From the New York Times best-selling author of The Two Towers Visual Companion comes a lavishly illustrated keepsake guide to The Return of the King. As Frodo, Sam, and Gollum slowly make their way into the depths of the Dark Lord's realm of Mordor in their desperate quest to destroy the One Ring, the scattered members of the fellowship, now scarred and battered from the Battle of Helm's Deep, must journey to the Gondorian stronghold of Minas Tirith for a last stand against the might of Sauron and his evil minions.
I own this book for ages (like about 10 years now) and only like today I've finished reading it. What took me so long? Well, I had to boost up my English to actually read it. But overall it's a really good book for a fan, nice fancy pictures that make me wanna sketch them, and some facts I've forgotten or didn't know at all. Kinda sad it has only 62 pages, I'd read it for about a 2 hundred more pages...
It was also good! Again, not enough time to actually read it, but the pictures looked fun. Now mind you, since this book came out before the movie did, it can't give away the ending, and ends with Frodo "has made his choice" or something along those lines. Therefore, it doesn't have pictures from the very end either, which is very sad. (I believe that The Lord of the Rings Complete Visual Companion does, though) Otherwise, it looked great!
წიგნის კითხვისას ყველაზე მეტად იმის შიში მიპყრობს, რომ დამავიწყდება ეპიზოდები, პერსონაჟის სახელები და მნიშვნელოვანი ელემენტები, მაგრამ ერთხელ ერთმა კარგმა ადამიანმა გვითხრა, მთავარია რას განიცდით კითხვის პერიოდში და დანარჩენი მასთან უმნიშვნელოაო, ამი���ომ შევეჭიდე საკუთარ გონებას და "ბეჭდების მბრძანებლის" მე-3 ნაწილის "მეფის დაბრუნების" კითხვა დავიწყე.
მე-3 ნაწილში "დაფა გაშლილია, ფიგურები - დალაგებული". ბეჭდის საძმო სხვადასხვა ტერიტორიაზე ფუსფუსებს და ზოგი მკვდართა ბილიკზე მიდის, ზოგი გონდორში დასახმარებლად და ყველას თავისი მიმართულება აქვს, გამომდინარე იქიდან, რომ ბნელი მეუფე ძალებს იკრებს და "ჯუჯის ხმა ფიჭვის სქელ წიწვებში კვდება". ომამდე ყველას გული დამძიმებულია და ნუგეშსაც კი ვეღარსად პოულობენ, როგორც პიპინმა უთხრა ბერეგონდს "ჰაერიც კი დამძიმებული და დახუთულია". მეც მქონია მსგავსი გრძნობა ცხოვრებაში. მათი ომი ჩემს ზოგიერთ გაკვეთილებს ჰგავდა, როცა გული მძიმედ გაქვს, ვერ აზროვნებ, არადა იცი, წინ ქარიშხალი გელის და მას ან მძიმედ დაშავებული ან მცირედ - გადაურჩები.
დასაწყისში არც ფროდოსა და სემის ამბებზეა რამე ნათქვამი, რაც ძლიერ მამწუხრებდა და ვფიქრობდი, არ დაგავიწყდეს მათზე საუბარი-მეთქი, ტოლკინ. მახსოვდა როგორ გაიტაცეს ორკებმა ფროდო და როგორ ჩავთვალე, რომ სემი იყო ბეჭდის მფლობელი, მაგრამ გოლლუმიც მუდამ მახსოვდა. ამ ბეჭედს საოცარი მიზიდულობის უნარი აქვს და რთულია მასთან განშორება, ამიტომ სმეაგოლიც სადღაც აქვე დაძრწის.
რას ვიფიქრებდი, დასასრული თუ ასეთი ექნებოდა...
ზოგადად, რაც უფრო გვინდა რაღაცის განადგურება, მით უფრო გვიმძიმს და შავბნელი ფიქრები დაგვტრიალებს თავს, სულიც გვეხუთება, მაგრამ ბოლოს სიმშვიდეს ვგრძნობთ. 💆♀️
ბეჭედი განადგურებულია, შაირში დაბუდებული აურზაური აღმოფხვრილია, მაგრამ ფროდო სევდიანია... აი, წიგნის კითხვას რომ დავასრულებთ და გვგონია, ჩვენც მალე აღვესრულებით, მის გარეშე, ისეთი!!!
