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椿町ロンリープラネット [Tsubaki-chō Lonely Planet] #7

椿町ロンリープラネット 7 [Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet 7]

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「無意識にふみの布団に入ってくる。」等、つきあってからも、意識せず、今まで通りにふみにふれてしまう暁。以前より意識してしまうふみ。つきあっているからこその気持ちのすれ違いに2人は思い悩んで…? 「ひるなかの流星」獅子尾の番外編も収録!
【収録作品】ひるなかの流星 番外編 blue

176 pages, Paperback

First published March 24, 2017

About the author

Mika Yamamori

67 books732 followers
Mika Yamamori (やまもり三香) is a Japanese author of manga.

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Profile Image for Mark.
2,312 reviews200 followers
June 27, 2024
Fumi’s partner for the school’s beauty pageant, Kuratsuki, seems like a ladykiller, and he is, but not in any way he wants to be. But their coupling is irritating Akatsuki, who is enjoying the novelty that is jealousy. Plus, more Yoh and Isshin content and a real blast from the past.

Fumi has shut down all potential misinterpretations from Kuratsuki within two pages and that’s a smart way to take this because it turns out that poor Kuratsuki is naturally charming and handsome and it’s making him miserable.

Having grown up with female friends, he’s now stuck with all of them wanting to date him. Which is especially awkward when he’s not interested and he also wants to date his teacher.

Do you think Mika Yamamori has a thing for this sort of story, maybe?

Cue the usual misunderstandings because even if Fumi has no interest, she forgot to tell Akatsuki that and she doesn’t tell Kuratsuki about him either, two small missteps that cause a relationship stumble.

Now, does that all lead to Akatsuki trying to make good and Fumi being all awkward because of her own feelings and then a last minute twist that finishes their portion of the volume on a high note? Oh yes, but these two are such fun together that I’ll allow it.

We get enough about Kuratsuki to understand what his deal is, which is good, but not quite enough about his teacher crush to make that section weigh much of anything. They should have devoted some of the back pages to that story (I can’t believe I’m saying that).

Yoh and Isshin continue to be the absolute best and, not to sound like a broken record, I’d rather be reading about those two, even if I do enjoy the primary storyline. They finally end up clearing the air, but it ends up muddying the waters, so that’s fun. Their dynamic is written so well.

The back chunk of this is a trip back to the Daytime Shooting Star universe (which has an amusing and appropriate connection to this one) as we see Shishio and his neighbour, Samejima, quietly getting closer.

Except he apparently isn’t over Suzume, which Samejima notices immediately after a cliche forces them together. Part of the fun of this section is that it’s very meta and very celebratory of shojo as a genre, right down to its tropes, which is a cute touch.

Even if Shishio sucked for basically all of his previous series, the way Samejima nails his pelt to the barn for his actions here and the way he acknowledges that his attraction to Suzume was pretty yikes is very welcome. It’s iffy whether he deserves a second chance, but these two do make a cute pair.

It’s not the most mind-blowing volume of shojo, but this remains a consistently enjoyable series despite my better judgement. It’s awkward that so much is given over to a side story for a series that people don’t necessarily have familiarity with, but it’s still readable.

4 stars - if you lack the prior experience with Daytime Shooting Star, maybe go a bit lower, but both parts of this one make for a satisfying whole volume if you have history with both.
Profile Image for D E N Z.
365 reviews16 followers
November 5, 2020

Okay, let me talk about the volume as a whole before going to the specifics. SPOILERS ALERT.

The whole volume was actually pretty good. When I first saw Kuratsuki, I thought that he was going to be a potential love rival for Akatsuki to Fumi. I am pretty glad that the mangaka decided to go on a different route and instead have him as a good supportive friend/senpai to Fumi. It was also pretty interesting/refreshing to see three intertwining love stories here instead of the usual love rival tropes that most shoujo mangas do.

In terms of Akatsuki and Fumi's relationship, I think it was cool of Yamamori-sensei to focus on their relationship progressing instead of having them encounter more love rivals. I think their whole interaction in this volume was pretty cute.

