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WARNING. Rated: R. Restricted. Contains space battles, killer AI, intergalactic ass-kicking. Read at own risk.

She is programmed to kill.
He’ll do anything to survive.

Ex-con Captain Caleb Shepperd believes being good is overrated. All he wants is to smuggle illegal cargo through the nine systems and live a prosperous (likely short) life on the wrong side of the law.

But there's a problem with that plan. The priceless synthetic stowaway on his ship is a distraction he doesn't need.

Torn between selling her and tossing her out the airlock, Shepperd fails to realize the synth is a killer, and he's the one locked in her sights.

In a world where only one thousand synthetics were built, synthetic number One Thousand and One should not exist. She is no ordinary synth. Memories locked inside her code could bring Shepperd—and the entire nine systems—to its knees.

Captain Shepperd and the oppressive corporations are about to learn that you can't hide from the sins of your past, especially when that past has orders to kill.

WARNING: 18+ only. Contains adult content, including sex, drug use, violence, and swearing.

Older cover editions of this ASIN can be found here & here.

214 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 1, 2015

About the author

Two-time DragonCon Finalist & Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semi-finalist--- "Wait a second. Let's cut to the chase. I write kick-ass urban fantasy & sci-fi novels with conflicted characters, breathless action, and no-holds-barred dialogue. My books may not leave you feeling all fluffy and warm inside, but they will excite you. There will be plot-twists, angst, probably a few dead bodies, and very likely your favorite character will turn out to be the bad guy. Don't say I didn't warn you..."


(I review on Goodreads as a reader, not a writer. Reviews here are my personal opinion, not a professional one).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 312 reviews
November 25, 2020
Previous rating: 8 pathetic little stars.
New rating: 10 stars. Give or take give a star or two three.

And the moral of this reread is: any book that opens with its heroine punching a pen in someone's eye socket is automatically worth 10+ stars, if you ask me.

And the other moral of this reread is: "System fault. Failsafe disabled. Protocols breached" =

Yes, this is indeed me in my, um, monkey suit. Pretty hot, huh?

[June 2015]

Previous rating: 5 pathetic little stars.
New rating: 8 stars. That seems slightly more appropriate, yes.

Think you're going to get another review from me? Think again. Just raise my original review to the power of ten or eleven and you'll get an idea of how I feel about this story.

[Original Review]


BOOM. Pippa DaCosta's done it again.

Houston, we have a problem. The Pippa DaCosta Problem. Whenever I have to review one of her books my grey cells malfunction. They're so cool-fantastic-awesome-OMG I love this-amazing that they leave me speechless. Yep. Me. Speechless. Pretty amazing huh? That's the Pippa DaCosta Effect for you. She's one of the very few authors who can effectively shut me up. Ha.

Let's take this from the beginning shall we?

Pippa DaCosta said: this story is not for the easily offended. It features delightfully graphic adult content such as:
✔ Sex.
✔ Drug use.
✔ Lots of swearing.
✔ Morally ambiguous characters.

I said: hell yeah, the Checklist From Heaven. We're not in Abominable YA Land anymore, Toto.

Then Pippa DaCosta said: Would you like me to send you the ARC?

And I said: hell yeah if you insist. It's not like I have anything else to read at the moment anyway.

Then Pippa DaCosta said: I hope you like it.

And I said: just finished it. BOOM. .

Yes, this is so cool even Ron Weasley approves. Well he would approve if he was old enough to read it. Because frankly, this is no PG-13 crap.

Now. Time to review the Checklist From Heaven:

Sex: bloody hell YES!!! Hahahahaha!

Drug use: bloody hell YES!!! Hahahahaha!

Lots of swearing: bloody hell YES!!! Hahahahaha!

Morally ambiguous characters: bloody hell YES!!! Fucked up doesn't even begin to cover it. Let's see, what do we have here? Greed, ambition, betrayal, selfishness, revenge, homicidal tendencies, arrogance, boorishness, malice and harshness. Among others. Many others. The characters in this story? Nothing short of amazing. As you're reading, you think to yourself: "he's such a dick/she's such a bitch/she's so cold. They're all so unequivocally unredeemable, I should hate them all." But you know what? You don't hate them. Nope. You love them. Yes you do. That's the Pippa DaCosta Effect again.

