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Smoke rises from the ruins of fallen kingdoms. Forgotten secrets have been revealed. In the darkness of the world, Lucifer’s army grows.

The quest of the book-bearers grows even more perilous when Isaac and his companions discover that ancient enemies have risen from the Heart of Elysium, seeking to snatch the Book of Letters from their hands. The Nephilins are now aided by Xavier, one of the Fallen Rulers. Villages have been brought to the ground by armies of Shadows. Creatures from the Abyss now lurk in the mountains and forests, longing to kill whoever crosses their path.

Isaac and his companions must find courage to overcome their fears as they continue their journey throughout Elysium.


First published May 28, 2014

About the author

J.D. Netto

16 books533 followers
J.D. Netto is a multi-faceted bestselling author. His first fantasy series, The Whispers of the Fallen, became an underground phenomenon when first published. He’s also the founder of Saved by the Page, a movement that invites readers to share stories on how books saved their lives. A few of these heroic tales were compiled into an anthology, published in 2018. He’s also known for Henderbell: The Shadow of Saint Nicholas—a speculative fiction novel that follows the cursed bloodline of Father Christmas. His latest work, The Broken Miracle: Part One, is a fictional biography inspired by the life of acclaimed pianist Paul Cardall and his journey living with half a heart. The novel also spawned an album featuring Paul himself alongside David Archuleta, Thompson Square, Tyler Glenn, among others.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Ben Alderson.
Author 27 books13.9k followers
October 31, 2016

I am so excited that today is the re-release of The Whispers of the Fallen series buy JD. Netto

This sequel to The Whispers of the Fallen's first book 'Whispers of the Fallen; really gives you everything you need! You fall deeper into this world and TRULY WITNESS THE THREATS THAT ARE POSSING IN THIS WORLD! This sequel REALLY does not disappoint!
Profile Image for Tamara.
78 reviews3 followers
December 28, 2015
I like idea of " what if " Lucifer was bound in diaries and they have bearers to keep them safe.

I love writing of J.D Netto. He makes you wish you were part of the world . Even tho it's going to HELL and becoming a danger place to live.

The cover design by J.D Netto himself is stunning. Goes well with the Lucifer ordeal.

This first book I was amazed how strong Isacc has stayed. But now I'm astonished of how strong he is even tho he been on one hell of a ride and Heartache.

