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"You can be scared of something, even terrified, and still have the courage to do what’s required. I would not let my fear rule me. I would do what I had to do to put this right."

As the leaseholder’s daughter, Adriana Price holds a position of importance onboard the AUS Aquila. But not everything is as it seems.

Death and danger have followed her from Old Earth, and Adi soon finds herself facing threats from every which way onboard the spaceship.

Teaming up with the dashing and heroic Captain Hugo Tremblay, Adi finds a strength inside that defies the devastation and horror closing in from all directions.

Courage and chivalry explode like supernovas, but can the civilian and captain truly win against an out of control, lethal artificial intelligence?

And can any of them hope to survive the treacherous voyage to New Earth unscathed?

When humanity reaches for the stars in a race for survival, only the most daring amongst them will succeed.

302 pages, ebook

Published March 31, 2018

About the author

Nicola Claire

80 books733 followers
Nicola Claire lives in beautiful Taupo, New Zealand with her husband, two teenage boys and a Miniature Schnauzer named Rudy.

A bit of a romance junkie, she can be known to devour as many as half a dozen books a week if she drinks too much coffee. But her real passion is writing sexy, romantic suspense stories with strong female leads and alpha male protagonists who know how to love them.

So far, she’s written well over 70 books. She might have caught the writing bug; here’s hoping there’s no cure!

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Profile Image for Celestine.
952 reviews118 followers
April 5, 2018
I have been putting off doing a review of this book because it deserves a good one and I have been so busy. But I have resigned myself to the fact that if I keep waiting I will never write anything at all, so here goes my inadequate and hurried attempt.

As always, Claire pens original characters in the most harrowing situations. This book especially was full of excitement. Seriously, this novel is thrilling and full of strategy and battle and incredibly original. The AI is evil, so even the artificial character gets a very distinct personality. The ingenue steals the show, paired with a young, brash officer given too much responsibility too soon. Watching both rise to the challenge is absorbing. Talk about new adults with some gravitas. I think the life lesson in this book is to never make assumptions about anyone and to never underestimate a hero. Look for favorite characters of past books to make an appearance, too.

I have LOVED this series. It is one of my favorites in the SFR sub-genre. I hope the author finds her way to pick it up again once the Sector Fleet reaches their destination. I want more! I am so not ready to leave this world!

If you have liked SFR books Ruby Lionsdrake, Christine Pope, Catherine Spangler or Nina Croft, I know you will enjoy this excellent series. Very highly recommended.

Book source: Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews458 followers
October 29, 2018
Ouch... I ddin't like this one as much as the previous books... :(((

Sadly this one was a NA...

The heroine, Ari... what to say? I was sorry for her and the life she had with her psychopathic father, but she was soooo meek and weak!!!

The hero, Hugo, is a young officer who, when everybody else is killed by the said Ari's psychopathic father, take the place of captain. But he's very young and doubts his ability to act as captain in a very critical situation.

I don't know why Hugo's fallen for Ari. There was some attempt by the author to explain both Air's meekness and Hugo's attraction to her, but for me it was very, very lame...

The most interesting part was when the other ships come into the story and acted with all together to save the ship and all the civilians on it.

I'm really, really sorry to rate this only 3 stars, but I couldn't connect with both MCs... Even the supposedly hot moments, that I enjoyed in the previous books and tension breakers, here were awkward and I almost felt like a perv watching dirty porn. I just couldn't think that such a person as Ari would act in a certain way (aggressive) or that Hugo would have been turn on by her then when two pages before she was trmbling in fear!

Still, I'm sorry that the author will not write any more books in this unverse! I would have liked to read what happens when they get on New Earth!
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews373 followers
February 5, 2019
The fourth book in The Sector Fleet series by Nicola Claire. Adriana Price is the leaseholder's daughter onboard the AUS Aquila and one would think she was a pampered princess. But Adriana/Adi runs away and hides when she discovers her father's evil secret. Aquila made her a safe place before he was corrupted by her father. Then Aquila started killing off senior members of the crew and Chief Tactical Officer Hugo Trembley becomes the Captain of the Aquila and must do everything he can to save the passengers and crew from the rogue AI and the evil person controlling him.

