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Black Gold #1

Black Gold

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Billy “Goldie” Goldean is the biggest pop star in the world and he’s harboring a terrible, career-killing secret: he’s gay. Even with song titles such as “Astral Glider” and “Winking Brown Eye,” few question Goldie’s squeaky clean teen heartthrob status. That is, until Jethro “Jett” Black, an infamous womanizer and underground punk icon, names him in the pages of Rolling Stone magazine as the celebrity he’d most like to fuck.

After they hook up at an industry party, Goldie’s management dumps him, Jett’s exes come back to haunt them, and even Goldie’s mother makes a public plea for him to come to his senses. Can Goldie trust his untamed new lover, or will the pressures of fame tear them apart?

207 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 23, 2010

About the author

Clancy Nacht

54 books144 followers
Clancy Nacht is a bisexual genderqueer person who lives in Austin with a husband, and three feral rescue cats. Clancy has published several ARe bestselling contemporary romantic thriller m/m and m/f stories. Three of her books have been honored with Rainbow Awards; Le Jazz Hot won for #1 Best Bisexual/Transgender Romance & Erotic Romance. In 2013, Black Gold: Double Black was a runner up for a Rainbow Award and in 2015, Gemini won an Honorable Mention for Gay Erotic Romance at the Rainbow Awards. Her books have been nominated for several Goodreads M/M Readers Choice Awards.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
Profile Image for Bookwatcher .
746 reviews118 followers
February 7, 2012
I start it, and didn't finish. I hate to give a low rating so I want to tell you, dear reader of this review, why I'm doing it

Grab your coffee, sit down *offering an espresso*

let me tell you my reasons of never finish it.... I forgot the main characters were having sex

Whooooaaaa hold your horses... don't call me bitch... yet

So, I must be VERY honest here, saying I was VERY attracted to the plot. Two rock stars, in love, hot bodies, hot sex scenes... and oh YES I must admit it was the reason I try this book.

Yesterday my day started at 5:30am. Got up, defrost my car (what the hell! It was cold yesterday here! Impressive cold!), took my husband to work saying all the time "shit ice, shit ice on the streets", went back home, did gas, went to my work (still saying "shit ice, there is ice on the streets"). Work, from 7:30am to 6pm (10 min lunch). Finish my day at work, drive home (yeah.. again "shit shit shit, ice ice ice"). SO YES after all the usual routine at home, I went to bed, tired as hell, and decide to relax reading a HOT MM book. This one was on my ipad and looking at the cover art I remember it was a book I should read.

I read... up to the first sex scene. And quit after that.

It's funny? yes, I read few pages, but it was funny
It's dramatic? Hummmm maybe... Gold seems a drama queen and cry two times (and yeah, I read just a few pages, maybe he stop it after... one was during sex and well, it's a BIG turn off for me)
The writing is good.
The characters are lovely...

and now... the BIG but.... yes, there is a but...

...BUT holly crap I forgot they were having sex! I mean, first sex scene, of course I was incredible happy I would read it BUT they talked for sooooo long while having it that I completely forgot it was a sex scene! I was tired? YES, but how can I read something and forget it's an erotic scene?

I read a guy having sex with a spider (The Soldier)
I read 4 guys, and two aliens (Acquainted with the Night)
I read a chick having sex with an alien lizard (it was a fanfiction work)
I read a god and a woman having A LOT of sex (GOD don't seems fair to talk about Acheron!!! OMG I LOVE HIM!)
I read demons and angels (both MM and MF, many)

YEAH I read some stuff, and had never, ever forgot that two character were having sex.

I'm not kiding here... I really had the inner dialog: "WTF? Oh YES they are having sex! OH GOD wait! So why they were talking so much? I must be a freak... people can talk so much during intercourse? Really?"

I think I could just say I didn't finish the book. Or maybe just give one star and STFU, BUT I want to be fair, and explain very well my problem with this book.