გული დამწყდა ენტებმა ერთმანეთი რომ ვერ იპოვეს. მეგონა, იქნებოდა მათი შეხვედრის ეპიზოდი, მაგრამ ტოლკინმა ვერ მოგართვიო. 🙃ჩაოო💆♀️😂
. P. s. მუხლს ვიყრით მე და არაგორნი მთარგმნელის ფერხთით.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
"No diré no lloréis, pues no todas las lágrimas son malas" Me parece que el final es más emotivo en las películas, pero aún así, creo que puede decir que es el que más me ha gustado. Siempre es una pena abandonar a esos personajes con los que has pasado tantas horas, y está no es la excepción. Dejar poco a poco a los personajes de La Comunidad del Anillo es lo más triste y cruel que he leído en mucho tiempo...
(3.75) not the best of the trilogy, but really good. i truly enjoyed the description of Mordor and of the other cultures we hadn't been introduced to before, i also loved how the book didn't just end with the adventures, but rather kept going. i don't know if i would read it again, but i would definitely recommend it.
This book, filled with a generous number of movie stills, allows the reader to explore the award winning costumes and character design of the film, along with captions and descriptions by Jude Fisher. It is the best of the three visual companions.
Fantastic ending to the series. I had loved the movies and finally got around to finishing the books. Tolkien was a genius and I get why so many say that the books are better than the films even though the movies are amazing.
It is an old book. Even though it explains a few bits which might not be obvious for a fie hard fan... The images are awful print. . All the images are blurry! Stills from a film perhaps were hard to get when this was published, I'd be gutted with the final product!
The must-have companion to the Lord of the Rings movies (based on JRR Tolkien’s incredible work), that brings middle-earth vividly to life.
The three films based on the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, beginning with part one The Fellowship of the Ring and ending with the Return of the King, is brought vividly to life with Jude Fisher’s accompanying visual companions. Full of stunning photographs adorning the cover, spine and every single page these companion books are a treasure, and a real delight for any fan of either (or both) the films and the book. Each guide contains detailed information on the main, distinctive characters both good and evil, with separate pages dedicated to individuals such as those within the fellowship. The places, landscapes and key locations within Tolkien’s middle-earth are explored, as depicted in each film. Fully illustrated with over a hundred color photographs, including shots of epic and dramatic battles between light and dark forces are included. Each book continues on from the next, as it does within the films, continuing the journey from when the reader and the viewer left off. The trials, successes and tragedies of the members of the fellowship’s quest are discovered and relived, within the insightful and fascinating introduction. You are taken on a journey from the very beginning right up to the end, where the fellowship’s quest comes to its end as the ring is destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. The companions journey (with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas), the war of the ring (including the battle of Pelennor fields and the white city of Minas Tirith), and the ring’s journey in the hands of the small Hobbit Frodo is scrutinized to the smallest detail. Also included is a brilliant map of Mordor, the dreaded realm inhabited by Orcs, mountain-trolls, fell beasts and Nazgûl. This book presents to the reader an unforgettable tour around middle-earth, from the once proud city of Gondor to the dead marshes and Shelobs lair as this epic struggle is played out before your very eyes. The photographs within this book are impressive and do really take your breath away, just as chills are sent down your spine when watching the films. I would urge that any fan of the three films invests in a copy of the visual companions, as they do truly add to the experience as a whole and bring the story to life. As an admirer of JRR Tolkien and his extensive works including the Lord of the Rings, I was impressed by the films representation of his work and portrayal of the characters and their story. Nothing can compare to the book itself but the films and the visual book additions are a great recognition to his work.
