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With the weight of the club on his shoulders, Cole Marek, president of the Knights Corruption MC, had only one Turn their livelihood legit. Everything was falling into place until one unexpected, fateful night. With an attack on his fellow brothers, Marek had no choice but to retaliate against their sworn enemy. The Savage Reapers. Swarming their compound, he comes face-to-face with the infamous daughter of his rival club, making an astonishing decision which would change his life forever. She was the enemy. She was the prize. She was a game changer. Sully Brooks led a desolate life, her entire existence dictated first by her father, then by the man who’d claimed her when she was only fourteen. Years of abuse shaped her into the woman she became, but she longed for something more. Craving an existence where she was free to live a life of simplicity, she wanted release from the harsh realities she’d known since childhood. Will her prayers be answered when the enemy strikes?

340 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 3, 2016

About the author

S. Nelson

36 books1,567 followers
I'm an indie author who grew up with a love of reading and a very active imagination, never putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard until 2013.

I typically write romantic suspense, as I love stories with some twists and turns. I also love my HEA, although the road to get there is quite the journey.





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Displaying 1 - 30 of 421 reviews
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,665 reviews4,626 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 25, 2016
DNF @81%. I hate doing this so late, but I was done! I'll break it down so anyone interested can get the breakdown of my issues -- please excuse my cussing for it gets a little ranty...

I'm sure I missed some in there (or maybe got the timeline a little off), but that is the just of what all pissed me off. I don't even know why I kept going tbh! I should've listened to my gut at 21% and put it on my dnf shelf then!! Oh well.

BTW -- safety gals = NOT SAFE!! ;)

Profile Image for BleuBelle.
640 reviews185 followers
December 14, 2016
Another DNF for me. And I was so happy I found a MC book from another author.

Let me first begin with the name of our heroine. Sully. Are you for real? English is not my native language but I'm sure this is the first time I heard of this name. Awful. Especially for the heroine. Every time her name is mentioned in the book, I want to cringe.

Moving on to her past. The blurb explains some of her tragic circumstances. In the book we have insight of all the cruel things that happened or are happening to her. At the hands of her father and her "man". Well for me it was over the top. I know it's a dark read but somehow this events are too brutal and too far fetched. Even in an MC life.

Then we have Marek, our hero. I don't like him! Just like that. He's not a hero for me, and he just doesn't seem like a President of an MC. He's only 28, a little too jung for me and his position in the club. I got the feeling, that he doesn't have his club in order. It's chaotic. The fights with old ladies, the "love trouble" no one seems to have foreseen and all the bickering. It's like kindergarten all over again.

Adelaide got on my nerves, her problems with the VP Stone were all over the pages. And they're not the main couple.

Yeah so definitely not my thing. This is the second book from S. Nelson I didn't like and couldn't finish. Perhaps I will take a break from this author.
Profile Image for Alba M. .
1,723 reviews148 followers
February 15, 2018
«Te amo. Creo que me enamoré de ti la primera vez que mi mundo chocó con el tuyo. No ha habido un momento que haya pasado sin que piense en ti. En qué estabas haciendo. En cómo estaba lidiando con tu nueva vida. Si te sentías atraída por mi. Si pensabas en mí tanto como yo en ti. Mi vida tenía tan poco significado antes de conocerte. Y ahora... ¡Mierda! No tengo ni idea de qué haría sin ti. Cuando fuiste secuestrada, mi alma fue machacada, la sola idea de nunca volver a verte era demasiado para sorportar. Existo porque existes.»

De la nota que le he dado, no estoy todavía segura. Me frustró mucho este libro así que... ya sabeis, cuidado con los spoilers!

