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Debutante Diaries #1

First Earl I See Tonight

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An heiress with a daring proposal. An earl who’s determined to resist her. And a love that just might be written in the stars…

Recently jilted by his fiancée, David Gray, Earl of Ravenport is not in the market for a wife. Even if Gray didn’t have his hands full renovating his crumbling country house, it would take more than a bold marriage proposal from a headstrong young beauty to thaw his frozen heart. Gray is confident that spending a week at his ramshackle estate will change her mind about marriage, but every passionate moment he spends with her tempts him to change his…

A talented artist, Miss Fiona Hartley desperately needs her dowry money to pay off a blackmailer set on ruining her sister. The handsome earl seems a sensible choice for a husband…if only she can convince him that romance will play no part. But marrying in name only may prove difficult for Fiona. Gray can’t help but be dazzled by her genuine warmth. Yet as their feelings deepen, Fiona’s deadline looms. Will her secrets destroy them, or is true love their final destiny?

352 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 30, 2018

About the author

Anna Bennett

11 books457 followers
Anna Bennett started swiping romances from her mom’s bookshelf as a teenager and decided historicals (with their balls, dukes, and gowns) were the best. So, when she had the chance to spend a semester in London she packed her bags—and promptly fell in love with the city, its history, and its pubs. She dreamed of writing romance, but somehow ended up a software analyst instead.

Fortunately, a few years and a few careers later, Anna found her way back to writing the stories she loves and won the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart® for Regency Historical Romance. She lives in Maryland with her husband and three children, who try valiantly not to roll their eyes whenever she quotes Jane Austen. Her weaknesses include reality TV, cute shoes, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Sign up for Anna's newsletter here! http://bit.ly/2dFW5bv

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 315 reviews
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,058 reviews153 followers
August 26, 2018
Now, see, the thing is, I have only myself to blame. When an author is promoted as being "consistently compared to Eloisa James and Tessa Dare", alarm bells should go off in my head (they did, in fact, but stupid me felt in the mood for something light and fluffy and ignored them…) and tell me to stay away. The thing is, neither of those two authors' works have appealed to me lately for some reason. Which is a shame, because I used to LOVE their books. The point I am trying to make with this rambling is, if you love Tessa Dare and Eloisa James, you will adore this book! It just isn't my thing. I wish I could love them as much as everyone else and just suspend my belief and go with all the crazy antics, but I can't. I bet this will be one of those books everyone around me will love, so please keep in mind that I am usually the odd one out with my opinion.

Things I liked:
- I did like both main characters on their own. They were good people in desperate situations (however contrived I personally might think those to be) who tried to keep their respective families together and would sacrifice anything for their safety and happiness. I applaud that. They had great bickering, and I really believed their relationship developing gradually into affection and more. I loved spending time with them as a couple!
- The friendship between the titular debutantes. I'm all in favor of girls being friends without bringing each other and other women in their circles down.

Unfortunately, those were outweighed by the things that did not work for me:

-The premise:
I have some issues with the thing that brings the main characters together: See, the heroine is being blackmailed by someone threatening to announce her family's darkest secret to the world. And while I WISH I could be the kind of reader who applauds her gumption and courage, my logical brain kept nagging at the little things: If her father is one of the richest merchants in town who wants his daughters to make good marriages, why not blackmail him? Why would anyone blackmail a woman who can't even access her substantial dowry unless she marries (and even then, it would take her a while to access her funds)? And yes, it is stated that the father is not healthy and she fears the shock would kill him, but really… This plot could have easily worked in a contemporary setting for me, but it just felt too modern for me (a problem I have a lot these days),

-The drama:
Oh the drama. Because the initial blackmail was not enough, things just piled on, one thing after another, and I, unfortunately, just loathe it when that happens. I didn't mind the hero's deep dark secret that left him scarred and incapable of loving (much…), but I do mind that it seemed to me to simply be there for the blackmailer to hold something else over the heroine . Then there was the obligatory visit from the hero's ex-fiancé who showed up towards the end to stir up trouble, a heroine who sacrifices her virtue because she feels that she will never see the hero again anyway, so why not, and then the reveal of the villain who went from nice person to blackmailer to knife-brandishing fiend… I just don't enjoy plots where one thing after another overshadows the romance. Seriously, I prefer those books everyone else calls boring, uneventful, and too smooth a ride to happily ever after!

So please, if you like authors like James and Dare, do give this one a try and ignore my grumbling! It really is a good book, just not one I can enjoy. Seriously, go look at all the glowing five-star reviews. I'm in the minority, as usual!

*I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Joanna Loves Reading.
609 reviews251 followers
September 16, 2018
2.5 Stars

When trying a new-to-me author, I try to keep an open mind, but I had some difficulty in doing that with this one. The problem is that this ARC came to me after a series of disappointing ARCs for new-to-me, established authors, so I was leery. I had my defenses in place for another disappointing sampling of a new-to-me author. Then it started chipping away at those defenses. While it took a little for me to get into the writing — it felt somewhat clunky and wordy at first, it did start to flow well after the first chapter or two. It wasn’t going to take a place amongst my favorites, but it was very readable. The MCs were likable and their romance was enjoyable (there was a particularly yummy scene in a rowboat). I was rooting for them and found several parts sweet and compelling. Fiona was a resourceful and endearing heroine, and Gray was a grumpy yet attractive hero. They were both honorable, which I appreciated.

So, what went wrong? The choice in villain. I am so mad about this still! And not only was the choice upsetting to me, but the villain was much worse than expected. Instead of lessening the blow, the author chose to amp up the volume. The joke was on me. I let my guard down while this plot twist snuck past and set a bomb. There was very little build up for it, and it essentially ruined the read for me. Sweet gestures by the hero at the end the book were nice, but at that point it all just felt contrived and convoluted.

