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Woodwalker #2

Ashes to Fire

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An adult fantasy tale that will surely resonate with young adult readers, Ashes to Fire is the story of a queen's desperate journey to secure peace, and the even greater journey to discover herself. Ashes to Fire is the captivating and adventurous follow-up to Emily B. Martin’s Woodwalker—once more with cover art by the author!

“You are a country.”

Those words have been the guiding force behind Queen Mona’s every move since she was a little girl—the idea that all her actions and desires were, first and foremost, decided based on what was best for Lumen Lake. It had kept her alive after the Alcoran invasion, it had driven her to retake her country, and now it is the steely resolve she needs to finally confront the despotic Seventh King, Celeno.

But when her diplomatic mission finds herself on the run through the swamps of Cyprien—accompanied by the unlikeliest group of companions—Mona discovers that while she is her country, she is also someone who has been sheltered by principles and bound by past mistakes. Now she must struggle to reshape her view of the world and face intimate new truths—not only for the good of her country, but for herself, as well.

483 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 21, 2017

About the author

Emily B. Martin

7 books142 followers
Park ranger by summer, stay-at-home mom the rest of the year, I am also a freelance artist and illustrator. An avid hiker and explorer, my experiences as ranger helped inform the character of Mae and the world of WOODWALKER.

When not patrolling places like Yellowstone, the Great Smoky Mountains, or Philmont Scout Ranch, I live in South Carolina with my husband, Will, and two daughters, Lucy and Amelia.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Spigot.
344 reviews18 followers
February 24, 2017
All of you. All of you reading this.

Go out, right now, and buy Woodwalker. Read it. Then go buy Ashes to Fire. Read that too. Then, after an indeterminate but most likely excruciating amount of wait time, buy the third book when it's published sometime in the near future.

Give Martin all the money.

You're welcome.
Profile Image for Grace Crandall.
Author 6 books55 followers
October 30, 2017
This. This was...just...so utterly lovely.

I was a little leery about starting this book--Woodwalker blew me away so completely, pulled me so strongly into its world and the mind of its protagonist, that I was scared of continuing the same story from a different perspective, afraid that it would somehow lose its luster.
But oh, my goodness. This book was beautiful.

The story begins a while after the close of Woodwalker, but in the same vein that Woodwalker ended in: with a settling alliance between Lumen and Silverwood, and the threat of Alcoran invasion looming ominously in the background. The uneasy equilibrium is shifted, however, by an offer from the Alcoran King--not an invasion, but an unexpected invitation to parley.
It is toppled entirely when the following diplomatic meeting is attacked, both Queen Mona and the queen of Alcoran abducted by a pair of strangers who claim to be friends. Mona's not sure if she can trust them or not, but in the unfamiliar, creature-infested bayou, one thing is certain: she really doesn't have much of a choice.

First things first, I am absolutely, positively head-over-heels in love with the inclusion of a bayou in a fantasy book. Martin writes the land in with all the potency of another character, and it makes for a beautiful read. I really loved the Cyprian culture, too; all the light and color and fierce resilience is conveyed so well, and makes a whole people come alive.

Mona is a glorious protagonist. She's completely different from Mae, but no less compelling; I loved watching her grow as the story continued.

The romance was perfectly handled, in my opinion--it grew, and was tested, and became stronger because of it. It was lovely.

The ending was satisfying, but also left more than adequate room for the next book (which I'm going to have a very difficult time waiting for, incidentally. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT??).

So, again. Beautiful book. My heart is very happy :)
Profile Image for Beth Cato.
Author 120 books627 followers
May 7, 2020
I love it when a series is so good, so cozy, that you can slip into the next book without a problem, even when the previous book was read years before. That was my experience with Ashes to Fire. I read Woodwalker over three years ago, and have read a lot of books in the meanwhile. Even so, I wasn't lost at all as I began to read book 2.

