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Lily and the Octopus

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Combining the emotional depth of The Art of Racing in the Rain with the magical spirit of The Life of Pi, Lily and the Octopus is an epic adventure of the heart.

When you sit down with Lily and the Octopus, you will be taken on an unforgettable ride.

The magic of this novel is in the read, and we don’t want to spoil it by giving away too many details. We can tell you that this is a story about that special someone: the one you trust, the one you can’t live without.

For Ted Flask, that someone special is his aging companion Lily, who happens to be a dog. Lily and the Octopus reminds us how it feels to love fiercely, how difficult it can be to let go, and how the fight for those we love is the greatest fight of all.

Remember the last book you told someone they had to read? Lily and the Octopus is the next one.

336 pages, Paperback

First published June 7, 2016

About the author

Steven Rowley

6 books4,660 followers
Steven Rowley is the bestselling author of Lily and the Octopus, a Washington Post Notable Book of 2016, The Editor, named by NPR and Esquire Magazine as one of the Best Books of 2019, and The Guncle, a Goodreads Choice Awards finalist for 2021 Novel of the Year and semi-finalist for The Thurber Prize in American Humor. His fiction has been published in twenty languages. Rowley lives in Palm Springs, CA with his husband, the writer Byron Lane.

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Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews172k followers
June 20, 2018
congratulations! semifinalist in goodreads' best fiction AND debut author categories 2016!

 photo IMG_8715_zps2rpffibg.jpg

i added this book to my to-read list back when i heard about it, but it was one of those wobbly to-read intentions - the plan was to wait for it to be released and check out the reviews on here before committing one way or another. in general, books whose blurbs gush about how "moving" the story is and gleefully relate how many tissues you will need to get through it are not a selling point for me. books that are "heartbreaking" never break my heart because it's hard for me to sustain emotional connections with the books i read. i can identify where the sad beats are, but they unfortunately don't work on me, and since so many of these supposedly emotionally draining books are about dogs, i was concerned that this would be just one more schmaltzy, emotionally manipulative addition to the dog p.o.v. movement* where everyone has a good cry but me.

but this book is not *just* a tearjerker, and it mostly stays on the good side of cutesy. it's about a man named ted and a dog named lily and the octopus that threatens the boundless ocean of their love for each other. stupid octopus.

it's pretty much a page-four reveal, but i'm not going to go into more detail about that.

but i will say that lily is an absolute delight, and ted's - well, not a delight, but he's very sympathetic, and his love for lily is so raw and fierce that you're just as likely to choke up at the happy-sweet parts as the sad ones. like i said, i can identify where humans will experience emotions even if i don't feel them myself.

and yet - wonder of all wonders - this book did indeed give me a tear. on the subway, on my way home to my own little beastie-cat, i sprung a leak and i felt one warm droplet escape my eyeball, and it made me so happy! which is totally backwards, i know, but it's a relief to know it's not that i'm broken; but that authors just aren't trying hard enough to reach me. There you are, said my eyeball.

it's a sweet book, but not a flimsy one. it's not perfect, but it's much less self-indulgently twee than i'd feared, and it's as funny as it is sad, which is a nice balance for a book about grieving to strike. i say go for it, even if the thought of entertainment marketed as tearjerkers makes you feel bored inside. because you never know - it might be the day your own plumbing breaks down!

at any rate, there's some cuteness to be had:


"That is a suitcase. I have to put my things in it so I can travel."

"Great. I'm already in it, so you're ready to go!"

"Sadly, I can't have you in it. It's for my clothes and shoes and shaving kit."

"Why can't I be in it? I am one of your things!"

I sat down beside the suitcase and scratched the back of her head, between her ears. "You are, in fact, my most treasured thing." She raised her nose in the air and squinted her eyes. "But you're going to stay nearby and have an adventure of your own."

Lily looked at me with her soulful, almond-shaped eyes. "We're going on different adventures?"

oh my god awwwwwww

maggie is my most treasured thing.

 photo IMG_9666_zps1hmyhcqj.jpg

*when everyone knows that the ONLY good book that has a dog p.o.v. is Heroic Measures. which is also a dachshund, come to think of it.




and twenty pages to go! thank you for making me cry, book!


you want me to cry, book?? go on, let's see whatchoo got... do your worst.

come to my blog!
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
November 14, 2016

I put off reading this book for some time. I would look over at the book in my stacks and say..not today. Because. I knew I was going to cry. And I cried and cried some more. (I added some pics of me and my dog)

This book is about Lily and Ted, they are best friends. She is his dog and I'm getting ready to cry again!!!! The love that Ted had for Lily is so very beautiful. I could feel all of the pain Ted had in the book. I could enjoy the happy, silly times.

I had those same times with my son, Dakota. He was my Australian Shepherd and he was my everything. People couldn't understand why I really didn't want to go anywhere unless Dakota was with me. Not a lot of people can understand that kind of love. I loved how Ted would talk about thinking of Lily when he was away from her. I get it. They are our fur babies and they should never have to get any kind of medical problems in my opinion. They should just die peacefully in their sleep when it's time!

I loved reading about Ted and Lily having game night, talking about men and other funny stuff. It was so cute.

Then Lily picks up a friend that Ted names the octopus. The octopus that no dog or person should have and it's so sad all of the things they go through. I hated it. I hated it for them.

I didn't have to go through all of that with my Dakota. I guess God didn't think I would be able to handle it. My Dakota collapsed one night in the middle of the night/morning. We rushed him to the ER Vet and he had damn cancer. After everything I did every year to try to make sure the damn cancer didn't sneak up and get him, it did anyway. That same year I was going to start doing x rays every year because I knew the extensive blood work couldn't pick all of that up. And it didn't and I was too late. Dakota had it in his spleen and lungs. It was too late because it had gotten into his lungs. I told them you are not euthanizing him. His vet of 11 years will do it and call him now and let me talk to him. We set it up for the next morning and I was to just watch over Dakota to make sure he wasn't in any pain through the one night. One damn night, that's all I got. I would have done so much more to make him happy if I would have known. But some say it's worse if you know and watch them go downhill. I didn't get to go through all of the horrible stuff Ted went through with Lily. I can't even imagine that kind of pain.

