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A tornado has destroyed a small Minnesota community and among the missing are not only a group of students but also PEAK Rescue team leader Chet King. Ty Remington will stop at nothing to rescue his mentor, not even when the girl he loved—and lost—walks back into his life. But Brette needs his help more than he knows, despite her stubborn determination to push him away. And when he gets a second chance, loving her just might cost him more than he can imagine.

A blogger for Vortex Storm Chasers, Brette Arnold didn't expect her adventures to land her in the same place as Ty, the guy who she walked—no, ran—from over a year ago. She had her reasons—good ones. The kind that tell her that falling for him again would only lead to heartache. But Ty isn't the kind of man to give up—not on the missing students or on her.

328 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2018

About the author

Susan May Warren

162 books3,278 followers
I can't help be amazed at the gifts God has delighted me with - a wonderful husband, four amazing children, and the opportunity to write for Him.

I've been writing as long as I can remember - I won my first book writing contest in first grade! Over the years, writing has become, for me, a way to praise God and see Him at work in my life.

Although I have a degree in Mass Communications from the University of MN, my real writing experience started when I penned the The Warren Report - a bi-monthly newsletter that detailed our ministry highlights.

Living in Russia meant I never lacked for great material - and those experiences naturally spilled out first into devotionals and magazine articles and finally into my first published story, "Measure of a Man," in the Tyndale/HeartQuest, Chance Encounters of the Heart anthology.

Susan and husbandI grew up in Wayzata, a suburb of Minneapolis, and became an avid camper from an early age. My favorite fir-lined spot is the north shore of Minnesota - it's where I met my husband, honeymooned and dreamed of living. The north woods easily became the foundation for my first series, The Deep Haven series.based on a little tourist town along the shores of Lake Superior. I have to admit - I'm terribly jealous of Mona, the heroine of my first full-length book, Happily Ever After, a Christy Award Finalist published in 2004 with Tyndale/Heartquest.

Our family moved home from the mission field in June 2004 -- and now we live in the beautiful town I'd always dreamed of! God has amazed me anew with His provision, and blessings -- and allowed me a season when I can write full time for Him.

I 'm delighted you've stopped in to visit. My hope is that you'll be blessed and encouraged by soul-stirring stories of regular people interacting with a God who loves them.

I'd love to hear from you! I love getting mail, especially from readers and I welcome your questions and comments. Write to me at susan@susanmaywarren.com. And, if you're interested, sign up for my newsletter, a quarterly sneak peek into upcoming releases and projects. Thank you for your interest and support.

God Bless and Happy Reading!

In His Grip,
Susan May Warren

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 323 reviews
Profile Image for Hannah.
2,563 reviews1,401 followers
July 11, 2018
Edit: Dropping my rating. "Okay" describes it best...cut out all the sloppy romance and I'd be okay, but I just don't like thinking back to grownups acting like teens and refusing to grow up and get a life and instead being stuck in drama. I tried to be nice to the book because I liked where we ended up, but who am I fooling? I thought we ended up there in book one. It's like leaping to the top of a sand heap and sliding down over and over again. These kids never learn from theirs or from others' mistakes, and while they have a sort of faith the lesson never quite sticks.

Original review: I do love a good story centered around weather and rescues. Ty and Brette are some of my favorites out of the series so far, and I truly enjoyed their parts.

I also really enjoyed the ongoing search for this missing townsfolk and the putting together the clues to figure out where they were.

Ben and Kacey, though...what in the world. They had been my previous favorite couple, but apparently they forgot how to be adults. This spoiler is for if you haven’t read the first book yet: In the end they won me over a bit more, but I was really mad at them for a major part of the book.

Weather accuracy: terms aren’t straight. I wish a weather person could have read the book over, because “mesocyclone” was termed “tornado” in one spot (rotation does not equal a tornado in most situations. It means the conditions are favorable for a tornado.) A tornado dropping to the ground is not a “forming mesocyclone”...it’s a funnel cloud forming. It comes out of the mesocyclone, which is a large rotating storm cell. One thing that rather shocked me was that no mention of a wall cloud was ever made. As someone who grew up with two storm-spotter parents and got her own storm-spotter certificate as soon as possible, this is an essential symptom of most developing tornadoes. Also no mention of updrafts or anvils were made. Everything was blamed on two types of clouds, some radar formations, and the actual tornadoes. Furthermore, the second line of severe weather would not have taken experienced storm chasers by surprise to that extent. One rumble of thunder and their ears would be tuned to the wind directions and the height of the cloud and the possibility of further severe weather. I took my first storm watching class (sitting in the back between my parents at the age of seven) back in the days of NOAA weather reporters still giving live announcements (no Computer Bob in the mid nineties) and got my full certification before smartphones were a thing. You are NOT dependent on radar images to figure out where a tornado might happen. That’s the whole point of becoming a storm spotter. Anyway, here’s a quick and easy link to some of the terms I was expecting to see used in this storm-centered book: https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/s...

