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"I’ve told you I’ve fantasized about you. So, tell me the truth. Do you fantasize about me?”

Bestselling novelist Jackson Ford is arrogant, exacting, and relentless on the page and off. His irresistible new editor, Ellie Parker is smart, headstrong, and not intimidated by Jackson's attitude - or the way he turns every exchange into a filthy seduction.

There isn't a thing these two can agree on, except their intense attraction. But with Jackson's deadline looming, can they stop fighting long enough for him to deliver the hit she needs?

The relationship between editor and author has never been so intimate or so explicit...

Kindle Edition

First published March 23, 2016

About the author

Roxy Sloane

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Roxy Sloane is a romance junkie with a dirty mind. She lives in Los Angeles and loves writing sexy, complex stories about pushing the boundaries and risking it all.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017

★★★★ 1/2! Explicit (stand-alone). Spirited young editor is assigned to work with world-famous author who’d rather bed her than take her advice!

“And I’ll tell you how this is going to go. I’ll be asking the questions and you’ll be answering them.”
“What—” I sputtered.
“Just think of it as a job interview.”
“And for what job am I interviewing?” I asked.
“For the job of my editor.”

Explicit (stand-alone) opens up to Ellie Parker, El reaching a career milestone by getting assigned to be the editor for award winning and best-selling author Jackson Ford. She is torn between being star-struck, in lust with her new sex-on-as-stick client and ambition, wanting to be the editor he needs.

She settles on blunt honesty which is countered by an affronted Jackson set on throwing her off with sexual innuendos and his hot-cold demeanor. Their relationship is off to a rocky start only to be intensified when they meet in person with the too-good-looking-for-his-own-good, brooding Jackson continuing his seduction while resisting her professional guidance.

With deadlines looming and the fate of book 13 unclear Jackson and El embark on journey filled with hot and contemptuous sex, hilarious bantering, shockers, secrets, angst, hope and more!

Ten words to describe Jackson Ford: Recluse, commanding, brooding, elusive, private, broken, insecure, cocky, unyielding and non-committal.

Nine words to describe Ellie Parker, El: Determined, spirited, insecure, talented, impressionable, naïve, lonely, ambitious and resourceful.

Explicit, told from El’s POV is a mixture of intense sexual tension, steamy sex, charged bantering and a battle of wills, but as the layers are peeled there is very much a journey for both with painful pasts, self-reflection and life challenges. Story ends on a high but I would welcome an epilogue a few years into the future.

Hero rating: 5 stars
Heroine rating: 4.5 stars
Sexual tension rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4.5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Plot rating: 4.5 stars
Dialogue rating: 5 stars
Storytelling rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: 4 stars
Overall rating: 4.5 stars

Would I recommend this book: Yes.
Would I re-read this book: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

ARC provided to me by author Roxy Sloan in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Candi~Dirty Laundry Review.
122 reviews246 followers
March 20, 2016
I don't even know where to start with this review. My feelings are all over the place. Let's start with how much I LOVED THIS FREAKING BOOK!!!! Everything. Every. Damn. Thing. Roxy Sloane knocked this one off the map!! Hands down. Her best book yet. I was completely sucked in right from the beginning. The storyline. The characters. The sexy, hot, steamy, eroticism, sensualism, dirty talking all alpha Jackson Ford. Good god that man did things to me. I just want to shout from the rooftops for EVERYONE TO READ THIS DAMN BOOK!!!!

So the story is what completely held my attention. Besides all the sexy times, there was an amazing story!!! Ellie Parker. She's everything I love in a character. Strong. Confident. Independent. And can hold her own. She's an editor. And recently acquired Jackson Ford as her new client/author. He happens to be a HUGE DEAL in the book world. And is also known to be difficult to work with. Which we learn firsthand while reading. But Ellie is the perfect match for him. And eventually they learn to work with each other.

Jackson says what he wants. And does what he wants. From that first email exchange between them, I knew I was going to love him. But I also hated him. Briefly. Because Jesus Christ on a holy cracker, he made me yell out loud. And I never do that. I don't do spoilers, but you will know what I'm talking about when you get to that moment. But Ellie doesn't shrivel away. Again, her confidence shines through. She's one badass lady!! Because I would of had to leave the country lol!!! With everything that she has gone through, will she be strong enough to handle Jackson. To not just be his partner at work, but at life??? You will have to read to find out!!! No spoilers here!!!