Esta historia trata sobre dos clubs los Knights Corruption y los Savage (no se que más, porque ya sabeis, los nombres y yo... mal). Así que tenemos a Marek, el presidente de los KC (a partir de ahora usaré esta abreviatura, como hace el libro, así no tengo que matarme a escribir todo el nombre) que pretende volver legal el club. Siempre han estado pagando a un hombre en la DEA para que haga la vista gorda, pero ultimamente se ha vuelto codicioso y ahora se encuentran en el suelo mientras ven como el mismo hombre al que le pagan, destroza su sede del club en busca de drogas. Marek sabe que no va a encontrar nada, no son tan tontos de tener la mercancía a la vista y también sabe que esta redada estaba sucediendo porque el hombre de la DEA obedece a quien más paga, y en este caso fueron los Savage. Una vez se han marchado, los hermanos del club quieren tomar replesalias, tanto contra el agente de la DEA como contra el otro club. Marek acepta lo del agente pero contra el otro club todavía no lo tiene tan claro, no quiere armar una guerra sangrienta.
Por otra parte tenemos a Sully, la hija del presidente de los Savage que a diferencia de las mujeres de los KC, su vida es un maldito infierno. Abusada por todas las personas que amaba, tanto fisica como mentalmente, solo quiere morir. Pero es entonces cuando su padre da un paso en falso y los KC quieren venganza ¿y que mejor manera de vengarse que llevarse a la hija del presidente de los Savage? Poco saben ellos que le estan haciendo el mayor favor de su vida.

Bueno, no digo más pero vereis: mi estomago se revolvió tantas veces durante la lectura que no sé como no acabé vomitando. La vida de Sully es jodida, pero JODIDA en mayúsculas y con todas las letras. Su padre y su novio abusan de ella, sexualmente y dandole palizas. Su padre se detuvo en el momento en el que Vex, su novio, la reclamó, pero eso no lo hizo mejor. Vex es un puto yonki loco que ha pegado y apuñalado a Sully tantas veces que es un milagro que todavía esté viva. Me dolió muchísimo leer todo lo que le hicieron y como su padre se la dió a Yanez, el segundo al mando de un cártel para poder cerrar un trato con ellos. No suficiente con que Yanez la violara, encima Vex le pega una paliza por ser una zorra que se deja follar por todos. ¿¡VEIS PORQUE NO AGUANTABA LEER ESTE LIBRO!? Putos enfermos. Así que cuando Marek llega y se la lleva, me tomé un respiro, dije: aquí va la nueva vida de Sully, esto va a ser mucho mejor. Y lo fue, al menos un poquito. No me entendais mal, Marek jamás le ha puesto una mano encima a Sully, pero tampoco ha sido muy amable con sus palabras. Viendo la cantidad de cicatrices que tenía en el cuerpo ¿no pudo entender que la chica necesitaba su tiempo para recuperarse psicológicamente? NO, no lo entiende porque es un hombre y solo piensa con el pene (no me refiero a los hombres en general, no os ofendáis, me estoy refiriendo a este en concreto). Así que se pasa la vida gritandole y diciendole cosas hirientes a Sully porque ella está asustada. HIJO DE PUTA. Que ganas me daban de pegarle cada vez que hacía eso. Lo juro. Y me jodía que él se daba cuenta de que la cagaba y siempre le decía: "Yo no pido perdón, nunca, pero voy a compensartelo". ANDA Y QUE TE JODAN. Tienes huevos para ponerte como un puto cabronazo ¿pero no tienes huevos para pedir perdón? Cagao.
Bueno, luego sucede algo con Sully, donde viene el drama y todo eso, entonces Marek se da cuenta de que la ama y blablabla, ya sabeis, no es que la historia esté mal, porque engancha eh. El problema es: EL PUÑETERO FINAL. Faltan cosas por resolver. Como, aunque nos hemos librado de Vex, ¿que pasa con el cabrón del padre de Sully? Y además, justo cuando va a encontrarse Marek con Yanez el del cártel (y el que violó a Sully) para dejar a los Savage sin mercancía como venganza por todo lo que le hicieron a Sully... ¡SE ACABA EL LIBRO! ME CAGUEN TODO.
El siguiente libro no es sobre ellos, es sobre el Vicepresidente de los KC y la sobrina de uno de los hermanos así que... no sé como puede dejarnos así con la intriga la autora. Es una maldita perrada! Es que para continuar con este tema de fondo es un poco tonto, no siendo ellos los protagonistas...

