemporary at first but soon found her love for making worlds. So now she writes it all. With her wild imagination, expect lots of different stories, from fairies ruling to vampires killing everyone, to the sweet loving between two men, passion between two fierce women, or the love of multiple partners. She believes that everyone deserves love even if not all of her characters get it right away. Love is passionate, hot, needy, confusing, painful, fulfilling, and all-consuming.
(pnr, contemporary, fantasy, erotica, romance, shifter mpreg, & rh)
There will be a book for everyone.
Insanity is Contagious.
Brea Alepoú

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50 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 225 reviews
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 5, 2019
Who the heck am I kidding??? I can’t finish this book. It’s not working for me. It’s not because of hellah kinky stuff like using blood for lube, tongue fucking a bloody wound until it heals, whippings that cut into the skin, and painful cringe worthy sex scenes. No, I could handle those because as sick as it sounds, I was fascinated. Fascinated, until I was bored. There’s not much plot, there are no feels and trying to keep up with who’s doing what to who was difficult and confusing. So, I gotta put an end to it all and dnf @74%
Profile Image for JenMcJ.
2,390 reviews324 followers
January 24, 2024
This was a surface type sex driven romp without any real strong characterization to go with the vampires. Karter has issues but I don't know why, there isn't enough back story. There is virtually no world building and that definitely hurts the overall effectiveness of this story as anything other than various sex scenes with a little bit of story hooking them together. That said, I was still fairly entertained by the little bit of plot linking from sexy time to sexy time. This had huge potential that it didn't live up to.

The biggest problem is the editing. It's not just bad editing; it's weird sentences and incorrect tense and wording things in a way that makes this book seem like this is an amateurishly done translation. It tripped me up throughout the book and consistently interrupted the flow of reading.
Profile Image for Quaint.
128 reviews15 followers
September 9, 2020
Before delving in this book, I was immensely skeptical about blood fucking things like using blood as a lube. I was wondering If I could take it or if it was too twisted, kinky, and animalistic.


the thing is it was fun, hilarious, entertaining, and unique. I loved the sarcasm as much as the banter. Karter certainly had a death wish. he spoke what he thought. No sugarcoating. consequences be damned. the vampires were quite protective and drawn toward Karter with each passing days and vampires started to accept Karter as who he was with growls and tantrum.
I truly loved the dynamic among them. All four vampires had different personalities and tastes.

OH. Karter had a shitty taste at clothes.

" I am a grown man. I can pick out my own clothes," Karter argued
Eddison and Weston both looked him up and down.


It was intense at the end tho be aware


this book is definitely MORE THAN BLOOD to me.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,613 reviews1 follower
December 24, 2018
5 BIG delicious stars

Woahh ....I love love loved this read. It had everything I like!!
Wolfs, Vampires, a lot of sexiness and even dark and violence.
Amazingly captivating writing style. It stayed steady all the way!!

Meet the main :
Karter...ahhh Karter... an attitude that brings him only trouble. Abandoned by his pack and now owned by four vampires... his mouth as filthy as his thoughts.

Weston... Prince Weston... his authority is dripping off his posture. Beautiful and strong.

Axel... the warrior. Defensive, rugged and just what Karter loves... only his eyes like to love and hate him

Eddison... with so much hunger for Karter

Braydon... the youngest one, you can only love him.

Karter is a walking temptation for all four vampires. He has to feed them but he wants more than that and it seems they want to give in...

Karter reluctant to obey but when Weston shows his tantalizing power... Karter is on his knees

A lot of sexual tension and activity... a lot of blood drainage, blood play, the collar, the power play, the humiliation, the bloodshed and all the fucking.... this all was VERY delicious written down. I loved it all. Strong and consistently written story with a great plot!!
Can’t wait to read more of this author

Read and reviewed for LesCourt ARC team
Profile Image for Dani.
971 reviews115 followers
February 24, 2024
This is super rare for me but this is a DNF at 10% and my rant feels a little bitchy but I'm genuinely surprised that high ratings were given to this book.

It sucked, and not in a vampiric way as advertised unfortunately!

The writing was absolutely awful. Did no one edit this?

The repetition of the same words through the three chapters I managed was baffling - how many times can you say the word mansion in one paragraph? There's this thing called a thesaurus if you're struggling...

The vocabulary throughout was more limited than that of my eight year old nephew who only seems to know how to say 'uhm' and 'I dunno'!!!

I normally push through in the hopes a book gets better, but this was just so bad I didn't want to lose hours of my life to it 😬
Profile Image for Kaye.
109 reviews2 followers
April 7, 2019
I really don’t get how this book has good ratings. I hate to be a “negative Nancy” but there just wasn’t a plot.