Notes on content: “sanitized” swearing including gosh, jeez, gee (Seriously, these terms are really getting on my nerves more and more this year.)

Frank talk about Ben’s pal having an orgy in a hotel room and about lustful desires between adults.

Thanks to the publisher for a free review copy. A positive review was not required.
Profile Image for Sarah Grace Grzy.
629 reviews907 followers
July 11, 2018
This was the first Susan May Warren novel I have read, and I had high hopes for it. The summary was very intriguing and the beginning captured my interest right away. Unfortunately, due to several reasons, Storm Front just didn't live up to expectations.

I found the multiple POVs very confusing, and it drew me out of the story to be constantly switching between four different people's distinct stories. While Ty and Brette are the true main characters, Ben and Kacey's story, while interesting (actually I liked their characters better than Ty and Brette), just muddled things up for me.

The plot felt very disjointed and all over the place, and the characters didn't seem very smart or realistic. (Gotta hurry up and save some people because time's running out, but let's take 5 and make out in the parking lot? Hello?)

And on that note, the another main reason this was a one star for me was the romance. It was nearly entirely based on physical attraction, which is so not what I want to read about. There was a distinct lack of depth and realisticity in Ty and Brette's relationship. Also, far too many overly described kisses for my taste. Um, no thanks. This quote particularly really rubbed me the wrong way:

"You have no idea how you look when you talk about God. He's in you or something because when you say it, I believe it."


"Mmmhmm. And it's completely . . . I don't know. Sexy. Or charming, or maybe just breathtaking."

Really? The definition of sexy is "having sexual appeal". How can someone's love for God have sexual appeal? And if you think it does, then . . . something is not right. It's turning something spiritual into something physical, which just seems weird.

Also, the inaccuracies bothered me and drew me out of the story. There were multiple medical and weather\scientific inaccuracies that had me pausing. For example, Ty twists his previously broken knee severely and thinks he probably won't be able to walk for the next several days. But, he doesn't even get it checked out by a doctor and is completely fine walking, and it's not mentioned again until a few chapters later when he now has a limp.

Overall, this isn't a book I enjoyed, nor would I recommend it.
Profile Image for Brittany .
2,545 reviews179 followers
May 16, 2018
Goodness! What an action-packed addition to the Montana Rescue series! I simply love the way these characters feel like family to me as I read. I have really enjoyed the fact that this series is a nice, long one and that it is also connected to the Montana Fire series, which I love. I highly recommend both of these series of books, and of reading the books in order.

Ty was really a stand up guy in Storm Front. I felt for him and for the insecurities and guilt that he had been carrying around. I absolutely loved the way he felt about Brette and the way he made sure she understood that she was important to him, no matter what she had been through or what she might have to go through.

I sometimes felt frustrated with Brette’s actions, however, they were understandable based on things that had happened in her past. I enjoyed seeing her grow and develop faith in God, trust in Ty, and seeing her gain hope for the future.

I am anxiously awaiting the final book in the series and know that this entire series is one I will enjoy re-reading. I have already read the connected Montana Fire series twice!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

You can read this review on my blog:
Profile Image for Staci.
2,037 reviews601 followers
May 30, 2018
Tons of action in the fifth book of the Montana Rescue Series!

Ty continues to be grounded and serve more as a generalist for the PEAK team. Brette is a photographer with storm chasers. She is struggling with her health prognosis and to pay her medical bills. Both find themselves in a Minnesota town devastated by a tornado. The clock is ticking on finding survivors alive. Ty does a great job of finding clues to lead him closer to where the survivors could be.

Storm Front also focuses on Ben and Kacey that were the main characters in the first book of the series. Ben's country star musician schedule is creating difficulties for both of them.

The ending sets up readers for what's to come in the next book in the series. Will Pete and Jess finally get their HEA?

My gratitude to publisher Revell for a complimentary NetGalley copy of the novel. I was not required to post a review and the opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Loraine.
3,239 reviews
May 12, 2018
Storm Front was definitely a page turner from start to finish packed with plenty of action. Having lived in Texas for many years and dealing with tornadoes, I really enjoyed the premise of the story with the PEAK search and Rescue Team. This is the first book in this series I have read so it took me a few chapters before I got the characters all straight in my head, but it definitely didn't spoil the story for me although I would imagine reading the stories in sequence would give the characters greater depth and the reader more insight.

Britte and Ty along with Ben and Kacey were all dealing with their own personal relationship storms in the midst of the incredible devastation caused by this massive tornado. I got frustrated with all of them at one point or another as they put up walls and didn't communicate what they were thinking and feeling. But, as the story progressed, each of them begin to deal with their own problems that were keeping their relationship from going to the next level.