*I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
September 12, 2024
Way too much, yet so insubstantial

Chosen for the 2024 reading bingo challenge ✧˖°.🎧📖

The author adds so many plot threads but none are explored well. Not to mention her MCs aren't the brightest bulbs...

➜ The many, many threads

⊹ An heiress heroine who's clumsy but draws really well
⊹ A sister with a secret background
⊹ An evil but not too evil step mother
⊹ A neglectful but beloved father who's too sick to help but not sick enough to spend his whole time working
⊹ Blackmail
⊹ The identity of the blackmailer
⊹ The identity of the blackmailer's lover (ew, what was up with that connection?)
⊹ A grumpy hero with a tragic past
⊹ A crumbling estate
⊹ A grandma going blind who also somehow is the daughter of the hero's great grandfather (earl), also grew up in the estate and is the mother of the hero's father (the previous earl)... the primogeniture math isn't mathing 🙃
⊹ A jilting(? she who does the jilting?) OW

These might seem like just elements that wouldn't necessarily play any other part than give context to a story, but alas, they all somehow come directly into play and are important to the plot.

But nothing is given more than a token, half-assed explanation (well, maybe the OW didn't need more than her being a superficial ah).

➜ The sunshine heroine made tstl

How does this story manage to have the heroine who's an heiress with enough money to bring countless earldoms back to their glory purse the hero who doesn't have two shillings to spare? She even begs him to marry her.

Putting that aside 📌

⊹ How is she breaking up with the only person who can help her better than dealing with the blackmailer on her own?

⊹ How is paying the blackmailer making the problem go away? What's stopping him from taking the money and still publishing all the bad things?

⊹ How is letting the blackmailer continue his association with important to you people doing them a favor?

Nothing she does makes any sense...

The grumpy hero made tstl

I get that the trauma of his past is pretty bad, but dude... She originally comes to you with the most convenient proposal ever...

Him pushing her away for the sake of making the story longer was so stupid.

Then there's the reason for that rejection that couldn't decide if it was 'because fiancée broke my heart' or 'because my parents were psychos'.

Finally, the 'twist' is not emotional, it just makes the hero look like an idiot for being deceived for 20 years...

Bingo card progress

11⭕】【12⭕】 【13 🎰】 【14⚫】【15⭕
16⭕】【17⭕】 【18⭕】 【19⭕】【20⭕
21⭕】【22⭕】【23⭕】 【24⭕】【25⭕
Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,681 reviews192 followers
October 8, 2018
Series: Debutant Diaries #1
Publication Date: 10/30/18

I thoroughly enjoyed this read even though a few things puzzled me. It was fast-paced and kept me reading well past my bedtime. I enjoyed the characters and wanted to see them have their HEA and to see the villain punished.

David Gray, Earl of Ravenport inherited his earldom when he was much too young, twelve to be exact. He had a traumatic childhood and his father’s, and then his mother’s passing were tragic as well. Now, he’s an adult with a bankrupt earldom. He’s taciturn, dark, cold and more guarded than most. Given the way he was raised and the horror he witnessed, he knows that he will never give his heart to anyone. He’d even tried that once only to have the woman break the betrothal. His one goal at the moment is to refurbish the Fortress – the name Gray had given his manor house. He needed to do that for his grandmother who was the one bright light in his otherwise dark world and now, she’s losing her eyesight. Gray wants to restore that cherished childhood home before she loses her sight and can’t see it at all.

Miss Fiona Hartley is the very lovely, caring daughter of an insanely rich mill owner. She loves her sister and her father beyond measure – and well – maybe her step-mother a bit as well. Fiona is a bit gangly and accident prone which seems to keep her suitors away. As a gifted artist, she usually sees through to the real person underneath the one that is shown to the world. Now, there is trouble, big trouble, in her world. Someone is blackmailing her and if she doesn’t pay, they’ll reveal a family secret that would ruin Fiona’s family and her sister in particular. She has no access to those kinds of funds, so how can she pay him? Well, she decides her only choice is to very quickly find someone to marry her. She only needs to find an impoverished peer who will marry her for her very sizable fortune.

Fiona has considered and eliminated a number of men of the ton and has finally settled on the Earl of Ravenport. He was sweet and considerate to her when she had a mishap at a ball – and when he gripped her hand to help her up, she felt a jolt of electricity. So, she writes him a very businesslike letter outlining terms and conditions and proposes marriage. You can surely imagine his reaction when he received that letter. He tells her no, but she is persistent and he has to find some way to dissuade her. So, what does he come up with? He decides to invite her, her family and a friend to visit his home for a house party. He is sure that will do the trick because the last fiancé he took to his home jilted him promptly.

I loved watching them come to care for each other and realize that each wanted only the other. I would have loved to see an epilogue in this book. Something set a couple of years into the future -- with the Fortress all restored, maybe a baby and a wonderful relationship with Fiona's father restored.

You noticed that I said there were some things that puzzled me – weren’t right – or just bothered me. Obviously they didn’t bother me a lot because I gave the book a 4-star rating, but still, they are puzzling. What are they – well here are some of them. (1) Why would a blackmailer choose to black Fiona? She’s rich but has absolutely no access to actual funds. Why wouldn’t the blackmailer blackmail either the father who does have access to money or the sister who would be directly affected by the revelation - even though she doesn't have access to funds either? (2) Why would there be a gratuitous appearance by the former fiancé? It added nothing to the story and just annoyed me. Why she would do that wasn’t explained or even hinted at. Just made no sense. (3) When a peer commits suicide their title and property are NOT forfeit to the crown unless there are no heirs. Treason was about the only reason the title and lands would be forfeit. (4) During the Regency period, when people committed suicide, they weren’t required to be buried at a crossroads with a wooden stake through their heart. They probably couldn’t be buried in consecrated ground, but that would be the only thing. (5) ** Possible Spoiler here. When Gray has foiled the blackmailer and prints the sketch, Fiona is ready to jump into his arms and marry him right then – but – SHE doesn’t know he’s foiled the blackmailer and the blackmailer specifically said he’d ruin Gray if she didn’t stay away from him. (6) The way the blackmailer was dealt with. He was pummeled and told to leave town and never come back or there would be a duel. Say what? How does that foil him? All he has to do is mail the letters to the newspaper, just as he threatened – and he can do that from anywhere.

