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Everlight #1

An Evidence of Magic

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Forty-year-old, hard bitten, foul-mouthed, homicide detective, Hiro Santos, suspects the owner of the art studio committed the gory killing. Too bad. There are other things he'd like to do to the gorgeous young man than book him for murder. Worse, his sexy suspect is certifiable. The nutcase claims he's some kind of high wizard from an alternate reality and needs Hiro's help to save their worlds.

While the striking Sable Campion appears a youthful twenty-five, he’s endured over two-hundred lonely years as guardian of the portal between Everlight and Elysium. None of those centuries offered him any experience finding a vicious killer. That's where Hiro Santos comes in; but convincing the virile detective to trust Sable will take all his persuasive skills...and perhaps a bit of magic.

The magic they find in each other's arms will rock each of their realities.

210 pages, ebook

First published September 5, 2016

About the author

Kris Michaels

76 books1,024 followers
USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author, Kris Michaels is the alter ego of a happily married wife and mother. She writes romance, usually with characters from military and law enforcement backgrounds.

Kris was born and raised in South Dakota. She graduated many years ago from a high school class consisting of 13 students (yes that is thirteen, eleven girls and two boys...lucky boys). She joined the military, met her husband, and traveled the world. Today she lives on the Gulf Coast and writes full time.

Kris is an avid people watcher and dreamer. The stories she writes are crafted around the hopes and dreams of a true romantic. She believes love is essential, people are beautiful, and everyone deserves a happy ending.

When she isn't writing Kris enjoys a full life revolving around family, friends, laughing, whiskey, and cold red wine. (Yes cold...don't judge.)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews
Profile Image for Bitchie.
1,464 reviews76 followers
September 6, 2016
Wow, this was a fantastic start to a new series! I was told this was like a grown up Harry Potter, but for me, I think it more resembled the Dresden series, what with the different dimensions or universes, or whatnot, and the council leading the magical universe.

Apparently, there are any number of alternate dimensions, some better, some worse, than others. In this particular series, we have Everlight, which is pretty much like our own world, maybe a bit darker and more crime filled, and it's alternate, Elysium, a world where people can do magic, a supposedly peaceful dimension, where blood purity is the name of the game, and things aren't quite as peaceful as they seem.

We have Everlight's Hiro, a hard bitten police detective, who catches a grisly murder, and Sable, the magical man from Elysium, charged with keeping the portals between worlds closed, and most recently, charged with the White Council, to find out who's been murdering other gate keepers, as well as a few council members. These guys meet up, and it's quite explosive, before it turns very sweet, and I loved being along for the ride.

If I had just one complaint about this book, it would be the nicknames. The wizard, the mage, the warlock, the magician, Merlin, Lucius Malfoy (Sable had long, blond hair), and many more I'm forgetting. I just felt the names could have been toned down to just one or two that Hiro used, instead of something different every time Sable was mentioned or thought about.

But as that's my only real problem with this story, I'd say it's pretty darned good, and a must read for anyone who likes magic and a side of mystery and romance.
Profile Image for Jay.
240 reviews43 followers
September 12, 2016
4 stars – Prior to developing my recent addiction to reading M/M romances, the vast majority of my reading for pleasure was in the form of novels broadly classified as speculative fiction—anything from science fiction and epic fantasy to dystopian societies and alternate universes. I’ve also mentioned before that I spent a good bit of my teenage years reading mystery novels. So, with An Evidence of Magic, I get a little bit of all three—a crime-procedural in an alternate reality featuring two guys who fall in love—as the start of a series that has a lot of potential to be interesting for other reasons too.

Sable Campion is a high wizard and the protector of one of the four magical portals between his home world of Elysium and the parallel universe of Everlight. The other three guardians and three members of the White Council have been brutally murdered, and he’s been tasked to figure out who the killer is. He returns to his home in Everlight through the secret portal only to find someone else has been murdered. In his art studio and the police are already there. The latest gory crime scene is just another day for Hiro Santos, the tough, vulgar, forty-year-old Everlight City homicide detective who catches the case. Sable is his prime suspect, and the cockamamie story Sable weaves about being a wizard from an alternate reality? Yeah, the guy may be inhumanly attractive, but he’s obviously crazy and a killer. In order to save both their worlds, they will need to work together, a partnership that might work just as well in the bedroom too.

