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The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith

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A #1 New York Times Bestseller from Gabrielle Bernstein, called “A new role model” by The New York Times and featured on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday as a next-generation thought leader.In this motivational and super inspirational book, The Universe Has Your Back, New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein teaches you how to transform your fear into faith in order to live a divinely guided life with confidence.ARE YOU READY TO WORK MIRACLES?Each story and lesson in the book guides you to release the blocks to what you most long happiness, security, clear purpose, and direction.These spiritual lessons will help you relinquish the need to control, so you  can release anxiety and relax into a sense of certainty and freedom.You’ll learn how to stop chasing life and truly live with a more positive mindset. Making the shift from fear to faith will give you a sense of power in a world that all too often makes us  feel utterly powerless.When the tragedies of the world seem overwhelming, this book will help guide you back to your true power and peace. Follow the secrets revealed in this book to unleash the presence of your power and know always that the Universe has your back.Chapter Titles ·         You Have a Hidden Power·         You Are the Dreamer of Your Dream·         You Are Always Being Guided. Even When It Doesn't Feel Like It·         Your Vibes Speak Louder Than Your Words·         The Universe Works Fast When You're Having Fun!·         Obstacles Are Detours in the Right Direction·         Certainty Clears the Path for What You Desire·         The Universe Speaks in Mysterious Ways·         Oneness Sets You Free·         You Are the Universe·         When You Think You're Surrendered, Surrender More·         Be an Instrument for LoveGabrielle says, "My commitment with this book is to wake up as many people as possible to their connection to faith and joy. In that connection, we can be guided to our true to be love and spread love. These words can no longer be cute buzz phrases that we merely post on social media. Rather, these words must be our mission. The happiness, safety, and security we long for lies in our commitment to love."When you follow this path, you’ll begin to feel a swell of energy move through you. You will find strength when you are down, synchronicity and support when you’re lost, safety in the face of uncertainty, and joy when you  are otherwise in pain.

201 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 27, 2016

About the author

Gabrielle Bernstein

47 books2,443 followers
Gabrielle Bernstein has been labeled by the New York Times as the next-generation guru. A motivational speaker, life coach, and author, she is expanding the lexicon for the seekers of today and tomorrow. She gives talks and leads seminars throughout the country, is on the Forbes list of the 20 Best Branded Women, and has been featured in media outlets such as Oprah Radio, Marie Claire, Health, Self, CNN, NBC, CBS, FOX, and the Wall Street Journal.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,510 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer.
350 reviews432 followers
September 23, 2016
Call me a skeptic, or maybe I'm just too old to be part of Gabby's target audience. In her 5th book, Bernstein is back at it calling on her "Spirit Junkies" to say "yes" to the love of the Universe, stop living a life of fear, and open themselves to love, miracles, and abundance.

Some of Bernstein's advice is sound. She advocates meditation (which science is even proving to have health benefits), cultivating an attitude of compassion, and aiming to have a positive attitude. I start to raise my eyebrows when the book implies that good things don't happen to a person (or bad things do happen to a person) because their vibe is "blocking positive energy" or some other silly nonsense like that. I don't know why bad things happen to good people, but I'm darn sure than in most cases it isn't their fault.

I've read a few of Gabby's books before, and there's not much here that's new. Her tribe will love it, but I've recognized that while I was once on the periphery of that tribe, it's time for us to wish each other well and part ways. Namaste.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hay House for a galley of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Bella.
140 reviews12 followers
October 8, 2016
I really like the idea of the universe having my back. I can believe it. However, this book ... I can't put my finger on it but it felt empty or lacking something, as if the author was holding back the real "meat" (i.e., full truth) behind the premise behind the book. The examples felt shallow and I highly doubt the author is shallow, so that's why I say there is something behind the scenes not fully in the light. The book has a premature birth vibe and prob could have taken more time to let divine right timing do its thing.
Profile Image for Riva Sciuto.
246 reviews52 followers
October 27, 2017
Call me a cynic, but absolutely nothing about this book resonated with me. Prompted by her mid-yoga anxiety attack, Gabrielle Bernstein's superficial advice ignores the deeper and more meaningful aspects of suffering and the growth that can come as a result of it. She fails to acknowledge that it's OK to be sad, fearful, doubtful or angry sometimes -- in fact, not only is it part of life; it's often where we experience the most growth.

