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Jessica McClain #6

Blue Blooded

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Fight to win.

Jessica McClain is on the hunt for her destiny. She arrives in Baltimore to find that her quest has reached a dead end and only a note remains. Forced to do as it says, or die, Jessica and her crew must head overseas.

They arrive to discover Julian de Rossi, the Mediterranean Pack Alpha, is double dealing with a powerful goddess and Tally is still missing. With help from a divine source, they engage in an all out war—one that must end in a sacrifice. But is Jessica ready to pay the ultimate price?

308 pages, ebook

First published December 19, 2016

About the author

Amanda Carlson

28 books717 followers
Amanda Carlson is the author of the upcoming Jessica McClain series. The first book, Full Blooded, will be released by Hachette Book Group, ORBIT US & UK SEPT 2012. She’s been writing for over ten years. Full Blooded is her first novel. She lives in Minneapolis, with her husband and three kids.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
Profile Image for keikii Eats Books.
1,077 reviews54 followers
August 16, 2018
57 points/100 (3 stars/5)

When a packmate is taken and notes are left saying to follow, Jessica knows what she has to do. She knows this will end in sacrifice, but can she pay?

Yeah, you can call this the ending to the series. I mean, things got resolved, after all. Did all the things get resolved? No. Did it still somehow set up more? Yes. There was a large portion of this book setting up spinoffs that, two years after coming out, there are still no real news on. Carlson knew she didn't have the time to wrap it all up, so she decided to plan spinoffs to wrap it all up with. Therefore, this just doesn't feel like a complete series.

We spend a large portion of Blue Blooded once again being led around by someone else for their own purposes. On the one hand, that is probably a good thing, because I don't trust Jessica to lead anyone anywhere and actually get there on time (or within the next hundred years without getting distracted). On the other, being dragged around everywhere for the whims of others is really, really annoying. It gives the protagonist no way to act on their own, they have to act in some preordained manner.

Which basically sums up this series, really. Everything is in accordance with fate. A fate that changes at every turn that we take because apparently that is how fate works. This ability of fate to somehow change when it decides to fate itself (which really isn't fate is it?) means that the series twists and turns. It goes nowhere while at the same time doing things that don't make sense because it feels like it is made up on the spot.

Meanwhile, Jessica is still not being told anything until the last possible second. Again. And again. And again. A hundred years from now, Jessica is still going to be told things that she should have been told during the course of this series. The characters are literally telling her they will not (or cannot, depending on how you look at it) tell her everything. Things are constantly being held back, and Jessica has to magically make some leap of logic that manages to solve the mystery at the last moment without them.

Everyone acts like Jessica's acting like a human is the best thing about her. It is even explicably said at one point, that it was something that is special about just hr in the supernatural races. This still  feels so forced and wrong. It isn't like any of the others are particularly nonhuman. In fact, it is the opposite. They're just insular, they don't spend a lot of time with humans so they don't really care about them. That isn't the same thing.

None of the characters in this book acted like they did when they were first introduced, for the most part. They have all molded into some cohesive whole that act the same and could easily be interchangeable with any other. The most apparent is Ray, who acts like a 20 year old frat boy half the time, instead of the cop he was.

I asked in the review for Pure Blooded whether everyone would end up mated with someone else. Welp.... The level of interconnectivity between these characters is...quite frankly it is frightening. I don't think anyone was left unpaired. If there was, it is only because both me and the author forgot about them. Doesn't mean that all of them are actually suited to one another. For something so rare, it sure happened an awful lot.

This acts like an ending, despite how much it wishes it wasn't one.

Read more reviews in this series and others at keikii eats books.
Profile Image for Siri.
1,199 reviews65 followers
March 7, 2017
That end tho, i asume that it's gonna be a next book?
I love rourke and Jessica, they are one of my fave couple in the supernatural world ;) rawr i also want a wolf or a cat to mate with.
But i am a bit tired that almost everyone has found their mate... sure that's Nice but it's to much
Profile Image for Sandra "Jeanz".
1,218 reviews172 followers
February 4, 2017
To say I couldn't wait to read this book was an understatement! I was really looking forward to catching up with Jessica and all the other supernatural characters in this book. I did put it on my kindle/tablet to start reading on the 19th but due to being ill I couldn't even read, yep I was that ill! It was really frustrating not be able to read this book straight away! So I actually began reading the book on the 26th of December. I could feel myself being pulled right back into the story again. As for the characters it's like meeting up with old friends.