When the time came for Ted to do what he had to do with Lily, I felt it. I was right there again in my vets office with my dad begging him to put me to sleep too. It was one of the most horrific things I ever had to do and anyone that has had to do it knows that.

I would recommend this book to anyone that loves animals. You don't have to be a dog lover to understand what goes on in this book. And I think you will love to read about their little antics too.

Thanks to the Ted and Lily, I just might start slowing writing a book about me and Dakota. They are a little inspiration to me.


--->EXCERPTS<--- *This is an Arc of the book so excerpts are subject to change.*

I worried for a second she was going to try to discourage me further from choosing this puppy. She studied us both for a moment as I held the runt protectively, and eventually her face softened and relented. I wondered if she wasn't just relieved to have someone take the runt so she could charge more for the rest of her flawless litter.

"Seems like she kind of chose you." And then, after a beat, "I suppose that's how it works." She finished with the off-center smile of a car salesman who's just sold a lemon for nearly full price.

*I would like to thank Simon & Schuster for a print copy of this book through The Reading Room in exchange for my honest review.*

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for Jennifer Masterson.
200 reviews1,343 followers
July 4, 2016
"Lily and the Octopus" was hysterical before it became sad! The audio version is as good as audio gets! Actor, Michael Urie, absolutely hit this out of the ballpark!!! People tell me they don't like audio, they tried audio a long time ago but it didn't work for them or they ask me what book is good on audio since I listen to so many of them. I'm here to tell you that THIS BOOK is 10 Star audio! If you want to give audio a try look no further. Michael Urie makes this story come to life!

So why 4 Stars instead of 5? For me personally the story lost me a little while they were battling the octopus. Now, that doesn't mean it's going to be like that for others. I personally have a hard time with magical realism.

Ted is in his early 40's and is still reeling from a breakup with his boyfriend. He has a crappy therapist, Jenny, and now his dog, Lily, is sick. Lily is his everything. He's had her for all her 12 years. She even talks! Which I found quite clever because if you have a dog it's likely you have a voice for that dog, too! Am I right!?

Now some Goodreads friends of mine along my journey with this novel said they won't read this if Lily is going to die. We know right away she is. This is not a spoiler. I'm here to tell you it's OK to read this. Every once in awhile (seldom) my mother shared wisdom. She once said, "Having a dog is good for children. It shows them the cycle of life". That's what this book does, but for adults. So I say read it or listen to it, don't be afraid. It's worth the journey!

Oh, one fact I learned from this novel. Rorschach from the Rorschach Test was hot. Like Brad Pitt hot! This is true! I googled it! Lol!


Profile Image for DeB.
1,041 reviews293 followers
August 24, 2020
Here I go, bucking the flow of the majority opinion. Lily and the Octopus did not work for me. Quirky books are generally favourites of mine. I am a pile of mush over dog stories. But somehow this missed the mark badly -I am Not a fan. This is not a story about a dog. This book does not remotely resemble "The Art of Racing in the Rain", aside from the thin comparisons that a dog and people interact, and there are teary moments.

"Lily and the Octopus" is the story of a very self-absorbed man, his love life, his loneliness and his sick dachshund. The parts about Lily, the sweet anecdotes, were lovely. However, the focus was primarily on the tumour on the side of her head and how it would affect Ted. I didn't expect that the intimate dating life of Ted would be weighted as emotionally significant as poor Lily going into surgery. I couldn't "buy in" to the animated tumour- Octopus, with its voice and eye. The "coming of age" mythology played out in Captain Nemo-esque fantasies, with Ted fighting the Octopus (rather than Moby Dick) didn't resonate. Ted's angst about his personal life wasn't quirky; rather it was somber and essentially central to the story. Not Lily.

The one place that I could relate was Lily's final moments. I have been there myself. Having been so detached from the rest of the book, I was almost astonished to find myself with tears pouring down my cheeks in Lily's final moments.

I expected something really good. Because the publicity blurb linked the novel to "The Art of Racing in the Rain", one of my favourite books, I anticipated a similarly thoughtful and wise meeting of words. "Lily and the Octopus" is not that book, and the comparison totally ticked me off. Probably lost a star because of it! Obviously we must all form our own opinions. I think that the publishers managed to pull that darn octopus over a large percentage of the readers' eyes, remembering only Lily and her sad pull on the heartstrings. (Edited April, 2017)
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,089 reviews314k followers
July 21, 2016
This is a very cute story about a man and his beloved dachshund. You probably already know what happens, as is the nature of these kinds of books, but it was far less cheesy than it might have been.

Rather than spending too long on emotional manipulation, the book focuses on Ted Flask - a lonely, middle-aged gay man who loves no one as much as his dog. It's this part of the story that really makes it a tearjerker. The - for want of a better word - pathetic nature of Ted's love is heart-wrenching, more so than the familiar narrative.

We come to learn how Lily was the runt of the litter and she chose him when he went to have his pick of the pups. Lily also "talks" throughout the novel, though it's not clear if this is magical realism or supposed to be all in Ted's mind; I guess it doesn't really matter either way. I must admit that Lily's "voice" got a little annoying after a while with all the CAPS and exclamation points, but maybe that's just me.

I also didn't love Ted's constant repetition about the octopus and how he "looks it in the eye" and actually talks to it (it's not a spoiler to say what the octopus is, but just in case, I have tagged it: ). I found it kind of... silly after a while. In an otherwise sensitive and emotionally smart novel, it felt a little jarring.

At its heart, this book is about a relationship, a friendship filled with love. It does not matter that Lily is a dog - she is also a huge part of Ted's life, and his level of feeling for her is palpable. The part where kind of broke me :'(

I need to go give my own furbaby some love. Look at that bitchy little face ♥

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Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
April 14, 2017
"Lily is nuzzled into my armpit as I lie on top of the covers in my own bed. She's radiating heat like the sun, but as long as she's comfortable I'm not going to move.
My sweat is cementing us together. I find the idea of adhesive, the idea of her being tethered to me, comforting".

Given so many people have read this book before me -- I'll try to add a few other things that I didn't read in other reviews --- other than, I really loved it as many other readers have too.

