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Homicide Detective, Evelyn Grant, has her life wrapped up in a tidy bundle. As long as you don't look too closely. When a child disappears from an end of summer party, Evelyn and her team set out to solve the case. With little to go on and a heavy need for forensic evidence, Evelyn is forced to rely on the genius medical examiner, Ainsley Monson, for information. As the two grow closer, Ainsley's unusual behavior throws up red flags, confounding their working relationship and growing friendship. Can Eve successfully navigate the case, her social life, and copious amounts of wine or will she trip over her own feet and find herself in a less than tactful pickle?

207 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 21, 2017

About the author

Max Ellendale

32 books304 followers
Max grew up just outside of New York City, spending most of her formative years outdoors creating wild ghost hunts with neighborhood kids, setting booby-traps to capture unwitting family members, and building clubhouses on top of ten-foot walls. Max wrote her first story at the age of twelve and titled it Circles of Friendship. Through the years, Max has written several short-stories and poems, all of which met the wrath of the “Not Good Enough” monster and ended in fiery demise.

Max regained her confidence when she began writing scholarly articles and research theses on her first trip through graduate school. It took several years for her to break the habit of the formal writing that marred her creativity. An additional Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing was Max’s biggest support in this. Max writes primarily sci-fi/fantasy, paranormal romance, and Young Adult stories.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for Lexxi Kitty.
2,040 reviews468 followers
June 21, 2018
I’ve started this review something like twelve times now.

Eve Grant works as a homicide detective in Seattle. There are investigations she is shown investigating, but the main point of the book is not to follow and/or unravel mysteries, but to watch Eve’s love life. She’s both not the kind to have relationships (more of a one-night stand type of person), and hasn’t been on a one night stand type event in months (six?). So, naturally, there’d be some changes in store for Eve in this book.

Her first potential love interest is the somewhat vaguely ice queen like Ainsley Monson, the medical examiner. I’m not actually sure if she has that reputation so much as she kind of acts that way in the book.

I’d like to say ‘various other people weave in and out as potentials’, but that’s hard to have happen, what with Eve mostly just hanging out with straight people, and in straight bars. Another potential love interest does pop up, though, through the means of visiting that gay friendly bar that shares the same name as this book
(Ciara is meet there, and a tiny bit of time is spent here otherwise, but . . . I’m not sure why this specific book is named after that bar).

An interesting dynamic breaks out that I rarely see in books like this one, though it might be obvious from what I’ve written up to this point – Eve starts dating two people at the same time (one knows the name of the other; the other knows that Eve is dating someone else, but not her name). The three woman love triangle actually, and somewhat unexpectedly, seems to flow naturally for the people involved, and the situation(s) encountered. Or, in other word, there are reasons for why things developed the way they developed, for how Eve ended up dating two people at the same time, who are aware of the situation and vaguely accepting of it.

Fire and ice. I’ve mentioned Ainsley, she’d fall on the ice side of things. On the fire side is Ciara. Using the ‘fire and ice’ as opposite extremes is a nice motif for me to use, eh? But doesn’t really apply, and was never used in the book. Ainsley has elements of being closed off emotionally, being something of an ice queen; while Ciara, with her flaming red hair, and ability to openly express her wants and desires would fall inside . . . whatever category that would imply. Fire seems to imply someone who becomes enraged easily or something like that, which is not Ciara. Or someone controlled by their emotions, again not her. I need a new motif.

You know, writing a review for this book should probably be easy. I’m not sure why it took me twelve times to get to this point, or why I’m ham-fistedly going about things as I am.

I probably should have just gone with the thought I’d had while reading the book, and seen if there was something I could have built off of it, review-wise. That thought being: ice-queens are popular in lesbian fiction, off the top of my head I can think of three fanfiction universes that use that dynamic and in turn get used for inspiration for fanfiction, and published work (Cat Grant from Supergirl; whoever the ice queen is from: Devil Wears Prada, and, in addition, the one from Once Upon a Time (that’s the one that’s called Swanqueen, right?); a fourth could be Janeway from Star Trek Voyager, though I rarely see fanfictions from that universe, and when I do, they tend to attempt to show what would have happened if Janeway hadn’t made the decision to not pursue romantic interests while in the Delta quadrant – she has more of the ‘stand-offishness’ vibe more from circumstances than actual traits (at least there were hints she wasn’t that way when she wasn’t cut off from the Alpha Quadrant)).

