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My Roommate's Girl

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The day a judge gave me the choice between going to prison or going to college was the day I vowed to stop stealing. Never again would I see something beautiful and beyond my means and take it, just because I wanted it. Just because I could.

When I moved in with Jerry, it was with good intentions. I needed a place to live while I got my degree, and he needed a roommate.

Then I saw Aster.

Blond and beautiful, good, pure, sweet, smart…and Jerry’s girlfriend. She was everything I never thought I could have. Except…maybe I can.

So I put a plan into action. Yeah, I’d probably go to hell, but it would be worth it. I wanted Aster. I wanted her yesterday and tomorrow and every possible way.

But you know what they say.

Be careful what you wish for…because you just might get it.

287 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 12, 2017

About the author

Julianna Keyes

15 books695 followers
Julianna Keyes is a Canadian writer who has lived on both coasts and several places in between. She's been skydiving, bungee jumping and white water rafting, but nothing thrills - or terrifies - her as much as the blank page. She loves Chinese food, foreign languages, baseball and television, not necessarily in that order, and will go to her grave swearing that 'ain't' is not a word. She has volunteered in Zambia, taught English in China, and dreams of seeing pink dolphins in the Amazon. It'll happen.

She also writes happily offbeat thrillers as Elaine Murphy.

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,349 followers
June 20, 2017
4.5 Stars


Julianna Keyes delivers yet another hit college romance. The story starts out told in the hero’s pov as he is attending college through a program that offers felons a second chance. He had all the best intentions moving in with Jerry, well that was until he met Jerry’s girlfriend, Aster .

“This is my girlfriend, Aster.” I look at Aster and I’m done. So if you think about it, Jerry kind of started it.”


I truly loved how the author presented this story. It was intriguing as our hero, Aidan does something pretty despicable and the twist of events that follows is so very clever.

“Everybody lies, Aidan. Or are you the only one who’s allowed to?”


The connection between Aidan and Aster is well done and the writing is very witty.

“She’s a student and she’s my friend.”

“You don’t have female friends.”

“I could totally - ” I can’t finish the lie. “Well I do now.”


Overall, this is an enjoyable college romance that is all about second chances. I do wish the characters' parents played a bit more of a role and I would have like a few more steamy scenes still, this was a very good read.
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
June 5, 2017

➦I'm a fan of Julianna Keyes ever since I've plowed through Undecided (Burnham College, #1) by Julianna Keyes and loved it to bits. And she's such a sweet lady too! Anywhooooo. This book was very enjoyable but I didn't get the feels for some reason (it happens!) and there wasn't as much humor in this one as in some other books of hers that I've read.

➦The hero of this novel is a guy who has been given a second chance to get his life on track. He got caught stealing cars but was offered by a judge to be a part of the program that allows troubled youth to go to college and earn a degree. Needless to say, he agrees.

➦He finds a place to live and starts lusting over his roommate's girlfriend. He really REALLY wants her. Perhaps a little sabotage will help him have her?

➦So, anywho. This friends to lovers is pretty well paced and has enjoyable characters and situations. I didn't feel the heat as much as I was hoping. And take this review with a grain of salt, because it might have been a full moon or a vertigo equinox and my brain might have short circuited. >.<
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Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews853 followers
October 5, 2017
Not at all what I was expecting! Which is a good thing. =)

***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

My Roommate's Girl by Julianna Keyes
Publication Date: June 12, 2017
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from NetGalley

Summary (from Goodreads):

The day a judge gave me the choice between going to prison or going to college was the day I vowed to stop stealing. Never again would I see something beautiful and beyond my means and take it, just because I wanted it. Just because I could.

When I moved in with Jerry, it was with good intentions. I needed a place to live while I got my degree, and he needed a roommate.

Then I saw Aster.

Blond and beautiful, good, pure, sweet, smart…and Jerry’s girlfriend. She was everything I never thought I could have. Except…maybe I can.

So I put a plan into action. Yeah, I’d probably go to hell, but it would be worth it. I wanted Aster. I wanted her yesterday and tomorrow and every possible way.

But you know what they say.

Be careful what you wish for…because you just might get it.

What I Liked:

Y'all, this should not have been a book for me, based on the title and synopsis alone. In what world would I be okay with a guy literally trying to steal someone else's girl - especially his roommate's? It sounds bad, I know. I wasn't all that excited to read this book when I first heard about it, but I've read five of Keyes's previous books and I have yet to be disappointed. With a little push, I decided to give this one a chance, and I'm glad I did. Keyes always has a way of surprising me, with every book I read. I should just turn off my brain and try every and any book she writes, because clearly she writes romance novels that work for me!

My Roommate's Girl is told mostly from Aidan's POV - the first 30% is, anyway. Aidan used to steal cars, got caught, went to juvie, but was offered a second chance and a fresh start. He was placed in a program that helps troubled teens, a program that got him on his feet and into college, where he is pursuing a degree in social work and he has an on-campus job. Aidan is done stealing... until he meets Aster, his roommate Jerry's girlfriend. Aster is perfect in Aidan's eyes, and he decides that he wants her, badly enough to break up her and Jerry. When his plan works, he doesn't expect to feel bad about it. He doesn't expect Aster to find out so quickly. He doesn't expect to actually fall for her. He doesn't expect to find out that she isn't who she seems to him, anymore than he is to her.

"Be careful what you wish for" is right! Aidan wanted Jerry's girlfriend and he devised a plan that would break them up - which, in his mind, would "free" Aster to be able to have sex with anyone, but specifically, him. Some plan, huh? Aidan is so shameless and without inhibitions. I like that he goes after what (who) he wants, though you really want to smack him at first. I'm not saying what he did was okay or right, but I forgave him after a while, and so did Aster.

This story constantly surprised me. I fully expected a story that involved cheating and sneaking around behind Jerry's back and all kinds of forbidden romance that I hate (because of the cheating). But. There is no cheating in this book. No real sneaking around. Jerry and Aster break up fairly early on in the book, which eliminates the possibility of cheating. Also, time moves by in this book, days and weeks at a time. It isn't until the 50% mark that Aidan and Aster do anything physical together - fine by me. I was happy that there was no cheating (in terms of Aidan and Aster).

There also was no love triangle, which was surprising. It turns out, Aster and Jerry had been together for a while (a year, I think? I can't rememeber), and they loved each other, but it almost seemed fake, like plastic. I don't know how to describe. Like a bland kind of love? Eventually Aster realizes that she didn't really love Jerry - and Jerry didn't really love her. He didn't even know her (because she didn't let him know her). Anyway, after they break up, Aster doesn't pine for Jerry, and Jerry doesn't pine for Aster. No messiness. No love triangle. No rebounds. No make-ups.

I adored Aidan. He's shameless, determined, stubborn, and a little wicked. He's trying to better, but going after his roommate's girlfriend probably isn't a sign of trying to be better. He actually feels bad about taking Jerry to the party that ruined things for Jerry and Aster. Aidan realizes he made a mistake. I liked seeing Aidan grow a conscience and realize that his actions have real consequences that affect real people. Aidan grows a lot during this spring semester of college, and not just because of a girl (Aster).

Aster was a mystery at first, because in Aidan's eyes, she is so perfect. Hot, smart, kind, a good girl. But it turns out that she wasn't always "good", she still isn't "good", and she shouldn't necessarily be on that pedestal that Aidan has her on. I like that Aster had a lot more depth to her than we initially see. Aster is a nice person and she's very likable. I feel like I would get along with her really well - she's an introverted extrovert and she is pretty awesome when she isn't yelling at Aidan.

