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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B01NAVTG1W


Secretly trained, swordsmith Sage Blackwell steps up to run her family’s forge when her father falls ill. Sage desires to help the neglected Aermians but is bound by duty to provide for her own… Until, that is, she's offered a chance to make a difference.


Sage knows the risks; imprisonment or death, and yet, she's still willing to take them to protect her family. But when plans unravel, Sage finds herself facing the devils themselves, her sworn enemies, the princes of Aermia.


Tehl Ramses is drowning; crops are being burned, villages pillaged, and citizens are disappearing, leading to a rising rebellion. As crown prince, and acting ruler, Tehl must find a way to crush the rebellion before civil war sweeps through his beloved kingdom. He'll do whatever is necessary to save his people. Yet, his prisoner is not at all what he expected.


342 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 8, 2017

About the author

Frost Kay

34 books1,346 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author Frost Kay is a certified book dragon with an excessive TBR, and a shoe obsession. If you love bewitching fantasy and sci-fi, epic adventures, dark promises, thrilling action, swoon worthy anti heroes, and slow burning romance; her books are for you!

She claims ownership to the bestselling young adult series The Aermian Feuds packed with adventure, secrets, and betrayal.

Fans of Frost Kay love her epic and science fiction teen titles for their "witty banter and exquisitely crafted sentences (that) never leave you bored or wanting," and "find the writing on par with Queen (Sarah J.) Maas and Elise Kova."

You can find her at www.frostkay.net

You can also sign up for a free story here:goo.gl/Z2PkyC

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 376 reviews
Profile Image for Minni Mouse.
761 reviews1,045 followers
June 12, 2023
#1.) Rebel's Blade: ★
#2.) Crown's Shield: ★
#3.) Enemy's Queen: ★

1.5 stars because we're joking with this, right? We're joking with the lewd comments, the torture, the sexual threats? Listen, I'm all for the tropes of domineering males and damsels in distress but there's an invisible line somewhere where sexual aggression becomes inarguably screwed up.

1) By all rights, this should be book chemistry. Enemies turned lovers, probably love geometry, royals and rebellions, tough female character.

2) Fast-paced. I didn't want to put it down and principles aside, I still kinda want to continue reading.

1) The writing was disappointingly amateur. Grammar hiccups aside, the world building is terrible and sloppy in that there's no establishment of the countries nor no development of character backstories. And the characters? It's like the author pulls from every teenage attitude and young speech pattern in order to create the syntax of this book. Obnoxious as poop.

2) The sexual situations here are wholly unforgivable.

“Tsk tsk, a woman wearing trousers… So naughty,” Tehl drawled. “It sends the wrong message to men around you, my dear. It gives them ideas.”

All right, at first I was willing to overlook this since Tehl was playing a fiend of a character in that moment and I was sure that that message being conveyed was going to be dispelled. Except that it happened again to Sage from Sam, Tehl, and Serge.

“Men’s clothing? Interesting choice. So improper. You have to know the ideas you inspire when you showcase your body in such a manner.”

Except the ol' "I'm going to threaten to rape you if you don't behave" trope was repeated multiple times to Sage and then again to this random woman they captured. Except the characters' attempts at making lewd jokes came across young and amateur, and suddenly it seemed like adolescent boys were laughing about sexually demeaning women.

And then after Serge and his cronies tortured and interrogated Sage, Gavriel comes swooping in like a hero. The reveal about her condition to Tehl and Sam was dragged out for dramatic pity feels, as were Sage's pitiful woes following the incident that had Sam working his jaw and Tehl clenching his fists.

Sage’s mind spun. “Protection? Where was your protection when, when…” She stumbled for the right word. “When they stripped me down and used me for their amusement?” she rasped, her face hardening. “Oh, that’s right, I needed protection from you. So forgive me if I won’t count on your protection. None of this is for my protection but to make sure your asset doesn’t escape your clutches.”

The spymaster’s face sharpened, and his eyes glistened with anger. “What do you mean they used you for their own amusement?” he asked in a deceptively soft voice.

She shivered at his dark tone. Sage knew where his mind had gone with that question. “A man does not have to force himself on a woman to hurt her. Words can cause as much damage as blades and fists. To my knowledge—” Sage choked on the words, not able to force them from her throat.