BTW I think even the characters forgot about the sex during their talking... Gold used lub, and after spit, so yeah, it took so long while they were talking that the poor guy waste his time using lub the first time... it was necessary do it two times

Unfortunately this book is not for me... maybe it's just me.. try it, and well, try to don't forget the sex reading their dialogs
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,840 reviews752 followers
March 30, 2011
Fabulously over the top romance between between a lipgloss/high heeled male pop star and a punk rocker. When they get together all is sweetness and light and off-the-charts hot sex. The only downside here is the fact that they talk far too freaking much. Yes, they talk like two young tween lovebirds about everything that pops in their heads. It exhausted me. Still, I loved them as a pair and will be on the lookout from more by these authors.

My review for JERR is now archived on the site HERE . You may have to hit the "enter" button on JERR's main page and click my link again to go directly to the review.
Profile Image for Nikyta.
1,436 reviews264 followers
April 16, 2011
This is a love it or hate it type of book. It has elements like insta-love, sappy (that seems like a harsh word when I don't mean it to be but I can't think of another way to describe it) words, 'I'll do anything to keep you' personality, and an 'us against the world' mentality type theme but if you look past all of that and just ride the story through, it's an actually pretty decent book.

Goldie and Jett are complete opposites. Goldie is a pop star, well-mannered and essentially innocent while Jett is an indie punk rocker, druggie, drunk and has done more girls than you can count. Goldie is light to Jett's dark. But they fit. They get each other and deep down they both want the same things and they both have a fierce loyalty and possessiveness about the other. Of course, it helps they both had a crush on and admired the other before they even met. Still, they are adorable and this was a sweet romance with just a spice of kinky biting (which was totally cute while at the same time funny because all the hickeys on Goldie's delicate skin). A forewarning for those that don't like this kind of thing: Goldie is more or less characterized as a girl. He's effeminate. He's all male but the way he looks and the actions he does make him seem like a woman. Sort of.

It has a pretty simple plot in which the only conflict is the aftermath of what happens when the world knows about Goldie and Jett becoming lovers. It's very controversial because of who Goldie is and the icon he has become for teenagers. They have to work through people thinking of Jett as a bad guy and accusing him of pretty heinous things. Then there's the added stress of Jett's band and what they do to Jett. They stick together and work their way through all of it together while trying to prove the love they have for one another is real and true. And all of this essentially happens in like 3 days. It's kind of intense. Lol.

The worst thing about two authors co-writing is how the writing is a majority of the time choppy or jumpy but in this case Nacht and Euclid make a great writing pair and I think because of that writing I didn't mind all of those elements I mentioned above. I was drawn into the story since I just enjoyed it for what it was and didn't let myself criticize any of the little annoying things that could have possibly bugged me.

With that said, the only problems I had was with how much sex they had and Jett's drug and alcohol abuse. I mean, I know Jett is a horny rocker and so is Goldie but with how often they did it and how long the scenes were I just got a little bored with them and didn't think half of them furthered the story all that much. But then again, I'm also known for being barely tolerable with sex in a story so you can't actually take my word on the quantity or quality of the smexing. Lol. I was a bit disappointed the story didn't tackle the problem with Jett's drug and alcohol abuse, though. I would have liked to see Jett beat his habits and I was hoping Goldie would help him and encourage him to quit but instead he just let's Jett drink and smoke as much as he wants. I was hoping for more on that but, unfortunately, I didn't get my wish :-/

Overall, I enjoyed Black Gold. Some people won't, though, and that's cool but I still think you should figure that out for yourself. I'd recommend this one because I happened to like it but that's just my opinion. Everyone's is different.
Profile Image for Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions .
1,314 reviews277 followers
Shelved as 'didnt-finish'
April 15, 2011
I struggled to read to 75% and just can not finish this one. first it was just a struggle to like it and now it is just beyond boring. The only reason i made it as far as i did was the writing was good but the characters and and lack of anything happening just bore me.