Not for the easily offended: bloody hell YES!!! Hahahahaha!

What is it Hermione? Need I remind you this is no PG-13 crap? You shouldn't even be here you know. Damn. Filch is never around when you need him. Oh well, since you're here you might as well ask your question. What's the story about you say? It's about awesome people doing awesome things in an awesome world. What? Not good enough for you is it? Hey, grey cells = malfunction, remember? So give me a break.

You have got to be kidding me. FINE. You win.

This story is about: manufactured human beings, smuggling, lust, memory, retribution, evil corporations, retaliation, human wrecks, addiction, space ships, ulterior motives, domination, feelings (or lack thereof), redemption and, in Pippa DaCosta's own words, total mindfuck. Hell yes.

Simple maths time again? Absolutely.

① + ② + ③ + ④ + ⑤ + ⑥ =

Yes, this is so bloody fantastic Snape and the kids decided to do a celebratory dance.

Believe me people, you want to read this.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

· Prequel: Girl From Above: Falling (short story) ★★★★★
· Book 2: Girl From Above: Escape ★★★★★
· Book 3: Girl From Above: Trapped ★★★★★
· Book 4: Girl From Above: Trust ★★★★★
· Book 5: Girl From Above: Deliverance ★★★
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
March 15, 2022
Buddy read with my friend, Tammie! 4.5 Stars ⭐️

I used to believe stars were wishes, that if we reached them, our dreams would come true.

The stars will always be out of reach, and no amount of dreaming will capture them.

Stars are wishes, and wishes are dreams. You can’t capture them… ever.

I loved this book! I look forward to reading the rest of the series!! #1001 is my favorite!!

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾

BLOG: https://melissa413readsalot.blogspot....
Profile Image for Adina (way behind).
1,107 reviews4,592 followers
May 23, 2024
I do not remember how I got to read this novella. I probably found it on someone’s favorite shelf. The plot and the R rating intrigued me so here I am. Caleb is a smuggler with a dark past. He doesn’t care about much anymore, except maybe money. After almost being caught when flying away with an illegal cargo, he discovers a synthetic on his ship. Apparently, she (it) is the 1001 model, which is strange as only 1000 have been built. Her creators are searching for her, not stopping at anything to get her back. And that is only one of Caleb’s problems.

The novel contains a lot of swearing, sex, drug use and other adult content. I appreciated the freshness of it, as writers such as Pippa usually lean towards fairytales and HEA. Not her, though.
Profile Image for Simona B.
912 reviews3,103 followers
March 22, 2016
"She's only just begun."

Good. God. Good. God.

It was love at first sight. Un colpo di fulmine. Un flechazo (see, Fran? Spanish!). And if I knew how to say this in other languages too, I would. Wait, I can also tell you something similar in my local dialect: Mi fici perdiri a testa.
My knowledge really ends here though.

And now, onto the completely useless and disconnected sort-of-comment review!

•The characters. I don't really know why I am even trying to write something logical here because evey praise would be reductive.

Caleb Shepperd is (un)blessed perfection. Not only he is masterly written, he also has a rather considerable appeal to the reader any reference to the fact that I would gladly spend an hour or two or a lifetime on Starscream with him is purely coincidental.

#1001 is far more interesting than I would have expected. I find particularly fascinating her blend of robotic and human personality (that is, if robotic personality doesn't count as an oxymoron) that her circuits are, and how it is more than once remarked that, after all, when it comes down to what we are made of, humans are just that, impulses and circuits and electricity. That's why I have this soft spot for robots, androids, et cetera, et cetera, and why I am always in to read a book featuring even just a cyborg.

Fran, oh Fran, you're so kick-ass and foul-mouthed, and you may be the best pilot in the nine systems and fiercer than a horde of demons, but if you don't leave Captain Shepperd alone I can't account for my actions.

•The plot is fast-paced and heart-stopping, and though maybe I couldn't completely enjoy it because the book is rather short (I prefer longer, more intricate plots) I did enjoy it a lot.