The chemistry between these two picks up after Aster breaks up with Jerry. It's not an instant thing - Aster isn't looking for a rebound - but you can see it simmering beneath the surface. These two make each other burn and there are a lot of intense scenes full of chemistry without anything physical happening between them. In fact, they don't have sex until the midway point, if I remember correctly. I liked this setup - the romance didn't feel rushed, and the story progressed nicely, around the romance. No insta-love, lots of chemistry and a number of hot sexy times - perfect for a New Adult romance novel.

Of course there is some drama around the climax, but it's not too bad! One thing I hate is dramatic, over-the-top climax scenes that lead to one of the protagonists messing up, and then a grand gesture is needed, and blah blah blah. The drama wasn't too bad, and while one protagonist does mess up, it doesn't take long before they are back together.

In addition to the yummy romance, there are quite a number of good friendships in this book. Aidan has good relationships with a number of other college boys in the same program as him, who are trying to do better for themselves. I love the one guy who is not a college student but a 23-year-old who got married to his sweetheart. How adorable! And on Aster's side - she kind of has no friends but she makes a friend (and a surprising one - this girl is not who I expected to be friends with Aster!). I always like to see positive, non-toxic friendships in books, and this book had some good ones.

In general, this is a fantastic New Adult novel that has a steamy romance, some "tough issues" that don't dragged the story into a dark story, a strong male and female lead pairing, positive friendships, and a good story. I was rooting for Aidan, on his journey to be a better person. I'm glad he got his happy ending!

What I Did Not Like:

I can't think of anything that really stuck out to me except that I wasn't totally sold on Aidan at first, because of the active role he played in breaking up Jerry and Aster. Of course, given how their relationship seemed, I didn't think they should have been together in the first place, but Aidan playing a role in forcing the breakup was a low move. The good thing is that he recognized this and grew from it, and I liked him more for that. But yeah, initially I was turned off by this whole thing. If you experience the same, keep reading! Aidan won't disappoint you.

Would I Recommend It:

If you like New Adult contemporary romance, this is a great new standalone novel to try. I've moved entirely away from New Adult "powerhouses" like Colleen Hoover, Jamie McGuire, and Elle Kennedy, but I'm 100% sold on Keyes's books (New Adult, yes, but also her adult books). There is no love triangle or cheating or sneaking around in this book, I promise!


4 stars. I know Keyes has said that this would be a standalone novel only but I wouldn't mind reading about some of the other characters! But I'll always look forward to reading more from her, regardless. Hopefully some adult romance novels next! You think her New Adult books are hot? Hehehe...

Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,599 followers
June 16, 2017
Disappointing :(

Having read the blurb, I thought I was going to read a book about a sweet bad boy who steals the girl he is obsessed with, using his charm or something like that, no matter that she belongs to someone else. Nope, that is not what I got :(

The forbidden

As every “forbidden” story has its own weird attraction, I was intrigued by it & plus the gorgeous cover and I was sold!

The social message

The story also has a good message to the society about second chances in life if you have committed one or more crimes in your past and how you can regain your life and build a better future but the way the message is engrained in the story wasn’t good enough for me to feel it and to be affected by it.

My feelings after having read the book:

Well, I didn’t like the characters much.
I didn’t like the writing, either.
The book couldn’t make me feel... at all!

This story could have been told in such a different way and I would have fallen in love with it but the way it is written is too flat and “emotion-less” for me. I liked neither the tone of it nor the style.

I wanted to feel the strong attraction between the characters, but I didn’t.

I wanted to be persuaded into the belief that even though it was forbidden, the feelings of both the guy and the girl were so strong and their coming together was so inevitable that it didn’t know any boundaries. Nope, no such thing, at all!

Until Chapter 21, we know nothing about how the heroine, Aster feels, what she thinks etc because until Chapter 21, the story is told only by the hero, Aidan. THAT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE if you ask me because I couldn’t get into the story as I didn’t know what was going on in her heart and mind! Nope, no clues at all!

After Ch. 21, the story starts to be told in dual point of view and we learn slowly what she was thinking and feeling so far.

Maybe, the writer planned this to hide Aster’s secret but I know many books told by dual point of view and still you have no idea what actually is going on so as a writer, you can hide what you want to hide even if you use dual point of view. Or if you prefer 1st person point of view for so long in a forbidden story like that, then, you should make the writing captivating enough for the reader to feel the attraction, the chemistry or the tension. This was too flat.

The story of Aidan

Our hero Aidan meets his roommate Jerry’s girlfriend on the day he moves in. And here is actually what happens and how it all happens:

• Aidan thinks Aster is naturally beautiful and hot.
• He lusts for her.
• He wants to f*ck her.
• He thinks she is a nice girl who wouldn’t cheat on her boyfriend so he makes an “evil” and “low” plan to steal the girl (just to be able to f*ck her.... there is no love or an obsession yet. He just wants to f*ck her. OK? )

Meanwhile, Jerry and Aster really look happy together. They kiss and cuddle and they get intimate in Jerry’s room.

And during this time, Aidan plans how to separate them!

Did I make it clear enough that this story doesn’t begin with strong feelings, inevitable attraction and irresistible chemistry but just the need of our hero to have sex with his roommate’s girl? I hope I did...

Aidan is an ex car thief who was once in juvie. Now, he is at this college on a special program that aims at helping people with criminal records to build themselves a better future. Apparently, the program isn’t helping him much as he plans to steal a living person now from a loved one instead of a car!

The naive boyfriend

Jerry, the boyfriend, is too good to be true, even naive. I mean the kind of naive who apologizes even when someone else is guilty and needs to apologize to him.

The girlfriend

Aster, the girlfriend, seems to be “a perfect girl” who is too good for Aidan at the beginning but she also has her own secret past, which we learn only after chapter 21 as it is when we start to hear her side of the story.

How Aidan steals Aster form Jerry:

• He makes Jerry drunk, pays a prostitute to seduce him and even though Jerry feels he is doing something wrong, he can realize it only after the BJ the prostitute gives him. A little bit too late as you can imagine!

• Aidan has a plan to reveal what happened so that Aster dumps Jerry’s sorry ass but it was never necessary because Jerry is a decent guy who himself confesses what he has done and apologizes to Aster. Aster gets too angry to listen to him or forgive him at all and she really dumps him.

Does Aster run to Aidan immediately?

• Well, our hero, the selfish prick Aidan, hopes for a revenge f*ck from her or he hopes to be her rebound but he sees that Aster is actually sad. She says she really loved Jerry (which insuniates that she had no feelings for Aidan at all). She is really disappointed, heart-broken and sorry, crying all the time and drinking & eating excessively. Typical depression syndrome after a break-up.

• Jerry is also devastated as he has lost Aster for a stupid mistake when drunk.

• And our hero Aidan feels a little (but VERY LITTLE BIT) of guilty.

Aidan’s new plan:

• As Aidan sees it will take some time for Aster to jump on his bones, he tries to be friends with her (the cheeky bastard!) to earn time until then. In time, he really starts to enjoy her company and there is finally something more than his need to f*ck her!

• However, Aster learns what Aidan did to separate her from Jerry and things don’t go as smoothly as he expects. There is a small but surprising plot twist there.

The result?

After a short while, our heroine Aster forgives Aidan and they start to be together.

