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The Test

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Award-winning author Sylvain Neuvel explores an immigration dystopia in The Test

Britain, the not-too-distant future.
Idir is sitting the British Citizenship Test.
He wants his family to belong.

Twenty-five questions to determine their fate. Twenty-five chances to impress.

When the test takes an unexpected and tragic turn, Idir is handed the power of life and death.
How do you value a life when all you have is multiple choice?


First published February 12, 2019

About the author

Sylvain Neuvel

21 books5,301 followers
Sylvain Neuvel dropped out of high school at age 15. Along the way, he has been a journalist, worked in soil decontamination, sold ice cream in California, and peddled furniture across Canada. He received a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Chicago. He taught linguistics in India, and worked as a software engineer in Montreal. He is also a certified translator, though he wishes he were an astronaut. He likes to tinker, dabbles in robotics and is somewhat obsessed with Halloween. He absolutely loves toys; his girlfriend would have him believe that he has too many, so he writes about aliens and giant robots as a blatant excuse to build action figures (for his son, of course).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,904 reviews
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,089 reviews314k followers
March 5, 2019
Why was I so quick to judge this man? I must be nervous, myself. There is a lesson to be learned here. We are all more alike than we think.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

The Test is basically a Black Mirror episode in novella format. This tiny book is packed full of social commentary, insights into human behaviour, and a whole bunch of mindfuckery. It's best read in a single sitting because you won't want to put this one down.

The reviews vary on this one as to how much of the plot people are giving up. Before reading, I only knew what the blurb said and this made some of the story's early events very shocking and hard-hitting for me. So I won't give away too much additional information about what happens.

All you need to know is that Idir, an Iranian man and devoted father and husband, is sitting his British citizenship test. Twenty-five questions that will determine his future, and the future of his family. I really enjoyed his warm and funny "voice" as he details his interactions with cold immigration officers, and good-humoredly mocks the questions about British history that most British citizens wouldn't have a clue about.

But while he's taking his test, something unthinkable happens. What should have been a harmless exam suddenly becomes much more dangerous and deadly. The events that follow take a good long look at many aspects of human social behaviour, from questions about morality to social biases - based on everything from gender to race to religion to body size - and not just in the individual, but biases deeply-embedded in the system.

In this strange work of speculative fiction, Neuvel looks at the ridiculous hoops immigrants are made to jump through to become citizens of another country (in this case, the U.K.) and also the ugly long-term effects these hoops can have on a person. At the beginning, he dedicates The Test "To kind people"-- a soft, bittersweet contrast to the disturbing story that follows.

Sylvain Neuvel has become a must-read author for me.

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Profile Image for Lala BooksandLala.
529 reviews72.5k followers
June 12, 2019
The Test by Sylvain Neuvel is this little 100 page, weird ass book revolving around a 25-question British Citizenship Test. Twenty-five questions to decide the main character's fate. Twenty-five chances to impress.
It's fast and edgy and basically felt like like an episode of Black Mirror. I loved it.
Profile Image for Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube).
602 reviews66.8k followers
June 17, 2019
(3.75) This novella gave me Black Mirror vibes and if you're looking for something quick and messed up you'll enjoy this!

In a dystopian version of our world, to emigrate to the UK, individuals have to pass a test. It's not exactly the type of test you would expect...

Personally the last bit "after" brought the book down a bit and I would have rather it stop earlier but still a book I would recommend!
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,680 reviews53.9k followers
October 28, 2020
This is harshest, stunning, riveting, thought-provoking and mostly infuriating novella that blows your mind!
As soon as you finish it, you start to give blank looks, your mind is whirling and you sit still without moving an inch like a bomb just exploded on your mind and you just got paralyzed, didn’t know how to function normally.
That’s what this book made me feel like!

Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
March 1, 2019
wow. this novella is everything right with short stories.

its such a simple concept, but so intelligently executed. and probably one of the most interesting stories about human behaviour and psychological profiling i have ever read.

the subtle sci-fi aspect also totally gives 'black mirror' a run for its money. its so well thought-out and really packs a punch.

i am thoroughly impressed.

4 stars
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
March 12, 2019
4.5 stars. This story gutted me. It will haunt me for a while. Review first posted on Fantasy Literature:

Since I fell in love with Sylvain Neuvel’s Sleeping Giants, I’ve been curious to see what he would write next. The Test is an excellent novella, quite different from THE THEMIS FILES trilogy, though some similar themes are touched on and there are similarities in the narrative technique.