Melting the ice queen’s heart, especially since she tends to be shown as much older than the other individual involved in the romance, has never really been my thing to enjoy. I prefer the more nurturing, emotionally stable . . etc. etc. There’s probably a term for that type of character, eludes me (not 'mothering' type, that's going too far in a different direction, I'm not looking 'mother and little girl' stories either, more equal partners type stories). I’m referring here to what I like to read, not real life situations (*shrugs*, I can't really say I'm not into that in real life since my longest term relationship, roughly 7 to 8 years, was with someone with a vaguely ice queen vibe, though I only really noticed after the fact when watching her interact with others who were not me).

Nope, that thought experiment to create a review didn’t work. Ah well.

I liked what I saw unfold in this book. For the most part I liked the sole point of view character, Eve, and her best friend Ang. I liked the personality shown with Ciara, though we, the reader, didn’t really get to dig deep into her character. We learn a little bit more about Ainsley, but, due to her character, there are walls around her that weren’t breached.

Hmm. I now fall into an odd problem. Since I wrote, then discarded a dozen reviews, I’m not sure what all I actually have and haven’t written. Since I feel like I’ve written everything now, but probably have discarded most. Pfft, having to reread my own review… mmphs.

Right. There are two things left I wanted to mention. Or, at least, two things I thought of mentioning.

Nah, I just deleted the paragraph(s) I wrote that rambled about this being the sixth book I’ve read by one of the two authors listed on this book’s cover, and I’ll just move to the next topic.

There’s graphic sex in this book. I, somewhat unexpectedly, liked it more than I figured I would.

Some quotes:

"Nice sunglasses," . . .
"Shut up."
"I thought you weren't drunk."
"Wasn't drunk. Totally no drunkness occurred."
"Uh huh. So you normally wear sunglasses in the rain?"
"I do. Don't judge me."

"Hey, don't discount the awesomeness that is my firearm. It's saved your life a time or two."
"Yeah, but what happens when you're disarmed? You scream 'I beat terrorists!' while waving your arms in the air?" I laughed at him. "That'll work."

"Prude." Now I laughed at her. "I was kidding. I'm thirty-six years old. I have no gaydar. I'm broken."

If I was any less of a person, I'd deny the deflated feeling inside when I heard the dreaded heterosexuality pour from her lips. My inclinations were, no doubt, wrong.

"Thanks for the drink."
"Anytime." I smiled, half-heartedly at the sexy woman who I would now only get to ogle at until I shriveled up and died.

"Worst lesbian ever. Most U-Haul. You Fed Ex."
I laughed hard at the unusual statement. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"U-Haul, love 'em and married by the third date. Fed Ex, love 'em and ship 'em out next day air."

"Are you aware that we're both in our mid-thirties and behaving like bi-curious teenagers?"

"I've also never kissed two women at the same time." I looked at her. "Wait, that sounded odd."

"I don't care if we eat in the middle of the road, as long as we get to spend time together," I told her because that's how I felt.

I lost my fingers in her hair but she pulled back suddenly.
"Did I give you a boner?" She grined down at me, biting her bottom lip in the way that made me want to bit it for her.
"I think you might've." I reached under my shirt and tugged my sidearm free, shoving it into my purse a few inches away.

"Dating," I said. "We're dating. Poorly, at the moment."
She laughed, genuinely. So much so that her eyes lit up with it. "Very."
"Just relax a little, okay?"
"You too then. Sometimes you look about ready to regurgitate a meal."
"Ainsley!" I laughed, swatting her arm without thinking. "That's gross. You say weird shit."

Nothing brought me more joy than spending this time with Angelina. She was my best friend, my sister, my person, and no matter what, that wouldn't ever change. I was lucky to have her, to call her my family.

ETA: by the way - if the relationship had ended up the way I thought it might, I'd probably have rated this book way differently. Like, a lot.