Devin how he is going against his own kind to help the book bearers is out standing.
Profile Image for Isabel Naquin.
58 reviews57 followers
June 28, 2014
I’m going to go ahead and say it; Oh My God! This book was spectacular! I was so blown away by the 1st book ‘The Whispers of the Fallen’ and the 2nd book was even better. JD Netto is as I have said before an amazing writer and does such a fantastic job of not only writing a great story, but he is able to capture the essence of the characters and the story in such a unique way! “The Whispers of The Fallen” is the story of a boy named Isaac and the journey he takes through Elysium to protect and discover the books of Lucifer along with their book bearers. Rebellion is the next instalment in the series, and it’s hard to put to words how breathtaking this book was!
If you haven’t read this series yet, I highly recommend you pick it up today! It is a spectacular, fantastic, breathtaking, and beautiful read. You won’t be disappointed!
*Spoilers Below*
Rebellion opens up with Isaac a waking from a nightmare in which he kills Nephele. Right away I was pulled into the story! Isaac’s dream was intriguing because of all the emotion and theories that took off in my head. I was interested to see where this would lead latter in the story. Isaac is awoken and told of the situation at hand and that there are safely hidden in Bellator. The King delivers news to Isaac and Demetre, about their parents and about the war coming. I really enjoyed the scene here where the King, Demyon, tells Demetre about his parents. Though it was sad I enjoyed how Isaac comforted him, since I really enjoy their friendship. I also really love the sense of hope Isaac can bring to any situation, and his companions. It might sound weird, but I did enjoy this moment. I think in the end it also helped Demetre’s character. What he took from it impacted him latter in the story.
The book bearers are all brought together by King Deymon and I really loved getting to meet some of the new characters. The one character I really loved and that really stood out to me was Xylia. Her character is so interesting and lovely in a fierce, headstrong way. I really appreciate strong female characters. I’ve said before she reminds me a lot of Tauriel from The Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit. Xylia really stood out to me from the beginning. I also noticed some “relationship” growing between her and Isaac, which they kiss later! I really like their relationship.
Isaac and some of the others venture underground to seek help from the dragons. It’s in this scene where Isaac is able to kill one of the blood drinkers, our new dangerous enemies, which he shouldn’t be able to do. This had me going even crazier! Theories were flying. As relieved as I was that we could kill them in a way, it also raised suspicions latter in the story, and this element of the story is really intriguing. I’m wondering how this will play out in book 3!
The blood drinkers begin attacking the Castle. King Deymon orders Devin to lead all the book bearers on their journey and away from the attack. I was really upset when we had to leave King Deymon because we all sadly new his fate. But the safety of the book bearers is essential. Thus, our journey takes off.
Along this journey Isaac and the others are faced with challenge after challenge, and experience many perils. The stories behind the destructions of the towns were really sad, and it put this burden on the group. Even when the worst was upon them though, Isaac pushed through and he really stepped up to the plate in this book.
In the end sadly, some of our companions submit to the power of Lucifer. I was so upset when I read this part where Adawnas, Petra, and Ballard, where taken. I felt bad for these characters but not only for them but their companions who had to lose them.
At the end of the book when Lucifer visits Isaac and the others, it was such and impactful scene and it has set forth book 3. I’m nervous to see how this journey goes and if we will be able to save everyone and destroy Lucifer. Right now we seem to be playing right into the hands of the enemy.
Overall, as I said before, this book was spectacular, action packed, beautiful, breathtaking and fantastic. It was a great read and I loved this book! I really enjoyed getting to read this book and this series so far. I cannot wait to read book 3! The wait will surely be agonizing. Fantastic job JD Netto!
July 11, 2014
Rebellion is the stunning, action-packed, high fantasy sequel to The Whispers of the Fallen, written by J. D. Netto.
I’d found the prequel by chance in BEA (BookExpo of America) in 2013 while just wandering around.
Judging a book by its cover I knew it had to be something dark and interesting. The Whispers of the Fallen became one of the first books I’d ever reviewed and quickly one of my favourite indie YA Fantasy novels to date. The influences of J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien show greatly in J. D.’s work as he delivers nothing but action-packed, thrilling, and compelling content.

The journey is still far from over for Isaac and his companions. Just when he and the book-bearers are granted a moment of peace a new threat rises from the Ruins of Madbouseux. Fleeing once more, the book-bearers’ loyalty to one another is constantly tested as doubt grows in their minds. The only thing that matters is keeping the books closed and away from those who want to open it. There are Shadows, Lessers, Nephiins all coming down from the mountain to stop Isaac and the others, and will stop at nothing to possess one or any of the books.

Right from the beginning, readers are thrown straight into the world of Elysium, and right into Isaac’s story. Rebellion, book two in the series, kicks off right after book one ends, and pick up almost immediately. Everything is fast-paced, exciting, and leaves readers and characters with barely a moments rest to catch their breath.

There was always something going on, from Dragons, to epic fight scenes, to running, and Nephilin, to more running, to the new enemies that are trying to steal the book of letters, and did I mention lots more running. Don’t be fooled by all the running though, it’s strategic running. This book also gives you an insight into Devin’s POV, which I was most excited to read. It was interesting to see the struggle inside of him – the struggle he faces every single minute of every day that he goes behind everything he stands for. He really is a good guy, and if anything happens to him, I might have a fit. Can’t blame me for being a sucker of the tall, dark, and mysterious, even if he is kind of a prude sometimes.

The story is immersive, captivating, and an easy read. Young adults would love reading this high fantasy novel set in a fictional world that is comparable to those created by J. K. and J. R. R.. Elysium is so vast and holds so much wonder and darkness that it will leave readers immediately wanting more.

Isaac’s journey is far from over, and it nothing short of the hardest thing people would have to endure. But like Harry Potter and Frodo Baggins, there is always hope. Where there is courage there is hope, and as long as he has that, he’s sure to go on. It was such a pleasure reading this riveting continuation, and I can’t wait to read more from J. D. Netto.

