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Ex-cop Luther Malone, lifelong member of the secretive paranormal organization known as the Arcane Society, is waiting to meet Grace Renquist. Hired as an aura-reading consultant in the quest for a murder suspect, she’s got zero field experience. She’s from tiny Eclipse Bay, Oregon. She’s a librarian, for heaven’s sake.

As for Grace, she’s not expecting much either from Malone, who walks with a cane and isn’t so good with a gun. Nice résumé for a bodyguard . . .

But even before they reach their hotel in Maui—where they’ll be posing as honeymooners—Grace and Luther feel the electric charge between them. Problem is, they need to remain vigilant day and night, because it soon becomes clear there’s more going on here. Rogue sensitives—operatives for the underground group Nightshade—are pouring into the luxury resort like there’s a convention. Grace recognizes those dark spikes in their auras. She saw the same pattern in someone else in another life—a life she hasn’t revealed to Luther or anyone else. And she understands how dangerous these people can be . . . especially with those para-hunters at their sides.

While the pair’s employers at Jones & Jones scramble to get them backup, Luther and Grace have to think on their feet. The criminals in their midst aren’t just high-level sensitives: They’ve enhanced their talents with a potent—and unpredictable—drug. And as Grace knows all too well, if you don’t control your powers, your powers will control you. . . .

337 pages, Hardcover

First published December 30, 2008

About the author

Jayne Ann Krentz

361 books6,909 followers
The author of over 50 consecutive New York Times bestsellers, JAYNE ANN KRENTZ writes romantic-suspense in three different worlds: Contemporary (as Jayne Ann Krentz), historical (as Amanda Quick) and futuristic (as Jayne Castle). There are over 30 million copies of her books in print.

She earned a B.A. in History from the University of California at Santa Cruz and went on to obtain a Masters degree in Library Science from San Jose State University in California. Before she began writing full time she worked as a librarian in both academic and corporate libraries.

Ms. Krentz is married and lives with her husband, Frank, in Seattle, Washington.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 450 reviews
788 reviews121 followers
October 20, 2019
It is not that I didn't enjoy this story. And I do not want to sound unfair. But I must go into this review saying that Jayne Ann Krentz is one of the authors I like using as a sort of palate cleanser (in books-- like a person uses comfort food after trying too many new and exciting foods). I love her humor and especially love that her books tend to be formatic. I love this and tend to expect it, my book comfort food. This book was less formatic, and, for me, left out what I love the most.
Profile Image for Julie (jjmachshev).
1,069 reviews289 followers
December 31, 2008
I love Krentz's 'Arcane Society' books. Her latest in this series is the contemporary "Running Hot". This series is about a society of individuals with paranormal 'talents'. The series began with historicals, but a few years ago Krentz came out with a contemporary about the descendents of the characters in her historicals. Are you following? Anyway, her books have sizzling attraction, suspense, light action, and mystery. I enjoy getting to know each new player in this series along with their particular 'talent'.

What happens when two off-the-chart aura talents get together? Immediate attraction, for one. Grace and Luther are much more comfortable working alone, so when they're assigned the cover of a married couple, neither is too sold on the idea...until they meet. It doesn't take them long to realize how well they mesh, both psychically and physically! Now if they could just get rid of the bad guys and the wacko opera singer (that's right, wacko opera singer) they could get on with their lives!

Fun and engaging. Onto my keeper shelf it goes.
Profile Image for Paula.
545 reviews7 followers
May 26, 2016
Interesting and enjoyable. This book had a mix of paranormal and suspense, a likable hero and heroine who can read people's auras, entertaining secondary characters with their own psychic talents, and a Hawaiian setting. This was my first Arcane Society Novel. Different and fun.
Profile Image for Lorraine.
1,147 reviews86 followers
October 15, 2019
It is often stated that everyone has ‘sensitivity’, and by that, I mean, on can ‘feel’ or ‘know’ things that are not apparently evident to everyone. My husband has said to me that “Your intuition scares me to death.” Jayne Ann Krentz’s Running Hot (Arcane Society, #5) continues her series on the secret society whose member (agents) have the ability to read auras as well as other talents: snipers, ‘read’ another’s thoughts which helps to keep many alive, and use of paraphysics. J & J, the upstanding and old society, has ‘people’ everywhere to assist good endeavors even if it means placing a body in its own home to keep the bad ones such as the organization of Nightshade from discovering where J & J’s people truly are. This idea appealed to me as I have read other books by this author on the Arcane Society. Running Hot felt slow to me, and I kept putting it down, but I have enjoyed others by Krentz. 3.5-4 stars.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
August 30, 2022
4 Arcane Society Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free-Quick, Only $2.99
So I think of Jayne Ann Krentz as the Gateway author who introduced me to reading romance, even when I didn't realize I was. I discovered her and also her other Pen Names, Amanda Quick, and Jayne Castle. I gobbled up all of the books I could find in the library. This was more than a decade ago and I can still remember the thrill and enjoyment I had while reading them.

