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Old Man Quill #1-6

Old Man Quill, Vol. 1: Nobody's Fault but My Own

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THE FAR-FLUNG SAGA OF THE ONCE-AND-FUTURE STAR-LORD BEGINS! Meet Peter Quill. He used to be Star-Lord-you know, the legendary outlaw-but it's been quite some time since he's gone by that name. Taking over for his father as the Emperor of Spartax, Quill put the life of space-faring adventure behind him for one of leadership and responsibility. Quill grew up. But things didn't go as planned. Decades have passed, and Peter is haunted by tragedy. Down and out, Quill's existence means nothing...until the former GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY drag Peter out of his funk for one last mission! Peter returns to Earth, which is not at all as he remembers, and sets off on a quest for redemption. But can the once and future Star- Lord truly be Earth's savior? The heist of a lifetime-and Quill's harrowing quest for redemption-begins here!


136 pages, Paperback

Published August 6, 2019

About the author

Ethan Sacks

283 books35 followers
Ethan Sacks is a writer and journalist from New York, who is currently writing the ongoing series Star Wars- Bounty Hunters for Marvel as well as other various Star Wars titles. He is also know for his Marvel works that take place in the iconic Old Man Logan wasteland, Old Man Hawkeye and Old Man Quill.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
Profile Image for Jeff .
912 reviews772 followers
November 7, 2019
There will be no adult diapers, Matlock reruns, bingo parlors or senior discount meals at Dennys in the post-Apocalyptic Dr. Doom-ster future according to Marvel Comics. On the bright side, oldsters will be spared AARP mailings, figuring out how to work remote controls, coming up with exact change when purchasing denture cream (no paper checks either) and colonoscopies.

Naps will still be a thing, as well as being a cranky next door neighbor.

The kids at Marvel sure like their “Old Man” books, cuz here’s another one.

It seems that there’s some sort of religious cult of the Holy Space Ghost going from planet to planet “cleansing” the denizens of their sins.

And they just got to Quill’s planet and family.

So a depressed, guilt-ridden Quill goes on a 50 year bender, falls (a few dozen times) and can’t get up without a little help from his Guardian pals.


In order to beat the Killer Cult of the Holy Space Ghost, the Guardians need to go to Earth to find some sort of horcrux to beat “God” with.

Earth has changed a tad.

So Quill and company get in a few scrapes with Doom’s Goons…

…zombie hordes of Jaimie Maddrox…

…give tribute to the Beatles…

…and help the locals settle some scores.

Bottom Line : This is my first foray into the Old Man books, so I’m not really up to speed on the goings on in the future, but it still wasn’t as painful as a kidney stone or gout or that really bad hip pain you can get when you sit too long, to follow the story, with a handful of “See Old Man Hawkeye” blurbs thrown in as chum along the bottom of panels.

For Guardians of the Galaxy fans who are dusting off their grandparents Lawrence Welk records.

Any word on an Old Biddy Tigra book?
Profile Image for Chad.
9,137 reviews1,000 followers
March 6, 2021
This was a fine addition to Marvel's Old Man universe. Star-Lord and the Guardians of the Galaxy come to Earth to find a weapon to stop the Universal Church. It's a simple story but that's all that's really needed. I love seeing the Guardian in this Western setting tearing through Marvel's villains. The art by Gill and Roberson is very good too.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
August 20, 2019
I was hoping to enjoy this more as it takes place after the original Old Man Logan story so they would be able to do more but...was just decent.

So Quill lost his family during an attack. This is a pretty common cliche but can be handled well. It's not handled bad here but it's just there. After that he waits years to kind of live out his boring depressing life. Then the Guardians come to him and they head to earth. There they get to face the villains like never before and brutal encounters begin.

Overall, it's okay. I like seeing the Guardians face hell together. Rocket is still funny as hell at times. I also think the art is solid enough. But the story never really goes anywhere interesting. The fights are brutal but everyone who dies is like D list or E List villains. The ending builds up some steam but not enough.

A average story in a unique universe. A 3 out of 5.
Profile Image for Subham.
2,955 reviews83 followers
August 30, 2021
This was another good one from Sacks!

This time we pick with Peter as he suffers a tragedy and well old man time, and he goes to Earth after teaming with the Guardians. But in the background we see Gladiator making his way through to him. While on Earth he seems to reunite with GOTG and they travel the wastelands and face off against the Wrecking Crew, Ghost Rider, a death match with Fin Fang Foom and Pulsar and its a fun encounter and some team ups and finally realizing what they have to do to stop their big threat: Dr Doom and elsewhere we see the Universal church of Truth and soon !