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"I requested and received this e-book at no cost to me and volunteered to read it; my review is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher."
Profile Image for Liina.
303 reviews113 followers
October 30, 2018
Fiona is in need of her dowry money to pay off the blackmailer, who threatens to reveal her sister’s secret. She decided to propose marriage to David Gray, Earl of Ravenport. Gray is in need of money to renovate the Fortress, and even if he’s not interested in marriage after her latest engagement ended badly, she is intrigued by Fiona. Gray decided to invite Fiona, her sister and stepmother to his Fortress for a week, which he thought would scare her away, but Fiona is not like any other woman. Will the week at the Fortress change Gray’s opinion on marriage?

It’s the first book in the Debutante Diaries series and I very much enjoyed it. I loved the banter between Fiona and Gray and the mystery around the blackmailer. The secondary characters were great as well and I can’t wait to read Lily’s story. Overall it’s a well written book with wonderful characters and a great setting.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
October 30, 2018

I love first stories in new series and First Earl I See Tonight is no exception. Anna Bennett is a strong voice in historical romance and the Debutante Diaries series looks promising. Two sisters and a good friend all pledge to write a journal about their First Season and plan to share in their old age. First up is Fiona Hartley. Being desperate to marry in order to get her dowry to pay off a blackmailer, she boldly propositions the Earl of Ravenport to marry before the deadline, and his immediate answer is no. She’s determined to not take no for an answer and pushes on. David Gray, Earl of Ravenport, hopes to dissuade Fiona and invites her and her family for a house party at his country estate, the Fortress, and let the old place speak for itself. If that doesn’t scare her away he doesn’t know what will. He has his own reasons for not marrying but being around Fiona he sees her for who she truly is and wonders what if.

The story is a mix of mystery, suspense and romance. Fiona has a limited time before the family secret is exposed and boldly takes steps to get David to change his mind. The more time they spend together the more they both develop strong feelings for one another. One kiss turns into two and before you know it they are seeking each other out for one more touch. Over the course of the house party Fiona and David also learn to trust another person with their secrets. Both could ruin a person and/or family seeing suicide is a taboo and could devastate David and his elderly grandmother. Fiona’s family secret was no less damaging and she would do anything to protect those that she loves. Both these characters showed strength and maturity that resonated well with me. I also love Fiona’s journal entries because it really adds more to the story with her more personal and private voice. Fans of historical romance are going to love this story. The writing was crisp, the pace was good and the story itself was fulfilling.
Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,250 reviews117 followers
October 30, 2018
When Fiona, an heiress of considerable wealth, becomes the victim of a blackmailer, she isn't cowed as much as she becomes determined to protect those she loves from scandal, by any means necessary.

Her solution? Get married, gain access to her dowry and pay off the blackmailer. And is just so happens that David Gray, the Earl of Davenport is short of funds and short a fiancé since his ex cried off just a few months ago.

It's a win-win. Fiona gets the money needed to make the blackmailer keep his silence and Gray gets the money he needs to restore his grandmother's childhood home. Except Gray isn't as compliant as Fiona had hoped. He is stubborn and prideful and convinced they would never suit.

Although she proposed a marriage of convenience, the more time she spends with Gray, the more she yearns for a true love match. And Fiona isn't a quitter. With her sights and now her heart set on Gray, she'll have to pull all the stops to win him over.

I liked the story and the MCs, for the most part, were great. Fiona was a strong heroine who was smart, funny and sweet. Gray was a good guy but it was hard to warm up to him since he stubbornly pushed the h away for a large part of the story. He does redeem himself but I would have liked to see him more decisive when it came to Fiona and Helena. The author didn't really give us any solid reason why Gray was so hung up on the ex. I never got a sense that either of them were ever emotionally invested in the other. In other words, it wasn't painted as a huge love affair, for either party. We know she didn't feel anything for him and Gray never described her as anything special (other than her physical beauty) so it didn't make sense why he was so bothered by the broken engagement. Or why he clung to that as the reason for pushing his h away.

Memorable Moment: Gray's one (and only?) attempt at poetry :)
“Her beauty is so great no mermaid can compare.
To challenge her in archery I would not dare.
And whether we travel by horse or by boat,
Her company keeps my troubled soul afloat.”

God, this was an abomination. He stared at his paper and prepared to deliver the final couplet.

“With her, my future I intend to plan,
Forever striving to be a better man.”

* * * ARC provided for an honest review * * *
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Amarilli 73 .
2,487 reviews85 followers
September 22, 2021
3 stelline e mezzo

Forse sono io che mi faccio più ottusa con l'età, ma mi pare che certi romanzi "americani" si basino su trame sempre più assurde...
Fiona, figlia di un ricchissimo mercante, viene ricattata da un losco figuro che vuole soldi, minacciando di far scoppiare uno scandalo che riguarda non lei, ma la sorellastra. E per questo Fiona decide che deve sposarsi entro poche settimane per sbloccare la dote, e, da brava borghese, conclude che deve impalmare niente meno che un conte.
Cioè, con l'acqua alla gola, ma un altro borghese, proprio no...

In tutto questo, uno si chiede (razionalmente parlando): perché il losco figuro non si è presentato semplicemente dal padre di lei, che aveva la cassaforte a portata di mano?
Perché puntare su una ragazza nubile, che non ha un soldo nella propria disponibilità personale?

