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Second year begins and Daisy, Susan, and Esther have taken their friendship commitment to the next level by moving into their “beautiful home” off-campus. But the keys didn’t come without new responsibilities. Unwanted suitor visits, a robbery, and Susan living only a few blocks apart from her ex-boyfriend, McGraw, has made the dorms feel like a haven. The girls are in for a dose of reality when they learn that there’s more to being an adult than paying your own rent.

Eisner Award nominee John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and illustrators Max Sarin and Liz Fleming welcome you back to Sophomore year in Giant Days Volume 6, collecting issues #21-24 of the critically acclaimed series.

112 pages, Paperback

First published October 24, 2017

About the author

John Allison

273 books818 followers
John Allison is the author and artist of the British webcomics Scary Go Round and Bad Machinery.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See other authors with similar names.

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Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,669 reviews13.2k followers
March 14, 2017
In Giant Days Volume 6, the girls deal with a burglary, a disastrous dinner party and a cranky old neighbour. Also, Susan gets sick and is nursed back to health by her pops Big Geoff, Esther gets a job at the local comics shop, and Daisy gets her first girlfriend, the wild and crazy German student Ingrid!

I didn’t think I could love Giant Days more but then, during the burglary story, a David Caruso from CSI: Miami lookalike appeared and bumped up my adoration to the next level! If you don’t know why that’s amazing, Caruso’s character, in the cold opening of an episode, notoriously started a sentence… put on his sunglasses… then finished his sentence immediately followed by the CSI intro which kicks off with a YEAAAAHHHH!!! rock song. Here’s a link to a supercut of those gloriously cheesy moments - I don’t know how many times I’ve seen that video but it never fails to make me laugh. Massive kudos to John Allison for putting that into his comic!

I love all the characters but Daisy gets the most attention in this volume which is great as she usually gets the least. We discover her sad secret origin revealing her parents’ fate and the turbulent courtship of Ingrid commences. Her character really grows in this book – she’s blossoming into a woman of the world!

Big Geoff is an awesome character too and I loved how infantilised Susan instantly got when her dad showed up to do all the cooking, etc. Even the heavier material with their elderly neighbour was superbly handled and engrossing. And Max Sarin - I’ve said everything I can say about her art in previous reviews, but: perfection as always, Max!

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever read a comic that’s as consistently high quality as Giant Days. Even beloved titles like Scalped and Dragon Ball had minor flaws in their first six volumes but Giant Days is something else. John Allison is just a ridiculously talented writer. “Despair o’clock” as a caption for Ed Gemmell’s house? Majestic. Like the previous five volumes, Giant Days Volume 6 is flawless.

Giant Days might be… (puts on sunglasses)… the greatest comic the world’s ever seen! (YEAAAAHHHH!!!)
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
April 14, 2018
I read this months ago but forgot to review it, I guess. If you want the best review, read Sam's, for sure. But in Giant Days, Volume 6, the girls move into off-campus housing, which is good except they get burgled, and have to deal with a cranky old neighbour. I like the visit from Susan's macho Dad Big Geoff. I like Susan's ex, NcGraw, hanging around and being helpful. I like that Esther gets a job at the local comics shop (though she pretty miserably fails most of the comics nerd test). This volume focuses on Daisy and her first girlfriend, the wild Ingrid. It's consistently funny and fun and sweet.
Profile Image for Natalie.
606 reviews3,852 followers
February 24, 2018
It felt so good to be back for another round of Giant Days, following our three wholesome “grown-up women in the modern world.”

Second year begins and Daisy, Susan, and Esther have taken their friendship commitment to the next level by moving into their “beautiful home”, off-campus. But the keys didn’t come without a whole new level of responsibility. Unwanted suitor visits, a robbery, and Susan living only a few blocks apart from her ex-boyfriend, McGraw has made the dorms feel like a haven. The girls are in for a dose of reality when they learn that there’s more to being an adult than paying your own rent.

This newest addition to the series was the most grown up we've seen our group. From crossing the brink of adulthood by hosting a fancy dinner party at their new home to dealing with unexpected tragedies happening all around. We've matured a lot as a group.

Giant Days, Vol. 6 5-- bookspoils
There's a reason why Giant Days is the only comic series I actually bother to keep up with consecutively, and the answer lies mostly within the characters.