I went into reading The Test totally cold, without reading even the blurb ― just knowing that Neuvel wrote it was good enough for me to plonk down my $3.99 on the Kindle version ― and I strongly recommend doing that. But if you want a little more information about the novella’s setting and merits, this review does that without, I hope, spoiling its surprises.

In a near-future Great Britain, Idir Jalil, a dentist who emigrated from Iran, is seeking to become a British citizen. The final requirement is to pass the British Citizenship Test, which Idir is taking on behalf of himself, his wife, and their two children, who are watching him from a nearby waiting room. The entire family will become citizens or will be immediately deported, based on whether he passes the test or not.

It starts out like most any test, with historical and cultural questions about Great Britain that have questionable relevance to a person’s worthiness to become a naturalized citizen. Idir is nervously talking himself through the test (“What could anyone possibly do with that information? It would have come in handy in, say, 1485, if one were travelling the country. Darling, perhaps Bosworth Field is not the best spot for a picnic today.”). But then events take a shocking turn, and kindhearted Idir finds himself in an unimaginable position, where there are no good answers … though possibly correct ones.
There’s nothing I can say, no good answer. I might die today, and I don’t know if it was inevitable or if I inched myself into it, one small mistake after the other. Don’t draw attention to yourself. That is what they told me. It’s too late for that.
Idir is a sympathetic protagonist, thoughtful and caring even in the midst of incredible stress. Other parts of the story are from the viewpoint of a young man named Deep, a first-generation British citizen whose parents are from India. Deep is also in a stressful situation, though for entirely different reasons, but it’s intriguing to see how their cultural backgrounds inform the thought processes and values of both Idir and Deep.

The British citizenship test is intended to assess a person’s values, based on the type of ideology that modern society often places a premium on: consideration for others, helpfulness, absence of sexism and racism, environmental consciousness. The irony is that the government’s testing methods and practices contradict these values while paying lip service to them, a point that’s driven home by the story’s epilogue.

The Test is a quick read at 110 pages, and I couldn’t put it down. It’s psychologically complex, sobering and disturbing. It made me think about how things that initially seem like a good idea can go wrong when there are inadequate checks and balances, and about unintended consequences. Highly recommended.

Content notes: violence, very disturbing situations, and quite a few F-bombs.
Profile Image for HaMiT.
207 reviews48 followers
February 9, 2021
داستان یه خونواده‌ی ایرانی هست که از تهران مهاجرت کردن انگلیس و ب��ای گرفتن تابعیت انگلیسی، شوهر خونواده یعنی حیدر، باید از طرف کل خونواده یه آزمون بده و با توجه به نتیجه‌ی آزمون، همگی تابعیت میگیرن یا برمیگردن ایران
در حین انجام آزمون یه حمله‌ی مسلحانه صورت میگیره و درگیر شدن حیدر و ادامه‌ی ماجرا

حالا بذارید یه چیز جالب بهتون بگم. تو نسخه فارسی نه تنها اشاره به بربریت بسیج یا سپاه حذف شده. بلکه هرگونه اشاره به ایران، تهران و مسلمون بودن رو حذف یا عوض کردن. یعنی اصلا مشخص نیست که این خونواده از ایران مهاجرت کردن و با توجه به اسامی اعضای خونواده (حیدر، تیدیر، سلما و رمزی)، تشخیصش سخته برای کدوم کشورن. مثلا از ایران امدیم تبدیل شده به جایی که ازش امدیم
در واقع ج.ا. از ایران چنان گلستانی درست کرده که گاد فربید اگه کسی حتی توی یه داستان تخیلی دلش بخواد از این بهشت برین بره

در کل داستان سای فای کوتاه خوبی در مورد انتخابه و خوندنش رو پیشنهاد میدم
Profile Image for ALet.
308 reviews231 followers
August 18, 2019
★★½ /5

This was good but not great.

I really enjoyed some aspects of the story, but in general it didn’t make a big impact for me in any case. I certainly understand what this short story tried to do, but in my opinion, this could be done better.
Profile Image for Petrik.
747 reviews54.1k followers
October 16, 2018
ARC provided by the publisher—Tor.com—in exchange for an honest review.