(Me? Me still feeling nothing at all!!! On the contrary, me still wondering how or when she started to feel something for him to be able to forgive and jump into a relationship with him so quickly)


For some reason, they hide the fact that they are together from Jerry and when Jerry learns it, he gets shocked and very upset. He actually cries in front of his new girlfriend (who happens to be the girl who has been trying to seduce Aidan for 3 years).

Having felt stabbed in the back, Jerry evicts Aidan and then, he feels guilty for it. !!! Big softie! Thinking that Aidan never really apologized to Jerry, I feel sorry for his soft and naive nature!

Aidan & Aster together:

• Although Aster thinks that sex is better with Aidan than it was with Jerry and Aidan gets what he wants finally, as a reader, I didn’t get what I needed or wanted. Their intimate scenes didn’t make me feel it at all. What they felt never came alive for me.

The end:

• Aidan and Aster click with each other about many things but they also have some issues in their relationship which tear them apart at some point but when Aidan comes to his senses and prepares a good apology, he is forgiven again.

Then, the “happy” end... not that I care!

Here are a few quotes that will make my point clearer, (hopefully :)

She presses her hand to her chest, drawing my attention there yet again. My stomach tightens, then my thighs, my arms. Everything pulls in tight, anticipating my next move, the way it did whenever I found the car I’d been sent to steal, sitting there, innocent, waiting. No clue what was coming. And no way to stop it.


Aster’s a nice person, a good person. She’s not going to fuck me if she has a boyfriend. So the boyfriend will have to go.


She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her key ring, untangling our apartment key from the bunch and hurling it into the kitchen before she storms out. The door gives a heavy, final slam behind her, and for a long second, the apartment is dead quiet. Then I hear it. A tiny sniffle, a tinier sob, then the soft click of Jerry’s bedroom door closing.
I did it. They’re done.


“I keep trying to be angry,” she says, eyes trailing over my shoulder to the window. “I keep trying to think of ways to get revenge, but...”
No but, I think. Get revenge. Fuck somebody. Fuck me.
“But I’m just so sad,” she says, her voice breaking. “Isn’t that stupid? I’m so...fucking...sad.”


Maybe I’ve made a huge mistake. It’s not that I don’t want Aster, but maybe sex can’t replace what I’ve stolen. I’m not going to love her like Jerry did; I’m not a job on Wall Street, I’m not a winning lottery ticket. I’m just a guy who wants to fuck her, not much different from every other guy who looks at her.


“I didn’t know it would ever come to this. I thought you’d fuck me for revenge, I’d get you out of my system, and we’d both move on.”

So, the book is max 2,5 stars for me but not a 3, so 2 it is!
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews897 followers
June 28, 2017
I had high hopes for My Roommate’s Girl in spite of the premise, because I adored Julianna Keyes’ Undecided. She wrote amazing chemistry, characters and plot in Undecided and even though I had a few issues with Undeclared I still enjoyed it. My Roommate’s Girl was something else entirely for me. I was expecting to be upset with Aiden’s actions in the beginning, because hey, there’s nothing good about plotting to steal another guy’s girl, but I thought I’d get a big character turn around, and he’d redeem himself by the end. I didn’t really get that. Yes, I did feel a little bit of remorse on Aiden’s part for his actions and the grief it caused Aster and Jerry, but not much.

Aiden never came off as a particularly nice guy; he seemed mainly out for his own selfish interests without much thought for other people. I can’t honestly say what Aster saw in him, I didn’t feel like he stood out in any way, except that he got a second chance with a dream scholarship after messing up big time in his teenage years. Did he appreciate that second chance? Yes, but I don’t think he really embraced it, and it felt like he was just doing the minimum to keep in the program and get by. The move he pulled on Jerry, (Aster’s boyfriend in the beginning and Aiden’s roommate), was so completely selfish and such a dick move! Talk about entrapment. I think Aster should’ve given poor Jerry a second chance, especially after how understanding and accepting he ended up being with her in the end. I kept waiting for Aiden to somehow show me that he was worth all the trouble he caused. I don’t ever feel like he completely redeemed himself and I was supremely disappointed with his actions at about the 80% mark.

I didn’t feel much in the way of chemistry to sway my opinion and feelings, either. Oh, well. Not every book will work for every reader. Onto the next one.

A copy was kindly provided by the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews115 followers
June 9, 2017

Wrong choice of title and cover, if you ask me.
It made me go into this book with pretty low expectations. Made me expect a light-hearted, rather shallow story about a bad boy going after the good girl, maybe even a little love triangle thrown into the mix. Some steam, a lot of fun and forgettable characters.
What I certainly did not expect was all the emotions, ranging all the way from hate to love, from compassion to anger, from aggravation to amusement.

Aidan in particular was such a sneaky little bastard. God, I hated his guts in the beginning. What a despicable asshole, and a constantly horny one at that. Really not my kind of book boyfriend.
For the next six days, I manage to think about Aster a little less. I only jack off to the thought of her ass in the air and my hands in her hair three times. It's an improvement over last week.

Still, I kept reading because I thought, even though he doesn't seem to have any redeeming qualities, I kind of like the other characters well enough to keep going, and it was pretty entertaining. But then, about halfway through the book, it suddenly struck me: I'm crushing on Aidan. Well hell, when exactly did that happen?!
Well, I'm still not sure. I guess at the beginning, what made me gradually warm up to him a little was his dry sense of humor. Later, I caught myself swooning over his determination to have Aster and his lack of composure and self-control at times. What eventually really won me over, though, was the immense character growth he went through within just a couple of months without losing any of the few appealing character traits he had in the beginning (don't you hate it when a bad-ass hero gets all mushy and limp once he falls in love?).
And then she nods. It'd be great if she cried, "Yes, Aidan, give me everything!" but I'll take the nod. I kiss her.

As for Aster, she started out as such a bland and dull goody two-shoes character and, while I didn't exactly dislike her, I just didn't care about her, either. Surprisingly, she quickly grew on me too, and I couldn't have been more surprised at the turn of events when I finally learned that she had secrets of her own. I loved how ambitious and proud she was, and that she didn't take crap from anyone, including Aidan.
Aidan's the only guy in my life to see all of me. The person I was and the person I want to be and the person I am now. And for whatever reason, he's still looking. It's terrifying.

The romance is beautiful and real, a classic slow-burner with heaps of tension, but it's a lot less focused on sexy times than one might expect, given the cover and the blurb.
Rather, it's a story of personal growth and wanting the best for yourself, and how friendship and love can help reach your goals. And while this book deals with some heavier subjects, the tone is still light and hopeful, backed with endearing secondary characters, subtle humor and a lot of fun and witty banter.
When I met Aster, I thought she was the light I'd been waiting for. But I was wrong. She was the spark.

This book was such a pleasant surprise to me. It's so much more than meets the eye.

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,491 reviews315 followers
January 2, 2019
I've been considering this book all day. A whole day! Percolating on a review for that long is not in my character. I'm more "decide and question later"

Was this a 3 star or a 4 star? It was one of the more raw, gritty, unpleasant NA books I've read. The only one that comes close to this Summer Skin or I should say this comes close to that?

Reading this book felt oddly personal. In a lot of ways, in a lot of characters, in a lot of mistakes and in a lot of hopes too. And I actually think this is very NA. If YA is all about identity and coming to terms with that (that is, deciding who you are), NA is about deciding who you are going to be. Who will you disappoint? Who will you leave behind other than a perfunctory 'hey, how are you?' and where do you think you're going. (Hey, I know what middle age is about in fiction too: "how the fuck am I here?")