This whole scene is supposed to tear at our heartstrings with horror and pity for Sage, as evidenced by the overly blatant knight-in-shining-armor reaction from Samuel, but all it did with the author's sloppy and juvenile writing was come across as a cheap attempt at a titillating scene. And that was the last straw for me.

3) Sage is written as a preternatural rebel warrior, and I didn't buy it one bit. She somehow manages to beat up Tehl, who's 100lbs heavier and more skilled than her. Starved, cold, fatigued, and injured, she also manages to take out five of the Elite Guards when they gang up on her. When Gavriel and Sam use a truth serum on her that make all other grown men spout the truth, Sage somehow resists it without a struggle. What?

4) The hinted love pentagon. Tehl and Sage are probably endgame, sure, but she's tied to him, Sam, Gavriel, Rafe, and even King Marq. By the time we got to King Marq, it got ridiculous. And creepy. Doesn't matter he acknowledges he's more than twice her age -- he still calls her "my darling," calls out and is amused by their mutual flirting innuendos, and even plays up their suggested compromising appearance to his son in order to make him jealous. Again...what?

I love the roughened, damsel in distress in need of rescuing trope, I really do. But when that invisible line gets crossed and the trope is so thinly veiled that it's obvious the author is playing to the rape culture fetish...I can't.

And when the rest of the book is written in teenage fan fiction language...I really can't.
Profile Image for Cece Rose.
Author 38 books709 followers
March 5, 2017
An interesting first book from Frost Kay!

The Basics
Genre: Fantasy
Series/standalone: Series #1
Rating: 4.5 Stars

The story is mainly broken down into two sides:

Sage is one of the main characters of this book, she's everything that I like in a heroine. She's interesting, brave and look she's not even whiny or bitchy! It's a total win. :)

Tehl I had a little bit more trouble liking, I get that he has good intentions (both of the MCs do) but I definitely disproved of some of his actions. (Although, I suppose that was the intent, character growth and all.)

The Story and World Building
I enjoyed the plot of the story and the pacing. The world building was done well, but I wished that we'd gotten a bit more detail in this book about the different sections of this world. Although, I think we will get more information on the different sectionsand the inhabitants of them in the next books.

I really enjoyed the book, if you like the genre, I definitely recommend adding to your ever growing TBR piles.

Profile Image for Mandie.
692 reviews34 followers
March 5, 2018
Rebel’s Blade was amazing! Hands down! It’s a dark medieval fantasy with a side of fairytale romance!! I loved it! Sage was getting down and dirty kicking some butt! I’m so ready for book 2!
Profile Image for Katrin D.
281 reviews606 followers
March 23, 2018
I cannot.

I don't DNF books, but this is so bad - it's actually so much more than bad - that I'm making an exception. I feel like this ''book'' is the punishment for everything bad I've done in my life.

Before I go into all that's repulsive about this ''book'' let it be known that I only read about 50% of it. I just couldn't torture myself anymore. So, unless after the middle all the problematic points I'm going to list below, miraculously get fixed, this review is valid. Actually, no. Even if all these points miraculously get fixed after the middle, this review is still valid. No one deserves to read such sh*t for even a book.

Let's start with the writing, which is hilariously bad. The author obviously has absolutely no idea how to construct believable dialogue or how to write descriptions. Scratch that. The author has no idea how to write at all. Every single exchange was revolving around overused phrases and jabs that we - modern, 21st century people - use every day. It even had the you-mother-liked-it-last-night exchange. The writing was so unoriginal and cringeworthy that I was continuously suffering from second-hand embarrassment for the author when I read it. I could post one of the thousand quotes I have saved on my kindle, but I'm embarrassed - that's how bad they are.

This ''book'' deals with a lot of sensitive topics, which even a seasoned, talented writer would have trouble with. In the hands of someone who is obviously inexperienced and hasn't bothered to employ an editor, these topics turn into a horror show. There is a lot of abuse - much more than necessary to convey the point (assuming there was a point) - chauvinism and even racism. At lease this is up to the point where I got before I decided my sanity is much more important than me finishing this sh*t.
As you can sense I'm angry.

