Contents: 1. The Ends of the Earth 2. A Northern Passage to Cathay 3. The Great Southland 4. The Search for Sir John Franklin 5. The True Viking 6. Reaching the North Pole 7. Duel for the South Pole 8. The Home of the Blizzard 9. The Ridddle of the Copper Eskimos 11. The Poles Today.
I've spent a lazy hour, over the past few mornings, perusing the pages of this encyclopedia and have thoroughly enjoyed it!
The book is split into chapters dedicated to a particular individual and their mission/s to the North and the South poles, all set out in chronological order. I appreciated how the focus continued to remain on the expidition without giving lengthy and (at least for me) forgettable information regarding the lives of those manning the missions. Every detail remained on the adventure, the discoveries, the tragedies, and the triumphs.
Each page was also heavily adorned with artwork of what was witnessed on these voyages, often by those venturing into the unchartered territories themselves, alongside photographs of the brave and adventurous souls.
Onder het stof gevonden tijdens ontdekkingsreis op zolder, maar een heerlijk boek over reizen naar noord- en zuidpool. Ook knap dat de schrijver je enthousiast krijgt om zelf naar de polen te reizen, ondanks het hoge aantal bevroren tenen en overleden avonturiers.