What I love in books, are great supporting characters. And ohh there are quite a few I would love to read more stories on. Ellie has the bestest friends a girl can ask for. They support each other. Always there for one another. No matter what. Every girl needs a Maggie and Bianca in life. And Ellie's boss, Louise. She fascinated me. I'm sure she has a great story!!

This was Roxy's first full length novel, and she gets all the stars from me. It had everything. One thing that stood out to me, was the knowledge I learned of the book world. Ellie truly has the dream job. I loved all the info we get on the process of being an editor, the step by step of how a book goes from a manuscript to being published. It truly fascinates me. It sounds like the best job in the world!!!!

Bottom line. Read this book. I don't know how many ways I can say this, but this is a most definite one-click. Trust me!!!
Profile Image for Sophie.
590 reviews477 followers
March 18, 2016
Explicit by the uber talented Roxy Sloane is an electrifying, heart achingly, beautiful read that is so intense and raw it has left me in a phenomenal state of bookworm bliss.
I was sucked into this book from the start, desperate to delve into the story I've been waiting for, for so long. Roxy’s words are pure poetry in motion. Her ability to throw you into a story is astounding and insanely addicting.
For me, this book was like building a fire. All the materials were present and thrown together and lite with a spark. A spark that so intensely began to burn. As the fire grows so does the story, heat burning me up as I read each delicious, dirty word. A soothing, sensual glow radiates from the pages as the characters develop and become so much more. My love and passion for the characters built and built through each page turned. A sated bliss develops as the fire roars on with each and every chapter, until it starts to go cold..underneath something still crackles but the flames recede. The roaring fire instead develops into a heart breaking coldness where the characters face indescribable pain and hurt influenced partially by the other. These raw scenes tugged at my heart, crushing my soul, leaving me begging for Roxy to throw more wood onto the fire. And slowly, poignantly she does in a sublime way that gradually sees the fire start to crackle louder and heat begin to develop until we're left with a beautiful roaring fire that is guaranteed never to go out.
Explicit is powerful, unique, real and so raw. Five stars is just not enough. It's Roxy’s best work, period. An explicitly tremendous read.
Profile Image for Liz ~ Liz's Reading Life.
856 reviews31 followers
March 21, 2016
Everything you expect when you hear the word Explicit is exactly what you'll get when you pick up this seductive Roxy Sloane book.

Jackson Ford is behind on his latest novel and his new editor, Ellie Parker, is determined to rein him in and help him compose his best book to date.

But Jackson isn't the easiest person to get along with, he's as stubborn as he is talented. But he wasn't always this way, but something in his past made him this way. He become somewhat of a recluse, untrusting of anyone not in his innermost circle, and insecure about his writing.

Ellie Parker is excited to be working on Jackson' book, this is a highlight of her career. She's a talented, smart, and creative individual that knows she can do this job by kicking butt and taking names. Her personal life has taken a few hits lately, but she won't let that stop her. And she'll do whatever it take to make it all succeed.

A couple of steamy emails and phone conversations later, Ellie lands on Jackson's doorstep much to his surprise. Their sexual tension is evident from that first sultry look in the doorway and only continues to grow with each passing moment. And the longer they spend together, the harder it is to fight their connection.

But sometimes things don't go as plan and situations get misconstrued. Then things get said and done that hurt not just physically but also emotionally. And when the truth does finally come to light, will the damage that has been done be repairable? Or is it a little too late?

This is a provocative page turner that will have you lusting after a desirable writer and his oh so risqué dirty talking. Jackson has taken brooding to another level, but deep down he's got a heart of gold. It doesn't matter if he's in a suit, tux, or jean and a t-shirt, he's sexy in anything and everything and downright lustful in nothing at all. No matter what form it's in - email, text, on the phone or in person - the things that come out of his mouth is sinfully delicious.

Ellie is a little spitfire; she's hell on wheels. Even when her heart is breaking, with her best friends by her side, she is able to face any situation head on. Her feistiness is endearing and you can't help but feel her pain. And once she's committed, she is with all her heart and soul at all costs. I really love her.

This is a spectacular book with everything you expect from Roxy Sloane and then some. It's full of sultry interactions that will melt your panties and ereaders alike. Taking a cold shower after each exciting chapter will not be able to cool you down from all the naughtiness enclosed in this book.
342 reviews169 followers
March 21, 2016
This book!
I can't even right now. Another book that I devoured in just one sitting. Explicit is just that... explicit, sexy, and a roller coaster ride of emotions!