This book is sweet, lovable, schmaltzy, sad, and all-around wonderful! I cried at the end --- and I love Lily, and his best friend, Ted!

......Meredith is Ted's sister. She is a minor character -- supporting character -- I felt a strong admiration for her. At her 'own' wedding...Meredith
had been watching Ted, her brother, -- keeping a 'sister's -love- eye on him.
After the wedding ceremony in San Francisco, Meredith, Franklin, ( her husband), Jeffrey, ( Ted's boyfriend), and Ted, all retire to the Top of the Mark, a rooftop bar across California Street from their hotel.

For those of you who have been to THE TOP OF THE MARK....you'll know the author got the descriptions right when he wrote this:
"At night, the buildings around us twinkle like the night sky; in the distance the Golden Gate Bridge is dappled with tiny, shimmering headlights". Being in the Top of the Mark - for a drink after a wedding party - my sisters - brought back many memories. I was only 16 years old at the time. How I got into that bar - I have no idea... but I was with the wedding party - and the maid of honor.

Continuing the conversation in the bar....Meredith asks Ted.... "Are You Happy?"
"For You?", I ask. "Of Course!"
"No. Are YOU happy?"
"I'm not sure how to answer her truthfully. "Why do you ask?"
"I don't know. I've been watching you this weekend". ...... .... .....
The conversation continues. Ted confides to his sister that he is pretty darn sure his
partner, Jeffrey, is cheating on him.
Ted doesn't want to face his relationship problem yet. At the moment he is worried about his dog, Lily.
The dialogue that continues for a couple of pages between Ted and Meredith was very endearing to me.
It must have been for Ted, too. Ted says, "My sister is all grown up. I'm grateful we did our growing together".

My heart was aching for both Ted and Lily. I adored them both! Right from the start - I was smiling over 'debates' that Ted tells us he has with Lily. "DEBATES".....lol, debates with your dog!!! --- gotta love it!!
They would have their 'Ryan' debates. Ted is a Ryan Gosling man. Lily - she - is a Ryan Reynolds 'gal'.

Touching....loving...heartfelt....heartbreaking...and and a little magically surreal!

laugh - cry - love!
Profile Image for Debra.
2,825 reviews35.9k followers
September 29, 2022
This book. This beautifully engaging, at times funny, at times sad book. READ IT. READ IT NOW..but buy tissues first.

Ted is chosen by Lily when he goes to a dog breeder. She is the runt that comes up to him. She is the dog that he has had for 12 years. A dog that he has funny, sweet and beautiful conversations with. Seriously, who hasn't had a pet and had a conversation with it? Animals are great listeners. They don't judge, they see us at our best and worst and love us anyway.

Ted is still recovering from the end of a romantic relationship when he notices an "octopus" on the top of Lily's head. WTF you say? You need to read the book. This is no ordinary Octopus. This is an evil one. Hellbent on taking over. Ted sees this as a battle he must win in order to save Lily.

During the course of Ted (and Lily's) battle with the Octopus, we see Ted grow some. He has to make choices. He has to be strong. He has to do right by his beloved Lily. She is the one constant in his life. She cheers him up, she makes him happy and loves him as he loves her.

The battle with the Octopus gets a little strange (on the boat) but overall, this is a story about love, acceptance, family (you and your pet can be a family!), letting go, and starting over. Pets teach us about life. The good, the bad, the ugly, the pain, the happiness, the loss.

I sat and read this in one sitting. It's that easy to do. Don't read it in public as I did. Crying in front of strangers is not my favorite thing to do...but reading is one of them. I enjoyed reading this book. I think most will enjoy reading it as well.

see more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com
Profile Image for Bianca.
1,189 reviews1,041 followers
May 6, 2016
I don't really know how to rate this novel.

Spoilerish review.

I'm sure many will love this novel. I'm not sure I did. Actually, I know I didn't. I didn't hate it either. It was readable but I became tired of the forty-two year old Ted obsessing and waxing lyrically about his dachshund, Lily. Lily is twelve years old and at the end of her life. She's got a tumour on her head - the Octopus.

The majority of the novel is about Ted either reminiscing about Lily as a puppy, or talking about their mundane, tedious life or he's agonising over what to do about Lily's 'octopus'. There is conversation going on between Ted and Lily. And between Ted and the Octopus. I know I'm supposed to find it quirky and endearing; for whatever reasons, I didn't. Somewhere around the 75% mark, the novel takes a fantastical turn, and I had to go back to check if I'd skipped any pages because it discombobulated me.

I probably sound heartless. I do love animals, and I did cry at the end of the book. But I usually cry when there's death.

This is also a novel about loneliness and about being numb and purposeless.

Look, it's not a bad novel, especially for a debut. It just didn't quite hit the right marks, as far as I'm concerned.

3 stars

I've received this novel via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to the publisher, Simon & Schuster, for the opportunity to read and review.

Cover: 4 stars
Profile Image for Diane Barnes.
1,443 reviews448 followers
May 17, 2016
You can't say I wasn't warned. First of all, dog stories tend to have sad endings. Then on the first page you learn that Lily, the dachshund is 12 years old, 84 in people years. Again, not promising. Then Ted, the human, notices the octopus (tumor) on her head. So we have a 300 page novel about a 12 year old dog with cancer, how did I think it was going to end? Especially when I cried the first time on page 26?

Yes, I knew it would end badly, because dogs don't live as long as we do, and because we give our hearts to our pets, and they return that love a thousand times without asking for anything in return. And Ted, the human, had issues, like a psychotherapist named Jenny who was incompetent, and a broken relationship with a boyfriend, and a mother who didn't love him enough (according to him). But he had a really great best friend, and a really great sister, and Lily, the dachshund. He also had a great sense of humor, and a unique way of looking at the world, when he wasn't trying to hide from it.

I read this book even knowing I would cry at the end, for the same reason we have dogs in the first place: Because the journey is worth the pain at the finish line.
Profile Image for Heidi.
1,291 reviews222 followers
January 23, 2024
I avoid “dog” books and for good reason— in no particular order— I’ve grown up with dogs, in my 30-plus-year marriage, we are on dog #9, leaky tear ducts, a knowledge that life isn’t complete without a furry, four-legged friend (felines are delightful too), and most importantly, I’m an easy mark for any stray and never met a dog book that didn’t make me cry (sad or happy tears).