•The writing is truly stunning. Pippa DaCosta has this way to describe even the littlest, tiniest actions and gestures that makes my skin crawl with pleasure. It's better than a movie.

•The only thing that bothered me was that flashback scene. I can't exactly put my finger on what gave me such an impression, but I felt like it had been written by someone else. It had none of the precision, the care I had got used to with DaCosta's writing: it was rushed, kind of just sketched out, and a bit pathetic. .

So, people, what are you doing stil there? Go read the book, now.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
August 19, 2016
I wasn't too sure about this until about the halfway point, then it really got interesting. And, all of the things revealed towards the end? Blew my mind. So very good.

Robots have feelings too.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,781 reviews1,590 followers
July 18, 2018
4.25 “Nice? Nice is nothing. Nice is bland. Nice is the morning after when you can’t remember her name.” Stars

I flew through this. Pippa DaCosta is becoming a favorite author of mine even if she doesn’t seem to believe in the conventional happily ever after and most of her characters are a bit broken but never Mary or Stu Sue.

Caleb is the smuggler pilot down on his luck who might fix a problem you’re having for the right price. Fran is his co-pilot sidekick who loves to tease him and never please him the sexual tension between them is palpable and it is think enough to spread on toast.
I’d found her two years ago. Shit. We were practically married. The lack of sex proved it.

Add on top of that a cybogesk stowaway named 1001 with her own orders and possibly some background connection to Captain Caleb, stir the pot and wait for it to blow up.


This was such a fun ride. I like that all the characters in this are broken in some way but together they might just make a good team. Caleb is a man hiding from or trying to make up for his past.
Fighting I can do. I can fight all night until I’m the last man standing.
But waiting? Waiting left too much room for wondering, and wondering led me to thinking, and thinking alone in my cabin led to dark thoughts and darker places.

1001 is a girl who follows orders and she has a special one to kill. No one is safe until she gets her target. But something in her remembers a little of the woman she used to be and that part wants a different life.

This is a little dark, sometimes dirty and completely action packed. What a great start up to a series. I loved this Firefly like space drama and look forward to the upcoming revolution.
3,202 reviews386 followers
November 20, 2015
19 November 2015: $0.99 on Kindle!!

I feel awkward reviewing this because it's not an entire story. It's the beginning of the story. It does have a nice arc - for which I'm thankful - but it's so clearly just the start that I almost want to wait until I've read the next 2 books (which should finish it out, I hope) before I review and grade it. The ending can make a huge difference in how I feel about the earlier sections. However, this part of the story still made a really big impression on me and I have to talk about it.

One of my best friends recommended this book to me - in all CAPS - and we usually are on the same exact page when it comes to awesome books. So I immediately bought this one, and the second one from Amazon. (Sidenote: $2.99 for under 200 pages? Not cool. I'm going to end up paying around $12 for a full-length novel. Ugh. Do not like. Anyway.)

I flew through it. Read most of it on my lunch, and then did some sneak-reading because I just couldn't stop.

The world is interesting, but a fairly light background to the story and characters. It's a prop for them to play in front of. And I'm okay with that here. I would like to see it further explored, and see the implications of the characters' actions dig deep into that world, but that's for the second, third, and fourth parts to live up to, I think.

What really shines here are the characters - which is kind of ironic, because none of the characters are what you would consider "good" people. Caleb (I love this name, I hate when it's shortened to Cale) is our "hero." And I use that term incredibly loosely. He's a womanizer, smuggler, asshole. He thinks with his dick, and has little regard for consequences. He also has a TON of guilt and self-recrimination (justly and rightly so).

Fran, Caleb's second-in-command (and only crewmate, so the title confused me a bit) fascinated me. She's Caleb in a female body. Everything I hate about him, I hate about her. They have little regard for anyone, including themselves. They're destructive and assholes. But...I love them. They're the kind of characters that I want to see - not redeemed exactly, but whole. I want to see them have the contentment they deserve, whatever that may entail. I want to see them stop hating themselves.

#1001 was a mystery for most of the book, though I began to guess about a third of the way in, so I don't want to spoil too much. Suffice it to say that I'm most interested in her. She has a hell of a story, and I'm really, really, really looking forward to seeing how Pippa DaCosta brings it all together.