But let's get more into detail. The main character is constantly exclaiming/surprised that the rebellion uses a woman *gasp*; that a woman wears pants - she's provoking him! ; that a woman is able to fight. This is the main character, you guys. The main. Imagine what kind a of a hero that idiot makes. Not only that, but the threatens the "heroine" with , leaves her to be and is constantly degrading her by ogling, feeling her up and stuff like that.

The heroine, on the other side, is pretty much everyone's punching bag. There's so much abuse that at one point I started wondering what exactly I was reading. I, like pretty much every second person, who reads fantasy, really like dark and gritty stories. This wasn't dark and gritty. This was a fetish fest, poorly executed and disgusting.

The main quality of our heroine is her looks. She's so beautiful, even when - yes, you guessed it - she's dirty, beaten-up and hasn't had a shower in two weeks. No one fails to mention how beautiful she is. Yeah. Sure. Up to the middle of the book, there are like 3 (possibly 4) love interests for said heroine, which, otherwise said, means that there's an instant ''attraction'' with every single guy she meets. And every guy she meets wants to bang her. It really gets tiring after 20 pages, trust me.

There were hints of racism as well, but since I didn't continue on reading, I don't know how that was handled. The neighbouring kingdom - all bad, savage people - are, without exception bronze-skinned and dark-haired. Talk about generalization.

I feel like I've already spent too much time on this ''book'', both when reading it and now writing this review. I don't wish a read as awful as this one upon anyone.

Profile Image for Brittany.
1,094 reviews156 followers
June 8, 2021

"Everyone has scars, love. Some wear theirs on the inside, and some bear them on the outside. But you know what? Those that allow the world to see their scars and move forward are the bravest and best of us. That is true courage."

Book 1-Rebels Blade- 4 Stars!!
Book 2-Crowns Shield- 4.5 Stars!!
Book 3-Enemys Queen- 4 Stars!!
Book 4-Kings Warrior- 5 Stars!!

We follow two POVS in this Story:

Sage- Alias aka Ruby- her father owns a forge, and she has grown up learning how to make weapons. Her father gets too ill to run the forge, so Sage takes over. Woman aren't really allowed to do men's work so she has to hide out in the back so no one knows its her making the weapons- She somehow gets involved in a rebellion and then taken by the enemy - the crown prince.

Tehl- The Crown Prince, is trying to do everything he can to save his people - but since his father the king has taken a step back- Tehl has had a lot to handle and weight on his shoulders. His brother, brings home a prisoner a girl with a rebels blade. He is willing to do, (almost) whatever it takes to get answers to the rebellions plans out of her.

I really enjoyed this first book of the series. At first it was a little slow going, but after about 20 percent it picked up and I became invested in the characters and the story line. Tehl and Sage don't realize it yet- but they both want the same thing, if they could get over their distain for one another for longer than 5 minutes- they might would get to the bottom of that and work together.

The cliffhanger was excellent and I can not wait to pick up the second book!! The banter and humor in this book was like a breath of fresh air! I loved all the side characters and what they brought to the book as a whole! Overall, I was really impressed and So far- I would recommend this series!
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,793 reviews528 followers
May 10, 2020
solid YA/NA fantasy novel honesty I am not sure how old are these characters I am thinking around highschool age...glad I gave this author a chance but right now I am not interested in reading more in this series there are too many books in it( for me right now)..it is not bad actually once I got into it it became interesting..it is a very slow build-up glad that I didn't quit!!

I would definitely recommend it to younger readers!!
Profile Image for Nassy.
196 reviews140 followers
April 22, 2020
I wanted to read this because of the whole "enemy-to-lover' vibe I was getting but the writing in this was so bad. Awkward dialogues and sentences. The main character was kind of annoying too and there was zero romance in this. The author really wanted to drag out the 'enemy' part which got old because I stopped caring about the 'love' part. Also, alot of the storyline didn't make sense
Profile Image for Leo.
4,661 reviews498 followers
January 30, 2022
The ratings of this book seems very mixed, either love it or hate it kind of book. Been having some struggling getting trough books and enjoying them and I definitely listened to this in the perfect time. It was an adventurous and mostly exciting book to listen to. Didn't need to use any extra brain power and was easy just relaxing and listening, which was what I needed. It was a great story for what it was
Profile Image for *❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆*.
414 reviews89 followers
March 12, 2018
Amazing!! Too many great words can describe this book! It was so interesting and action packed and so much mystery and humour! Oh the humour was the best part!

