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Knights of the Board Room

Knight Nostalgia: A Knights of the Board Room Anthology

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A whole new anthology featuring the beloved Knights of the Board Room characters…

Conqueror's Fantasy – When Matt Kensington takes Savannah to The Resort as an anniversary gift, they will explore their Dominant and submissive relationship to untold new depths. But on their last day there, Matt plans one more special surprise for his wife. He will bring to life a fantasy she’s held since the unforgettable night he made his feelings clear to her in his board room. A role-playing fantasy Savannah never expected to share with her practical husband. But Matt refuses to let even one of her fantasies go unfulfilled.

Girls' Day Out – Ben O’Callahan considers himself a brave man. But he ponders putting in for extreme hazard pay when he volunteers to take the wives of the K&A men out for a day of shopping and girl talk. There’s already some serious compensation, however. He has the chance to spend the day with Marcie, and prove to her sister Cass he can be the man Marcie needs him to be.

The Card Game – For the past several years, Rachel has learned what it means to be loved, as a wife and cherished submissive. Yet some shadows of the past continue to cling. Then the K&A men plan an after-hours poker game, and offer Rachel and Dana the opportunity to be the jackpot, required to do whatever the man who wins each hand commands. With the chance to serve the “Knights of the Board Room” in a way she’s always dreamed about, Rachel will dispel the shadows once and for all, and finally believe in the unshakable love of her Master.

260 pages, ebook

Published February 15, 2018

About the author

Joey W. Hill

110 books3,481 followers
"BDSM Romance for the Heart & Soul"

A submissive herself, Hill brings authenticity to her intensely emotional BDSM love stories. With over fifty titles and six series, her contemporary and paranormal romances feature everything from billionaires, bikers, SEALs, firefighters, cops and housemaids, to vampires, mermaids, witches and angels.

"Joey translates the world of BDSM with such intense power and exquisite beauty. LOVE is the most powerful element entwined through the Dominance and submission.” –Goodreads, Pink Lady

Joey is the recipient of the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award for Erotic Romance, and she loves to hear from her readers!

Website: storywitch.com
Facebook: @JoeyWHillAuthor
MeWe: mewe.com/i/joeywhill
Twitter: @JoeyWHill

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Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,790 reviews3,925 followers
August 5, 2020
Conqueror's Fantasy - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have to be honest. Matt's been kinda... white bread through this series. I've never really "gotten" him. His book was super short and there wasn't a lot of character development in it that I recall so I've always just been kind of...

I appreciate he's the leader of this pack of hotness but I just haven't ever gotten it.

Well, well, well... those days are over because this short was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!! And it was packed with romance too!! The romance I expect from JWH but she's not typically an author I turn to for a... one-handed read, if you will. Occasionally she will bitch slap me with something that will make my tongue travel to the next county to slap me but not with any regularity. This was one of those times.

I was not mad about it either.

JWH throughout this basically long and involved erotic role-play scene threaded Matt and Savannah's connection and all-encompassing love for one another into it so I would find myself all sdlkjhgfdsqwertyuioplkjhgf from the hibbity jibbity then 2 nanoseconds later I'd be all...

Girls' Day Out - ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Since I'm telling the truth (apparently), I've also never been a YUGE fangirl of Ben.

I know. I know. Hold the tomatoes, please.

I did like this story. It's cute. It's sweet. Ben and Marcie are all googly-eyed over each other and that was nice to see but it kind of dragged a bit. I like the banter with Dana and Ben's chivalry with all the ladies but I wasn't WOW'd by it.

The Card Game - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Now this was my jam. Jon has always been my favorite. Afterlife gave me all the feels and to see how far Rachel has come due in large part to how much he loves her was touching and moving.

I'm still not crazy about this whole quasi-polyamory thing the KOB have going but I do respect that this is their way of bonding and forming a solid if unconventional family on which all of them can rely. However, I prefer it when it's just Jon, Rachel and whatever outlandish and deviant device Jon has cooked up in his lab to "torture" Rachel with in the most delightful ways.

That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the emotional connection that gets solidified between Rachel and Peter as well as Matt. It was also fairly hot. Not nearly as hot as the first story but still. I'm not the first one to go for girl/girl action but I saw the appeal with these boardroom table shenanigans.