• We have a new story arc centering around Daisy. From visiting her past to find out the reason behind her parents' tragic and unforeseeable death, to watching her branch out and date her complete opposite in the present. I never tire of seeing Daisy Wooton have more "screen" time.

Giant Days, Vol. 6 1-- bookspoils
• In the meantime, with Daisy taking advantage of her youth, Esther has taken on the mom-friend duty with excellence.

Giant Days, Vol. 6 2-- bookspoils
• The humor is remarkably up to par in this newest volume, like, morbidly so.

Giant Days, Vol. 6 3-- bookspoils
The last panel actually made me laugh out loud.
• Speaking of which, here's another gem of classic comedy:

Giant Days, Vol. 6 4-- bookspoils
Esther's comment "He's going to break the toilet" broke me.
• Finally, on a completely unrelated note, the tumultuous relationship between McGraw and Susan is unfortunately still happening. Though I'm secretly hoping they work things out in future issues, I'm still game for whatever direction the writers decide to head in.


Note: I'm an Amazon Affiliate. If you're interested in buying Giant Days, Vol. 6, just click on the image below to go through my link. I'll make a small commission!

This review and more can be found on my blog.
Profile Image for Bookishrealm.
2,793 reviews6,017 followers
May 17, 2021
Update: I don’t think I appreciated this volume the way I should have when I eat read it. While it’s definitely as fun and humorous as previous volumes, it dives a little deeper into the character development which is extremely important because of the fact that it’s slice of life with little to no plot. Readers learn a little more about Daisy’s family particularly her parents who she lost at a young age. There’s more exploration of how Susan is dealing with the loss of her relationship with her ex and watching him enter into a new relationship. One issue in particular focuses on Daisys exploration of her sexuality with Ingrid. I think that these characters feel real and that is extremely important for a comic book series. They are well developed and readers grow a certain fondness for them. They have these initial impressions in the first volume but as you go through subsequent volumes you learn even more about them. Overall, this was another great installment with magnificent art!

This was such a great installment to the series. I'm really enjoying learning so much about the characters and their journey through college. It's been so rewarding and hilarious. I don't want to say too much because this is the 6th volume but it was AMAZING!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,877 reviews6,105 followers
September 20, 2019
Vol 1: ★★★★☆
Vol. 2: ★★★★★
Vol. 3: ★★★★★
Vol. 4: ★★★★★
Vol. 5: ★★★★★
Vol. 6: ★★★★★
Vol. 7: ★★★★★
Vol. 8: ★★★★★
Vol. 9: ★★★★★
Vol. 10: ★★★★★

This has probably become my favorite graphic novel series ever. In fact... yes, it is officially my favorite graphic novel series of all time. I love these characters so much and meeting Big Geoff was honestly the highlight of the whole volume, because who doesn't want to be pampered and fed and waited upon, hand and foot, by your best friend's awesome dad?
Profile Image for Calista.
4,768 reviews31.3k followers
September 13, 2019
I enjoyed this issue. It was in top form and the story was good. The girls are back from summer vacation to start their sophomore year at school. Daisy gets a girlfriend and the house is all atwitter. Susan gets sick and it's really not pretty. The best part is when Susan's father moves in with them to take care of Susan and nurse her back to health. That was some great stuff.

Oh, those carefree, over stressed days of college. I don't want to be 20 again, but they were some good days. Full of energy and life and stupid enough to try about anything.

This series is wonderful and I look forward to the next volume.
Profile Image for Sara.
372 reviews390 followers
December 21, 2020
This is the sixth Volume of Giant Days and i'm still really enjoying it!
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,144 reviews1,736 followers
April 3, 2021
Six volumes in and I still thoroughly enjoying hanging our with Esther, Susan, and Daisy. This is one of the funnier instalments, which features, just like the previous five, the trio throwing themselves into into any mystery that looks their way, going on as many madcap adventures as they can fit in around their studies, and getting up to as much mischief as humanly possible. Through it all, however, we see them learning, growing, and increasingly coming into their own.
Profile Image for Emma.
977 reviews1,045 followers
May 2, 2020
The amazing university adventures of Esther, Susan and Daisy continue in this sixth volume of this comic book series. I enjoyed seeing the girls behave more like adults now that they live on their own, even though sometimes it was really difficult for them to do so. These girls never cease to make me laugh and I cannot wait to read the next volume!
Profile Image for Paz.
480 reviews163 followers
April 16, 2020
"Suzie, do you feel like this year is kind of... bad... compared to last year? less fun?"