The cover has Jessica featured prominently in he middle of it which fits really well with the plot of the book as Jessica is front and centre in the majority of the action! The moon is once again featured in the background, which both ties in with the other covers as well as being there because of its importance to the wolves and in this book it's even more important as the Coalition with say their vows under the moon. The byline on this cover says "Fight To Win" and is exactly what has to be done, not just by Jessica but by other various characters too. (I can't say which characters as that would involve spoilers! so forgive me for being a little vague). My usual would the cover make me pick this book up from a book store shelf is a definite yes.

The genre's this book falls into like the rest of the series are paranormal, urban fantasy, shape shifter, and more. I'd say there is a definitely a supernatural in this series to suit every reader.

In this book Jessica is having to follow directives from Enid. Enid is naturally angered with Jessica for killing the host body that her sister Bianca would have been re-born into. Jessica, Rourke, James, Marcy are joined by Kayla and they are helping her find her brother Jax as well as looking for Danny, Naomi, and Tally. There's the added pressure of the new coalition being formed very soon but first fate has a few twists and turns for Jessica to work her way through.
I found the gang being in Italy interesting as Amanda also included information about the genuine surroundings and landmark, tourist place of Italy. I found the new characters fitted in well with the existing ones and I soon became attached to Kayla and Ajax (Jax for short). In this book we meet more of the Mediterranean Pack.
There are lots of different supernaturals featured in this installment of the series, shape shifters (werewolves, cats, fox), vampire, fae, witches, seers, warlocks, kitsune, and ....(I can't say as it would be a spoiler). As for a favourite character, how can I choose just one? I mean of course I love Jessica! She has remained kick butt and true to herself throughout the series so far. It is continually hinted at in this book that she will have to make a great sacrifice. When asked if she will do this, she doesn't simply say yes blindly to get what she wants at the time (freedom of her kidnapped friends). In fact she actually says no, explaining if the sacrifice was to murder someone in cold blood or a member of her family she would be unable to do so. Eventually somewhat of a compromise is put forward and Jessica agrees to make a sacrifice when it is necessary. We find out what it will be later in the book that the sacrifice will not only affect Jessica, but will deeply affect her mate and by extension her family and pack. However fate has spoken and what will be. . will be. I guess we will find out for sure in the next book.
Everything builds up and there is a large confrontation in the book, that could change everything in both the supernatural world and the human world. Though there are supernaturals on hand to make sure events turn out as fate intended them to.

I could easily go on and on about this book and what happens, the new supernatural characters we meet and the new planes that are revealed to both Jessica and us the readers. I found this book an amazing installment in a truly brilliant series. So I do not reveal any spoilers from this book, or the previous books I think I have to stop here, but please take my word for it this is a must read series!

Personally I find series is more addictive with each and every installment. Amanda Carlson has delivered a fantastic read once again. I totally adore this series and it's brilliantly crafted characters and plot. Definitely, desperately want to read more of it! I love everything about this series and its captivating characters!

I have been asked who/what author/books I would compare this series to. I have read and adored and would compare the Jessica McClain Series and it's author Amanda Carlson as being as good, (I never thought I would ever say this as I was besotted with the Bitten Series) if not even better than, Kelley Armstrong's Women Of the Otherworld! There are some fantastic shape shifter series available right now. Others I would recommend are Karina Espinosa's Mackenzie Grey series, J.A. Belfield's Holloway Pack series and Lauren Dan's Cascadia Wolves Series too. (which is being re-released by Carina Press).
Profile Image for Connie B.
183 reviews6 followers
August 8, 2019
Soooo what the hell kind of ending was that?? It said that the series was going to be continued but this book was finished in 2016! I can't believe that this is all there is! I am not happy with this ending at the least! The storyline could go a hundred different ways and there are sooo many more stories to tell! ARGGGG!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews483 followers
May 19, 2017
*Source* Library
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 3.5-4