Recommend this anthology to fans of KOB.
Profile Image for Jaycee.
514 reviews
February 15, 2018
Who says you can never go back?! They Lie! Or at least, they have never read a Joey W. Hill Nostalgia trip.

In "Conqueror's Fantasy", my own personal favourite Knight, Matthew Lord Kensington lives up to his middle name as he steps out of his own comfort zone to give Savannah something that has been a vision in her head from the time she first noticed Matt. This is something of a trip through the mind of the enigma that is Matt. But in a brilliant move, Ms. Hill never quite gives us everything of The Head Knight, because his appeal *is* the mystery. Humourous, hot and at times quite poignant; Matt remains my favourite mystery.

"Girl's Day Out" left me with a new respect for Ben, and at times, such respect has been hard to come by. I have had moments where his forays into self-absorption make me want to rail at him, at yet, in true Joey-redemption style, this story is almost a coming-of-age for Ben. The setting has its humorous and even downright hilarious moments, but at the heart of it is a man who comes to believe in his blessings; especially those of his extended family. Heart-warming little look back.

"The Card Game" is not simply a look back at Jon and Rachel's relationship, but an opportunity for Rachel to put her former relationship with her ex, her son, and her past self into perspective. To absolve herself and to go forward with the knowledge that she is not alone. With some serious help from Peter and Dana, Jon-don't-let-the-quiet-Zen-guy-fool-you, helps make his true love whole in that knowledge. It is more than clear that both Jon and Peter have got some intense game.

Yes indeed, you can go back, and this sweet-with-some-serious-edge treat, is proof-positive!
Profile Image for ☾ Dαɴιyα ☽.
457 reviews72 followers
July 22, 2018

Three novellas, lots and lots of pages about the Knights of the Board Room characters — it is so nice of Joey W. Hill for writing this anthology just when I was missing the Knights. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, this was such a treat!

All three stories were great, there were so many parts in all of them that I loved, but my favorite one was Conqueror's Fantasy.

Matthew and Savannah's book, a novella, was the one that kicked off this series, and unfortunately, I think it was the shortest one. In all the books that followed, I ate up all the bits and pieces about them, always wishing they'd gotten a full-length novel. Conqueror's Fantasy is the next best thing. A whole new novella about Matthew and Savannah! In it Matt brought Savannah's fantasy to life, and they were both excellent at playing their roles of conqueror and daughter of a king who was taken as spoils of war. The story was a perfect example why I love reading Ms. Hill's work — it was erotic and emotional, with new details about the characters that made it even more powerful. I loved it from the beginning to the end. Funny how it ended with planning Ben's demise. It was a welcome chuckle at the end.

Girls' Day Out was Ben and Marcie's novella, but the other characters were present. One of my favorite things about this story was that it showed the men together. Reading about the couples is great, but reading about the friendship among the K&A men might be something I like even more. Especially when they team up "against" Ben who always has witty comebacks. That's how the novella started and then became about, as the title says, a girls' day out. Well, girls accompanied by Ben determined to prove to Cassandra he's worthy of her sister. There was shopping here and there and everywhere. Frankly, I could have lived with less shopping, but I liked reading about the KotBR women together and about them with Ben. Besides the beginning with the Knights, there were three scenes that really stood out. Without getting into details, one was with Ben and Dana, another was with Ben and Cassandra, and the biggest one was with Ben, Marcie and the jeweler Ben knew for years. Conqueror's Fantasy made me tear up, but that scene where the jeweler told Marcie how he knew Ben O'Callahan made me cry. Who knew the story called Girls' Day Out would do that? All in all, it was lovely.

The last, and I believe, the longest novella The Card Game is about a special card game played by the Knights in their board room, where Rachel and Dana were the entertainment. This is mainly Rachel's story and Jon and the other K&A men helping her overcome the insecurities caused by her ex-husband that kept creeping up on her. It was heartwarming. That the story is set in the K&A special board room where it all started was a bonus, as was that important moment in Matthew and Savannah's relationship.