Good conclusion to the series. I would have loved to have had an epilogue when the people reach New Earth and begin their new lives.
2,699 reviews8 followers
April 10, 2018
What an ending to this amazing series! I was pulled in right from page 1 and was really fascinated by the plot of this story. Of course, the romance between these two complex characters really stands out and makes the book even more engaging. Ms. Claire has created an entire world in this series that is so creative and gripping. Sci-fi normally isn't my thing, but I really connected to all of the characters in these 4 stories. The plots are all fast moving and action-packed with plenty of heartwarming romance. Each book in this series has felt fresh and unique, and this 4th installment is no exception.

Hugo is thrust into the role of captain and he sometimes feels like an impostor not worthy of the job, which is something I could really relate to. His relationship with Adi helps to change his viewpoint and makes him a better captain. Adi is afraid of her father, who just happens to be the leaseholder. Her strength and courage balanced with her vulnerability and fragility is really amazing and makes her a heroin you can truly root for. Their romance was more of a slow build, and it was great to watch them really fall in love. They balance each other out and are there when the other has to deal with a hard choice or a tough reality. While Ana and Jameson are probably still my favorite couple from this series, Adi and Hugo are a very close second!

The AI was completely different in this story, but I can't really say much more on that without giving things away. There were lots of other secondary characters here that helped make the story deeper and more interesting. It was great seeing the characters from the other installments as well! The epilogue was cute, although I'll admit I wouldn't have complained if there was just a little more to it. Overall, a fantastic ending to a fun and dynamic series! While I'm sad to see it end, I'm glad it went out on a high note!
396 reviews5 followers
June 10, 2023
A bit of a disappointing wrap up considering how much I liked the rest of the series but still enjoyable
Profile Image for Jamie.
859 reviews29 followers
November 17, 2019
4.25 Stars! Zenith Point is the heart-thumping conclusion to Nicola’s new, romantic Sci-fi series. The race to New Earth continues, but hope of reaching it wanes as danger surrounds them.

In normal circumstances, Adriana Price’s position onboard the AUS Aquila would be one of some import and a point of pride. Unfortunately, the situation is far from normal. To the public, Adi leads a privileged, unconcerned life, but everything is not as it appears on the surface. For some time, Adi has been forced to live a very isolated and controlled life, full of fear and danger not associated with unpredictable solar flares. She’s done her best to cope, relying solely on her canine companion for friendship and love. Not much has changed since fleeing the dying Earth, other than the fact she’s been able to add the AI, Aquila, to her short list of friends. But the risk of death and danger wasn’t left behind on Old Earth. Adi soon finds herself facing threats from every angle, with no safe harbor to hide. Something is very wrong, and in order to make it right, she must team up with the handsome Hugo Tremblay. And the unexpected happens. A simple spark flares between them, but it means so much more. With the other at their side, Adi and Hugo find the strength and fortitude to rise above the death and destruction all around them. But can their ragtag rebel army and the surviving command structure win against a power-hungry leaseholder and outmanoeuvre a rogue AI with full command of their ship?