I'm a bit amazed at how this series, that because of its nature lacks a defined plot, it is after all a slice of life story, is continuously solid in quality, it's entertaining, and emotionally engaging. In the six volumes I've so far read, there's never a distinctly bad installment, there's never an issue I have not liked. And yes, as Esther said in the quote above, maybe the girls have calmed a little, compared to their first year of Uni, but they are growing and the issues they have are a little more mature, but still entertaining as hell.

This volumes deals mainly with Daisy having her first girlfriend, Esther needing a new job and Susan catching a cold. Those last two things don't sound too exciting, but the way the story is written, the familiarity of the characters and the humour, the little ways the girls try to cheer each other up always make me smile for a variety of reasons.

This volume also had a really emotional moment, where we learn Daisy's family story. I'm really glad she had more of a presence in this volume.

Still, I think maybe this is my least favorite volume? It's a really nice time, but I do miss the crazyness of the girl's first year of Uni, and I miss the boys as well, I feel like they haven't been part of the story in such a long while.
Profile Image for Paul.
2,236 reviews20 followers
March 14, 2017
Yet another phenomenally good volume of John Allison's Giant Days. I keep thinking the book is going to run out of steam at some point but with every issue that comes out it proves me wrong; I just find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with the characters!

Tell you what, I recommend reading Sam's review HERE as he says everything I would have said but more coherently.
Profile Image for Melissa Chung.
905 reviews324 followers
March 28, 2018
Volume six! I would love to read these volumes forever. This one was a bit dramatic. Daisy is having love problems, Susan is dying of the plague (not really) and Esther just wants a job. Of course craziness ensues through out. Just a normal look at late teen girls in college...teehee, just kidding...about the normal part.

By the way, where can I find clothes like Esther. To be so morbidly fashionable.
Profile Image for Daniel.
804 reviews74 followers
August 10, 2018
A burglary, a hot new love and some sickness. A wide variety of daily challenges. A fun read if nothing else.
Profile Image for rachel, x.
1,791 reviews932 followers
July 29, 2022
#1) Giant Days, Vol. 1 ★★★★★
#2) Giant Days, Vol. 2 ★★★★★
#3) Giant Days, Vol. 3 ★★★★★
#4) Giant Days, Vol. 4 ★★★★★
#5) Giant Days, Vol. 5 ★★★★★
#7) Giant Days, Vol. 7 ★★★★☆
#8) Giant Days, Vol. 8 ★★★★☆
#8) Giant Days, Vol. 8 ★★★★☆
#9) Giant Days, Vol. 9 ★★★★★
#10) Giant Days, Vol. 10 ★★★★☆
#11) Giant Days, Vol. 11 ★★★★☆
#12) Giant Days, Vol. 12 ★★★★★
#13) Giant Days, Vol. 13 ★★★★☆
#14) Giant Days, Vol. 14 ★★★★☆

Trigger warnings for .

Representation: Daisy (mc) is a lesbian.

BlogTrigger Warning DatabaseStoryGraph
Profile Image for Adam.
621 reviews19 followers
February 25, 2022
We meet Susan's dad Big Geoff, the girls go to a music festival and everyone settles into the 2nd year houses. Daisy starts dating and crime galore happens (unrelated to the dating.)

Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
2,052 reviews994 followers
June 18, 2020
This volume didn’t capture my attention quite as much as the previous ones did but don’t ask me why, I’d be hard pressed to come up with an answer. I still adore all the characters and their quirkiness and I love reading about their various mishaps but there was just a teeny little bit of something missing from this one for me. It’s still hilarious though and definitely still worth a read!
Profile Image for Anete.
507 reviews73 followers
May 10, 2019
Ļoti labs stāsta turpinājums. Daudz nopietnas tēmas. Veselīga smieklu deva piedevām. YAS.
Profile Image for ashley.
174 reviews713 followers
November 6, 2018
This series is so enjoyable. I love it beyond belief.
Profile Image for Madi.
708 reviews907 followers
April 18, 2018
I love Ingrid and Big Geoff ❤️ but McGraw and Susan need to figure their shit out.
Profile Image for Agnė.
774 reviews64 followers
September 16, 2018
3.5 out of 5

Giant Days, Vol. 6 is lighthearted, funny (unlike the jokes in the previous volume, the humor in Giant Days, Vol. 6 is brilliant), relatable, and sweet. I especially loved Chapter Twenty-Four featuring Susan’s dad, Big Geoff.