Now, allow me to got to the main highlight of this volume. ISSHIN AND TOBIUME'S RELATIONSHIP!!!!! I've said this before but I really ship the two. Actually, is it wrong that I actually like them more than the leads? HAHAHA Yamamori-Sensei, please give these two their own spin-off manga! HAHAHA 1/2jk. Anywaaaay, back to the topic, I think it was cool and refreshing of Yamamori-Sensei to also give focus to the secondary characters and show both of them progressing. <3

Moving forward, I hope to see more of Isshin and Tobiume's relationship. :) I'm really looking forward to the next volume now. Arigato, Yamamori-Sensei! :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Naidah.
163 reviews
August 25, 2024
4 ⭐️

That was a lot to take in. This volume was great but instead of another chapter the author did a side story of a character from their other manga, Daytime Shooting Star, which I feel like they could’ve continued the story instead of leaving on a cliffhanger 😭😭 but I guess I’ll have to wait.

Fumi is finally courageous to say what she feels and that was very frustrating when she wasn’t. I’m glad to see another character who has fallen for someone older than they are and it was funny when he asked her to dance. I’d like to see where that goes.

Also, the side story, I wanted to not read it since I haven’t finished the other series, but it looks like I’m gonna have to finish it now cause OMG!! My heart was breaking cause I knew the truth of how it was gonna go for Shishio, but at the same time I don’t. Clearly he still cares for the girl but ahhhh maybe he’ll find love with his neighbour who is an adult. Just idk it’s very emotional!!

Profile Image for Raven.
526 reviews54 followers
April 12, 2023
I love how we were introduced to new character in this volume. And often cases we immediately see this as a love arrival, but that was not the case. That was a very different change in most romance mangas that I read, and I thoroughly enjoy this new addition to the friendship group.

Still really enjoying watching this romance develop even though they are official. It still really feels like there getting to know each other and progressing their romance.
Profile Image for Milena Books.
167 reviews37 followers
July 3, 2019
Questa serie si fa sempre più carina e la voglia di andare avanti è sempre più forte!
In questo volume non succede granché, è vero... Ma si pongono le basi per qualcosa di mooolto interessante! Poi con questo finale 😭 non vedo l'ora di leggere l'ottavo!
Profile Image for CJ - It's only a Paper Moon.
2,269 reviews160 followers
September 13, 2024
We are all aware that this situation is not sustainable, correct?

I don’t know why I keep don’t back because the age difference thing but I’m invested in Ohno and hope she moves on.
Profile Image for Reibekah.
480 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2024
I'm mostly annoyed that there was a random side story from their previous manga in the volume and also in the next one.
Profile Image for Kitsu.
30 reviews10 followers
November 15, 2018
Die Reihe wird leider immer schlechter. Die beiden benehmen sich wie zwei kleine Kinder die ohne jeglichen Grund Angst davor haben, miteinander zu reden. Dazu kommt noch ein neuer Charakter, der Daytime Shooting Star mit getauschten Geschlechtern nachspielt. Apropos Daytime Shooting Star: Band 7 ist relativ kurz, weil er noch eine Kurzgeschichte aus diesem DSS Universum enthält. Als Fanservice schön und gut. Wer mit dem Ende von DSS so enttäuscht wurde wie ich, hat da sicher auch keine Freude dran.
Profile Image for Münibe Bilgiç.
47 reviews
January 29, 2018
Sadece iki ciltte "you're just a kid, so act like one"dan "dont call me sensei"e geçiş yapan koca yürekli Akatsuki
Profile Image for Katrina.
1,141 reviews39 followers
September 15, 2024
Hmmmmm, not the best.

Not only is the pacing still weirdly off, but a full third of this volume was taken up by a side story from Yamamori's completely unrelated other series, Daytime Shooting Star, which I haven't read and thus mostly didn't understand. That's just...a weird spot to include it. It does make me bump up thinking about reading that series - I watched the live action and it wasn't that amazing, but I tend to not be too impressed by live action adaptations. And I did more or less like this side story, even if it took me until the very end to realize it must be about the age gap love interest who wasn't the endgame in that series and is now getting his own sorta spinoff. So I wouldn't mind trying it out to see if the manga's good.

