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A catastrophic pandemic ravages the globe, reducing the human population to extinction levels and cleansing the world of mediocrity. A doomsday prepper, a molecular geneticist, a journal-keeping loner, and a martial arts-trained nerd survive the disease that annihilated almost everyone else on the planet. Despite the miles between Kansas and California, Texas and Arizona, the four share a connection.

They realize that not dying was the easy part.

Now a year later, they navigate a bleak world...one without technology, without modern medicine, and without law and order. They must unify their diverse strengths not only to rebuild civilization, but to battle those who would forge empires through brutality and oppression.

“There is one who would rule the world or see it burn.”

Fans of Stephen King’s “The Stand” will love this novel. Intricately plotted, superbly paced, and brought to life by fully-developed protagonists, quirky supporting characters, and charming villains, the Troop of Shadows Chronicles is a tour de force. It is the unfolding story of the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, and is populated with some of the most entertaining people you will ever meet.

370 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 10, 2016

About the author

Nicki Huntsman Smith

27 books70 followers
I love books.

Everything I've learned about writing has grown from my love of reading. I began my writing career at the tender age of seven, when I wrote a play for my third-grade class. It was not an assignment; I did it because I discovered I loved creative writing as much as I loved reading. I received a children's typewriter the next year, and countless short stories followed.

I wrote some awful poetry during my teen years, then some not-so-awful short stories over the next two decades. I became serious about writing books ten years ago. The timing felt right, and I created the world-altering habit of writing every day.

My first published novel, Secrets Under the Mesa, began as a short story. I decided it had some legs and went with it. The inspiration for The Troop of Shadows Chronicles emerged from two directions: my love of post-apocalyptic fiction and a recent interest in disaster preparedness.

Stephen King says, "Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work."

The hard work is worth it. I hope you enjoy my novels. I wrote them for fellow book lovers just like you.

I live in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas, with my husband and three spoiled rotten rescue dogs.

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5 stars
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31 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,537 followers
February 7, 2018
Maybe I'm getting a little jaded with the whole idea of post-apocalyptic fiction or maybe I'm just tired of plain-Jane portrayals without excellent hooks.

Fortunately for us, this isn't one of those. :)

The execution is all survival fiction after a major plague with all the elements you might expect, the food runs, guns, men treating women like inflatable bags to be thrown away, evil villains, and striving for civilization amongst all the rot.

However, the hook is rather neat. The plague kills off everyone except special needs cases. There's a big continuum between sociopaths, the autistic, and the genuinely brilliant and adaptable, but that's a cool spin on who survives to later die.

I had the most enjoyment not out of the survival bits but in seeing how the characters moved along and got along and how they meshed in a large community.

It feels like humanity is being fine-tuned to some gigantic genetic experiment, and we're right there in the heart of it.

No spoilers. It's simply good post-apocalyptic fiction that not only conforms, but stands out with the rest of the genre. More than that, it shines in the twist. :)
2 reviews
Currently reading
March 25, 2021
I don’t judge a book on how intricate the plot (although solid plotting is certainly important), how meticulous the research (I just need the content to resonate as reasonable and believable), nor how poetic the prose. I read books to be entertained, and I judge a book on how excited I am to pick it back up after I’ve been away from it. Troop of Shadows was the type of book that stayed on my mind when I wasn’t even reading it, and when I could get back to it, I did so with eagerness and excitement. It has many strengths: beautiful imagery, realistic dialogue, well-executed action scenes, plausible science, and thought-provoking themes. But it’s the characters that make it an exceptional book. I liked most of them, hated a few, wanted to punch a particular gun store owner in his ugly face, laughed with them (and at them), and was sad to see all of them go when I arrived at the last page. The bright side? These words: “To be continued…” I highly recommend this book, not only to people who enjoy post-apocalyptic or dystopian fiction, but to anyone who enjoys a suspenseful, well-written, and highly entertaining book.
562 reviews26 followers
January 11, 2017

Books are therapy for me. Give me a good book and I can almost forget anything. This is a good book.
I'm still pondering on the storyline. There is an unknown gene that we all have that has somehow been activated all around the world. No hope of survival. But for those that are left there are two different types of behavior. Psychopaths or idiot savants, or sweet, intelligent people with abilities we aren't aware of yet.
This author has created wonderful characters, Dani, Sam & Fergus (there's something strange about him) Steven and his son Jeffrey, Steven's sister Julia and Logan ,
Profile Image for Paul (Life In The Slow Lane).
760 reviews53 followers
July 15, 2021
Kansas Good Guys 1 Vs Oklahoma Rednecks 0

If you liked Stephen King’s The Stand, or you enjoy the action-packed, multi-threaded plot that is A Game of Thrones, then you’ll love this book. I know that’s a lofty comparison, but I believe Ms Huntsman-Smith’s book will stand up well against Misters King and Martin’s works, AND without being the tortuously long tome that they both are. That’s high praise for what is only her second published novel. This book reads like it’s her 50th novel, with only a couple of unpolished edges, hardly noticeable – in fact – forget I even mentioned it.