I am not really a "paranormal" reader but this series was so much fun for me. I was captivated from the start and loved every one of the books in the series that I read. I haven't read all of the books but the ones I did read always kept me interested.

Running Hot is the fifth entry and right now (August 2022) it is on sale for a limited time.

Second Sight (Arcane Society, #1) by Amanda Quick Second Sight (Arcane Society, #1) Amanda Quick
White Lies (Arcane Society, #2) by Jayne Ann Krentz White Lies (Arcane Society, #2) Jayne Ann Krentz
Sizzle and Burn (Arcane Society, #3) by Jayne Ann Krentz Sizzle and Burn (Arcane Society, #3) Jayne Ann Krentz
The Third Circle (Arcane Society, #4) by Amanda Quick Third Circle (Arcane Society, #4) Amanda Quick
Running Hot (Arcane Society, #5) by Jayne Ann Krentz Running Hot (Arcane Society, #5) Jayne Ann Krentz
The Perfect Poison (Arcane Society, #6) by Amanda Quick The Perfect Poison (Arcane Society, #6) Amanda Quick
Fired Up (Arcane Society, #7; Dreamlight Trilogy, #1) by Jayne Ann Krentz Fired Up (Arcane Society, #7) Jayne Ann Krentz
Burning Lamp (Arcane Society, #8; Dreamlight Trilogy, #2) by Amanda Quick Burning Lamp (Arcane Society, #8) Jayne Castle
Midnight Crystal (Ghost Hunters, #7; Arcane Society #9; Dreamlight Trilogy #3) by Jayne Castle Midnight Crystal (Arcane Society, #9) Jayne Castle
The Scargill Cove Case Files (Arcane Society, #9.5; Looking Glass Trilogy, #0.5) by Jayne Ann Krentz The Scargill Cove Case Files (Arcane Society, #9.5)
In Too Deep (Arcane Society, #10; Looking Glass Trilogy, #1) by Jayne Ann Krentz In Too Deep (Arcane Society, #10) Jayne Ann Krentz
Quicksilver (Arcane Society, #11; Looking Glass Trilogy #2) by Amanda Quick Quicksilver (Arcane Society, #11) Amanda Quick
Canyons of Night (Rainshadow, #0; Ghost Hunters, #8; Looking Glass Trilogy, #3; Arcane Society, #12) by Jayne Castle Canyons of Night (Arcane Society, #12) Jayne Castle

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Profile Image for Lady Gabriella of Awesomeness (SLOW).
522 reviews822 followers
October 7, 2022
★★★★★SOLID 4.5 STARS★★★★★

“He kissed her, a slow morning kiss; the kind a man gives a women he knows he has satisfied; the kind that makes it clear he intends to satisfy her again. And be satisfied in return. A claiming kiss.
But she did not respond like a claimed woman. Instead, she kissed him back with the kind of fierce intensity that made it clear she had a claim on him.

Tumblr: Image

Really enjoyed this read overall *claps* Great story, great chemistry between the leads +'found family'& great pacing.

The only reason this wasn't a complete win was the weak ending for me. I don't exactly know what was missing...but I think I expected more of a showdown than A little too neat.

Overall, Enjoyed ! *Thumbs up*
Profile Image for Mollie *scoutrmom*.
937 reviews39 followers
August 17, 2010
This is a great paranormal suspense love story with the kind of plot twists and turns to keep the reader guessing at how it will be resolved. Even though I've read it more than once, I still enjoy these plot twists.

One of the themes in this story is the meaning of family. Krentz has Grace looking at seemingly perfect families with her talent and dissecting the cracks in the facade. In contrast, Luther, Wayne, and Petra have formed a kind of family into which Grace is welcomed. For me, this was better than a subplot.