Regardless of the specific type of speculative fiction I’m reading, what pulls me into the story is the world the author builds. The story here takes place mostly in Everlight City, part of an alternate reality not that much different from our own. The rest of the scenes happen in Elysium, a magical parallel universe only structurally similar to either ours or Everlight. We don’t get to see much about Elysium in this book, and I’m not going to go into a lot of detail about it, but the dualism created with this first book of the series makes me hope the authors will delve into some of the social ramifications in future books, as these sorts of commentaries are what separates decent spec-fic books from really good ones.

The fact that there are portals between the two universes is not known to many people in Everlight, but the fact that the residents of the nearly utopian Elysium have no idea how to deal with violent crimes means Sable needs help, and Hiro is the perfect man for the job. This story isn’t a mystery so much as a police procedural, so don’t expect to be able to figure out who the culprit is until it becomes obvious to the characters. I mention this because I was reading it as a mystery instead, and while I haven’t allowed that to affect my rating, I was disappointed because I had been looking for clues that weren’t there. Looking at it after-the-fact as a procedural, it’s a straightforward story that’s easy to follow and interesting enough to have kept me turning the page.

The romance itself is fairly straightforward too, once Hiro realizes Sable’s abilities are not just a bunch of hocus-pocus slight-of-hand. It’s essentially an insta-lust/love story, but the dynamic between them is interesting for an unexpected reason. Hiro is your stereotypical 110%-alpha-male cop who doesn’t do relationships and, at forty, has been around long enough to be completely jaded about pretty much everything. What he doesn’t realize about Sable is that in spite of looking to be in his twenties, he’s actually much, much older… by a factor-of-ten. So Sable’s more than familiar with Hiro’s type. Sable’s magic also gives him the power of persuasion, though his powers seem strangely ineffective against Hiro. At any rate, the attraction is inevitable, but Sable knows he’s gotta let the alpha make the first move.

Once they do get together, it’s intense right from the start. Because of this, I was a little concerned about the remaining sex scenes in the book. I have read one book by Kris Michaels prior to this and had an issue with one of the characters that resulted from the initial sex scene. While I didn’t have a similar problem here, I did have a problem as the book progressed. Granted, there will be many readers who find the chemistry and resulting sex between them to be amazing in every single scene—and I’ll agree that the chemistry is quite good—but after the first couple of scenes, they started to feel overdone. There wasn’t much sexual tension in the book, and the insta-lust/love meant this isn’t a slow build. So add to that my impression of the sex scenes being over the top, and it made me a little less than thrilled at the end. Now all that being said, one of the scenes in particular—the magic-drunk scene—was quite hot indeed.

An Evidence of Magic is my second exposure to Kris Michael and my first to Patricia A. Knight. While I’m usually let down a little with romances couched in a second genre for the simple reason that the story isn’t long enough to do either facet justice, I was pleased with this story overall, a feat made all the more remarkable by the fact that there are two background genres in play here. It is the start of a series, and my fascination with the world the authors have built is enough to make me look forward to reading the next one. My only hope is that the romance in the next one will be a little more understated.

The authors generously provided me a complimentary copy of An Evidence of Magic in exchange for this fair and honest review.

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Profile Image for F..
1,342 reviews65 followers
October 7, 2017
Can't wait for the next in the series. Loved this. A mix of fantasy, magic, sex and violence. Everlight seemed a dirtier, grittier version of Earth - where the Mafioso were kings of corruption. Hiro our Columbo type hero teams up with Sable, a high wizard from Elysium, to solve a string of grisly murders. The murders appear to be linked to an illegal trade between the two dimensions and Hiro and Sable must find who is responsible. Sparks literally fly between the two and we have insta-lust and lots of spine-tingling sexy times. Definitely recommended to all MM fantasy lovers.

5 stars
Profile Image for Malinda.
1,852 reviews247 followers
August 23, 2016
3.5-4 stars

**I received an ARC of this story from the author in exchange for a honest review**

This was a pretty good story and start to the series. I liked both Sable and Hiro and enjoyed their story.

Sable is a high wizard from the alternate reality of Elysium. Sable is 200 years old and the keeper of one of the gates that allow passage between worlds. Sable is of very pure blood from a strong magical line and this gives him certain status and power but he ultimately answers to the White Council...the closest thing that Elysium has to a ruling body. Crime in Elysium is rare so when 3 Council members are killed, the Council decides to task Sable with apprehending and capturing the killer.