Not too much suspension of disbelief required with this well thought out plot. Instead of the usual generic causes of our demise, the author has chosen something original (well, original to me at least). Such a refreshing change from zombies, comets, nuclear weapons, rogue planets, aliens, Ai’s or rampant STD’s. It seems our DNA just might contain a secret code that switches on a fatal disease – thus wiping out most, but not all, of us. Those left behind – well they’re very special. You’ll just have to read it to find out how special. The characters are rich, diverse and easy to flesh-out in your mind's eye. Same goes for the action scenes, which play out in your head like an episode of The Walking Dead. This book is gripping.

Our author does leave us with some hope. Hope in the form of a sequel which I shall read because I may now be a Huntsman-Smith fanboy. (Please note: I did not receive a free copy for a nice review, I am not related to the author, she did not threaten me with bodily harm, or do some alien mind meld in order to write this review. I just gave my unbiased opinion.)

12 reviews
August 6, 2022
Not for me.

The story started out acceptable, But it kept jumping from different points and different timelines.
There was only 2 strong male characters, The female characters were strong also, I have no problem with that comment but there has to be a balance. but all of the male characters were weak and pathetic. I have no problem with that, but there has to be a balance.
The author seemed to have a strong dislike of the second amendment, And a rather low opinion of anyone who would own a gun. The same could be said for anyon In the southern regions of this nation. The gun owners were Betrayed as low brow inbred toothless red necks who's main purpose in life is to abuse women and those weaker than them.
However, there was a very strong push on socialism.
If you are a leftist or a socialist, or "woke", This Female dominated book might be right for you. As for me, it was a waste of my time and money.
Profile Image for Catrovacer.
22 reviews
November 17, 2023
Please keep politics out of your writing! Why alienate half the country from wanting to read this series. The first half of the book is very good. Meeting all the characters, from their perspectives. But then it bogs down a bit and the ending....tease to the next book is just plain silly. Please keep politics out of your writing. Why alienate half the country from wanting to read this series. I would bet that conservatives are more likely to be interested in books about the apocalypse. But you had to disparage the conservative/MAGA characters as stupid and evil. Even if you hadn't have done this I still wouldn't continue reading the series because of the silly tease segue ending.
April 4, 2017
In a sea of post apocalyptic books, this one is the great white whale!

Love post apocalyptic books but tired of the same story line over and over? Your in luck because this book is not one of them. I literally devoured it in a day. Now I'm going to put off sleeping so I can start number 2. Thank you Nicki Hunstman Smith for sharing this book with the world . you have a gift. Please keep writing!
Profile Image for Terry D. Russell.
54 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2018
Great book

Great story! Really enjoyed the book. Am anxious to read the follow up book \ books. Four more words written.
Profile Image for Amy (Sun).
902 reviews44 followers
September 25, 2023
Boy, two DNF's in a row. Spooky Reads 2023 is not off to a good start. This book had a TON of 5 star reviews, so I don't know if it's me, or what. There's a lot of different character perspectives, which is... fine. But this book falls into the issue of a lot of the characters being basically tropes. The problem for me, was that some of those tropes were offensive. There's a single Hispanic (Mexican) character, who is of course the child of illegal immigrants and things a lot about how stupid his parents were to "accept" their role as if they'd "been born peasants in Medieval England" and fantasizes about sitting around a fire white white people who might be "surprised at how he speaks English better than most Whites." This same character seems to think his girlfriend (who he left to die and then recovered after finding her being held by a man who was raping her) should happily have kids with him (despite them being in an apocalypse caused by like 90% of the population dying of a gene triggered plague....), all because he's "always fantasized about having a wife and kids and doesn't see why that should change."

At one point, he and his girlfriend run into a Native American woman who "could have been 40 or 60 in that ageless way unique to people of dark-skinned heritage" (WHAT), and tells them that they can refer to her as "Stands With Fists, Pocahontas, Hey You, or anything else as long as it's spoken in friendship." (WHAT????). She also happens to be a midwife, bc of course she does.

There's a prepper man and his son who refers to woman as "females" and looks down on pretty much everyone, and a woman who runs into a short Irish man and refers to him as a "troll" multiple times, as well as a "leprechaun" bc hahahaha. There's also a young white boy who appears to be a sociopath who loves to shoot cats and kill people. (This is less offensive, and more just upsetting honestly.)

I'm probably forgetting things. Anyway I got to 50% finally and DNFed because I just can't handle it. Too depressing and the awfulness keeps slipping in. I think it's bound to, given that a short way in, the Scientist character reveals that the only people who survived are super intelligent but like 50% of them are prone to mental illness, including sociopathy. Which sure is something.
Profile Image for Jackie.
3,883 reviews124 followers
February 5, 2017
The eclectic group of survivors that the author uses as her main characters will totally capture the readers interest, especially as they work to overcome their limitations in the new world that is left after an outbreak that spares fewer lives than it takes.