Rating: 5.0

June 21 2018
Profile Image for Corrie.
1,584 reviews4 followers
May 1, 2019
I never read anything from Max Ellendale but then I saw she offered a couple of her books as freebies on Amazon so I took the chance to get to know her stuff. I looked at her profile pic on Goodreads and thought “What is this young pup going to give me I wonder?” Ha! Well, I got schooled because Wildrose turned out to be a fantabulous read.

It’s a standalone in the same universe as The Four Point Trilogy (I have to read those as well now) and some of those characters make an appearance in this book. Wildrose starts out with a homicide investigation but pretty soon we veer away from all that and focus mostly on the relationships our main character Seattle P.D. detective Evelyn (Eve) Grant has with her best friend and colleague Angelina, the hard-to-read but very intriguing medical examiner Ainsley Monson and the sexy ginger marketing director Ciara (sorry, can’t find her last name).

Let me tell you the dialogue was superb and the sex was imaginative and hot, hot, hot. Good moving plot as well. I will have to accept that the case we started the story with bleeds out and we never see a conclusion. I really enjoyed the love triangle we got into with Eve, Ainsley and Ciara and I honestly wouldn’t object if the three of them could have made it work into a nice poly-amorous triad.

"Worst lesbian ever. Most U-Haul. You Fed Ex."
I laughed hard at the unusual statement. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"U-Haul, love 'em and married by the third date. Fed Ex, love 'em and ship 'em out next day air."

So, Max Ellendale, you can call me a fan now and I will endeavor to read your whole back catalogue, starting with the Four Point Trilogy.

f/f explicit and very hot sexy times

Themes: Seattle, homicide, bff’s, dating two people at the same time is hard work, play some piano for me, ‘she is weird.’

5 stars
Profile Image for Ted.
560 reviews79 followers
December 29, 2017
Right. That. Was. Awesome.

I half expected a crime drama with a side of rom. Instead it was flipped around. A rom with a side of crime drama. Evelyn is a *great* MC. Really liked her a lot. If this is how she writes, sign me up. Loved it.
Profile Image for JulesGP.
543 reviews165 followers
October 4, 2018
This book kept tugging at me until I finally pulled it out of my ku tbr list. Sometimes, you just know you’re going to fall hard for a particular story and when you finally settle into reading it, you get this knowing smirk.

Wildrose is both familiar and unique in story and voice. The mc is a homicide detective by the name of Evelyn Grant who is both flawed and a good hearted person. She’s surrounded by hard drinking, loyal friends on her investigative team. They face some gritty crime scenes but not too much gore is displayed. Although at times, Eve sounds like a good old fashioned hardboiled copper, there’s also a modernism as well as an unabashed femininity to her character which changes everything. Opens up the whole story world to so many possibilities that the author just begins to explore. The supporting characters are so well rounded that you can imagine the author spinning out whole books on their stories, too. The dialogue is witty and quick or subdued and pensive. Eve’s love interests feel real and I took the journey with her. But the thing that really impressed me was how seamlessly the story all flowed. No hiccups between dialogue, action, or even love scenes. Really nicely told. In addition, there’s just some really pretty language here and play with words that had me rereading passages just to hear them again.

Wildrose is a tie-in to the Four Point Trilogy so I’ll have to add them to my tbr list now.
Profile Image for hubsie.
591 reviews80 followers
February 21, 2021
A surprisingly good read that was definitely more romance than thriller/drama. There is a plot in there somewhere, but really this story is about Eve, and who is she going to choose: Ainsley or Ciara. It drew me in though, I actually liked the mains quite a bit, and must have been in the market for this kind of read. Its short and easy, even though the secondary plot hints at seriousness in content (child murdered), it's back burnered completely. Almost full-on in the trunk.

Jesus christ in slippers the sex was damn hot, titillating and heat-inducing. However, I remain confounded by the amount of breast grabs in the book. At once. Two handed. Grabbing boobs, grasping of tits, two handfuls in every intimate scene. My girls felt a little tender in sympathy.

I have a personal dislike against overuse of the word "weird" though, especially when directed as a personality flaw. Ainsley kept being referred to as weird, and it felt like such a judgment, and I really didn't see what the characters meant by it. Still a little confused on that.

Overall a good read, and I am curious if the next book will bring and if the author will keep up the interest. 3.75/5.
Profile Image for Kat.
666 reviews12 followers
May 8, 2019
Loved it!