We meet a young girl named Sage, the best sword maker in the city. But nobody knows it. With her father, she works in the family business and makes one of the best swords for the people. But her father taught her how to fight with a sword too, for how can she make a sword if she doesn't know how to use it?
Which is why, because of her unique skills, she is recruited by the rebellion. A group of fighters who want to overthrow the kingdom because of the injustice that is done.
But during one of her meetings, she is captured and taken as captive by fhe Crown Prince himself, Prince Tehl.

From day one she despises him, loathes him and will do anything to stay away from him, or harm him if he gets close to her, but the more is held captive, the more she finds out about two princes, their cousin, and even the king. There might be more to what she has been told, but Sage has never trusted anyone except her brotherhood

Tehl is instantly captivated by their prisoner, a female rebel, never before heard of but with skills that are hard to beat, even for him!
But she is a liar and a manipulator, how does she act so innocent when he knows how dangerous she can be. But her attitude, her cleverness, her beauty are no match for his head to wonder, no matter how hard he tries.

Will this unlikely couple find peace in one another for their kingdom ?

Such a great tale! I loved every second, and the humour! I cannot deal how much I love how the humour was done!
Prince Samuel is Tehl's younger brother, so of course he is the carefree one, who jokes whenever he can! Even at the worse situation!
But that's why someone as serious as Tehl needs someone who is carefree and a huge womaniser in his life!
Their bickering and jokes and teasing with each other was a sight be envied.
In YA books there is hardly any times where two brothers in line to throne, love each other as brothers should, no envy or hatred because one holds the throne. There is love evident in their lives, even for their cousin Gav, who they treat as a brother more than anything
I loved these three boys, handsome, fun and dangerous too! Such a sight to behold!

You must pick this series! Highly recommend it! You will not be disappointed!

Although I must warn you that there is a slight talk and instances of rape, although it never actually happens it is threatened. Just a heads up

Nevertheless you'll love this book! It's fun and addictive and that ending!! I hate cliffhangers but I am so looking forward to that sequel! I need it now!!

Received a copy, for an honest review, thank you!
October 22, 2020
1.5 DNF Stars

DNF @ 60%

Started out promising but I started noticing more and more problems with the book as I read on such as the POV switches too much, characters were flat, and the narration was a bit weird at times. Literally nothing happened the entire book too. It just dragged on and on and on... It was too focused on the hero and side characters with hardly any heroine, and although I know this is supposed to be enemies to lovers, I don't really care if they have a romance at all, just no chemistry. The hero's brother far outshined the hero who had also started to feel like a side character, he was just so bland. I do think the author has some potential though so I might try one of her newer books seeing as this one was her debut, but this one was just too uninteresting and childish to go on.
Profile Image for Kay Moody.
Author 34 books837 followers
February 24, 2021
I was attached to every single character in this book almost from the moment they were introduced. I loved how they all had such sympathetic motivations and interesting personalities. I am in awe with how much I loved them!

It was pretty cool how most of the chapters in the first half were from Tehl's POV, but then most of the chapters in the second half were from Sage's POV. I enjoyed getting to know each of their characters in such depth.

Friendships are usually one of my favorite things about a book, so I loved that Sage was able to find a friend in the healer. I also loved the friendship between Tehl, Sam, and Gavriel. With that many friendships though, I worry there might be a betrayal coming in the future. Hopefully I'm wrong about that.

Ultimately, this book was a little too dark for my tastes. I did appreciate that it represented accurate consequences/reactions to the dark things that happened. I appreciated that things did not just go back to normal after the traumatic events. Even though it wasn't my thing, it was still well done.
Profile Image for Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews.
544 reviews149 followers
March 8, 2017
Rebels Blade was BEYOND my expectations. It had me hooked from beginning to end, and after the ending left wanting for more.

I knew this book was going to be good but the author has blown me away with not only plot and characters, but the world building.

I felt as if I was right there within the story experiencing everything that went on.