The plot doesn't seem like much of anything until you get near the end - which is why I say that this is a starter story. It doesn't finish much of anything. What it does do is pull you in, sit you down, tie you up and demand that you finish. It builds beautifully, and upon finishing I immediately grabbed part two. I'm already lamenting the fact that the third part isn't available until December 2015 - with the fourth (and final) to follow in Spring 2016.
Profile Image for Marla Mei.
550 reviews299 followers
June 15, 2015

Review to come.

Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,076 followers
March 29, 2022
✅ Betrayals
✅ Action
✅🆗 Plot and Intrigue
✅🆗 Characters
✅🆗 World-building

That book was an easy and satisfying read. I just flew through it in an afternoon.

Once again, the characters are all a bit broken with mysterious and heavy pasts but that one thing that I also really liked about the characters in the Shoot the Messenger series.

Caleb is a smuggler and the kind of guy that you call when you have a not-so-legal job that needs to be done. #1001 in a synthetic human, as are her 1000 brothers and sisters, but she should never have existed. She is different and somehow, she is more human and less robot than her brothers and sisters. Oh! and she was sent on a mission to kill Caleb, but of course, there is more to it. Why can't she just kill him? Why is she feeling weird things? Why is she having flashbacks?

We discover the story of Caleb and #1001 as they are trying to escape the fleet (kind of "space police") and the company that created the synthetic humans. The world-building is a little weak, but it did not bother me while reading this book. We don't know much about what happened that led everyone to this corrupted system and we don't really know the actual situation, except that the CEO of Chitec built 1000 (plus 1) synthetic humans, 5 years ago and sold them to the elite. He sold the dream that your spirit could live in the synthetic body once you died and that you could live happily ever after with your family afterward. Of course, there is more to this story, political intrigues and greedy people are always involved in this kind of scheme.

There is a lot of action in this story and a lot of scheming. Talks about betrayal and actual betrayal, violence, sexual tension, swearing... All I can say is give it a chance. It's a short book, easily read and entertaining.

Follow me on Instagram 🙂
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,346 reviews1,236 followers
April 19, 2021
1st read - June 2015
2nd read - July 2019
3rd read - April 2021

There are only 1000 synths in existence, these highly advanced synthetic humans can be purchased the super rich so that their memories and consciousness can be transferred to the synth when they die. But if only 1000 of them were created who is #1001, where did she come from and why is she so different to the others? #1001 wants to live, she's managed to escape captivity and she has a plan but is it a coincidence that it's Caleb's ship that she ends up on? Caleb makes a living smuggling cargo but a stowaway synth is too hot for him and he knows he'll be in all kinds of trouble if he's caught. All he wants to do is get rid of her fast and if he can make some money while he's at it then he'll be happy to take the bonus. What Caleb doesn't realise is that he and #1001 have history and now it's high time to pay for the mistakes of his past.

Oh what a fun read Girl From Above: Betrayal is and if you like your characters morally ambiguous you are going to love Caleb and his crew. None of these characters are what you'd call good guys, they're all willing to bend the rules if it benefits them and they're all out for themselves above anyone else even if that means betraying each other. Caleb is the worst of the lot but somehow I found myself loving him anyway. As soon as I picked this up I started getting Firefly vibes and I have to admit picturing Caleb as Captain Malcolm definitely didn't hurt my enjoyment of the story.

This world is dark, the characters are twisted and I was completely hooked. The blurb contains the following warning "Contains graphic adult content, including sex, drug use, violence, and a plethora of curse words. Not for the easily offended." and I definitely stand by that, it isn't going to be the right book for everyone but if you're like me that warning will just make you want to read it even more. I loved this story and can't wait to dive into the next instalment.
Profile Image for Heather Blair.
Author 22 books219 followers
July 19, 2019
Re-read, 7/19/19 *Even better the 2nd time around!*

4.5 screaming stars!

Well then...jumping right in....

There are no good guys here, no good gals...hell, most of the people in this little tale run the gamut between morally ambigious to morally repugnant. Except one...and she's not human.

Or is she?