4/5 Hearts of Love

Check out the rest of my reviews at http://www.akiikomorireading.com
Profile Image for Grayson Newman.
15 reviews
October 1, 2014
In this breathtaking sequel to the Whispers of the Fallen, Isaac and his friends find themselves on yet another journey throughout Elysium. If you have not already read this book, stop what you're doing right now and GO GET IT. This story takes place immediately after the events in The Whispers of the Fallen. Isaac awakens to find out that his epic journey and battle against darkness is not over yet. Adventure, action, and high thrill, The Whispers of the Fallen: Rebellion was uniquely alluring and hooked me with the first paragraph! If you're looking for an action packed awesome sauce with extra sauce novel, then I highly recommend you read Rebellion.

Like The Whispers of the Fallen, Rebellion takes off instantly into Isaac's journey, and I must say, the beginning scene was epic and jaw dropping. J.D. once again does a fabulous job with his fast paced style of writing, and keeping his many readers enthralled throughout the story. I have stated before that often times a second book in a series can lack the freshness and content that a good novel needs. Netto though, as stated above keeps readers hooked and never writes a dull moment in his book. I personally found myself staying up really late reading this, and I mean really late, because I just could not put it down! Each event in this novel led up to something even grander and exciting then before, and put me on the edge of my reading chair!

When I was reading Rebellion, I specifically noticed how J.D. constantly uses imagery throughout the novel. And, wow. Ladies and gentleman J.D. Netto is an amazing imagery writer! In Rebellion, Netto gets extremely descriptive with what is going on in the scene, and goes into great detail on what the characters are noticing as they venture in Elysium. J.D. definitely got the gory details down when someone got impaled with a sword and when a "creature" takes a bite out of one of Isaac's companions. J.D.'s use of imagery makes you feel like you are literally inside the pages of Rebellion which intrigued me even more and is sure to intrigue you too! As I was reading this book, I felt like I was standing next to Isaac, and I'm pretty sure I heard Lucifer in my head... Netto's imagery appealed to all five of my senses which is just one of the many reasons why this novel is so good!

If I have not already made it clear, I highly recommend this book. I'm just throwing it out there, but J.D. Netto is such an amazing writer and I can promise that you will love, love, love his books! He has worked so hard on these books and his hard work definitely paid off. The Whispers of the Fallen series is a good read for anyone looking to pick up a good book. I give The Whispers of the Fallen: Rebellion a 4.5/5 stars! PICK UP THESE BOOKS TODAY! I can assure you, you will not regret it. :) Oh, and how about that ending? I need book three.

January 24, 2015
I believe the second book is much better then the first. More characters have be introduced, and it really is a balance of trust. Cause you never know who you can trust anymore. Most of the times the first book is the best, but in this case the second is much better. The one thing i hope to come is that they will talk more like friend and not as if they were talking to strangers. But then again i believe that's how they talked back then.
Profile Image for Winona Norberg.
68 reviews18 followers
July 8, 2015
J.D. Sure knows how to kill your feels... but it is still amazing... I need TGOS. Okay? Okay. There was so much action in this one, it seemed like the group never got a break, but it is a good thing because the book and plot keeps you on your toes.. until the ending... and then it was.. a plot twist. I just need more...
Profile Image for Darque  Dreamer .
522 reviews67 followers
March 16, 2017
Rebellion is book two in The Whispers of the Fallen series by J.D. Netto. In this second installment in the series we are reunited with our hero, Isaac, after his scuffle with Nephele and Erebos. We continue our terrifying journey of protecting the 5 books from Lucifer's followers, and are thrown in to very dark, terrifying situations. Our main characters, Isaac, Devin, and Demetre, along with the book bearers, Ballard, Petra, Adara, and Xylia, fight for their lives as they run from Nephele and Erebos, as well as the blood drinkers and Bartholomew.

I was told by J.D that this book would be darker than the first one and I definitely have to agree. In book one we learned of the struggle between humanity and darkness and found that our heroes, Isaac, Demetre, and Devin, were fighting to save humanity. In this book we see how humanity can turn to darkness and truly learn that darkness dwells in the heart of all men. We begin to see a change in Isaac and start to believe in the power of temptation. I found Isaac's struggle to be real and unique. We see him favored by the Creator in book one and given tremendous power and abilities, yet he still struggles with the darkness in his heart and the temptations of giving in to Lucifer.

I have truly come to admire and respect Devin for his struggle and bravery. Being a Nephilin, he is automatically expected and predisposed to be dark, and yet he still fights alongside Isaac and Demetre to keep Lucifer from coming in to being. His struggle doesn't seem as difficult as Isaac's or the book bearers', but his may just be the most difficult of them all.