Jackson Ford is something else! From the first pages, he comes across and demanding and dirty as hell. I absolutely loved him! You can tell he has... issues. Is used to getting his way. But Ellie knows just how to handle him.

But Jackson, well there's a certain part where I wanted to THROTTLE HIM. I mean we're talking about a swift kick in the junk and a karate chop to the neck for his behavior! But my girl Ellie, she's strong. And she doesn't take his shit!

This book gave me all the feels! Get ready ladies, Roxy Sloane has a new panty whisperer in town!
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
March 22, 2016
Juicy, smutty, and full of feels, Explicit was an enthralling read from start to finish.

I've have always been a fan of Roxy Sloane's books. She knows how to write. She does it well. And her stories are not only nuclear in steaminess, they are down right addicting. I have never come across a novel from this author that I haven't loved. Explicit was no different! I was hooked from the first page and found it almost IMPOSSIBLE to put down.

Ellie--our female lead--is my kind of girl. I have the BIGGEST girl crush on her. Not only does she love books, but she's smart and logical, not overly dramatic. She's a sensible, sexy woman with a heart of pure gold that I just connected to in every way. When she had a thought, I agreed. When she felt something, I felt it to. She was a kindred spirit in a way, and I just found her to be the most perfect female heroine.

Jackson Ford is a temperamental, moody, and utterly sexy writer. At first I wasn't sure what to think of him other than he was giving me some serious IVG'S (Involuntary Vaginal Clenches). The man can make you feel weak-kneed and pissed off at the same time. He can take you from frustrated to completely hot and ready in a blink of an eye. He is maddening yet enticing. I wanted to hit him as much as I wanted to snuggle into his arms and let him own me. I both loved and hated the way he was with Ellie at times. I could tell he was battling himself when it came to this woman. This woman who challenged him, who opened his eyes and heart again after being so broken.

Together Jackson and Ellie make the PERFECT team. They are not only kick butt crafting books together but in the bedroom they are a cataclysmic combination. The heat, chemistry, and emotional connection are palpable right from the start! God, these two gave me chills and then they gave my chills, chills. I seriously don't know how anyone could NOT love this couple. They left me breathless.

Overall, Explicit was one intoxicating ride. The characters had me falling in love, the plot packed a punch that left me gasping in shock and then in breathy "awwwww". It's a read I highly recommended. Another winner from the über talented Roxy Sloane, a fave author of mine.
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,440 reviews2,160 followers
April 13, 2016
Genre: Erotic Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Female

Ellie Parker was a young ambitious editor. She got priceless opportunity when she was given the spot as the editor for the company's star author, Jackson Ford. Little did she know she got much more than she bargained for.

Jackson Ford was a bestselling, award winning author working on his new book. After years of being on top, he refused to acknowledge that his work was suffering. As Ellie entered his life, he had to learn and adapt to changes whether he's ready or not.

I wanted to read the author’s work for a long time but never got to it because they were all series. I am happy when she finally released a standalone so a commitment-phobe like me could indulge in.

“Fidelity, loyalty, honesty— these are nonnegotiable with me. I can’t be all in unless the other person is, too. And how can I trust you?”

Jackson’s character was older than what I normally read. That could be one of the reasons why he didn’t appeal to me as much as I hoped - I didn’t feel a connection to him. I like his sulkiness but at some points he was too dramatic.

As I approached the table, Jackson scanned my body from head to toe, lingering at my breasts, my hips, my legs. Then he glanced at my face, his eyes burning into mine, and looked away.
In that moment, I knew he wanted me.

Ellie was quite likable with a good amount of vulnerability. I like how she challenged Jackson professionally and personally. It was also nice to see her friendship with her best friends.

He was so positive. And now he’s. . . the old Jackson again. The bitter one. Running away from home and hiding out in some cabin upstate, refusing to take my calls, burying himself in work to avoid reality.

The story took a while to pick up for me. But once it picked up, it was good. I like the portrayal of an author’s life in this book - his fame and his struggles. However, I think his character needed a little more background story. Also, there were some scenes that where a new development was suggested/in potential, but never addressed again later on, making them seems insignificant.

When it comes to the sex scenes, well… I was completely satisfied haha! There were a lot of them and they were hot, and the characters were never lacking in sexual chemistry. One of my favorite was the phone sex scene.