I would most likely have more to say about these stories — The Card Game especially — had I written my review right after I read them. Unfortunately, I didn't, so these are my thoughts about the anthology a few months after I've read it. I feel like it deserved better from me. Anyways, I loved it and I hope there will be more KotBR stories in the future.
Profile Image for Eva.
626 reviews6 followers
February 18, 2018
I'm very picky when I read romance/erotica. Very few authors satisfy my desires and expectations in this kind of story. Joey is one of them. And once again, Knights nostalgia didn't disappoint.

Well, I am a bit disappointed, but not because it's not good. I had expectations: I was hoping that one of the novellas was about Ben and Marcie, because they are my favorites in all the characters of KOTBR, with Peter and Dana close seconds. My least favorites are Savannah and Matt. So, at the end of my reading, I had a bit of Marcie and Ben, a bit of Peter and Dana, and a lot of Savannah and Matt. Oh well... ;-)
Another thing : f/f is not high in my fantasies (same thing with Domme stories. I realized trough my reading that the only Domme stories I ever read was wrote by Joey. Hi, Marguerite and Janet!).

But that's when you realize you read a good author : despite my lack of enthusiasm about f/f shenanigans, I really enjoyed the third novella. Despite the fact that I don't feel very close of Savannah, I liked her knight fantasy with Matt very much. And despite the fact that Ben and Marcie have just a tiny erotic scene in the second novella, I liked being able to know what was in Ben's mind, and see all the interaction with him and the five women.

In the third novella, I liked that Rachel grow during the evening; she understand things about herself, about her relation with Jon. You can see the same thing (the submissive realizing something about her/himself) in several of Joey's books, and I love it.

As usual, my only "bémol" is that, like in almost every books of Joey, the characters think way too much during erotic scenes (how Rachel can think straight when she's about to orgasm is beyond me, lol). But I understand that this is Joey's way, and between having informations this way, and having no information at all (wich is usual, alas, in the majority of erotica), I choose the former.

And, I usual when I write about Joey's books, I take the opportunity to say to her that I'm still waiting the sequel about Alanna, Niall and Evan. A vignette would be fine, but a full novel... That would be a truly gift for me. ;-)
Profile Image for Donna.
3,929 reviews49 followers
February 3, 2018
m/f, f/f, m/f/f/m
For fans of the Knights of the Board Room this book will melt your socks. All of these stories take place before Ben & Marcie marry in Hostile Takeover.

Conqueror's Fantasy – We get a better understanding of Matt and Savannah’s relationship as they vacation on a fantasy island where Matt attempts to give his wife the fantasy of her dreams. Like their relationship this is a cerebral trip that will inspire fantasies for me for a long time to come.
Girls' Day Out – Ben takes the girls out shopping while and we get to see the caring side of him that isn’t as obvious in some of the other books. It made me like him better. I really enjoyed watching him interact with Dana and Cass and of course his very own bad girl Marcie. This may have been my favorite story in the book even though it has the least amount of sex.
The Card Game – Break out the fan and a cold drink it’s about to get sizzling hot. This story is multidimensional. This story is mostly Rachels. She has a f/f fantasy that Jon wants to fulfill for her but he also wants to build up her self-esteem that was so damaged by her ex. The guys are more than happy to help as is Dana. I really liked how Jon and the guys used this occasion to help out Rachel. There is a scene where usually stoic Matt had me close to tears.

All in all a fantastic read that I will read over and over again.
Profile Image for Sandra.
42 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2018
Are you starving for non-cookie cutter stories that will leave you hungry for more emotionally compelling- driven novels?
If you answered yes, you will devour the addictive staying power of the sensuous "Knights of the Boardroom" series.

Ms. Hill's current release, "Knight Nostalgia" consists of three novellas that revisit the lives of the KOB.
The knights are comprised of five bonded, high powered executives whom are hardcore dominates, collectively searching for the perfect, loving submissive whom will become their wife, the sole woman a knight will devote his heart and soul to her care and protection.

Ms. Hill's skillful writing will happily immerse you in all her series from terrifying vampires, mermaids, witches, to her mesmerizing contemporary erotica.
The anticipated level of excellence of each new release, no matter the series, never fails to exceed all expectations.
Each series will find a spot on your keeper shelves.