And I finally started appreciating the over-expressive manga-ish art (or did it actually get better?):

Profile Image for Derryn.
262 reviews33 followers
June 10, 2018
Back for a second year!

Ester gets a new job! (Still a total babe!)
Daisy is exploring her sexuality (still the sweetest)
Susan is ill ( still tomboy with attitude)

Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews410 followers
October 23, 2017
Another fabulous volume in the Giant Days series! I loved every page of it. <3

With each volume the series gets better and better, the characters are growing up (well, at least a bit).

In this one a lot of things are happening. First up the girls are of course moving into their new building, living truly together now. But of course that means a ton of new responsibility + a new level of being with your friends (like Esther learns later on in the volume, knocking is very important if you enter someone's room). It was quite fun to see them settle in.

But there are also challenges. Like a break-in, it was quite funny (this may sound wrong, but I just can't think of another word) how they first were going all nuts on who hadn't locked the doors/closed the windows, but then Daisy pointed out something so obvious. Thankfully not a whole lot was stolen, but Daisy is of course heartbroken to learn that something very precious of hers has been stolen. :( I just wanted to hug the girl. Poor thing.
And then it was hilarious as Susan decided to just go into the seedy underbelly and get their stuff back. Yep, that is Susan for you. Esther and Daisy both weren't really into the plan, but decided to go along.
But other challenges also include having guests over (and what to do when a particular guest is a bit annoying), a dinner party (what to serve them when they all have something they can't eat), and living with a grumpy old coot (though that grumpy old coot got me into tears near the end) next door.

Ingrid pops up again, and while I didn't like her in the previous volume, I noticed I grew fond of her. She is still a bit too obtuse and doesn't seem to get she is hurting people with what she says, but I loved her and Daisy together. They do make a perfect and cute couple. I just adored seeing Daisy's expressions when Ingrid made all sorts of remarks about sexy time.

We also see Susan's dad, and I just adored how the girls took a liking to him, well... mostly because of the giant piles of food he made while he was around.

I do hope Susan is able to get over McGraw, as it is really painful to see her break every time he is near her, or when he is with his now girlfriend.

There was one thing I didn't particularly like and that is that we never really saw much of their university/lessons. It just seems like these girls have endless days ahead of them with everything but university. And that is a shame. I want to see what our girls get up to in the new year, see what lessons they have, see them being frustrated at the amount of work, that kind of thing.

The art is just fabulous, I especially love the expressions on the characters.

I think I got everything I wanted to say in my review. I really enjoyed this volume, and I can't wait for the 7th volume. Hopefully it will feature a bit more university.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Wing Kee.
2,091 reviews32 followers
October 16, 2018
Ah this stuff is so good.

World: The art has always been good, it sets this series tone and characters up and without it this series would not be what it is. The world building here is small and intimate and tied into the characters, it's solid and cozy.

Story: These 4 issues are solid just like the rest. It's the continuation of each of the character's development. Daisy starts off with some beautiful little character stuff with dating that makes you squee, then there's the little stuff with Esther and her job and Susan and Geoff round it out. Small character moments that makes this series so good.

Characters: These characters are awesome, new additions and continuations were good this time around playing well of the three lasses and giving great chemistry and banter. The stuff with Daisy and her girl and Geoff were especially well done.

A great continuation of the series.

Onward to the next book!
Profile Image for Vanessa.
911 reviews1,217 followers
November 12, 2017
Yesssss, Giant Days is back on form with this volume! I enjoyed this one much more than Volume 5, which didn't engage me as much, but I really enjoyed all 4 stories in this one. I also really loved the artwork, which made character reactions even more funny. And Big Geoff! So glad I can continue loving this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 533 reviews

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