Da qui è un crescendo non-sense.
Il candidato nobile adocchiato è in rovina e necessita di pecunia per riparare - letteralmente - il tetto di casa (a un certo punto cadono calcinacci persino e ci sono i topi che corrono nei muri e le ante degli armadi sono marce di umidità... forse la Bennett ha visto troppi thriller gotici, anziché studiare un po' ambienti e costumi dell'epoca).
In più Ravenport ha il cuore a pezzettini per essere stato respinto dalla precedente fidanzata (nobile). Non voglio dire che, in queste condizioni, uno si sarebbe sposato all'istante e pure per procura, senza manco soffermarsi sulla sposa, tuttavia il nostro ha remore: povero in canna e pubblicamente additato come "quello scaricato da Helen", ma si mette a fare il difficile...

Fiona lo tartassa per farsi dire sì e lui pensa bene di appiopparla agli amici, salvo diventare geloso all'istante. Al contempo, scopriamo che gli amici non corteggiano Fiona per fare un favore al conte, ma perché a quanto pare lei è bella e simpatica. Indi per cui: tutta questa impalcatura per farsi sposare per la dote, a che serviva? Possibile che non ci fosse già un nutrito gruppo di corteggiatori?
Soprattutto: perché non limitarsi a portare al banco dei pegni uno dei tanti gioielli di famiglia e saldare il losco figuro senza duecento pagine di difficoltà?

A prescindere dal senso logico (su cui ho deciso di soprassedere), va detto che il romanzo si fa leggere ed è scorrevole (da ciò il mio giudizio discreto): ho provato simpatia per Ravenport, accerchiato da donne (dalla nonna a Fiona&family) che deve compiacere, alle prese con problemi materiali e non proprio consoni al suo rango, e che speso si ritrova a compiere delle scelte dietro forti pressioni esterne.
Fiona è senza dubbio intraprendente e meriterebbe di dirigere gli affari del padre.
Ho inoltre apprezzato che non esiti a sacrificarsi per la sorella (per quanto, lo ribadisco, per sacrificarsi decide di diventare contessa e sposare un ragazzone sexy e intrigante!).
Insomma, una tipa tosta e furbacchiona, a cui va il plauso di ogni lettrice.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,712 reviews89 followers
November 8, 2018
First Earl I See Tonight is the romance between a shy and clumsy heiress and a jilt and cynical earl in a desperate financial situation. When Miss Fiona Hartley receive a letter from someone trying to blackmailing her sister, threatening to reveal her real origin, our heroine doesn't hesitate to form a plan to prevent the truth from ruining her sibling and that's why she send a message to the Earl of Ravenport, asking for his hand in marriage. Fiona choose him because of his situation, but also because she respect the man. He was kind to her before when others failed to help. Ravenport think her idea is absolutely ludicrous (she doesn't give him the real reason for her proposition, and she makes it clear it would only be a marriage of convenience) but he doesn't refuse right away. He invite her to the estate he's renovating for his grandmother, thinking the poor state of the house will make her change her mind. But there's no way Fiona will reconsidered, not when her sister's reputation and well-being is on the line, and soon, it become obvious that maybe the young lady would be interested by a less platonic wedding that she first envisioned. But when things start to become more intimate between them, David makes it clear he can't give his heart. So what will happen of the heroine's clever plan ?

This is the fourth book I read by this author and I absolutely adored her previous series. I like the idea of the heroines writing in a diary a list of all the things they wish to experience during the remainder of their first season and their thoughts about what they feel, but I didn't enjoy this one as much as I wanted and it's simply because I never connected with the MC. There's nothing wrong with them. David is a man who's been hurt so many times before and thought he wasn't able to love again but his love for his grandmother was easy to see and he couldn't stop himself from falling for the heroine. Fiona was maybe a little too bold for the time, but confidence is certainly not a bad thing, nor her devotion to protect her sister. I guess I also expected them to marry right away and to see how they deal with a marriage of convenience and I was a bit disappointed that it's not what happened.

Do I still want to read the next book in the Debutante Diaries? Absolutely !
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,873 reviews747 followers
October 22, 2018
I loved the premise of this book and I’m a sucker for finding a new author with a new series, so I was all in.

I loved Fiona and Gray. She’s sassy and he’s stoic and somehow their banter and chemistry is fantastic. I enjoyed this entire group of characters, but the bond between Fiona and her sister Lily was an added bonus.

Plot wise, it moved quickly and bit more drama filled than I was expecting {and would have liked}. The thread of blackmail was a bit odd, but worked. And while it was easy for me to figure it out, I liked the journey to the end.

Overall, it was a fun read with characters who were easy to root for. I can’t wait to see if Lily gets the next book.

**Huge thanks to St. Martin’s Paperbacks for providing the arc free of charge**
Profile Image for Cat Treadgold.
Author 5 books14 followers
September 18, 2021
A tough one to rate. More like a 3.5. I liked both characters a lot, though their coming together wasn't exactly organic. In other words, the transition from dislike, to respect, to lust, to love was too quick and hard to buy. The descriptions and setting were a 5 for me. The humor, also a five, since you don't encounter enough of it in romances. The plot, a 2. Starting with the premise. The blackmailing scheme got too complicated and was too drawn out, and I didn't buy the villain's transition from harmless to hateful. Not that I didn't keep reading.... I was never tempted not to finish. That's saying something these days. I wish it didn't take so long to untangle the whole thing--hardly left room for a satisfying HEA. And come on, I hate it when a character suffers in silence when it's clear she should tell the man who loves her what is going on. Could have done without the diary entries. Not sure what they added other than words in pursuit of a certain word count.
Still... I would try another Ann Bennett. I've really been striking out in the romance genre lately.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,468 reviews351 followers
October 22, 2018
First Earl I See Tonight features an amazing romance between a woman determined to save her family from scandal and a man unwilling to put his heart on the line no matter what the reward.