My hubby took one look at the cover tonight and immediately asked with pity in his voice— why are you reading that?

“Because I loved Lily from the first time I met her,” I said and then, in Lily speak, I added—I! CAN’T ! IMAGINE ! ANYONE! NOT ! LOVING! THIS ! BOOK!

Now forget all that business about avoiding dog-centric books because this immediately became one of my favorite odes to 🐶. It was sweet, snarky, silly, satisfying and sad in all the best and worst ways.

I loved Ted, I loved Lily, but man oh man, did I despise that octopus!

And the use of magical realism, while it caught me off guard at first, only strengthened the story— it was a unique way of moving Lily’s story forward!!

Discovering a slightly off-beat book like this, which captured my heart instantly, is exactly why I continue to haunt Goodreads. I would never have picked this up without the review that drew me to it. These were a few of my favorite hours under a literary spell— thank you to all those reviewers who bring new books to us.

PS— and for those who have read the book, my list includes Stella, StellBell, Goofy, Pretty girl, Silly girl, Hunnny-Bunny, and when I’m really on a roll— Stellllllllaaaaa at the top of my lungs in a really bad Marlon Brando accent.

PPS-Guess what the Mister (who is a worse sucker for pups than me) is getting in his Christmas stocking?

(Reviewed 10/21/21)
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,342 reviews3,450 followers
March 12, 2022
I knew what the book was about, and that reading it would bring back painful memories.

But, when one review asked the question, "Remember the last book you told someone they had to read. Lily and the Octopus will be the next one", I had to read it!

This book is a wonderful tribute to the author's beloved dog, Lily.

If you have loved an animal companion, as much as (or more than!) a human, and have had to say goodbye.....you will be moved to tears.

But you will also smile and laugh along the way!

I was still thinking about Ted and Lily, for days after their story ended.

It reminds us that although goodbye is inevitable, all of the hours of unconditional love that precede it make loving our dogs (or in my case, cats!) worth it! ❤️💔❤️
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
763 reviews1,464 followers
May 11, 2020
4.5 stars!

Unique! Quirky! Clever! Emotional!

This is one of the most unique and endearing books I’ve read in a long while. I fell head over heels for these characters — Lily, a dachshund and Ted, her owner. Ted and Lily have had ten wonderful years together before Ted notices a growth on Lily’s head that he names, the octopus. Shocked and devastated, Ted books Lily an appointment at the vet and reminisces about their relationship.

The witty banter between Lily and Ted had me giggling in every chapter (yes, you read that right — Lily can “speak” back to Ted!). I loved the snark and humour in this story which will have every animal lover and pet owner smiling. I will warn you to stock up on tissues before reading this. It is extremely emotional and hard to read at times (but worth it!).

I recommend this to anyone who has loved an animal or pet. Those who have loved and lost a pet will be able to relate in so many ways. For all the tears I cried through this emotional journey, the unbreakable bond and strong sense of happiness shone through and left me feeling hopeful and pleased to have spent these hours alongside these unforgettable characters.
Profile Image for Cheri.
1,969 reviews2,816 followers
June 11, 2020

…. Sob, sigh, sob, sigh, sob… - me

I’ve had a copy of this book on my kindle for years, so long that I’m no longer sure how many, only that in a conversation years ago, my friend Elyse told me that I had to read it, that I would love it. And, I did, but I wish I’d known, my fault, more about the story, I would have at least bought stock in Kleenex. Or at least bought more boxes of it.

I’ve had dogs most of my life, with my two lying to my left while my cat, Paisley, stares impatiently at me on my right, wanting attention. Paisley, being the oldest of the three, between the canine and feline members of the family, has no patience for Story, and little for me. She’s not very fond of Story, the youngest at just over a year old, who occasionally has the temerity to invade her space a little (really, a lot) too frequently and always far too enthusiastically. I’ve also always had a dog since I brought Paisley home, but her first encounter was with Bailey, my last Golden, whom she used to sleep on, curled up on top of her belly. So, it’s not dogs, per se, just Story, who is a bit like Tigger in that bouncy-trouncy way, who Paisley has disdain for, who brings out that hisssssssssss that translates as cease and desist if you want to live.

In case it’s not clear, I love my dogs, and my cat, would do anything humanly possible for them. And once, and only once, that meant making decisions about their quality of life. And once, more recently, it meant being there at the end, although I hadn’t foreseen it, as minutes earlier she’d been happily there, snuggling on the blanket I’d given her for Christmas a few days before, and then she just was… not. Not moving. Not breathing. And, honestly, I’m not sure which is worse - having to make the decision, which is gutting, or to hold one in your arms one moment, their happiness apparent in that moment, and even though we know how ephemeral their lives are, never for a second thinking this may be the last time.

So, while I loved this, on the very slight chance you haven’t read this since most everyone so inclined probably has already done so, know this - despite tears shed, this was wonderful, and I’m sure very therapeutic for the author, since this was loosely based on his personal story. And, yes, it’s funny in places, and sad in others, but so worth it. Lily is a fabulously entertaining dachshund, sweet and funny, and Ted is charmingly quirky, and together they are very amusing, comical, and I enjoyed spending time with them. I especially loved their debates on which of the Ryans were more handsome, Gosling or Reynolds. I loved reading about Ted’s trip to San Francisco, his sister’s wedding, and especially when they went to The Top of the Mark, which brought back happy memories for me. But most of all, I loved Ted’s bond with Lily, and this wonderful story that is all about the depths we go to in order to keep these wonderful beings with us as long as possible.

Thank you, Elyse!

Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,653 reviews2,483 followers
December 2, 2016
Just lately I have started to realise that I do not always care for magical realism, especially when it takes over what is otherwise a very enjoyable book. Consequently when the Octopus of the title started to take over this book I started to enjoy it less.
Anyway the book begins brilliantly and I enjoyed the little anecdotes about Lily as a pup and about Ted himself. Talking to the dog and having the dog answer was just part of the fun. All was going well and then the Octopus arrived. That was okay to start with as I could see it was Ted's way of dealing with the issue. My problems began when he insisted that everyone else should see it as an octopus too and then we got into really deep waters when Ted started his fight against it. That was not supposed to be a pun, but the part in the ocean left me bewildered.
The ending of course is heartbreakingly lovely especially if you have been there yourself. Three stars for Lily and her beautiful life. No stars for the octopus.
Profile Image for Susan (aka Just My Op).
1,126 reviews59 followers
June 7, 2016
Anthropomorphism reigns supreme in this novel, which initially read like a memoir. Perhaps that's because it is apparently semi-autobiographical. Well, parts of it, anyway.

Anyone who has loved an animal can understand battling for that animal's life, whether the threat is in the form of a tumor or an octopus.

However, the whole octopus thing got old long before it got completely out of control. The protagonist waxes poetic about the octopus when I want to know what the vet said, what Ted is going to DO about that octopus. Instead, I got silliness and angst.

I liked the voice of Lily. Ted was not so likable. Too much about his failed relationships, too much ineffective navel-gazing. For someone who fears addiction, he is more than willing to pop whatever stray pill presents itself – Vicodin or Valium – either will do, washed down with alcohol.

For me, this book needed less fantasy, less going off the deep end (quite literally), less Moby-Dick wannabe, and more Lily. And it certainly didn't need self-absorbed Ted, musing over the octopus and talking about Lily, to think,

“She failed to protect us.
That is when the octopus came.
She is the one at fault.
She is the one to blame.”

I know my opinion is in the minority about this book, so if it appeals, read it. For me, it was a no-go.

I was given an advance reader's e-copy of this book for review. The quote may have changed in the published edition.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,477 reviews694 followers
May 22, 2016
Ted Flask is a 42 year old writer who is recovering from a breakup with his longtime partner. He is lonely and isolated but his best friend Lily, a 12y old dachshund makes his life worth living. He and Lily share everything, good times and bad, pizza and monopoly nights, icecream and movies. When Ted discovers that Lily has an 'octopus' growing on her head he realises the time he has left with Lily may be cut all too short.

This is one for dog lovers and anyone who has had to part with an aging furry friend. Ted reminisces about choosing Lily as a puppy and seeing the wonders of the world through her eyes and remembers their lives together. He realises that she taught him so much about how to enjoy life and love without reserve. The book is often funny as Ted navigates his way through the process of saying goodbye to his beloved dog. He has an incompetent psychiatrist and a vet he doesn't trust. Although Ted borders on obsessive at times, Lily is very cute and her voice comes through clearly in the novel as Ted hears her through her excited body language and translates it for us in CAPITAL! LETTERS! such as the time she first gets to taste icecream "THAT! IS! AMAZING! WE! MUST! HAVE! THIS! TO! LICK! EVERY! SINGLE! DAY!"

Of course if you read this you must realise that there will be a sad chapter towards the end of the book and I would suggest you don't embarrass yourself by reading it on public transport (as I did) unless you are exceptionally unemotional.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher Simon and Schuster for a digital copy to read and review
Profile Image for Morris.
964 reviews174 followers
June 21, 2016
Friends, let me tell you right now, if you are a dog or an animal lover you are going to flat-out ugly cry over “Lily and the Octopus.”

I mean snot running down your face, inconsolable, nothing-will-ever-be-ok-again sobbing.

The other thing I will tell you is that you will be so, so glad you read it. It’s a beautiful work of literary fiction about the nature of life and love told with a lot of humor and sadness. As the description says, the joy of this particular book is in the reading of it. A summary will not actually convey what it’s all really about, and aside from the crying, I think everyone will take something different away from it. This is definitely one of those novels that is colored by what the reader brings to the table.

What “Lily and the Octopus” gave me was the memory of the pain of loss, but most importantly, the memory of love and it all being worth it. Animals and humans alike, they’re worth it in the end.

I can’t recommend it enough.

This unbiased review is based upon a copy of the book won through the Goodreads First Reads giveaway program.
Profile Image for Liz.
2,466 reviews3,345 followers
August 18, 2021
My enjoyment a few weeks ago of The Guncle, led me to this book. But, having just lost my 14 ½ year old lab, I was worried this book might hit a little too close to home. Ted is a 42 year old man, still getting over his last relationship. Lily is his 12 year old Dachshund. The octopus is cancer, an ugly tumor on Lily’s head.
The book anthropomorphizes Lily, giving her a voice, which didn’t really work for me. And Michael Urie’s impression of what her voice should sound like really irritated me. The story also makes cancer into a living thing that talks to Ted, and that didn’t work for me either. That said, I still found the book itself moving. Anyone that’s been a pet parent will relate. Pet parents that find it hard to relate to two legged loved ones may especially relate. This book brought back a lot of memories of similar situations I’ve lived through - the pet surgery and recovery, the ugly diagnosis, the willingness to do anything for a pup, including making that one compassionate decision. “Loss is no longer just an idea.” It’s a palpable feeling, knowing what lies ahead. The ending of the book did truly hit hard. It brought back a lot of memories, both recent and from further back. We’ve had 6 labs and five of them are no longer with us. And each loss still sits firmly in my memory.
There’s a bit of magic realism here. It’s been compared to Life of Pi and yes, it’s an apt comparison.
So, a bit of a hit and miss. I wanted to like it more than I did. But come prepared, if you’ve ever lost a pet, you will need Kleenex.
Profile Image for Cathrine ☯️ .
721 reviews379 followers
July 12, 2016
Having raised 4 dachshunds myself I could not pass this one up. It’s a unique, funny, charming, quirky, defensive, obsessive, and problematic story, just like the breed itself. A fictional tail about a man named Ted and his beloved weiner dog Lily, but since the author really had a dog by that name, no doubt a lot of truth throughout the pages and a loving tribute to her.
If you’re not a dog lover, or take the Caesar Milan (all due respect) or the detached—It’s just a dog (no due respect) approach to our four-legged friends, perhaps not for you. But if you’ve ever obsessed over one and loved it more than most humans, this will assure you there are many of us out there. It made me laugh, remember, frown, then cry of course. Hmm, that last part is borderline fiction because I sobbed. Those tears are my own loving tributes that flow from the best of times in my life. My dad always said “A dog is a heartbreak waiting to happen.” Bring it on. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Nothing to do with the book but I include a link to a 30 second video that shows perfectly what having a dachshund in your life can be like. I had one just like it named Liesl. If I jumped off a cliff she would not hesitate to follow. I missed her every day until she came back to me in the form of a rat terrier named Amie. She and all the ones that came before are the reasons I can read stories like this because there’s always a post script. The love and devotion they leave behind compels you to pay it forward to another one, or two or three.