I enjoyed the switch to Queen Mona's POV as she attempts to negotiate trade--and peace--with the nasty King Celeno. Those talks go awry. Mona is kidnapped by other rebels, desperate to be free of Celeno. The bayou setting is detailed and realistic, and is an environment not often seen in fantasy. I won't give away any spoilers, but the politics are juicy and complicated, and the plot is packed with twists and turns that are greatly brightened by a romantic element. I'm glad I already have the next book so I can start it very soon--then read the new brand new book Sunshield, out in a few weeks!
Profile Image for Michele.
2,167 reviews
January 31, 2017
Ashes to Fire was a complex, well-written fantasy that had a strong plot and even stronger characters. Author Emily B. Martin ended up taking readers on an adventure that was filled with humility, perseverance, personal growth, love and acceptance.

I will start off cautioning readers that it would probably be best to read book one, Woodwalker, first before beginning this sequel. I didn’t, so I had a bit of catching up to do, trying to figure out the worldscape and the dynamics between the characters. And I’m not sure if it’s because I was starting from scratch or if it was just how the story began, but it started off somewhat slowly for me. But once Queen Mona (our main character), Mae and the rest of the cast were fully involved, I was completely drawn in by them and their plight.

Full review posted at HarlequinJunkie:
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Profile Image for Carmen Steyn.
36 reviews
December 4, 2019
This was a lovely book. I was a bit sceptical about it at first since this book has a different protagonist than the first and I truely loved the protagonist of the first book, Mae. But I was pleasantly surprised.

I was immensely impressed by the depth of character development that took place in this book and how detailed and elaborate the characters's histories were.

I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to start the next one. I love the world that Emily B. Martin created. It is vibrant and full of diversity.
11 reviews
August 20, 2024
I am dubbing this my favorite book in this trilogy, great read with interesting plot and I love how she developed characters we saw in the first book. There was also more world building and some politics which I always enjoy
Profile Image for Jen.
659 reviews32 followers
February 6, 2017
**I received this as an egalley through Edelweiss in return for an honest review.**

When I first saw this one Edelweiss I would have shrieked with joy had I not been in public. I had no idea that there was even going to be a sequel to Woodwalker, let alone how soon it was going to come out. I absolutely loved Woodwalker, and was beyond excited to read this, a sequel told from the point of view of Queen Mona. And it definitely did not disappoint!

Martin's way with imagery and characters is exquisite and astounding. Truly she has a mastery of creating these humans that are full of beauty and flaws that make them seem so realistic you could fall in love with them if you weren't careful (oh, wait). The depth of their personalities and their growth during the journeys they struggle through are moving and insightful in so many ways. I was not even that big of a fan of Mona to begin with - I thought she was stubborn and quick to judge, but of course there is much more to her than that, and I slowly grew to appreciate and understand her more over the course of this book. My favorite thing about these characters is that they make mistakes, they are not perfect, and that it was makes them wonderful.

The story itself is interesting and engaging, despite a beginning that felt a little slow. While things could get a little wordy at times, the plot flowed well and the pacing was perfect for the emphasis on the character growth. I especially love the descriptions Martin writes - she has such a way with words that you the reader feel as though you are actually travelling through a bayou yourself. And there is something about her style that has you unable to put it down, or in my case unable to stop thinking about it and the characters when I was not able to have it in my hand.

Once again, a beautiful tale from Emily B. Martin, filled with wonderful characters and descriptions that takes you on a journey that will leave you breathless by the end. And this time, I am anticipating a third book, and awaiting it eagerly. 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Britney (BookDrunkSloth).
326 reviews6 followers
October 19, 2018
Originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I went absolutely crazy about this book! It's the second in Emily B. Martin's Woodwalker series. I have not yet read the first book, but I wasn't confused be not having read it. Martin did a great job of catching a new reader up. Though I will say now that I'm going to buy the first one to read very soon.

The female lead is Mora. She's queen of Lumen Lake and takes her role and responsibility very seriously. She is told that her territory is under attack. So she heads out to meet them with her allies from a neighboring kingdom. Turns out it was a false alarm and they are not under attack. But Mona and her fellow queen and friend, Mae, decide to go on a diplomatic mission to meet with their enemies' King.

And thus Mona begins quite an adventure. She meets a lot of unique characters who really made the story come alive. I felt like I couldn't predict anything happening in this book. Emily Martin really kept the reader guessing. The sparking romance was so very sweet, and yet you could never fully trust it.

