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Captain Marvel: Earth's Mightiest Hero

Captain Marvel, Bd. 1: Sie fürchtet weder Tod noch Teufel

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Die frühere Air Force-Pilotin Carol Danvers ist Captain Marvel, die mächtigste Superheldin der Erde, die Seite an Seite mit ihrem Avengers-Kollegen Captain America gegen Superschurken kämpft. Eine Zeitreise führt sie auf die Schlachtfelder des Zweiten Weltkriegs – und zur Geburtsstunde von Ms. Marvel?! Außerdem muss sie es mit einem riesigen Kampfroboter, Dinosauriern und Gangstern aufnehmen. Die größte Herausforderung erwartet Carol jedoch, als sie eine ihrer wichtigsten Fähigkeiten verliert und trotzdem all die vielen Menschen beschützen muss, die ihr etwas bedeuten…

Carol Danvers‘ erste viel gelobte Abenteuer als ikonische Captain Marvel zum ersten Mal auf Deutsch, inszeniert von der erfolgreichen Autorin Kelly Sue DeConnick (AVENGERS – DIE RÄCHER) und Zeichnern wie Dexter Soy (X-MEN), Emma Rios (SPIDER-MAN) und Filipe Andrade (ROCKET RACCOON & GROOT).

256 pages, Paperback

First published June 16, 2016

About the author

Kelly Sue DeConnick

331 books2,237 followers
Kelly Sue DeConnick’s work spans stage, comics, film and television. Ms. DeConnick first came to prominence as a comics writer, where she is best known for reinventing the Carol Danvers as “Captain Marvel” at Marvel and for the Black Label standard-setting Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons at DC. Her independent comics Bitch Planet and Pretty Deadly (both from Image Comics) have ranked as New York Times best-sellers and been honored with Eisner Awards, British Fantasy Awards and Hugo nominations.

Ms. DeConnick’s screen work includes stints on Captain Marvel, a film that earned $1B for Disney worldwide, and 2023’s forthcoming The Marvels with Marvel Studios; in addition to having consulted on features for Skydance and ARRAY, and developed television for NBCUniversal, Legendary Entertainment and HBOMax. Her most recent stage work is the mythic spectacle AWAKENING, which opened at the Wynn Resort Las Vegas in November 2022.

Mission-driven, Ms. DeConnick is also a founding partner at Good Trouble Productions, where she has helped to produce non-fiction and educational comics including the “Hidden Voices” and “Recognized” series for NY Public Schools and Congressman John Lewis’ Run, in partnership with Abrams Comics.

In 2015, Ms. DeConnick founded the #VisibleWomen Project, whose mission is to help women and other marginalized genders find paid work in comics and its related industries. The project continues to this day and recently expanded in partnership with Dani Hedlund of Brink Literacy.

Ms. DeConnick lives in Portland, OR with her husband, writer Matt Fraction, and their two children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
February 7, 2020
This is business as usual for modern comic book omnibuses.

What does that mean?

Alongside excellent artwork, fabulous action, and a convoluted plot...

...you have excessive profanity and bloodiness.

So...this was quite the mixed bag.
Profile Image for James.
2,471 reviews67 followers
September 1, 2023
This ended up being just ok. Some of the art in here, especially the last few issues, definitely helped bring the score down. Anyhoo, first arc has Carol thrown back in time to the 1940s I believe? She ends of with a group of woman soldiers called the Banshee Squadron. It was cool seeing these soldiers not know anything about super heroes see Captain Marvel using super powers. It was a decent arc but that ambiguous ending had me lost as the what the purpose of it all was. Then we get a quick arc with Monica Rambeau where they find a giant robot out in the ocean. That was ok. The final arc was the best but unfortunately had the worst art. Here Carol has some kind of lesion in her brain affecting her. The doctor tells her not to fly for it may have her end up losing her memory for good. Of course now Deathbird attacks. Hopefully next volume we will see this theory the doctors have to help her and if it works. Plus hoping the art gets better.
Profile Image for ˙⋆✮ Anny ��⋆˙.
502 reviews300 followers
July 29, 2020
This was my first Captain Marvel comic and the perfectionist I am, I spent hours on research before actually reading it. With no prior knowledge in the comic genre I wanted to make sure to choose a starting point that makes sense and doesn't leave me confused. Mission accomplished.
This was a really nice and fun collection about one of my favorite Marvel characters - because after reading this, Carol definitely is! I read this in one sitting and enjoyed most of it.