IMO if you want a good rocker story you should get The Missing Butterfly or Heart Song
Profile Image for Sandy Malone .
115 reviews18 followers
June 22, 2011
Loved this book, Jett was so bad ass, when he said this:
“What is her deal, man? I don‟t know how you feel about it, but I‟m not planning to put the cock on lockdown just because she‟s in the vicinity. I don‟t do empty beds.”
I laughed so freaking hard...he is sooo badass!

And my next favorite line was:
“Look, before we agree to anything here, I feel the need to lay down some ground rules, because otherwise I‟m going to take Billy and hit the road. We share a bed, Ellen. I don‟t want to shock you while you‟re unwell, but if the fact that I‟m going to hump your baby under this roof is going to kill you, maybe you deserve to die.”

Like i said BADASS

“I don‟t respond well to passive-aggressive bullshit. Anyway, I gave up my whole goddamn motherfucking life for the right to play hide-the-sausage with you, and I‟m not down with anyone cock blocking me at this point.”

HA My longest review ever BUT I love this book it was HILARIOUS!

Profile Image for Rossy.
219 reviews244 followers
November 30, 2010
I'm trying hard to fall asleep but this story keeps replaying in my mind, so i figure i should write a note and get it over until i can make a proper review.

This story is not about rainbows and roses, so if you're looking for something sweet, move on to something else. These are f'd up characters. They are flawed but good people underneath the skin. Their relationship is solid because they have respect, trust and integrity that you would not expect from their personalities. I truly love that there was no big misunderstanding, although there is tons of outside conflict that keeps the story entertaining. The MCs are so open with each other to the point of being unbelievable. Yet that was what made their relationship perfect from the very beginning.

Full review to come soon!
Profile Image for Darien.
861 reviews322 followers
September 3, 2011

This book reads like a yaoi manga. It offers up outrageous characters, a larger than life story and leaves you feeling like most situations are never resolved. The book had the potential to be perfection, but overly described and elaborated scenes just left me rolling my eyes.

Billy Goldean is the biggest pop star in the world. Known as Goldie, he has teenage girls eating out of his hands and going putty at his feet. His life is glam star rich and he looks like he has it all. He has the looks, the money and undying fan following. Well, there is a lot more at the surface of it all, seems Goldie life is only glamorous in the materialistic way, and his true self is hidden behind all the make-up and glam squad clothing. Until an article in rolling stone gets his interest and ultimately might change his life.

Jett Black is sitting in dingy motel talking with an up and coming reporter for Rolling Stone magazine. He’s the bad boy of underground rock, and the man that gets all the women. He would rather be famous for his music, but instead he’s famous for his conquests. When the reporter asks about the one person he would like to sleep with, his answer is both shocking and sexy. He’s a ladies man and to say he wants the hottest pop star in the world, his fans and Goldie’s fans are in for a surprise.

Billy is super happy about what Jett wants to do with him, but the downside is no one knows he is gay, he might be the hottest shit in the world but he is overly insecure. When a label meeting in an upscale penthouse is becoming all sorts of wrong, Jett crashes in all foaming at the mouth, and becomes Goldie’s knight in shining black liner.

As I said before this book had the potential of being perfection, but the overly dramatic scenes and dialogue just made it an ok read. I feel like nothing was resolved and that is still left, is the flawed characters and their insecurities. There were times when I really liked Jett, but he kills it with his obnoxious behaviour, and drunken rants. I am talking outrageous like a Lady Gaga outfit.

The relationship between Jett and Goldie I found a bit confusing. They say they love each both, but clearly both find it hard to believe. I found nothing sexy about their lovemaking, I rather they dirty talk it up. I am just clearly not satisfied and I really hope the authors revisit these characters again. Jett kinda pisses me off, and I want Goldie to have more balls (and by balls, I mean standing up for himself without the aid of Jett. I don’t mean I think of him as a woman). I guess my dislike comes from the fact, that Jett is always inebriated. I just did not like that aspect of the story, it was too much all the time.