That said, no it doesn't have my undying recommendation. While I lapped it up and love it for its complications and echoes of mistakes and consequences that are so very true to so many degrees, will you? Can you identify with an aimless hero who seriously does one of the worst things within 3 chapters of a book and let him grow from there? I can't explain the plot, nor do I ever anyway, but Aiden. Aiden. Aiden is a fucking asshole. Not my beloved kind, but a fuckface. A dick-with terrible tattoos (that should tell you how different this author is.)

So what the hell, Sam? If you're still reading this you're maybe thinking "obviously this is barely a 3. The hero is a straight up dick."

But no. Because Julianna Keyes and her indescribable plots make you feel, understand and pretty much root for these men with terrible mistakes. But she doesn't make it easy to do so. I didn't really click with Aiden, but we all know an Aiden. And nothing in life is a straight line. And so this book is a 4 because it is so very very true.
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,810 reviews377 followers
June 13, 2017
 photo 1AB2D740-4473-4D71-9B7E-3B73650103D5_zpsuvdyicdz.jpg

So I will admit. When I read the title I asked myself, is this an erotic novella? Because for me those are the only instances where a trope like this works.

Well somehow, Julianna Keyes, MADE wanting your roommate's girl work. She made me fall for the guy who was pretty crappy at first. It wasn't forced either. It just worked. Really really well. The story that's weaved really helps you fall for this characters without making you sympathize really. You get mad at them as you should, but then you are shown that even the bad guys can be redeemed.

Aidan makes poor choices. By the end. I love him.

Aster does some crappy things. By the end. I love her.

When I started reading it felt like a 3-star read. As it progressed it definitely earned all its stars back. This story is unexpectedly deep. The characters were multi-faceted and flawed. Although their flaws made them easy to be annoyed with, they made them even easier to love.

Sidenote: can we get a story about Missy and how her current situation ends up? I mean how fun would that story be?

 photo C8FAD64C-4A2C-43C8-83C3-82823016B3B4_zpshmmsvsig.jpg
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,542 reviews228 followers
May 30, 2017
Loved this book! I wasn't expecting the emotions in this one but I enjoyed it along with the humor, banter and steamy scenes. This is the perfect NA book for anyone who loves a good college romance! I really enjoy this authors writing and can't wait to read whatever she writes next!
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,441 reviews1,370 followers
May 25, 2017
I loved Julianna Keye’s previous New Adult books, my favorites being Undecided/Undeclared (those books are amazing so if you haven’t read them get to it!). When I saw the summary for My Roommate’s Girl I was instantly intrigued.

The whole premise makes me cringe a bit if I’m being honest because OMG how am I going to like a guy who is trying to sabotage a relationship simply because he wants her… but I can’t lie. I actually really found myself liking Aidan and sympathizing for him at certain points.

Aidan is trouble, and you can tell right from page 1. He’s in college because it was either that or prison, but he’s determined to make good use of this second chance, but after two years on campus he’s realized that he needs to be in an apartment… which leads to renting a space from Jerry!
Jerry’s pre-med and kind, and honest and friendly… and he has a super-hot girlfriend named Aster. From the first meeting, Aidan can’t help his attraction to her, and despite knowing he’s not a commitment kind of guy, he’s determined to break Jerry & Aster up just so he can sleep with her.
So he creates a plan… and makes it happen.

What he doesn’t expect is how he feels once he realizes that his actions really hurt both Jerry and Aster and what that means for him going forward with his plan to get her in his bed.

This book is written in dual pov’s, however, we don’t get to Aster’s pov until a bit later …and I’m just going to be honest… Aster is not the girl you’re led to believe she is from Aidan’s point of view. He’s made a lot of assumptions about her and I was just as surprised as Aidan was when the truth comes out.

What I liked the most about this book was the character growth that you can see for both Aidan and Aster. They are completely different people from the first to the last page and I love when that happens.

The hardest part of this story… the sacrificial lamb Jerry. I actually really loved him, and I kind of hope that if this becomes part of a companion series that we’ll get his story. I think he has a lot of potential as a character and I would love to read more about him.

Honestly, while I enjoyed this one, Undeclared still remains my favorite of all the Julianna Keyes that I’ve read so far, but if it’s any indication, I started this and finished it in one evening. The story is compelling, the characters are complex and the chemistry between Aster and Aidan is wonderfully developed. If you’re a fan of New Adult, I highly recommend grabbing this one as soon as you can!

Thank you to the publisher for an early copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!
Profile Image for Bubu.
315 reviews386 followers
August 12, 2017
3.5 stars

I was about to write one of my long-arsed reviews and go all yadda yadda yadda. But I've had a look at my review for Undecided and realised I would have probably written something very similar to it.

There are only three NA authors who are on my auto-buy list:
- Kristen Callihan who is on the more fluffy side
- Sara Ney of whom I have admittedly only read the How to Date a Douchebag series
- and Julianna Keyes

Apart from those three, I give this sub-genre almost as big a wide berth as I give to the 'Dark Romance' category, and only pick it up if a book comes highly recommended. I've simply had enough of the amateurish writing, the grotesque characterisation, the ridiculous amount of contrived drama and - not to forget - the horrible gender specific clichées dividing the characters into pure heroines/so called 'alpha' males and sluts/manwhores (How I loathe these labels) that this sub-genre seems to create in spades. I'm well aware that the terms alpha male, arsehole and manwhore don't exclude each other which makes it even worse. I'm also aware that I'm generalising and the whole issue is more nuanced, but I have to start somewhere.

Anywho, this is my fifth novel by Julianna Keyes and it definitely won't be my last. She goes further and actually asks questions that are not necessarily restricted to age and creates characters whose choices are questionable. And, please pretty please, I'm not talking about supposed cheating here.

Before writing my review, I've had a quick look at the average rating for this book: 3.56. My first reaction to it was to laugh, thinking 'Yeah, I'm not surprised at all.' That being said, can they all be wrong? My answer is no. It simply boils down to what one prefers.

But what didn't work for most people, worked for me just fine. I won't go into the plot because it would be too spoilery. Besides, there are enough other reviews that will tell you what happens. Aidan, the hero, makes one hell of a dickmove right at the beginning, and even I, who loves morally ambiguous characters, think that his action gives the term 'morally ambiguous' almost a whole new meaning. But a talented author like Julianna Keyes will show what the consequences of being selfish and reckless are, with razor-sharp dialogues, a plot that makes sense, and a minimum amount of drama and angst; unsentimental, witty and straight.

Ms. Keyes way of plotting her story is clever, and nothing makes that clearer than Aster, the heroine, who truly surprised me. And that alone will always keep me glued to a book.

(I've actually just noticed that this turned into a long-arsed review. Sigh!)

The one big weakness is Adrian's insta-lust which is also why it's more 3.5 than a straight 4. Well, I get insta-lust and I'm not necessarily opposed to it in novels if the author can turn it around. So it's not so much his insta-lust; he's more of a horndog. But being familiar with the author, I knew I'd get more out of it and Adian would turn into a multi-faceted character. And there lies the reason for rounding it up to 4 instead of rounding it down to 3.

I don't recommend this book to anyone. This is not a ploy, I truly don't. I have a thing for characters who are not morally on the straight and narrow. And Ms. Keyes delivers, without turning - especially her male - characters into bullies, stalkers and doormats. She simply asks valid questions and offers interesting answers.

P.s.: The cover is horrible!
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,488 followers
June 11, 2017
I have absolutely loved every Julianna Keyes novel as she has an incredible ability to combine humor, heat, and heart in her novels. They are so darn funny that sometimes I have to catch my breath laughing so hard as her heroes and heroines are so real and honest but sarcastic AF when they need to be. Aidan and Aster were really perfect together. They weren't perfect people but together made each other better. I really loved this book!

