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Cyberlove #3

Hard Wired

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My FallenCon agenda is simple: sit on a couple of panels and let people meet the real me. Jesse Garvy—mod of a famous Twitch channel and, if I ever come out of my shell, future vlogger. I definitely didn’t plan to sleep with a moody tattooed fan-artist, but he’s gorgeous and can’t keep his hands off me. There's a first time for everything, and my first time with a guy turns out to be the hottest experience of my life.

But the next day, I find out my moody fan-artist is Ian Larsen AKA Cherry—someone I've known online for years. And he'd known exactly who I was while shoving me up against that wall. Before I figure out whether to be pissed or flattered, the con ends.

Now we're back online, and he's acting like nothing happened. But despite the distance between us, and the way he clings to the safety of his online persona, we made a real connection that night. I don't plan to let him forget.

232 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 13, 2017

About the author

Megan Erickson

48 books1,844 followers
Megan Erickson is a USA Today bestselling author of romance that sizzles. Her books have a touch of nerd, a dash of humor, and always have a happily ever after. A former journalist, she switched to fiction when she decided she likes writing her own endings better.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her very own nerdy husband and two kids. Although rather fun-sized, she's been told she has a full-sized personality. When Megan isn't writing, she's either lounging with her two cats named after John Hughes characters or... thinking about writing.

For more, visit meganerickson.org

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Profile Image for Megan Erickson.
Author 48 books1,844 followers
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February 13, 2017
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Santino and I are back at it again with another book! By-the-rules California boy meets moody emo artist. What could go wrong?
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,397 reviews662 followers
February 19, 2017
Oh how disappointed I was when I finished this and I didn't feel the way I did with the two before it.

This one was heavy with the angst. It was pretty much a downer for most of the book. I didn't feel much of that weight lift throughout the book and there wasn't enough ups for me to shake some of that weight off. It was quite depressing. Both guys came off a wee bit immature for my liking. I didn't feel like I was reading about two grown men. More like a couple of angsty teenagers misbehaving. I missed the humor and snark the previous books had.

I felt for both characters and their issues, but even sympathy for them couldn't bring me to care for them. They both fell flat for me.

The drama was a bit much for me and felt a bit forced. Especially the spectacle near the end and the Nerdcon. I think that's what it was called... Anyways, it was a bit much.

Look, I am obviously in the minority here, but I do want to express how much I love these authors and they are a couple favorite authors of mine and I usually love or enjoy their books either together or separately very much. So it really does pain me having to write this review. Because, Ugh! I hate that I didn't enjoy this like SO MANY did. But I can't be one of those who just says they loved it because everyone else did.

So even though I didn't love this one, I will continue to read anything they put out separately or together, and I will definitely still be reading what comes next in this series.
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
November 28, 2017
How could I NOT give 5 STARS to a story from my favourite duo Santino Hassell and Megan Erickson?!

I want to write a proper review later, from home, because work right now, BUT I just wanted to share that I LOVED this book!!! It's not a shock I fell in love with it as I ADORE each and every book by Santino Hassell. So Santino Hassell for the WIN! I must start reading In focus series by Megan Erickson soon.
Anyway, all the books in Cyberlove series got me turning the page real fast and I just couldn't get enough of the guys. Love the fact that we get to revisit Kai and Garrett. Also Costigan and his silver fox.

I loved everything about this story: the characters, the way their relationship progressed, the chemistry *so HOT*, the secondary characters are also amazingly described. I can't wait for Beau's story. Zane is going to be amazing. I feel it!

I must add that the level of angst was higher than I expected, but I really enjoyed the story and the dynamic between Jesse and Ian. Oh and the ending left me on such a positive note, I was all dreamy eyes and felt the need to cuddle.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,257 reviews261 followers
March 10, 2018
Rating removed.

Original review under spoiler.
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,448 reviews790 followers
June 2, 2017

***3.5 Stars***

Alright, it's no secret that this was one of my most anticipated reads of the year, and while I really did like it...there may be some things that may be hard for readers to connect with.

Bear with me while I explain.

This book definitely has a different feel than the first two. It's angstier and much richer in the online gaming/fandom themes. To fully understand these characters, especially Ian, you have to understand a bit about that world.

While I deeply admire the respect and care that the authors showed in writing about fandoms and the online gaming community, some intricate emotions and nuances may not resonate with readers who are unfamiliar with the subject matter...such as me. I spent a good portion of this book having to stop and look up certain terminology or intricacies to understand its importance in the story.