*Full Review Pending*

Not sure where to begin with this review. Things happen, then something twisted happens, then even more twists happen that leave the book on a sort of strange ending.
Profile Image for Alice.
272 reviews
May 28, 2017
Much better than the last couple of books. Love the Florence, Italy setting. Mixing of the supernaturals very interesting. Can't wait for book 7
Profile Image for Linda.
1,123 reviews49 followers
March 14, 2017
A fast-paced, action-packed, highly imaginative entry in the author’s Jessica McClain series!

“Mayhem follows you like a vulture to roadkill.”

Blue Blooded by Amanda Carlson is a fast-paced, action-packed, highly imaginative entry in the author’s Jessica McClain series! Blue Blooded pretty much picks up where the previous book, Pure Blooded, left off. Much of Blue Blooded takes place in Italy, in and around Florence.

Blue Blooded is the sixth book in the series and could be read as a stand-alone in a pinch and if you absolutely insist. However, the primary characters have been developing and the plot-line evolving since the series’ opener. The author fills in the bare minimum a newbie reader would need so as not to be lost. That said, I highly recommend that you start at the beginning and enjoy this series in order as, honestly, the series seriously rocks. You won’t want to miss out on any of the previous action.

This series follows the exploits of Jessica McClain and those in her ever-increasing circle. Jessica has matured exponentially since this series began. She’s now self-assured and holds her own against other super naturals more powerful than her. Jessica is mated to a strong, powerful and fearless cat shifter, Roark, and they have mellowed into a commanding force. Roark remains very protective of Jessica; He’s also confident enough in her abilities to trust her when she needs him to. What’s really amazing is that he’s secure enough to be okay not being the lead in their relationship. The two share some lovey-dovey and steamy scenes in Blue Blooded – but I would not call this series a romance. However, if you are looking for a plot-line with lots of suspense, danger, whirlwinds of action, mind-blowing interactions, startling discoveries and often-surprising humor, you’ve come to the right place.

As Blue Blooded opens, Tally is still missing and Jessica McClain’s quest to her ultimate destiny continues. In the short-term, the gang is committed to helping Kayla reunite with her brother, Jax. They arrive in Baltimore to find a note, and an alarmingly upturned residence, but no Jax. Unfortunately, they soon discover that Jax has been kidnapped by the goddess Enin in revenge for what Enin believes Jessica did to her sister. Given no other viable choice, Jessica and her cohorts head overseas where Jessica must pay the ultimate price to save her friends.

Following please find a few of my favorite quotes from Blue Blooded:

“This will be much more complex than defeating a pack of flesh-eating zombies. It will take fitnesse.”
Interspecies couplings? Why didn’t you just come out and ask if he was banging a nymph and get it over with?
“A necromancer, you say? I suppose it’s a handy skill, but it’s too morbid for my tastes. I’ll take a blood-sucking vampire any day.”
“Do you sense any dead bodies nearby? I don’t know if we’ll need them, but it would be nice to be prepared.”

This series encompasses a wide array of super naturals including wolf shifters, cat shifters, vampires, seers, angels, demons, fae, witches, and more! Confident and kickass females are well represented. Amanda’s storytelling is excellent. Warning: the ending to Blue Blooded will take your breath away. I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys exceptional and exciting paranormal urban fantasies.

My review is posted at Reading Between The Wines Book Club. Please check it out there: http://www.readingbetweenthewinesbook...
Profile Image for Jessica (a GREAT read).
1,762 reviews104 followers
December 27, 2016
I received this book from the author in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

It feels like it's been years since I last visited Jessica McClain and her crew. But after a quick check, it was only a year, possibly closer to two if I read the last one as an ARC as well too. Regardless we are back in action with Amanda Carlson's Blue Blooded which pretty much picks up where we left off, from what I gathered. Poor memory here after some odd hundred books between this one and the last! Lol!