Hiro is a police detective and is around 40 years old. He's the best detective on the force and has the best close record to prove it. Hiro's mother died when he was only a few months old so he never knew her. His father was a good man who raised him with love...unfortunately, he died and Hiro has no other family. Hiro mostly lives for his job and any personal involvement is on a one night basis.

Hiro gets called to a high end pottery studio that has a mutilated body with little evidence. He's in the process of investigating when Sable arrives on scene...from an upstairs apartment with no other entrance. Since the 911 call had screams in the background, Hiro knows that no one could sleep through it. Sable had actually been in the other dimension getting orders from the Council when he felt an issue with the gate he protects and had to come back. When he gets back, Sable is able to fix the issue but when he's able to register what's going on outside, he realizes that there are police all around his building. When he goes out to investigate, Hiro automatically sees him as a suspect and insists on treating him as such, regardless of their instantaneous attraction.

Sable can't waste time being a murder suspect and he needs help investigating his murders so he decides to tell Hiro everything and ask him to help. It takes some work and a visit through the gate to Sable's world but Hiro is made to believe in magic and other worlds. Since whomever killed the Council members also killed some people in his world, Hiro agrees to help Sable. Of course, once Hiro realizes that Sable really isn't a suspect, they consummate their attraction almost immediately (fair warning, this is rather and insta-love story). They start working on the case but are hindered by the condescending and disturbing attitudes of the upper crust members of the Elysium society. And once they start ruffling some feathers, direct attacks on Sable and Hiro push things even further. After some drama and danger, Hiro and Sable are able to find the killer and solve their case then start on a HEA together.

This was a pretty enjoyable story. I liked Sable and Hiro but I do wish we'd gotten a little more insight into their backgrounds more. Also, I wouldn't have minded a little more time for them to get to know each other before popping the "I love you"s. They were soulmates so it works but it seemed very quick to me for some reason.

I really liked the new world that was developed for this series. The combination between the mundane world and the magical was well done but in a grittier way than I've seen in other stories (and I liked the grittiness). I don't really like parts of the Elysium society so I'm glad that part of the continuing storyline for the series will be the policing and enforcement of some new laws being put into affect that will hopefully stop some of the worst parts of Elysium society. BTW, the mundane world (I'm not sure if it's supposed to be Earth or just an Earth-like dimension) is called Everlight....isn't that nice? I liked it.

Anyways...I digress. While it wasn't perfect, I did enjoy this story very much and am looking forward to seeing where this series goes. I'd recommend this book. :)
Profile Image for Mimi.
2,271 reviews
September 12, 2016
The beginning of the story had me from the first gruesome scene.

Hiro and Sable were great together. At the very beginning they felt to pull to be together. Hiro is the tough as nails cop and Sable is the magical wizard asked to save both worlds. But he is going to need some help and in walks Hiro.

The different realities and universes would have any fantasy fan drooling. Everlight is a world dark and full of crime and Elysium is the magical opposite but all is not what is seems.

The murders brings are two main MCs together. Hiro and Sable must use all of their gifts to bring the murderer to justice. I can't wait for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Micah.
265 reviews30 followers
Shelved as 'abandoned'
January 11, 2019
“I’ve been amazingly stupid. I’ve fallen in love with the man.”

DNF. I’m out. Insta-love adds literally nothing to a plot line. Life is short & I’m not spending it reading another story about people falling in love 3 days after meeting. Also Hiro Santos is extremely rude & aggressive & I feel like the author wants him to come off as sexy when he actually comes off as a cunt & needs his ass beat.
Profile Image for Diverse.
1,179 reviews51 followers
September 8, 2016