The Hawaii setting is exotic, not just the tourist hotels and beaches, but the back alleys where only locals are welcome and the private coves only locals know about.

The protagonists are a couple of wounded warriors who are assigned on a mission together by Fallon Jones. After this third reading, I'm beginning to view him as something of a matchmaker. I like the way they heal each other. I also like the way that, when Luther sends out healing vibes to calm her aura, Grace not only catches on, but tells him to leave her aura the heck alone.

One thing I've noticed about this series is that JAK's heroines are looking more and more like the author, Grace has her haircut. I've read dozens of her books, and not one of them was about a girl Krentz described as beautiful.

When Krentz writes Fallon's book, it'll really be a doozy.
Profile Image for Penny Watson.
Author 12 books510 followers
March 20, 2010
Running Hot by Jayne Ann Krentz

My favorite type of romance novel seamlessly mixes sexy characters, paranormal elements, humor and a dash of mystery. That's one of the reasons that I truly adore Amanda Quick, aka Jayne Ann Krentz, aka Jayne Castle. She's got the recipe down pat. Her Arcane Society Series is a heady combination of quirky characters, fascinating paranormal abilities, and mysterious circumstances that draw the reader into her delightful world. I absolutely loved Second Sight, which is a historical installment of this series. (I love that she is following the origins of this secret society, and then jumps into contemporary times to follow the members' descendants...totally cool!) Anyway, Running Hot is a great addition to this series. Luther and Grace are a terrific combination, and the threads of various stories that are woven together in the book are wonderful. My favorite is La Sirene, who uses her supernatural voice as a weapon of destruction. Krentz' observations about opera music are superb and almost make me a believer of the paranormal (she's so convincing!). I highly recommend this book and look forward to the next installment of the Arcane Society Series.
Grade: A

Profile Image for BJ Rose.
733 reviews87 followers
September 18, 2010
Not quite a 4* read for me, but I did like the tie-in to the Eclipse Bay series, with the verification of Arizona Snow as more than a conspiracy nut. I do enjoy reading about each new entry in the Jones & Jones psychic investigative agency - in this case, it's Luther & Grace, both with very strong psychic abilities. And I liked the husband & wife owners of the bar In Hawaii, and the way they took care of misfits - that's why they 'adopted' Luther, which turned out to be a smart move on their part. He made the perfect bartender/bouncer - just manipulate emotions to prevent fights, convince drunks to go home & sleep it off, etc. I don't think I could ever trust my feelings around Luther - no wonder Grace told him to stop using his skill on her!
Profile Image for Luli.
715 reviews78 followers
July 15, 2017
You can find this review in English below.

2.5 stars.
A esta historia le ha faltado chispa. Ha sido tan directa y ha ido tan al grano que no he conseguido sentir el romance, ni las ganas de estar juntos de los protagonistas, ni el peligro ni ninguna de esas cosas que me gusta sentir cuando leo un romance con su poquito de suspense on the side.

Si a lo anterior añadimos que es un romance paranormal, con lo cual hay insta-lust (¿Qué? ¿Cómo? ¿¡Ya!?) y almas gemelas de por medio, la historia pierde toda la gracia.

Y el suspense ha sido más de lo mismo, apenas hay tensión, las cosas están claras desde el principio así que en ningún momento temes por la vida (o por el romance) de los protagonistas, ellos son tan superiores al resto de sus contemporáneos que es difícil de creer que no hayan sido descubiertos antes.

En fin, que nunca pensé que llegaría el día en el que echase de menos un poco de angustia o de drama en mi romance…

A pesar de ser el quinto en la serie no he perdido el hilo de la historia en ningún momento y me ha sido fácil entender de qué clase de paranormal estaba hablando la autora, así que me atrevería a decir que se puede leer fuera de la serie, aunque no creo que merezca la pena…


2.5 stars.
This story has lacked spark. It has been so straightforward and it has gotten so to the point that I have not been able to feel the romance, or the MC´s desire to be together, or the danger or any of those things that I like to feel when I read a romance with its bit of suspense on the side.

If to all of the above we add that it is a paranormal romance, so you know there will be insta-lust (What? Wait! Already!??) and soul mates involved, the story loses its appeal.