Caleb is the down-and-out captain of a starship. He has a 2nd in command he'd dearly love to get on her back and a past he's buried under the rubble of the soul he never had. When he finds a synth stow-a-way his first thought is what a pain in the ass.

His 2nd is how much money can I get for her?

Oh kids, what are you both hiding?

Caleb's not a good guy, and the synth, 1001, is not an ordinary synth. There is a year of Caleb's life erased from public record, but 1001 knows what happened there and when she remembers....

What did you do, Caleb? WTF did you do?

Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,037 followers
March 7, 2018
4.5 stars. This was great! I only really like character driven sci fi and this was. It was like a cross between I Robot and Firefly. I’ve read several of Pippa Da Costa’s fantasy, but let me tell you: she does sci fi just as well if not better. Next!
Profile Image for Milda Page Runner.
305 reviews264 followers
February 3, 2019
Pulp action-adventure sci-fi. It’s supposed to be an exciting mix of Firefly, Ex_Machina and Blade Runner, to which I could also add Ketty Jay and Sirantha Jax – meaning it’s full of tropes and familiar characters. I wouldn’t look for deep thoughts or original ideas here. Worldbuilding is non-existent, characterisation sketchy and there is certainly no science in this fiction.
As a no-brain entertainment though it’s not bad. POVs swap smoothly, pacing is good, one event follows another and before you know it – you are at the end of the book wanting to know what happens next.
Contains drug use, explicit scenes and swearing – so 18+.
Recommended as a holiday or lighter ‘in between’ read.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,808 reviews276 followers
October 11, 2015
I finished Pippa DaCosta's Beyond The Veil, but it was a struggle. I decided to give her another chance, but this was similar. The beginning was entertaining and not badly written, I liked the plot idea and the characters. But somewhere around the midway point my interest ran out and I spent a whole week reading fanfiction instead. I had to force myself to pick this up again and finish it.

I am not quite sure what my problem was. I went into this with very low expectations anyhow and was pleasantly surprised at first, that I liked what I was reading. I like first person narratives, I like changing points of view, anti-heroes and mysteries.

But the plot was just a tad too shallow, the characters too one-dimensional, I was missing tension or any kind of suspense--it was all pretty predictable. Parts of the plot were also not plausible and my eye-rolling just got more pronounced, as the story moved along.

Funnily enough, I could see myself picking up the next book (for free), as I am mildly curious to see where it all leads next. Therefore three starts, although I should really have gone with only two...

I received this free copy from the publisher/author via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review, thank you!
Profile Image for Feminista.
852 reviews1 follower
November 17, 2015
This should not be a romance.

I think the title Betrayal is very fitting.

The so called hero is a coward and a murderer by association who did it to get ahead in life.

I am glad he was duped by the actual murderer. Left alone to rot.

The sad thing is that this author is trying to make this out to be some kind of a love story. I don't believe I have heard anything so disgusting.
Profile Image for Catherine.
336 reviews59 followers
November 13, 2015
Fan-freakin-tastic. The only reason I took off one star is because this feels like a serial to me and I HATE SERIALS. Just release all the parts as one damn book and charge me a little more.

I love characters like this. Where there is plenty to love AND hate about them. Morally ambiguous is REAL LIFE SHIT. I love it. I LOVE IT! Now I'm off to buy part two and then I'll have to wait for part three which pisses me right off.
Profile Image for Beige .
277 reviews117 followers
September 10, 2020
2.5 'wished-I-loved-it-more' stars