This is the start of a great series right here. Kris Michaels and Patricia Knight have joined forces to create a gripping and entertaining fantasy/paranormal romance/mystery. Yeah it’s all those things.
Hiro is a detective. Sable is a wizard. Each from a different dimension… sort of. Sable bounces around. Well, I don’t want to give anything huge away but it’s amazing. Hiro, the character, is a mystery in himself. He’s much more than you see or that he even knows. That’s one mystery. Another is the fact that some big wig from Sable’s dimension is brutally murdering people and no one knows who is doing it.
There’s mafia, wizards, foo dogs, gritty cops, and excitement going on here. I have to say, I thought at first there was a lot to take in and I’d get lost but I didn’t, not once. Kris and Patricia really weaved this story well. No confusion with the characters or the plot. Great pacing as well.
Sable is fabulous. He’s so lovely not in just his ethereal beauty but his heart. He’s a gorgeous man inside and out and just the person a rough and tough detective needs.
We follow these two through their investigation and get all sorts of wrapped up in the corruption that festers in both dimensions.
There’s an underlining message to this story. In Sable’s world status, pureblood are worthy of all the great things and cross breeds are mutts, scum, worthless. This story really shows how fractured their society is… kind of like ours. So, the parallels were interesting.
I really look forward to book two in this series. It’s captivating and exciting!
Profile Image for Calila.
1,167 reviews96 followers
October 20, 2017
Well this was an interesting read! I really enjoyed it. The world building was intriguing and I liked the use of multiple dimensions. I'm a little bummed with how the mystery ends up, it just seems so basic. But I loved the relationship between Hiro and Sable. It is very quick, almost intsa love. But it worked for me. I can't wait for book 2.
Profile Image for Roger - president of NBR United -.
712 reviews27 followers
December 1, 2017
a mix of hard boiled detective meets magic world. Hiro is a 40 year old detective who get called to a crime scene at Sable Art Gallery. Sable is a mage and gate Keeper to a magical world where the other three gate keepers have been killed and he need to solve the mystery but he is a wizard not a detective he and Hiro work together to solve the mystery and fall in love.
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
April 17, 2020
This was more than I expected and it was very interesting. I loved the world building and the way the two dimensions played out and the differences between them. The mystery was interesting although the climax of the mystery wrapped up a little quickly and the motive wasn't as imaginative as I had hoped. I did really enjoy Hiro (having a 40 year old MC was wonderful) and Sable. Their relationship was a bit quick to develop but I really liked them together. I will definitely read another book in this series.

Profile Image for Liza.
1,403 reviews17 followers
November 17, 2017
This was a fun and inventive story, blending fantasy and the real world in a murder investigation. The world-building was amazing, giving us an intriguing look at the fantasy realm of Elysium and its governing body, and how it mixed with the real-life realm of Everlight and the gritty crime. I loved Sable and Hiro, how they worked together, and especially Hiro's introduction and continued interactions with Elysium. This is a fascinating series that I am going to keep reading.

Profile Image for Erica.
1,662 reviews35 followers
September 18, 2018
What a great start to a new series! Honestly, in the beginning I felt a little lukewarm about the whole thing, but around 40% it all just clicked for me. Hiro's rude smoking got on my nerves, and there were a couple of plot points I feel weren't fully resolved, but, overall, I'm excited to continue on with this series and see what more these worlds have to offer.
Profile Image for Katrina.
710 reviews43 followers
September 13, 2016
This was fun read. Kris Michaels is a new author for me but I am a big fan of of Ms Knight so I was curious to see what this corroboration will produce. The result is a highly enjoyable and entertaining book, but than I was not expected less from the whiter of Ms Knight's caliber (no offence Ms Michaels, but as I am not familiar with your work, I can compare only to what I am familiar with). Both Hiro and Sable are endearing, well defined characters, the world building is creative and solid. The story moves at a brisk pace without sacrificing fine details. It is well written, humorous in all the right places and romance is both sweet and sizzling hot. I do have few nitpicks and based on other reviews I am not by myself in those. They are :
1. To many nicknames( my personal favorites are Magic Man and Merlin)
2. While not exactly an insta, "I love you" did happened a bit too fast, and based on the characters, particularly Hiro , for me if felt a bit "Hmmm?"
3. The villain was a bit anti-climatic ( I really was hoping for someone either more menacing or totally unexpected, but since he was not a head honcho, I am still hopeful)
4. There were few typos, but generally not enough to impact on overall experience.

So, to cap it, I really enjoyed this book and will definitely look forward to the next installment.
Profile Image for Roxs Reads.
751 reviews1 follower
August 20, 2016
BAM! Knocked it out of the Park! Reviewed on behalf of “2 Girls Who Love Books” blog.