Instead, she suggests we should all blindly let the universe "take the wheel" and trust that everything will turn out great if only we have a little faith. While such a suggestion is nice, it completely ignores the deeper complexities and realities of life. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes things don't happen for a reason. Sometimes we will experience tragedy and heartache and the only way to get through it all is to feel "negative" emotions. And that's OK. Because life is messy sometimes and being "joyful" all the time isn't real.

While she provides some helpful reminders to refrain from judgment and negative self perceptions, most of her advice is laughably superficial. "Living with certainty is so much fun!" (If only it were that easy!) "When you let go and let the Universe guide your relationships, it's like booking a session with an invisible therapist." (Forget all the work that goes in to maintaining a healthy relationship -- just let the Universe take over! 🙄)

While I envy Bernstein for the faux utopia in which she lives, I just couldn't take this seriously. One star for (her ghostwriter's) effort. 🌟
February 11, 2018
Some parts felt a bit flaky. Some were seriously awesome. 4.5 stars overall, rounded UP.
This is gonna be a fav and a reread.

You Have a Hidden Power
You Are the Dreamer of Your Dream
You Are Always Being Guided. Even When It Doesn’t Feel Like It.
Your Vibes Speak Louder Than Your Words
The Universe Works Fast When You’re Having Fun!
Obstacles Are Detours in the Right Direction
Certainty Clears the Path for What You Desire
The Universe Speaks in Mysterious Ways
Oneness Sets You Free
You Are the Universe
When You Think You’ve Surrendered, Surrender More
Be an Instrument for Love (c)

... the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace!
That where there is hatred, I may bring love.
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness.
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony.
That where there is error, I may bring truth.
That where there is doubt, I may bring faith.
That where there is despair, I may bring hope.
That where there are shadows, I may bring light.
That where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted.
To understand, than to be understood.
To love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. (c)
“Thank you, Universe, for presenting me with this divine assignment for spiritual growth and healing. I am ready and willing to show up for this assignment with love. I welcome your support. Show me where to go, what to do, and what to say. I trust I’m being guided.” (c)
own. I believe in angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, and a community of loving entities who are always guiding us to lean toward love and unlearn the fears of the world. I believe that the Universe is the ever-present energy of love within us and around us. I believe that in any given moment we can align with that powerful presence of love through prayer, contemplation, and stillness. We can measure our peace based on our ability to align with this force field of universal energy. I trust in these spiritual guides just as much as I trust in my husband or my mother. I believe in them deeply, and I know they are working through me to strengthen my faith in the Universe. Most of all I believe that we are here in these bodies at this time to learn great spiritual lessons. As we come to embrace the light and transformation within these lessons, we’re guided to spread the light to the rest of the world. I nurture this faith daily with prayer and meditation. This certainty sets me free.
It’s taken 36 years and many past lives for me to own these beliefs fully. And today I can say with full conviction that my certainty is the greatest blessing I have ever received.
It is my mission to help guide you to know your own certainty. Maybe your faith lies in religious beliefs, or maybe you connect to the Universe when you go for a long run or spend time with your children. I don’t care how you find this connection: all I care about is that you establish a relationship with a higher power of your own understanding. The more energy and intention you bring to your faith, the more fearless and free you will be. Your fearless freedom will light up the world.
When we witness certainty in others, we remember a truth that lies within us. It was Wayne Dyer’s certainty and absolute faith in the Universe that drew me to him. His faith strengthened mine. As I write this chapter, I celebrate Wayne’s life as he left his body only a few days ago. My heart is heavy, and millions of people throughout the world are deeply saddened by our collective loss. But deep down I know, with certainty, that Wayne’s spirit, enthusiasm, and guidance will never leave us.
As we move on with the guidance and practices in this book, I will continue to encourage you to trust in your own spiritual faith. To help you further along your journey of certainty, I welcome you to take a moment to think about what the energy of the Universe, God, or spirit means to you. There is no right or wrong answer when you’re committed to love.
Your faith in the Universe will grow and strengthen daily. For now, honor where you are and trust what you believe in today. One day at a time we can lift the veil and move from darkness to light, from fear to faith, and from disbelief to certainty. (c)
Profile Image for Orchid.
55 reviews
February 4, 2017
I do things that make me hate myself; one of which was buy and read this book. Everything about this title annoys me, but I’m still giving it a three and a half star review.