Unfortunately, while I was enthralled with the information I was learning (like, seriously enthralled---so fascinating!), I was also being pulled out of the story. Instead of establishing a deeper connection with the characters and being in tune with the emotions of the book, I was too busy trying to understand their world.

I do have to say, I appreciate that the authors didn't approach the writing of this book as an information dump or get defensive about fandom and the online gaming community. They very easily could have. Instead, they used it as an opportunity to shed light on something that not everyone may be familiar with.

So even though I don't know much about this world and some of the deeper meanings of things went over my head, it's written in such a way where anyone can find an aspect of the story to connect with.

But I do have to say, with every piece of information that I learned, I loved these characters more.

Jesse's insecurities were endearing and relatable. He had dreams and aspirations and a true passion for the gaming world, but the self doubt kept him from taking those first few steps in reaching for his dreams. To him, he was just another gaymer. Nothing about him stood out. And even though he dreams of having his own YouTube channel, what makes him any more special than all the others out there?

Ian, while he took me longer to warm up to, his vulnerability with Jesse was heartwarming and heartbreaking. He craved the normalcy that Jesse provided, but was terrified of the emotions it evoked in him. Creating different online personas was a way for him to compartmentalize different aspects of himself...and ultimately, to protect himself. He only showed the world what he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted.

These two balanced each other wonderfully. One of my favorite aspects of this book is how supportive Jesse and Ian are of each other. They truly were each other's biggest fans...and I absolutely adored that! Their messages back and forth to each other melted my heart. They may have had to work a little harder at the compromise thing, but the supportive part of their relationship they had down.

Also, I'd like to take a moment to give a shoutout to one of the hottest phone sex scenes I've read in a VERY long time. LIKE WHOA!!!!

And while I'm giving shoutouts....I absolutely loved the Garrett and Kai cameos. It's so great to see the two of them in love and thriving. Garrett continues to be his grumpy, protective self...and Kai is just as adorable and sweet as ever.

Overall, this book may not have been what I was expecting, but it was still really enjoyable and a learning experience....and I can't be mad at that. You can easily see that the authors treated this book as a tribute to the fandom/online gaming community...and their love for the community easily shines through.

In the end, I fell in love with Ian and Jesse...the Dark Artist and his Cinnamon Roll definitely have a special place in this series.

...there weren't many things in my life I fought for. Ever. Something told me this was a risk worth taking.

I'm excited to see where Megan Erickson and Santino Hassell take this series next. Their collaboration continues to highlight each author's strengths, while seamlessly weaving those strengths into an engaging story with flawed, yet endearing characters that you can't help but root for. I'll pick up anything that these two write together.

Psssssst....You wanna know what's awesome? Megan and Santino commissioned fanart for this book. Below is the link to Cerise's (that's one of Ian's online personas) Tumblr page.




Finally have this on my kindle!! People better back up off me today...

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Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
February 14, 2017
No rating

No voy a evaluar este libro, lo he estado pensando y no tengo ni idea de qué valoración darle porque una cosa es lo que pienso de él cómo libro y otra cosa distinta lo que a mi de forma personal me ha parecido, así que me limitaré a dar mi opinión.

Dentro de Cyberlove, creo que es el mejor de los tres, partiendo de la base de que en general, aunque me gustan Santino y Megan por separado, no soy fan de la serie. Especialmente Fast Connection me pareció que tenía unos personajes con una evolución poco coherente, agujeros en la trama y una ausencia total de amor, lo que llamaríamos únicamente dos tíos follando (y perdonadme la ordinariez). En el caso de Hard Wired, la unión de estilos de Megan y Santino es más fluida y efectiva, aquí no ha habido una mezcla rara de estilos, ambos autores han conservado lo que les caracteriza con sus respectivos personajes, Jesse – Megan y Santino-Ian. En el caso de Jesse se ve el toque dulce y emotivo de Megan, mientras tanto Santino crea con Ian un personaje con una intensidad, una crudeza, que en ciertos momentos me ha recordado al Santino que más me gusta. Ambos MCs se sienten reales, con problemas reales, ninguno de los dos es perfecto y eso es lo mejor de todo. Es cierto que el angst es mayor que en los libros anteriores, pero tiene una carga de introspección y análisis que no tienen los otros. La lástima es que el final les queda un poco débil y peliculero, otra vez con una solución que parece demasiado fácil con los problemas que acarreaba fundamentalmente Ian, lo mismo que ocurrió con Kai y el final de Strong Signal. Ha habido otro detalle que puede parecer ridículo, pero que son cosas que a mi me sacan de los libros porque soy muy detallista y muy perfeccionista, en FC hay un error temporal que creo que deberían haber visto los betas, en esta ocasión hay otro error que los betas deberían haber captado. Ian habla de que crea a Cerise con 14 años y lleva 8 años con ese perfil, eso serían 22 años; sin embargo, en otro momento del libro menciona que tiene 24 años. Para mi, ese tipo de cosas son importantes.En general, si no fuera por lo que comentaré después, lo he disfrutado.