I loved Ty's gut feelings and that no matter how much flack he got from some of the team he followed what his inner senses were telling him. The dedication of the PEAK team to one another and their search and rescue focus was incredible.

If you like suspense, I would definitely recommend this book. Warren's writing can be classed with Irene Hannon and Dee Henderson. I will be returning to the previous books to learn more about each of the characters.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell through NetGalley. Opinions are mine alone. I was not compensated for this review.
Profile Image for Susan Snodgrass.
2,002 reviews249 followers
March 17, 2018
'I know you feel decimated, but don't let your circumstances tell you who God is. Let who God is tell you how to deal with your circumstances.'

Reading a novel written by Susan May Warren is akin to going to a powerful church service where the message speaks directly to a situation in your own life. Seriously. I don't know how she manages this; well, yes, I do. She writes under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Time and time again, I have been ministered to in my spirit by her words on the page. I thank God for this, for loving me and meeting me there in my need with this precious blessing of Warren's books.

Storm Front is Warren's 5th book in her Montana Rescue series. She ramps up the excitement in this one with a series of tornados raining down destruction on the folks we've come to know and love. Ty Remington has thought of Brette and nearly nothing else for the last year. Now she's back, taking photos of storms, blogging for Vortex Storm Chasers, and he is shocked when he sees her. What has happened to Brette? He has had some serious issues to deal with in the intervening time since he last saw her, but she shocks him with her appearance.

Brette Arnold has been through a storm of a different kind, one she anticipates will never go away and so she is intent upon pushing Ty away, even though she knows he loves her. She ran from Ty over a year ago for good reasons and she doesn't intend to let him in her life again, convinced it will only lead to heartache.

Ty Remington doesn't give up. There are students missing in the tornado that his nearly destroyed the entire town and he is determined to follow his hunch and find them. And he doesn't intend to give up on Brette, either.

I love the themes running through Warren's books. This one is a storm. We all face storms in our lives as believers in Christ. "God doesn't promise to keep the storm away, but he says he'll be with me through it. My faith won't protect me from the loss, but it will carry me and keep me from despair." The storms will come; how we react to them is our own choice. Do we give up, thinking God doesn't care, or do we run into the storm, knowing fully in our heart that He will carry us through the storm? We will most definitely be stronger when we come out of the storm.

Susan May Warren is a particular favorite author of mine and her books sit proudly on my shelves. When I crack open one of her novels, I know I am going to be blessed and I am going to grow in my walk with the Lord. THAT is why I love her books! I am not eagerly anticipating the next in her Montana Rescue series.

*My thanks to the publisher for an early copy of this book. All opinions stated here are entirely my own.
Profile Image for Aimee (Getting Your Read On).
3,041 reviews281 followers
May 7, 2018
I am so obsessed with this series (and the previous series) by Susan May Warren. I watch and wait to see when the next book is coming out and then stalk NetGalley waiting, hoping to see a review copy become available. Honestly, I am a stalker of this series. Why? I love the characters, who cross over throughout the books. They become so familiar to me and that sense of family and belonging shines through. I also love the sense of adventure and danger that is in full force. It pushes these stories forward and I become so wrapped up in what is happening I don't want to put the book down! What more could you ask for in a book?

Ty is one of my favorite characters, I think. I loved his deep down desire to help people, to fix things, to save lives. He is a follow his gut kind of guy and I loved how hard he fought for what he believed was right.

Brette has been through so much. So many hard things and she has tackled them all on her own. Her fierce independence protects her to some degree, but it drove me mad. I wanted to shake some sense into her! Ty was so utterly good to her. He's the hero of this book, no doubt about it.

Yeah, I loved this one. I can't wait for what is coming next! (I'm back to stalking mode- ha!) This is the fifth book in this series and I would recommend reading them in order just because you will love them more if you do.

Content: peril, kissing, some Christian elements

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher per my request. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Heidi Robbins (Heidi Reads...).
1,621 reviews549 followers
October 8, 2018
I love this series, but Storm Front began a little slow for me. It picked up the brief relationship between Ty and Brette from two books ago (A Matter of Trust), and there wasn't a strong foundation there to begin with. The first part of the book is definitely plot-centered, but it also begins to show the inner struggles of Ty and Brette that they have faced during their time apart, and are still struggling with. A secondary story line is the faltering relationship of Ben and Kacey from the first book, Wild Montana Skies, and their angst over Ben's career keeping them apart. As much as I enjoyed the mountain setting of the first three books, the storm-filled plains of Minnesota was a nice change of pace while still maintaining that small-town feeling of community.