This author is one of those writers that tell not show. And through out the book we get “I don’t know why I did it I just did” type thing. Like she was filling the gaps because she had no other way to explain the feelings which to me is crappy.

So in the beginning we learn Karter got in trouble and he’s also a trouble maker that doesn’t listen and all that type of shit but what bothers me is THAT WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK HE GOT IN TROUBLE FOR. Yes, maybe hints but like I said the author fails to show what happens. Just tells us that karter’s in trouble.

Overall, the book could have been better in so many ways if the author knew what the fuck she was writing about.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
October 26, 2019
DNF - 15%

I found the blurb intriguing, but by 15% I'd hope to like someone, anyone in the book. I don't. And I think this particular vampire universe isn't for me. Looking forward to killing their donors just isn't my cuppa.

No rating.
Profile Image for Sheridan.
582 reviews13 followers
March 23, 2019
❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🐺 ❤️
If you like pain play, blood play, a little gore and heat then read this book!!!! Totally hot and something I really enjoyed!!!
Ok so I’m not normally a PNR kind of girl, but I think I’m slowly getting converted to a whole new world!
I’ve already told Brea these boys (four sexy vamps and a wolf) are mine!!
❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🐺 ❤️
Karter is always getting into trouble and now that he owes money he has been temporarily exhiled from his pack.
When the goons catch up with him, Santiago gives him a way to pay him back...
By taking on the job of feeding vampires...
❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🐺 ❤️
What All of them don’t get is why they are all so drawn to each other. Vampires and werewolves have been enemies for thousands of years.
But the chemistry is there between the 5 of them and hot damn it’s sexy as sin!!!
❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🐺 ❤️
Weston is a Prince. He is the one with ultimate power and it definitely shows with his connection to Karter!
Braydon is the young one, wanting to please. He loves pain play and Karter gets a chance to sink his claws into him! (HAF!!)
Eddison has urges he can’t control, loves inflicting the pain. He and Braydon have sort of out-grown each other... lucky they have a new toy to play with huh!
Last but not least is Axel. The warrior and the biggest worrier...he fights the urge at every opportunity until he realises he may not get another chance! He’s very hot and cold, but will the wolf turn him into a lovey vamp?
❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🐺 ❤️
September 3, 2021
A sexy Dark, bloody & Kinky, MMMMM Paranormal Reverse Harem with Suspense, Action, Sweetness, Hurt, new starts, Food, Vampires, Werewolves, A fun story, HEA & I'm so excited to read the sequel!

#My 1st book by Brea & I'll do be going for more!! This was a fun & steamy read & I liked how all characters had distinct personalities! The story is pretty straightforward, that end scenes were so emotional 😭. I liked the ending. I hope we get I love yous in the next book! We got its implication, but no one said it, so I'm hoping for it!😍
July 3, 2024
Apparently this author writes books that I don’t think I’ll like but enjoy immensely!! I was in the mood for an all male reverse harem and knew I enjoyed another rh by this author so thought I’d try this one. This book was amazing!! A great plot and super hot spice! Can’t go wrong with the main male being a werewolf and the four harem males being vampires!!!

The book hooked me right away but I wasn’t sure about Karter at first. The more I got to know him though the more I like him and I loved his dynamic with every single man in the harem. They all brought something different to Karter that he needed both in and out of the bedroom.

My favourite dynamics were Karter with Weston and Axel. One so commanding and wanting his “pup” to be good for him and the other so nice and sweet. Was wonderful! Braydon was super fun! I did have a harder time with the dynamic with Eddison. He is a sadist and there were a couple pain scenes that were a lot but I was able to get through since Karter is a werewolf and heals quickly and he wanted the pain. Also TW for SA on page (not between MCs).

Overall this was a fantastic story. Kept me intrigued and I definitely recommend. It ends on a HFN but there is more to their story! I look forward to reading more by this author in the future.
Profile Image for AussieMum.
1,386 reviews49 followers
April 10, 2019
3.5 stars

The pain and blood play was done really well in this. It was extreme and gruesome, yet even as I was recoiling I was still weirdly fascinated. Though it does help that Karter is a werewolf and begins to heal almost immediately. Which, coincidentally, is where a vampire “tongue fucking” an open wound as it heals becomes almost erotic. Consider me converted.

But where this book falls down somewhat is the romance. I think there’s always going to be issues when there are 5 people in one relationship. And in this one there’s one man with four men separately, not all of them together. There’s just not enough on page time to establish all those connections genuinely and all the sex that goes along with it and have a decent story. There’s 5 very different people here and although I liked them all and loved the dynamic, it still felt superficial.