I’ve been anticipating this book since reading the last word of Right Ascension. I was desperate to learn what became of Leo and Ana, and I was also anxious to find out how the crew and civilians fared after seeing Aquila and what he was capable of. Upon meeting Adi, I wasn’t all that impressed, to be honest. I felt she sounded very young and weak, and she didn’t connect with me right away. While she was indeed young, the life she had led, the pain and isolation she endured, quickly brought her up in my estimation. In fact, I was surprised she had held onto the limitless compassion, hope, love, and trust that she did. She was young, petite, and seemingly fragile, but there was an inner strength that kept her going, and helped her to join the crew in their endeavors. She wasn’t badass in the traditional sense, wearing her strength like armor for all to see. She wore it privately, internally, calling on it to bolster her courage and hope as well as those around her. It was pretty amazing. I didn’t connect with Hugo right away, either. His mistrust of Adi, while at first smart considering the circumstances, seemed to go on too long. I couldn’t countenance his theory of Adi being a possible spy. Especially after what she did for them. I did come to like him, though. He was weighted with responsibility he never intended to take on, but he stood strong shouldering it and becoming the leader everyone needed. The fact that he wasn’t at all confident in his ability made him more human, vulnerable, and in effect made him more understandable and likeable. Adi and Hugo’s relationship was what I’d call a slow-burn. Obviously, their situation didn’t allow for a traditional courtship. They saw a strength and comfort in each other that the other needed. It was sweet and natural in an environment that was anything but. In the end, I was happy with the direction the story went, and had only a couple of concerns. Supporting cast was pretty great in this book. There was a bigger human presence, rather than AI input, as was the case with previous books. I liked and respected the command structure that Hugo created for himself. I was a little disappointed that the connection with the AI wasn’t as strong as with Pavo, Vela, and Corvus, but the absence of that connection worked for the story. The leaseholder confrontation was a bit of a letdown, as well. I felt the anticipation built and built, and then sort of fizzled with an unsatisfactory end. At least for Adi. I wanted her to have a chance to show that inner strength. To show her father who she was. That said, I still liked the story. As Nicola has done with every book in this series, the conflicts our hero and heroine had to overcome were similar to those of their counterparts, but also uniquely their own. Not at any time did I feel I was reading something I’d read before. The twists and turns of Zenith Point had me equal parts on edge and fearful of the outcome. I didn’t want to to stop reading. The world, or rather universe, Nicola created was exceptional; complex, beautiful, filled with hope, but fraught with dangerous pitfalls. The writing was, as usual, fantastic, and the characters more so. The end came too soon, but it came with hope for both the readers and the survivors of The Sector Fleet. I’ve always believed Nicola was an author who subscribed to the old adage “Never Say Never”, and she’s shown it here, brilliantly. After all, space is a vast place and anything can happen. ♡
Profile Image for The Book Worm.
721 reviews14 followers
June 5, 2023
Zenith Point is the fourth and final book in the in the Sector Fleet series by Nicola Claire, and closely follows books one (Accelerating Universe), two (Apparent Brightness) and three (Right Ascension). Actually, the timeline of Zenith Point runs parallel to the one of Right Ascension almost until the very end, when the characters from the previous books all get together. A lot of the events we read about in Zenith Point are the ones that we already saw in Right Ascension, though now from different points of view (and, for a while, opposite sides of what amounts to practically a war between two ships with artificial intelligences on board).

I can't say that Zenith Point is not well written or that, in terms of action, is inferior to any of the previous books - but I didn't get on very well with either Hugo or Adi as main characters. And Aquila is definitely not my favorite AI in the series.

In any case, it's the conclusion of the epic adventure that started on book one, and there's no way not to want to read it one way or the other. Overall, this is a great series for lovers of science fiction books with a dose of romance (more in some of the books than others, but there nonetheless) and you shouldn't miss it.
Profile Image for Julie Sherman.
1,460 reviews18 followers
March 26, 2018
4th book in series

I no this is the last of the series, but I can hope there will be a couple more. This book bargain with a dramatic and deadly flare. What's left is a crew struggling to find its way with the odds against them and a very small passenger having to be the center of attention and not all ways in a good way. This story proves that even the most unassuming person can make a difference under extreme circumstances even when no one trust them. The ending was great and also leave an opening for more to come hopefully. Well done Nicola Claire, I look forward to others in your series and maybe hopefully a couple more of this one.
319 reviews3 followers
September 1, 2018
Great ending to a brilliant series

Sector Fleet series is romance-suspense-action that just happens to be set on the spaceships escaping a dying earth. No blue aliens, no insta-love, no magic. Just goold story telling, believable world building and a strong caset of lead (and supporting AI) characters in each book.

Series does need to be read in order to be understood.

Would have been willing to buy the series set, but appreciated their availability on Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Lara.
80 reviews
October 28, 2019
Love this Series!

The only bad thing about this book is that it means the series is over! Wow, it's such a great series and this book might be my favorite of the 4. This is my first foray into this author's works and I will definitely be checking out more of her books. Read them, you won't regret it!

Side note: you should start with book one. The stories are mostly self contained, but it makes it better to start from the beginning.
Profile Image for Katrina.
711 reviews43 followers
May 4, 2018

This was a satisfying closure to this chapter
of a fun series with lots of room to continue the adventure as they have not reached their destination yet. Would really love to see of the fleets and their gallant crews. Highly enjoyable.
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