The pace of the book picked up as the emergencies hit, bringing Ty and the rescue team to intersect with Brette and her tornado-chasing team, and they work together to search for missing townspeople. It was fascinating to see the mystery unravel as the team pulled together resources and information to solve where the missing were when the tornado hit, and follow Ty's "hunches" to where they would take cover and end up. Emotions ran high at times and as Brette and Ty open up to each other, their friendship is reestablished and they are able to provide reassurance, encouragement, and support. By the end of the book I was fully invested in the story and was happy to see how everything worked out.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)
Profile Image for Cara Putman.
Author 61 books1,831 followers
June 13, 2018
A twister of a race against nature. The tension comes from a complex crowd of old and new friends and their race against mother nature. The hero is pitch-perfect and swoon-worthy, partly because he doesn't realize it. And the heroine is wounded in such rich ways that only the hero can touch. The layers from past characters add to the novel without making it hard for those who haven't read prior books to keep up.
Profile Image for Mayda.
3,459 reviews61 followers
March 12, 2018
This fifth book in the Montana Rescue series drops the reader in the continuing storyline. Although the tale is complete in itself, the backstories of the main characters factor in the plot, and while fans of the series know them, new readers do not. Eventually, enough clues are dropped that newbies to the series can mostly figure out the backstories. The characters are well-developed and the intricate plot is an adventurous and exciting one. The writing is good, and the religious aspect is woven throughout the novel in such a way that it adds to rather than detracts from the story. The novel ends on a cliff hanger that sets up the next book. To fully enjoy the characters and their growth, the reader would do well to read the series in order.
Profile Image for Noella Baird.
117 reviews29 followers
January 28, 2021
I really enjoyed this book. It's book number 5 in a set of 6. So much happening throughout the book. I really didn't want to put it down. I am so glad that I got all 6 of them before starting to read them. I am so looking forward to reading the final one in the set to see how it all concludes. It's great to see all the characters in the series come together and continue their stories.
Profile Image for Tejomai (bible_and_books).
173 reviews33 followers
October 6, 2021
4.5 💫
One of the best books I've read by Susan may warren Wait this might be one of my top Christian fiction/Suspense/ love stories I have read.

I felt tears in my heart as I've read this beautiful story..oh, how beautifully it spoke to me.

How wonderfully it explained the beauty of Grace and womenhood.
This is a part of the series Montana Rescue and I suggest reading the first book before reading this.

This is a great series.. as always I lived and enjoyed every minute of it, there was great faith content.. real good not preachy y'all . Just facts.. you cannot feel beautiful just because men had said it or you have good figures, healthy... Even after having a breast cancer Operation, not full up covering, hair loss, and pale looks. You are Beautiful !! You are perfect in God's eyes .. the only eyes that matter. You are His Beautiful One.
This book carries the story of Ty & Ellie
Oh, guys how do explain the story..
Just grab it and read it 😁
Profile Image for Dana Michael.
1,302 reviews148 followers
April 19, 2018
Storm Front is another adrenaline laced action romance from Susan May Warren. I enjoyed it and got caught up with Ty and Brette during the twisters. I got a little annoyed at times with Brette and also with the secondary romance with Ben and Kacey. I got a little flustered with her. But, in Warren style it all worked out for a thunderous and wonderful ending. I can't wait for the final installment with Pete and Jess!
Profile Image for Melanie.
2,140 reviews588 followers
September 18, 2018
Storm Front was written very well, however the main romance was a bit disappointing. I liked the characters, just the romance was not my cup of tea and I can't even explain why, exactly.

I enjoyed the storm chasing aspect, even though it was kind of freaky. I liked how previous MC from the series were in this book and it was nice to see what was going on in their lives.

All in all, I liked Storm Front, but it was my least favorite of the series so far.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*
Profile Image for Felicity W.
21 reviews10 followers
April 25, 2018
About this book~ " A tornado has destroyed a small Minnesota community, and among the missing are not only a group of students but also PEAK Rescue team leader Chet King. Ty Remington will stop at nothing to rescue his mentor, not even when the girl he loved-and lost- walks back into his life. But Brette needs his help more than he knows, despite her stubborn determination to push him away. And when he gets a second chance, loving her just might cost him more than he can imagine.

A blogger for Vortex Storm Chasers, Brette Arnold didn't expect her adventures to land in the same place as Ty, the guy who she walked-no, ran- from over a year ago. She had her reasons-good ones. The kind that tell her that falling for him again would only lead to heartache. But Ty isn't the kind of man to give up-not on the missing students or her."

Profanity/Violence~ Brette remembers what she went through when she was at the doctors ("the months of pain and bloody discharge from a double mastectomy", remembers "her dry body heaving from the nausea"). Brette's dad killed himself (not detailed).