Ahora voy con la parte que no me ha gustado nada del libro y que me ha hecho en ocasiones sentirme incómoda mientras estaba leyendo. Durante toda la lectura hay ciertos puntos que me han recordado a comentarios, bromas y cosas que han ocurrido en los SM en la comunidad del MM en los últimos meses, creo que es algo que salta a la vista si como yo eres fan de ambos autores y los sigues habitualmente. Dado que se está tratando cosas relacionadas con el fenómeno fan es lógico que se parta de lo que uno conoce, pero cuando lo haces de forma tan obvia lo único que el autor consigue es sacarte de la historia que estás leyendo porque ya llega un momento que no sabes si lo que lees es realidad o ficción cuando esa realidad es demasiado cercana, las líneas quedan demasiado difuminadas. Y hay concretamente algo que me ha molestado especialmente, y si digo la verdad, me he sentido incluso ofendida cuando lo leía. En una conversación alrededor del 40% del libro Ian comenta a Jesse que crea a Cherry porque a los fans de Cerise les gusta su trabajo muy intenso, no les va a gustar nada que no sea de un tono parecido, creen que le conocen y tienen el derecho a exigirle, etc… Sinceramente, en ese momento lo que creía que estaba leyendo es una reinterpretación de lo ocurrido en los últimos meses con parte de los fans de ICoS que no les gusta lo que ahora escribe Santino. Fans hay de muchos tipos, pero el espectro que metes ahí es demasiado amplio, por ejemplo me encuentro yo, yo prefiero el trabajo en ICOS y SB, el de ahora no me gusta tanto, me parece que es igual que lo que escriben otros muchos autores. Pero, que yo prefiera el otro estilo no significa que sea irrespetuosa, que crea que conoce a nadie o nada parecido. Al contrario, tengo la firme creencia de que cada uno con su carrera debe hacer lo que le de la gana porque yo no sé la situación personal de nadie, pero también me gustaría que se respetara y no se viera como un ataque que a mi, y a otros, les guste más lo anterior. Quizás es leer demasiado entre líneas, pero ocurre varias veces a lo largo del libro, y desde luego no es algo que estuviera buscando. Entiendo que este problema que yo he tenido con Hard Wired no lo van a tener las personas que no sigan a los autores en los SM como lo hago yo, pero es como yo he vivido la lectura. Probablemente, y sin el probablemente, habrá quien dirá que es una interpretación libre mía, but… please…, tengo cerca de 40 años, no me suelo meter en conflicto porque no me interesa, pero leo muchas cosas y sé lo que estoy leyendo. Y, de todas formas, si estuviera equivocada, el hecho de que pueda percibir algo así al leer indica que hay un problema porque lo que está claro es que mis sentimientos son míos y ahí sí no hay ningún error.

Pues eso es todo, si alguno ha aguantado hasta el final, lo siento mucho xD. Al final, ha sido una lectura en cierta forma decepcionante, pero si no sigues las redes sociales creo que la disfrutarás mucho más. Ahora estoy cabreada, conociéndome mañana se me habrá pasado xD, esto es solo mi opinión, seguiré leyendo a ambos porque me gustan, me han dado buenos ratos y les aprecio, es más, Megan creo que es una de las autoras que más cuidan a sus lectores y es de agradecer. Mañana será otro día y ya habrá otros libros.
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
September 29, 2020

Another winner from this brilliant team!

Ian Larson aka Cerise aka Cherry has been crushing on fellow mod Jesse Garvy for two years. They’ve never met in person, just working online keeping famous gamer Kai’s Twitch channel clean and in order. In fact everyone assumes Cherry is a girl. So when Ian and Jesse is asked by Kai to represent him at FallenCon, he’s nervous as hell – how will Jesse react to him being a guy? But when he sees Jesse, and he’s looking at Ian in interest and desire, he can’t help but delay in telling him who he really is. And after one hot night everything goes bad the next day when Jesse learns the truth, and Ian goes back to hiding behind his walls, his personas that keep him safe. Thinking Jesse would want him anyway was too good to be true, right…?