And the suspense has been more of the same, there is hardly tension, things are clear from the beginning so at no time do you fear for the MC´s life (or romance), they are so superior to the rest of their contemporaries it is hard to believe that they have not been discovered before.

Anyway, I never thought the day would come when I missed a little angst or drama in my romance...

Despite being the fifth in the series I have not miss a thing about the story and I have been able to understand what kind of paranormal background the author was talking about, so I dare say that you can read this one as a stand-alone, although I do not think it's worth it ...
Profile Image for Kristen.
2,401 reviews76 followers
August 6, 2012
I like the Arcane Society series, but this one wasn't my favourite. It was okay, and a good book for a light, fluffy and sweet story, but the murder investigation was fairly light-wight.

There are a couple of interesting paranormal twists, which I can't talk about without adding spoilers, but they do give a fun flavour to the story.

The romance between the two lead characters was tepid at best, and the female lead, Grace, was sort of bland, compared to other Arcane Society heroines in other books. She was nice, but I didn't connect to her all that much, which made it a little hard to really root for her as the story progressed. Even Luther, who's story should have made every romance gene kick in, just didn't interest me all that much.

For me, it was several of the supporting characters, including some of the "bad guys" that I found really intriguing

Overall, this would be an okay book for a lazy Sunday afternoon, or a long plane ride. Not fabulous, but a serviceable, enjoyable paranormal romance story.
1,553 reviews27 followers
August 27, 2018
This was fun. I do like this world. And the couple is pretty great in this. These books all have the same trope (meting someone who understands you in a world of people who tend not to). I really liked this one. A fun, easy read.
Profile Image for Cruth.
1,656 reviews145 followers
January 27, 2015
Author: Jayne Ann Krentz
First published: 2008
Length: 337 pages.
Setting: Contemporary, Hawaii.
Sex: Reasonably explicit but infrequent and mostly fade to black.
Hero: Ex-cop, twice divorced, works as a bodyguard for J&J. Can read and manipulate auras.
Heroine: Grew up in foster care, works for J&J. Can read auras as a "profiler".

One of my favourites with good characters and good story. Nice use of paranormal without distracting from the personalities and underlying story. Fits well into the World defined by Krentz/Quick's Historical Arcane sub-series while extending with contemporary understanding and technology.

4.5 stars rounded up.

Arcane Society:
The Arcance Society novels are published under 3 pen-names, each name highlighting setting and/or subgenre. As a rule-of-thumb, Jayne Ann Krentz is for contemporary romantic-suspense, Amanda Quick historical romantic-suspense and Jayne Castle publishes futuristic/paranormal romantic-suspense.
Book 1 Second Sight (Amanda Quick) - Venetia Milton and Gabriel Jones
Book 2 White Lies (Jayne Ann Krentz) - Clare Lancaster and Jake Salter
Book 3 Sizzle and Burn (Jayne Ann Krentz) - Raine Tallentyre and Zack Jones
Book 4 The Third Circle (Amanda Quick) - Leona Hewitt and Thaddeus Ware
Book 5 Running Hot (Jayne Ann Krentz) - Luther Malone and Grace Renquist
Book 6 The Perfect Poison (Amanda Quick) - Lucinda Bromley and Caleb Jones
Book 7 Fired Up (Jayne Ann Krentz) - Jack Winters and Chloe Harper; Book 1 of the Dreamlight Series.
Book 8 Burning Lamp (Amanda Quick) - Griffin Winters and Adelaide Pyne; Book 2 of the Dreamlight Series.
Book 9 Midnight Crystal (Jayne Castle) - Adam Winters and Marlowe Jones; Book 3 of the Dreamlight Series.
Book 9.5 The Scargill Cove Case Files (Jayne Ann Krentz) - Fallon Jones; Book .5 of the Looking Glass Series.
Book 10 In Too Deep (Jayne Ann Krentz) - Fallon Jones and Isabella Valdez; Book 1 of the Looking Glass Series.
Book 11 Quicksilver (Amanda Quick) - Virginia Dean and Owen Sweetwater; Book 2 of the Looking Glass Series.
Book 12 Canyons of Night (Jayne Castle) - Charlotte Enright and Slade Attridge; Book 3 of the Looking Glass Series.