From the beginning one feels a sense of empathy with the core characters and outrage at the fringe groups who try to create chaos instead of harmony with one another.

This is a book that is full of action, it is well thought out and within its intensity there are even a few kernels of levity during certain points.

Good setup for the series and solid premise that delivered what one would have hoped and expected during the read.
Profile Image for Julianne Adams.
71 reviews5 followers
April 3, 2017
Such a good book!

As a huge fan of post apocalyptic fiction, I have read many, many books with varied reasons for an apocalypse to occur. This book, however, gives a reason that I've never read, heard about nor even contemplated before. There are many characters to get to know and know them you will. Lovable, mysterious, evil; they are all here. There is plenty of action and things to make you think and say "hmm, I wonder". I sincerely, thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!
594 reviews6 followers
January 15, 2017
So Well Done!

Terrific twist on apocalypse action adventure drama. I love the take on special needs people having significant value to our species. As action adventure, I had a few quibbles on name brand items, but the actual fight sequences are well done. The skill used in keeping unique voices true to individual characters throughout dialogues is first rate.

I look forward to much more from this author!
Profile Image for Luke.
117 reviews2 followers
September 1, 2018
A touch of "Swan Song" and a dash of "The Stand"...

Very good post-apocalyptic tale in the mode and mood of R. McCammon's "Swan Song" and S. King's "The Stand". I anxiously await Book 2.
Profile Image for Reverend DeLise Bomer.
3 reviews2 followers
February 17, 2017
Very enjoyable book. Looking forward to the next.

Exceptional characters in a wonderful plot. I look forward to more adventures with Dani, Sam, Pablo, Maddie and the rest of the fascinating characters that have been so cleverly born in Troop of Shadows.
659 reviews3 followers
May 4, 2018

I felt a part of the story and the experiences of each person seemed real. We never know what is ahead for us and time to follow the golden rule before we destroy our selves
442 reviews8 followers
May 22, 2018
Fulfilling Read!

So glad I found this book and author. I was instantly engaged in the fascinating story. The characters are well written and the hint of things to come will keep me reading!
527 reviews
January 16, 2017

Book to accommodate post apocalyptic fetishes. Intelligent story and character development. I'll be looking for the next books to binge read
February 14, 2017
Wonderful read

Nicki, I truly enjoyed your characters and how their separate journeys fulfilled your overall plan... Trying not to spoil... Amazing!
Profile Image for Faye.
50 reviews5 followers
March 11, 2017
Love this

Star of 5 review! Awesome reading, I can't wait to read the next installment. A book I couldn't put down
Profile Image for Pat.
48 reviews
August 13, 2017
What a great beginning to an apocalyptic story and how the few who survived stay alive. Really looking forward to the next book in this series!
20 reviews1 follower
August 23, 2017
Excellent book

Loved the book, but to many characters and storylines. Loved the conclusion when it all comes together. Thank you Nick I.
107 reviews2 followers
May 14, 2018

Not the usual 'end of the world' story. Found this story interesting to say the least. Action, drama, delimma, read late into night.
25 reviews1 follower
January 20, 2017
Not just another apocalypse book !

Ms. Smith, has created a thought provoking totally different kind of apocalypse series. Not just a genetic type of survival , or reset of the world's beginning again, but even deeper to another player maybe causing a different reset of the type of person able to create a whole new mental and physical survivor from one spectrom of the human psychological to the other end. Who is stronger to persevere, and recreate man's new beginning! And who our what is the third kind of human? That started this whole reset?
Profile Image for Lisa Burns.
2 reviews
August 30, 2018
I absolutely loved this book. Great storyline, wonderful character development. I found myself constantly casting the characters for the movie. This is a must read. Looking forward to Ms. Huntsman's next creative venture.
256 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2017
Unusual But Gritty Sci-fi

I loved it and I lost sleep trying to finish it. So different than our usual apocalyptic and dystopian stories. Reminds me of THE STAND from years ago. Thank you very much for sharing your imagination and hard work with us, Danny Scott.
1 review2 followers
March 15, 2018
What can I say? I’m hooked. Can’t wait to curl up with the next one in this series. In a genre that seems to have been saturated in recent years, this was a surprisingly fresh take. Chock full of uniquely memorable characters, who will follow me long after the last page has been turned.
Profile Image for Don.
40 reviews4 followers
January 19, 2017
Good read.

I really enjoyed this book, loved the character development. As things were coming together at the end I was anticipating the next book.
Profile Image for Penny Bowden.
131 reviews
July 22, 2020
Good start - will def get the series

There are a lot of apocalyptic/post apocalyptic stories on the market and they can be quite 'samey', so it is nice to find one that is different, and more so than normal if the Epilogue gives an indication of what is to come. There is always the human side which will be very similar - the good, the bad and the ugly if you like - but there are some differences in here. Looking forward to the next one!
55 reviews
March 18, 2019
Wonderful story

This is one of my favorite stories. The characters were real while reading about them and their struggle to stay alive. The group with Curtis is my favorite group. They seem to have A lot more action than the others
Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews

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