En resumen, la historia está muy bien, engancha aunque es un poco rápida en lo que a sentimientos se refiere pero aun así es jodida por toda la mierda de Sully...
Profile Image for Rose  Puls .
1,867 reviews322 followers
April 4, 2016
"Apologize for nothing, but make amends to right the wrong."

Being a MC Romance enthusiast, I tend to take chances on unknown authors, being intrigued by the subject more than the author's following. That being said, I accidentally stumbled upon an incredible new series that I will definitely be keeping my eye on. I need more Knights Corruption MC, ASAP!

Another admission is that I let my assumption lead me in the wrong direction. Reading a reference regarding the club president wanting to go legit, I wrongly assumed that this was going to be a watered down version of MC life, not the dark outlaw drama driven mayhem I'm drawn to. Let me tell you, it is everything I hoped it would be. I stayed on the edge of my seat, gnawing on my nubs and tentatively turning each page, peeking through one eye knowing that this would be one that revealed what I was waiting for but afraid to see. It kept me glued to my kindle, letting all my responsibilities fall to the wayside as I immersed myself in the MC club lifestyle that I've become addicted to.

I fell in love with the characters, finding myself rooting for relationships that I saw budding in the background. I was up to my usual tricks, giving unwanted relationship advice to characters that can't hear me. But that never stops me. I get attached to them, especially when an author is as talented as S. Nelson. She had me wanting to hug grouchy old men and battling puppy love for prospects that melted my heart. I wanted to meddle and match-make. I wanted to attend a ruckus and watch Hawke get his ass handed to him. I wanted a free-pass in the basement to do unmentionable things to those that shall remain unmentioned, but mentally tortured beyond recognition. Is that not the way you should feel after reading a good book? And did I forget to mention the mind-blowing-panty-melting voyeuristic experience of being inside the filthy mind of Marek? That is definitely an experience you don't want to miss. It makes me wonder...will there be an audible version? ♥
Profile Image for Nayab.
329 reviews5 followers
January 1, 2017
I should’ve known - actually I did know when I started this that it wouldn’t be all romance and roses, it is a motorcycle club book after all but from reading the synopsis I was expecting Marek to be a kind of anti-hero… You know, the does some questionable (some outright) bad stuff but for the most part he’s a good-ish guy with a strong moral compass.

Yeah, that didn’t happen.

It felt to me as if the character was all over the place, I had no idea if he was coming or going… He was portrayed as being this honourable guy yet the things he did? Not so honourable.

The violence - sexual or otherwise - was too much. If there had been just as much character development (or any character development) as there was violence during the course of the book, I would’ve been content just skipping the violent parts (which I did) and finishing the book but that wasn’t the case. The violence was written about in minute-for-minute detail. The characters? Not so much.

Which is why this book was a DNF for me at 60%. Why DNF at 60% you ask me and not before? Because that’s when Marek’s rape comments started. It was fine up to about 60% but then Marek, this guy who is supposed to be the better guy, starts talking about rape, not condeming it like the book had shown him to do up to this point but when Sully asked if he was going to rape her (because up to the point where she’s ‘rescued’ by Marek it was all she had known) instead of reassuring her he makes comments like ‘Well you are my wife and isn’t it the wife’s job to give it up to the husband?’


Just no.

There’s no apology or remorse, nothing to show that the character didn’t mean to say what he did, still I overlooked my initial feeling of uneasiness and carried on… Maybe he would apologise/say he didn’t mean it later on. That doesn’t happen, oh no. In fact, just a few pages later he comes out with this:

‘You’re saying that after I/we just [insert sexual activity here] you’re not going to give it up?

And I was done.