Sexual Content~ Brette looks down on her prosthetics (fake size b's). Brette ran her hands down her barren chest and said she looked like a junior high boy. Brette remembers Ty's lips on hers, and later on Ty remembers their kiss. Ty and Brette want to kiss each other. Ty and Brette kiss multiple times ( one semi-detailed and three detailed). Brette and Ty touch and embrace multiple times. Brette explains to Ty that she was raped ( not detailed, but she said she was in his room, and he was drunk). Brette and Jonas embrace and kiss (semi-detailed). Ben and Kacey touch and embrace multiple times. Ben imagines what he would do if Kacey were with him (pretty detailed; he stopped before he got to far, but it's clear where his thoughts were going). Ben and Kacey kiss( semi-detailed), and it is clear that they want to kiss. Ben remembered that Kacey and he are trying to do their relationship right this time and he shouldn't create temptation. [spoiler title='{SPOILER}' style='default' collapse_link='true']Ben and Kacey had a child before marriage[/spoiler].Ben says that if he and Kacey get married they will at least be able to "be" together. Brette thought about Ty on their wedding night realizing what she meant.[spoiler title='{SPOILER}' style='default' collapse_link='true']Brette has breast cancer[/spoiler]. Brette wants to be able to give the man she loves all of herself without horrifying him. Kacey admits that Ben is the sexiest man alive twice, and Brette quotes it back to Kacey. Ben's bandmates try to get him to go party with them, but he refuses. Later on, two of Ben's friends bring a couple girls into the room and get him to go get a burger (one of the girls sits on Joey's lap and wrap her arms around him, but nothing else happens). Some of Ben's lyrics to his songs are a little provocative.

Other~ Ty says he used to drink and smoke weed.

Age recommendation~ 16+

My opinion~ Oh my, I really wanted to like this book. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to finish this book. I liked the fact that there were storm chasers and that the book is based on a tornado story, for I find those interesting (I'm a huge Twister fan!! If you haven't seen that movie, it's a must), but the constant descriptions of the damage the storm brought got extremely boring. Also, for a Christian book, God sure was on the back burner. The side romance definitely wasn't Christian. I was very disappointed with this book. One thing I do like about this book is the cover. It is stunning, and the spine is even better!! I actually read this book without reading the first four books, so at some points it was difficult to remember who the people were, but overall, I caught along good. I am really sad to say it, but I don't recommend this book to anyone under 16. Although whoever did this cover, you are amazing!!

* my thanks to the publisher for this book in exchange for an honest review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
559 reviews
March 25, 2018
God doesn't promise to keep the storm away, but He says He'll be with me through it. My faith won't protect me from the loss, but it will carry me and keep me from despair. ~page 195

High-stakes adventure and tense moments that will steal your breath away are just a few of things you will find while reading this story. Susan Warren is one of my top authors who knows how to throw you in the middle of the action from the start and not let up until the ever-so-satisfying ending. Strong characters, strong faith, and a strong plot are what keeps me coming back for more!

Ty & Brette struggle with storms in their lives, both in their past and present. Ty feels responsible for the helicopter crash that almost took the life of Chet a year ago. Guilt weighs heavy on him and he's still trying to find his place in the PEAK team. Not realizing that God has already called him exactly where he needs to be. Brette fought her battle with cancer, but not without physical changes that hold her back from loving Ty. What she desperately needs to feel is hope again, something only God can fulfill if she would but let Him! I love watching the transformation in them once God gets a hold of their hearts; fully and completely. It's a beautiful thing!

No wonder the world needed people of faith to stand strong—they were looking to them for the smallest inkling of hope. ~page 285

This is a well-rounded story that involves other characters from previous books, and a continuing storyline that gets better & better. To which, I'm not sure how Susan Warren does it over & over again! I'm always eager for her next book.

*I received a complimentary copy of this from the publisher and was not obligated to leave a favorable review. *
Profile Image for Deena.
939 reviews
March 16, 2018
When you turn to the first page of a novel by Susan May Warren, you can count on three things:

3) She loves her craft.
2) She does her research.
1) She is passionate about her Jesus.

When you read the final page of a novel by Susan May Warren, you can count on three things:

3) You've cried buckets of tears.
2) You'll have imaginary people as friends forever.
1) You're going to want the next book NOW.

In "Storm Front" we finally get to know Ty Remington and
Brette Arnold. As the story unfolds, our favorite characters from the Montana Rescue series make their appearance, but you'll be captivated by the building relationship between Ty, Brette, and Jesus.

The back cover reads "A tornado has destroyed a small Minnesota community"...what an understatement! More like obliterated! The tornado scenes took my breath away. And the rich detail from Susan's research draws you in and makes you feel what the characters feel.

The faith flows through the pages like a natural, refreshing stream, and we see God's love through new eyes. Susan's imaginary people are flawed, much like we're flawed. They have baggage, hang ups, and struggle with the goodness and forgiveness of God.

And with learning how to accept genuine love. I absolutely love Susan's novels, and each book is my favorite until the next book is released. True confession: my all-time favorite is still "The Shadow of Your Smile", but considering how much I love her other stories, that book holds its place by a thread!