I am hoping to learn more of the book bearers in the coming books. So far their characters seem to fit well in the story. I feel like they all come from slightly different backgrounds and I can see how each one of them has a story to tell and characteristics to add to the series. I am hopeful of a budding romance between Xylia and Isaac, even if it is fleeting.

In the past month, I have read three books that claimed to be in the horror category. I was sadly disappointed by all three, as they did not give me the imagery I desired. Rebellion did not disappoint me at all! The horrors we see in the aftermath of the slaughter by the blood drinkers is astonishing. We are introduced to new predators that can rip humans limb from limb, and we witness the terror that can be inflicted between men who succumb to the darkness in their hearts and are fighting one another out of fear. This series gets better with each book and I cannot wait to find out what happens next.

#thewhispersofthefallen #oftomes

Thank you to J.D. Netto and Of Tomes for providing myself and the street team with this free e-book for my honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
210 reviews18 followers
January 15, 2019
The journey continues and is action packed and very lovely written
Profile Image for Denis Barbov.
19 reviews
September 2, 2014
Hello fellow readers, today I am back with a review of “Rebellion” by J.D. Netto – the sequel to “The Whispers of The Fallen”. I simply feel like I cannot put all my feels in this review because that is one of the best books I have read by now. Everything I liked about “The Whispers of The Fallen” is here.
Okay, this time I will begin with the writing. It got better than in the previous book. The descriptions continue to be short but descriptive and easily imaginable and there are no unneeded words. The style is still formal which I was still finding weird and actually asked the author why that is. He was really kind and told me it’s like this because the characters don’t need to rush and they live in another world. Some of the names I found hard to pronounce but I figured them out. The world-building is just startling. You can visualize everything you read without any difficulties.
The story folds even more. The plot is taken and complicated by ten. You do get some answers about questions asked in the first book but you are left with many questions like “Who is this?” or “How is this possible?” and many others. Also there are so MANY twists and turns that would just blow your mind. You are kept on the edge of your seat by the end of the book. Speaking of which, I am very, very angry. Why did both of these books and on such high notes and cliffhangers? I actually asked J.D. Netto and his answer was that he couldn’t help it. Anyways, we are left waiting for the next installment called #TGOS, yep, we still have just the initials and no actual name.
The characters are developing by the page. They are just so well thought-out and presented that I cannot even describe in words. They go through so many things that I don’t know how they didn’t lose it. If I were in one of their places I would have gone cray-cray long time ago… I envy them for their strength.
I can hardly say anything about this book that I haven’t already mentioned in the review of the first book. “Rebellion” is taken to a whole new level of epicness. There are so many twists and turns that lead to the astounding finale with a cliffhanger that will leave you yearning for the continuation of the series.
Profile Image for Ashley Byland.
131 reviews7 followers
August 1, 2014
I remember reading book 1 from this series, and being blown away by the writing style of J.D. Netto. He has a way of writing that transports you to a different world, which is exactly where these books take place. I cannot express how much I love his writing style, because it is actually hard for me to describe, lol. But in the best way possible. He is very articulate with his words and usage that it puts my review writing to shame. The words he uses to describe the story and emotions the characters feel, it really just gives you the feeling that you are in this world he has created. Just brilliant!

Rebellion takes off right where The Whispers of the Fallen left off, but I do have to admit, I had read many book in between and I could not remember the character Nathan. Still can't. I need to go back to the first book to refresh my memory, but that's just my little mental note. It was very easy (Aside for that one character for me) to just start reading and know what exactly is going on again, and very easy to fall back into the story.

These books are not for people who are in love with happy endings. Not saying that there is no happy ending, and only being the second book in the series, it's obviously not done. But it isn't for the faint of heart. There are real and devastating things that happen. Lots of death, but with the mission these characters are on, it wouldn't be much of a story if it was all happiness and butterflies. Isaac and the book bearers deal with some sad/heavy/crazy stuff and their faith is tested. This is a great book to show you how faith can really save you.