After his fiancée leaves him, David Gray, Earl of Ravenport plans to avoid the marriage mart. His sole focus is renovating his crumbling country estate and ensuring his grandmother’s happiness. When Gray receives a bold marriage proposal, he thinks the woman must be crazy or desperate. Undeterred by Gray’s reluctance to agree to her proposal, Miss Fiona Hartley sets out to change his mind as she desperately needs her dowry to pay off a blackmailer threatening to ruin her sister. As Fiona and Gray engage in a battle of wills hoping to sway the other to their side, the passion that sparks between them threatens to consume them both.

Fiona is a talented artist who is incredibly passionate about her work despite her stepmother’s dismissive attitude in regards to her portraits. I admired Fiona’s dedication to her work and it was clear how much she loved it. Fiona has always been on the outskirts of society despite her family’s wealth and as a result is fiercely loyal to the friends she does have.

Gray didn’t have a stable upbringing and due to his father’s neglect of his duties, his estate and home are in jeopardy. With his grandmother experiencing health issues, Gray is determined to restore the family estate to its former glory while she still has the opportunity to experience it. Gray’s love for his grandmother was quite admirable and I adored their relationship.

I enjoyed how it was Fiona who proposed marriage and was the one trying to convince Gray to agree to a marriage of convenience. Her determination to win him over was wonderful to watch and I loved how she had a counterargument to every excuse he came up with. Plus, I absolutely loved watching these two slowly fall for each other during the house party. The one thing they both seemed able to accept from the start was how much they were attracted to each other. The tension was palpable whenever they were alone and it was incredibly hot when they finally progressed their relationship.

The blackmail plot definitely took a few turns I didn’t see coming and was the only area I had issues with in the book. While I did like the blackmail plot itself, ultimately I didn’t like the choice for the villain. Their motive was a bit suspect in my opinion and throughout the book I had another character in mind as the culprit who I thought was a more compelling choice. For the side characters, Gray’s grandmother is incredibly sweet and I enjoyed her scenes very much. As to Fiona’s sister Lily and their best friend Sophie, I loved them both and I’m very excited for their books.

First Earl I See Tonight ended up being a fantastic start to the author’s new series and I can’t wait for Lily’s book. I highly recommend this book if you’re looking to pick up a fun historical romance.

**I received an advance copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
January 14, 2019
This is my first book by Anna Bennett and though I had a few small issues, I found it an easy, pleasant read that I enjoyed overall.

The heroine, Fiona, is being blackmailed. Apparently, someone knows the truth of her sister’s parentage and will expose the secret unless Fiona pays him off. Before I get too far, I’ll say that my problems began here. I felt like it strained credibility that a wealthy family would raise a baby left on their doorstep and it took way too long to establish the particulars of the family dynamic. A) That they raised this orphan as their own. (I thought maybe she was the father’s bastard at first.) And B) the Mama in the story is actually Fiona’s step-mother and not even the woman who took the sister in.

Anyway, Fiona loves her sister so much that she is determined to pay the blackmailer, but the only way she can do it is by getting married and using part of her marriage portion. So she proposes to David Gray, the Earl of Ravenport. Gray is an impoverished nobleman who showed her kindness once. But he is skeptical about marriage since his betrothed dumped him. The woman took one look at his ramshackle estate and threw him over. He is determined to bring the property back to greatness, though, for the sake of his grandmother.

Gray invites Fiona, her family, and some friends to the property for an impromptu house party. He figures Fiona will get one look at the place and bolt. But she is made of sterner stuff. The more time they spend together, the closer they grow. Still, Gray fights his growing feelings because he is determined he will never fall in love.

This brings me to issue number two. Gray’s reticence stems from a childhood trauma. Yet he was all ready to marry this other chick he thought he might love like five minutes ago. Which is it? Did your issues with your parents destroy you or are you butt-hurt because your last fiancé dumped you? Inconsistent.

Gray and Fiona do end up falling for each other, but the villain intercedes. And that brings me to my last complaint: the villain and his resolution. I thought his identity was inconstant with the way he was portrayed up to the reveal. And the resolution was very weak. Convenient and unbelievable.

All these complains may make it sound like I didn’t like the book, but that’s not really the case. I liked Fiona and I enjoyed watching her break down Gray’s walls. I liked how real she felt and her lack of artifice. The romance developed well and this was a couple easy to root for. You just can’t let yourself think too hard about the details.

Rating: C

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for Jayasree B.
344 reviews27 followers
November 1, 2018
Absolutely loved this book!
Romance, intrigue, a dashing lord and a woman who knows her mind - what more can one ask for in a romance!

Perfect for the weekend.

For the entire review, visit Frost At Midnite.
Profile Image for Tracy Emro.
1,951 reviews55 followers
November 2, 2018
Maybe 3.5 stars

Honestly, Anna Bennett is hit or miss for me and this book is closer to miss than hit for me.

Fiona Hartley needs to marry so she can gain access to her impressive dowry and pay off the blackmailer intent on ruining her sister. She decides David Gray, the Earl of Ravenport, is perfect for her needs. He is in need of funds and was kind to her. She has no desire for anything more than a marriage of convenience and sends him her proposal.

David is not interested in marriage - he has learned the hard way that love is not worth the pain. His live has not been easy for him and his tragic past has left him slightly bitter, broody and moody. He refuses Fiona's proposal and concentrates on trying to restore "the Fortress" to it's former glory for his grandmother, who is the only person he loves and who is losing her sight.

No is not an option for Fiona and she persists. David decides to invite her along with her family to visit - that should scare her off just as it did his former betrothed. But as he gets to know her he is no longer certain he wants to push her away.