But still. Could the books in this series actually be about these characters?

I was wrong about a rival love interest showing up; Kuratsuki isn't remotely interested in Fumi in a romantic light and has an age-gap love interest of his own. Which uh. Went through a major speedrun in this volume, too. Super weird to have zero setup for that and have them dancing together on stage at the cultural festival, offscreen while we bounce over to the bonus side story. I would like to see some actual context for them! Some backstory! How she's not going to get fired for dancing with her student in front of the entire school?

Anyway, I do like Kuratsuki's friendship with Fumi. He has the Hot Guy problem of growing up too pretty, being teased by other boys, and befriending girls, who all fell in love with him once he grew up handsome and a little bit manlier. So having a solid friend like Fumi is really good for him. I'd like to see him hanging out with Yoh and Aioi as well - I already really liked the solid male friendship Aioi has with Fumi, and it'd be good for Kuratsuki to have a genuine, straightforward guy to bond with.

Kind of disappointed, too, by how the relationship between Aioi and Yoh is progressing. She's abruptly figured out in this volume that he's got a crush on her, and they did talk about it, but we still barely get to see any of them getting to know and like each other more. The beginning stages of that were so good. Is Yamamori just getting bored with this story and trying to rush everyone to their conclusions?

Even the kiss between Fumi and Kibikino was a really nice cliffhanger, that seemed rushed, too. And I wasn't the biggest fan of Fumi completely ditching her new friend on stage, just to run after her boyfriend. I know this is shoujo and all, but that can wait a few hours while she fulfills her responsibilities and doesn't leave a friend hanging in public. It just made her seem...immature? I don't know.

I wasn't the biggest fan of this one, and that's a bummer when I'm already 7 volumes in and it's too late to back out of buying this series. I hope there's more actual talking and solid relationship development on the horizon. For all of the characters.
Profile Image for Mariana Polito Cuellar.
37 reviews1 follower
June 18, 2021
Volumen no. 7 y no sé que decir pero vamos por puntos...

En general puedo decir que me ha gustado mucho este volumen. El desarrollo de cada personaje va avanzando moderadamente además de que percibimos en primera instancia como es que los sentimientos pueden ser algo confusos y sobre todo problemáticos. Admito que he fangirleado* mucho en la mayoría de los capítulos PERO si tengo que aceptar que hubo algunas cuestiones que me parecieron algo chocantes, no lo sé.

Para no dar muchos detalles creo que este volumen fue algo lento aunque con partes divertidas y muy emocionantes. Lo que más destacó en este 7mo volumen fueron los sentimientos de celos y confusión de Akatsuki así como las inseguridades y miedos de Fumi, sentimientos que a mí parecer están afectando bastante a los dos (aunque veo más inseguridades en el sensei), y que siento que se empieza a hacer un poco lenta la trama. Creo que esta parejita necesita mucho de que hablar así como el trabajar en su confianza de si mismos y hacia el otro.

Por otra parte más alegre, se nos presenta un nuevo personaje, Kuratsuki, quién es alguien algo inseguro por su apariencia y que de cierta forma su presencia afecta un poco al sensei (bastante diría yo). Algo lindo es que este chico es amable y al instante hace una linda conexión con Fumi ya que comprende su sentimientos, inseguridades y miedos ya que al igual que ella, él siente algo por una profesora de su instinto.

Algo realmente lindo fue ver un poco más de la relación de la amiga de Fumi, Yoh con Isshi quien admite que siente algo por ella lo cual hace que ponga a flor de piel los sentimientos de Yoh. Esta parejita esta llena de energía y lindos momentos, espero que haya más de ellos más adelante.

Y por último no puede faltar la parte más interesante (en el fangirleo* intenso).
Y es la parte en dónde el sensei va a ver a Fumi al festival y queda impactado al verla en ese hermoso vestido qué lleva y un rato después nuestra Fumi va atrás de él para poder hablar lo que hace que ella le hable por su nombre y él le contesté igual por el suyo... Ay es que no pude con esa escena TuT

Y que decir de ese final...yo sé que vamos a quedar así 🤡, porque no se van a besar, solo nos dieron una escena infartante a la cual no resistiremos.