This third Lord of the Rings visual companion is enjoyable to read with accurate descriptions and vivid movie stills. The book travels throughout Middle Earth and the world of men to explore the kingdom of Gondor, which includes Minas Tirith, the guards of the citadel, the white tree, the stewards of the kings, Osgiliath, and the return of the king. The Paths of the Dead was one of my favorite parts of the film, so I really enjoyed this section of the book! The book describes the growing shadow in Mordor by following the history of Sauron and the Nazgul, as well as giving further information on the creation of Barad-Dur. The Witch-King of Angmar has a section all his own, which I particularly enjoyed reading. The war of the ring is told with details on hobbits as heros, the siege of Gondor, the battle of the Rohirrim on the Pelennor Fields (my favorite part of the film!), heroic deeds, and the Black Gate. The ring quest is followed as well, with details on the treachery of Gollum, Minas Morgul, the pass of Cirith Ungol, Shelob, the courage of Samwise Gamgee (my favorite character!), Mount Doom, and Frodo's choice.
This book has so many details! I would highly recommend it for any fan of The Lord of the Rings trilogy!
This book is a must-have for fans of The Lord of the Rings trilogy: book, movie, or both. This book helped me visualize the places and people on Middle-earth during the War of the Ring.
What are to be read in this visual companion:
1. brief synopsis of FOTR AND TTT. 2. the Kingdom of Gondor described (from Minas Tirith, the stewards of the kings, Osgiliath) 3. the world of Men (their udertakings during the events of ROTK) 4. the Shadow (the enemies of the free-people of Middle-earth, Sauron, the Haradrim, the Easterlings, the Southron, their engines of war, Mordor, the Ringwraiths) 5. the War of the Ring (the heroic deeds of the characters, from Hobbits to Elf, Dwarf, and Men; the siege of Gondor; the Battle of the Pelennor Fields) 6. the Ring Quest (everything that happened to Frodo and Sam in the Land of Shadow)
You must have this book in your bookshelf if you're a fan of LOTR.
This is the last book in the trilogy. I this book Our heroes travel to Mistereth to defend agents the orc army. On other side we have Frodo and Sam and Glam who is leading them to their death and the only one in the group that cares is Sam and. But in this book it is much more different form the movie in the fact that after Bilbo leaves it doesn't just end it goes on for 50 more pages. Talking about them going home and there is many problems and such going on. So that is the most I can say about this book.
As yet another visual companion in the series of books and movies, this book explains more about the film but doesn't spoil the ending to it. It leaves blanks at the end, which is great if you haven't seen the movie yet. Which I'd find incredibly weird but I guess it's possible. It's a great read to any Tolkien lover but you'll hardly learn anything new if you have read the entire saga about Middle Earth and have seen all the movies.
This was a cool quick read on Return of the King. I liked how she had a couple tidbits in there that weren't included in the movie, like how Aragorn looked into the Palantir to reveal himself to Sauron to give Frodo and Sam a chance to destroy the ring. The pictures could have been a little cooler and she could have included a few more tidbits that weren't in the movie, but it was still worth the read :D
It was good. After having seen the movie, I was surprised to find that there was a slightly different ending. The various "endings" in the movie seemed odd, but now make sense that I've read the book. Again, I felt the dialogue was a bit stilted and needlessly "heroic."
I appreciated all the appendices. (My paperback was a different version than the one shown.)
I believed that this book and the series before it were quite intertaining and the best part about them was that they had hidden events that in a way simulated or reflected similar events that have happened in the Bible. Also I would deffinently recommend this book for those who like books will life lessons and with great adventures.
When I first read this trilogy, I was completey blown away! LOTR will always be my favorite books. I have since read them so many times that I have lost count (at least 8 times). The writing is beautiful. The characters are real. The story is an adventure that I feel like I'm on every time I read it. I wish Tolkien had written more!
This isn't a behind the scenes type of movie companion. This one gives you an overview of some of the characters and events of the second and third movies. And also some background too. The stills look like they were taken from the finished movie so it gives more of a real feeling. This is a cool addition to the LoTR franchise and something fans will probably quite enjoy.
they arrived to the place of the evil and gathered as many people as possible to fight the evil they sent aragorn to ask for help from the undead and they arrived just in time to help and they managed to throw the ring into the lava