At first glance you read the title of this novel and immediately think "Uh oh.....pass. I don't do love triangles and/or cheating." But let me SCREAM something: (without giving away spoilers) this story has none of that! None! This is probably one of the most unique stories I have ever read. It was funny, smart, sexy as heck and fantastic. At first glance when reformed Bad Boy in progress Aidan Shaw saw Aster Lindsey he wanted her. He knew it was wrong and unthinkable. She was his new roommate's girlfriend. But once he got to know her more and more..it was on. She became his endgame and he needed to figure out how he could win the girl. But what happens when things get complicated and lines get blurred? Can Aidan escape his past and the man he was and become the man he was always destined to be?

My Roommate's Girlfriend is a unique and compelling story that grips you from the first page. And I'm warning you now: GET READY for some twists, people. I was FLOORED and I thought I've seen and read everything. Aidan and Aster have crazy chemistry and are the perfect complement to each other. All in all, this novel was amazing and I could not get enough. I can't wait for Ms. Keyes next one! Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Celeste.
690 reviews44 followers
July 3, 2017

4.5 stars! What a refreshing New Adult romance! I loved the storyline and the conflict it presented. Before you worry, this had no cheating! I know some of you can't tolerate it, so no need to stress. Aidan didn't allow for that...but he certainly wasn't an angel by any stretch of the imagination and that's what I loved about him.

The story started out totally from the male point of view of Aidan. He was rough around the edges and had a tough past, but instead of continuing down the wrong path he took a fantastic opportunity. He embraced his new life, but he was still a guy and had some of the same tendencies or inclinations he always had. It was just his nature, but to me, he was more mature.

Aidan at first I assumed was a gorgeous masculine tatted up manwhore bad boy....except he wasn't.

Aster at frist was a blond, sweet, wholesome goody two shoes...except she wasn't.

I can't say any more than that...because I'm a massive spoiler-phobe.

I liked Aidan and Aster's chemistry right from the start even though it wasn't intense. It was more of a slow burn which built a friendship first. I actually liked that because I could savor every single gesture and look, and when I turned the page I always had hope that something more was going to happen. The whole restraint vibe is one of my favorites!

While both Aster and Aidan had baggage they both had to work really hard to overcome, they still had chips on their shoulders and it always haunted them. I was really worried at one point!! But they did overcome so many more obstacles, and it wasn't easy. Then there's a twist. The book soon changes to Aster's point of view. Of course there was fallout I expected that to happen but I didn't expect THAT. But all that made it real, and they got their HEA.

The romance was great - from the friendship to the banter, which could be hilarious, to the sexual innuendos, to the sexy times, to the deep love...it had everything. Total New Adult package!

Rec it? YES! A great slow burning romance that drew me in from the start, a great addition to your TBR if you love NA!

Happy reading!

This review was originally posted on The Book Hookup here.

Profile Image for Maria Rose.
2,556 reviews265 followers
March 17, 2019
The title of Julianna Keyes’s new adult romance My Roommate’s Girl gives a pretty good hint as to the subject matter, and the synopsis fills in some of the details. But what’s delivered is so much more than what’s expected and this is one of those stories you’ll be hard pressed to put down once you start.

Aidan has gotten into his share of trouble and his last chance to make something good out of his life is to take a judge up on his offer to go to college with a scholarship program for troubled kids, instead of a stint in a local jail for car theft. His roommate Jerry is a nice guy, a doctor’s son who’s been handed a much nicer life than Aidan, including a stunning girlfriend. Aster certainly fits the part of a perfect girl to hang on the arm of a successful man. But Aidan is struck with some very lustful intentions. He hatches a plan to break up the happy couple in hopes that he’ll be the one Aster turns to, to pick up the pieces. But actions have consequences. Has he ruined a happy ever after for three people in his quest to steal his roommate’s girl?

So clearly, Aidan is a selfish prick. His intentions are never in doubt, and obviously, he’s not hero material. Right? RIGHT? I mean, what kind of guy does that? The manner in which Aidan goes about his plan to break up Jerry and Aster is very sly, very well planned, and has consequences that don’t quite fit what he’d envisioned. I don’t want to give away too many spoilers because there are some really great plot twists in this story that have to be read to be appreciated. But there are a few things I can say, in hopes that you will be willing to give this book a try, despite how bad things look for Aidan.

As it turns out, Aidan ends up being one of my favorite heroes! (I didn’t expect that either!) He has to deal with the consequences of his actions and the real results of what happens when you interfere in someone else’s relationship for your own personal gain. He’s forced to take a good hard look at himself and make some serious changes. Yes, there are some extenuating circumstances that led to his decisions, but he owns up to them and his mistakes. His character growth from start to end is impressive and definitely one of my favorite things in this story.

Aster seems to have a perfect life but we learn a lot more about her as the story progresses. She has a strong friendship with Aidan at the beginning of the story, one that is shattered by Aidan’s actions and one he will have to work hard to regain. The feelings the two of them have for each other are complicated because of their history, and it’s a slow burn romance as they find ways to fix things between them. There are some sexy scenes in this story as Aidan and Astor connect but it’s not how Aidan had first envisioned. The ending of this story made me cry, that’s how invested I felt in their relationship. Redeeming a villain is not easy, but Julianna Keyes does it remarkably well in this angsty story of love and consequences. It’s definitely one of my favorite reads of the year.

A copy of this story was provided by the publisher via NetGalley for review.
Profile Image for Jean.
801 reviews49 followers
June 14, 2017
I wanted to love this book, I really did, especially after drooling over that hot man on the cover.

However, I was barely able to tolerate Aiden at the beginning of this book. He was conniving and didn't not care about the consequences of his actions. That pissed me off! And he was keeping secrets from a lot of people, including Aster (his roommate's girlfriend). Nothing unusual there, right?

But then, I was thrown when I found out someone else was keeping a secret and I got excited about the future interaction with Aiden and Aster.

Unfortunately, the book just fell a little flat for me.....I needed more, more, something.....just not sure what that something was.

I do love the author and will continue to buy and read her books.

I was provided an ARC of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,268 reviews330 followers
June 12, 2017
Aiden Shaw was stuck between a rock and a hard place, with only two options - go to Prison or accept a scholarship and head to college under a second chances program. Aiden chose the College Route of course. This landed him with Jerry as a roommate and meeting Aster. Aster is the perfect girl-next-door, or so Aiden believes. He wants her and hasn't felt this way about anyone before; the thing is she is taken and is Jerry's girlfriend. Aiden invites Jerry to a bachelor party and sets Jerry up with a stripper. This causes a domino effect where Jerry and Aster break up, and Aiden steps in to be the "good friend" and person whose shoulder she cries on. One thing leads to another, and the pair starts to get closer and closer. That is until Jerry kicks Aiden out of the apartment and Aster realizes the truth about what Aiden has done. Now neither of them will talk to Aiden. Turns out though that Aster isn't the perfect angel that Aiden believes she is and they find themselves in similar shoes. Will Aster give Aiden a second chance at romance, just like they were both given second chances at a new life? My Roommate's Girl by Julianna Keyes was a good read, and it shows readers that more often than not we can't judge a person by what they look like as outward appearances can be deceiving
Profile Image for Rê .
455 reviews55 followers
May 31, 2017

4 “Guilty Pleasure” Stars

ARC via NetGalley

Thank you!