Please visit her website at storywitch.com
Ms. Hill is truly devoted to her legion of fans.
Profile Image for **Manjula ♥ Books**.
1,647 reviews36 followers
October 10, 2021
'Girls' Day Out' review

We get to see a side of Ben that we didn't see much in Hostile Takeover. His confident, 'I know what I'm doing' attitude. And that at the end was perfect.

We also get to see him interacting with the other Knight subs. It was fascinating to read.

Verdict: Shopping therapy
Profile Image for Debi Lawrence.
12 reviews6 followers
March 27, 2018

If you’ve ever wondered whether revisiting favorite characters is a good thing, wonder no more. KNIGHT NOSTALGIA is an opportunity to delve a little deeper into the five Knightly Doms and their chosen lady loves. Once again Ms. Hill doesn’t disappoint.

In CONQUEROR’S FANTASY We get a glimpse into the mind and heart of Matthew Lord Kensington as he gives his beloved Savannah a night built on pure fantasy. Costumes, props and role-play allow not only Savannah to submerge herself in her submission, but Matt to embrace his need to possess it. And in a brilliant bit of insight, Matt comes to realize that at the heart of his desire to dominate is the mind to mind and soul to soul connection. The heat level is off the charts on this one folks.

GIRL’S DAY OUT When Ben O’Callahan is roped into taking all the ladies out for a day of shopping, it’s not something you’d expect to reveal the heart of the man. But it does, and what we see adds a depth to the man that’s at times unexpected and poignant. Doubting his right for a HEA but wanting it in spite of himself, we see him work through his doubts while being tuned into the women in his care for the day. Observant of each of the women’s needs, we see a man who far from being a loner is actually very family minded. In this case, his family. By the end of the day, (after a trip to an adult toy store, and a
particularly steamy scene with Marcy) a last stop on their shopping trip finally answers the question of will he or won’t he.

THE CARD GAME Rachel and Jon have been together several years when this story takes place. The bonds that were formed between them in AFTERLIFE have had time to grow and deepen. Despite all that, Rachel is still haunted by the words and actions of her ex regarding her wants and needs. An opportunity to fulfill a girl/girl fantasy with Dana that Jon has arranged with the rest of the Knights resurrects some of those ghosts. The night that Rachel arrives at the boardroom to bring that fantasy to life, the men remind her of just what she means not only to Jon, but to them as well. And it is Matt, well into the evening, who finally makes her see that she is who and where she was always meant to be. By Jon’s side. Although f/f isn’t my particular cup of tea, the sex scenes between Rachel and Dana are intense and satisfying. In large part I think due to their mutual love and respect for each other. The last chapter of this story brings joyous news to two of our members and closes out the book on a high note.

Five out of five stars for Ms. Hill⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Marie Ritzer.
50 reviews
October 11, 2018
My Glorious Master Ben!!!

Joey W. Hill and her fabulous Knights are an auto buy for me!! I have loved this series since I discovered a little book called Controlled Response and have been hooked every since.

I was a member of Joey's old "Fan Forum" family and Joey is well aware of my love for her Knights and in particulate one Master Ben O'Callahan. Ben and Marcie and her glorious ode to their love, Hostile Takeover, remains my favorite all time book to this day! Master Ben is the bomb!!

This lovely three story novella of revisits with our Knights was utter perfect!

In Conqueror's Fantasy, we get to see a little bit more of the relationship between Matt and Savannah. Matt wisks his bride off to a fantasy BDSM weekend for the ages. Matt always came across as the least warm of all the Knights so this little picture into the loving relationship with his Savannah was a nice peek into their world. And in an utterly hillarous part, we see, for the first time, Savannah really loose her cool when a practical joke backfired and Matt nearly lost one of of his team members!

Girls Day's Out was all about my utterly glorious Master Ben, Miss Marcie, the KOTB's lovely subs and the ramifications of the very, very bad decision he made in the above noted Hostile Takeover. It was such a delight to get more of the backstory of Master Ben in this and really put it all together as to why he is now the man he is. Taking place before the big Soul Rest wedding, it was my favorite of the three. It has the least amount of naughty fun, but the golden nuggets of Ben's past are worth it and him finally proving to all that he can and is the man Miss Marcie needs him to be.