I'm a big fan of Pippa, especially her Veil series. I also love a good sci fi, but unfortunately I just couldn't connect with these characters. I'm sure it's just me as many other folks rave about this series. Don't let my rating put you off, give Pippa a try!
Profile Image for mith.
895 reviews289 followers
July 19, 2017
i love the new covers so much more lol
Actual rating: 3.5
Y'know, the concept of futuristic societies in space isn't all the original. Neither are robots. So I didn't really expect anything from this book. But, I've only read so many science fiction novels in my young lifetime, so what can I really say about originality?
This book, it's hard to explain for me. Basically, you have two main characters in play: a synth, #1001, and a smuggler, Caleb.
Synths are their world's robots. Made by Chitec, the rich spend money to become this flawless being (with silver hair, I believe) to prolong their life. They're given the human's memories so the synths can live at ease with the families. There are exactly one thousand synths per century. No more, no less.
So #1001's existence is kinda, sorta problematic. She isn't supposed to exist. She's dangerous and hazardous and if word got out, it would be chaotic. She also knows how to kill and will not hesitate, soooo. Yeah, mess with her, you're kinda screwed.
Caleb looks out for himself first and his ship, Starscreamer second. He runs an illegal items based job—and that definitely could've been worded better—that he hopes will help him earn enough credits. He likes being with women, drinking his problems away, and thinks with his dick most—if not all—of the time.
In short—again—Caleb, to me, is a vapid and uninteresting character, whereas #1001 is a somewhat complex and intelligent being. I looked forward to her chapters more because they offered a more action-y take on the story, instead of a horny one.
As you can tell, this isn't my type of book. I'm YA based and this certainly isn't YA. Caleb certainly does not make this YA material. I'm not...completely comfortable with the material, nor am I completely familiar with the material in NA but I'm testing the waters. And this wasn't a bad book for testing—on the contrary, I actually found it enjoyable enough that I finished it in one sitting in the middle of the night and kinda jumped into the second right away. The only problem about this book—this series—is that it leaves holes and admittedly, could use some editing.
The writing, on a general view, isn't all that bad. It's kind of simplistic but descriptions aren't poorly done. You don't feel as if the characters are one dimensional—they have a voice you can associate with them. Another thing—yes, it has two POVs and yes, you can differentiate the them. More often than not, authors who do this make the main characters sound alike, and, in the end result, you can't tell who's actually telling the story in a certain chapter. The voices of Caleb and #1001 differentiate, seeing as one is hella colloquial and the other one is a fucking robot. One curses and is in no way chill about his desires where the other is more or less precise about everything. I liked that.
What I couldn't like is that, sometimes, the story fell a bit short. Some scenes were brushed over too quickly when it needed more depth to it. Some situations needed more explaining. It wasn't hard to keep up with what was going on, you're just kinda left feeling like "... Is that all?" in the end.
I also didn't like how Caleb let his parts rule over everything. I get that he's not the most thought-based person, but dude, seriously. You can't even blame this on hormones. One second, he has the situation in either his control or against him, but then he's suddenly turned on by whatever asset the female counterpart has to offer. It's irrational. This is either an accurate portrait—which I kinda doubt; you can't be wanting sex when you're in big trust worthy or life-or-death shit—or Caleb just has no self control.
This is a fairly short book, so it doesn't have a whole lot of room for character development, but I think it happened, especially on #1001's part. When a robot starts questioning, you know you're screwed.
Overall... I was okay with this book. I mean, I suppose I was. I remember wanting to finish this before 5 am so I could get a decent amount of sleep. It was really entertaining, I'll give it that. With a bit more depth, this would've been a really good read!

A review of this should be coming. Thank you to the author for sending me a copy!
155 reviews265 followers
August 23, 2018
"My name is #1001, and I am not ready to die. I’d only just begun to live."
Well, this novella was just kinda 'meh'. It has an interesting premises and I think other books in the series will be much better but this was just underwhelming. This is fairly short, so there isn't much room for character development, but both of the main characters have potential to be amazing.

Caleb Shepherd is a military captain turned to smuggler. He transfer goods for oranization named as 'Nine' on a starship Starscream. Fran is his pilot, supposedly the best pilot in the whole nine systems and and his second in coommand. Caleb is an antihero, he'd done a lot of bad and stupid things in his life that had led him here and he'd spent one year of his life in Asgard, a prison for most dangerous criminals. For most of the part, Caleb was just realllyyyy bland. His conflicts and his thoughts did not sway me. I'm partially blaming this on my slump but for me not liking an antihero is a big RED SIGN.

#1001 was much more interesting and ironically, the most humane non-human person in the book. She's a synth. Synths are robots who were rich human in past life and had chosen to inject their memories into robots and therefore can live in afterlife. There can be only 1000 synths, #1001 is an anomally. She is created to follow only one order, and that is to kill Caleb Shepherd. And she's here to kill. She's an interesting character arc because she's realizing she cannot let others to lead her reins and is fighting to control her life.