I almost feel guilty for liking this book this much. Don’t get me wrong. This is my third Julianna Keyes’ book, so I should’ve expected it, but I still feel guilty that Aidan hooked me the way he did.

Aidan is a bad boy—and it has little to do with the fact that he used to steal cars, and a lot to do with the fact the he does horrible things in order to steal his roommate’s girlfriend. Worse yet, Jerry, the roommate, is such a nice guy that you can’t help but feel sorry for him. Sure he cheated and that’s unforgivable, drunk or not, but Jerry was so heartbroken by his own stupidity that he told the Aster, the girlfriend about it right away. You can imagine how well that went.

Well, the thing is Aidan is partly responsible for Jerry’s cheating. He paid a prostitute to hit on a drunk and pretty clueless Jerry. All so Aster would find out and break up with his roommate, leaving the path open for Aidan to make the move.

Dude, that’s just horrible. It’s… horrible. And still, I liked Aidan.


See. I have a reason to feel guilty.

I shouldn’t like a guy like him, but he kind of grew on me with time. Besides, I blame Julianna Keyes’ ability to write a convincing male POV. All your fault, author!


Now that I’ve transferred a little bit of my guilt, let me tell you what else I liked about this book: the complex characters.

As you can see, Aidan makes it hard for readers to like him by being a jerk. But he also makes it easy to like him because he’s trying to change, even if his initial actions don’t show that. But as we spend time inside his head, we get to see how he’s truly holding on to his scholarship – a special scholarship given to people who were once in trouble with the law as a way to rehabilitate them (I absolutely LOVE that, BTW). Aidan is starting to see a future that doesn’t involve crimes and prison, and I couldn’t help but root for him.

Aster, on the other hand, makes it easy for you to like her until BAM! A Gone-Girl like twist hits you in the face. I LOVED the way that twist was introduced and when it happened in terms of pacing. It shook things up and added a new layer to the story and the characters. It took Aster from the role of good girl and gave her the opportunity to be a stronger female character. She had a troubled past, but she wasn’t willing to let it interfere in her present and keep her from having a better future. It complemented Aidan’s arc and gave her one, too. I thought it was a really smart choice.

The romance had a little less heat than I expected, but maybe that’s because it focused on developing the characters as individuals. I still rooted for them to get together, especially once the truth about Aster came to light.

I also loved Jerry and Missy. I thought they were fun and added something different to the story.

This was another great New Adult book by Julianna Keyes. She’d already been a one-click author for me, and after enjoying my third book by her, I don’t see it changing.
Profile Image for ~Mandi~.
280 reviews30 followers
July 30, 2017
My Roommate's Girl
Julianna Keyes
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This turned out to be an awesome read. I definitely wasn't expecting this book to go in the direction it did. But I'm so glad it did because I couldn't put it down.
This story truly shows that people can change if they are given the opportunity. This book touched on so many real life issues and still had a great ending.
I'm definitely adding this author to my list of favs. I loved her writing style and love reading new adult stories.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for ✰ Alexandra ✰.
208 reviews371 followers
July 24, 2020
I received this as an ARC on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley and Julianna Keyes.

So I thought I would preface this first by saying I am not commonly found reading New Adult books like this but have read my fair share in the past. I think that they are just not for me, hence one reason for the low rating, although I found other things that just didn’t vibe with me.

NOTE: all quotes are taken from the eARC and subject to change.

This book starts out with our main character Aiden who is trying to start a new life at college living with another guy. As the title would suggest, he catches feelings for the roommate’s girlfriend. Now, I knew going into this that it would have that trope throughout, but yet I still hoped it would turn around to be something a little different. For me, it was one thing to lust after a girl you can’t have, but to SABOTAGE her relationship with this man by setting up her boyfriend with a prostitute is just too much for me.

Also, there were so many moments at the beginning that just RADIATE asshole, which definitely drove me from wanting to root for the main character for “getting the girl”. Examples would be his constant mention of her cleavage, ass, and how much he is found “jerking off to the image of {his} roommate’s girlfriend three times in the four days since {he} last saw her.” First off, HE JUST MET THIS GIRL literally 5 pages ago and he’s this desperate for her already? There is also another line that just was too much for being only 4% into this book and the meeting of these two. It says, “All of my instincts are urging me to put down my glass and take Aster’s hands and put them on my crotch and show her just how hard I like to ride. It might offend her. It might turn her on.” UH, OF COURSE, it would offend her as it would anyone in their right mind. YOU. JUST. MET. THIS. GIRL. and she is your roommate’s girlfriend so please back off ok? Now the rest of this story kind of just loses me, because at first Aster is absolutely livid that Aiden would do something like this to her relationship, yet, pages later, they’re having sex? I just don’t GET NEW ADULT, OKAY?

One thing that I found interesting was the dangerous past element. We know from the start that Aiden used to steal cars, but later on in the story, it is revealed that Aster went to prison for retail fraud. This definitely gave her a bit of an edge that wasn’t there initially, but unfortunately, didn’t drive the story enough for me.

I must say though, the writing was not bad. I found it was easy to understand and had a couple of witty banter moments. I just cannot get past the classic new adult “asshole dude who is somehow sexy to absolutely everyone and can do something awful yet still be wanted”.

Again, this may just be me not loving New Adult, but I just didn’t think this had the freshness I was wanting.

P.S. can't deal with this cover, but hey, that's just me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for nick (the infinite limits of love).
2,120 reviews1,532 followers
November 23, 2017

Julianna Keyes’ books are what I want all NA romances to be like. They are swoony, entertaining and tend to be low on the drama. All that being said, I was quite nervous to read My Roommate’s Girl because I mean, it’s about a hero who has no shame and wants to steal his roommate’s girlfriend! Still though, I was willing to give it a shot, and lo and behold, I loved it! I think by now I should just learn to trust Keyes, because she can take even the most unpleasant scenario, and make me fall for her stories.

As you can tell, going in, I was very very wary of Aidan. Just from the first page, he gave off vibes of being selfish and completely thoughtless. But dammit if I didn’t fall for the guy as the story progressed and we got to know more about him. There was a lot more to him than reformed car thief, and I liked how complex his characters are. Julianna Keyes knows how to develop and flesh out her protagonists, and it was no different here in My Roommate’s Girl. Aidan was hard-working, driven and wants to make a good life for himself. More than anything, he’s willing to go to lengths for his friends and loved ones and damn if that doesn’t warm my cold heart. At first glance, Aster, is the complete opposite of Aidan. Sweet, wholesome and the good girl. But she has her secrets too and I have to say, I was quite surprised when they were revealed. But again, like Aidan, it really added to the richness of her character. I liked her a lot too, and loved how much she too wanted to change her life for the better.

I’m sure you’re dying to know more about the romance between Aidan and Aster, and how it develops. Well let me tell you. Yes, Aidan pulls a stunt that causes Aster and her boyfriend, Jerry, to break up. Yeah, it will probably make you mad, but Aidan definitely shows regret and he grovels hard! Plus, there was no cheating involved AND Aster finds out very early on about what happens. Despite not wanting anything to do with him, they find themselves around each other, and they start a friendship that develops into more. And what a romance it was. I was completely invested in them, and wanted nothing more than for them to find their happily ever after together. There was no denying their emotional connection, and their physical connection was even hotter. Keyes knows how to write sweltering and swoony kisses, as well as some very steamy sex scenes. What I love best about her sex scenes are that they are never gratuitous – they serve a purpose in the book and that is to show the depth of the relationship between Aidan and Aster.