Its a fun volume and has lots of elements of old rogue hero on one last mission vs tons of enemies and checking on and fighting different villains in the landscape and maybe losing their minds and hallucination and finally setting some big threats to come down the line and like relates to the one bad tragedy that happened to them and which changed them forever and its a familiar trope but really well done and the art is good too for the most part. What I really like is how Sacks takes some to explore Peter and his qualities and well motive and something is not right with him. A solid one time read for sure.
Profile Image for RG.
3,087 reviews
August 28, 2019
I liked the earth setting but the story itself isnt one to remember. A little cliched at times but still an ok read.
Profile Image for Hilary "Fox".
2,106 reviews66 followers
January 8, 2021
Somewhere between two and three stars.

Old Man Quill wasn't as intriguing to me as Old Man Hawkeye was, but that might be because I'm more familiar with Clint's history than I am with Peter's. That having been said, the setting was interesting and getting to see Ashley Barton in action was downright delightful. The story was a little bit meandering, but it came together at the end of the volume with a hook that makes me want to see how it all finishes in the end.

Peter Quill, having given up his time with the Guardians to become emperor of another planet, lost it all to the Universal Church of Truth and their dark god. Depressed, broken down, he disappears from the radar of everyone to wallow in his own self-doubt and misery. Now, however, the Guardians have come looking for him. They need to take him to earth to get a relic, something that Mantis saw in a vision, in order for them to defeat the Universal Church of Truth for good. Little do they know, Earth has seen some massive changes since the last time they were there and they're landing plum in the middle of Doctor Doom's Wasteland.

The failure of the volume for me primarily came from not wholly believing Peter's lack of... enthusiasm, gumption, whatever you want to call it. There wasn't entirely enough set up for the story in my mind, but that might just be virtue of me not having gone through Old Man Logan just yet. Not altogether sure.

All of that having been said, it isn't a terrible read. It just didn't have all the hooks that I'd like to get fully engaged in a volume. Still, I'll be seeing this through to the end all the same. I'm curious to see where it goes now that we know who this Dark God is...
Profile Image for Guilherme Smee.
Author 26 books156 followers
February 2, 2021
Enquanto "lá fora", o quadrinho Old Man Quill saiu em dois encadernados brochura, aqui no Brasil, O Velho Quill foi compilado em um encadernado capa dura. Vou fazer a revisão das HQs como foram compiladas na sua forma original. Sou muito fã da versão do presente dos Guardiões da Galáxia, então sou suspeito para avaliar as histórias deles. De toda forma acredito que esta edição seja superior à do Velho Gavião Arqueiro também desenvolvida pelo roteirista Ethan Sacks. Na história do Velho Quill, o Senhor das Estrelas está exilado depois de ter presenciado a destruição de Spartax, o planeta que governava e onde desenvolveu uma família. Um chamado dos antigos Guardiões da Galáxia farão com que Quill volte à ativa e retorne também ao seu mundo natal, a Terra. Lá, os Guardiões da Galáxia encontram o cenário das Terras Desoladas, presente nesse mundo distópico criado por Mark Millar. A história é bastante ok, não tem muitos momentos incríveis ou ótimos diálogos ou personagens encantadores ou uma arte embasbacante, mas serve como um bom divertimento. Vamos ver como a minissérie é encerrada no próximo arco.
Profile Image for Ahdom.
1,289 reviews25 followers
June 7, 2019
I can't get enough of these runs set in the original time line of Old Man Logan. I loved Old Man Hawkeye as much as the original Old Man Logan and they really complimented each other and had stunning artwork. This volume certainly continues that tradition. This was a great first half of the Quill story and I like where it's going. This will leave you hungry for the next entry.
Profile Image for Mitch Kukulka.
136 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2019
Doesn’t quite carry the same intimate emotional exploration that the previous “Old Man” books did, at least in its first volume, but the last issue in particular does a better job of expanding this world than perhaps any story before it, while also teasing a truly epic climactic showdown.
Profile Image for Ross.
1,215 reviews
September 28, 2021
Once more back in familiar territory...

So, this takes place after the Old Man Logan miniseries. I guess when you have a good thing going, you go back for another bit of $$$. We find out what the world has been up go since the end of the first run. Hawkeye's daughter makes an appearance. No telling if this was before or after her Spider verse crossover.