An Evidence of Magic is the 1st in a new series that is destined to be amazing. It is not a cliff hanger and the lead-in for the continuation of the series is seamless. I would classify it as magical-fantasy erotic M/M romance following a crime mystery plot line. The writing is excellent, the story believable (to the extent that fantasy and magic can be), and it is filled with mystery, suspense, twists, magic, humor and a whole lot of steamy erotic romance of the M/M variety. The heat level is very high and I believe very educational to the pleasures sought out by a man.

I give 5 stars for this book that swept me away to a new world, kept me very interested and guessing at what the outcome would be.

I was so excited to hear that these two amazing ladies were going to join forces and bring us a story that featured each of their strengths. Having read and loved their other books, I loved trying to identify the works of each author and I may have pegged it but I haven’t asked them. The writing is flawless and flows brilliantly between the words of each author. You would have to be told it was a collaboration to know it.

Hiro Santos is a rough, hard-headed, by the book cop with no interest in love or relationships. One night hook-ups are fine by him. In walks Sable Campion, a very youthful looking portal guardian from another reality who has been left lonely while waiting for his soul mate and life partner to show up. Hiro is mesmerized by Sable but affairs with murderers is not one of his rules he is interested in breaking, probably!

If you are not a reader of paranormal stories, you may have some difficulty with the language and following along in the very beginning, but you will soon be swept up in the story and everything will begin to fall into place. I recommend this book for anyone interested in or curious about M/M erotica. Kris and Patricia know just how to put that down on paper to get your motor revving. All the rest just falls into place with these likable characters and their alternate reality.
Profile Image for Mara.
2,508 reviews254 followers
September 13, 2016
From fellow readers' reviews I expected a different book: a solid one. Unfortunately in the first 20% you realise this book is everything but solid. Characters sound fake, the world building isn't there.
The only thing that's clearly important is the sex/sexual aspect. Not what I am interested in. Oh I do love good smexy times, but I want them within a good book. Which this isn't in my mind. Otherwise there would be professionally behaving people, a real mystery and a solid world.

Not for me.
Profile Image for Lisa.
214 reviews1 follower
February 25, 2017
Really enjoyed this book.

I really enjoyed the story of Hiro and Sable. Hiro is a detective from Everlight and Sable is a high wizard from Elysium, and they are working together to find a murderer. Along the way they fall in love. I really enjoyed this book and I recommend you read it.
Profile Image for Denise White.
1,896 reviews
January 10, 2017
Very enjoyable

I found a new series filled with magic...This was an excellent story and so very interesting...the world's were awesome..I loved Hiro and Sabel together...the plot was on point as well...looking forward to the next book!!
Profile Image for Littlebit.
15 reviews1 follower
October 12, 2016
3.5 stars
Like the storyline and the characters. Look forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Heather.
2,318 reviews21 followers
May 13, 2020
Forty-year-old, hard bitten, foul-mouthed, homicide detective, Hiro Santos, suspects the owner of the art studio committed the gory killing. Too bad. There are other things he'd like to do to the gorgeous young man rather than book him for murder. Worse, his sexy suspect is certifiable. The nutcase claims he's some kind of high wizard from an alternate reality and needs Hiro's help to save their worlds.
While the striking Sable Campion appears a youthful twenty-five, he’s endured over two-hundred lonely years as guardian of the portal between Everlight and Elysium. None of those centuries offered him any experience finding a vicious killer. That's where Hiro Santos comes in; but convincing the virile detective to trust Sable will take all his persuasive skills...and perhaps a bit of magic.
The magic they find in each other's arms will rock each of their realities.

Heather's Notes
I liked this story. I liked Hiro and Sable. I even like there names. I found the concept fairly new. I did have a little problem with the inst-love because Hiro had been so adamant about it. I felt like he should have held a little longer, even if it was fighting with himself. But Sable was awesome and I will read the next story.
Profile Image for Lioness7.
563 reviews8 followers
October 21, 2017
I wanted to love this book so much. It has everything I like to read - romance, magic, suspense, mystery. I don't even know why I had such a hard time getting into the book. I just couldn't relate to the characters until way into the book.

I really didn't start enjoying what I was reading until probably 75 pages in. I just kept wanting to give the book a chance because what I was reading wasn't bad. I just felt disconnected. I didn't feel anything for the characters.