But this was still enjoyable, despite many spelling issues. I’m off to read the holiday novella.
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,025 reviews103 followers
December 28, 2020
We don't know much about Karter, only that his twin sister wants him to leave their pack. He owes money so is sent to "work" for some vampires as a blood donor.
The vampires were a little off putting and I didn't feel much for them. Weston is a total snob, Braydon is quite bratty and Eddison scares the crap out of me. The only one that pulled at my heart strings was Axel but he fights his feeling for much of the book.
The pain play is not my cup of tea.
Profile Image for iam.
1,066 reviews146 followers
December 28, 2018
Fairly entertaining read that lacks depth.

Content warnings include:

More Than Blood centers around werewolf Karter who's well known for getting in trouble. Now he went one step too far and not even his respected twin sister can save him from getting kicked out of the pack. On his own nothing stands in between him and past mistakes catching up with him, which is how he ends up as a blood donor for a den of vampires.

That sounds a lot more dire than it is. There is a strict contract and Karter has pretty much free access to a huge mansion more luxurious than he ever imagined. And of course the vampires are far from hard to be around.

There's Weston, vampire royalty and leader of the den, powerful and dominant but mindful of his follower's needs. Eddison is always neat and means business, but under his glasses lie darker urges that Karter can't wait to bring to the surface. Braydon is young and playful and intrigued by Karter from the start, whereas Axel can't help but remember long past wars between vampires and werewolves and isn't read to trust Karter just yet, despite the temptation he provides.

Aside from Karter staying at the mansion and getting to know the vampires and their individal tastes there isn't much plot to speak of. Karter becomes a blood donor to settle a debt, but what exactly his debt is isn't specified aside from vaguely hinting at gambling, and aside from the very beginning it's never mentioned again. Same goes for the blood donor contract. Vampire politics were mentioned in the background and I would have loved to see those more explored, but they weren't, and while there is a final conflict the whys and hows are very vague and not really explained. Several other small side things were intriguing and I thought they would turn into bigger plot points, just to be never mentioned again.

I also would have wished for a deeper characterization. From the very start the reader is told that Karter is a trouble maker with a loud mouth, but we don't really get to see how he gets into trouble, and he doesn't really mouth off a lot either. Instead he felt almost apathetic, just letting everything happen to him without a fight. He got more lively as time went on, though I still didn't see much of a trouble maker in him. His motivations furthermore weren't clear to me. Despite his offical description seeming unfitting, I enjoyed him as a character and I liked how honest he was.

The vampires were mostly defined by their sexual preferrences, them being either in accordance with or directly opposite to their personalities. They didn't exactly feel flat and I liked them as a group and their relationships with each other, but I would have wished for them to be more rounded overall.
In the beginning I was concerned that the book plays too close to stereotypes to my liking, but in the end I'm happy to say that it diverged from them.

The writing was simple, almost simplistic at times, which wasn't the most engaging but quick and easy to read and follow along. The book would benefit from another round of editing as there are quite a few mistakes.

Overall it simply lacked depth for me. The basic gist for an entertaining and engaging book is there, but the final kick is missing for me.

I received an ARC and reviewed voluntarily.
Profile Image for Jess.
451 reviews12 followers
June 10, 2021
What happens when you throw a werewolf into a den of vampires with very differing personalities? You get a very diversified steamy scene with blood play. Be ready to dive into a lot of biting, scratching, thrusting, etc which isn't my cup of tea hence my three stars. The world-building was lacking and Karter needs to talk to someone. However, there was a scene with sexual assault and abuse (not by the four vampires) that edged my comfort zone.

Profile Image for Nichole.
632 reviews
December 26, 2018
I couldn't put this book down. I was completely enthralled with this story. Please note: You do need to heed the warnings. This is a dark book. There are trigger warnings you must head. But if you like it dark, you like kink, you like that not one relationship holds all the answers, then this book is for you. The main character is a werewolf; Karter is just down on his luck. He doesn't go looking for trouble but it certainly finds him. In an effort to work through one of those troubles, he becomes the blood bank for four vampires - the prince, the softy, the sadist, and the masochistic sub. All of which offer something different for Karter. This story meets a lot of dark needs and is a recommend if that is your type of thing too!
Profile Image for Kosh Gott.
326 reviews10 followers
April 9, 2020
Inadequate trigger warnings. There is a graphic, but gratuitous, rape scene. The scene adds nothing to the story, it's just there. The writing is laden with words used incorrectly, especially conflating "to lay" with "to lie".