The art in the first half is gorgeous. I loved it as soon as I looked at the first page. Unfortunately, I didn't like the art style in the second half, especially the way people and faces were drawn.

What made it for me were the characters. Carol is an absolute badass; sassy, headstrong and powerful, I love her. But there's even more girl power in this which was awesome! Who needs love stories when you can have girl power?! Captain America, Monica Rambeau and Spider-Woman also make appearances.

The writing was great and really funny at parts; I don't know if I'm the biggest fan of the storylines themselves but at least they weren't bad or boring. I wasn't confused once because all the important events from Carol's past were explained but they don't even play that big of a role in the stories. I'm glad I started with this book and I'd definitely recommend it for Captain Marvel newbies :)
Profile Image for Benji Glaab.
703 reviews57 followers
May 5, 2019
Well this is quite the take on Captain Marvel. Once again Kelly Sue DeConnick has shown she can write some wicked characters. Pretty Deadly was a good book aswell.

The first arc was 5🌟 material, but it's followed up with a mediocre 3 issue arc which had Captain Marvel and 2 sidekicks ripping around on a Seadoo fighting robots in the middle of the ocean. This arc was written by Christopher Sibela who I'm not familiar with. The art was outstanding, and it was fairly action packed,but I was left feeling for more story like issues 1-6.

The final arc (issues 9-12) set up Carol Danvers team, and expands on her home base, seems like a good building blocks for the run. Carol goes through some adversity finding she has lesions on her brain, and she can't exert herself therefore she has been 'grounded' There are some decent clashes and action, but overall not as strong as this volume opened up.

I will be picking up the next omnibus for sure this series has a great art team producing a really unique look that I find really suits the story
Profile Image for Charlie.
123 reviews5 followers
March 31, 2019
I wanted to LOVE this book, but it’s just okay. Partly, the art. It’s so mediocre it hurts.

The story is fine, not my choice for Captain Marvel, but that may just be me and my preferences. KSD is a terrific storyteller, and it’s well-written, just not the kinds of tales that keep my attention. Others will love this.
Profile Image for Scott.
635 reviews10 followers
March 15, 2019
Quite a bit of fun! The art by Dexter Soy was awesome, the rest not so much.
Profile Image for Kim.
317 reviews21 followers
May 20, 2019
"The two of you together in your prime? You'd have made Thelma and Louise look like the Andrews sisters."

I don't ever read comics. In fact this was a first for me. I'm usually turned off by them for so many reasons. I can't take superhero's seriously if there is not a ton of humor. I mean many of them wear spandex... there needs to be some humor, for me, at least. Volume one of Captain Marvel exceeded my expectations. It had so much girl power, humor, and wit and that is why a thoroughly enjoyed it.

The illustrations in the first half of this are excellent! Absolutely stunning artwork that goes well with the writing. The last half of the artwork is not my style. I actually read some reviews here on GR after finishing and many people felt the same way that I did about it. I feel like they're lacking refinement. With that being said, the writing is exceptional throughout.

Hey, Chewie, you hungry? If you hurry, there's a man in a suit out front you can eat."

I bought this volume after seeing the movie. I simply adored the movie and meanwhile some things are different I was not mad. Loved it all in its entirety especially Carol's cat Chewie! I definiely recommend this with a 5/5 star rating. I especially recommend this for a first comic.

Profile Image for Edward Davies.
Author 3 books34 followers
May 26, 2017
I loved the build up in this that leads into the second volume, and how subtly it was approached. Fans of Ms Danvers will enjoy this, though the artwork wasn't exactly suitable to the story in the second half of the book.
Profile Image for Craig.
2,508 reviews28 followers
August 23, 2019
While the story isn't bad, the artwork is quite variable throughout this volume and often is just plain bad (looking at you, Emma Rios, and you, Filipe Andrade).
Profile Image for Chelsea M.
152 reviews6 followers
January 2, 2021
It found it hard to pick a rating between 3.5-4 star.
I enjoyed Carol’s personally and how sarcastic she is and how competitive her personality gets. Usually they are so “out of this world” that we want to be like them or wish for these powers. Her character is quite relatable and I enjoyed that. In the first few chapters I found that there were many points throughout that were overly cheesy, especially when she was with the other female soldiers. It’s great when there is a character like captain marvel who is a female that can hold her own but when female strength and power is shoved in your face it becomes cheesy and rah rah and does not do the message justice. Looking forward to seeing all of the concepts introduced in this comic develop throughout the next few I will be reading.