After I hit around the 75 page count, the book started to pick up more. I started getting into the mystery part and wondering who the murderer was. I started developing theories and getting into there being an alternate reality. With this change, I started liking what I was reading.

Overall, I think the book would have been a four star book for me if it hadn't taken me so long to get into it. I ended up liking the last half of the book. I also think that I would be willing to try more in the series. It has a lot of potential. I also think I ended up really liking the characters. I am kinda interested in what comes now.
Profile Image for Kelly (Maybedog).
3,020 reviews233 followers
January 31, 2024
2.5. stars

One of the MCs is of Japanese/American descent and the other isn’t human. It’s a great starting lineup. However, MC Hiro is crass and rude and thinks degrading thoughts early on about Campion being just a good fuck. I can’t stand him. There was way too much sex, too. The fourth sex scene was around 50% of the way in.

There was lots of action and excitement and a hospital scene. The mystery was fine, although with a closed door kind of situation with high up people, it limited how much legwork could be done. And the truth geas also made things easier.

They kind of figured it all out by accident and everything fell into place way too easily. The set up for the next book, which is complicated and involves a complete change of opinion in Elysium, was all done in one short chapter. I can’t explain the really stupid stuff without giving away the ending but it was just dumb and unnecessary.

But something about it just hit me wrong and I didn’t enjoy it. Even though the situation will have changed drastically for the next book, I won’t be reading it.
Profile Image for Qin.
535 reviews44 followers
December 12, 2017
What a truly magical book ! I loved the lyrical prose style that walks with sheer grace the fine, tricky line between splendidly evocative and tastelessly ornery, the tremendous imagination the mystic plane bursts with, all vivid buildings and impressive characters and effortless charisma, the engaging, fast-paced plot in which Hiro and Sable are allowed to shine while never taking too much place on a scene that blends beautifully suspense with romance, and the superb chemistry between them. There is precious little to castigate between these covers; I shall merely single out Hiro's mystical roots, which could have been dispensed with, all the more so since they come a tiny bit unforeshadowed at the eleventh hour. At any rade, this is how Harry Potter ought to have been written, unlike the crisp yet meager, detached and not in the least descriptive ways of J. K. Rawling.
Profile Image for Melanie Marnell.
3,818 reviews30 followers
December 18, 2019
An Evidence of Magic is quite possibly on of the most fascinating book I've ever read. It's full of magic, wizards, alternative dimensions/realitiesand elite societies rife with untold prejudices. The two main characters are charismatic rogues who are polar opposites in every way yet the attraction between them is palpable from first sight. Hiro Santos is a rough hewn, foul mouthed, no nonsense homicide detective with a take no prisoners attitude. Sable Campion is calm, sophisticated and a High Wizard from an elitist society,. Falling in love is the very last thing on the minds of these two as they team up to investigate murders happening in both of their dimensions. But fall in love they do.

Profile Image for Rhema P __(:з」∠)__.
241 reviews8 followers
November 2, 2021
The cover doesn’t do it any favors imo, but I enjoyed this and I’m glad it continues on in a second book
Tbh it’s not the greatest or most elaborate mystery,
Detective Hiro rubbed me the wrong way initially before he became my favorite,
Not much details on the worlds and
The insta-love, the 3 day kind, but it was also a fun and nice read 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for L.E..
Author 3 books10 followers
October 26, 2017
Great start to a series, and I absolutely loved the blend of magic, mystery, and romance. Loved the soulmates theme.

I didn't make a connection to the motive for the murders because it seemed like the MCs just plucked it out of the blue... nothing to lead up to the why so I was completely blindsided. I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not, hence the four stars.

I had a peek at the second book to see if it's the same characters; slightly disappointed that it won't be Sable and Hiro, but excited that Locke is getting his own book.
Profile Image for Lois - Who Reads.
1,292 reviews
November 1, 2017
There is some wonderful world building in this book and the mystery was well put together. Hiro and Sable were great together and although I am not usually a big fan of insta-love it seems to fit in with these men and this story. I will definitely be reading the next one.
Profile Image for T Channell.
91 reviews4 followers
September 1, 2018
I read book 2 first because I wanted to read a M/M story. When I read the description of book 1 I didn't know it was also M/M cuz I thought Sable was female. Anyways, I enjoyed reading Hiro & Sable's story but had a bit trouble getting into it. I would read more stories with this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews

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