Profile Image for Matt.
4,190 reviews13k followers
June 12, 2016
Rowley presents a heart-filled story about Lily the dachshund and her owner, Edward "Ted" Flask. As the novel opens, Flask introduces the reader to Lily and the 'octopus' that sits atop her head. This unwelcome cephalopod overtakes Flasks life as he ponders its intrusion into the daily joy he and Lily have created. There is also the undertone of necessary medical options to rid Lily of this most horrendous visitor. Flask switches between flashback moments that include all of his time with Lily and the current narrative that tells the increasingly daunting tale of living with the eight-legged storm cloud. Giving voice to both Lily and the 'octopus', Flask is able to vilify the latter while creating an angelic view of the former for readers to love from the safety of their own lives. As the 'octopus' takes a deeper hold on Lily, Flask becomes more adamant to exorcise things in the face of a blunt reality that pits an elderly dog against a ruthless killer that cares about nothing but itself. Using wonderful imagery tied to the moniker he chooses, Flask allows the readers to see the multi-faceted battles he has with this creature and the depths to which he will go to protect his best friend from any harm. As Lily remains somewhat naive to what is happening to her, Flask does all he can as a parental unit to soften the blow as he comes to terms with what the future holds. There is no easy road to travel, though Flask does not simply let this beat him, even if the 'octopus' does overtake his life before pulling Lily closer towards the brink. A story that even those without an attachment to a pet ought to read at some point in their lives, Rowley stuns readers with his brashness and honest presentation, injecting humour at those times where the tension seems to be too much. Superb seems too bland a word to describe this book, though surely a touched heart will use its own lexicon to express the missing sentiment.

I am not a pet owner, nor have I ever had the ability to fully understand the intricacies of this addition to anyone's family. I always respected people with these sorts of connections and tried to comprehend the vast emotional investment associated with owning and loving a pet. When I met someone recently who touched my life, she introduced me to a small Lily-like dog, one whose passion for life was stilted when the surgeon's knife came down to alter his being. While I was not there for the recovery, I had just been there, so I could sense the angst that this person felt for the most important being in her life. As I read more of this book, I grew to better understand her connection with the dog she has had for numerous years, as I did for Ted's connection to Lily. I could finally wrap my head around the pain of seeing this family member pulled out of their comfortable niche and thrust into a world that we, as cognitive, synthesizing humans can only partially grasp. The complete cluelessness of the animal is only exacerbated by the pain that cannot be adequately explained to our pet and whose own sentiments cannot bear vocalized in anything other than whimpers or barks. Rowley captures this completely as he pushes the reader closer to his two characters, while presenting the indescribable task of trying to rationalize everything and personify the struggle. That Rowley chose never to have Ted utter the word 'tumour' is also quite noticeable, and somewhat telling. However, that he chose that name is even more interesting as he personified this thing throughout the novel. His description of it being multi-tentacled and possesses a powerful ink pouch that can blind aptly describes some of the symptoms that can overtake any victim. However, as the reader will discover, Ted also uses this moniker to rid his life of its presence, at least for a time. He can do nothing except watch as Lily is taken over by the tumour, but will not stand by and let its eight-angled grip suck the life out of his best friend, no matter the sacrifice to his own sanity. Gowley brilliantly explores this approach to medical phenomena that leave those afflicted (and affected) helpless to come to terms with the extensive realities that befall diagnoses of this nature.

I cannot put into words how this book moved me, which is shocking for many who know my love for books and lengthy chatter about their intricate nature. I simply read (listened) in awe as the novel progressed and sought to reach out to touch Lily, Ted, and anyone I knew with a pet of their own. I wanted to rush out and get a pet of my own while also cowering in fear as to whether I would become a Ted if I did. How Gowley has made such an impact on me, I will never know. That said, it is a book that is not just a recommendation for anyone I have ever or will ever cross paths with, but a definitely requirement.

Kudos Mr. Gowley for helping my eyes to water and my jaw to plummet to the floor. You are amazing!

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Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,863 reviews2,300 followers
January 27, 2019
Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley is a book the crushed me! I had my heart touched gently, soothed, then broken in multiple pieces! Listen with tissues handy! Lily is a little dog and loved by her human so much but she develops a tumor in her head...an "Octopus"! This is the story of Lily, her human, the octopus, and love! Beautifully written and narrated wonderfully by Michael Urie. He was just right for this book. A touching, clever, heartwarming and heartbreaking book of love and growth.
Profile Image for Betsy Robinson.
Author 11 books1,173 followers
December 7, 2016
Beautifully written, funny, sad, charming, and, for anybody who's loved a dog, so achingly familiar it's hard to contain. The book, a love story, requires a surrender to imagination. There is a point where it goes from shallow imagination to deep ocean seas. You can fight it; the moment was so sudden that my first impulse was "No." But then I said "What the hey?" and dove. I recommend diving, swimming, and letting the waters do with you what they may.

Postscript: I've had three dogs in my adulthood.

Here's Maya, a dachshund mix. She is with me now and so much in this book applies to her and me.

And here are Daisy (left) (who once had an "octopus"), and Rosie (right) who was deaf and had seizures.

There is no way I can adequately express my love for my dogs, and the species in general. But Steven Rowley does it for all of us who are blessed by these angels in dog suits. Bravo!
Profile Image for PattyMacDotComma.
1,638 reviews978 followers
May 25, 2021


The “me” of this command is Lily, a small, elderly (87 in people years, we’re told) Dachsund, Ted’s relentlessly loving, entertaining companion. Ted’s love for Lily is just as relentless. Even if it hurts. Even when it hurts.