The Test is simple in concept and smart in execution.

I’m not a stranger to Neuvel’s work. I loved Neuvel’s Themis Files trilogy and I found the last book of that trilogy, Only Human to be highly enjoyable due to the philosophical discussions that Neuvel implemented. I’m glad to find that The Test retained his relatable and thought-provoking philosophical discussions. I didn’t know anything about this book when I received it, I was only going to take a peek, and I ended up reading through it in one sitting because it was so hard to put down.

The story of the novella revolved around Idir, an immigrant who is taking the British Citizenship Test for him and his family. To achieve that, he has to answer twenty-five questions that will determine their fate. Of course, the test itself immediately took an unexpectedly deadly turn and now, Idir’s choices will decide not only their citizenship but also their literal life and death.

The Test was a great read and in my opinion the story that Neuvel wrote here worked really well in novella format. It’s a very short read; 100 pages long and less than two hours to read. The Test taught us that we are the sum of our choices. Self-sacrifice, what determines the value of a life, and how being ignorant can lead to a devastating result. There were a lot of relatable situations and commentaries that were very relatable to our current society. Just like Only Human, Neuvel once again shows just how good he is at writing and imbuing engaging philosophical discussions into his sci-fi story.

If you loved Neuvel’s Only Human or the TV series Black Mirror as I did, I don’t think you can go wrong with reading this one. The Test is a great thriller/sci-fi novella that also serves as a wake-up call for us to always be careful with the choices we make. Highly recommended!

Official release date: February 12th, 2019

You can pre-order the book HERE!

You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,877 reviews6,105 followers
February 17, 2019
I am on my knees. I have been here before. I have been thrown to the ground and I have felt the tip of their guns on the back of my neck. I have been through this and I have survived. We will survive. All of us.

In The Test, we follow Idir Jalil, an Iranian immigrant who's looking to pass the British citizenship test so he and his family can stay in the UK. Despite the pressure he's under — because, as he quickly lets us know through his own memories and back story, there's so much at stake for the Jalil family — Idir's in a great mood. He's studied hard, he's confident without being arrogant, and those first few questions breeze by for him.

Suddenly, a massive wrench is thrown into the works and Idir finds himself being pulled into a warped terrorist scene, where he's forced to make decisions so much harder than any question the test could have asked him. There's so much going on in this little story, and I truly can't say more, because it's so short and quick-paced that any further details would be spoilers.

Instead, I'll just say that this is one of the greatest novellas I have ever read. It was a tremendously well-fleshed story despite its brevity, Idir is one of the most likable protagonists I've ever read in my life, and the social commentary here on racism, xenophobia, sexism, and more? I was blown away. There are moments in this novella that shook me to my core, and the ending? Wow, what a brilliant way to close it up.

This was my first time reading Sylvain Neuvel's work, but I can assure you that it won't be my last.

All quotes come from an advance copy and may not match the final release. Thank you so much to Tor.com for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Terrie  Robinson (short break).
511 reviews1,049 followers
September 5, 2023
The Test by Sylvain Neuvel is a Speculative Fiction Short Read!

In the not-too-distant-future, Idir reports to take the British Citizenship Test. It consists of twenty-five superfluous essential multiple choice questions. Process of elimination questions are always easier, right?

But things go haywire quickly and Idir is faced with answering questions of an entirely different nature...

The Test, a 2 hour and 12 minute audiobook is, in a word, "intense". This story turns a mundane scenario into an unexpected, unimaginable, yet powerful listen. The narrator, Neil Shah, is quite convincing in the variety of voicing skills he uses.

The author does an amazing feat of packing a huge and thought-provoking punch into such a short read/listen. This is so dang creative. It will also makes you brain sizzle and maybe even sting a lot little.

Whatever format you choose, you won't believe how many answers you'll get wrong on this test. Really, it's shocking!

Are you curious yet?

Profile Image for Gabby.
1,529 reviews28.7k followers
June 11, 2019
“How do you value a life when all you have is multiple choice?”

Wow, this little book felt more like Black Mirror than season 5 of Black Mirror did. I read Sleeping Giants by this author and I absolutely loved that series and I was pretty stoked when I saw this book come out and it was getting rave reviews from everyone - so I downloaded the audiobook and finished it within two days cause it’s so short and wow - WHAT A STORY.