I love, love, loved the Card Game. I was so happy to see Rachel and Dana, who I have always felt were such great fun together, get to both get to finally full fill a fun little fantasy that was a long time coming. This had the most intense hotness of all of them, and as always the Knights work together like a well oiled machine to give their two lovely subs of the evening an experience they will never forgot. Loved this one!!

A Glorious KOTB Revisit in every way!! Joey and he beloved Knights never disappoint. A must read!
Profile Image for Melanie Marnell.
3,820 reviews30 followers
March 1, 2018
Conquer's Fantasy
The erotric fantasy played out by Matt and Savannah practically sizzled off the page because it was so HOT! The conquerer and captured queen parallel the master and submissive roles in their lives. Their love grows stronger moment by moment. The reality? He is as much her willing and devoted slave as she is his.

Girls Day out
A crazy shopping trip with all the Knights' women gives Ben pause to examine his innermost thoughts and feeling about marrying Marcie and having children. Ben has lived so long on the dark side that he doesn't think he deserves better. But as he escorts the women through their shopping day he provides incentive, Insight, courage, and encouragement to them individually and as a group. His final stop on the shopping spree day is a complete revelation to a speechless Marcie.

Card Game
Rachel and Dana had never experienced the full "Knight introduction" into the their inner circle. The card game was that introduction. As far as she's come under her Master's guidance, domination and love, Rachel still suffers from self-criticism and self-doubt. This night was the way to put all of her past behind her and truly embrace who she is. Plaiying out her fantasies with Dana and feeding all of the Knights' Dom fantasies, the evening proves to be sensual and erotic.

Hands down, Joey W Hill creates some of the most seductively sensual erotic fiction I've ever encountered. These three stories encompass all the Knights and their ladies but each story focusses on an individual. As usual, these tales were a totally pleasurable experience.
Profile Image for Kimi5564.
233 reviews
February 28, 2018
Conqueror's Fantasy - Matt and Savannah - I wish that island truly existed. I have read about it in all three (3) series, and it continues to impress. This fantasy takes Savannah to a level she has not reached yet. I like to think that Angelica was conceived on this night. When Savannah told Matt, "sometimes I think this is exactly who you were in a previous life," I was taken to the first time that Lady Lyssa and "Sir Knight" Jacob came together; the night that their daughter was conceived.
Girl's Day Out - Ben and the ladies - This was my favorite. This was filled with so much emotion ... his relationship with Marcie, his relationship with Cass, Dana's worry about deciding to have children. For the amount of years that Ben has hidden himself from truly living, he is very intuitive. Many will say that the art gallery scene with Cass will be their favorite, but mine is the jeweler's reveal of when he first met Ben ... I had to stop reading for a moment and take a deep breadth.
The Card Game - HOT - This occurs before Ben and Marcie - I was riveted by the words Ms. Hill gave to Matt ... one of my favorites, "For all our wealth, the four of you are our greatest possessions. The gifts we can never deserve. One day, when Ben finds his other, there will be five of you, and the circle will be complete."
752 reviews9 followers
February 19, 2018
It is always a delight to read a book by Ms Hill. But this reunion with the Knights and their ladies is a special treat!
With her inimitable insight and understanding of the Knight's style of partnership, she lets you be there right with them. You meet all your old favorites at different times in their lives, acquaintances from other series are mentioned, and you can just slip into the world she has created, as if you never left it.
The absolute highlight of this book is the scene in the board room. All five of them doing what they do best, beside making business deals.
This is, again, a sensual delight that will stay with me for quite some time.

Profile Image for Rene' Hurt.
465 reviews4 followers
February 22, 2018

I wish you could give more than a five star. It was amazing.
Matt and Savannah's role playing scene was out of this world. If you love nineteenth or eighteenth century theme this is it. Matt is so Alpha.

The shopping trip oh what can I say . A woman' dream come true. Master Ben you get to see a different side to him. And how he is very attuned to each one behavior and knows what is needed. That is a great master. There is so much more that happens on this shopping trip that will have you tearing up one minute and smiling the next. You so need to read this.