Jessica and her pack and Rourke are on a mission to help Kayla find her brother Jax. They believe that Enin has kidnapped him in some mad attempt at revenge for what Jessica did to her sisters. They are forced to play a mad game of chase with her in Florence as if they don't comply, Jessica's friends, Naomi and Danny, who were also taken, will be killed. With so many lives hanging over their heads, Jessica and Co. are forced to comply.

Waiting to greet them in Florence is Julian the leader of the Mediterranean pack. But something is definitely odd with the pack leader. Add to that, you have the ever growing Coalition forming and Jessica's role in it. There are still a few members who have yet to be revealed, but needless to say things are very busy and dire for the group.

The gang is going to need some serious help and they oddly find it in Florence with a man named Leonardo--no, not that one!--who is more than he appears to be. Granted we pretty much know everyone involved in this story is a supernatural peep in some way. Leo's presence was kind of heartwarming in a teeny, tiny way. I was positively giddy while reading this one as I visited Florence over ten years ago--which eek, feeling my age now! I didn't get in a lot of sightseeing back then, but we did do the major things which was a delight to see again in this book!

I think my poor memory of the last book made it harder to enjoy this one. But for the most part, I was enjoying this story for the here and now. But sometimes it's hard to let go of that forgetfulness. But I did what I could. It was still a story filled with excitement, shocks and surprises and narrow escapes from death! And of course there were a few stolen moments of romance between Jessica and Rourke which truly makes those moments even more steamy because of all the danger that they currently face.

The ending to this one had quite a few shockers! And it left me totally uncertain of the future of this series. Is there to be more? Hard to say at this point. I felt like there's a lot of room left for growth because as we knew what path Jessica and Rourke were on, the fate of all her friends was nearly uncertain on all accounts. Plus Amanda does note that there is still more to come from the Blooded world. So that left me thinking maybe Jessica and Rourke's story is done, but everyone else is still up for challenges! And while we know what path Jessica and Rourke on, I feel like it doesn't mean that more couldn't be in store for them either! Big changes are on the way for this group and I can only hope that there will be more to come!

The Jessica McClain series is a totally kickbutt Urban Fantasy series that I highly recommend to all fans of the genre! Plus werewolves!! I find them becoming my top favorite paranormal these days! Just don't tell the vampires, though I still love them too! LOL!

Overall Rating 4/5 stars
Profile Image for Mom2three.
1,931 reviews14 followers
December 15, 2016
I just finished reading the last word in this book and all I can say is WOW! I love Amanda Carlson as an author. I have read and enjoyed all of her books, but this one blew me away! I couldn't put it down. The story was perfection in every way. I was worried as I was getting to the end that this would be the end of the series, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that there will be more. This is the kind of book that puts me into a book funk. You know, when you finish it you can't find anything to read because nothing can compare to what you just finished, that's how I feel. I'm not going to tell you anything about the story because I feel that you should read it for yourself. I will tell you that I'm going to re-read the series starting right now. It's the only that will keep me out of the dreaded funk.
207 reviews
December 19, 2016
This was my first read in the Jessica McClain series, and I enjoyed this book very much! As a newbie to the series, I wondered if I would be able to follow the story without having read the prior books. Amanda did a great job bridging this gap, and I found myself able to not only follow the story but immerse myself in it. Now that I've ready #6, I'm anxious to go back and read #1-5! Great, fast paced read.
Profile Image for Gemma McGee.
436 reviews4 followers
June 10, 2017
Day Three of my holiday and on to the third book which is Blue Blooded the sixth book in the Jessica McClain series.

This series follows Jessica McClain the only female werewolf in the world, her destiny is be on the high council of the supernatural world. Not everyone is happy with this causing Jessica to face many challenges one that altered her off her true path. Now Jessica has one of the Hags of fate wanting her dead to pay for the death of her sister. She has kidnapped her friends now Jessica has to save them and make a sacrifice to atone. The problem is now she is another country and she isn't sure who she can and can't trust.