Thankfully I was able to get a refund. I’ve never been so completely and utterly wrong about a book.
Profile Image for Trish.
260 reviews469 followers
February 6, 2017
Meh, don't really recommend this one. Neither the hero nor the heroine were memorable or had any distinguishable personalities. Plus the extent of the heroine's torture/back story was a little too grotesque for me. I'm not into that level of sadistic treatment of women.
Profile Image for Heroesinbooks.
1,122 reviews328 followers
September 3, 2018
2.5 Stars

This book had my emotions all over the place. I felt for the heroine, Sully. She had the life history from Hell. I liked some of the supporting characters but not all.

What I had an issue with was the Hero.
Cole Marek should be the very alpha , tough bada$$ President of the KC MC. Unfortunately, he comes across as super controlling and domineering. I just didn't care about him very much. He wasn't that likeable. Each time I thought he had redeemed himself, he said something horrid again. For example, he tells her he loves her and when she can't say it back he gets so angry. He sets out not loving Sully. He has claimed her but it's supposedly for darker reasons, but he is so verbally unkind at times and also his general attitude to women sucks. One of the other Biker's (Hawke) has an altercation with his wife because she catches him having sex with a club girl. So understandably, she's furious and upset. She lashes out and Marek is watching all this unfold. He comments:

"Hawke struggled to reach her and, if she didn’t leave in the next two seconds, I would seriously consider letting him go. Teach her a lesson and all. I’d never tolerate him beating the shit out of her, but sometimes a harsh shake or a quick throat snatch was called for."

No. Just no.

There is violence and rape in this book. It's pretty dark at times. Domestic abuse / child abuse / incest.

This book does set up the series well and introduces the reader to lots of characters. There is a strong and interesting sub plot. I will try the next one because I liked Adelaide and Stone and their story is next.

Cheating? Yes- he has sex with a club girl when he and Sully are to all intents and purposes together publicly but have not grown physically or emotionally close. He does not remember the 'hook up's ' name and was thinking of Sully the whole time he screwed the random woman. There is a scene at the very start before he meets the heroine where we see him having sex with a 'wannabe' (Club girl).
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,538 reviews38 followers
December 31, 2016
I'm SO disappointed. I thought I was going to love this book, but it sounded pretty good and I love biker books but this one.. Was just not for meI almost DNF'd it several times but I'm stubborn so I wanted to finish it (I did skip a few pages here and there though.). I don't like to DNF books but I wish I'd done it to this. It was a complete waste of my time, unfortunately...

I didn't like Marek. He was a complete asshole. He treated Sully like crap. His back and forth with him being nice and then an ass, wanting her, yelling at her. It was like he had two completely different personalities, like he was two different people. And when he was trying to be nice, he failed.

I mean.. Wtf??
1,865 reviews68 followers
June 23, 2017
Year Pub/Re Pub: 4/2016
Indie/Publisher: indie
Page Length: 280
Genre: MC romance
Sub-Genre/Age: 18+
Book's Price: 2.99
Price I'd Value: same
Standalone /Part of a Series/Installment: Book 1 Knights Corruption
Epilogue Included:​yes
Character(s)POV Spoken: H and h
M/F-M/M-M/M/F-etc: M/F
HEA/HFN/etc Ending:HFN
Contains Cheating:no
Contains Children: no
Flashbacks: yes,Sully's past with her father and Vex
Jealy/Possy/OTT Rating: 4
Amount of Sex In The Book: enough
Overall Smex Rating:4
HERO: Cole/ Marek
Hero Description: MC Prez
Hero Likability Rating:​3.5
HEROINE: Sully Brooks
Heroine Description: Prez daughter to rival MC
Heroine Likability Rating: 4
Secondary characters: Stone-VP, Adelaide-friend to the MC,niece of MC member Trig,nurse.
H /h RELATIONSHIP INFO:Marek kidnaps Sully as revenge against rival Savage Reapers MC.Sully has been abused by her father-Prez- for years, and gives her to Vex at fourteen years old. She's scared,resigned to her fate until meeting Marek.
OW/OM/Exes: club whore- Marek slept w/ one right after he kidnapped Sully
Cheating Before/During/Outside H/h Relationship: no,Jagger-prospect is tasked with caring for Sully. He has feelings for her, but nothing happens between them.
Grovel Rating:n/a
Did OW/OM/Ex Ruin the Book For You:n/a
TRIGGERS/WARNING: rape,torture of h(not by H)
AUTHOR OVERVIEW: S. Nelson-1st time author for me
Technical/Editing Quality:4
Writing/Content Quality:4
Do You Recommend This Book:yes
Will You Re-read This Book:maybe
Would You Read More Books by this Author:definitely
COMMENTS/NOTES: I can't wait for Stone and Adelaide's story and how they will make things work,considering she's not in the MC life.
Profile Image for Beth, A Book Lover's blog .
64 reviews15 followers
March 15, 2016
Absolutely Amazing! S. Nelson is an amazing writer. I have been with her from the beginning and her books just keep getting better. And Marek is Excellent. I couldn't stop reading once I started. Cole Marek is the President of The Knights Corruption Motorcycle Club, he is trying to make his club legit but before he does he has a score to settle with the rival gang The Savage Reapers. So when he goes after them he thought the biggest "F-YOU" would be to steal the presidents Daughter Sully. There are rumers that she is absolutely beautiful but she is kept in the shadows. Sully has had a very hard life. Things happened to her you couldn't imagine having done to you. Horrible and unspeakable things. There was no way out for her.