SideNote- The cover clearly is very pretty. I did enjoy Goldie's description, I can honestly say I do enjoy my men pretty.

SideNote2- As you can see I am really liking the word clearly,lol.

October 28, 2014
I don't have any reason to like this story but I did like it a lot more than I expected.The punk star Jett just stole my heart with his jerksome quality and his way of expressing love for the pop star Goldie.
Jett Black

What I did like most about the story is Both the MC was quite clear about their attraction and love for each other and the dialogues were so apt that it suited the MC perfectly.Both were insecure and both were new to relationship,the insecured feel was laced among Jett's confident rumbling as well as Goldies timid declaration so it sounded very real to me.The no nonsense attitude drama in both the characters was another applauded fact of the story that made it a hit for me.
Profile Image for Mandi.
695 reviews42 followers
November 26, 2010
With such a pretty cover, and a plot featuring rock stars, I couldn't resist buying this book. And so very glad I did! The main characters and their romance were simply delicious.

This one will be in my favorites list to re-read in the future. :)
Profile Image for Andi.
Author 15 books245 followers
February 2, 2024
Re-read February 2, 2024

Still one of my favorite rock star/OFY romances. Loved it!💜💜
Profile Image for Valentina Heart.
Author 22 books303 followers
January 8, 2011
This is one of those overly sweet stories that make your teeth ache and make you involuntarily mumble awww even when you don't want to. It's not something I usually rate with five stars, more like something I roll my eyes at and stay stunned by the poor choice of wording. Here, it totally worked. Jett is just too dangerous and his 'I don't give a shit' attitude gives that balance to the story that is much needed among all the sweet talk.
It's basically love at first sight, or maybe first song? But I didn't find it corny at all. One other thing I liked is the lack of misunderstandings. They found each other and they believed in each other. Jett and Goldie against the world. I just loved it!
Profile Image for Chris.
2,875 reviews209 followers
January 11, 2011
Pretty good m/m romance about a glam rock superstar and the leader of a punk band. I would've rated this higher if there hadn't been so damn much talking. These two talked and talked and TALKED. They had long, complicated, deep conversations during allegedly spectacular sex. Um. Yeah. *rolls eyes* Really, I just wanted everyone to shut up after a while.
Profile Image for Brenda Maldonado.
276 reviews29 followers
November 27, 2010
3.5 stars
The bottom line is that I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It has many of the elements that I love, such as impossibly beautiful rock stars, glam and punk fashion sensibilities, sweet romance and hot sex. The story hooked me from page one and kept me turning pages non-stop until the end. Given that this is not a short book, I give the authors high marks for entertainment value. Then again, I am one of those readers that can easily suspend disbelief and go along for the ride once invested on a couple's HEA.

That said, this book had a lot more potential than was actually realized. Probably the biggest reason why I can't bring myself to give this story a higher rating is the dialogue. Even for a diehard romantic like me, the dialogue was too frequent and often far too sweet to be believable. While the authors did a good job of keeping the characters actions in line with their personas, the words coming out of their mouth often didn't seem appropriate for the situation and the personalities. After a while, the lovey dovey declarations between Jett and Goldie started feeling excessive.

Another reason why everything felt overly sweet was the quick and painless resolution to all of Jett and Goldie's problems. There were plenty of opportunities to build a little tension in the story, but they all vanished quickly without much emotional impact. This was a missed opportunity for more "show" and less "tell", as a little more tension building would have enhanced the impact of the character's actions.

While I enjoyed the book's generous word count, this book would have greatly benefited from more aggressive editing. A shorter but more tightly written version of the story would have been more impactful. Based on my comments above, you can bet that I would have started by editing out some of the dialogue. ;)

All in all, m/m fans are likely to enjoy this book despite its flaws. (I did!) Readers who enjoy very romantic, low angst stories are likely to love it.

Profile Image for  ♥ Rebecca ♥.
1,457 reviews471 followers
June 4, 2015
I really enjoyed this book and might even give it 4.5/5. It reminded me of Heaven Sent, which is good because that is exactly what I was hoping for. With the same publisher, same cover artist, and both about musicians, I was hoping they would be similar.