I received an advance copy from the publisher with no obligation in exchange.
Profile Image for Karen R.
669 reviews90 followers
April 5, 2018
Wow, the newest book in the Montana Rescue series is a wild ride across the Midwest, as the PEAK team comes to the aid of a town ripped apart by a tornado. Lives are also torn up and restored by faith, prayer, compassion, and love in this latest installment of the series. Recommend reading these in order to get the full back story and better understand the drama behind the dialogue.

"God doesn’t promise to keep the storm away, but he says he’ll be with me through it."

This author is a champion of adventure romance dramas interjected with faith.The analogy of weathering the storms of life played out well in the relationships, plus a dramatic search and rescue. At center stage is Ty and Brette whose relationship began in the book A Matter of Trust. Brette's struggles are very real and so heart wrenching, making her difficulty trusting quite believable. Emotions run high, and there are many meaningful discussions about faith, as well as coping with traumatic life situations. Kacey and Ben have equal time in this book, with their relationship coming to a head; had me wondering how it would all end. A bit of a crossover to the Montana Fire series included makes me want to catch up on that side series. A cliffhanger ending sets the stage for the next exciting book too!

Recommend for readers who like action, drama and romance with faith. 4.5 stars

(An e-book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.)
Profile Image for Madison.
1,084 reviews68 followers
March 21, 2018
Five stars are not enough to convey the true awesomeness of Storm Front. What is it about this Montana Rescue series? It just gets better and better and better with each book - and they were pretty darn good to start off with.

Brette Arnold is tired of facing the challenges constantly thrown her way - the death of first her father then her mother, cancer, assault and now mounting debt - she’s tired of believing in hope when everything seems hopeless. It’s why she ran from the protection of Ty Remington’s embrace and the support he offered. But her current job as a photographer in a storm chasing team brings her face-to-face with Ty as a massive storm cell brings destruction and endangers the life of PEAK team leader, Chet King.

I have to admit that while I love Susan May Warren’s books I’m not sure I’d like to be one of her characters. Actually scrap that, because even with everything they face, even when they crawl into collapsing buildings, chase after tornadoes, face epic storms and cancer and death and grief and relationship breakdown, even when they face all that they still have each other. How amazing would it be to be a part of the PEAK team? This crazy group of insanely brave and wonderful people, who band together and show up and support each other, no matter what. So, yeah, maybe I wouldn’t mind being one of Susie May’s characters after all.

Over the course of the past five books in the Montana Rescue series, the PEAK team members and their varied supporters and offshoot members have become very much like a big, loud family. Each of the stories captured in the books overlap a little, and it is wonderful to continue the journey with all of the characters. I loved that this book returns readers to where it all began, with the continuation of Ben and Kacey’s story. And I think the words “it’s about time” sum up their situation perfectly. Their journey towards a future together perfectly ties into the overarching themes of sticking around, learning to face your fears, and accepting the support of those around you.

But Storm Front, while populated with all the characters we now know and love, it is very much Ty and Brette’s story. These two instantly stole my heart. They were simply perfect for each other. My only complaint about the entire book was that I wanted so much more of Brette and Ty. I could have read on forever. I loved the little moments they share. I loved how they balance each other out and encourage each other to stretch the limits of their faith and ability to hope. I loved how Ty is so relentless in his pursuit to rescue, help, and support others. I loved how Brette so desperately needed that from Ty, but how she could see beyond the surface with Ty, see that he too needed rescuing.

The Montana Rescue series is quickly becoming one of my all-time favourite series. While each book has a complete story, the lives of the characters do overlap, and so I would recommend reading the series in chronological order. Storm Front’s epilogue, with a both a happy ending and a cliffhanger ending, will have you desperate for the sixth (and sadly, final) book in the series.

If you have previously read a book from the Montana Rescue series you know how good they can be and so Storm Front is probably already on your to-read list. If you are new to the Montana Rescue series, I highly, highly recommend it, especially to readers who love heartwarming stories of courage, suspense, action, and love.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

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2,082 reviews7 followers
March 9, 2018
The storms in this book are both literal and figurative. Ty Remington is part of a Search and Rescue (SAR) team. Brette, Jonas, Nixon, and Geena are a storm chasing team. Ty and Brette have a previous history, and their lives intersect again when a tornado hits near where Jonas and Nixon live.

The bad weather ruins country-star and sometimes SAR member, Ben's, plan to elope with his fiancee and puts Ben's father among the missing. Jonas's brother, a high school cross country runner who'd been out training, is also among the missing. Ty and the rest of the SAR group rush to the area to help find Ben's father and end up lodged with Jonas's family (and so are also pulled in to the search for Jonas's brother and other missing townspeople).

The plot takes many twists and turns where a certain person or group of people is found with the hope that all the others missing will be with that adult, only to find that it is not so. But the team does not give up until all the missing are accounted for.