This shit was intense and definitely gave me all the Black Mirror vibes. It also kind of gave me The Cabin at the End of the World vibes and was one of those hard-to-Read but impossible to put down kind of books. So so so good and I can’t stop thinking about this book and the impossible scenarios placed upon this main character.
Profile Image for Melissa ~ Bantering Books.
308 reviews1,773 followers
August 6, 2023
My husband, who is not a reader, has read three books this year. Two by Stephen King, and now Sylvain Neuvel’s novella, The Test. (Go Jason, go!)

Immediately upon finishing it, he said, “It's like an episode of Black Mirror.” And now that I’ve read it, I can tell you he’s right. Too, most everyone here on Goodreads who’s reviewed it would agree with him, as this exact comparison is mentioned in nearly all the write-ups.

In the near future, Idir is taking the British Citizenship Test. Twenty-five questions, that’s all it is. Easy enough, he thinks, until the test takes a surprising turn and Idir is forced to answer the toughest questions of his life.

At only 100 pages, Neuvel’s sci-fi thriller is an intense and quick read. Idir’s voice is so bright and vivid that when the test takes a bad turn, you go right down the rabbit hole with him. You feel his anxiety, his despair, and his helplessness – it’s a powerhouse punch.

What’s really remarkable, though, is how Neuvel examines so many social issues in such few pages. Racism, immigration, sexism, ageism – he spotlights them all and forces us to look at our own, often hidden, prejudices.

I read The Test in two sittings, but most will read it in one. It��s that good.
Profile Image for Sara.
372 reviews390 followers
October 28, 2020
Thank you to my Book Santa Audrey for this book!
I've wanted to read it for a while and i'm so glad it didn't disappoint.
This is a short read, only 100 pages or so, but it definitely packs a punch - I've spent all day thinking about the test and whether or not i would pass!
Profile Image for Barbie.
109 reviews343 followers
February 1, 2020

My thoughts in a nutshell
I usually don't read short stories because I feel 100 pages don't seem enough to describe a story intriguingly.
In this case, I was totally wrong. I can't say anything particular about the pot. Everything is a spoiler, but I want to share that I can imagine 'this' in the future. It is mind-blowing and scary.
Please don't read reviews before you pick this up. Go into blind and you will enjoy it.
I gave it 5 stars. I was shocked. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in an immigration dystopia. I also enjoyed the audiobook format.
Profile Image for Maxwell.
1,295 reviews10.5k followers
March 22, 2020
The comparisons to Black Mirror are apt. This is a story about a man and the choices he has to make. But it's much more than that. I listened to the audiobook in one sitting—would highly recommend it! A fun, twisted little novel that will keep you hooked from the start.
Profile Image for CYNDI.
403 reviews58 followers
February 26, 2022
This novella will definitely get your blood pumping!

One test to determine your fate, twenty five questions for a chance to be granted the citizenship you’ve been wanting to have. But at what cost?

Idir— a family man will have to choose between life and death. Will he cast aside his very own humanity to pass the test? How much of himself could he lose just to belong?

Raw and imaginative. The violence depicted in this novella could make you feel uncomfortable but the experience will stir your emotions and challenge your beliefs. This book is something you could learn a lot from. What a ride!
Profile Image for Henk.
985 reviews
March 28, 2020
An absolute rollercoaster of a read, full of societal questions while keeping you at the edge of your seat - 4.5 stars
He’s a great citizen. He votes, he obeys the law, and he won’t hesitate to tell on his neighbours if he sees anything suspicious.

It’s hard to review this book without giving away something about the core of the plot, and going in blank is guaranteed to up the wow effect.
Someone wants to become a British citizen and the test given to him is more, much more, than just multiple choice history questions.

I will say the author touches on a lot of things, from trauma, gamification, big tech manipulation of behavior, free choice, biasses, to the impersonal and immoral power of bureaucracy.

But let this quick read sweep you away to extreme stress and anxiety, not unlike the dilemmas facing fleeing refugees everyday.
And be amazed.
Highly recommended and impactful for such a short novella!

What I did, the choices I made . . . I did what I did and I chose what I chose. I did not pretend.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,311 reviews407 followers
March 12, 2019
I’m not entirely sure what the hell I’ve just read, but this managed to absolutely blow me away in terms of twists and turns very early on. Without giving too much away, what starts as an immigration test decends into something far more realistic, and terrifyingly possible.