The book is well written and after a little bit of a choppy start, settles into a smooth pace. I will admit that I have a soft spot for grumpy heroes and David certainly falls into that category. I liked Fiona and admired her devotion to her family, but the story was just so implausible and at times ludicrous and contrived. There is a lot going on before these two get a HEA, including blackmail, drama, lies, betrayal, good friends, sacrifice and a villain who gets off way to easily (IMO).

This is the first book in a new series and I will read the next installment but I am not sure I would recommend this book.
Profile Image for Pamela Sparkman.
Author 7 books285 followers
November 4, 2018
Very enjoyable!

Review now posted.

The First Earl I See Tonight by Anna Bennett was a delight and I was honored to read an advanced copy. I adored the author’s writing style as she managed to ensnare me with her descriptive, emotional, and witty prose.

Fiona Hartley needs to wed and she needs to wed quickly because that is the only way she can access her dowry money. Her family is being blackmailed, her sister, more specifically, and Fiona would do anything to protect her – even marry someone she barely knows in order to access the funds she needs to pay off the awful person who seeks to do harm to anyone she loves. But no one knows about it. The blackmail letter was sent to Fiona giving her a fortnight to pay the blackmail or her sister’s ruination will be printed in the papers.

So, what does Fiona do? She sends a letter - a proposal of marriage - to David Gray, Earl of Ravenport. He was kind to her once, and he was recently jilted, so he is most likely seeking a bride, maybe? And he needs money. And Fiona is desperate.

But when Gray receives her letter, his first reaction is to think the woman insane. And rightly so. I mean, no woman in that era proposed marriage, let alone, in a letter. However, he was curious why a woman—why this woman wrote to him. So, arranging to meet in Hyde Park, he decided to give her the opportunity to explain herself.

And thus the story begins.

I adored Gray. Having been jilted by his former fiancé, he assumes Fiona is playing some sort of game with him. He is not at all trusting—of her—or himself. He’d been wrong about a woman once before. But Fiona seems different the more time he spends with her, having invited her and her family to his home, his Fortress, for a house party. This, he did with the intentions of scaring her off for his “Fortress” was in ruins and certainly was in no condition for hosting a house party. Peeling wallpaper, furniture not fit to sit on, roof in desperate need of repair. Simply put, it needed a complete renovation. But it was his family home and his beloved grandmother’s greatest hope to see it restored before she lost her sight as she was going blind. Gray was irritated that Fiona was taking him away from the work he could be doing to his home. Instead, he was playing host, hoping to end Fiona’s pursuit of him and he could get back to his life and spend his time with his ailing grandmother.

But as I said, Fiona surprised him. She was not put off by the condition of his home. She saw past its crusty exterior—and Gray’s for that matter.

As for his grandmother, she was wonderful. I loved her. She was so observant, even if she was going blind, she saw a lot more than most people.

“My dear boy,” she said softly. “Some young ladies have lived such sheltered lives that any bit of unpleasantness sends them fleeing for the hills.”
“Like Helena.” It was more a statement than a question.
His grandmother made a face as though her tea were bitter. “Precisely.”
“And you think Fiona’s different?”
“I know she is.” And you know it, too. (…) But do you want to know the real reason I adore her?”
He nodded mutely.
“Because there’s a softness in your eyes when you look at her.”

I won’t give any more details. I’d rather you read it and discover how Gray and Fiona find their way. Of course, there is still the matter of the blackmailer to unravel. That, in and of itself, is a little heartbreaking once that little detail is revealed. I wasn't expecting it.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Very much so. I'd like to thank the author and the publisher for granting me the opportunity to read an advanced copy.

Profile Image for Addie Yoder.
899 reviews76 followers
May 15, 2020
I received the third book in this series as a reviewer and couldn't put it down. I immediately went back to catch up on the other two books in the series and loved them. I love a grumpy hero and Grey was just perfect. I loved how persistent Fiona was in working to save her family and also in her growing love for Grey, whether he was ready or not. I love the tension that Anna Bennett creates between her characters and the in their stories so that you just keep turning the pages. I haven't gotten sucked into a series like this in a while and it was just exactly what I needed. Thank you!!
Profile Image for Caitlyn Lynch.
Author 87 books1,829 followers
October 31, 2018
Miss Fiona Hartley is desperate. She has two weeks to come up with an enormous sum of money for a blackmailer or see her beloved sister ruined forever. Frightened to burden her sick father, there seems only one option open to her - marry in haste and to an obliging husband who will let her use a portion of her enormous dowry for her own purposes.

The only man she knows who ticks all the boxes is Gray, Earl of Ravenport, well known to be strapped for cash with an enormous, crumbling estate to renovate. So she writes him a letter of proposal.

On receipt of said letter, Gray’s reaction is outright rejection, but the more he thinks about it and the better he comes to know Fiona, the more he starts to think it’s not as insane an idea as it originally seemed. He has secrets in his own past, though, which could yet come into play to keep him and Fiona apart.

While the writing and the characterisation in this book are excellent, there are just a few too many incredulity-straining plot points and outright historical inaccuracies here for me to really recommend this one. Why, for example, did the blackmailer target Fiona, a debutante with no real access to ready cash, instead of her extremely wealthy father, or her sister Lily, the one who had most to lose here? And then there was another bonkers development with the blackmailer when he ordered Fiona not to marry Gray right as she was about to do so and get his money!

The inaccuracy that bothered me the most, though, was the insistence that if Gray’s father’s suicide became public knowledge, he’d lose his title and estate, which was just not so. They would only have reverted to the Crown if the former earl had died without an heir or was attainted for treason. Frankly, Fiona believing this just made her look stupid and uneducated, when the author had spent a good deal of time convincing us she was neither of those things.