My front row seat to all of the action was incredible.

Sage/Ruby was just the type of character I adore. She was sassy but a complete badass. She surprised me at every turn.

I devoured this book, and now I eagerly await book 2.

Frost Kay is a new author but you can't tell this is her debut book. It is so well written. With an epic start like this, I'm so excited to see how she is going to top it.

I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Victoria Schaefer.
33 reviews3 followers
March 5, 2017
I absolutely loved this book! It was everything I didn't know I needed. Sage is what every female MC should be! Great job on your first book Frost Kay! Can't wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Lauren.
357 reviews32 followers
March 10, 2017
Note: I received an ARC of this from the author. This in no way influences my opinion.

Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me. Which is a shame, because the plot itself was actually pretty good as far as I got (about 55%) - however, my issues mostly lay with the characters, which is, ultimately, why I DNfed.

I want to start with the good. I enjoyed the plot as far as I got. It was fast paced, it kept me on my toes and there was always something going on. I do feel like it sort of slowed down towards where I stopped reading, but I imagine it picks back up. I was told the ending by someone else who has read it (mostly because everyone was raving about the ending and I was just being a nosey tyke really) and I just... wasn't all that impressed? Not sure if it was because I missed a beat by not reading the rest or whether it's because I have high expectations because I read A LOT of fantasy, but it just didn't wow me like it did others who finished this book.

My major issue with this book (and the ultimate reason for me putting it back down) was the characters. For me, it is really important that I form some kind of bond with the characters and, as a result, empathise with them. Unfortunately, I didn't form this bond with the characters, despite the multiple POVs that were shown. I didn't really care what happened to the characters and who lived or who died - so I found it really easy to just put the book down and do something else.

My other issue with the characters was that the multiple POVs began to bleed together after a time so, when I did put the book down to do something else, I had to try and remember whose perspective I was reading - which I mostly did through the interactions with the other characters. Whilst they were separate at the beginning - they did sort of change throughout and became too similar for me.

All in all, I actually quite enjoyed the plot (mostly) but my issues with the characters led me to stop reading the book. I gave this book 2/5 stars.
Profile Image for Beth Skye.
248 reviews42 followers
March 9, 2017
From the first line in the prologue I was hooked.

This novel felt as if it were written by a seasoned, best selling author, and it yet it is Frost Kay's debut!

I was immediately drawn into this amazing fantasy world where I met my new book bestie. Sage is kind, funny, strong, and capable. A woman working the forge and supporting her family, yet secretly helping a growing resistance within the kingdom. Truly unique to the other females in this world she is greatly talented and able.
Though she is capable and strong she reacts like any one of us would to trying and terrifying circumstances. She is flawed and scared and human. She misunderstands and holds grudges, while still trying to find the good in people.

While the story is told mainly from two points of view, Sage's and the Crown Prince Tehl's, the more minor characters are not cardboard cutouts, but fully fleshed-out and three dimensional. The friendship Sage builds with the Healer Mira touches your heart and your funny-bone. The trust she gives to Tehl's cousin is beautiful.

Through the dual points of view the reader is able to see the misunderstandings Sage and Tehl have about each other, their decisions, and their reactions as well as the troubles that each are facing within the story. You are able to see why each character makes the moves they do, like perfectly understanding a complex game of chess.

The witty banter and exquisitely crafted sentences never leave you bored or wanting. When all the pieces of the puzzle come together it is a great AH HA moment...
Then the cliffhanger ending.

I found the writing to be on par with Queen Maas and Elise Kova; I recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy read that steps out of the box and makes a name for itself. Now I just need that next installment to be written as fast as possible. I'm dying to know what happens next!
Profile Image for Vicky.
116 reviews3 followers
March 5, 2017
This is a really good beginning to a fantasy series.

It's taken me a while to gather my thoughts as I read this in one sitting because I couldn't actually put it down despite it being really late at the time I was reading.

As a fantasy, world building is important, and it was done subtly without distracting from moving the plot forward or interrupting the natural flow of the book. While the map at the beginning does show more sections of the world, not much was given away, which makes me think the subsequent books will expand further on the world, its people and just what the heck is going on beyond the borders.