Overall, it was just really bland. There was action, but even that wasn't that exciting. But there is potential for improvement. I am looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
August 24, 2017
A gritty, realistic sci-fi brought to you by the great Pippa DaCosta! After reading this I kind of want to see her try her hand at historical romance. Just so I can see if she can do anything wrong.

The main idea behind the synthetics is not something original but as usual Ms. DaCosta takes the cliche and demolishes all preconceptions. I saw most of the twists before they happened but I'm chalking that up to my familiarity with some of her other works. I'm pretty sure it was a fluke however and I'll be back to chewing on my nails and wondering what the hell is going on in no time.
Profile Image for Celestine.
952 reviews118 followers
May 28, 2015
Pippa DaCosta's Girl From Above: Betrayal isn't a romance, but it is a love story. The aptly descriptive blurb calls this book an "action-packed story of love, redemption and revenge." At first the reader is lulled into believing adorable scoundrel Capt. Caleb Shepperd is a horn-dog version of Han Solo or Firefly's Mal Reynolds. DaCosta made him think things like, "Her black tank top left little to the imagination, which was fortuitous, given that I didn't have one." He was crass enough that I believed the act, and that some perfect little woman was going to come along and tame him. At first I thought the tall, buxom version of the little woman was Fran, his sexy, snarky, second-in-command. Then we meet 1001, the exquisite, smooth-skinned synthetic woman who gets a little hot-under-the-collar when she catches Capt. Caleb in the shower. Later we meet Jesse, the hooker with a heart, and by then I am completely confused on the romantic angle.

When I was 42% of the way into this book, I made the note I couldn't figure out the motivations for any of the main characters, but really that even included the side characters like Caleb's smuggler pals and his brother. Everyone has a hidden agenda. Are they good; are they bad; are they evil; are they selfish or selfless? It kept me rapidly turning the pages. The clues are there that every single one of the characters is probably good, but might be bad. It is masterful writing and commanding characterization. At one point it whispered through my mind, "Is 1001 a sadist?" Yep, DaCosta was making me like a synth who may be, might be, could be, but probably isn't, a sadist. However, she most certainly is a confused combination of deadly programmed intent and echoes of softer human memories that involve Caleb. All this confusion just heightens the plot tension, on both the romantic and the smuggling fronts.

But back to why this is, for all the glittery sci-fi adventure trappings, a love story. You see, Caleb isn't just a rogue smuggler spending time in space station taverns; he is a man running from the truth and his past. He knows there is no absolution for his sins. Love is a convoluted path, filled with impulsiveness and lust. Love has consequences that can demand revenge. And love cannot be trusted, whether that is the tenderness of feeling found in young romance or the driving lust for a beautiful woman or shared history with a partner or filial devotion. All culminates in a flawless, dramatic, pivotal scene that had me holding my breath. Unfortunately, I will be suing DaCosta to purchase me a ventilator so I don’t collapse before July 2015 when the next installment is due.
Profile Image for Stephanie (Bookfever).
1,045 reviews171 followers
March 28, 2018
"My name is #1001, and I am not ready to die. I’d only just begun to live."

So this book? It was really good. I can't say I have read many books in this genre in my life (though lately I've been getting more into it) but this has got to be in my top three of best sci-fi books.

Girl From Above: Betrayal follows Caleb, a captain who has been released from prison who's trying to keep a low profile and #1001, a synth, who is not meant to excist, as there are only supposed to be 1000 synthetic humans a decade. Her orders? To kill Caleb. But when #1001 slowly starts to remember who she is and what he did to her things really get dangerous and deadly.

I really enjoyed reading both Caleb and #1001's points of view. On the surface Caleb seems like a typical guy, smuggling illegal cargo with his second in command, Fran, who he'd love to nail. Then #1001 comes in the story. Caleb just wants to get rid of her but slowly but surely he finds out who she is. Meanwhile #1001 has orders to kill him, which she doesn't follows. Not yet anyway. And also #1001 was simply a kick-ass character. I loved her.