The High council is made up of 5 different supernatural being, all 5 of them being female. I like this element as in a lot of book series the high power are men. It nice that the higher power in this book is women. Although not all men are happy about this, the people that Jessica has on her team have no problem referring to her as Alpha.

Jessica is mated to an older Were Rourke and he is the last of his Kind, they work well as a team it nice to see the struggle that Rourke has when Jessica has to go into dangerous situation and he can't go with her. He knows she is strong but she is his mate and its his job to protect her.

I lot of the main group of characters have been mated off by the end of this book, wouldn't life be great if life was that easy just meeting the person and knowing there it.

This book ends the journey that Jessica has been on since the beginning and left us knowing a new journey has begun. It good this story arch is over as some author keep trying to get more books at of one story arch which Amanda Carlson hasn't. At the end of the book the world is changing for Jessica and Rourke and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Profile Image for Margaret.
919 reviews19 followers
February 9, 2017
Originally published at Vampire Book Club and based on a copy provided by the author.

When we last saw Jessica McClain and her team at the end of Pure Blooded, they were driving from Florida to Maryland to find a missing teen. When they arrive, they find a note directing them to Italy for a face-off with an angry hag. And they learn that even more of their friends have been kidnapped. (So that’s one witch, Marcy’s Aunt Tally who’s been missing since book four, a vampire, a werewolf, and a teenaged troll all missing.)

Since the story picks up right where the previous book ended, there are lots of references to earlier events and not much explanation of who people are when they show up on the page. I would definitely not pick up Blue Blooded unless you’ve read Pure Blooded. That said, if you have read the rest of the series, you won’t want to miss this one which gives Jessica’s story some much-needed closure. Despite my issues with the book, I’m satisfied with the way not only Jessica and Rourke’s story wrapped up, but also with the hints at what the future holds for her friends. I also loved the Italian setting and the new characters that we meet there.

But you want to hear about those issues too, don’t you? First of all, one of the best things about this series has been the action scenes and Blue Blooded has practically none. It’s all about diplomacy and information gathering, which means lots of dialogue. And sometimes I wish they would just stop talking—more than once a character basically said, “What if x happened? That would suck.” right before x happened. It was kind of anticlimactic. And then there’s the way some of them talked! It’s totally fine for the irreverent millennial heroine to refer to other supernatural creatures as “supes,” but when the millennia old, non-native English speaker does it, that’s just wrong.

In the end though, I’m glad I stuck with the Jessica McClain series. After the awesomeness of the first two books I was hooked and I had to know how it ended with Blue Blooded. It even looks like there might even be a spin-off on the way, which I’m looking forward to since I love the supporting characters.
Profile Image for Jackie.
3,882 reviews124 followers
December 1, 2017
When I started reading this after Thanksgiving it quickly became apparent the book would need to be set aside in favor of reading something other than this high octane paranormal, so I did so a few times before finishing the last 100 or so pages today the 1st of December. Not because it was not enjoyable but because it was and it was also very heavily laden with serious overtones for not only Jessica's future but that of her friends and loved ones also.

The book deserved to be savored rather than rushed through and the only way could do that was to take breaks and read something completely different than urban fantasy genre for a few days.