Lily was the runt of her litter, and she chose Ted. He says he couldn’t tell all the brothers and sisters apart “tumbling over one another like noodles in a pot of boiling water. . . a pile of paws and tails.” But Lily, the runt, ambled over, chewed his shoelace and untied it. He picks her up and with her tucked up under his chin, her tail wagged “like the pendulum of the smallest, most fragile grandfather clock.”

Ted reckons the breeder was pleased because it left what looked like a perfect litter for the next customers. But Ted knows he took home the pick. She is “fiercely loved.”

He’s a gay guy with parents, a close sister, and gay friends, loving, loyal friends who all accept Lily as part of the family. He and Lily have a regular schedule of pizza nights and Monopoly nights and lots of conversations. When she’s excited, she goes into SINGLE! EXCLAMATIONS! like the first sentence here.

I’ve had a lot of dogs in my life, including many working dogs who lived outside. But I also had a long-haired Dachsund who, like Lily, slept under the covers so it seemed she would suffocate. I don’t know how they breathe under there, but I guess any smells would be an attraction rather than a deterrence.

We meet Ted’s family, friends, and ex who all watch him sink into alcohol, pain-killers and Valium as he copes with the realisation that his girl is ageing fast and what’s more, he’s found a scary growth on her head that is the octopus of the story.

Although the story is Lily’s, it is also Ted’s. We get to enjoy all the fun, silly things they’ve done, culminating in a hair-raising seagoing adventure reminiscent of Life of Pi. I loved Life of Pi. It’s fun to be carried away on these unbelievable escapades.

Rowley writes well and his characters are believable. The author tells us at the end that this began from a short story, and while a short story wouldn’t have been enough, this felt too long. I reckon a tight couple of hundred pages would have done justice to Lily, but I’m sure others will love it as it is.

Thanks to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster (Australia) for the preview copy from which I've quoted.
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
February 13, 2017

Steven Rowley.. you made me laugh fiercely, you made me cry hysterically, you made me smile like a crazy person and ponder what is important in this life. You made me fall in love with you (or rather Ted) and with Lily. I am a dog person. I have had 3 great loves of my life and they were all dogs. I love how you (Ted) loved Lily. Thank you for this.

This book might be the best book I have read this year (and yes I said that about Britt Marie Was Here by Fredrik Bachman).. but Steven Rowley's writing is ingenious. This book is beautiful, hysterical, gut wrenching, and poignant. In short, it is absolutely brilliant. This book is about Ted and his dog Lily, who he adopts and falls madly in love with when he is 29. Mr. Rowley gives Lily a voice of her own and she "speaks" to Ted, in ALL! CAPS! She plays monopoly and eats ice cream (which she LOVES! TO! LICK!) and has a mother named WITCHIE-POO (lol)! They discuss boys on Thursdays and have movie nights on Saturdays and love each other without condition. One night.. the octopus appears and Ted becomes consumed with taking care of the greatest love of his life and almost becomes unhinged in doing so.

In a wondrous way, Mr. Rowley combines comic relief, fantasy, realism and heartbreak all in one book and it is truly a work of art. It had me rolling on the floor laughing and crying my eyes out, sobbing. I don't recall ever having had such a visceral reaction to a book. I was grateful that I was in my own home when I was reading it so no one saw the depths of my reactions.

I have already gifted this to several friends and would recommend it to anyone who loves dogs and considers them to be our kids. It is truly one of a kind.. as is Steven Rowley and his beloved Lily.
Profile Image for Ann Marie (Lit·Wit·Wine·Dine).
199 reviews250 followers
February 6, 2017
You can read all of my reviews at Lit.Wit.Wine.Dine.

Lily and the Octopus opens on a Thursday evening. Ted knows it was a Thursday because that's the day he and Lilly, his beloved dachshund, reserve for talking about boys they think are cute. (They don't always agree but they do tend toward younger men.) He suddenly notices the octopus. On Lily's head. He's not sure how or when it came to reside there and he clearly feels some guilt over not having noticed it sooner. He, of course, understands what the octopus is but he will not call it anything other than "the octopus". Not when speaking about it to his best friend, Trent. Or to his questionably competent therapist, Jenny. Not even to Lilly's own veterinarian.

Throughout the book, we learn about how Ted came to choose Lily (the runt of the litter!), and the many adventures (real and imagined) they've had together throughout the years.

The one thing that struck me throughout this story was how authentic Ted's voice was. There was no doubt in my mind that Steven Rowley had loved and lost a dog at some point. The anthropomorphizing was so spot-on! I can just see Lily talking to Ted. A head tilt here, an averted gaze there. I totally get how he knew what she was thinking at every moment.

I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say that, at the end of this book, Lilly does lose her battle with the octopus. And yes, I did cry a fair amount. But this book is so much more than your typical loved-and-lost dog story . It's about self-discovery, unconditional love, and a life well-lived.

To be fair, I realize have a different perspective than most on the loss of an old dog such as Lily. You see, Lily was one of the lucky ones. She lived with and was loved by the same person her whole life. Only 10% of dogs are so lucky. 10%!! And though she was 12, which is not super-old for a doxie, she had lived a fairly long life. So, while I felt so sorry for Ted, I was able to feel happy for Lily in many ways. I see so much suffering and cruelty in the dog rescue world. I wish they could all live and die like Lily; with life-long respect, dignity, and love.

I loved reading this interview with the author featured on Electric Lit. He talks about giving Lily a voice, his insistence that Lily have an octopus (a giraffe would not have worked), and his unwillingness to allow the book to be de-gayed. The latter of which, thankfully, was not an issue to anyone except Surely (not her real name) on Goodreads.

I'm so happy that I finally read this book. Some part of me probably procrastinated in some Freudian way fearing the sadness but I needn't have worried. The scales still managed to tip toward happy here. And I can now cross this book off my 2017 Mount TBR Challenge. I'll also be posting a link to this review from Read Diverse Books as I'm participating in The Read Diverse 2017 Challenge this year as well. Read Diverse Books is committed to reviewing, discussing, and promoting books written by and about people of color and other marginalized voices. If you're not already subscribing, please check out Naz' blog!