Para mí este volumen tiene 3.5 estrellas. Falta mucho que descubrir y esperaré con ansias.
Profile Image for Marianna Rainolter.
1,627 reviews21 followers
July 6, 2018
Fumi conosce il senpai Kuratsuki: anche lui prova qualcosa verso una persona adulta e imperscrutabile e Fumi sente di poter essere amica del ragazzo e anche confidarsi. La ragazza infatti non riesce a comprendere e spiegare il comportamento a volte diffidente, a volte geloso del maestro Kibikino. L'invito della ragazza al festival scolastico è un modo per vedere quanto l'uomo tenga a lei, quindi ci andrà o no? Sono esplosa perché la storia finisce in maniera improvvisa (sul più bello!) per lasciare spazio ad un episodio extra legato ad un'altra opera dell'autrice che è comunque molto carina e si può apprezzare anche se non si conoscono bene i due personaggi, forse perché la protagonista femminile ricorda molto lo stesso Kibikino perché non riesce ad aprirsi e ad avere un rapporto con il suo gentile e premuroso vicino di casa. Si, insomma ero un po' arrabbiata per il finale improvviso e inaspettato ma questo episodio extra mi è piaciuto e quindi niente, spero solo che il prossimo volume esca presto perché voglio sapere cosa succederà tra Fumi e Kibikino!
Profile Image for Luana.
1,427 reviews60 followers
November 16, 2019

Akatsuki Kibikino ha tanti talenti, ma le capacità comunicative non sono proprio il suo forte. E con questo suo modo di fare, non fa che alimentare i dubbi e la confusione della povera Fumi: infatti, se da un lato lei è ben consapevole dei sentimenti che prova, dall'altro il Maestro fa molta più fatica a dare delle risposte chiare, evitando accuratamente di esporsi troppo. Un genio del male, insomma. Anche se al genio in questione tocca un'esperienza interessante in questo volume: la gelosia. Infatti, grazie al festival culturale, Fumi fa amicizia con uno dei suoi senpai, un ragazzo bellissimo, desiderato da tutte le fanciulle della scuola, ma che, proprio come la nostra protagonista, è innamorato di una persona più grande - sentimento che teme non sia corrisposto.
Il festival scolastico segna una nuova, importantissima tappa nella storia tra Fumi e il maestro. Chissà se c'è altro drama in arrivo per questi due...
Profile Image for Vanessa.
418 reviews3 followers
February 28, 2023
Volume in cui, parallelamente alla coppia principale, ci si focalizza anche su altre due possibili coppie secondarie. Ammetto che mi piacerebbe molto leggere un approfondimento sul senpai e la persona di cui è innamorato, anche se sarà difficile che accada. Finale da batticuore grazie ad Akatsuki.