A huge reason this book was so amazing for me was two other aspects. Poi and steel mills. My brother learned how to spin Poi, and I felt like I was watching him spin every time it was described. I work at a steel mill, so I loved having that little connection with the story.

Like I mentioned before, I am going to be buying and reading the first book in this series soon. I also highly anticipate the third book if Emily B. Martin is writing another. Loved this book!

**ARC provided by Publisher**
Profile Image for Betwixt the Pages.
567 reviews78 followers
January 21, 2018
An adult fantasy tale that will surely resonate with young adult readers, Ashes to Fire is the story of a queen's desperate journey to secure peace, and the even greater journey to discover herself. Ashes to Fire is the captivating and adventurous follow-up to Emily B. Martin’s Woodwalker—once more with cover art by the author!

“You are a country.”

Those words have been the guiding force behind Queen Mona’s every move since she was a little girl—the idea that all her actions and desires were, first and foremost, decided based on what was best for Lumen Lake. It had kept her alive after the Alcoran invasion, it had driven her to retake her country, and now it is the steely resolve she needs to finally confront the despotic Seventh King, Celeno.

But when her diplomatic mission finds herself on the run through the swamps of Cyprien—accompanied by the unlikeliest group of companions—Mona discovers that while she is her country, she is also someone who has been sheltered by principles and bound by past mistakes. Now she must struggle to reshape her view of the world and face intimate new truths—not only for the good of her country, but for herself, as well.

Rating: 4.5/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: the page count lied to me!; well-rounded, complex, endearing, and totally human characters; action-packed and full of surprises; Emily B. Martin has me hooked, for sure; I almost threw my kindle, AGAIN, though for entirely different reasons this time

HUGE thanks to Emily B. Martin and Harper Voyager Impulse for sending a free digital galley of this title my way in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my read of or opinions on this book.

He plucked a thread on the mat below him, his eyes on the sloping canvas roof. "Know why I spin poi, Mona? All those mornings? 'Cause I'm all dark inside." He flailed his hands through the air around him. "Maybe if I surround myself with the Light, it'll flare back up someday."

Okay, Penguins, let me just start with this: at around the 330? page mark, I (for whatever reason) realized that there were, at least from what I knew, only like 10 pages left...and I started panicking, because there were HUGE unanswered questions still left to be entertained and just how in the ever loving beak was Emily B. Martin going to traverse such long distances in such a short amount of time?! Of course, once I kept reading, I quickly realized there weren't actually only 10 pages left--more like 100, honestly--but STILL! For that brief window of time, my poor Penguin heart nearly shattered in confusion; as much as I (sometimes) love cliffhangers, I felt this book ending on one would have been a poor decision. I am, of course, super stoked that that didn't end up being the case. (I did try to throw my Kindle across the room again, though--for entirely different reasons from the first book, I swear!)

Once again, there is a very finely tuned balance between characters and plot--the former are compelling, believable, and complex. The latter is entertaining, fast-paced, and FULL of surprises. While I was a bit surprised, heading into this installment, by the change in POV, I found myself absolutely loving the technique by the end of this read. We got to see the world--and different characters--through another set of eyes, and this helped to bring a second perspective of events and situations into focus for me. Because there are SO MANY things happening in these novels in terms of political upset, it was interesting to be given two intimate and separate glimpses into the same world!

We turned the corner for the guest wing, and she immediately started unbuttoning her tunic. "And it's not weakness, Mona. You've got to stop telling yourself it is. Sometimes strength, you know, is allowing yourself to try again."

I also felt it was super interesting, the path that Emily B. Martin took with the relationships in this installment. There are a couple of characters who are, for lack of a better word (and in attempts to avoid spoilers!) thrown together who wouldn't otherwise, necessarily, "get along." It was both endearing and nail-biting at times, watching these characters tip-toe around and fall over or blur the lines in their interactions with and reactions to each other. The two women, especially, were an interesting experiment in political and personal cooperation. I was intrigued by the ways their viewpoints of each other shifted and changed depending on the day, the situations they faced, and the mounting tensions between two very stubborn factions. Overall, Emily B. Martin walked a very fine line--and crafted it beautifully!