Jesse is super excited to finally attend a FallenCon. For someone dreaming of being a vlogger it’s a dream come true. And when he meets Ian, a moody tattooed fan-artists, who’s unbelievably sexy and has no problem touching him, he can’t believe his first time with a guy turns out to be the hottest night of his life. And suddenly Jesse hopes this won’t be the end of him and Ian. That is until he finds out Ian is actually Cherry, who he’s known for years. Betrayal and humiliation makes him lash out, and before they can settle things between them the con ends.

Back online Ian hides behind his safe personas, wanting to go back to how things was. But Jesse doesn’t want to forget, he knows the connection between them was real and he won’t allow Ian to ignore it.

My body reacted to him like a switch was flipped every time he put his hands on me. Something changed. I changed. I was putty, malleable and soft. Someone who could turn good… for him.

Ian was simply put a total mess. To get away from the terrible memories of his childhood, the foster homes he was in, he created Cerise, who was his safe place where he could explore his art, his sexual nature. He thinks that no one could love just him, Ian, and I just wanted to hug him and make him feel better. He’s so broken and I adored him.

He could reject me or punch me or whatever. But there weren’t many things in my life I fought for. Ever. Something told me this was a risk worth taking.

Jesse was sweet, shy and adorable. A total dork and I loved that about him. He’s never been able to stand up for himself, thinking himself a failure, someone who would never amount to much. I loved how protective he was over those he cares about, how hard he tried to understand Ian and how he just wanted to be with him.

Was this what it was like to be in love? To know that you had something precious and live in constant terror it’d be taken away?

I loved Ian and Jesse as a couple and the fact that Ian had been secretly in love with Jesse for years. Ian tried so hard to convince Jesse that he would be great doing his own channel, and Jesse tried so hard to make Ian see that he accepted and loved him like he was. I’m not a fan of angst or OTT drama, but I love the angst in this series and this book. It’s so real and raw, about fears and phobias most people suffer from, myself included. And I loved seeing Ian and Jesse navigate their relationship, trying to overcome the obstacles, learning to compromise. They were so romantic and sexy together, and I loved every moment of it.

I really hope Jesse’s cousin Beau’s book is next and that the grumpy Zane is going to be his guy. The hate/lust between those two was fantastic!

I am so loving this series and how these two authors write. M/M is a favorite genre of mine, it’s so romantic and this book was amazing! Highly recommended to all m/m fans.

Profile Image for Jaime.
1,762 reviews308 followers
Shelved as 'no-no-cuz-reasons'
March 15, 2018
Hard Wired by Erickson and Hassell is a book I have been anticipating since I read book two in the series, Fast Connection. When I saw the cover for Hard Wired, I was immediately in love and let me tell you the cover model makes for the perfect Ian. I enjoyed this story - but let me tell you it is one angst-ridden story and these two authors really make our guys work to be happy.

The MC in Hard Wired are Ian Larsen and Jesse Garvy, it's told from a dual POV and begins with our two guys planning at meeting up at FallenCon to be on a panel related to their co-moderation of Kai Bannon's Twitch channel. These two have talked to each other and interacted with each other for over two years and while we later find out that Ian knows what Jesse looks like, Jesse is at a total disadvantage for the meeting as he has no idea what Ian looks like. So, it's totally believable that Jesse would be drawn to a certain dark artist while wandering around artist alley the day before he is supposed to meet Ian. It is also totally believable that when said artist introduces himself as Cerise - well, there is no way that Jesse should even think that Cerise is Cherrycakes aka Ian aka his co-mod. So, after these two have a very friendly and hot night together, imagine Garvy's surprise when he walks up to the area he is supposed to be for his panel and sees Cerise waiting for him. What goes from the excitement that Cerise came to see him at his panel quickly changes to feelings of betrayal when he learns that Cerise is cherrycakes aka Ian. Imagine yourself in Jesse's shoes, what would you do?

Jesse quickly learns that it was not just a case of mistaken or unknown identity with Ian acting like someone else, but rather that Cerise is a persona of Ian's that he created as a sort of shield to protect him from all the garbage in the world. Cerise is a very sex positive, he loves to make men thirst after him, he is an in your face out and proud, take no prisoners, salty individual - he is the persona who is connected to Ian's artistic world, the dark artist. Cherrycakes, this is Ian's gaymer/mod persona - cheerful and positive, emoticon user - that Ian uses in the online world. Ian, he is both cherry and cerise, he is confident, charming, witty, fun to be around, sexy, suave, and happy. But Ian feels like he can't be himself all the time - he has become so accustomed to having to only share certain parts of himself with different groups, he isn't sure how to be Ian anymore. It takes Jesse helping Ian see that he is wanted, all parts of him; that he is loved, all of him.