I really liked Fiona’s passion for her art and the way she showed insight through it, and Gray’s love for his grandmother and his ancestral home, The Fortress, was a really nice part of his character. Fiona’s relationship with her sister Lily and their best friend Serena was enjoyable too; I’m tired of the trope of all other women but the heroine being Evil.

Gray did fall into that unfortunate hole I see way too often in historical romance, of declaring to the heroine right off that he Can Never Love Her because Love Hurts Too Much. I swear my eyes always roll back in my head when I see that, if any man ever said that to a woman in real life I think she’d probably do the exact same thing, too. It’s totally nonsensical and it’s inevitably proven wrong when the hero realises he’s fallen totally for her anyway.

As I say, I struggled with this one because there was some beautiful writing, the love scenes were tastefully done, and I enjoyed the characters, but the plot was a bit of a hot mess. In the end, I’m going to go with three and a half stars.

I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley and was invited to participate in the blog tour by St. Martin’s Press.
Profile Image for JoRead.
365 reviews37 followers
November 2, 2018
3.5 stars

Fiona seeks out the help of Grey, the Earl of Ravenport, because she can’t forget how he very gracefully “rescued” her after she made a fool of herself by tripping in the middle of a ballroom. In her mind he’s an honorable man that would at least listen to her plight and with any luck she could convince him to marry her. I had some trouble connecting to her in the beginning because more than trying to be in good terms with him (after all, SHE was asking HIM a huge favor) she tended to correct, challenge, and even berate him. And what did he do? He found her attitude “refreshing” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t know, I’ve never thought rudeness a refreshing trait but what do I know… Fiona was a romantic at heart so I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she acted that way because she thought she was going to marry for other reasons than love.
Gray was an honorable man that just happened to be cynical about love, and with good reasons. He was not exactly surly but I wouldn’t call him the life of the party either. His parents left his life and earldom in shambles and the few people he’d come to love and trust ended up betraying him. But even with all that baggage he was still considerate and caring. Once he realized Fiona and he made a good match he took upon himself to make her feel at the very least admired and protected. Of course it didn’t take long for either one of them to admit being in love and once they did I thought Gray did a wonderful job at declaring his love.
As far as the blackmail, I was glad Fiona was smart enough to open up to Gray and that he didn’t act like she had betrayed him as well. I think they both acted accordingly and to the best of their abilities given the situation. I didn’t like much how they took care of the blackmailer because to me his punishment was kind of vague and left me wondering if he’d come back after our couple in later books. All in all it was an enjoyable read and I recommend it for anyone in search of a light read.

*I received this book at no cost to me and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher**
Profile Image for Candy .
626 reviews44 followers
October 30, 2018
Published on Lovey Dovey Books

The first in Anna Bennet's Debutante Diaries series is the kind of regency romance I live for! First Earl I See Tonight is the beginning of an intriguing series for the most romantic of romantics. A jilted duke, bitter and hardened toward love, is propositioned by a young woman desperate to save her younger sister from ruin. The immediate answer is a hard "no" but Fiona's talent and genuine charm may be all she needs to secure the safety of her sister's reputation.

First Earl I See Tonight moves at a balanced pace. There's enough time to get to know Fiona, her younger sister and their best friend, and the Gray. There's even a bit of intrigue as Fiona tries to determine just who has the nerve to blackmail her. A good chunk of reading time revolves around Fiona trying to convince the duke to marry her as they get to know one another. Gray's dark past sneaks to the forefront while the cast attends a house party at his country estate. The characters' depth is revealed piece by piece as the story plays out and it left me with a warm feeling. I loved Fiona's wild plan and her determination in the face of rejection. She risked much for her sister and even when her feelings toward Gray became more her compassion rose to encompass his feelings as well. I had a lot of 'aw, that's so sweet' moments reading this story and I would definitely repeat the process a couple dozen more times!

You certainly can never go wrong with a regency romance and especially not with Anna Bennett! I'm excited to read the next book in the series, The Duke is But a Dream, which sounds just as enchantingly romantic as First Earl I See Tonight!
*ARC provided in consideration for review*
Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,878 reviews90 followers
November 22, 2018
Debutante a-wooing goes!

The jilted Earl of Ravenport, David Gray doesn't want a wife, he wants to renovate his deteriorating country home for his beloved grandmother.
Heiress Miss Fiona Hartley doesn't want to marry but it's the only way she can think of to pay off a blackmailer who threatens to expose information about her sister Lily.
When Fiona approaches Gray with a proposition to meet both their needs he's taken aback and decides a house party at his crumbling estate will send Fiona running in the opposite direction. Fiona's monetary conditions do rather make Gray blink. He didn't count on her desperation, nor her artist's eye to see his home differently. Neither did he count on the rising attraction between them to play a part.
I loved the courage and tenacity of Fiona. Gray as the tragic disillusioned Earl was fine but his Grandmother was just gorgeous. The plot resolution was well done although the ending seemed hurried. Fiona's friend Sophie appears to have a talent for decoration ideas. The tattered ballroom is transformed under her guidance using wild flowers and greenery. I suspect her story will have much to offer. I'm looking forward to it. And then there's sister Lily!
A charming start to a new series themed around these three young woman and their agreement to keep diaries about their time as debutantes.