Black Gold is extremely low drama, which is what I loved about Heaven Sent, but this is even less so. From the time Jett and Goldie meet they pretty much live happily ever after. The media, execs, and bandmates give them a hard time, but it pretty much all just glances off them. They don't let anything come between them. They are such an odd pair, a punk rocker and a pop icon. And their personalities are an unexpected match too, but they are so adorable together. This also has a lot of sex if that is what you loved about Heaven Sent.

I only now noticed that there is a sequel, and it is not just a quick 10 page holiday special like in the Heaven Sent series. Its a full length sequel which I am a little confused about because the ending of this one was perfect. I just hope that it is as long drama as this one. I want to see Jett and Goldie still living happily ever after together.
Profile Image for Ravyn.
284 reviews34 followers
December 7, 2010
I just cannot resist the allure of a P.L. Nunn cover...

Unfortunately though, the book itself really didn't do it for me. Strike one: use of the ever dreaded insta-love phenomenon. Generally speaking, I find the whole "oh I met you 5 minutes ago but now I want to have your babies" mentality to be totally nutso. Strike two: the characters themselves. I found Jett Black and Goldie to be generally unlikable and somewhat ridiculous. Jett is an uncouth and foul-mouthed womanizer, while Goldie is a virginal delicate flower (read: chick with a dick) with a flair for makeup and outrageous clothing. I don't know how they could stand each other let alone start professing their undying love about 10 minutes into their relationship. Strike three: The incessant, overly emotional and borderline frantic dialogue. Jeez. They just went on and on and on - before sex, during sex, after sex, in the shower. I started skimming about halfway through.

Bottom Line: Beautiful cover art. Sadly, that's just about the only thing I liked about this book.
Profile Image for Kari Gregg.
Author 29 books664 followers
November 24, 2010
Goldie is a pop star; Jett is the king of punk. The ball starts rolling when a reporter asks Jett who he'd most like to screw -- pop icon, Billy "Goldie" Goldean, natch. Goldie sneaks (incognito) backstage to meet and talk to Jett. Much later, Jett tears Goldie away from a lecherous music industry powerplayer and it's game over for Jett & Goldie both. In the aftermath, their old lives disentegrate, the media descends...It's up to them to build something new. Together.

I looooooooooooove rocker stories and this one pushed every single one of my fangirl buttons, which is kind of funny considering I'm a heavy metal chick. LOL. The characters sucked me right in, though, and the storyworld was so richly drawn, I felt I could move comfortably inside it. Outstanding.

When you want sexy, sweet and a walk on the rock n roll wild side, Black Gold is a must-read. Highly recommend, two thumbs up.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kris.
354 reviews34 followers
December 2, 2010
I think this will be a story people will love or hate mainly because it is a dialogue heavy work. This will either be really appealing to some readers or annoy the crap out of them. Me, I thought it was quite interesting to read such a piece, especially in the m/m romance genre where conversation between the main characters is often put to one side in favour of unghs and 'I'm comings'. Not without faults, but I'm glad I gave these new-to-me authors a go. Plus who could resist that fucking awesome P L Nunn cover. :DDD
Profile Image for Shelby.
3,064 reviews86 followers
January 16, 2015
This book has a few of my immediate *shudder* situations going on and while normally I really enjoy the rocker stories this fell a bit short for me. There was a bit too much gag me with a spoon insane immediate obsession type love talking going on for my tastes. The writing style wasn’t bad, it flowed well enough, and never jarred me out of the story. My problem with this isn’t so much that the book wasn’t good as it had more things that detracted from my enjoyment than added to it. Some of them are more personal pet peeves though.