Like the other books in this series, our characters find each other and fall in love via a cyber world. Throughout the majority of this book, the characters are not even in the same state except for during cons and visits, so they get pretty creative with their sex life. Can you say, hot as hell phone sex! Never fear, though, when the guys are together they know how to turn up the heat as well - as Ian is a self-proclaimed born bottom and he is not shy about loving it!

Another aspect of this book that I really enjoyed was the realistic communications between our MC as they built their relationship in a cyber world. It made their story feel real, to wonder what the other was doing, to feel insecure because you were not there with them, and then to eventually talk it all out.  They got very good at communicating - eventually.  I will say if you do not enjoy a good ol' angst-riddled story - Hard Wired, might not be your cup of tea.  There is hardcore angst here, and these characters are very raw at times.  

Things I had a little bit of trouble with - and it could be just me; 

1. I loved the friendship-to-lovers aspect between Garvy and Cherry cakes, although I wish we got to see more romance.
2. I felt like I was reading a bit of a split personality storyline at times, the way Cherry aka Cerise aka Ian acted and talked about himself, aspects of himself, etc., just had a hard time with that aspect of the story.
3. I feel like I got a backstage look at what goes on at cons. It's a totally different world than what I am used to and I almost felt a little overwhelmed with all the terminology and different aspects of that world. I get that it's all tied into "CyberLove" but it almost felt like it took over this story and away from the romance between our two MC.
4. The lack of getting a clear look at our two MC doing their HEA felt a bit like a letdown. I am one who loves to see what's going on in the HEA. I love epilogues for that reason, maybe this one just didn't go far enough into the future.


Overall, I enjoyed Hard Wired, I love the cover - the characters, they really grow on ya - Mr. Dark Artist and Mr. Cinnamonroll are the perfect compliments to each other.  I am very eager to see what Erickson and Hassell will do with this series next, who will be our next cyberlove? 

Review Copy of Hard Wired provided by Megtino Press for an honest Review.

Hard Wired by Megan Erickson & Santino Hassell

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Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
February 20, 2017
I was a little scared of this one....needlessly. And while this one wasn't my favorite in the series, it was still really good.

A bit angstier than I prefer. And the MCs weren't together pretty much the whole book, which I normally don't like.

But it's Megan and Santino - and therefore the writing really carried this one a long way.

Plenty of sexy despite the MCs living in different states. Which...*shout out to the big D* I always like reading about my hometown.

So a nice addition to one of my all time favorite series.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,021 reviews2,447 followers
February 18, 2017
3.5 stars

Megan and Santino are a fantastic writing due, and I need to get my ass in gear and read their individual works asap. I devoured this book, but felt a little bit unsatisfied at the end. This is the story of Kai's mods Garvy and Cherry, who meet at a con and things go from there. I was very much looking forward to this one and I think I set my expectations too high.

I highly recommend book 2 Fast Connection if you are considering this series. I am also a super picky reader so you may love this more than I did. Give it a chance!

Profile Image for Adam.
611 reviews370 followers
February 21, 2017
2.75 stars

Strong Signal and Fast Connection were two of my favourite reads last year. 'Hard Wired' was enjoyable enough, but it definitely fell short of my expectations.

I liked both Jesse and Ian. They're opposites in many ways, and they both have their baggage, but I could empathize and understand where each was coming from. Jesse wears his heart on sleeve, which made him instantly likable. Ian took a bit more getting used to, but I felt for him as more of his story was revealed.

Their romance was a bumpy road. I'd say this book was angstier than the previous two books, and the relationship takes a lot longer to settle. But they fit together well, and once the two got their heads out of their asses, I had no trouble believing that they'd make it in the long run.

Plus, the spark between them burned just as hot as it did between the previous couples. These authors really know how to bring the heat!

However, a big issue I had was that Ian and Jesse are in their mid-twenties but come across very teen angsty. At times I felt like I was reading YA, instead of a contemporary romance with mature adult characters. I'm not a big fan of YA, so I didn't at all appreciate that vibe.

Also, I couldn't stand all of the external drama with other Youtubers and Twitch streamers. That's probably my own personal issue, because I've developed the opinion that the online content creator community has an incredibly toxic underbelly. However, once again, the ridiculous drama just fed into me perceiving the characters less as adults, and more as teens.