I couldn't put this one down, it was a great second book for this series and the way that it ended, really gets me excited for the next!!
Profile Image for Evangeline.
50 reviews68 followers
October 15, 2015
Well just like the first book, Rebellion was full of action. This world is just so fascinating to read about and I need TGOS now! Can't wait for it's release on Halloween. I was reading this book on my kindle because I still haven't had enough money to spare to buy signed copies from JD's website but a certain nice man known as Santa should be coming around with presents in a few months so who knows. I was actually happy reading it on my kindle though because it gave me the ability to highlight my favourite quotes or scenes. I love Xylia's character, she is such a headstrong woman. She knows what she believes in and doesn't back down and it was great getting to know more about her. Will be good to see how her and Isaac's relationship develops in the next book but I hope Lucifer doesn't get to them too much. I'm also really scared for Devin, especially since I saw JD write on instagram that it was hard to write his fate in book 3 and I'm just really worried! Having said that, I thought it was really cool having Lucifer enter their minds as it made him become a more real threat to me as we were actually getting a glimpse of him even though we couldn't see him. Does that make sense? Anyways moving on, Isaac and Demetre's friendship is amazing and it reminds me of Frodo and Sam. They have each others backs no matter what, they understand each other so well and they always know when the other needs to be left alone to cool off or get some quiet from everyone else.
"Every decision has both good and bad outcomes." This is one of the quotes I highlighted straight after reading it and especially now after reading the ending of the book and knowing the decision they have made, this quote definitely applies. Guys read this series, you won't regret it!
Profile Image for Karina (readingraindrops).
18 reviews26 followers
February 6, 2016
A digital copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second book in The Whispers of the Fallen trilogy. The journey continues where we left off in the first book. I enjoyed The Whispers of the Fallen and was really excited to continue the adventure. Luckily, the sequel does not disappoint!

It is extremely well written. I really like the writing style, which is formal and descriptive as in the first book, which suits the historical feeling of the story. It somehow makes the old world seem more authentic and believable, and you truly enter this world through the language.

I found it easier to follow the story now that I know the main characters and the universe better, but there are still a lot of minor characters and places and creatures to keep track of, which gets confusing at times.

In my opinion, Isaac is an amazing protagonist. There is no fake macho attitude about him – if he’s sad, he cries. The same goes for the other characters; I love the fact that they show their feelings. They are not just coldblooded battle machines, but they actually get affected by the extreme circumstances they find themselves in and the violence and brutality they encounter everywhere.

The reading is not for the faint of heart. The atmosphere is dark and grim, and the descriptions are vivid and brutal. You get every bloody, gory detail, but it really just adds to the rough and unforgiving universe portrayed, so there’s no reason to sugarcoat uncomfortable scenes. The characters do not have that luxury, and the reader lives through the gore with them.

The more I read, the more excited I get about this series, and I can’t wait to read the third book to see what happens next!
Profile Image for Jaclyn.
63 reviews23 followers
June 4, 2020
What a superb and fantastic sequel to The Whispers of the Fallen series!!! I knew I wanted to get Rebellion because of how much I LOVED this first book. Once again, Rebellion does not disappoint, and is in some ways, is better than the first book.

I liked that this book takes place right after the events from the first book. Most books have sequels that take place months or years after the first novel making it seem like another story versus a continuation of the previous book. I enjoyed seeing many of my favorite characters from the first book (both good and evil) as well as seeing new faces (both good and evil). Throughout this book, the characters are fighting for survival against the Nephilins as well as a new enemy. Not only are they struggling with that, they were also struggling with events from their past. I liked that this story is written in both Issac and Devin's POV. This book is a fantastic example of a fight between good vs evil. Just like the first book, I enjoyed many of the twists and turns and not knowing what was going to happen next. The events that took place was fantastically written. There were moments where I had to pause because of HOW vivid these scenes were (think of the most gruesome scary movie you have seen). You will feel so many emotions as you read this story you won't know what to do. I would highly recommend this to fans of high fantasy novels, but also to those who have never read a high fantasy novel, because you WILL be hooked. I'm looking forward to reading the third book in this trilogy and what happens to my favorite characters on their journey to fighting evil.
Profile Image for Chris DiMatteo.
6 reviews1 follower
June 7, 2016
"I have fallen so far from the light, that I am now doomed to be an eternal slave to my wicked desires." -Devin