First, the title: unless you’re an animist or pantheist, the universe isn’t a sentient being with an intention or direction for us, but “The Universe” has become a safe little catch-all word for a higher power when talking to people who’s faith you don’t know (like, people who might buy your book) and to whom religion has all kinds of negative connotations. So right off the bat, there’s a kind of chicken-shit, non-exclusionary, marketing-friendly approach to the message that pisses me off as being insincere and uncertain about what exactly it is has your back while claiming certainty that something is definitely behind you and not in a creepy way.

That being said..

What I got from this book

The book talks about how to move from feeling like I needed to anticipate, predict and plan for every future outcome— something that had occupied so much of my life for so long— being full of self-judgment for “bad decisions”, being full of anxiety about making the “wrong” decision in the present (and thus avoiding them in some cases), into being more open to possibilities I can’t foresee, more trusting that when I jump, a net will appear (or whatever the metaphor is), instead of my approach which is to thoroughly research the various ways successful jumpers had jumped, make a detailed jumping plan with jump metric targets and review dates to reassess how to and when to jump.

It talks about how to move from being resentful and judgmental (two of my favourite hobbies) into at least being awake enough to stop that inner narrative and forgive myself for it and let it go. To be more happy with my life today instead of waiting for a future, more perfect version. And it does this without really telling the reader what to believe in. That’s up to you and completely open.

So, the flaky sounding title isn’t so flakey, after all. She doesn’t subscribe to any one faith, and just reads from different spiritual teachers for the underlying message of how to be faithful, ignoring the sticky business or who or what it is those teachers have faith in and what rewards/punishments they offer-which works for me.

And yes, it did this with examples that made me clench my fists and need to take rant breaks (the story about having a meltdown during yoga class? Really?) and listing examples I just couldn’t see as real turmoil (not being invited to an acquaintance’s – who she spends some time trashing- birthday. Gee, her life is hard).

In the end, irrespective of whether I saw those examples as ‘hardships’ or not, I could relate to the symptoms: anxiety, self-judgment, self-doubt, fear of change, fear or things I can’t predict or control, defensiveness, isolation, judgement of others.

And all of these things were holding me back.

So for that realisation, and for making me ready to let the reins fall a little bit and enjoy what is right now in my life, it’s earned 3.5 stars out of five. Four overall for her reading of the audiobook.

Do I recommend it to others? It depends.

- Are you ok with mantras (in english and sanskrit)? there’s a lot of them in this book. If these annoy you, find another book.
- Can you stand to read a series of “Rich girl problems”? The yoga mat meltdown, the birthday invite that didn’t arrive, not finding the perfect flat in LA quick enough, her not being invited to a global public speaking event..these can test the patience. If you can look past the examples into the feelings being them (self-doubt about life choices, exclusion, impatience, not feeling worthy) then the stories are helpful, but if not, find another book.
- are you ok with a bit of magical woo? like, writing down things you want to work out for you and burning them? If not, this book isn’t for you.
- the chapter on judgment and where it comes from is great.
- if you are looking for a spiritual path but don't want to follow a set religion, opting to making your own from various teachings or philosophies, this could be for you. She talks about how to write a faith statement, for example.
Profile Image for Anne.
615 reviews10 followers
October 15, 2016
Lots to take in here and plenty of ways to think about losing the fear that guides our lives, but ultimately this is a narcissistic, simple minded belief system. What about systemic racism and poverty? What about the ways that people struggle and can't manifest mountain houses? If the author addresses this, I must have missed it.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
132 reviews234 followers
May 10, 2022
Lacks substance. Was good to see the Maharishi Effect getting a mention though, (also Kundalini) so kudos for that! And I suppose anything promoting meditation and having a positive attitude has to be of some benefit, right?
5 reviews
November 6, 2016
Basically a book about herself - no new pearls of wisdom

I was eager to read this book and got few reminders from it but was unimpressed. It is more of a book for beginners to "enlightenment". I've read so many books over the years with far more substantial material and thoughtful insight as well as better quality writing. I immediately got the impression that the author was more about promoting herself. Maybe it was the writing style but I felt like I was reading her diary. I've never had that impression with an author. I looked at the covers of her books and saw that all of them had her photo on it. There isn't any new insights offered in her book and it is very simplistic. I just couldn't help but think it was just a way to garner her followers. I didn't care for being duped in the last chapter with her political fears. It was way off track and had no place in the book.
There was a section where she encourages readers to develop their Kundalini, but from what I've read, the Kundalini should only be awakened with lots of knowledge and great caution.
However, some followers will love her book and will be inspired to make change in their life.
Profile Image for Laurie Noel.
16 reviews
February 25, 2017
I was hesitant after reading the introduction to this book. Twice in the course of the intro, the author essentially states that if the methods taught in don't work, then it's the readers own fault for not wanting it bad enough. After that I checked the author bio, to see what sort of credentials she had. I found a list of awards and appearances, and nothing more about the author than she lived in New York.