At the same time, many of the characters are dealing with inner (figurative) storms. Ben is trying to balance his touring as a country star, which he feels he has to do to support his fledgling business, with being a father and wooing his soon-to-be wife. Ty is struggling with guilt over an accident that occurred while he was the helicopter pilot and hasn't been able to bring himself to pilot since. He's also struggling with his feelings for Brette (even before life throws them together again.) Brette struggles with being dependent on others (she doesn't like to) and also with concerns about her health and worries about recurrence--she can't quite bring herself to believe that she's beaten it. Kacey, Ben's fiancee, is struggling with her feelings for him and with his frequent absences and what that means for their life together. The postponements of their wedding leave her wondering if he's second-guessing their life together.

The author does a good job of balancing all these plot lines, creating and maintaining suspense, having some romance creep in, and having a storyline that doesn't get fully resolved so that there is a set up to the next book in the series, without having the reader feel cheated that there isn't an ending to that particular storyline. All-in-all, I found it a very satisfying read and hard to put down.

I received a copy of this book from LibraryThing Early Reviewers Program in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 39 books644 followers
June 27, 2018
STORM FRONT is the fifth book in this ongoing adventure series Montana Rescue, which isn't limited to just Montana. This particular story is mostly set in Minnesota where the PEAK team is trying to find missing junior high and high school athletes who went missing in the tornado. Add to the fact that a PEAK team member has gone missing with the athletes. Of course they're going to get involved.

I started reading the story and discovered the Brette had had breast cancer - and I'm like Oh no. Not another breast cancer story. I just couldn't handle it. My daughter said, It's not that bad, Mom, and so I read and I related. Haven't I looked at my own scarred, ravaged body in the mirror, looking for something that says I am still me and not just a poor destroyed version of me.

Ty. Oh, I loved him from book one. He was quiet, caring, THERE, for everyone and everyone just seemed to look over him, through him and treated him as if he wasn't a valuable team member. I can relate to that too. I'm nobody. Who are you? You know? But Ty has hutches and maybe his hutches might be what saves the day--for someone. For Brette... for the missing students... for the hurting parents and spouses of the coaches... for the team who are still all fighting individual battles... He has to be the hero for someone.

Ms. Warren has been a long time favorite author of mine, I introduced my daughters to her books, I devour everything she has written. One of those authors, you know.

I paid money for this book. I am not obligated to leave a review. I am because I loved the book. So yes, I am a verified buyer at one online retailer. All opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,107 reviews143 followers
April 9, 2018
"He's loyal to the bone, the kind of friend who shows up without a word of complaint."

Ty Remington. Brette Arnold can scarcely believe her eyes; their paths have crossed again. And of course the first words out of his mouth were, "Oh, my gosh, Brette, what happened to you?" Disease has a way of changing a person, from the inside and outside, in her case. That's the reason she fled Ty's comforting presence the first time, he made her feel things that were terrifying, because hope had a way of pulling a disappearing act when it came to her not-so-ordinary life.

"Something was desperately, horribly wrong with Brette Arnold." In spite of her undeniable beauty, she was hollow, gaunt, reserved; a shell of her former self. All those nudges of the Spirit to pray for Brette over the past year make terrible sense to Ty now. But here they are, in the aftermath of a terrible weather event, and people need to be rescued; now Ty wonders if Brette is one of them. Can his heart withstand it?

Within the very eye of the storm, Susan May Warren has hollowed out a lovely story of unconditional love; first glimpsed through the eyes of human imperfection, where dark clouds of fear and uncertainty constantly hover, daring faith to brave an appearance. But "perfect love casts out all fear", allowing God to show up big and the lyrics to happily-ever-afters to be re-written, in this adventure-ridden addition to Warren's "Montana Rescue" series.

I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher. The opinions stated are entirely my own.
Profile Image for  The Flipped Page (Susan K).
1,627 reviews42 followers
March 24, 2018
Romance, clean; Christian faith elements
Ty and Brette's story, intermingled with Ben and Kacey's struggle to finally become a family was a beautiful read. All of the PEAK team coming together to help find some students and a woman missing after a tornado tears through a small town. Ty came with PEAK, and Brette with a tornado chasing team. Brette's team member has a brother who is one of the missing which brings her back to face Ty, her fears, feelings and both of their hopes.
SMW is a magnificent story teller. She knows how to craft suspense, drama, and hope making the reader care about the people in her novels. It feels like life, and her characters are genuine, honest, hurting, but caring, and oh, she knows how to craft a romance. Her characters feel like family, the learn and use their faith, but in a very personal way that make faith a natural part of their lives as they experience, pain, problems, worries, crisis, and of course, joy and happiness. This story is no exception. Great series! There is a chapter to lead into the last book. Can't wait to read it. I am surely her biggest fan! That being said, she really has crafted a wonderful read!
I received a copy from from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for a fair and honest review. This in no way influenced my opinions or thoughts on this novel. Well crafted suspense and romance at it's finest! Highly recommend to anyone who loves suspense, romance, and faith in their reading.
Profile Image for Sarita.
1,335 reviews647 followers
October 29, 2019
Again, to be able to follow all the characters and side plots, you need to read this series in order and start with the prequel.