The Whispers of the Fallen
Book 2: Rebellion
By: J.D. Netto

I must say I'm not sure how Netto does it, but the ability to write two highly enjoyable novels in a row that offers little to no hope for the protagonist baffles me! Nothing wrong with a book that sucks hope from its main characters, but I really don't see how they're going to win this war against the darkness. Yes, I bought book three already because I need to see how it ends! This book takes you from high points where you really think the tides have turned, to another helpless situation within in a matter of sentences. The cast has definitely expanded, but also the characters themselves have grown so much. Even at times you may think little has changed the character, but in some scenes it is so clear that you cannot deny their growth! If you think battling a rising Lucifer is bad enough...try throwing in a group of ten vampires, which are referred to as blood-drinkers in the book. They are fast, violent, and thirsty. I highly enjoy the darker tone of the story, and it is nicely balanced by the white dragons! Overall this is a fantastic read, and still in first person. Last thing, if you are fans of Devin from the first book then you will love the middle of this one. We actually get to spend a couple chapters in his head, which does clear up a few mysteries behind Devins character. Go buy the trilogy, and start reading! 5/5
January 29, 2015
Looking for a video review? Go to "Ulysses Reads" on YouTube and check out my video review!!!

Something I really liked about this book was that you're immediately compelled into the book, which is amazing for a reader who loves fast-pace books.

Rebellion introduces a lot of new characters, one of my favorites being Xylia. Xylia is a total badass and is the complete opposite of Devin. I like seeing strong female characters in books and Xylia really hit the mark.

The relationship between Issac and Demetre in this book reaches a complete new level which was something I really loved.

Rebellion has some graphic scenes that I personally didn't have any problems with. But if you think you'd be bothered by such scenes. You have be warned!!!

I love how J.D Netto never sugar coats things in his books which is something a lot of authors tend to do!!!

Over all Rebellion was just as amazing as the first book. This book was amazing and can't wait for the third book: The Gathering of Shadows!!!

I rate this book 5/5 stars!!!

Make sure you go pick up this series before the third book comes out!!! You won't regret it!!!!

Go check out my video review on "Ulysses Reads"!!!
Profile Image for Whispering Chapters.
1,160 reviews376 followers
October 22, 2015
The story is extremely and highly action packed! I have to admit that I got attached to every character, even the villains. That doesn't happen! Not to me, at least. I had gotten attached to Nephele in the first book. It got that bad, guys. J.D. Netto delivers each character on point with the story and you just can't help but get attached to them. I am not one to get attached to ALMOST EVERY character in a story but I did with Rebellion.

Highly addictive and penetrating and outstanding!
Profile Image for Dalene.
482 reviews12 followers
August 3, 2014
First, I would like to thank the author J.D. Netto for giving me this book for an honest review. I love this book, I had already enjoyed reading the first book and I feel this one is even better. The characters are well developed and written. The world building is great. The story-line is very good. I look forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Mykenna Dutton.
281 reviews14 followers
August 14, 2014
SO GOOD! Video review will be up on my channel later this week! (Spoiler free of course)
Profile Image for Naifsalem.
28 reviews6 followers
September 23, 2014
just reviewed the first book and it blew me away! Rebllion is one of my favorite sequels! All i can say is it deserves all 5 stars because flawless!!
Profile Image for Lina Jones.
9 reviews
January 6, 2019
it’s rare for me to say that I like a sequel better than the first book, yet I enjoyed this book so much more than the first one. I really liked it, I found the plot more entertaining and not at all predictable, fast paced, enjoyable and I loved the new characters that were introduced, and I came to like Isaac who in the first series I did not particularly care for. The characters had a liveliness to them which I didn’t feel in the first book. And I feel as though the writing got so much better. For those who are debating on reading this book I would highly recommend it since I loved it so much more than the first.
Profile Image for Spyros Ferentinos.
24 reviews2 followers
January 6, 2019
A worthy successor to book 1.
J.D Netto continues with the same rythm trough action and battles to embraces us into this new world
Fallen Stars,Shadows and blood-drinkers. It also shows us that alliances can be broken among the bad guys also.
The darkness continues to dwell in this world becoming more powerful and reducing the efforts of Isaac and its team and i wonder what will happen in the following 2 books.
Profile Image for Joanne Pang.
186 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2019

This book was both a yes and a no for me. It was definitely better than the first book considering the fact that I was more hooked, but I still found myself skimming through certain pages. What I did like was that the pace definitely slowed down a bit, and we get a bit more time to digest the characters' thoughts and surroundings, as well as what was going on.

However, I must say that I couldn't and wasn't able to keep track of the characters: some of them that appeared in book one literally made little to no appearance in this book, and too many new characters were introduced. They were all essential to the plot, but I personally got really confused.