The rest of the text fell rather flat for me. Many of the instructional lessons were lifted straight from A Course in Miracles, with not a lot new brought to the ideas. The personal examples felt a little shallow to me. I'm not really sure who this author was or what she wanted out of life.

If you're neuro-typical, financially stable and not a minority in the U.S., then this book might have something to offer you.
Profile Image for Mehrsa.
2,245 reviews3,624 followers
December 15, 2017
This book felt like overhearing a hot pilates instructor talk to her Upper West Side brunch buddies about her botox and all her speaking gigs and chats with famous people. There was nothing of substance here, at least nothing that I could relate to. And I just do not think she's right. Maybe she was able to envision herself as a world famous author and speaker and become one, but the idea of that makes me laugh out loud, which is probably why I will never envision myself with angel wings on a stage and bring people to tears. Maybe the universe does not have my back. It's what I've always suspected anyway--there I go not sending love and positivity again. I'm doomed.
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews623 followers
September 2, 2019
Realmente me ha gustado mucho este libro, es más, sigo a la autora por las redes sociales y me encanta ver cómo la espiritualidad no está reñida con el hecho de llevar una vida plena.
Profile Image for Caroline.
232 reviews184 followers
September 27, 2020
I think this would have made a really good essay or podcast but there just wasn’t enough content to make a book. The central message of turning fear into love and to relinquish control to the universe and all that is really well presented. But she labours the point in bloated chapters with some weak examples. Towards the end of the book, she comes across a little privileged and self-entitled too.
Profile Image for Yelda Basar Moers.
203 reviews145 followers
December 1, 2016
I'm going to let the title do all the talking here. It is a wonderful blessing and a sense of peace to know that the Universe is behind you, that it is not cruel or playing tricks on you. I have to be honest with you, there were moments in my life when I questioned the benevolence of the Universe. I'm sure many of us have experienced this kind of doubt at some point. For me it was when I watched the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapse right before my eyes. I was just two blocks away and ran for my life. I questioned everything from that moment on, and began to operate in a very fear-based way, a way that was very much opposite to my true nature. I turned to the comfort of books, many gave me the courage to believe that things would get better. And I began a search of my own through many different avenues including books, a steadfast meditation practice and a spiritual pilgrimage. In the end I was convinced wholeheartedly that the Universe DOES have our back, if we have faith in it. I believe Gabby had a similar experience of her own and made the journey to discover whatever truths the Universe had to offer.

I enjoyed my time with this book very much! Gabby is a wonderful thinker, spiritual activist and inspirational figure. She is a follower of A Course in Miracles, a type of non-dogma spirituality that Marianne Williamson also follows. Gabby's book is brimming with positivity both inside and out; much love and light beams through her pages. She is right that we can live our lives fear-based or love-based. I never thought of this dichotomy, but it's true. One way gives us freedom to soar and progress, the other bounds and limits us. I believe courage is the key, when fear switches to love. And Gabby does what she can to guide the reader to courage and love. I believe she sincerely and deeply cares for her readers and wants them to live their full potential.

I would try this one, at least to remind yourself that the Universe DOES have your back!!! I truly believe that if you are reading this, it is a sign to you that it does!
Profile Image for Aubree Deimler.
Author 3 books58 followers
October 7, 2016
I LOVED this book. This is the first I've read from Gabby, though I've listened to her speak several times and was drawn to her energy. The core message within is to turn to love. The book is filled with exercises and meditations to help you be present, open, and surrender to the higher workings of God, the universe, however you describe it.