I absolutely CANNOT wait to dive into the third installment and see where the adventure leads us! I definitely recommend this series to all lovers of fantasy, political tensions, and strong-willed characters. Emily B. Martin has got me officially hooked! Take a deep breath, Penguins--the water's getting just a little rough.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
505 reviews9 followers
August 2, 2020
I enjoyed the first book of the trilogy, Woodwalker, so much that I borrowed the second and third book from the library (as soon as some branches reopened for pick up and drop off.)

I really loved this second installment.

We got to see more world development with Cyprian culture, religion and politics. I was reminded of the bayou in New Orleans, especially since the Cyprian names sounded French. The Alcoro names sound Italian. But this world is not set in our world. It's a fictional fantasy world.

Queen Mona's journey was well done. She learned to trust others and learned from her mistakes.

I loved Mona's slow burn romance with Rou. I was engrossed by Rou's backstory. Without giving anything away I was heartbroken by the events at the climax of the story.

I was also interested in Queen Gemma's story. There was enough mystery planted there to get me excited for the third book from her POV. I want to know more about her marriage to King Celeno, and the Prophecy. Mona and Gemma also has a slow burn friendship forming. I can't wait to see what happens.

I did miss having Mae around, but when she was present I loved her scenes. She gave some great advice to Mona on matters of love and country.

I feel this trilogy is a hidden gem and am now a fan of Emily Martin's work.

5 out of 5 Fires.

Favorits Quote:
Page 346 - "Know why I spin poi, Mona? All those mornings? 'Cause I'm all dark inside. Maybe if I surround myself with the Light, it'll flare back up someday."
Profile Image for Haley Kilgour.
1,044 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2021
Honestly this book is just as amazing as the first. Just as well written, amazing characterization, and an ending that leaves you needing the next book.

I will say, I was a bit surprised that the perspective of the story jumped from Mae to Mona. But given what the story focused on, makes sense. And this did allow me to actually come to like Mona as a character compared to me just tolerating her as a brat in the first book.

I’m not usually a fan of insta love, or in this case insta attraction, but this time it was well done. Especially with Mona working hard to deny those feelings. Rou as a character is full of twists and turns, but I think that’s what makes him so great for Mona.

Gemma is still a mystery, which I think was on purpose. And damnit I hope her story gets fully explained in the next book. I know I’ve still got some theories I need to know are right or not.

The world building for Cypri was amazing and I feel like is heavily based off the Louisiana bayou, with maybe a bit of the Florida Everglades mixed in (probably not on the last part, it’s just me being a Floridian and knowing there are some similarities in the landscapes).
Profile Image for Harley Emmons.
7 reviews2 followers
September 2, 2017
After reading Woodwalker, I was so relieved that this book was already out because I could NOT handle waiting. I loved Mae as the narrator and thought it would be sad switching to someone else but I equally adored Mona. They have such distinct voices but still maintain Martin's attention to cultural detail. I really want to go to a First Fire festival. Usually, I'm not a fan of romance in female-driven fantasies because they usually take away from the plot. However, Rou is so charming and the perfect opposite for Mona, and its such a lovely slow burn. My heart may have melted. Go read this book. Now.
46 reviews
July 13, 2018
Awesome story and amazing continuation of the story started in Woodwalker. It was awesome to journey along with old characters and new in this story featuring a new terrain and country in the amazing world Mrs. Martin has created. With the narration coming from Mona now, it is interesting to dive into this new character and see how she experiences the world. The fantasy setting, nature information, and political and religious discourses are very interesting. The plot twists certainly are surprising and take you on a ride! Would definitely recommend!!
Profile Image for Libby V.
235 reviews4 followers
April 22, 2019
I'm really digging this series! I was a little worried going into this book since there's a change of main character first person POV, but I loved reading about Mona just as much as I did Mae. This series has one of the most interesting (if not the most) setting(s), and I really enjoyed how the natural world creates and influences the different cultures and drives the plot. Plus Martin's writing is beautiful and descriptive, but the story still moves quickly. It YA but does touch on some serious topics. Definitely recommend for a quick and unique read!
Profile Image for Samantha Farr.
91 reviews2 followers
June 3, 2021
It took me a minute to get into this one, just shifting my mind to get used to Mona as the narrator instead of Mae. But, once I became familiar with the fact that Mona is a lot more introspective and thoughtful, I actually loved seeing everything from her point of view.