Oh the card game. Hot dang. It was that HOT. Now when I see a card game and men in suits, I will be fanning myself. To much for me to tell , just get this book now and read it and make sure you have a cup of ice water and a fan. It is scorching hot.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
640 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2021
This is sooo good. I forgot how much I love this series and this is a beautiful revisit. Nice long visits with the characters with Matt and Savannah as they act out one of Savannah's fantasies, Ben and Marcie as he accompanies the women on a day out (as punishment for being an asshole). Very sweet and very sexy (remembering Ben is the sadist of the group so especially poignant). Finishes with Dana and Rachel engaging in some FF play as part of their long overdue 'initiation' into the K&A group.
Joey W Hill writes so lovingly about her characters, I forget what a delight it is to actually savour her books.
Profile Image for Emilye.
1,266 reviews3 followers
June 28, 2024
When Ya Know, Ya Know

KnightBoardroom8;4.5 ⭐️

A trifecta of extras all under one cover!

Matt and Savannah anchor the stories, but it’s largely ladies night in the flow. Ben has his unique place in all three, showing how clearly he is an author favorite. He is growing on me…

The concept of wife, soulmate and submissive runs through as a bright current, even though it is different in expression with each couple.

I enjoy that.
Profile Image for Carole-Ann.
2,711 reviews84 followers
March 17, 2018
I know I'm not the only one who simply loves the Knights of the Boardroom, so this is a little bit of icing on the cake :)

Three lovely novellas, all equally good; but really enjoyed Girls' Day Out because BEN was there escorting all 5 ladies in a shopping trip.

::sigh:: guess I'll have to go back to the beginning again :) :) :)
Profile Image for Cynthia Gallaher.
201 reviews2 followers
March 25, 2018
More please!

I never get enough of this series Joey. All strong characters, who love and admire each other. Joey writes the very best Dom/sub stories that are believable. I like the fact that they are not written dark and dreary, but written about people who could be your friends. Always upbeat at the end. I wish more authors in this genre would get it like she does.

30 reviews
February 7, 2019

If your wondering as you browse through books of romance, sexuality, submission, dominance, eroticism, etc look no further because Joey W Hill, the Author, within this series has captured the essence along with many realities of one's sexuality, needs, desires and acceptance of one's self. Each book is a true page Turner you won't put it down!!!!!
Profile Image for Laz the Sailor.
1,643 reviews82 followers
May 24, 2023
I have enjoyed this series for the very strong women and the men who love and support them, even if that involves spankings.

These novellas are delightful insights into side-stories that would not support a stronger plot in a longer novel. The first one is intimate, the second one is amusing, and the third one is just smoking hot. Sex in the boardroom is always sizzling.
1 review
February 28, 2018
The up loose ends

Three Boardroom Knight stories, specifically Matt and Savannah at an exclusive fantasy holiday resort, my favourite where Ben has to take the submissive's shopping and last but definitely not least Dana and Rachel get the chance to test out that Boardroom table!
Profile Image for Vettech.
529 reviews13 followers
March 3, 2018
Loved this wonderful addition to the Knights of the Board Room collection. I had fun reading more about the K&A men and their ladies. We get to learn even more amazing things about our favorite characters in this series....
Profile Image for Proudbookworm.
39 reviews
March 6, 2018
Amazing revisit of much loved characters! While Ms. Hill has ended her Knights of the Boardroom series, this is an amazing re-visit to those characters. The emotions are, as in all her books, deep and engaging and the stories are hot!
Profile Image for AudreymlHawkins.
480 reviews6 followers
April 7, 2018
Hot Knights

Another hot and amazing addition to the Knights series. Always love getting more of the Knights. Love this group of dominate yet sweet men and their strong yet submissive women. Would love more.
498 reviews
February 5, 2021

3 stories that each kept me on the knife edge of steamy, sizzling erotic fantasies as well as erotic realities. Definitely could not put it down, a collection not to be missed. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Tabitha Parrish.
22 reviews10 followers
March 4, 2018
A great novella

I love how it catches u up and links the stories together.this is a grea t addition to the Knighhts of the Boardroom series.
Profile Image for Jen.
497 reviews5 followers
March 5, 2018
joey hill needs to come with a warning... hot and need tissues... loved getting to revisit all the men/ladies of the boardroom
Profile Image for Phyllis Lopez.
1,003 reviews5 followers
May 16, 2018
So exciting!

Each story was so erotic! Loved them and each character! I could not decide which of the three stories I Loved move!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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