Billy “Goldie” Goldean is at the top of his game, he’s an international pop sensation with fan girls screaming his name around the world. Yet no matter how non subtly he puts his titles together no one has ever gathered the truth together, Billy is gay. He’s never been out and proud about it, never had a reason to be, but if anyone was going to tempt him it’d be the unabashedly blunt and slightly nasty lead singer from one of the top underground punk bands out there.

Jethro “Jett” Black has a hatred for all things mainstream and sell out about his business. He’s been with his band for years and they have made a name for themselves in the underground clubs. His band though wants the limelight and they don’t care how they get it. Jett isn’t going to be a sell out though. Despite his hatred for anything mainstream he still finds himself drawn to the brightest star in the pop world and when Rolling Stone asked him what celebrity he’d want to fuck only one name came to mind. Doesn’t matter that he’s always been straight, Goldie is the only name he could think to say. He never really expected to meet the boy.

Alright first of all I did enjoy the basic plot elements of this story. I really loved the way that Billy and Jett first met. It was a sweet honest moment between two people who rarely get to just be themselves. I liked the way these two came together and how their careers changed. The way they helped each other become more confident and settled in who each of them was. They definitely made each other better. I just really disliked the insta-love aspect of it all. It was way to intense way to fast to be believable. Insta-love is never my favorite trope any way and this was way beyond over the top. This was on par with a paranormal instant clicking mate bond (which is about the only way insta-love makes sense to me). Add in that this is a gfy story and it makes it hard for me to like. I would have loved to see this relationship really develop between these two instead of being so instantly wrapped up in each other.

My other big problem with this story is definitely a personal pet peeve. I really hate drug use in my books. Even when it’s a “rocker” story where drug use is justifiably true to the genre it just bugs the crap out of me. I would have enjoyed the character of Jett so much more if he’d admitted he had a problem and been trying to quit and get help. His devil may care attitude about it all bugged me. Frankly I wouldn’t have minded the blatant alcoholism if the prolific drug use wasn’t there. But combine them both, with not even a hint of a want or a will to change and it really detracts from my ability to like a character.

Admittedly this book is full of hot air…loads of it being blown out of the mouth of one punk god who has no idea how to shut his mouth. Now a lot of the time I enjoyed his mouthing off, generally when it was in defense of Goldie, but the amount of talking and talking and talking that goes on between the two of them trips into the unbelievable for two rock star type guys. Granted not much of anything other than I need you, I want you, I love you, is being said…over and over again ad naseum. Well that and anti-establishment rhetoric that really doesn’t say much other than look at me I’m bucking the trend.

So yeah, I enjoyed the bones of the story, but the details still left something to be desired for me. I liked the characters but not how quickly they came together. This was a mixed bag of ups and downs for me. Didn’t hate it, but I’m not running out the door to read the sequel either.
Profile Image for Pia.
Author 14 books58 followers
April 7, 2011
I really feel like a jerk when I have to give a low rating to a story someone's worked very hard on, but at the same time I'd be a schmuck if I didn't give my honest opinion.

The biggest downfall of this story for me was the dialogue. It was sticky sweet, cutsie, and too plentiful. During at least two of the sex scenes, the guys talked so much I thought I might've missed the culmination of the act only to find out they were actually still thrusting. The chatter was not only distracting but so over the top mushy that it made the characters unreal to me.

Along with the highly-emotional dialogue, I simply could not like Goldie. I can't quite put my finger on it but I didn't much care for him, even after meeting his manipulative manager and his passive agressive mother. Part of that might've been the way he came across as much younger than his already young years. Not young as in May-December, but young as in the boy band he'd left behind.

Finally, the plot itself was outside my preferred realm of storylines because the HEA was never truly in jeopardy, nor did the guys need to risk much or work for it. Goldie had plenty of money plus the fan base to do whatever he wanted and Black was going to sink his band regardless of whether or not he hooked up with Goldie. There was nothing wrong with the plot itself, but I prefer some risk in a romance. I prefer they earn their happily ever after.