My favorite tidbit came from the story of the monks who were sent into a city with a lot of violence and crime. Through focused meditation the monks were able to lower the crime rate. This is due to the change in energy of what Carl Jung refers to as the collective consciousness. So, by choosing to meditate, you increase positive vibes and the ability to heal the world.
6 reviews1 follower
January 30, 2017
Could not wait to get to the end of this book. I just never really believed any of the examples she gave of her own struggles. And so much of the writing was a chain of words strung together that had no meaning. And I hate it when writers summarize the content of each chapter - it's a means to pad the pages. Do not waste your money or time on this book.
Profile Image for Meena.
69 reviews
December 2, 2018
Her message was fine, but I really didn't care for the author. Totally oblivious to her own privilege. Her "miracles" are actually a result of her being white, upper-class, and well-connected.
Profile Image for Frances.
106 reviews45 followers
May 17, 2017
I consider myself half Scully, half Mulder. I am skeptical.

I believe that walking under a ladder is only a bad idea if it's unstable, that black cats are only unlucky if it's a panther that wants to eat you and the number 13 has no physical powers. I also believe that there's probably something out there (even if it's sea plankton), that positive thinking can improve your rate of healing, that religious buildings are nice spaces to be in; I meditate, I do yoga every day.

I used to laugh at Bridget Jones and her self-help books (I still maintain "Men are from Mars..."is bollocks) because they all sounded ridiculous. However, I am always willing to have a look at the other side and I enjoyed this book.

A lot of the "Power of the Universe" is about perspective and choosing to look at things a certain way. If you see a penny, pick it up then all day you may have completely average lucky but if that penny made you notice little joys or you gave it to someone and it made them smile then you're choosing to look at it in a certain light.

I don't like when people imply that unimaginably horrible things were brought into your life because you weren't positive enough - sometimes life is horrible and hard and no amount of positive thinking will undo the terrible. However, very often 'this too shall pass' and we find, even though it may never be 'fixed', things get a little easier every day. That's a good time for this book.

I won't get too personal but I wanted a little guidance and this book was good. A lot of it is Gabby explaining how something happened to her and this is how she found a new way of looking at things and that improved the situation.

My personal mantra has long been 'don't be a dick' and I like that some of Gabby's stories are about how she realised she was being a, shall we say, diva? And chose to be more loving and empathetic and people reacted well.

This book won't magically fix your life may help you be more aware, recognise patterns, take another look at things and gain some perspective
Profile Image for Atiyeh.
66 reviews
May 5, 2023
ورژنِ دیگه ای از کتاب های فلورانس
با این تفاوت که فلورانس یه عالمه جمله های متافیزیکی از خودش داشت؛ ولی توی این کتاب بیشتر جمله ها نقل قول افرادِ فعال در زمینه ی مراقبه بود و نویسنده فقط به گفتنِ خاطرات و احساسات خودش بسنده کرده بود.

یه سری تمرین ها هم داره برای آرامش، دریافتِ عشق و .
.. هم داره.
Profile Image for Tiffany Smith.
40 reviews55 followers
July 29, 2018
I really wanted to like this book, but, I didn’t. Something about it didn’t sit right with me. I believe most of the message she is trying to get across, but her delivery was off for me personally. There was a lot of made up religious terminology that reminded me of being in a shaming church. The writing felt judgmental, preachy, religious. It has almost a cult like feeling to it. I also had a problem with her saying to not take massive action on things, but to let it go and trust it will happen. Taken to extreme, this is dangerous.
I also wanted more analogies apart from her personal experiences - on wonder, even science. As it stands, I think the message could have been consolidated into 20 pages.
I was put off by her arrogance in teaching. Phrases like: "I explained to her… I showed them how…
Now that you understand… Now that she understood…"
I believe we are all inherently aware of things, we may need reminding of those things, but not to be "taught" truth. It was offputting in religion and is just as offputting in this book.
Profile Image for Ana Jembrek.
239 reviews182 followers
August 15, 2021
Jedna od onih za koju sam se dugo spremala ne bih li i na tu temu imala što preporučiti kupcima (popularna psihologija i duhovnost se u našoj knjižari prodaju kao lude), a i da vidim što je s tim "univerzumom" o kojem svi trube.
Gabrielle je slatka i šarmantna, trudi se biti jasna i koncizna, i jasno naglašava da svoja uvjerenja (a ponekad i "brije") ne misli nametati drugima, iako mi se činilo da pomalo probire iz vlastitog iskustva ne bi li naglasila pozitivno, a "sakrila" negativno. Ipak, dojam mi je da je knjiga napisana da ohrabri, a ne da nametne, a dala mi je neke dobre naputke kako unaprijediti vlastiti sustav meditacije (ona preferira kundalini meditaciju, s kojom se do sad nisam susretala). A sad... ako netko misli da mu sadržaj može biti od pomoći, odnosno tema, neka navali.
Profile Image for MizzSandie.
344 reviews378 followers
July 21, 2019
This book was the worst. Shallow, self-centered, conceited, entitled, condescending.
I will just briefly state why I think so here, but much of what I think has already been stated in many of the number 1 and 2 star reviews, (that I now wished I had read before buying this book and wasting my money) as many of them had the same impression as me, and explain very well why this book is so bad and not worth the time or the money (it feels like a robbery to me, and I feel bad for having in any way contributed to and supported this woman financially as well ‘succesfully’, as she will no doubt interpret every book sold as another fan in the fold, another little lost sheep in her heard. Ugh).