It was interesting that between every few chapters the comic art would change. This brought me into the different worlds of time and stories that were occurring, and made it easy to differentiate.

Check out my video review :)
Profile Image for Amy Lou.
1,049 reviews24 followers
September 23, 2018
I quite enjoyed this! I’m not super into the hardcore superhero comics because they are so (literally) dark (with the art style and color choices), but Carol Danvers is interesting and I love her various platonic relationships. I’ll definitely check out the next volume of this and I’m excited to see her on the big screen!
Profile Image for Kole.
419 reviews2 followers
December 28, 2019
Personally wasn't a fan of this one. The stories in it are forgettable and the art is ok except for the final four issues which had a stylized art style that I personally found very ugly.

The time travel aspects are confusing and not used to much effect in the first story which is just ok. The other two stories are not much better.

This also has a bad habit of over-sexualizing it's characters in the art which has skintight outfits giving them such massive wedgies you get individual female characters butt cheeks highlighted, which to be fair also happens to Captain America a bit in the first issue. Some major Hawkeye Initiative material though. We're better than this comics, ok? Minus points for that.

Overall disappointed this wasn't better and it wasn't a great introduction to the character considering I haven't read anything of Carol Danver's Captain Marvel before this. Don't start here, not recommended.

First Story: 2.5/5
Second Two Stories: 2/5
Art: 2.5/5, Final Four Issues: 1.5/5

Overall: 2/5
Profile Image for Sarah H.
206 reviews12 followers
September 16, 2019
Cambridge Library Summer Reading Bingo: Staff Pick (technically a Porter Square Books Staff Pick)


I mostly enjoyed this. The writing was good. I will read the next volume. The art was a little up and down. The excessive tits and asses from both of the male illustrators were distracting, bizarrely shaped and impractical. It took me out of the story to be like, "Why is her body contorted so that we can see her ass and her basketball shaped boobs at the same time? And it looks like she has the world's worst wedgie. Just pick it already." This wasn't an issue in the 3/12 issues illustrated by Emma Rios. (And this also wasn't an issue in the male-illustrated Shuri series or the male-illustrated Sandman I just read, so I really thought we were past it.)
Profile Image for Saphirablue.
996 reviews79 followers
May 12, 2018
I like the story - the time travel back, the history of it, the current struggles with friends and neighbours - everything.

I especially love the snark with Captain America and I hope that at least a bit of it transfers into the MCU. And, the friendship with Spider-Woman! I like!

What I didn't like? The artwork at the second half of the book. That really wasn't artwork I enjoy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ladynikiw.
520 reviews16 followers
January 22, 2019
My first Captain Marvel comic! The stories were all good and while I didn’t really like the artwork in the second half, the writing made up for it. Unexpectedly Carol was really funny and it was nice to see some Marvel characters I was already familiar with and meet new ones. Will continue this series.
Profile Image for Brittany.
459 reviews45 followers
August 16, 2019
The storyline deserves 4 stars but the artwork? Well that's about a 3. The art in the first 8 issues was great but I didn't care for the last four. I'm not a fan of the way the characters were drawn. Thankfully, the writing was engaging and spot on.
I'm definitely picking up Vol. 2 because I just need to know what comes next for Carol!
Profile Image for Marisa.
911 reviews51 followers
January 23, 2018
This was a random pickup for the second-hand store, but I really enjoyed it! I wasn’t familiar with the character of Carol Danvers so it was interesting to see a different one of the Avengers and hear some of the abilities associated with her. I loved that she was a badass heroine with some awesome female mentors in her past as well.

If I had the chance, I’d definitely pick up additional books in the series in the future!

Warning: Contains violence.

Who should read it? Comic book fans!