I loved everything about this book, only wish Eve would get on with the medical examiner...I mean for real that would be just perdect! But even if she did not, story was Really good!
Profile Image for Jude in the Stars.
943 reviews651 followers
May 4, 2019
My first book by Max Ellendale, definitely not my last. The atmosphere is that of a mystery but it’s really a romance. It would make a great movie, or tv series. Very well-written, too.
Profile Image for Purpleberry.
74 reviews12 followers
June 7, 2019
After finishing the fluffy smut-festival that was Skyclad, I did not expect this book and was very pleasantly surprised.

From the first chapter, I was expecting a hard-boiled crime drama with a bit of friend banter and romance on the side, but all of the crime went out the window as soon as the romance started.

The main character is a tough, butchy detective who steadily gets more femme until she’s in sweater dresses and high heels all the time, which kind of follows the shift away from the actual crime (which I believe was solved off screen?). Needless to say, the personal stuff took top billing.

The relationships were interesting and well-written. I really like how the MC, Eve sets boundaries especially when Ainsley is being weird and not talking to her at all but obviously upset. Ciara wins as the most perfect girlfriend, seriously she’s got money and a good job that she can ditch whenever Eve is in trouble, no baggage, she can cook, light the bedroom on fire, is drop-dead gorgeous BUT the most important thing is she is super understanding about the love-triangle bind Eve finds herself in. And they communicate like adults the entire time.

To reiterate, the communication was really well done, and I felt for Ainsley when she’s struggling to define herself in a world where she has few or no connections to anyone else like her except for Eve. I kept cringily waiting for Eve to ditch The Perfect Girlfriend for The Drama of the Toaster Oven Girl. I won’t go into details, but the ending was good and satisfying.

Ellendale writes in first-person, which isn’t my favorite, but she really makes it work with the MCs really characteristic and sympathetic inner voice that I think would not have come through as well in third, and bonus prevents head-hopping with is also something I’d rather avoid.

A good read and four stars!
Profile Image for Kerstin.
131 reviews3 followers
March 21, 2018
I didn´t expect much, just your typical cop story but man was this a great read!
The conflict of the main character Evelyn is handled here in a unique way and I really liked that.
The story has a good humor and the outcome wasn´t too predictable.
I would welcome a sequel where Ainsley is now integrated in the group of freinds.

I will definitly read more from this author.
Profile Image for Carly.
166 reviews
July 30, 2018
The writing of this book is great. It pulls you in from the beginning. However the story wasn't to my taste. I'm not a fan of dating two people at the same time. I like a spark and chemistry that can't be denied whereas I didn't feel it was in this story. This isn't by any means a bad review it just boils down to personal preference.
Profile Image for XR.
1,851 reviews100 followers
May 30, 2020
I had a smile on my face when I closed this book. I'm such a sucker for romance.
Profile Image for MaxDisaster.
644 reviews69 followers
March 23, 2022
3 stars
My main issue is, that the blurb doesn't mention Ciara (usually a romance book blurb mentions the main two characters that are going to date at the end).
Because of that I was getting increasingly annoyed for most of the book thinking this was Ainsley/Evie endgame story and I couldn't grasp why would Evie choose her over Ciara. If someone gave me this sort of whiplash I'd learn to hate them pretty quickly (I hate uncertainty and confusing behaviour) and definitely not think about dating them.
So lesson learned: ignore the names in the blurb
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for StepherzGay Ladue.
214 reviews25 followers
July 6, 2018
I liked this book but I enjoyed and obsessed over Rabbit much more. Something I love about all of Ellendale's books is her characters are so funny and it flows so well. Evie and Ainsley were good friends but I could never see them as a canon couple. Though that's probably because I read Rabbit before this one and saw Eve with her actual girlfriend and instantly loved it. They were so cute and hot and it really worked. What I really want is a book about Jordan and Ainsley.
171 reviews
May 12, 2018
Really loving this author's writing. I loved that the main characters of this and “Rabbit” were all womens in their late 30s/early 40s. It was very refreshing.
Profile Image for Kexx.
2,024 reviews79 followers
August 28, 2019
Had me blubbing like a baby - not quite sure why, but it was the relationship between best friends which, to me, was the most moving. Without adding spoilers, there were two passages I re-read - class prose that I found really moving.
Profile Image for Skyye Breeze.
350 reviews
January 16, 2018
a very beautiful book!
I couldn't put it down! I love the story it was so entertaining and so easy to read like the words just flowed so beautifully that I felt like I was in a completely different world! it captures your attention so effortlessly that its hard to pull yourself away and before you realize it you have finished the book! I enjoyed the characters.. they're amazing... funny but most of all I love their closeness they have with each other they have this close bond like a family a complete unit and it's such a beautiful thing to witness!
I can't say enough good things about this book and I love the author she always finds ways to connect with her readers and writes these amazing books that you feel down in your soul!
Profile Image for Jen.
1,289 reviews2 followers
April 16, 2019
More romance than mystery