In terms of characters, the MC is tough, funny and likeable. The relationship between the male MC and his brother and cousin is well written - showing humour, strength and honesty. However, it's taking me a while to warm to Tehl. I'm hoping for the best with his character arc and that he shows his better side/qualities in the next book as at the moment I'm not rooting for him right now.

I'm desperately trying to not give away spoilers. There were a couple of times when the author threw in something and I felt so angry at how Sage was screwed over - not angry at the author but the actions of certain characters. Basically, it made you feel, which is always a good thing.

I've given it 4.5 stars in my head as I feel there could be more character and world development but 5 stars here as I believe the author plans to progress these throughout the series but as it stands I thoroughly enjoyed this book and cannot wait to get my hands on the next one. All in all a good job well done. Big thumbs up.
Profile Image for Jennifer Mertz.
29 reviews
March 5, 2017
Frost Kay has created an amazing book. I was hooked from the beginning. It was a little slow in some places, but I still could not put it down. I had to keep reading to know what was going to happen next. Rebel’s Blade sent me through an array of emotions while reading it. I sat on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next, I laughed until my family thought I was insane and that is just to name a couple of emotions I went through.

Sage is a wonderful character that is full of fire! Who doesn’t love a heroin with a lot of fire and snark. Tehl, will make a wonderful king one day, when he learns to suppress some of his thoughts (LOL). I think he is my new book boyfriend. Sam is such a lovable character that truly loves the ladies and I can’t wait to see what happens with Gav, the pain filled cousin. And let's not forget King Marq, who is so lost without his queen that there are times he no longer wishes to live.

This is an awesome book and I can’t wait to read the next, Crown’s Shield. I highly recommend this book and give high praise to Frost Kay.
Profile Image for kay!.
363 reviews75 followers
December 4, 2021
1.5 Stars

Where was the plot? The point? It must've gone over my head.

I liked Sage (the main character) well enough. Tehl was a dumb dumb. Sam was horrible. Gav was alright. Everything about this book was just ok

I probably will still read the second book because it's free so.
Profile Image for Hollie.
1,676 reviews
July 10, 2017
~4.5 stars~

This was a solid read!! A strong and independent heroine is always a plus in my book. The characters were all well portrayed and the storyline was well executed. No real romance at all but hopefully that will be in future books to come. I look forward to the next installment!
Profile Image for Raegan.
136 reviews7 followers
November 15, 2019
This book has a decent plot that is interesting and compelling. So many of the character teeter back and forth in moral ambiguity in the name of The Greater Good which makes me like and also not like the book. I am just really conflicted about it honestly. I have so many issues with the narrative, particularly the blatant sexism and misogyny mixed with the horrendous way sexual assault/trauma is handled in this book. I get the time period and culture of the book is in the past and that the author is probably attempting to be provocative and show how horrible some people respond but I just don't think its done well enough to really explore the gravity and implications of what is happening in this story. The first book is also just so slow and there are so many plot holes and stuff that just doesn't make sense YET there is something that I can't name that makes me want to keep reading the series. I am invested in the characters and the plot for reasons I can't explain so I continued reading the next one. I am 1/3 of the way through and the plot has picked up but a lot of my issues with the first one still stand. I'll keep you posted on book 2 and if I think its worth going to the 3rd.
Profile Image for Andrea.
262 reviews4 followers
December 20, 2018
My Blog | Instagram

Unfortunately this book wasn’t for me. EVERYTHING fell flat. There wasn’t much plot at all, and sadly I think this could have been a great start to a series if we were given more action and less small details. Also, a complete remake of Tehl’s character should have happened, he’s awful. My guess is that this story was drawn out so it could be made into a series, when it would have done better as one or two books instead. Not to mention the one dimensional characters and stilted dialog.