See all my reviews and more at www.ReadingToDistraction.com or @Read2Distract
Profile Image for Marco.
579 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2024
This... was not for me...
Starting with the cover which looks more drab than classic with its monochrome background and really boring logo. (And while I like the "We Can Do It!" pose I find Carol's costume to be really, really ugly. There is a colour swapped variant worn by another character that looks better, but that's probably too close to Mar-Vell's suit again.)
I am not a fan of the artwork in this book, especially not the colouring which looks muddy and the often pretty abstract figure work.
And I'm sad to say the writing here did nothing for me. Carol Danvers has a new costume (with some sort of science fictiony helmet that doesn't seem to do anything except look vaguely Kree) and after some nagging by Captain America decides to take the name of Captain Marvel. Then she falls through time, revisits her origin ONCE AGAIN, meets a number of characters from her past (that's the part I like), has adventures with weird artwork and nothing is interesting except the meeting with Monica Rambeau who never should have lost the name of Captain Marvel.
I honestly get why this title gets rebooted again and again. It's just not a good comic book, despite its potential.
Profile Image for SB Senpai  Manga.
1,242 reviews
September 13, 2018
Being Carol’s first outing as Captain Marvel left a little to be desired. I liked the story of Carol being sent in time to the past and fighting alongside World War 2 era female soldiers and I liked the last story where we get a look into her typical life, but other than those, the rest of the book felt very disjointed, it had constantly changing artists, and some of the plot elements were very confusing. I hope it does pick up soon.
Profile Image for Danielle Robertson  Rath.
Author 2 books14 followers
September 16, 2022
Meh. I couldn't stay interested after the first 8 issues ended but kept reading out of a Clean Plate Club kind of obligation to finish the series. I found the art changes between issues a little surprising and jarring and couldn't really connect with Captain Marvel like I can connect with Kamela Khan and Miles Morales.
Profile Image for Jesse Post.
27 reviews11 followers
June 1, 2019
Falls into the trap of repeated phrasing tics, jokes, “cool moments,” and other things more careful editing would have caught. Same with the overly complicated and not very sensible time travel story (which I heard made much more sense in the author’s first draft). The book’s heart is in the right place and the character is fantastic but I’ll be looking for further adventures elsewhere.
Profile Image for Musical_literature_of_vannah .
125 reviews8 followers
May 1, 2019
Trop confus si on ne connait pas l'univers. Dessins très inégaux quand on passe d'un "épisode" à l'autre. Vraiment pas agréable à lire. Pourtant c'est pas faute d'être attirée par le perso de Carol Danvers. Elle a tout de même la classe !
Profile Image for Paul Stanis.
137 reviews
December 17, 2023
“Beat a knock-off version of myself to an airplane-shaped time machine? I’m Captain Marvel… I call that Wednesday.”

Wednesday is new comic book day, after all.
Profile Image for J'aime.
812 reviews29 followers
October 15, 2018
I’ve always enjoyed Ms. Marvel when she appeared in the various Avengers runs. I was excited when I saw that not only was she getting her own series in the Marvel Now launch, but she would finally be CAPTAIN Marvel. I had high expectations, which were met and exceeded by this new take on the character. I originally read this run in summer of 2014 and was happy to add this trade collection volume 1 to my library (though I really want an omnibus – get on that Marvel!).

Issues one through six are fantastic. It’s tough to pull off time travel stories without falling on your face, but DeConnick has done one of the best I have ever read. After being convinced by Captain America to take on the “Captain”, Carol inherits a T6 plane from her personal hero, pilot Helen Cobb. During her first flight, something happens that propels her to 1943 where a band of female soldiers are holding off Japanese soldiers with alien tech. And it only gets better from there with Carol jumping around in time, meeting the brave women who had to face extreme sexism to even become pilots, and learning about herself in the process.

Not only was I happy to see Carol finally become the Captain, but her redesigned costume is awesome. I particularly like the retractable “cowl” when she flies or goes into battle. And the sash around her waist isn’t just for decoration, Tony Stark designed it! I don’t usually comment on artwork since it’s so subjective, however, I loved it. Not only is itt beautifully rendered, but it also works perfectly for every part of the story.

The second half of the run, issues seven through twelves, was a little uneven. It began with a standalone adventure with Captain Marvel and another superheroine I wasn’t familiar with, Monica. And it featured the same art I was so impressed by in volume one. The story has great action sequences and Carol’s sense of humor is on display, much to my enjoyment. Where the book faltered a bit (for me) is in the remaining issues where we learn Captain Marvel can no longer fly. I’m not a fan of superpowered characters suddenly losing powers in order to contrive a plotline. And, it didn’t help that the artist changed at the same time. And it was a DRASTIC change. The two styles couldn’t be further apart. The new style reminds me of Ignacio Noe, whose art I don’t care for. It just wasn’t a good fit for Captain Marvel. That said, the ending teased the return of a villain integral to Carol’s past that has a lot of potential and which is expected to crossover with the Avengers series. And, DeConnick has earned some trust with her stellar writing up to this point.