I did enjoy Ian and Jesse's relationship enough to round up to three stars, but I was still left a bit disappointed at the end. Maybe if I hadn't loved books 1 and 2 so much, I wouldn't have set such a high bar for 'Hard Wired'.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,922 followers
February 15, 2017

This was another amazing read by these two wonderful authors.

For those of you, who have read book 1, you already know  Garvy (Jesse) and Cherry (Ian). They are Kai's moderators, when he is on Twitch. If you have not read book 1 yet....what the hell are you waiting for ??!!

With the way Cherry acted on Twitch, all happy, sweet and emoji-friendly, everyone (almost everyone) assumed that Cherry was a girl.

This is not the case though. Cherry is, one of Ian's (online) persona's ...and when I say one, I mean he has more. His other persona is Cerise. A bad boy artist who has a lot of followers on Tumblr.

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Ian has created these persona's, because it makes him feels safe. He doesn't like interacting as himself. He doesn't even know who he really is anymore.

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Jessy is Kai's other moderator. He is a a bit of shy surfer boy living in Santa Cruz and taking care of his hippie parents, who can't seem to support themselves. He really wants to start his own channel, but he hasn't found the balls to do it yet. He has also just come to terms with being gay.

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These two men will be meeting for the first time face to face as panel-members for FallenCon. And while Ian knows all about Jesse (he has been crushing on the man for 2 years), Jesse has no idea who Ian /Cherry / Cerise is.

When Cerise comes face to face with Jesse for the first time, he doesn't tell him who he really is. They both hit it off though and there is an immediate attraction between the two. Later that day they take full advantage of that attraction.....and it was HOT !

Of course, Ian's identity can't stay a secret for long, because they are both on the same panel for FallenCon for Kai.

Jesse is pretty hurt, but he is willing to give Ian another chance to explain, but Ian runs.

Jesse doesn't give up that easily though and he starts reaching out to Ian online. Slowly they start building a new (online) relationship. They spent a lot of time in this book apart, but no worries, because their interactions are really sweet and their skype/phone sex is really HOT.

But Jesse doesn't like Ian hiding behind his Cerise persona and Ian is not ready to let go of his armor.

Question is, will these two work things out, while also being so far apart....

I really enjoyed this book and I have to say that my heart broke for Ian. I can understand if some people found his behavior a bit annoying, but he was defnitely my favorite character in this book.

I do have to say that even though this book was great, book 2 is still my favorite. I don't see that changing in the future either, because Dominic just stole my heart !!

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Book 2 was  a bit lighter and funnier, while this one carried a somewhat sadder undertone (at least for me). The steam-level of this book was also a bit lower than it was in the other books (there was still plenty..not worries), though this did not bother me and was very understandable, with the being apart so much.

I'm very curious to see who's up next. I think it will be Zane and Beau, which would be awesome, because I liked both their characters in this book.

This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession
Profile Image for Rafa Brewster.
257 reviews23 followers
February 14, 2017
2.5 Stars rounded up to 3

As a huge fan of the authors’ works thus far, it pains me to say that Hard Wired was a miss for me.

Here are a couple of things I enjoyed. I liked that it was set in the fandom community. For someone who doesn’t attend cons or been into fanfic or fan art or followed a streamer or vlogger, it was exciting to catch a glimpse into this world. I also loved the sexy chemistry between Jesse and Ian – no surprise there as both authors write great sex. The authors also captured the limitations and frustrations that come with a long-distance cyber relationship to a T (even more so than in Strong Signal) – and this was key because most of the story takes place online.

The book was definitely the angstiest of the series so far. I didn’t necessarily mind that, but it definitely lent an NA feel to it, and I caught myself thinking “Oh these emo kids” on more than one occasion. I adored Jesse (Garvy), but I can’t say the same for Ian. He was a sexy mix of dark and complicated, but ultimately I wasn’t convinced he was a good fit for Jesse. Hassell, who wrote most of Ian’s character, did a great job showing us the many complex sides to Ian/Cherrycakes/Cerise and I was totally sold on why Ian needed these personas. However, I guess no matter how hot the sex, or how big his crush on Jesse, I couldn’t reconcile some of the crap he pulled, especially the disappearing act at the conference, throughout the book, and even towards the end. In other words, he was a lot of work, and this was probably why their story felt more like a HFN instead of a HEA to me.