It’s an examination on a future Britain that seems at once incredibly believable and tangible. A way to test and justify fairly who can enter the country in a near-technologically advanced universe. It’s fast paced, morally ambiguous with a lead character in Idir who’s amiable, polite and family orientated. I can’t quite believe what Neuvel has managed to get down in just over 100 pages, but it really managed to make me re-examine my own beliefs and the Subconscious acts of discrimination that I wasn’t aware of. There’s a tight evaluation on human psychology, social prejudice, even sexual discrimination all brilliantly shown via Idir’s thinking process. The feelings of intense stress, pressure and anxiety that Idir goes through are really well done, and PTSD is described in a sensitive yet deeply emotive and powerful way. It’s incredibly thought provoking, and raises a lot of issues relevant to the current climate around what it is to be British, and who ‘deserves’ to live here.

If anything, I wanted more engagement from Deep etc as I felt his character was largely underused and underdeveloped, but this doesn’t detract from what is otherwise a really good novella. One to read in one sitting and ponder for days later.
Profile Image for Aoife - Bookish_Babbling.
372 reviews387 followers
October 28, 2020

Whelp that was something!
Raises many questions & leaves you with plenty food for thought #scifiheadache
Impressively stacked storytelling squished into +/- 100pages 👍

According to libby, took 45mins reading time 🤯
Slightly irrationally peeved by americanised spelling of words and the use of the word "garbage" a couple of times which probably makes me petty af...but this is supposed to be the UK. I'm sorry but these things bug me 🙈
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,536 followers
June 19, 2019
I'm freaking surprised at how good this novella is. Simple idea, but so much is packed into this short work. And what's more, it's timely.

The immigration process for getting into England has taken some rather HARD turns in The Test, selecting for an insane amount of information and psychological screenings. This high-tech future dystopia takes it so far that they screen for HEROES. :) It's not enough to be smart and a decent human being or being dedicated enough to jump through an amazing number of hoops. They're selecting for born or made heroes because, let's face it, society WANTS HEROES.

Never mind that heroes often come with a TON of baggage and in making them, you open up a real nasty Pandora's box.

Some tests should not be forced. :)
Profile Image for jade.
489 reviews364 followers
September 10, 2020
“have i done this? have i gotten myself here? there’s nothing i can say, no good answer. [...] i don’t know if it was inevitable or if i inched myself into it, one small mistake after the other.”

this novella grabbed me by the collar, shook me up, and then put me down feeling hollow inside.

it’s the sort of speculative writing that reaches into uncomfortable places, and though it does so in slightly predictable ways, it’s very effective at evoking an emotional response. it’s also one of those stories that’s best without knowing too much, so i’ll keep the details to a minimum.

iranian dentist idir jalil is getting ready to take the british citizenship test. twenty-five multiple choice questions need answering, and if he gets them right, his family -- wife tidir, daughter salma, and son ramzi -- will be getting citizenship right alongside him.

as idir goes through the questions on the titular test, we get to know more about him and his family while he steers his thoughts toward finding the correct answers. from watching arsenal games in the pub to halloween celebrations with his kids, we get a feeling for how he’s been experiencing life in britain as an immigrant so far.

and at one point, of course, shit hits the fan.

trivia time: i used to be a citizenship teacher for immigrants. language classes, mostly, as well as everything they could possibly need to pass their exams that would allow them to live here permanently.

it’s harrowing to see what hoops my former students had to jump through. on what ridiculous criteria they failed, what absolutely trivial stuff they had to learn, all while often working 70+ hours a week and dealing with racism on top.

the saddest joke of our department back then was that native dutch folks would never pass the citizenship exams, and i know this is the case in many other countries as well.

reading the test brought back a lot of those memories, with one particular theme at the center of it all: the arbitrary ways in which we assume we can judge people. how we attempt to measure them through impossible standards and outdated thinking, especially from a psychological testing perspective.

neuvel explores those kinds of themes quite a bit for a book with only a hundred pages: gamification and AI, statistics and testing, and how even though numbers don’t lie they don’t always show the full scope of the truth. clever AIs still suffer from the same biases as the world that built them, and how can we ever effect change if we keep falling back on old promises and ideas?

there is this current of arrogance underlying it all, as well.