Once Marek has her he starts feeling Things. He is protective of her.She has been hurt badly. Scares line her body. What has she been through? This was supposed to be a punch in the gut to their rivals but Sully is a game changer. This wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Sully is scared, and not sure how to take the MC rival gang. She has heard so many stories but none seem to be the club that kidnapped her. She starts feeling that this might be fate working finally in her favor or is it? She doesn't know what to think about Marek but the attraction is almost to much. This is forbidden. She could never return to her club but does she want to? Her club is nothing like this one. Come find out what happens To Marek and Sully .

This is definitely a must read and recommended for 18 plus. Also I would like to mention there are adult situations that are hard to read about.
Profile Image for Megan Fall.
Author 13 books353 followers
August 10, 2016
This story was a lot darker than most of the MC books I've read. There was a lot of abuse! However, I still enjoyed the story and the characters and look forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Cait.
188 reviews33 followers
April 5, 2022
I forgot how much I love MC romances. This one was pretty standard when it comes to boy meets girl. But in this case Sully was the daughter of the rival MCs prez, and is saved by Knights Corruption MC prez, Cole Marek. This book does a good job at dealing with the heavy topics. I would give this book 4 stars, but as usual I just cannot condone cheating. 3☆
750 reviews7 followers
March 29, 2016
I received an ARC for an honest review.

This was so amazing. S. Nelson held my attention with a rivitng storyline, and how great her characters are. I liked how she changed some of the termology used in MC books, which gave this story a freshness. Marek (Cole) is the president and he takes Sully who is the daughter of his rivals club, but little did he know that taking Sully was gong to change him forever. Sully has been through so much that's its remarakable that she has maintains such a sweetness that just endears you as a reader to her story. Marek is a control freak, and is determined to keep Sully safe, but he is trying to get all of the clubs business ventures legit, and we end with a little cliffhanger which will be coming out in the next book Stone, so hopefully we will see what happens with the cartel. Like I said at the begining this is a really good read and I enjoyed it very much and I am looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Chris.
1,187 reviews36 followers
October 28, 2022
This is the first book I've ready by S. Nelson, I don't know if it will be the last or if I'm going to read Stone's story too... Marek's book was interesting, I liked how he had a somewhat tender spot for Sully BUT a lot of details brushed me wrong in this story... and I ended up having more dislikes than likes while the story continued... with the last straw the epilogue... a fail for me...
Profile Image for Anne .
468 reviews73 followers
December 2, 2019
*This review may contain some spoilers. You've been warned.*

Okay, so I was a bit worried starting this book/series because some reviewers have nothing good to say about Marek, the hero, specifically.