Overall, though I’m hesitant about where the storyline may go, I’m still very impressed with Captain Marvel and will definitely continue the series. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Rebeckah Sypik.
87 reviews9 followers
May 8, 2020
I really loved the first 8 issues, both the story and art was grate. The first 8 issues I'd give 5 stars. They where good action adventure stories.
The artist who took over after that was just terrible, so much so that it destracted me from enjoying the stroty. I'd give issues 9-12 a 3 star rating.

Issuess 1-8 have a really grate story, good wit, and art that might be a little too heavly shaded but still pretty good.

Issues 9-12 a new story is started and art thats so terrible it kinda distracts from the story. I dont like to be a jerk and say someone art style is bad, but alot of the panels the charater's faces where only partially finished. What the charater look like are the sketches that are made for runway dresses. Limps are cartoonishly thin and the eyes of charater NOT where mask are just white balls. Their was one old Doctor in this book I swear looked like Palpatine. Not in a good way thought, it was not like they where trying to do that to be funny. The just left the skill really pastey and over ephisized the wrinkels in his face. There was an old women called rose too, that was just draw terribly. In half the panels she appeared in she looked like a monster, Pupilless eyes and pointy teeth. She was supppsed to be a sweet old lady but they made her look terrifying.

To summerize issues 1-8 is a 5 star action adventure with Captain marvel first getting the names from captain america, time travling meeting female pilots from the past, then meeting a personal hero of hers and then having a stort adventure with first women to be called captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau. Overall pretty solid pro-female pilots stories with good action and witt.

Issues 9-12 both story and art where not as good as 1-8. They start with captain Marvel going about her day. Till she has a doctors appointment and she finds out she cant use her flight based powers anymore. Through the 4 issues carol has to cope without flying. Ultimaly the story end on a cliff hanger.

I really enjoyed reading this book. The beginging was better in my option. I am definaly going to keep reading this series, I just hope they change the artist for the next volume.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Artemis Crescent.
979 reviews
February 6, 2019
'In Pursuit of Flight' and 'Down' together in one bright and colourful volume (seriously, that cover is Popsicle fresh and adorable, if misleading in its sunniness).

An enjoyable set of adventures with Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel, in all her flights, fights and struggles, as both a powerful superheroine merged with alien DNA, and someone who is still human and relatable. She pilots a lot of things, she travels back in time, she practically fights a Transformer, plus dinosaurs with Spider-Woman, and bird people.

'Captain Marvel: Earth's Mightiest Hero Vol. 1' is an appetizer for me before 'The Life of Captain Marvel' is published, and before the movie. I can't wait! I still prefer Carol from 'Higher, Further, Faster, More' onwards in Kelly Sue DeConnick's run, due there being more optimism, humour and high-octane variety, but this is fun superheroine stuff.

My main issue is with the very mixed, sporadically ugly artwork. The eye-catching trade paperback cover does not suit the content. I'm not sure who Frank Gianelli is either, and why he's being set up as Carol's love interest (and boss?), but he is hot, so I'll turn off my brain and let hormones take their stride for that one.

Thank the Kree stars that there are also so many badass, diverse women in this series, other than Carol. There's hardly a dud among them. This is feminism to the max!

'Earth's Mightiest Hero' - a fine present for Captain Marvel fans.

Final Score: 4/5
Profile Image for Tom.
8 reviews
December 12, 2020
I wanted this to be better because I heard such good things about DeConnick's run. The initial story seemed intent on proving how women are superior to men and that being a good pilot also somehow makes you an unbeatable soldier. Dexter Soy's art was not bad but it didn't feel right for the tone of the story or any superhero story really. His art would be more at home in a horror or suspense comic book.
The second half of the book brought a significant improvement in both Soy's art and DeConnick's storytelling (the latter possibly due to a writing assist from Christopher Sebela). Seeing Carol vulnerable made me much more invested in her character and the storyline.
However the second half also brings us Filipe Andrade handling the art duties. While Andrade's art has some real dynamism in his compositions and some beautiful coloring, it was hard to get past the artistic liberties he took with human anatomy. Our strong powerful heroine looked dangerously anorexic as if it she could blow over with a mild gust of wind. Again it just seemed like a bad decision to hire this particular artist for this particular book.
Emma Rios provided some nice artwork but for only 2 of the 12 issues.
The highlight of the book was the gorgeous cover art provided by the likes of Ed McGuinness, Terry Dodson, Joe Quinones and Jamie McKelvie. If only these artists could have provided the interior art as well I would happily give a 4-star review but alas, it ended up being only a middling affair.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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