Author's website: http://jayneannkrentz.com/running-hot/

(ISBN 978-0-399-15521-5)

Profile Image for Debrac2014.
2,151 reviews19 followers
July 19, 2024
I originally read this when it was first published! Just as good as I remembered! Got a kick out of La Sirene!
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
March 18, 2017
Running Hot
3.5 Stars

Working as a librarian for the Arcane Society, Grace Renquist has secrets she is desperate to keep. Assigned to partner former police officer, Luther Malone, who shares her ability to read auras, Grace fears that her past will return to haunt her. Caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse with operatives from the renegade group known only as Nightshade, Grace and Luther must think on their feet and combine their resources if they are to survive dangerously potent powers enhanced by the founder's formula.

A fun read but not as suspenseful as some of the others in the series.

Luther and Grace are a typical Krentz couple. She is intelligent, feisty and damaged in some way while he is tough, sexy and absolutely irresistible. They have intense chemistry and their paranormal abilities complement each other - Grace profiles auras while Luther manipulates them. Nevertheless, their romantic relationship materializes too rapidly with very little development.

The writing and dialogue are smooth as usual, however, the suspense plot is ultimately predictable and the threat posed by the villains is scarcely threatening. Moreover, the pacing is a little off with numerous superfluous explanations that fill in gaps rather than developing the story and characterization. The Nightshade plot is overly complex and even though some questions from previous books are answered, there is insufficient information on the origins and progression of the organization.

The secondary characters are entertaining such as the band of misfits Luther hangs out with in Hawaii and Fallon Jones who seems to have bitten off more than he can chew. His character is very intriguing and I look forward to his book.

All in all, quite entertaining for those times when you want an uncomplicated read.
Profile Image for Pamela.
1,755 reviews38 followers
March 21, 2015
This book was very well written, from one of my favorite authors. This book is based on a J & J investigation. The story revolves around Luther Malone, a lifelong member of the Arcane Society. His partner is also a talent involved with the Arcane Society, named Grace Renquist. They are both talented with reading auras. Grace can also define the aura, as to personality, truth, and menace. They are to pose as honeymooners, and watch the hotel for a man with a very disturbing aura. The problem becomes magnified, when multiple men check in with disturbing auras. Nightshade is an underground organization, that is trying to update the founders elixir. The one that causes death ,addiction, and insanity, in hopes that their talents will become stronger. They find their mark, but Grace is put into serious danger by an assassin. Her only chance is to stay by Luther's side. Two are stronger than one, after all. It had a good flowing storyline, lots of adventure, and passion. I liked their friends, and their characters were very believable. I also loved the ending. It kept my interest once it got going, and kept it. I had gotten this book from the library, but due to illness had to return it, without finishing it. It only took 2 days to read in reality.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,238 reviews203 followers
October 22, 2023
A little danger, a little steam, and a whole lot of talent. Sure, sure, both Luther and Grace downplay their abilities - and as aura talents, they tend to be overlooked anyway - but these two have some serious psychic firepower going for them.

Or maybe they have just the right amount of psychic firepower. With a whole lot of Nightshade higher-ups in the area, a probable traitor in the Society, and a singing assassin gunning for them, they need all the hidden abilities they can muster. It also doesn't hurt that they have a solid group of people who have their backs. Starting with Jones & Jones and running straight through to some former government agents.

The bad guys are bad (and some are a little unhinged), the good guys sometimes kill people (but only when in danger), and the effects of the new and improved founder's formula aren't doing anyone any favors. As a bonus, we got to meet the Sweetwater clan. What can you say about them except the family that kills together, stays together. GOOD TIMES!

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Freda Malone.
378 reviews63 followers
March 1, 2016
I'm not entirely sure why I keep reading this series, but there are all different, with the exception of the Arcane Society and it's ancient formula that seems to wreak havoc with the J&J's. Generations of paranormal citizens of the community keep popping up, each with a match making murder mystery to solve, ending in a pair of ultras getting married.