But when all is said and done, the biggest problem I had with Hard Wired was that it was liberally sprinkled with “real life” (well, social media) references that kept yanking me out of the scene. While I don’t have a personal relationship with either author, I’m a big fan of them both and like many others, I follow them on social media. Most of their followers will probably find the inside jokes and familiar references cute, but unfortunately, I found these little “easter eggs” completely distracting. The worst distraction for me however (and I’m totally blaming social media for this) was how uncannily familiar Ian’s character was – perhaps other fans might see what I mean, but with any luck, they won’t. Ultimately, it felt too much like art imitating life, which in the age of social media, has its drawbacks. For that reason, I had trouble fully immersing myself into the book, thus the 2.5-star rating.

EDITED TO ADD: After reading a few other reviews for this book, I should probably edit to clarify that the reason I think Ian's character seems familiar is NOT because I think he sounds like Santino :) That actually never occurred to me (probably because I sort of expect autobiographical elements in many author's works). His character simply reminds me too much of someone else in the same SM circles, and whether it's a lovely tribute to a friend or simply my overactive imagination, the similarities were nevertheless too distracting for me personally :)
66 reviews
February 15, 2017
Ahhhhhh!!!! I'm freaking out. I loved it so much! And isn't that just the best when the hype and anticipation add up to something so satisfying? More please. Is it Beau and Zane because sign me up!?!?

First, there are glaring biases on my part:
*Jesse is from my home town, and they fucking nailed that place.
*YouTube addict right here. It's a real problem. I loved all the shop talk.
*Beautiful boys. Young pretty glorious beautiful boys.
*HEA to die for. I do not care that it was tied up in a pretty bow. They deserved it.
*Phone sex...mop me up off the floor.
*The metal illness, past abuse themes were gorgeous in their sincerity, and from my POV anyway, authenticity.

Of course, I wish it was longer. And as a fictional sex addict I wish the sex, and especially the "new to gay sex" was more in depth. But that's just a super horny girl wanting a fix. The sex was very good.

This book made me feel deeply and reflect quite a bit on my own life.

Thank you Erickson and Hassell for an absolute treasure. Looking forward to more!
Profile Image for Virginia Cavanillas.
Author 42 books172 followers
March 14, 2018
Rating removed because of this:


Original review:

"Strong signal" and "Fast Connection" were both highly recommend books from my friends. We talked a lot about Kai or Costigan. Almost everyone I virtually know loved them, their partners, their stories.

But I haven't being warned for this one. No one has told me the emotional load this book has. I wasn't prevented for what Hard Wired has meant to me.

Garvy and Cherrycakes have worked together as mods for Kai's Twitch channel for two years. But when they finally meet in person, they do it as Jesse and Ian or, at least, as Jesse and a goth, sexy emo artist , known as Cerise. And here, with a base of lies and fears, their story begins. Here, the emotional journey with these two  starts.

Ian has suffered a lot. His life has been shit, and the fact that he's been through hell and back shows in his "multiple" personalities.


He has built a barrier, a solid wall isolating him from the real world and creating some alter egos, inner personas to interact with people (mostly virtually). Personas that make him feel stronger, empowered. Identities that cover the part of himself that he doesn't want to show.

"My soul was hateful, so I´d erected walls around my heart and shoved claws under my nails after the first time I´ve been bullied"

Jesse, on the other side, is sweet,  naive and a lovely character. He is shy but at the same time blatantly honest and I loved that in him. He is a good guy and he acts like one. Jesse Garvy is awesome. Our pretty surfer boy.


"This Kiss alone was fucking heaven. It wasn´t a percusor, it wasn´t even foreplay, it was the main goddamn event all on its own"


But he is also blocked, ridiculously selfless, sacrificing his life and going through the motions in a role he doesn't want to live... and Beau has a great quote here. A quote that could be perfectly out of "Good Will Hunting":

"I hoping one day you say fuck it, pack your bags, drive your car to LA and crash on my couch"

There is no doubt that  Ian and Jesse´s relationship is hard. Going backwards, for every straight step the take.

Ian is complicated and even if Jesse struggles to understand him and be there for him, it's a difficult thing to do. He is completely inexperienced and he has a shitty parents but they are much better than Ian's experiences so probably he didn't get it the way he should.

There was a moment in the book where you could think Ian is overreacting or behaving like a spoiled brat or something like that. Even the relationship between our main characters could seem childish. But my point of view is completely the opposite. Ian can't cope with reality. He is disgusted with himself, he thinks he doesn't deserve good things, he doesn't trust in people, and the only way to cope is to create some alter egos to cope for him.