Many thanks to Simon and Schuster for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,312 reviews2,305 followers
February 20, 2018
The octopus has a good grip and clings tightly over her eye. It takes me a minute, but I gather my nerve and poke it. It's harder than I would have imagined. Less like a water balloon, more like . . . bone. It feels subcutaneous, yet there it is, out in the open for all to see. I count its arms, turning Lily's head around to the back, and sure enough, there are eight. The octopus looks angry as much as out of place. Aggressive perhaps is a better word. Like it is announcing itself and would like the room. I'm not going to lie. It's as frightening as it is confounding. I saw a video somewhere, sometime, of an octopus that camouflaged itself so perfectly along the ocean floor that it was completely undetectable until some unfortunate whelk or crab or snail came along and it emerged, striking with deadly precision. I remember going back and watching the video again and again, trying to locate the octopus in hiding. After countless viewings I could acknowledge its presence, sense its energy, its lurking, its intent to pounce, even if I couldn't entirely make it out in form. Once you had seen it, you couldn't really unsee it—even as you remained impressed with its ability to hide so perfectly in plain sight.

ABOUT THIS BOOK: Combining the emotional depth of The Art of Racing in the Rain with the magical spirit of The Life of Pi, Lily and the Octopus is an epic adventure of the heart.

When you sit down with Lily and the Octopus, you will be taken on an unforgettable ride.

The magic of this novel is in the read, and we don’t want to spoil it by giving away too many details. We can tell you that this is a story about that special someone: the one you trust, the one you can’t live without.

For Ted Flask, that someone special is his aging companion Lily, who happens to be a dog. Lily and the Octopus reminds us how it feels to love fiercely, how difficult it can be to let go, and how the fight for those we love is the greatest fight of all.

MY THOUGHTS: I expected this to be a sad book, given the subject, but it wasn’t, at least not to the degree that I imagined. And I am writing this as the person who, when my dog went missing the week before last, spent two whole days driving around the streets searching for him, mobilising the town and rural posties to look for him on their rounds, and harassing the vets, the pound and the SPCA. Day three found me in tears, quite certain that he had gone off to die, as elderly blue heelers are prone to do, completely immobilized by my grief. Happy ending, he was located late on the afternoon of the third day, hungry and footsore, making his way back home. $200 later in pound fees and a quick trip to the vet to have him checked over and he was home. Where he had been for those three days remains a mystery; no one sighted him, and he's not talking!

Anyway, back to Lily and the Octopus. Dogs make the most amazing friends. They are loyal and loving. The emotions we, their humans, feel when our dogs' health is failing, are extreme. Ted is alone, other than for Lily, and has endowed Lily with many human traits. Well, maybe Lily could play Monopoly. Just because I have never tried playing board games with my dog doesn't mean that it can't be done. He is heavily emotionally invested in her, and when her life is threatened, he fights that threat every way he knows how. And in doing so, he learns a lot about himself, about responsibility, and about making tough decisions.

So, I didn't cry while reading this book. I smiled a lot, at times recognizing myself in Ted. It was a sweet, nostalgic read for me, bringing back memories of previous dogs I am lucky enough to have had in my life.

Thank you to Simon and Schuster via Netgalley for providing a digital copy of Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

Please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the 'about' page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com for an explanation of my rating system.

This review and others are also published on my blog sandysbookaday.wordpress.com https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...
Profile Image for Sara.
Author 1 book801 followers
November 13, 2016
4.5 stars - rounded up.

Have you ever loved an animal? Felt the unquestionable love and devotion of a dog? Looked into a pair of eyes, not human, and thought this is the "person" who understands me better than anyone else on earth? If you have, this is a book for you.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I requested this book from my library, but I know I got more than I had anticipated. I felt the anguish of Ted in his struggle to save Lily from the octopus and in his own struggles to have a genuine life, a full life, a life that is lived and not just observed. Steven Rowley is a powerful writer, because he pulls us into the story. It felt as if much of what was happening, was happening to me. I pulled for Ted to win, or, if he could not win, to endure. I felt Lily's soft tongue licking my face, saying it was okay, even if it wasn't.

This story came from the heart of Steven Rowley. I hope his heart has a few more stories to tell us. Even half as good as this one, they would be worth listening to.
Profile Image for Diane .
416 reviews13 followers
June 26, 2016
I love Lily! And hate the Octopus. And Animal Surgical and Emergency Center (p. 252) is a real place. Been there. Many times.

Congratulations to author Steven Rowley on the success of his first book. I think he did an excellent job in telling story of Ted Flask and his delightful doxie, Lily. One of my favorite things about the story is how Lily's thoughts/voice are depicted...example how Lily describes her first taste of icecream: "THIS!IS!AMAZING!WE!MUST!HAVE!THIS!TO!LICK!EVERY!SINGLE!DAY!" (This depiction is also important to the story in another way).

The bond between humans and animals is a very special one; those of us that are fortunate enough to have had this experience will undoubtedly relate to this book in that very special way. So to all my animal friends, I say give this book a go -- that said,

I have quite a few sticky tabs coming out of this book....and one quote in particular is Ted's "Thanksgiving in June" tribute to Lily: "... I am thankful for Lily, who, since she entered my life, has taught me everything I know about patience and kindness and meeting adversity with quiet dignity and grace. No one makes me laugh harder, or want to hug them tighter. You have truly lived up to the promise of man's best friend."

Profile Image for mollusskka.
250 reviews148 followers
November 30, 2016
"The very best thing about dogs is how they just know when you need them most, and they'll drop everything that they're doing to sit with you a while."

It's true. So true. That's what my beagle do. Though my dog is only two years and a half old right now, I already get myself ready that that day will come. One day it will be my turn.

This book is just for everyone who owns dog or those who love to read sweet relationship between human and animal. It has the fantasy element in it, which is awesome to me. I really love the conversation between Ted and her daschund, Lily. And also him with the Octopus. Who is this Octopus, anyway? Well, it's a secret. I won't give it away but you may find what it is in other review. It's a symbolism for something bad.

I really love this book, but to be honest I don't really like the beginning. I don't know exactly why. Maybe it's kinda hard for me to get into Ted's life. I mean, why he would bother go see a therapist if he is so uncooperative in almost his session. That's all. That's why I only gave it 4 stars.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 8,324 reviews

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