I suppose what grabs me is the uniqueness in each mystery and the characters involved. Boring and predictable in some instances but still a good read because every mystery is different. I'm sure I will continue on to the next, until it gets so mundane, that I just can't read another.
Profile Image for Mary.
39 reviews1 follower
March 23, 2009
I love this series. The Arcane Society is a group of paranormal special talents who can do things like read auras, detect violence at a crime scene, detect lies,kill people with their minds, etc... The series goes back to the 1800's in some of the novels and present day like this one. There is always a sexy couple who partner together with their unique talents to fight crimes. This one has Luther and Grace as partners. They make a great team. You have to suspend belief with all the woo woo stuff, but it's a fast read.
Profile Image for Sharon Layburn.
1,821 reviews30 followers
January 8, 2009
Like comfort food at the end of a bad day, I know exactly what to expect when I read a Jayne Ann Krentz romance and that makes me happy. The heroine will be feisty, smart and endearingly imperfect. The hero will be tough, flawed and quite irresistible. There will be a little humor, the right amount of action and suspense and a satisfyingly happy ending. Sigh!
Profile Image for Robin.
731 reviews15 followers
February 1, 2015
This one was fun! I loved the characters-- the protagonists, Grace and Luther, were both fascinating and they had some hot chemistry; the villains were just as compelling and I enjoyed being taken deeper into the depths of the Arcane Society and the psychic world, with even more connections to the historical volumes of the series. Can't wait to dive into the next book!
Profile Image for Cindy.
1,748 reviews13 followers
October 7, 2014
Contemporary paranormal romance with protected sex. #5 in the Arcane Society series.

This was a solid story. Liked Grace & Luther. They both have aura talents. There were a lot of new characters introduced. If you like the series, you'll definitely like this one!
Profile Image for Kate Trudeau.
38 reviews
January 26, 2015
a wonderful read

I've read this book several times. I particularly like the heroine. From classic attention grabbing opening to happy-ever-after ending, Running Hot is entertaining and oddly moving.
Profile Image for Maura.
3,883 reviews103 followers
July 14, 2020
Grace Renquist is living as a research genealogist for Arcane Society and trying to hide her former life. Because she's an aura-reader with the ability to profile from an aura, she's sent to Hawaii to team up with aura-reader Luther Malone (who will be her bodyguard/partner) to identify a murderer before Jones and Jones takes him in. Grace and Luther discover pretty quickly that they're more than just partners and that they help each other deal with their traumatic pasts. They identify the killer, but trouble ensues when they discover he's a Nightshade operative...and that he's joined by 4 other operatives. And to top that off Grace interrupts an assassination attempt from an obsessed diva-siren killer...which sets the siren and Nightshade on her tail and gives Luther some real protection work to do.

Still a fluffy-suspense romance, but for some reason this one just didn't resonate with me. It's a good story and engaging, but I didn't feel the connection to the characters or their romance. Grace should have been super interesting with her background, but she was kinda bland and not as feisty as I wanted her to be. She got really good at following Luther's commands and being protected.
Luther was a bit edgier than our previous heroes in this series (2 divorces under his belt and a former cop). He was also really bossy and treated Grace like she couldn't take care of herself (which she obviously has been since the age of 14, so...) His particular talent also allows him to manipulate people's feelings and responses and he's not ethically conflicted about using it at all (even against the heroine until she requests that he not). Not much romantic tension between them - they sex it up at the 25% mark and keep at it for the rest of the book with no relationship angst at all...that's why fluffy. But I didn't hate them together or anything. Just didn't do much for me I guess.

Even the suspense story was just meh...since all Grace and Luther really have to do on their missions is to identify a target by aura. There's still a confrontation or two, which ratchets up the suspense though, so that's good. And I found Demaris and Vivien pretty interesting as well. I did notice a bit of a tone change in this story. Characters in this story aren't quite as glossy, not wealthy like in other stories (Luther and his pals run a dive-bar for locals), and there's a lot of contrast between Luther's normal life and his stay at the resort. It's sort of like the author is trying to add some grit to the characters and their lives. It's different and a bit of a refreshing change, but I don't know that I really liked it. I'm all about the standard formula with this author.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Meg.
833 reviews10 followers
May 25, 2024
This was Arcane Society book mostly set in Hawaii which was a real change. Luther is injured ex-cop who is doing private security work for Jones & Jones. They con him into taking a bodyguard job to watch a reference librarian they are sending by airplane to met him. She, with her talents, can possibly identify a target they are after. He assumes she will be an elderly lady but is shocked when Grace a young, good-looking woman gets off the plane.
This is nice mystery with lots of characters that are well developed.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 450 reviews

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