This story and world is quite harsh, to be honest, which is one of the reasons why I loved it so much. Like the synopsis says: it contains graphic adult content, including sex, drug use, violence and curse words. And the characters are not all good, they all have secrets and sins.

The writing was, of course, excellent. The story hooked me and didn't let me go until I had finished it. What else can I say? I just loved the sci-fi part of the book but also the relationships between all characters and obviously the story was just awesome.

Girl From Above: Betrayal by Pippa DaCosta was a sci-fi book that I needed in my life. I literally have nothing negative to say about the story. It was unique, gritty and totally awesome with unexpected plot twists. I'll definitely be reading book two very soon!
Profile Image for Sharon L.
594 reviews95 followers
July 8, 2015
"The storm still raged. And nothing had changed, except there was one less man in the world. "

This book is made of awesome. Really, I was a little skeptic at the beginning but after a few chapters in I knew this was going to be good.

So naturally, I became alert- I was waiting for the book to screw up, and I knew excatly how it would happen. You see, #1001 is a synthetich human being- she follows orders. Which is why I was sure I would not grow to like her, also, I was sure I would not grow to like the other characters presented-

a. Caleb - the criminal, the smuggler, the fixer. Dark past, dark soul and a darker future- I wasn't surprised what he was hiding, but damn it! I still don't know what he really feels! I mean, I think he loved someone and I think he's sorry for his deeds but he played with me so well. He is quite smart.
At first I was sure he was just a jerky jerk. Then he so he had some human decency (Once in a full moon but still), then he told us something about his past and I said- OK you know what? I don't give a fuck.
But then he let me into his dreams and memories and told me another thing about himself and I was like: "OK, wait a minute, I think I'm feeling something in my chest- it's warm and it hurts a little"
Then he said another thing and I just went like: OH MY *Kaboom*
But of course then he had to go and shatter me to little pieces almost saying, but not actually saying, he played me.
And. of course he had to finish it with a killer line that left me wondering- So was he? Wasn't he?

Gosh!!! What will happen next????

"I used to believe stars were wishes, that if we reached them, our dreams would come true. But the stars will always be out of reach, and no amount of dreaming will capture them."

B. Fran- I really don't like her, but I love to not like her, I feel just a little for her but she might get in my way somewhere in the future so we are keeping her on a low burner. Until my heart is safe and the couple I shiped is togethe I am going to be really careful about this one.
But besides this? She really is fantastic- she's talented, smart and just fun to read about (and she has depth).

C. Bran- Well, he still needs to do some growing and I wonder what's going on with him but he has so much potential!

D. Hayley- This girl, we don't see a lot of her but I can tell you this she's the stuff of heroes! she seems smart, and sad, and kind, and brave and just a little stupid but I really can't blame her for that stupidity because it really just was bad luck and not her fault.

E. #1001- So yeah, she was going to be my bigger problem. I was sure I'll have one hard time liking and relating to her, but damn, she got me. I'm the head of her fan club right now. I really can't wait to see her grow even more- I love her voice, I love her actions, I love her cold side and I love her human side. God, Girl I fucking Love You!

"He made me crazy, made me stupid, made me happy. "

All I have to say is that this book is AMAZING, yeah, it made me a fan-girl. I mean, sure it is sci-fi but you know what makes a book really good no matter the genre? The human relationships, the characters and their humanity and the human problems and the human fragility. This book has them all- I know it happens somewhere in a galaxy far far away in some far away future I dare not dream about- but the feelings, the problems at their core, the relationship and the people they are already here, they always were. Since the very beginning of the human race.

Pippa Dacosta thank you so much for providing me a digital copy through NetGalley. I really enjoyed every minute of it and it wasn't easy writing this review trying to be careful not to expose much of the plot.

So, who do I have to bribe to get my hands on the second book? really I'll do who ever and what ever it takes. LOL. Seriously though. I mean it.

Else someone will get hurt, #1001 taught me some really cool moves!

"You were my wish "

Right! I just rememeber something those action scenes were really good, just yum.

If I did buy you with that did I mention the raw and really good writing? No? so you know now. Go and read it! Now!

(especially since it's 0.99$ only Amazon)

A digital copy was provided in echange for an honest review.

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