The writing was a little simple, and could have been edited a bit better. There was a lot of repetition when it came to using the characters names (Sage did this, Sage did that, Sage walked here), and when it came to using descriptors (“Tehl took the last bite of his last hot cake”; “Jacob, the palace’s most-prized healer: the Healer”) when there were plenty of replacement words that would have done the job just as well and not sounded repetitive. There was also continual reminders that Sage was a woman, and that women in this world didn’t train or fight. The men were constantly in awe that she wore pants and actually had a personality. Sage holds her own in a fight, and then there are pages and pages of the guys talking about how crazy it is that a woman could ever do that, especially a woman that is pretty and looks like a “curvy little pixie”. There are basically full chapters of this: “So you’re telling me you were bitten by rat and a woman, got your nose broken, had your lip busted, and are suffering bruised ribs, all from a pint-sized woman?” … “Men’s clothing? Interesting choice. So improper. You have to know the ideas you inspire when you showcase your body in such a manner.” … “They’re sending women to do warriors’ work now?". We get it, women aren’t respected in this book’s setting, can we get some actual plot?

I liked the dynamic between Tehl, Sam, and Gav; they’re royals, and therefore “the enemy”, but they’re weren’t portrayed as evil or unlikeable. Although I didn’t mind Thel and Sam’s chapters, I definitely would have liked more chapters from Sage’s POV. In their chapters, Tehl, Sam, and Gav spend half their time talking about women, which just circles back to all my complaints in the last paragraph. I also felt like the story moved very slowly, and there wasn’t much plot advancement throughout. The book was short and easy to read quickly, but not much actually happened. By the halfway point, the only things that had happened so far were Sage getting captured, hurt, brought to medical, and relocated. Plus Tehl’s trip to the border to check on the evil neighboring country, which we still know like nothing about. Surprisingly, the king was one of my favorite characters, and his interactions with Sage were the best pages. I did like Sage as a character, but it felt like we weren’t given enough detail to be able to get to know her as well as we should have. Tehl was super annoying, and I think we we're supposed to feel bad for him (?), but he was completely socially inept. He fakes the intent to rape Sage in order to try and scare her into giving up secret plans, if that tells you anything about him. Plus he is constantly “forgetting” that Sage was assaulted and is always accidentally grabbing her, and even taking the time to smell her in more than one of these moments. For example:

“Tehl spread his fingers and widened his grip on her thigh. Soft skin pressed into his calloused hand. Were all women this soft? And where was that cinnamon smell coming from? Hunting for it, he ran his nose along the column of her neck. The aroma was stronger behind her ear, intoxicating. His mouth watered. Tehl wanted to run his tongue along her tender throat. His hand shifted on her thigh, and his thumb met the end of her sheathed blade. Tehl snapped back to reality. She wasn’t just a warm, soft body; she was dangerous. He scowled at the faint tremors wracking her body.
“P—please, don’t touch me,” she stuttered out.
Guilt flooded him at what she must be experiencing with him practically mauling her. But then anger burned through his veins, overriding the guilt.”

She’s a traumatized victim and has been assaulted recently, and he knows this, but he can’t stop himself from smelling her because “oh cinnamon”. He’s basically an utter idiot and creep, and I really hope (for the sake of anyone that dares continue with the series) that he doesn’t become the main love interest, because all the shit he has pulled so far was totally out of line and I don’t see how there could ever be any redemption in order.

You know it’s a bad sign when you’re more than halfway through a book and you find yourself daydreaming about what book you’re going to read next. Especially when the book you’re currently reading is part of a series, and you already know that you won’t be continuing on to the next book. The point we reached at the end of this installment should have been the middle of the book, and much more should have happened before the conclusion. The content of this book could have been edited down into half the pages and made up the first half of the debut novel, with more plot making up the end, and then MAYBE we would have had something that wasn’t an utter waste of time.
Profile Image for TJ.
3,029 reviews207 followers
June 3, 2022
I can’t decide if I liked this book enough to give the second in the series a try or not. The bones of the book are interesting and it does have great potential but I was bored throughout most of it. Hmmmm.
Profile Image for Jess.
218 reviews16 followers
April 4, 2018
Overall Rating: 2.75 out of 5 wine corks
Dude: The real hero in this novel is the rat that bites Tehl
Heroine: The exact opposite of Unbreakable Kimie Schmidt
Steaminess: Unless we are talking about the “boiling sea” it’s an ice bath
Brutality: Ramsay Bolton would cringe at this one

I chose this book to review because I saw quotes like “If you like Throne of Glass” I just failed to see the parts where they finished with ”…you will think this is a disjointed mess.”