Not only has the game changed again but the future of the series has as well and personally I am excited to see where it leads Jessica and the fans of the Blooded world too!
Profile Image for Mischa.
983 reviews
October 10, 2017
Things that annoy me about this series:
a) how quickly everyone seems to be finding their mates
a2) how the author just pairs everyone up... are we at prom here?
b) everything just always seems to work out exactly how it was meant to, with every character being exactly where they needed to be in order for that to happen. There's a thing like "too much coincidence", ya know
c) I have no idea when is this supposed to end and that scares me. Like, will I still be reading this when there's, like, the 40th installment?!
d) the writing style really isn't anything extra
37 reviews
October 26, 2017
I love this series but i seriously hate how the author ends the books. Especially since i have heard rumors that this is the last one if it is i will be seriously pissed off. Im crossing my fingers that those rumors arnt true but if they are therr better be a spin off series. There is just so much more to be done.
Profile Image for T..
Author 13 books568 followers
May 29, 2018
I checked Blue Blooded, book 6 of the Jessica McClain series, out from my local library. While this isn't a series end, Carlson closed some major threads that have arced over several books. Great action, plot progression, and satisfactory take-downs. Thanks for another great ride.
Profile Image for Abbey.
219 reviews
February 27, 2020
Another great book in this series, hopefully we will get a spin-off series to follow up with the characters we have grown to love. As the ending set up more questions that we don’t know the answers to about other problems in this world hopefully that will happen soon.
Profile Image for Johanna.
593 reviews1 follower
March 14, 2018
Except for the first book which was great, really disappointing series, book after book, it really seems to come back to the same, I expected better.
188 reviews
May 8, 2018
Loved it and now searching for the next one :)
2,020 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2019
Team goes to Italy to continue, pretty much where 5 left off, in freeing friends and forming the Coalition. Too much exposition and now she introduces angels.Story ok, but nothing special.
Profile Image for Aileen.
746 reviews55 followers
July 9, 2019
Great ending to a series I really enjoyed.
Profile Image for Dani.
22 reviews13 followers
December 19, 2020
This series started off kind of slow for me, but even by the end of the first book, I was hooked. I'm a little sad there's no more stories in the same world, but hopefully some day there will be.
Profile Image for Kevin.
2,437 reviews36 followers
May 30, 2022
Nice wrap-up to this paranormal, female led action series. It sets up the beginning of a new series.
Typos: diffuse used for defuse, successor used for predecessor.
15 reviews
July 27, 2024
I am so mad that this book led me to believe there was another one when there is no next book
Profile Image for Dolly Sandor.
528 reviews41 followers
February 9, 2017
Another wild, action-packed ride!!

What I liked: This is book six in the Jessica McClain series and it’s been non-stop action from the very beginning. This is a quick read only because I couldn’t put it down. Every book in the series has been that way for me.

The friends around Jessica keep getting kidnapped and this time, the kidnapper is out to kill Jessica once and for all but Jess is willing to sacrifice almost anything to get her friends and allies safely out of harm’s way. Following the note left for her, Jess and her crew head to Florence, Italy where Enid (the big bad) will provide further instructions. From the last book, Pure Blooded, Jess has a new ally, Kayla, a necromancer and just to make things worse, Enid has also kidnapped Kayla's brother, Jax. Ah, Jax, is a new type of paranormal. Ms Carlson has just about every paranormal you could possibly think of as a part of this series which makes for some interesting situations.

Jess initially thinks she’s only dealing with Enid but upon arrival finds her contact, Julian, head of the Mediterranean Pack a bit too secretive. Could he be involved and why? He’s been a previous ally of Jess’s father but things could have changed. Jess is right to be leery. But if nothing else, Jess and her crew appeal to other paranormals and inspire loyalty. Their moral compass attracts more allies than they had hoped for.

With warnings from Seers on what NOT to do in dealing with Enid, Jess must make sure she mixes things up just enough to change a horrible outcome. She needs to meet with Enid but not under Enid’s stipulations or else the paranormal world could be in for a horrible ride for the next 1000 years or so.

Everything depends on Jess getting things just right so the Coalition can take its rightful place and stabilize the paranormal world. Five women will run the Coalition Council and it’s a big surprise to some of them on being called to duty and some sour grapes for others who aren’t.

What I didn’t like: I would say the pricing is a bit high but after reading the e-book, I’m not sure that’s true. I feel like I got my money’s worth and I do believe Ms Carlson went the self-publishing route with Blue Blooded so hats off to her for continuing the series.

The one thing I did have a bit of a problem with was, I kept thinking Jess must be Wonder Woman or something. She’s continually getting new powers and evidently drinking her blood makes other paranormals not only more powerful, but give them a link to Jess. You’ll have to read it to see what you think.

As I said, I couldn’t put Blue Blooded down even with all the “drama” and convenient fixes for problems that should have taken longer to solve. That’s the thing though, Jess is under a time constraint on dealing with her problem with Enid.