Explicit is a story of two individual in a working relationship and their struggle to make it work when personal attraction is thrown into the mix. It’s very sexy and made you wonder if real world author’s life is exciting as this one :p

★ A gifted copy by author Sloane Howell

ᛞ ♛ ᛞ . . . (F)BR With Anna . . . ᛞ ♛ ᛞ

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Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews760 followers
March 25, 2016
This is a charming, steamy story with a very engaging plot. The author pulled me right into the emotions of the main characters, even though there is not a lot of back story given. It seemed as though the words were melting from the pages as I read through this book with lightning speed! I liked the character development and the tension between the characters was palpable. Jackson is pretty much the typical alpha male–a very hot and very successful writer, and Ellie is a successful editor, a very independent and smart woman who’s full of life. The attraction between them was very steamy and hot! The sexual tension was phenomenal but I would have liked to have had more suspense in the story.I really enjoyed Jackson's messages to Ellie, they were heartfelt and emotional. All in all, an enjoyable, sexy read with lovable characters and great dialogue.

ARC was given to be my the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Talltree.
2,081 reviews25 followers
May 12, 2016
This book has an awesome and easy-to-relate h but a H who is hot and cold, who makes h pay for the mistakes of his ex - who broke his heart - and who pulls an immature - vicious even - move hurting the h bad. There was hardly any grovel, but a really sweet grand gesture.
Still I loved the h - like I do all Roxy Sloan h's!! - and the sex scenes were superhot and I could see why the h liked the brilliant and sexy H.

4 stars!
Profile Image for Jen.
202 reviews34 followers
April 8, 2016
*4/8/16 Edited- Perhaps late night reviewing has its faults ;)
My Summary
Ellie is a young editor. Jackson is a veteran author. When Jackson's editor retires, Ellie is selected as his replacement. Jackson's early work was nothing short of amazing, but a dozen books later, and Ellie feels he's losing his edge. When she confronts him, Jackson is defensive and demanding (with a side of sexual and sensual), but Ellie stands her ground. Can this author and editor relationship work? Can Ellie help Jackson through his slump? Or will his pride ruin everything?

What Did I Think?
Gah! I'm not even sure what I want to say here. Honestly, this book had me going back and forth more than I care to admit. Sigh. Let's just dive right into the two main characters, shall we?

Ellie, our heroine editor, was at times strong and at others a complete pushover. Jackson, our hero author, was at times a hot sexy alpha and at others a complete asshole. There's a pivotal scene where Jackson acts like a petulant child and inappropriately confronts Ellie at work. I wanted her to have more backbone, but instead, she spends the book constantly worrying about being laid off. I don't know. I just couldn't fully support either character. It's frustrating to like a character one minute but not the next. It makes my head fuzzy.

Now here's the kicker in all this (and why I wasn't sure what I wanted to say in this review in the first place..) After all that character hate/not hate, I still kinda liked this book. There was just something about the author/editor match up and the classic Roxy sex scenes that ultimately got to me. I can't explain it.

Rating Legend:
5 star-loved it
4 star-liked it
3 star-it was okay
2 star-didn't like it
1 star-hated it
Profile Image for JAN.
1,196 reviews917 followers
March 28, 2016
It would have been a 4 Stars if it wasn't for the speedy I love youafter a few times together.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
April 21, 2018
💝 FREE on Amazon today (4/21/2018)!💝

"I’ve told you I’ve fantasized about you. So, tell me the truth. Do you fantasize about me?”

Bestselling novelist Jackson Ford is arrogant, exacting, and relentless on the page and off. His irresistible new editor, Ellie Parker is smart, headstrong, and not intimidated by Jackson's attitude - or the way he turns every exchange into a filthy seduction.

There isn't a thing these two can agree on, except their intense attraction. But with Jackson's deadline looming, can they stop fighting long enough for him to deliver the hit she needs?

The relationship between editor and author has never been so intimate or so explicit...
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
April 30, 2016
I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this book wasn't as "explicit" as I was hoping for. One thing I've come to expect from Roxy Sloane's book is fresh and interesting plot mixed with freaking hot sex. This book was great with respect to the writing. There was no way to disguise Sloane's amazing talent. However, most of the sex was in the heroine's imagination. Whomp whomp!!