Definitely not the story I was expecting after reading the description… expected more police procedural & criminal mystery (which was just an afterthought by the middle of the book!) But otherwise, this was a pretty good book!!
Profile Image for Dee.
1,992 reviews85 followers
May 2, 2019
3.5 stars.

An okay story, nothing that gripped me, but nothing terrible either. Well, other than the overuse of the term 'a little' that grated on my last nerve by the end of the story. Picky, I know.

If you're after a romance featuring a woman dating two women, and them both being accepting of that until she makes a choice, this could be just the ticket.

If you're after a detective type/crime/thriller, this might fall short.

The heroines best friend, Angelina, was the bomb.
3 reviews
May 5, 2019
Not what I expected but still good

*******Spoiler ahead a guess?***********

Based on the summary, the main characters were to be Ainsley and Evelyn, and at the start of it, seems the build up was going to be about those two, then all of a sudden Ciara showed up out of nowhere. Made it hard for me to have a connection with Ciara, as I felt she was there for sex mostly. Would have been great to explore the connection Eve had with Ainsley as someone that is coming to terms with her sexuality, but that was not the case.
Profile Image for VanillaPan.
4 reviews1 follower
December 8, 2019
For some odd reason, I got more attached with Ainsley. I could truly relate to her when it came to being confused like hell and not knowing how to express feelings.

And with that I hope she gets a book solely about her too.
Profile Image for Betty.
286 reviews8 followers
June 1, 2019
I know everyone seems to love this, but this did not really work for me. We have a really dark start, a dead kid indeed, and for that, I thought we were in for a really gritty detective story. Nope. Which is a shame because I read the opening and rubbed my hands with glee. So remove all of that and let's move on to what the story really is.

We get going out with work colleagues and getting drunk. Friends, and drunk. Dating two women. Lots of sex. More drinking. More and more sex. Pop into the office and solve no crime. Get drunk, get laid. Sounds remarkably familiar.

Some good humour though and in the first few instances, the sex was really good. I would rather have solved the child's murder, and see no reason for this in the story.
1,149 reviews16 followers
May 14, 2019

I really enjoyed Wildrose. The story is a great combination of police procedures, romance and the depths of friendship. Recommend it.
Profile Image for Nicole.
119 reviews
February 6, 2018
This book is more romance than crime solving. I enjoyed the book and the characters. I really hope there is a second book. I have several questions I would like answered.
Profile Image for C.M. Castillo.
Author 4 books6 followers
June 10, 2018
I do enjoy thrillers. This read was a fun summer read. Easy and satisfying.
745 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2018
Loved it!

I loved this book and I'm really looking forward to the next book in the series. The conversations and emotions are real
Profile Image for Heather Henkel.
1,404 reviews23 followers
April 21, 2018
Good book

I really enjoyed reading this story and I liked the different plot lines. I would have liked a conclusion to the murder but overall the story was still good.
233 reviews5 followers
August 22, 2018

Great liked the whole story. Good characters good back up characters some nice twists and turns kept me interested to the last page. First time with this author thank you for a great book off to find your other books.
Profile Image for Katia M. Davis.
Author 3 books17 followers
May 16, 2020
This was an OK read, not my favourite Ellendale so far, but it was a nice sedate read. I felt like there were a few loose ends and some things happened a bit out of the blue to me. I preferred Ainsley as a character than Ciara, but that's just my personal taste in character traits and personality. It was well written and an easy read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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