I believe in spirituality, and in many of the general themes in this big, BUT (and that is a huge BUT), Bernstein almost makes a mockery out of it here, as it is simply used and stated SO superficially, generally and inauthentically, that it’s like just reading sentence after sentence where she just threw a bunch of interchangeable words and verbs together with the words ‘love, light, peace, meditation, freedom, universe’ ON REPEAT. Well I guess if you are trying to form a cult, or sell a book to spiritual newbies, then that might work.
But having read much in the spiritual genre myself, I was dumbfounded how this book contributed with absolutely NOTHING, but was just filling out pages with words, much of it copied or quoted from a few other books and authors (and every single one of them a better read- so again, NO use for this book, as there are many other books that will say much the same, but say it better, too).

This book and author feels like a huge pretense. Trying to be something that it’s really not. It’s the emperor’s clothes.
It’s trying to sound like it has new insights - but I found none here that I have not heard or found or read elsewhere.

The author comes of as VERY shallow and with a huge ego, all the while trying to sound deep and humble. On and on she goes on how she helped, saved, explained, wowed, taught, liberated this and that person, much of the time also assuming and taking credit for what she didn’t do, like telling me what I now know and have learned from this book, and so on (which I either already knew/learned elsewhere, or maybe disagree with).
And all the time her tone is so very condescending, so very conceited. Its the vibe I got, and the vibe she herself uses as an example that she has gotten feedback that other people gets (though she uses that in reference to how she USED to be, and how she is now reformed and turned humble. Not realizing that this book, this version of her, is much of the same, vibe wise).
This is someone who puts herself so much above other people, thinking she knows best (knows it all), and is out to save the world and others.

I wouldn’t recommend anyone reading this (I myself will probably turn it into fireplace-fodder), but if you want to, I’d recommend borrowing it first and seeing if it resonates, and then if it does, to get your own copy. That way you won’t end up like me, feeling like you just wasted your money and time and unwillingly supported something you really don’t vibe with at all.
Profile Image for Kelly.
8 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2018
I really don’t understand how this book has a plethora of rave reviews - I couldn’t even get halfway through without giving up. The author doesn’t cover any new concepts and she makes spiritual journeys seem cut and dry and super simplistic. She cites surface level examples to show that the universe will answer you (ie “my friend was really negative about dating but all she did was change her attitude, trust the universe, and POOF, she was in a relationship in 4 months!”). Because her writing and storytelling lack depth, I found her to be unrelatable. Additionally, she cites the Course in Miracles often, but frankly, it felt like she was rewriting “Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson.

If you’re just starting out on your spiritual journey, and the concept of the universe is new to you, then this book could potentially be valuable to you.
Profile Image for just another rachel .
74 reviews3 followers
May 23, 2017
I read this book cover to cover, highlighted, probably 40% of the text, and on top of that took a shit ton of hand written notes.

This book really resonated with me. It came to me in a time where I really, I mean really needed it. So I guess the universe really does have my back from the get go.

I've always been a strong believer in mindfulness, positive affirmations, meditation. I guess I always liked the idea of it more than I practiced it, but after reading this book I feel it's helped me lay the groundwork for the life I know I need to be living.

I went in with zero expectations, and only having a general idea of who Gabby Bernstein was (I knew she ran in the same circle as Deepak Chopra).

Before I started reading this book my mind felt like a dried up sponge, and after reading it my mind has absorbed all the water that it can to the point where it's leaking into a puddle on the ground.

I feel like finding this book was divine intervention. I will use the tools that were laid out in her book, and continue to seek out the light.