the way we think we can parse our national identity in a bunch of multiple choice questions that even our most patriotic of native citizens wouldn’t be able to answer. how we elevate certain behaviors as the pinnacle of humanity, yet we don’t practice them ourselves. how othering people is, at times, a very deliberate choice, even if it is originally borne of the unconscious.

and so we can ask ourselves: is it the right choice?

i’ve seen people mention this novella reads like a black mirror episode, and i can see why. i’d say it succeeds less as a highly detailed worldbuilding piece, and more as an unsettling hypothetical -- a what if that hits so close to home it’s easy to imagine a future in which it might become real.

that’s also my main point of critique of it: i felt like neuvel wrote this as food for thought more than he wrote it as a fully realized sci-fi or semi-contemporary speculative fiction piece. at times, that makes it feel a little too sensationalized or on-the-nose, where realistic details are forgone seemingly To Make A Point.

so on the one hand, i greatly appreciate the questions it asks and the discussion it no doubt fosters for its readers. but on the other, i feel like it’s written more for the people who are not the ones ever sitting down to take a citizenship test (and subsequently prove their humanity), and to showcase how judging people by and for arbitrary concepts is not… great.

that said, i still considered this a solid read; pick it up if its themes appeal to you.

3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Heidi.
1,396 reviews1,541 followers
July 5, 2019
The Test is a science fiction short story detailing a sinister new type of citizenship test and a possible dark future humanity could face.

"I am the only one taking the test. Only men. Only between the ages of sixteen and forty-five. She said it was unfair. I told her it was a blessing. I do not care what their motivations are; it is a simple matter of probabilities." pg 12

Idir Jalil was a dentist in Teheran. He wants to immigrate with his wife and children to the United Kingdom. But first, he has to pass the test.

"Guns and impunity. This is why we're here." pg 21

As technology advances, one can't help but wonder what sorts of new programs are going to be created. Passports with radio frequency identification chips already exist. Will we soon start putting computer chips in ourselves?

And with all of these changes, how do we hold on to our essential humanity? The test Idir receives has significant consequences for him.

Beyond the question of technology, Sylvain Neuvel also tackles how immigration procedures have a dehumanizing effect. When you're reducing people to statistics and probabilities, you dismiss everything else that makes someone a person.

Countries around the world continue to struggle with immigration issues. I wish there were easy answers. Aren't we all citizens of this planet?
Profile Image for Alonso.
3 reviews126 followers
November 13, 2019
Often times, the title of the book gives a glimpse of the storyline of the book. The Test was no exception, but the twist that developed shortly into the third chapter took me by surprise. It was like as though the trap door opens from beneath you and you inevitably fall into the mercy of every twist and turn of the roller coaster ride. The pace is riveting, and I find myself wanting to keep reading to find out the fate of Idir and his family. Boy, what a ride it was!

Interestingly, The Test is also reminiscent of an episode of Black Mirror and a tinge of The Truman Show. The storyline was cleverly crafted, and the events keep you at the edge of your seat, and at times wondering what the hell happened. The sudden turn of events would present Idir with the power of life and death. Decisions Idir is forced to make with the passing of every fifteen minutes. Who lives and who dies…? Without giving more of the story away, we get a glimpse of what goes on inside Idir’s mind as he struggles with each decision.

Overall, I quite enjoyed short but intense ride of The Test, much like being on a thrilling roller coaster ride with many twists and turns that is over within a couple of minutes leaving you wanting more and joining the queue for several more runs. Overall, 4 stars. Well worth the quick read and I would most certainly be adding other Sylvain Neuvel’s books to my “want to read” list.
Profile Image for Mara.
1,824 reviews4,184 followers
April 18, 2020
A great example of short work that packs a punch! I don't really want to get into the details of this one, as I think they should be discovered by the reader given how short this one is, but I loved the writing and was very impressed with how efficiently Neuvel packed character development & a compelling plot into such a short page count. Very much enjoyed & would recommend
Profile Image for myo ⋆。˚ ❀ *.
1,145 reviews7,986 followers
May 19, 2022
you say “black mirror” i say “say less” it was interesting and shockingly at some points kind of funny.. my sense of humor is interesting. ANYWAYS this was definitely interesting for sure. i’m not gonna lie my ass would NOT pass that test LOL. i did enjoy it nonetheless
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,904 reviews

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