I really liked the action and adventure around the tornadoes and especially loved how the author used the chaos, danger and wreckage of a tornado to symbolise life and its difficulties as well as true love. This author always has a way to bring her stories back to God and how it can fit any our everyday life.

I listened to the audiobook and even though the narrator was not a fan in the previous 2 books I listened to, this time I enjoyed her retelling a lot, especially because she sang Ben King's songs which I really enjoyed.

What I did not like was the side plot. I usually avoid romance stories due to that annoying predictable plot of fall in love, misunderstanding etc etc. Romantic suspense usually avoids this irritating plot, however in this book I was a bit irritated with the two characters and all the assumptions and misunderstandings.

The epilogue: Oh my, the epilogue was the best part of the entire story and it made me start the final book in the series straight away, even though I had just started another book.

Profile Image for Renee.
1,233 reviews205 followers
February 23, 2019
What to do when your students borrow your books & you lose track of them? Find your favorites on Kindle Unlimited! . . . Susan May Warren never disappoints. You should be reading her books!!

Quotes . . .

“Nothing Ty, or any other guy, says will change that. You have to stop seeing yourself through the eyes of your disaster and start seeing the woman you’ve become. Our scars—my scars—are part of the beauty that makes us not only survivors, but beautiful. Stronger. Only then will you be able to accept Ty’s words.”

“I’m saying that storms happen—cancer happens. Accidents happen. We can either run from them, hide from them, or . . . go through them. God is with us in all of those situations. But yeah, some of his best people are pressed out, shaken, fermented . . . aged through circumstances or time.”

“Yes, grace was terrifying when you knew just how much you didn’t deserve it.”

“God doesn’t promise to keep the storm away, but he says he’ll be with me through it. My faith won’t protect me from the loss, but it will carry me and keep me from despair.”
Profile Image for Cayla.
609 reviews
May 10, 2018
Ty, Ty, Ty...how you got under my skin. Ty was a character I felt like I didnt have a great grasp on in earlier books, plus his and Brette's relationship was so short...so I pretty much was just ready to get to Pete & Jess's story. But I quickly got swept away in Ty & Brette's adventures and loved getting to know them better. I admired Ty's faith and his love for Brette through her fears. The cancer storyline gave that love a stronger foothold and my heart just went out to Brette. As always, the biblical message is strong, the story giving light to God's love for us and the freeing hope that that can be found in Him.

This was close to a 5 star read for me, only knocking a .5 off for being annoyed with Kacey - I kinda just thought her storyline was just unecessary - and the back and forth feelings that both Kacey and Brette went though with their guys was a little much near the end.

Profile Image for Cathy.
667 reviews13 followers
August 13, 2018
Breathtaking!! This remarkable book is a part of the Montana rescue series. The hero, Ty, has been in the previous books and we get to know this strong man of God so much better. The author fleshed this character out in a way that made him so real. Ty was the ultimate hero...strong, kind, tender, sensitive and great kisser ;) I must admit that I have a crush on him!! The way he treated and responded to the heroine deeply touched my heart. Brette, heroine, has some tough battle scars...she is deeply wounded physically, emotionally and spiritually. I did get frustrated with her at times and was so glad when she finally came to her senses. We also saw more of Ben and Kacey from the first book of the series. In fact we see the whole PEAK team. This book is full of suspense, romance and angst. Can't wait to read Pete and Jess' story. Highly recommend this book that touched me emotionally and spiritually.
Profile Image for Lucinda.
Author 22 books1,311 followers
June 28, 2018
Another great book in this awesome series!

It was great to see Ty and Brette's relationship progress as they went through some personal growth and changes, both together and apart. The theme of trust is a strong one.

As usual, catching up with the other PEAK members is always a treat and I especially liked the sweet resolution to Ben and Kacey's relationship.

Looks like the next book will bring Pete and Jess's relationship into focus, plus Esme/Shae's "problem". Can't wait for it!

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my opinion.
Profile Image for Donna.
4,241 reviews121 followers
June 29, 2022
This is Christian Fiction/Romance. I used to read this author quite awhile go and I liked her books. I don't know if my tastes have changed or if this book is an anomaly. This one had me rolling my eyes...a lot. I will first say, I like the way this author works Christian faith into her stories. It always feels well done. That is a talent or a gift that she has. So I added a star for that.

There are two main reasons this one didn't work for me. The two romances were very similar. One is running away....the other is trying to catch up. It was the same story but the sets of characters had different names. The other was the writing when it came to descriptive strokes. The author loved using the work amazing....his amazing arms...his amazing shoulders...yada yada yada. There were a few other repurposed adjectives too. Not my favorite. So 2 stars.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 323 reviews

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