Thank you, Gabby.
Profile Image for April.
29 reviews1 follower
August 9, 2017
I really wanted to like this book and unfortunately I didn't finish it. I got to chapter 4 and had to give up before my brain exploded from the mind-numbing repetitiveness and nonsense.
A previous reviewer stated she was probably out of the age bracket for this book and I have to agree. At 35, married and, a mother of two, a lot of this just seemed geared towards a much younger crowd, maybe ones who haven't experienced "real" life.
The relatable stories she used were just stupid (I didn't get an invite to a big party, I couldn't get an appointment with a naturopath, I'm so irresponsible to not pay my copy editor that I'll blame her for not sending me invoices for a YEAR.....give me a break!)
Profile Image for Mon.
4 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2017
What an incredible book! The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein came into my life at exactly the right time. It is so much more than a basic self-help book and opens you as the reader up to the endless love the universe is constantly guiding you towards.

This book has changed the way I think about my life and I now find myself choosing love over fear in any given situation and taking risks I would not have without reading this book.

To conclude, I would like to attach my favourite quote found on page 111. "Carl Jung said, Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside, awakes. When we look outside for our faith, we got lost in the dreams of who we think we should be, what we think we need, and when we think we need it. But when we turn inward, we surrender to the one and only truth, which is love. When we surrender to love, we can experience our darkest moment as the greatest catalyst for transformation."

Here's to a year of transforming. Thank you Gabrielle Bernstein.
Profile Image for Lucy Mitchell.
Author 5 books42 followers
February 7, 2017
I have such a girl crush on this author. Her books are amazing! This is no lie - weird stuff has been happening to me since I started following her advice. Before I read her books I didn't believe in anything like the universe or spiritual connections. I am so grateful to her. This book is fab and it makes total sense. Seriously if you want to start changing your life in a positive way - read this author!
Profile Image for Lexy.
1,093 reviews27 followers
April 4, 2021
I thought that this book was inspiring
Profile Image for Kathrine.
279 reviews6 followers
February 14, 2018
I knew going in that this book was going to be meh at best. It's just not my kind of book. I know I'm really not the target audience. But it was the book group pick for January, so I promised myself that I'd try to keep an open mind. Ten pages in and my brain said nope, this is gonna need rolling snark to get through. It was like a cross between a book report and a narcissistic self-marketing event. I could have started up a drinking game: every time the author mentions that other book that she didn't write (something about Miracles...I already happily dropped this book in the return slot at the library and I'm not wasting time googling), take a drink. You'll be drunk by the halfway mark, which will probably help get through all the extremely repetitive paragraphs (don't get me started about when she was talking about songs and said the same thing 4 times). Need to be drunk faster? Take another drink every time she mentions going to her website. You'll be feeling good, not worrying about the universe at all by page 50.

Her "examples" were utterly first world ridiculous. Example: "Sob. I didn't get an e-vite to that party that everyone else is going to. My world is ending. Everyone hates me." When in reality it amounted to poor wittle Gabby being one of a handful of people in the world who don't know to check their spam/junk mail box (never mind that every company out there warns you to check your spam box if you didn't get that email you were expecting). Geez. If your biggest problem is that you didn't get invited to a party or that you didn't find the house with a view of your dreams the moment you wished for it, then maybe you need to rethink your priorities. At one point I was seriously wondering if she actually just made it all up, because who - especially an apparently self-employed editor/copywriter - doesn't put forth the effort to get paid for a whole friggin' year? I guess this person didn't feel the need to eat or pay other bills?

I really did not like how the author inferred pretty much stated that bad things happen to people because they aren't positive enough, because they aren't open to the universe and the author's shallow way of thinking. Bull. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and it's not anyone's fault. Oh and fear? It's not a bad thing. Sure maybe sometimes it's not the most helpful emotion, but it has its purpose. Humans have a natural fight or flight response. Fear is part of that. It helps us to make decisions. We also need those other emotions this author likes to lump in with fear - sadness, frustration, anger, fear. It's part of being human. So yes, try to be happy. Empathize with others. Do some meditation (there are studies out there that indicate it is helpful) if it helps you. But all that doesn't mean the non-happy, non positive feelings are something to be dismissed. Sometimes the best path through a rough situation is to let yourself feel all of it.

In other words, go watch the Disney movie Inside Out instead of reading this book.
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