You can read our full Rebel's Blade review here or visit us at www.FictionNoChaser.com for more of our snarky commentary.
Profile Image for anjuli.
406 reviews21 followers
March 13, 2017
***I received an ARC and I volunteered to review the book****

Sadly, I had to DNF this book @65%. I lost my interest a little bit ago but I still tried to read on. Eventually, I just couldn't go on. The storyline was pretty interesting though and book was paced well. I figured, A Broken kingdom, crown prince, another prince and a rebel girl. What's not to love? But, it was not meant to be. The book has multiple POV with each POV marked clearly - Which I really liked.

My biggest issues were, firstly, not connecting with the characters, at all. There were way too many POV from the beginning and by the time I wanted to feel anything for each of them the POV switched and I was left with not feeling the right emotion.

Secondly, the story was all telling and not enough showing. I enjoy a balance of both showing as well as telling in a book. Otherwise, I feel I loose connection to the characters and the plot. For me, there just wasn't enough "show" to create that deep connection. I never felt anything for Sage or her rebel cause. She taught herself to fight but I was not "shown" enough about Sage to believe in her ability. Similarly, she was secretly trained by the Rebel leader which came to me as a surprise....cuz again, I didn't see it. One day she is talking to Rafe who is trying to recruit her to his cause and next thing we know she's fully trained by the rebels? When did that happen? Same with Prince Sam being a Spymaster...we were constantly being told that he was a spymaster but never shown what he did to earn that title.

Crown Prince Tehl, was struggling to keep the kingdom together cuz of what happened to his father. Again, I never felt a deep connection with him or the pain he was going through.

I did enjoy King Mark's first meeting with Ivy. Ha! That had me smiling.

But, this book wasn't for me as I lost my interest in the characters and eventually, didn't care enough to find out what happened to them.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
Want to read
February 23, 2018
💝 FREE on Amazon today (2/23/2018)! 💝


Secretly trained, swordsmith Sage Blackwell steps up to run her family’s forge when her father falls ill. Sage desires to help the neglected Aermians but is bound by duty to provide for her own… Until, that is, she's offered a chance to make a difference.


Sage knows the risks; imprisonment or death, and yet, she's still willing to take them to protect her family. But when plans unravel, Sage finds herself facing the devils themselves, her sworn enemies, the princes of Aermia.


Tehl Ramses is drowning; crops are being burned, villages pillaged, and citizens are disappearing, leading to a rising rebellion. As crown prince, and acting ruler, Tehl must find a way to crush the rebellion before civil war sweeps through his beloved kingdom. He'll do whatever is necessary to save his people. Yet, his prisoner is not at all what he expected.

Profile Image for Megan Louise.
245 reviews17 followers
June 7, 2017
Listen. This book is a genuine surprise. It's on Kindle Unlimited. So I decided to read it (even tho I have heard nothing about this book.)

Y'all, I was blown away! It was not without its faults... but the amazing heavily outweighs any small issues I had! The multiple point of views was shockingly fluid. I didn't feel like there was even a "main character" Everyone was just as vital as the next person. It was EVERYONES story.

If I can complain, I'd say the author did TOO much world building and gave too much insight to what each person was seeing, thinking or feeling. (Is that something I am allowed to complain about!?)

Basically what I am getting at is read this book.
Profile Image for Swathi.
532 reviews
May 30, 2019
OK, so.
1 I ABSOLUTELY LOVED HOW THE BOOK BEGAN. The prologue of the book started with the heroine enduring torture with a fierce dose of vengeance. And honestly, that gave me SUCH strong Throne of Glass vibes, I LITERALLY shivered in delight.

But that was it. From then on, while the storyline was thoroughly enrapturing and the characters nothing short of riveting- the whole method of the WRITING just ruined the whole book for me.

I was honestly contemplating whether to give the book a three star or a four star. I ultimately stuck with four, because I still have absolute hope that the story will get better as it has a glorious base on which Kay can spring off of.

Yet, the writing still made me hesitant. The whole book felt like a string of events all over the place. And the timeline was just plain disorienting. If Kay had woven the events of the plot a little more solidly and NOT jumped all over the place with the narration from different perspectives, then I have to say. This book WOULD have been a solid five star.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 376 reviews

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