The Universal Church of Truth is after the Guarduans. Can they get to the ultimate weapon in time?
Profile Image for Dakota Morgan.
2,846 reviews39 followers
August 14, 2020
Old Man Quill feels like a dumb addition to the "Old Man" Marvel universe, mostly just an excuse to bring a broader menagerie of wrinkled heroes and villains into play. As with all "What If?" stories, it's somewhat exciting to see Big Things happen, like seeing Quill's family killed by the Universal Church of Life right off the bat. Wow! Game-changer! But you know that it won't matter in the long run because this isn't the main Marvel narrative.

The action is endless, the plot blurry. Quill needs to obtain something in the Baxter building on Earth to stop the Church's Dark God. By the end of this volume, all he and the Guardians have managed to do is fight pretty much every nobody villain left on Earth. Of course the final page reveals the Dark God, making me a little curious about the next volume. But not that curious.
Profile Image for Rolando Marono.
1,851 reviews17 followers
March 6, 2020
El universo de Old Man Logan, creado hace varios años ya por Millar y Mcniven, me gustó mucho en su serie original. Años después expanden sobre ese mismo concepto con Old Man Hawkeye como precuela de Logan y Old Man Quill como una secuela. Ese detalle, que funcione como continuación de la historia original, me gustó mucho porque en la serie actual de OML no vemos las consecuencias de lo que pasó en la serie original porque Logan fue transferido al universo 616.
La trama es sencilla, una organización religiosa está acabando con planetas y la familia de Quill fue una de las víctimas, años después Quill deprimido y destruido recibe una misión que podría ayudar a vengar a su familia. Esa parte del planteamiento no es muy original, de hecho recuerda mucho a lo que pasa con Logan en la serie original.
La actitud de Quill me gusta, sigue siendo un poco bromista y torpe pero se nota que es una persona con mucha experiencia. Las escenas de acción del cómic están muy bien logradas y me gustó mucho lo rudo que es con sus enemigos.
La trama de este tomo es muy sencilla y no tiene muchos giros pero creo que eso puede cambiar en el segundo tomo y puede manejarse de muy buena manera. Esta es una serie bastante entretenida y si te gustan los guardianes de la galaxia y el universo del páramo de Logan, esta serie te va a gustar.
Profile Image for Adam Fisher.
3,199 reviews17 followers
January 22, 2021
3.5 Stars.
Playing off of the two series before it, Old Man Quill follows the life of Star-Lord once he comes back to Earth and enters the Wastelands, where during this time Doom reigns over all. Coming home with him are the Guardians (Rocket, Drax, Gamora and Mantis).
The Universal Church of Truth reigns over a significant portion of the galaxy, even taking on the Shi'Ar empire and folding them into it. The Church is after a particular weapon on Earth that Quill has been prophesied to use to save Earth. We only find out at the end that the weapon is the Ultimate Nullifyer and Galactus wants it before both Quill and the Church can get it.
Doom, Taskmaster, and even Fin Fang Foom seem to hate Quill and the Guardians back on Earth. Will he survive? Will he save the day? Or will he continue to freeze, held back by the destruction of his family and empire...?
Enjoying the premise. Obviously, OMLogan is the superior of the "Old Man" books, but this one is pretty good. Looking forward to moving onto the next Volume.
Profile Image for Ian.
61 reviews3 followers
August 21, 2019
It’s a decent if somewhat disappointing look at Star-Lord’s future. What’s unfortunate is that it takes what could have been a really exciting idea and shackles it to earth and the movie roster of the Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s hard to believe that 50 years into the future, Rocket Raccoon is still alive, but he’s in the movies so he’s in this, too. And sticking Star-Lord on earth is always the worst story choice to make with him. He is a classic cosmic hero, and diving back to his roots would have been the smart move here. Get him lost out in he farthest reaches of the cosmos for epic adventure and exploration. Weird marvel cosmic at its finest. This is prime material for a guy like Jim Starlin or even Dan Abnett. Forcing it to connect with the Old Man Logan series and some of the newer heroes just wastes its potential.
Profile Image for Pedro.
457 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2023
Inspirado en Old Man Logan, es otra historia dentro de este futuro alternativo post-apocalíptico en donde casi todos los héroes están muertos y el mundo es gobernado por villanos como Doom, Zemo y Red Skull. Es una historia que no es especialmente envolvente porque no hay una real identificación con lo que Quill ha perdido que lo ha llevado a donde está y no entiendes que es lo que está pasando por su cabeza. Quizás también es difícil hacer hoy en día historias con los Guardianes de la Galaxia sin pensar en los personajes ( y actores) de las películas de James Gunn. No está mal pero no es nada especial.
2,870 reviews
August 9, 2020
Meh. Quill lost. He's sad all the time and essentially a motionless lump. But because of a prophecy that everyone knows he's still the focal point of this story.