The authors did a good job with the fame, the paparazzi, and the employees running interference. Jett's pre-Goldie behavior, and the attitude of him and his band were on the mark, and even made me love that Jett despite his glaring flaws, but otherwise, this story did not hold up to my expectations.
Profile Image for Karen K.
426 reviews13 followers
February 1, 2011
**3.5 upped to a 4**
I really enjoyed this sweet story. I liked that it was sweet but still raw and imperfect, at least the characters were. Goldie was pretty well perfect on the outside or at least striving for perfection in how he looked, howe he sang, how he came across to the public - but his insides were those of a scared little boy just wanting to be accepted and loved.

Jett was almost Goldie's polar opposite - not seeming to care what anyone and everyone thought of him and actually striving to make his character even less likeable. I really appreciated that Jett's character didn't change when he was with Goldie - sure his endearments of love were sugary and sappy but he still maintained that hard-edged attitude towards everyone else.

There were parts of this book that made me a little crazy - too much chatter during sex at times (though that didn't squash the hotness in the least), the HEA ending which I generally love but in this case was maybe a little too perfect, but all in all, the love I had for the characters and the dynamic between them outshone the negatives.
Profile Image for blade.
59 reviews
August 21, 2011
4.5 Stars
I absolutely love this book!
As many other reviewers have said, it is completely and unashamedly over-the-frickin-top! But instead of rolling my eyes every ten seconds, I found myself laughing out loud at its outrageousness. But it was damned sweet as well. I won't bother to argue with any of the criticism. But what turned others off, had me page-turning.
(Nor will I go over the plot because others have covered that.)
In addition to P.L. Nunn's beautiful cover (one of her best IMO), Jett's rants are worth the price of admission. Whether he's ranting at his band-mates, sleazy record-label execs, Goldie's horrible mother, or Goldie himself, it is hilarious. I found myself book-marking his rants on my reader so I could go back and read them again.
And man, do these two talk. Before sex, during sex, after sex. But it totally cracked me up or left me sighing. It is such a fun read!
Update: I've now read this book several times and I love it more and more each time. It's jumped onto my list of "Feel Good" re-reads. And I can't help but root for Billy and Jett every single time. These two characters are simply perfect for each other.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
July 4, 2012
Rock stars? Check.
Rock Star antics? Triple Check.
Excessive drama and talking times infinity? Trillion Checks times ten.

Oh, there was so much that should have been edited from this story. I don't even care to name the issues I've had read it. Truthfully, Jett and Goldie talked so much, I'm surprised this wasn't a ghost story. Those two men could not still be alive after expelling so much hot air out their lungs. And it's not the characters fault because they were written this way. I love rock stars in fiction but if they talked this much in other books, I'd give up on the genre on a whole. The concept of the story was great. The guys just talked too much to appreciate the underlying theme I think the authors were trying to portray. (I agree with another reviewer's complaint of Jett talking so much during sex that you forgot that he and Goldie were having sex.)

Please curious readers take this review as a CAUTION BEWARE.
Profile Image for Stacey Jo.
631 reviews205 followers
April 3, 2011
I really enjoyed this book. Yes, there was a lot of dialog and it was flowery and sometimes could be overdone but I felt it fit the story. Jet and Goldie, being opposites, were perfect for each other. Jet's self-assured, agressive, "laugh in the face of the world" attitude was what Goldie's less confident, quiet, more meek character needed and they balanced each other well. They were like Yin and Yang. The sex scenes were hot, minus all the talking. The underlying story line was interesting despite not having a great deal of depth but I don't think this story was written to be some earth shattering tome either so I had not issues with that. There was also very little to no angst at all. It was a light-hearted, sexty, fun read with two really hot and sexy rock stars. I you like rockstars and want a light read that isn't overly long, this is a good one for you.
Profile Image for Emeli Webb.
135 reviews62 followers
May 18, 2021
I loved this book and I loved jett how he rescued goldie like a Knight in shining armor and I loved The way they Both healed each other so all in all a very sweet and fluffy Romance with a touch of angst
Profile Image for SueM.
777 reviews144 followers
March 7, 2012
This theme/character is definitely a favorite of mine and this story is a happy addition to my collection.