Ms Carlson’s writing flows well and is easy to follow. I did have to go back and review what had happened in Pure Blooded since it had been almost 18 months between books. This series to me is pure escapism. Don’t try to reason things out too much, just go with the flow and you will be thoroughly entertained. I was!

There are quite a few big surprises at the end of the story and now I’m wondering if this was the final book but surely not with the bit of a cliffhanger Ms Carlson threw in at the end.

Profile Image for Melissa Hayden.
921 reviews117 followers
February 19, 2017
*I was offered a copy of this book from the author or publisher for review.

Jessica is on her fight to survive and live with those she loves. I love how she never stops trying and caring for those around her. Jessica has really collected quite the entourage of friends. All are special in their own ways and match perfectly to their mates and Jessica. Yes, everyone (well, just about) ends up paired up with a mate.

We get the fun interactions and magic all characters have to share in this book. Everyone is at their best and shows it. We even get the great fights that have been part of Jessica's stories. However, I was a little bummed at the big battle. I was expecting more. The ease of the death of one character... There was so much troubles with another of similar status, and this one was quickly dispatched. I know she was of a different origin in her area of expertise, but still that easy? I understand Jessica is being protected (for reasons I can't say - you'll just have to read!) so that keeps the scene to a limited view as well.

I love that all the characters we've crossed in previous books show up here in name and more in person. It's great to see how all the previous books trickled in to bring Jessica to this point in her life. And a great reminder of all she's been through. And all have brought Jessica to this point, all friends and actions of previous books. We read the connections to all that Jessica's been through to get to this point in her life, what has formed Jessica to be who she is. I love when these connections are made in a series, it shows how all of it was needed to be lived through.

Amanda did a wonderful job of tying all the books, events, people, and more together here to end the series. Amanda has once again created a high octane read that I didn't want to stop reading. I wanted to see/hear about everyone and learn all I could with why Jessica and how it would fit together for the new Coalition. And I got that!

In the end, we have a conclusion. But the world of supernatural is never at ease. This leaves a window opening that could bring us back to the world in the future, but this is the concluding book of the series arc.
Profile Image for Myriam.
644 reviews24 followers
January 7, 2017
What a fantastic ending to a fantastic series!
This is the final epilogue chapter and it blew my mind. It is full of surprises and although Jessica's story is finished for now, the author left some paths opened for continuation in Jessica's world. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Although this book contained barely any fighting in comparison with the previous books in the series, it was even more intense and unexpected. Carlson thought of everything and everyone. Each one of the characters develops to their full potential and complexity. Ray and Naomi remain my favourites, as well as Eudoxia. Jessica is by far one of the best female main characters ever written. And brilliant care and effort to develop almost every side character in the story is amazing.
As I already stated, the author gave a hint that this is not the end of Jessica's world and I eagerly await to see what she will explore next, the Coalition, Eudoxia's world, Ajax, Ray, Selene, Underworld, Veil, The Fates, or something else. There is so much to explore and so many interesting characters to follow. I wholeheartedly recommend this series.
Series reading order is: Blooded (Jessica McClain, #0.5), Full Blooded (Jessica McClain, #1), Hot Blooded (Jessica McClain, #2), Cold Blooded (Jessica McClain, #3), Red Blooded (Jessica McClain, #4), Pure Blooded (Jessica McClain, #5) and Blue Blooded (Jessica McClain, #6).
2 reviews
January 3, 2017
I was happily looking forward to getting back into this world and found myself thoroughly disappointed. Every obstacle that arose was either instantly solved in a neat and tidy fashion or had the resolution handed to the main characters on a sliver platter by another. Where was the challenge for our characters to struggle through as we root for them on the sidelines? Furthermore, almost all of the major events that the story was building up too also seemed lack luster and almost forced in a way. If an event was supposed to be huge, why was it smooshed into 2-3 pages or instantaneously resolved? Also characters I used to love seemed to have gone flat. Where was the detail? Finally, unlike the other books, I found the dialogue to be lacking this time around. Unlike other books by the author, I frequently found myself saying "thank you captain obvious" in my head after most of the characters spoke.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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