Well, I think it is pretty awesome to find a mechanism to face reality more... easily? But I think is better to find a mechanism that effectively works. You like it or not.

"I can´t pretend to be super fucking normal all the time, Jesse. I am anxious and scared, and sometimes, I´m so vulnerable it makes me sick. And I don´t know how to fix that about myself, or fix the way I want to hide myself completely when those parts of my brain take over"

It is true that Ian/Cerise drama was a bit exhausting the last ten percent of the book but I loved him anyway

This book was a sure thing, so I didn't bother in reading the blurb. I started blind on reviews too, and you could say (in this metaphorical blindness thing) that I, also, blindly loved everything in this book. Every minute. Every page.

I've never thought about myself as an angst junkie, because I am not. I scape drama as much as I can. Really. Not my thing. But with this book, I just find out this is my kind of angst: not too much, just a sad edge, a very constant give-and-take, a permanently present tussle between two characters I was loving very, very much.

And probably the love I professed for both MCs is the reason I enjoyed this sad story. Because this is sad and a bit depressing too, but it is also sweet, and addictive and hot.

This is probably the less steamy in the series (so far) but also the deeper, or at least, this is how I see it. Ian is so fucked-up that he makes this book darker than the others and at the same time, sweeter in the end and the HEA, because the attainment is bigger. Much bigger.

Summarizing, this is a love story between two  complete different men. It is the perfect match between light and dark where light is not so bright and dark it isn't that black. They converged in a perfect shiny grey... And, yes, I'm sure this awesome color exists ;-)

This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession


Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews972 followers
March 14, 2018
Rating Removed

Profile Image for Norah Una Sumner.
869 reviews511 followers
September 9, 2017
My babies need to be protected at all times, okay? Okay.


Me @ Ian and Jesse all day, every day.

It's no secret that I love Santino and Megan, but I was a bit scared when I started this book because the rating was waaay lower than the second book which I liked but didn't exactly love. I grew so attached to Ian and Jesse and I loved their story so much. I love, love, love complex characters with personalities that are not often seen in books so even though I can kind of understand why not so many of you loved Ian, I was prepared to cut my left arm for his happiness. There's some angst combined with some good humor and honestly, I couldn't be happier.
Profile Image for Elle aka Leftie aka Shoebelle.
673 reviews125 followers
March 13, 2018
(Leaving my review on this one as I did receive an ARC for this and I want to hold up my end of the bargain. This is no way a denial of those hurt by Santino and and I actually do want to give a shout out to all the brave souls who bared themselves and told their stories. May they find the healing they deserve.)

*ARC received via Alpha Book Blog as part of blog tour*

Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,437 reviews502 followers
February 21, 2017
4 Stars

Suffice it to say, there isn’t much I can add to this already fan favorite. If you loved the first two (and who didn’t), have no worries that this will also satisfy.

Jesse is a sweet, genuine guy who enjoys gaming and moderating Kai's (from Strong Signal) Twitch gaming channel. Newly out, stymied by irresponsible parents, and hampered sometimes by paralyzing shyness, he’s stuck in a rut he just can’t seem to find the motivation nor the courage to get out of. Jesse’s tired of being boring and unable to follow through on anything that matters to him, until he spies a hot, broody artist at a gamer’s convention. His world has just been turned upside down.

Ian has had a rough life. So rough, that he’s understandably paralyzed, not necessarily by shyness, but by extreme fear and anxiety. He hides behind his artsy persona, as well as his made up moderator personality that he co-runs with Jesse (who has no clue). He uses them as a shield, as empowerment to get him through the tough times, never having to show his true self, never having to show his vulnerabilities. No one knows the real Ian, and he’s totally fine with that… until Jesse.

Growing up is so hard to do and when one has a multitude of issues (some more than others), it makes it doubly complicated and terrifying to step outside one’s comforting, self-made box. So yes, these boys have a shit ton of stuff to work through and though they get off to a rough (but hot) start, they regroup and develop a friendship that slowly grows into something more. Of course, this latest installment is no different than the first two - it’s extremely well written, full of apt angst, and had some very nice smex (tho not near as dirty imo). However, this time around I absolutely loved both characters equally and just wanted to hug them over and over. Erickson and Hassell excel at the emotions without going overboard, the vulnerability pitch perfect here. Overall a great read that ticked my off my romance requirements. I’m already salivating for the next installment!
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
March 9, 2018
Rating removed, review spoilered.
I'm here for the books not the authors - but can't ignore the allegations.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 555 reviews

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