Doom is clearly a robot controlled by Madam Masque. Warlock/Magus has to make an appearance—otherwise, why use the Universal Church?

Also, why is everyone so enamored of the evil Spider-Man character? Because it's the only CHARACTER in Old Man Logan besides Hawkeye and Logan?
Profile Image for Bobby.
Author 10 books14 followers
January 17, 2021
Old Man Quill introduces a cosmic element to the greater “old man” universe set in the Wasteland after all the heroes have fallen. The events on Earth over the last fifty have largely been ignored by the greater cosmic universe.

The appearance of OMQ and the GoTG back on Earth have disrupted the order maintained by the steady hand of DOOM!It feels like a stretch to get the reunited Guardians back on Earth, but once they arrive in the wasteland the story gets rolling.
Profile Image for Sean.
3,603 reviews27 followers
March 24, 2021
Old Man Logan was a momentous comic moment. Old Man Hawkeye was a solid connection to that world. Old Man Quill is maybe one too many trips to the well. First off, the time frame they keep giving (50 years) makes no sense. Secondly, this wasn't just Peter but the Guardians as well. I would have liked a look at a solo Quill in space in this future, not another retread. The art was decent but unspectacular. Overall, a decent read but sadly unoriginal.
Profile Image for Daniel Butcher.
2,702 reviews2 followers
September 15, 2019
Set in the world of Old Man Logan but with a different hero.

It's fine as this hero refinds himself but it lacks the initial boom of the first Old Man Logan story, as they all do, and there is too much the same between Logan and Quill's work and psyche for me. I'd like him to be a bit different in outlook.
Profile Image for Ondra Král.
1,419 reviews121 followers
March 19, 2020
Tyhle Old Man někdo ždímačky mě unavují. Žádná snaha o invenci a jedeme potřetí totéž přes kopírák. Zlomený hrdina je v post-apo světě, potkává superpadouchy a postupně se sbírá. Přidaná hodnota kosmu tu zatím příliš není (Pulsar mohl být kdokoliv), tož uvidíme co dál.

Normálně bych dal 3*, ale zrovna u Old Man sérek mě tohle štve.
30 reviews1 follower
October 1, 2021
This was a fun ride through the Marvel universe's old-man-a-verse with a siloed starlord story. There were plenty of easter eggs throughout that alluded to the Marvel universe as well as past events in the old-man-a-verse. The story didn't add much, asides from the callouts to existing Marvel properties. It didn't distract me
1,743 reviews43 followers
November 28, 2022
I really do love the old man series. And this one star lord’s biggest mistake cause the death of his family years later he has recruited by the guardians of the Galaxy to save the universe from those that killed his family all it takes is a side trip to earth, one where all the heroes are dead.
September 9, 2024
Bel ritorno nelle terre desolate! L'accoppiata Sacks/Gill funziona sia nella struttura che ci fa vedere un Quill diverso, profondamente cambiato, sia nei disegni che trasmettono bene le sensazioni e le esperienze dei protagonisti.
Profile Image for Beelzefuzz.
647 reviews1 follower
June 21, 2019
Just okay. The fresh take on zombie ideas though was excellent.
Profile Image for Jacob.
1,722 reviews6 followers
November 15, 2019
Public library copy.

Took a while to get cooking but by vol 1 issue 2, I was invested in the story and am looking forward to the volume 2 chapters.
Profile Image for José Luis.
97 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2020
Bien pero no le llega ni a la suela de los zapatos a Old-Man Hawkeye, del mismo guionista.
631 reviews
December 21, 2020
Old Man Quill

This was an interesting book. I've read some Old Man Logan, like it, now Quill. After reading vol 2, I'll read Old Man Hawkeye.
Profile Image for Scott E.
341 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2021
The Old Man series of Marvel is the most consistent thing I’ve read of theirs for a long while
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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