A fine volume troviamo inoltre un capitolo extra dedicato a Una stella cadente in pieno giorno , opera precedente della stessa autrice. Anche se non ho avuto ancora modo leggere questa serie, la lettura è stata davvero piacevole e mi ha incuriosito non poco. In futuro proverò a recuperarla.
Profile Image for ℂ ✧.
2,012 reviews
July 12, 2023
La cosa millora una mica perquè gràcies al festival d'estiu de l'institut descobrim que el senpai guapot no està interessat en la Fumi sinó en una profe (OMG!) i, per tant, es converteix en un amic confident i no en un rival. Els protes per fi resolen els malentesos, petó a la galta, mitja confessió i tot molt cute ♥ Em vaig reconciliant amb l'age gap de mica en mica, suposo que perquè aquest volum se centra més en la parella secundària. La relació entre la Yoh i l'Isshin també avança amb una confessió i un intent una mica fallit de cita, són moníssims :3 Agraeixo el canvi de perspectiva, però començo a notar que el xiclet s'està allargant... ^^'
Profile Image for MaJo.
220 reviews
July 29, 2019
Por distintas situaciones en este tomó nos encontramos con un festival típico de un colegio secundario japonés y vemos a la protagonista participar de él junto con un compañero que casualmente es el más lindo del colegio.
Así el final él la va a mirar participar de este concurso de parejas parecido a un cosplay y ella está preciosa. Por celos él se aleja y ella sale corriendo para alcanzarlo... ese final perfecto y hermoso
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lena.
303 reviews
December 28, 2019
Volume molto carino, peccato che poco meno della metà dell'albo si concentri su un extra di un'altra opera della Yamamori.
Amo leggere del rapporto tra il sensei e la nostra Fumi, delle insicurezze di entrambi, dei sentimenti che piano piano stanno crescendo e della loro delicatezza nell'esprimerli.
E' vero, in questo volume non succede granché, ma mi sono goduta lo stesso l'evolversi della loro storia.
Profile Image for evie .
589 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2021
Chapter 41 - Fumi’s innocent and shy not in a cute way but in a very frustrating way. Her boyfriend kissed her on the cheek and her ‘shy’ reaction wasn’t even a blush. It was a full-blown panicking while making surprised EHHHHH!!! noises. like... you’ve lived with this man for long enough already, please get used to it fast for gods sake.

Let me just read more about the 3rd year prince Kuratsuki Eito, an angel who loves talking about love and is very supportive of his friends’ relationships. I want him to be happy. Let me see him more instead.

Consists of chapters 39 - 43
Profile Image for Nuha Ahmed.
149 reviews30 followers
April 28, 2020
A shoujo manga with 3 parallel love stories!? where's the love triangles? where's the second hero syndrome? I'm surprised! :D
I guess the mangaka is focusing now more on the development of the relationship between Fumi and Akatsuki, they both struggle with their emotions and I love how they are figuring this out together as they go.
November 4, 2020
Okey, todos estamos de acuerdo que Eito es gay, o bueno, que en un principio lo pensamos ¿no? Seria lindo tener un poco de diversidad en un manga shojo, para variar.

Entre otras cosas. Un hermoso momento que quedara grabado en mi corazón. Me refiero claro a la confesión de Aioi, fan de este chico. Y yo que pensaba que iba ser el rival amoroso de Akatsuki ¡ja-ja! que ilusa, mucho mejor así.
Profile Image for Felicia.
593 reviews
February 9, 2024
This is the volume of declarations and definitions of certain relationships. Even though they live together, Akatsuki and Fumi always find themselves not telling each other their feelings clearly or expressing what they want from the other. The school cultural festival is a classic setting of all mangas.
The extra story at the end of the volume is cute as well.
Profile Image for Da OG Otaku.
815 reviews7 followers
June 29, 2024
I enjoy this series but often forget things from one volume to the next. I may have to do a huge reread once they are all out. Hate that a 1/4 of this manga was dedicated to a Daytime Shooting Star short story. I personally hated that one and don’t remember enough to even read the short story so I stopped about halfway through.
128 reviews1 follower
November 25, 2018
I don't understand what makes them always feel so awkward around each other. I really liked how mature fumi behaved in the beginning, which made the idea of them dating slightly better, but she's pretty childish right now.
Profile Image for BookVolchitsa.
699 reviews55 followers
January 16, 2020
Ok. In questo volume non succede un granché perché c'è un extra di un altra opera di Yamamori. Nonostante ciò, questo volume mi è piaciuto. L'evolversi dei sentimenti, la timidezza, le rivelazioni... È tutto avvolto da un alone dolcissimo. Devo assolutamente leggere il seguito.
Profile Image for Readingmanga.
77 reviews12 followers
October 26, 2021
I decided to stop this manga. For me it was enough. The first volumes was really sweet and I like the characters. I don’t have this feeling now. Something messes. I’m not sure that I will stop reading it forever. Maybe another year :)
Profile Image for Sofi.
41 reviews4 followers
June 14, 2022
Volvi a incursionarme en el los mangas shoujo y es un camino de ida, ya se sabe a donde va a ir la historia desde un principio pero es tan hermosa y te causa tantas emociones que uno no puede parar de leerla
Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews

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