But let me tell you this: Do not be deterred with them. Compared to other MC romances I've read, this book/series has it going. The issue with Marek though was he's an absolute, take-no-prisoner-biker dude and he runs his mouth without thinking twice when he's pissed or mad. Seeing as he's a biker through-and-through, I think his character's calls for it. It wasn't endearung when he runs his mouth, no. But at least you'd see him resenting himself deep inside and he makes up for his mistakes. He's over the top jealous and possessive which I loved though. He wasn't a total a-hole and all throughout the story, he has the heroine's well-being always on the forefront of his mind. And we'd know right away he was dead attracted to her the first time around; hence, the mancave attitude he got going on. I would take note of his character being true to what was needed in the story. The author did not made him a saint or some abrupt changes to what he truly is by nature.

Sully on the other hand had been abused left and right not just by her father, the rival MC President, Psych and coked-out, deranged boyfriend, Vex. The girl had been to hell and back but I loved how she found her spirit when the Knight Corruption MC took her and started to care for her.

There wasn't much "us moments" between the two main characters though but it somehow worked and turned to be quite believable when the author explained things (with the character's POV) of why some things happened the way they do or turned out.

All in all, I may had a hard time pushing through the premise. It was intense (it's been a while for me since I read something like that again) and brutal and unforgiving. It wasn't so dark though. But if you have pet peeves, consider checking out the trigger warnings for this book: incest, rape, torture and abuse.

It wasn't all over the story though (trigger warnings) but it was present in the premise and it was talked about in the story but nothing too dragging out and in your face kind of trigger warning.

The epilogue. It ended with a cliffhanger. But book 2 will be about the different brother, Stone, the KC VP. However, syory arc for book 1 will continue in the next book. And I'm all for it!
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,709 reviews1,386 followers
June 1, 2016
Let me just say that I initially picked this book because of the cover model. Yes, I am very much a cover whore. But I've liked this man's face since I read the The Unblocked Collection so there :p

This was an awesome ride wrapped up in an awesome MC Club story.

I love bikers and Marek (Cole) was freaking hot. Alpha, arrogant, unapologetic (seriously doesn't say sorry. Ever!), fierce, loyal, etc. This Prez was a delight. I thoroughly enjoyed how quickly he was taken by the beautiful Sully.

Oh Sully. This poor little girl had it rough. Her daddy was the prez of a rival club and he and his band of idiots were absolutely deplorable. His entire crew lacked honour. The horrors she faced and suffered at their hands was heartbreaking. However, her survival highlighted not only her strength, but also her perseverance.

Marek truly rescued Sully no matter his initial motive. He gave her hope when she thought it was gone. He showed her kindness, generosity, compassion, loyalty, protection, possession, and ultimately love.

I'm a little disappointed with the ending only because there were still people out there that Marek needed to reap justice upon for Sully's sake. I wish the series would continue in their POV. Well, it seems that business is still unfinished and Stone's story is next.

Enjoy! xo
May 28, 2016
47% and giving up on the stupidity.

It's hard to respect authors who not only write about abuse but give you graphic detail in writing of the abuse then in the next few pages down play the abuse and turns the story into smut. If you're going to include an abused character, add some depth to the story, slow the fuck down and develop the character a bit more.
The heroine has been abused by her father, by her boyfriend and offered up by her father to be raped by another man. A few SHORT days later she is kidnapped by the hero of the story and forced to marry him within a 24 hour period. Just by looking at the scars on her body the hero is made aware that she has been abused, yet he gets pissed she won't screw him on their wedding night (some hero). What's even more ridiculous is that this very recently abused girl that didn't want to sleep with her new husband masturbates in the shower the next morning thinking about him. Oh and this is right after she wakes up from a nightmare of him trying to kill her.

zero stars!!
Profile Image for Lu Bielefeld .
4,293 reviews570 followers
August 5, 2016
I couldn't connect with the characters. The hero is a callous jerk and our heroine takes the abuse in her life with resignation. But the author writes well and I'll try to read the next.