There’s just something about Julianna Keyes writing that makes putting her books down impossible. You might have hesitations about My Roommate’s Girl, but I say give it a try. I bet, like me, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much you wind up loving Aidan and Aster’s story. 🙂
Profile Image for Sara (sarabara081).
706 reviews337 followers
July 11, 2017
You can find more of my reviews at Forever 17 Books.

Whenever I’m in the mood for a quick read filled with romance, I turn to New Adult. With so many New Adult books out there it can be hard to find ones that stand out so I tend to be a little pickier with what works and doesn’t work for me in this category. Undecided by Julianna Keyes remains to be one of my favorites so of course when a new book from this author appears on the horizon I have to check it out! My Roommate’s Girl instantly drew my attention with the possibility of tropes I tend to gravitate for – the bad boy, angst, and a touch of forbidden romance. What I found was all that and more as the author was able to constantly surprise me around every corner!

Aidan is our former bad boy trying to make a change in his life with the second chance he has been given. Needing a place to live, he moves in with a fellow college student with an empty room to rent… and meets his beautiful girlfriend, Aster. Instantly he is wanting Aster for himself and is concocting a way to make it so.

I can’t deny I was a little worried in the beginning. Usually when this situation comes up you have the cocky character using their charm upon the willing victim to make them fall in love with them, so to speak. This was not the path Aidan took. Instead this is a story about a guy who fell for a girl and did some unsavory things to help along the possibility of something happening between the two of them. I wasn’t sure if he would be the type of character I could root for but, despite his flaws, Aidan really grew on me. I think it was because he wasn’t this cocky jerk but someone a little more humble, who feels remorse and gets embarrassed by his actions. Aster was another surprise to me. Quite a bit of the beginning is told purely from Aidan’s perspective before it starts to flip between the two of them so Aster appears sort of one-dimensional at first. But as he gets to know her so do we and boy did she have a few secrets hidden away! She’s also quite amazing and admirable on so many different levels. Both characters were flawed in the best ways and showed a lot of growth and I loved the progression of their friendship and romance despite how it all started in the first place.

‘When I met Aster, I thought she was the light I’d been waiting for. But I was wrong. She was the spark.’

The best thing about this novel was how it was nothing like I expected! I LOVE when a book completely surprises you and I found myself thinking, ‘Ooooh, okay! Let’s see where this goes and how the author spins it’. The theme about second chances running throughout the story was another great addition. I honestly can’t pinpoint anything specific I didn’t like, but perhaps I wanted just a touch more from the romance. But another great read by this author!

“I guess I’ve learned that having the opportunity to do more with my life isn’t everything. It’s important to have a reason to want to do better. Finding the reason shows you how lucky you are to be here, and you see that the promise and potential isn’t just you, it’s everything around you, if you’re willing to see it. And willing to let it see you.”
Profile Image for Lindsay C.
367 reviews15 followers
June 13, 2017
Not what you would expect by reading the title. Loved the storyline and the unexpected plot. Serious gushing over this gem.
Profile Image for Ari .
933 reviews303 followers
July 2, 2017
“When I met Aster, I thought she was the light I’d been waiting for. But I was wrong. She was the spark.”

*3.5 Stars!*

Julianna Keyes’ Burnham College series has been sitting in my Scribd library for some time now and I have yet to even get past the cover of the first book, but her newest release intrigued me enough to actually pick it up. I mean a book about a guy trying to steal his roommate’s girlfriend, how scandalous!

A trouble-maker at a young age, Aidan Shaw is finally given a second-chance at walking the straight and narrow when a judge makes him choose between going to jail orgoing to college. He’s stayed out of trouble and worked his ass off to stay in the program, but that all shot to hell the day he met Aster Lindsey, his roommate’s girlfriend. He wants her…bad. And he’ll do whatever it takes to have her, even if that means sabotaging their relationship. But looks can be deceiving and what you want may not always end up being what you get.

This book was not what I was expecting it to be. I swear, Keyes’ is notorious for having covers and titles that don’t really portray what the book is going to be about, but I think in this case it worked out in her benefit because that cover and title is what made me decide to read this book. Yes, Aidan is intentionally trying to ruin Aster’s relationship, but don’t write him off just yet. I don’t want to ruin the twist that had me SHOOK AF, but it was so damn good! I never saw it coming and it totally changed up this whole story.

However, I can’t say I really liked either of our MCs. I started out this book hating Aidan for all the stunts he was pulling but loving Aster who was so friendly and sweet. But once the plot twist went down, my feelings totally switched and I was loving Aidan and hating Aster. It was such a weird experience for me because that’s never happened before and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it, hence why I can’t say I really liked either of the MCs. For what it’s worth though, looks can be deceiving so don’t think you’ve have Aidan and Aster figure out too early on because trust me, your feelings will change about them. My Roommate’s Girl was a pretty decent and enjoyable read and hopefully this will motivate me to finally pick up the Burnham College series.
Profile Image for (Nat) Reading Romances.
339 reviews421 followers
June 15, 2017

reading romances

I had fun reading My Roommate’s Girl!

Don’t worry, there’s no cheating involved! This book is written in dual POVs but we only get to the heroine’s POV later in the novel, it was a great idea, well plotted. This author always delivers such hot sex scenes, I wish there were more!

Unfortunately, the characters were quite forgettable, I could sympathize but couldn’t relate to them much. I liked the character development and plot twists but had some trouble in terms of pacing. I really loved the ending, which is something that doesn’t happen often enough!

To be honest, Undeclared is my favorite of all the books by Julianna Keyes I’ve read so far, but this one was a very enjoyable read. 

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
June 17, 2017
Review by Trinette Dungee

In hindsight, the story ends the moment it begins. I park in front of the apartment building, my new roommate, Jerry, comes out to help me bring in my meager belongings, and everything is fine . Then he says, “This is my girlfriend, Aster.” I look at Aster and I’m done. So if you think about it, Jerry kind of started it.

That statement right there made me like Aiden Shaw immediately. This guy had a wit about him that I couldn’t ignore. However, the more I read the more I started to question just how witty and charming I initially thought Aiden was.

While second chances aren’t all that unheard of, Aiden just landed the ultimate second chance. Fresh off of being arrested he’s given the option to go to prison on a take a one way ticket to Holsom College and turn his life around. Although he never pictured himself going to college, he’s no fool and he jumps at the offer. Fast forward and Aiden is starting his third year and doing quite well. He manages to snag an apartment off campus with a roommate and for all the trouble he’s managed to avoid the past two years…this roommate situation makes up for it. One look at Aster, his roommate’s girlfriend, and Aiden is determined to have her. So Aiden sets a plan in motion to break them up (insert where I start to question my initial judgment of him) and he succeeds.

Unfortunately for Aiden, the breakup backfires because Aster does a little digging and discovers the truth about the breakup and wants nothing to do with Aiden. Not only does he now have to deal with the unexpected guilt he’s dealing with as far as Jerry is concerned but he has to figure out a way to make it back into Aster’s good graces.

I can’t quite put my finger on what made me like this book so much but it just really clicked for me. I liked the characters and the storyline. I initially thought this was going to be from Aiden’s POV but I was pleasantly surprised to get a little deeper and realize it was told from Aiden’s and Aster’s POVs. Neither of these characters were what I expected them to be, and that’s not a bad thing. Like I said, I did question Aiden but in the end I realized he was a pretty good guy. Even when he thought he was doing something underhanded or shady, he kind of learned a lesson from it.
I took the scholarship they probably could have given to some kid who wasn’t faking his gratitude. But hey, I figured I’d made a living taking things that weren’t mine—why stop now?
This was another statement that didn’t quite set well with me but then I realized that Aiden realized what a golden opportunity he had and he didn’t squander it.