I have no problem with dark m/m or gay menage erotica, no problem with BDSM, but this is done badly. There is little actual story. There are four vampires sharing a werewolf blood donor / sex partner. Really, there's not much else to report. The characterization is minimal, just vampire feeding and sex. Then, all of a sudden, there is a rape scene by villains who aren't part of the rest of the story.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,828 reviews115 followers
June 4, 2019
I really enjoyed this right up until there is a violent sexual assault at around the last 25% of the book which felt unexpected and unnecessary This made reading the rest of the book a little challenging. Just do not cope well with that in my books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Resch Reads.
1,157 reviews36 followers
April 21, 2022
Disclaimer, the cover here is the old cover...but it's also the reason I picked up this book so I am sticking with it. I wouldn't have picked up the story based on the new covers, and I think this one fits it better.

Now, I was sold the second I saw "A prince, a miscreant, a warrior, a workaholic & one wild werewolf." in the synopsis. This sounds like everything I wanted in a story. Were there gory scenes? Yes. Were there raunchy scenes that had me blushing? Yes. Were these vampires and werewolf kinky AF? YES. Honestly, this book was dark, twisted cat-nip for my soul. The author puts in a lovely warning at the beginning so you know what you are willingly getting into. And once I got started, I couldn't put the book down. 

Karter was the sassy, mouthy, troublesome character I have been looking for. When Karter found himself on the doorstep of four intriguing and mysterious vampires, I couldn't help but giggle with anticipation over the chaos that was about to go down. And chaos it was indeed, the banter and snark were top notch. Honestly, half the time, Karter was most certainly asking for it. I loved Weston's raw power, Eddison's dark desires, the playfulness and surprises from Braydon, and the secret side of Axel. These vampires captivated me and they worked so well with Karter, even if Karter needs a firm hand to keep him in line.

I think my only critique is the book needed another round of edits. There were several occasions where I was taken out of a scene because Braydon was spelled Brandon/Bradon or one of the characters names were inserted into the wrong spot. These minor details irked me but not enough for me to quit reading. Outside of the bloodsucking and sizzling hot sex, I was extremely intrigued by the underlying mystery surrounding the vampire king, the hidden dangers that haunt Karter, and Karter's inability to be emotionally vulnerable. Basically, I couldn't get enough of this dark, sexy romance. 
Profile Image for Megan Key.
239 reviews10 followers
March 22, 2021
Trigger Warnings:
- Blood
- Self Harm
- Sex with the participation of Knives
27 reviews
December 30, 2018
Wolves & vampires are.mortal enemies, right?

This is an extremely erotic book. Be warned, there is graphic sex, and intense blood-play. Karter's latest screw-up has gotten him kicked out of his pack. Not even his twin, Lola, could help. To pay off his debt, the werewolf is given to a den of Vampires, to serve as their food source. None of them expect to have feelings for Karter. Karter couldn't imagine wanting to bed all 4 of them. The sexual dynamic is different for each of them. In the end, Weston, Axel, Eddison. & Braydon form a bond with Karter that isn't about "food". When Karter goes to save his kidnapped sister only to be trapped hinself, his vampires will stop at nothing to get him back. Although this book may be too intense for some readers, it is well worth the read. The way they fulfill each other's needs , molding to each other as time progresses, is wonderful to watch. It is a page turner I'm sure you will love.
Profile Image for Blibli.
102 reviews
May 8, 2024
My main problem with this is that they imply that Karter has like a huge drug problem or something that makes him have a debt to the mafia and then he like never surfers for It in all the time he is in the vampire's mansion.

I also don't have a Blood kink so I didn't really get the scenes. And I found some of them cringy.

My favourite was Axel, he was cute.

And the book does a complete change of tone in the end, like It gets very serious and has a rape scene that leaved me a little bit wtf.

Not really a lot of develepoment of the relatiosnships either.
Profile Image for Jennie.
775 reviews23 followers
December 28, 2018
Karter is a werewolf whom trouble seems to find easily. To pay off a large debt, he becomes a blood donor for a den of vampires.
Complicated relationships between Karter and the vampires ensue. The sex was intense between them, together and one on one.
A great sexy story about finding where you least expect it.
Profile Image for jessica ☾.
742 reviews100 followers
May 14, 2020
So many people seem to absolutely love this book, but it was just kinda okay for me. The characterization and world building was a bit spotty and I feel like the plot didn’t show as strongly as I would’ve liked, at least until the very ending. Otherwise this was pretty enjoyable to read and extremely easy to get through.
Profile Image for R.
1,972 reviews
November 17, 2020
Karter and his four vampires made for a heck of a bloody, sexy, bloody story. Not much world building, just centered on the relationships developed by the five men. Dark times were had by all.

Profile Image for Janet (iamltr).
1,187 reviews68 followers
April 24, 2021
I fell for this book

After reading the blurb I wasn't sure what to expect but I loved these characters. There are some editing issues but not enough to make me stop reading. And I agree with Karter, we all need to use the f bomb more often.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 225 reviews

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