Later that evening, when I’d buried myself inside some woman whose name I never asked, I tried my best to push aside all thoughts of the woman waiting for me back home.

With every thrust and moan, I imagined it was her I had pushed against the wall, my hand wrapped around her throat while I fucked her from behind. I envisioned it was her pussy clenching down on my cock as she rode out her orgasm.
Profile Image for Erin.
394 reviews57 followers
April 20, 2016
DNF @ 15%. No I didn't give it much of a chance.. but a I did a little skim through. This is a darker read which normally isn't a problem for me when it comes to MC books. What made me lose interest and stop reading after a short time is that it takes a while before the H & h are even in the same vicinity. I don't want A LOT of build up or back story. Just get to the point. 90% of the book should happen (in my lovely opinion) after the main characters are introduced to each other. I don't have much patience otherwise.
Profile Image for Kim.
1,083 reviews12 followers
August 1, 2024
Marek- Marek and Sully

For you MC Club, dark reads people, this is for you. Please heed any warnings or triggers.

Marek is the president of Knights Corruption MC. Being the leader, he has a lot on him and recently it has been never ending drama. Their rival club is getting more and more careless and running their mouths with threats. When the next club member shows up after being on deaths door, the KC must answer and retaliate.

Sully is the daughter of the president of the Savage Reapers MC. She was promised to a deranged man at 14 years of age by her father. The only thing she knows is abuse. First by her father and now by the deranged. She prays for an end.

Then one day, the crap hits the fan and Sully is being forced into her room. Their club is getting attacked. Her room door busts open and she is staring at the most intense, gorgeous blue eyes. She has been taught her whole life how horrible the KC MC is so she has no idea if she is staring into the eyes of the next devil or her savior.

This has a great storyline to it however it is intense. There are very detailed adult themes in this book. It also ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger so read in order.
Profile Image for Sarah Griffin.
373 reviews310 followers
July 4, 2016
Oh how I have conflicting feelings about this story! I really, truly loved it; don't get me wrong, but there were many things that irked me as well. This was my first book from this author and from the first page I fell in love with her writing style. It was very down to earth and comfortable. I loved her characters; they spoke to me on a level that I truly understood them to their core. They story line itself had all the basic necessities that I look for in an MC book/series: gruff men who make no qualms about the way they are, strong women who have been beaten down in some way or another and have risen from the ashes, love that isn't easy but so worth it, and side characters that become as integral to the story as the main ones. This is what attracts me to a MC book, and this one didn't disappoint in the least. I loved the passion that Marek had for his brothers and his club; I loved the lengths he would go to for them, and bully if anyone got in his way. I loved Sully's unwillingness to give up and give into the darkness surrounding her every move. I loved her ability to portray such a rawness and vulnerability and eventually trust that Marek would be there for her in every way.

But darn, I go so annoyed with him acting like a major turd and not apologizing for it, especially when he admitted to himself that he knew he was in the wrong. Nut no, big macho man, leader of the MC, far be it for him to apologize. I hated the way he acted with his over the top jealousy, denying her friends because his ego couldn't handle it. He clearly knew from the beginning that horrific things had been done to her and then for him to just play to her fears really made me mad and disappointed in him. Especially after the scene where he berates her for not sleeping with him. Dude...after everything she told you that was done to her and THAT's how you come at her?! Nuh uh. I wish we'd had more chapters of them being happy together, rather than just getting settled into everything. I feel like we went from the beginning of scared and fumbling to finality and love in the blink of an eye. It was as if some of the middle stuff, which is usually the best part, was skimmed over. And even though I know this is the first book in a new series, I hate that some things weren't really wrapped up. There was a certain cartel member that did something in the beginning and I thought surely something would come from that once they found out what he did to her. But from the ending, I feel like that might come to fruition eventually. But because this was Marek and Sully's book and that event was tied to her, I feel like it should have played out here, as well as dealing with another character. I also felt like we really didn't get to know Marek as a character, past his super jealousy and inability to speak with a filter.