What also made me like these two was the wit and the drive to succeed. How each took their pasts and eventually embraced it, learned from it and make better decisions because of it. At one point they might have just been going through the motions but it clicked for them that they had a bigger purpose. This is one of those stories where you can actually see the growth in a character and the character also recognizes their growth. I think what really made this book work for me wasn’t so much that Aiden’s plans blew up in his face but the way they did and how he had to face it all.
This book is definitely worth adding to your summer/beach reading list. This is only my second Julianna Keyes’ book but I’m seeing she’s definitely one to stalk!
Profile Image for Danielle .
2,566 reviews77 followers
June 5, 2017
The cover is good, the story for me didn't work. I struggled to finish it and found myself skimming it. It just seemed like there was pieces of the puzzle missing for me....
Profile Image for Katerina.
796 reviews303 followers
June 16, 2017
Initially I thought Aidan was off, and a little sociopathic in his thought process. He meets his roommates girlfriend, and immediately has his sights set on her. I liked that, the immediacy of the chase, the first twenty chapters or so, solely in his point of view. The problem was we had NO CLUE what was going on in the heroine's head: does she like him, does she not??

He has no loyalty to Jerry, so honestly, I didn't care that he made a play for Aster and manipulated his surroundings because he wanted her that much.

"But Aster’s a nice person, a good person. She’s not going to fuck me if she has a boyfriend.
So the boyfriend will have to go.”

However following Aster and Jerry's breakup, Aiden's plans fall flat to be a "revenge fuck" as Aster doesn't even give him a double take. And after two months of friendship, and the slow shedding of their outter personas, he isn't pushing, though guilt haunts him. He wants her entirely.

“I like Aster.
I care about her.
And I want her.
I need a new plan.”

I really liked Aster. She played the game. She knew herself. She was independent. She knew Aiden's hand in her breakup, and wasn't anything Aiden originally thought her to be. She rivalled his secrets. And the way she bitch slapped him for what he did! 😏*claps slowly*. Even after she forgives him after some intense grovel, I found it so amusing that he still felt the sting. I swear sometimes I feel like a man hater after reading about all the other crappy hero's in books. It felt like some weird kind of retribution. 😂

“Last time you’d paid a prostitute to blow my boyfriend. Have you done that this time?”
“Of course not.”
“Anything comparable?”
“No. Fuck.” I rub a hand over my face. “I’m embarrassed.”
“Yeah, well, that was really embarrassing for you.”
“You hit me really hard.”

A few problems regarding trust, and not feeling good enough for one another. Aster is completely unforgiving but Aiden changes that. He's human, makes mistakes, nothing irredeemable I would say. The book really is about second chances, and giving those who have less privilege and a difficult life the opportunity to change.

“Wanted,” she continues, reading the smaller text at the bottom. “One roommate for summer [..] Ideal candidate is female, blond-haired, blue-eyed, five-feet, six-inches tall, weight completely irrelevant [..] Roommate should be smart, ambitious, forgiving, kind, tidy, forgiving, sexual, and forgiving.”
“About me,” she reads. “Very handsome male [...] I believe whole-heartedly in giving flawed individuals second—and possibly third and fourth—chances. I am lonely, apologetic and heartbroken, [...] Will be respectful of new roommate’s space and privacy, though openly hoping for less privacy and more sex. Just hoping, though. Totally up to new roommate.”

Safety: Pretty decent. I assume she and Jerry were intimate after she met Aiden, however there are no scenes/indicators otherwise ( I will admit Aiden was too laid back about that) Aiden was celibate after he met the heroine. She was celibate after post breakup and during their temporary separation. Heroine had 1 boyfriend (when she mentions they actually had "good sex" - cue me shocked), but she's had casual sex before. Hero has never had a girlfriend, has been with women casually & has enjoyed their company, but purely physical is what he sought after. Light OM drama.

Profile Image for Greta.
459 reviews
July 7, 2017
It was okay.
Diciamo che dalla trama pensavo fosse chissà che roba, e un po' mi sbagliavo.

Aidan è un ragazzo che come "lavoro" rubava macchine. È un ladro. E ora si ritrova a dover frequentare obbligatoriamente il college e partecipare ad un programma particolare. Ordini del giudice. O così o la galera.
È un personaggio che mi è piaciuto molto, sempre con la battuta pronta, sexy e divertente. Ma quando conosce Aster, la fidanzata del suo coinquilino, si rincoglionisce per bene.

Aster non mi è piaciuta sin dall'inizio. Non solo perchè sembrava la classica perfettina, dato che poi salta fuori che proprio non lo è. Anche lei ha i suoi scheletri nell'armadio. Non mi è piaciuta specialmente per come ha trattato Aiden agli inizi. Va bene che lui ha cercato di "rubarla" a Jerry e il suo piano ha funzionato per metà, perchè è riuscito a far sì che Jerry la tradisse, peró credo che sia una ragazzina isterica e basta.

Se ci mettiamo quindi, zero connessione con la ragazza e la connessione che è andata scemando con lui, non sono riuscita a godermi appieno questa storia. Mi è sembrata anche troppo lunga, forse perchè mi stava annoiando. Sinceramente avrei tolto molte parti che a me sono sembrate semplicemente vuote con discorsi a volte troppo ripetitivi.
Profile Image for Kim.
2,442 reviews419 followers
June 10, 2017
Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads.

I was so excited to see a new, standalone new adult romance from Julianna Keyes on NetGalley. It's no big secret that I've loved her Burnham College series — and her adult offerings, for that matter — but I was still looking forward to seeing what she would do with new characters. I'll admit, I was a little leery going in because of the subject matter. A guy trying to steal his roommate's girlfriend? Would there be cheating? Could I find a guy like that swoony? There was NO REASON for me to be concerned. Julianna did an amazing job with this book and even if I was a little iffy towards Aiden in the beginning, it didn't take long before I was singing his praises and putting him on my swoony book boys list.

I don't want to get too far into the storyline on this one because, honestly, I think it's a book it's just best to experience. What I will say is that it took me by surprise in a lot of ways. Both Aiden and Aster were multi-dimensional and they each had some great development over the course of this book. For some reason, I expected this book to be a light and maybe even dirty book. It wasn't heavy, but it did punch me in the feels quite a bit. Unexpectedly, even. I was in deep with these characters and rooting for them both together and separately.

I read this one from cover to cover in a matter of mere hours. Aiden and Aster were totally addictive and I couldn't stop once I started. The romance was sweet and, yes, sexy. I enjoyed the character development nearly as much as the romance. It was wonderful to watch these two learn who they really are and come into their own. I absolutely loved this book. It's definitely going on my "reread in the future" pile.

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.


"If someone cheats, it's not out of character. It's out of line. Out of bounds. Out of the realm of possibility. He's just another guy who looks like one thing but acts like another. I've had enough of that."

When I met Aster, I thought she was the light I'd been waiting for. But I was wrong. She was the spark.

Aiden's the only guy in my life to see all of me. The person I was and the person I want to be and the person I am now. And for whatever reason, he's still looking.

I didn't think happiness was real, and I definitely didn't think it was tangible, something you could hold, touch, feel. But now, as I slide my fingers through Aster's hair and press my lips to hers, I see that I was the best kind of wrong.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 160 reviews

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