I admit, when I started reading this story, I couldn't help but notice the initial similarities to Zathyn Priest's earlier work The Curtis Reincarnation - young prodigy controlled emotionally/psychologically by a manager who entered their lives at a vulnerable time in their life, being rescued by a straight guy who becomes gay/out- for-you upon meeting the musician in person. Fortunately, Jett's chracter with its brashness, addictions and own band troubles soon ended the similarities between the two stories.

I really liked Jett's character, particularly as he evolved/grew up as the story continued, meaning all his abrasiveness stayed but was no longer self-directed, and instead turned outward to protect Billy, their relationship and their careers. Billy, on the other hand, was a little boring at times, showing much less development over the course of the story, yet he still was a like-able character.

I feel the first half of the novel was weaker than the latter half, probably due in part to the similarities to Zathyn's novel, and in part due to the long deep and meaningful conversations held in the middle of the sex scenes - particularly the second sex scene! Yikes, get real please!

The first half is probably 3 stars for me, but the second half, with more character and plot development rates 4 stars. Overall, though, I did enjoy reading the novel, and if you're in the mood for a Gay Rocker story and have not yet read it, then it's definitely worth a look.
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,471 reviews107 followers
November 18, 2014
Some of the books I've read in the past few months have been on my radar only because of the number of points I could gather for Scavenger Hunt. This is one of them. It's not a title or an author(s) I've heard of before, but I generally like rockstars/musicians stories so I hoped it would be good.

I will be kind in saying that it was slightly above PWP. In short, Billy Goldean, aka "the Goldie" meets Jethro "Jett" Black, a punk rockstar who wallows in alcohol and drugs and has a reputation as a very bad boy, a reputation upheld by his lifestyle and by the women he uses after every concert. When Jett tells Rolling Stones magazine that Goldie is the star he'd most like to have sex with, Goldie is so impressed that he sneaks backstage at one of Jett's concerts to meet him. He's in disguise so Jett never knows it's him, but Goldie feels the same attraction to Jett as Jett feels to him and it isn't until a chance meeting at another time that the two get to act out their desire for each other.

This story is insta-love, lots of sex, I repeat-- LOTS of sex, then love and support for each other, more sex, they start a recording company together, more sex, etc. And through it all Jett keeps drinking and drugging and there's not even a mention of it being addictive or unhealthy or in any way out of the norm. Not to be prissy, but I've worked in the D& A rehab field and I couldn't really get past that. Or the sex, the mindless and constant sex.

So though I can't say I hated it and the story was okay, it's not something I'd recommend to others.
Profile Image for Karel.
279 reviews66 followers
April 13, 2013
Would have been a 3 if not for three things:

1. The characters (mostly Jett) rant instead of talk, sometimes going on a solo diatribe for two to three paragraphs while other people stand around waiting for them to finish. This just doesn't happen in real life, especially among angry people, and it sounds terribly unrealistic. It reads like a speech, and if people interrupt that, why wouldn't they interrupt this?

2. The relationship goes through a really ridiculous period for a contemporary, realistic setting. The both of them have been fapping to each other's MVs for a long time, Jett saves Billy for a bit and then suddenly they're going at it like bunnies... And one of them is supposed to be straight. It feels as if the author isn't quite sure how to go about making them fall in love, and just chose the simplest way to get it over with.

3. Cattiness of the characters. Jett likes the sound of his own voice too much, and Billy is like a mini-catty version of him. They, as I mentioned in (1), talk way too much, and not just talk either - they tend to act like bitchy little kitties in a catfight. All MROW MROW and SCRATCH SCRATCH. Which is fine because they're stars, but this, combined with the paragraph-long-speeches just makes it feel very tedious.

Overall, it's a pretty fluffy read, if you dig slightly cheesy and corny confessions of love like a mp3 on loop. Or if you just dig celebrities.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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