Character development didn't feel as thorough as I wanted it to be, especially considering that this was a stand alone novel and there is no other opportunity to get to know these characters. Everything about Eleanor/Ellie was given by rote. Her dad's dead. Mom's got Alzheimer's. Plug in two great BFFs. Insert love interest Jackson. Nod to pseudo-drama of ex which wasn't actually any drama. I wanted more. I guess that's where my disappointment lies.

I'm exceptionally happy that Sloane gave up some journal entries written by "Jackson". I am writing this review prior to reading those, so my feelings may change. However, this book gave him absolutely no depth. I gained absolutely no insight into his words, feelings or actions. Their HFN, therefore, seemed too pat. It just wasn't real enough for me.

So, in essence, all three stars go to Sloane's awesome writing ability and to the fact that I am a loyal fan of her work. This book doesn't change my devotion.

Enjoy! xo
Profile Image for  Linathebookaddict  .
1,487 reviews393 followers
March 23, 2016
 photo newreviewbannerfeather_zpspga5dbag.jpg

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

 photo rosebuttonsmall_zpsrpi6fijr.jpg  photo rosebuttonsmall_zpsrpi6fijr.jpg  photo rosebuttonsmall_zpsrpi6fijr.jpg

Title: Explicit
Author: Roxy Sloane
Series or Standalone: Standalone
Characters: 4
Plot: 4
Schorching level: 4
HEA: Yes

I love Roxy Sloane. I know she can write deliciously sensual tales and that she can also deliver strong captivating, characters.
In this book we meet Ellie. Ellie Parker is an editor and she has just landed the job of her career. She is to provide editorial work for Jackson Ford, a prolific character who is not known for his ability to work well with others.
When their collaboration begins, Ellie will soon realize that Ford doesn't take kindly to constructive criticism. But Ellie is determined not to kiss the ground he walks on; she is hell bent on making his new book a masterpiece!
Things get complicated when Jackson is quite explicit in what he thinks of Ellie.
Ellie knows that it is unprofessional to react to Ford's forwardness in such a way but she cannot help herself. She is attracted to him, but Ford's hot and cold demenaor throws her off balance.

"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm-didn't-didn't Louise call you?" I stammered. "She sent me here to-"
"You're lucky you're so fucking beautiful."

Jackson doesn't take it well when Ellie tries to provide directions and he lashes out. But there is a reason he is the way that he is.
When Ellie's career is on the line, can she ever forgive Jackson Ford for what he's done to her?
I loved the book. It was easy to read and I wanted to know what happened next. The premise was very interesting even if the developments were a bit predictable to me.
I liked Ellie a lot. I found her strong and determined to do her job.
Jackson gave me whiplash. He was mysterious and elusive but I didn't like him until the very end of the book. What he did was unforgivable and reckless and I wanted Ellie to give him a little more hell for it.
Still, the book was very enjoyable and I had so much fun reading it. If you are a fan of Roxy Sloane, don't miss this.

★★★4 Stars ★★★

 photo newbanner2_zpsjiptvrlr.jpg

Profile Image for Anjee.
381 reviews44 followers
April 1, 2016
If you are looking for a book with pure smut, then this book is for you. It’s about an author and an editor combo. He is a famous writer who’s editor just retired, and low and behold the new girl gets the job. The attraction is an instant one, even though he has seen her before, and she doesn’t remember it. The paragraphs jump from one event to the next with no apparent flow. I had a lot of trouble even staying interested in this. I probably put the book down 50 times in the span of two days, but I am tired of giving up, so I pulled through it. The biggest thing for me in this novel was it lacked any feeling. It told me everything and showed me nothing. I am not a reader who likes to be told. I need to be shown. I also want to add I am not a reader who enjoys sex at every turn, and then have the author call it a relationship. It may be for you, but I believe it could have been so much more.
Profile Image for Lolina ⋆ .
984 reviews49 followers
August 29, 2021
This one was alright.

I loved the beginning but kind of hated the conflict (man did this hero jump to conclusions). The heroine was pretty much a doormat and the hero needed to grovel A LOT more (because damn was he an asshole)-

But I mean the spice was just amazing, so I'm happy.
Profile Image for Lily Flower.
176 reviews8 followers
March 1, 2017
Fair enough

I enjoyed reading this book. Well written and the connections between characters was good. Hope you read it and enjoy it too.
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews618 followers
March 23, 2016
I have a new ROXY SLOANE FAVORITE! This is easily her HOTTEST BOOK YET! EXPLICIT will consume you whole! Jackson Ford will leave you wanting like you've NEVER wanted before! Sloane, once again, set the pages on fire in her latest erotic masterpiece! Keep a cool cloth and your best hardworking BOB on hand ladies! Sit back, relax, and get ready for a lust filled, emotional thrill ride!