But again, like I said in the beginning, I really did love this story. I will definitely be keeping my eyes out for when future books are released and can't wait to see where we are taken next!
Profile Image for Natalie M.
691 reviews141 followers
April 5, 2016
4 stars! This author is new to me, but after reading that synopsis I knew I had to read this book. This book is definitely on the darker side. The abuse the heroine, Sully endures is just awful. It had my stomach rolling at a few spots. The premise is decent and the story is intriguing. It's a story of rival MC clubs, one just plain awful and the other involved in some dirty stuff trying to get on the straight and narrow.

I enjoyed the writing in Marek...everything flowed nicely and the writing was crisp. The characters are well developed and that plot is interesting! The story was full of MC action and some sick and twisted characters. Marek is not one of them! He actually is a semi-good guy, but he did piss me off a time or two. I didn't connect with the characters as much as I expected to...especially given the awful situation Sully went through. I tagged the ending a cliffhanger, but I don't know that I'd call it a bad one. It definitely left me wanting more about the couple and wanting to see how Sully will react to a few things. The next book is about another MC member, Stone, but I hope we get more Marek and Sully as well. I'll find out in June when the second book releases!!

** The author kindly provided an ARC of Marek in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for  Thea™.
3,665 reviews12 followers
November 23, 2017
Just an okay read for me... Biker books are my all time favorite and this one was really nothing more than mediocre. I really liked the beginning (although it was a bit over the top) and than , I was convinced this was gonna be a great book!! However... after I finished the book and was thinking about my review, I realized I was actually kind of... disappointed. There were a lot of things and details that just didn't add up, felt wrong and/or did not made sense.
Maybe I'll read the next book.... maybe I won't. I thought I would... but when writing my review of Marek, I began to doubt it. There were just too many things that felt... off, 'not-right'. We'll see...
{Er waren het heel veel kleine dingetje in dit verhaal die niet goed of vreemd voelden, wat uiteindelijke maakte dat dit slechts een matig boek was.}
The Erogenous Zone; BotM November 2016.
8 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2016
Beware ends on a cliffhanger.
I absolutely hated that marak was fucking another women, hours after accusing her of cheating on him, double standards or what, like Hawke, who says he loves his old lady but is consistently cheating on her, I HATE CHEATING!!!!! I also did not like marok's character, he was a asshole to her, and he gets away with it, there was just a little too much mental cruelty going on, who the hell does not go home for 2 days to make a point because she wants to talk to another man she's friends with, and he will not let her because of his jealousy, or because she refuses to have sex with him after all the rapes and sexual abuse, seriously if you claim to love someone, in my opinion they would not do that, and come on who would except that kind of treatment, without letting them know,and pushing back against this kind of treatment, instead of being a doormat, and excepting it as ok.

And lockin party's at the club house, that do not allow wife's and girlfriends, just so they can cheat on them with the club whores, that's seriously fucked up, and so wrong.
Profile Image for Luna Lectora.
858 reviews16 followers
September 20, 2019
Extrañamente me gusto mucho, fue suave en partes donde quería que fuera fuerte y fuerte en partes donde no lo quería.

Marek es el prez de los Knights, y secuestra a Sully la hija del prez de los Savage, y de ahí todo comienza la historia es entretenida y mas romántica de lo que uno pensaría, claro tiene cosas muy fuertes sobre todo con respecto a la protagonista, y muestra bastante el mundo de los moteros sus negocios y estilo de vida.

Marek me gustó a pesar de su forma de ser algo impulsiva, lo vi un tipo muy decente, bueno y que no lastimaría a una mujer. Sully algo inocente pero también linda creo que lo de ella fue como extraño sin duda alguna necesita ayuda profesional no todo lo cura el amor.

Quiero leer a Jagger, los demás no me llaman tanto. Adelaide promete, mucho.

Y bueno me gusto lo violento, lo sangriento, y con poco drama. En lineas generales es entretenido y muy romántico, y Marek fue quien se robo el show, muchas cosas quedaron sin resolver, espero que en el siguiente se resuelvan.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 421 reviews

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