But there are other good points: Issac, our MC, is explored with much more depth in this book and with much more flavour. Everything he is going through within this book, with incidents, Lucifer trying to jailbreak life and his no-more-ordinary-life, Issac begins to descend into chaos and madness as the burden creeps up on him. The numerous vulnerable circumstances in this book made many great scenes that described Issac's emotions and pain and rawness. 

Other than Issac, we also have 1/3 of the book being of Devin's perspective (a character introduced in the previous book). It was essential to see the world differently, to feel and understand sufferings differently: overall it was a great addition to the plot.

The PLOT now was really really interesting. Despite all the new characters and my head kind of exploding, there were many twist and turns that just went deeper and deeper and deeper and darker and darker and darker and I felt really "weighed-down" by all the events going on and the internal struggles with so many of the main cast within this book.

I certainly hope to get a nice and spectacular conclusion in the next book of the Whispers of the Fallen series, and REBELLION was definitely a rondo of chaos that brings you deeper and darker as the evil force gets closer and closer.
Profile Image for Carynn.
15 reviews
February 28, 2016
3.8 / 5

I enjoyed this book more than the first book in the series for several reasons. One of them being that the story flowed much better in this second book. It was easy to get into the story and feel the atmosphere. This made it very easy for me to pick it up during my travels in Japan and it was a great book to read when queuing up for something. I also liked the dialogue this time, it wasn't purely question and answers like the first book. We had friendly banter, arguments, small talk, all the things that made it more realistic. I've grown fond of Devin and Arundel and I'm so afraid of what might happen to them! (Please don't kill them off @jdnetto, I would like to keep my heart in one piece)

Unfortunately, I wasn't very fond of the  relationship between Xylia and Isaac. I'm not feeling it, some parts felt awkward and forced. There were also many, many characters and sometimes I can't keep track of it and they only appear for a chapter or so then the story continues on without them.

This book explores more about temptation, the good and the bad and how every one of us have a rebel, a traitor in us. It's about how we fight it, how we are able to differentiate the good and the bad that makes us strong. Isaac is a perfect example of how a hero doesn't always have a good heart all the time, but I think he is strong because he knows how to fight it and not let the evil thoughts consume him and I like that. I really do.
Profile Image for Dani Reyes .
110 reviews2 followers
October 2, 2015
Omg this book was amazing. No words I need the third book now! I liked that we got to see in Devin's point of view. It's funny how everyone who tries to help the characters always end up dead will this never end? I found it hard to have hope through this book for the characters. Like that's so wonderfully done since the beginning evil is winning. So I am excited to know how the heroes of this story will overcome all that they have endure and fight an epic battle at the end that will save everyone. I can't believe that Adara, Petra and Ballard gave into the temptation by Xavier. They wounded and captured my baby Devin :(. We finally saw Adawnas i still have hope that she will help them later, I hope I am right about this and the fact that Devin has feeling for her did not escape my knowledge my only hope is that she has feelings for him too. I really like Xylia she is such a strong character since she first appeared I knew I liked her. Xylia and Isaac kiss though. I hope they can get together after all this is over.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maribel Cruz.
75 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2016
To be honest The Wisphers of the fallen was ok for me and I wasn't so sure if I was going to like this series, but after finishing Rebellion. Let me just say that I absolutely loved every single minute of it. From the first page to the end I just couldn't put it down. Devin is my all time favorite character and I hope he resists the erge to side with darkness. I'm so glad I decided to continue with this series. Just when I thought Isaac was getting a break something happens I think that's the only think I kind of didn't enjoy, but if your a person who loves action packed books then this is the book for you. I know am picking up the next book right away :-)
Profile Image for Jill.
96 reviews
October 17, 2014
I received this in exchange for an honest review all of the view points are my own. I was really blown away with the author's writing in this one and again there's nothing that I didn't like about reading this. I really enjoyed diving back into the world in this sequel and getting to read more about the characters and this diary of Lucifer and of the angels that are mentioned in both the first and its sequel Rebellion. Both are excellent reads and even though I've heard alot about both good and bad I didn't let either stop me from reading this.
Profile Image for Trina.
1 review
November 6, 2015
Non stop action and great character development.

I've ordered "The Gathering of Shadows" and waiting for my copy to find out what happens next!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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