A NetGalley ARC
2,354 reviews14 followers
September 12, 2018
Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) This was an enjoyable book. We meet Fiona who is being blackmailed on who her sister really is, and she does not want that to hurt her sister who she truly loves. Since she has a large dowry she sees this as the only solution for her to pay the black mailer however he only gives her two weeks. So in these two weeks she has to find someone and convince them to marry her and the only person she can think of is The Earl of Davenport (Grey). Fiona doesn't really know Grey, but he assisted her in a rather embarrassing situation before so she reaches out to him. Grey is cold hearted and has also recently been jilted by his fiance who drops him after she sees his hom "The Fortress" because it is falling apart and he is broke but doing his damndest to fix for his grandmother whom he loves. So I gave you the bones to the story and how they go about everything is enjoyable. We have lies, secrets, betrayal and humor, and the whole time you are rooting for Grey and Fiona...I hope we get stories on Lily and Sophia..Enjoy!
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,799 reviews139 followers
November 1, 2018
First earl I see tonight is the first book in a new series by Anna Bennett. It's the story of Fiona and Gray. Fiona's sister will be the heroine of the second book which is nice. I got the impression that she is too young and immature to have a story, but I must have been wrong. I had a little problem with the communication between Fiona and Gray. I wanted her to reveal her secret to Gray sooner in order for them to work together and find out who the blackmailer is together. Fiona did all the work on her own and kept a lot of things from Gray and that's something that in my mind prevents people from having a healthy and solid relationship. At least, I liked how devoted and loyal she was to her sister. She is a good person who tried to save her sister from ruin. Gray is also willing to do anything he can for someone he loves and that is restoring the castle to its former glory before his grandma loses her sight completely. Both characters are good people. I didn't like the identity of the blackmailer. I wanted something more well-thought and complicated. Both things were only minor complaints and I enjoyed the book. It was easy and light read too and I would recommend it to those who want to read an HR book.
Profile Image for Heike.
661 reviews45 followers
September 24, 2018
Fiona, a title-less heiress, needs money to pay off a blackmailer and proposes marriage to a poor duke to get her hands on her dowry. While Gray could use some money to fix up his estate, he is not interested in marrying Fiona and does his best to scare her off, which turns out to be difficult as she is not the prissy kind of girl.

I loved the banter between the two, especially in the beginning of the book. Also following how they fall in love with each other was awesome. It did get a touch long winded toward the end and could have done with a bit less repetitive feelings.

Sexual content: there are a couple of descriptive scenes.
POV: 3rd person
Location: London and London country side
Profile Image for Amy ~ Love At 1st Read.
537 reviews36 followers
September 10, 2018
I’m always on the hunt for the next great read. What a thrill it is to find a fabulous book and a phenomenal new author to follow. I am officially hooked on Anna Bennett and so thrilled to find her at the start of a new series. First Earl I See Tonight, the first in her Debutante Diaries series, wowed me, made me laugh, and broke my heart. Sometimes all in the same scene!
I adored Fiona and Gray. Anyone that loves their family as fiercely as these two did deserves their HEA. Who couldn’t help but fall in love with Fiona! She was witty, kind, fearless, and so optimistic. I loved each and every diary entry she made. And her first attempt at a kiss had me in tears. Despite his serious and brooding personality, I fell in love with Gray too. Like Fiona, I knew there was more to him than his aloof façade. He’d suffered a tragedy that few people could recover from so, of course, he was guarded. He was also determined, driven, kind, and loyal. I loved that the majority of the story took place in his crumbling manor house. Like The Fortress, Gray’s life was in crumbles. But Fiona and her unique way of seeing the world helped him to see what his life could be. Gave him hope.
There were many deliciously unique tender moments proving romance isn’t all about flowers and poetry. The added mystery of the blackmailer kept me turning the pages. And the twists and turns toward the end left me breathless.
I’m more than anxious for Lily and Sophie’s stories. These 3 girls are such a little Ya Ya Sisterhood group! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for them. Lily is such a romantic. Her history revealed in this book makes me want to know more about her. And I’m dying to see Lily and Fiona rebuild their relationship with their father. That stepmother needs to go!
If you’re looking for a new series to sweep you away, this is the perfect opportunity. You’ll fall in love with these witty, emotionally charged characters. Humor and powerful sexual chemistry abound in this book. You’ll quickly be hooked watching these two find their way to love.
Profile Image for Douglas Meeks.
886 reviews236 followers
October 30, 2018
I accepted this to see if I could expand my list of exceptional historical romance authors and I don't think I really found one. This was a good story, the pacing was good but not great, towards the end you knew enough that I was able to skip 2-3 chapters of nothing to get to a really good ending.

It was a bit verbose in places and the blackmail scheme was overdone a bit and then expanded almost at the end for reasons that were a bit muddled to me, our heroine was so much the martyr she might as well have had it written on her forehead and our hero spent most of the book muddled in his tragic past and botched recent nuptials.

I did like the interplay, she should have shared the blackmail plot with more people but when it all came down I have to say I read it all in 1 day, scanned a few chapters and the ending was good with a presumed HEA, all together as a reading experience it was 4 Stars and depending upon your tastes and mood might be a bit more or less. Chances are I will most likely read the next one if I remember it but this was a good premise that was not realized to its potential.
Profile Image for Debra Martin.
Author 25 books251 followers
September 23, 2018
I've enjoyed other books by Ms. Bennett, but this one was just ok. It started out great although a bit far-fetched. Ms. Fiona Hartley is being blackmailed and she needs to marry in order to access her dowry money. She proposes marriage to David Gray, Earl of Ravenport, who is in desperate need of funds to restore his family seat. This certainly was a different way to start a regency romance, but I wonder why the blackmailer did not blackmail her father who is a wealthy tradesman?

I liked Gray a lot. His desire to restore The Fortress for his grandmother was a sweet gesture. Gray's back story is dark and only the slightly clumsy Fiona seems to soothe some of that darkness for him. I loved that Fiona is not just a wealthy heiress, but a talented artist in her own right. Some of the dialogue between these two is quite entertaining, but can you fall in love with someone in two short weeks?

I did figure out who the villain was although some of his actions were over the top and didn't make sense at the end. In any case, there are some enjoyable parts to this book although there were some things that didn't click with me.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review although I was not obligated to leave a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 315 reviews

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