The events in Ashes to Fire are definitely more intense and urgent than those in Woodwalker, but the way the different characters process their experiences helps with the flow of these two books as a series.

Don't even get me started on Rou. He brings so much energy and light to this series. Big fan.
447 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2018
This is volume 2 in the trilogy. If you liked the first, you won't be disappointed with this tome. Ms. Martin shifts the point of view to another strong female lead, Queen Mona. It's another entertaining adventure story with a dash of romance. There are plenty of twists to keep the reader off balance. And the vivid world Ms. Martin creates with her words is excellently done. I've enjoyed the first two in the trilogy, and I can't wait to read the final book of the series.
Profile Image for Sarah Dorra.
145 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2019
I just love Emily B. Martin’s books! She has this way of threading multi-layered plots which pulls you inside the world she creates.

I compared WOODWALKER to Tolkien’s LORD OF THE RINGS, but I’m likening this one to HARRY POTTER in two ways:

1. You keep wondering how the author manages to come up with all these ideas that can only be a product of long hours of research and brainstorming.

2. The first book is arguably for young readers, while the second is more for adults, perhaps young adults.

Now, I can’t wait to start CREATURES OF LIGHT.
Profile Image for Kerri.
514 reviews2 followers
June 29, 2019
4.5 stars. I really enjoyed it. I was a little concerned because it has been awhile since I read the first one. Yes, I forgot some stuff but this is from another characters point of view which I found...different and interesting. Starts off fast and maybe does lull in the middle but I really enjoyed the descriptions. I’d classify this one as high young adult as it is maybe missing a little bit a depth but still very nice book.
580 reviews28 followers
October 27, 2020
Ashes to Fire is the second book in a fantasy series. It was an enjoyable story but I only gave it 3 stars because it felt superficial to me. It was a nice gentle read and if it was supposed to be a YA Middle-Grade book I would have given it a higher rating. I would recommend it to young readers being introduced to fantasy.

After reading all three books in the Creatures of Light series I recommend them to all readers as a very nice fantasy.
289 reviews10 followers
April 4, 2018
As with Woodwalker my favorite part of Ashes to Fire are the details used to describe the landscape. Her work as a park ranger really comes through in the detailed world she builds. The characters are well developed and the plot is interesting, but the descriptions of the world are what made the book really enjoyable for me.

I recommend this book to fantasy readers who love the outdoors.
Profile Image for Claire.
722 reviews1 follower
December 22, 2018
Another well-written, engaging, and surprising installment in the series! Highly enjoyed it. Mona is a great narrator, and it was a particular treat to see things from her perspective after seeing her through Mae's eyes in the previous book. Rou is an able match and wonderful counterbalance to her, too-- I really loved him as a character.
Profile Image for Stephen Levesque.
2,415 reviews
July 18, 2017
This was the second book in the series, which follows the water queen and her adventure. The woodwalker is in this but has a small part only. It follows the queen has she tries and rebuilds her Queendom. Great Story and characters makes for great reading. Great Reading Everyone?
Profile Image for Tabby.
273 reviews2 followers
December 18, 2018
The second installment in the Woodwalker series does not disappoint. I loved seeing things through Mona's perspective and her character growth. Things are escalating between King Celeno and the rest of the nations, I am so excited to read the next book!
Profile Image for Becca Evans.
66 reviews1 follower
January 20, 2018
This book was exactly what I wanted after the first. A Harrowing twist of fate, diplomacy, and skill. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of queens getting stuff done.
Profile Image for Mary.
336 reviews
January 30, 2021
I actually didn't like this quite as much as Woodwalker. It was still very good, and I loved the author's take on bayou accents and quirks, but Mona isn't as much fun as Mae.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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