Of course this is fiction, but it gives you a fun glimpse into what it's like in the book creating world. Bestselling author vs. editor. Creative storyline right? I love it! A love/hate relationship that is intense, passionate, and hilarious. The banter was MY GOD, sexy as hell. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

I can tell you over and over again that this is one of the sexiest books I've read in a very long time, but keep in mind, there is a great emotional story behind all of the scorching scenes. EXPLICIT is about a man trapped with the demons of his past, that is, until a sassy, doesn't hold back, bold editor puts him in his place. Ellie Parker has to break down Jackson's walls and earn his trust, not only to help him write the best work of his career, but to ultimately fill the void that's in his heart.

If you are looking for an incredibly STEAMY, SEXY, and SENSUAL romance, look no further...EXPLICIT is your next read! Lots of blushing, laughing, and crying with this one folks. Hold on tight and dive into the erotic world of Roxy Sloane.

My favorite thing in EXPLICIT...Jackson fucking Ford's filthy, filthy mouth.

Young Pretty Woman

*Gifted copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
9 reviews
February 13, 2016
OMG, I have only read the first chapter and cannot wait until March 23rd!! Looks like this book is going to be a hot one for sure.
Profile Image for Melanies.books.
32 reviews
March 24, 2016
I love reading, and one of the hardest thing I had to do since opening my blog was to read an ARC and write a review about it. I mean, when you love the book it’s easy but when you can’t connect with the heros/heroine or the story it’s so difficult to give your opinion. Because we all know that writing is tough and who are we to tell it’s bad. What’s we consider not good can be great to others.

Anyway, for me Explicit by Roxy Sloane was another cas of “everyone loves it but me”. I did receive an Arc by Give me books promotion to give my honest opinion on it. So there it is.

I knew Roxy Sloane’s work. I read some of her previous works, some I love, some I just like. But Explicit was not a book for me.
I just hated Ellie, the heroine. She had no self-esteem seriously… How can she come back to the hero (Jackson) after how he spoke/did to her? Come on, the guy humiliate you but you go back to him. Nope, that wasn’t ok with me. And it’s not just that, there was a lot of moment like this, and Ellie groveled to Jackson. At the beginning Jackson was fine, but honestly he was a douch*bag. I disliked him. His past wasn’t a reason for all he said/did…
Also, I found little chemistry between Ellie and Jackson. I didn’t feel their love or their connection :(

The story was just fine. I like the idea of the editor falling in love with the author. The promise was good. The writing was good. But I didn’t connect with the story. Maybe it was a bad day for me to read it, I do not know.

Anyway, like I said, I didn’ t write this review to clash the author. I honestly like Roxy Sloane’s work and I was so frustrated to dislike this book. I wanted to like it because the blurb looked promising.

It must be just me because I read a lot of good review about Explicit. So read it, you might like/love it.
Even if Explicit wasn’t for me, I will read and wait patiently for her future work.

Sadly, it’s a 2.5 stars for me ★★
Profile Image for Laura McMillin.
256 reviews8 followers
March 20, 2016
An all-consuming, heart wrenching, phenomenally hot read!!!
I'm still in book hangover mode! Prepare to be obsessed from the beginning and encompassed by a truly great storyline! The others characters in the book are an awesome addition that makes the story that much sweeter!
Jackson Ford - a man of many words-all around, wears a suit like a second skin, is a best-selling novelist, knows how to dominate the bedroom, and can build a fire in more ways than one!!! "I want to mark you with my mouth. Leave a roadmap of our love-making on your body."
Ellie Parker - an editor who has been given the chance of a lifetime to work with Jackson Ford is an exceptional, wonderfully strong heroine that I admired very much. She pushes Jackson's buttons but she knows he is capable of excellence and she wants nothing less.
The connection and passion between these two is like no other and will have your heart racing. They compliment each other so well that you can't help but root for them. However, when a misunderstanding occurs, you will be shocked beyond belief. Like, jaw dropping, heart breaking shock. Roxy Sloane has delivered one hell of a story! A definite must read!
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews485 followers
April 5, 2016
Explicit by Roxy Sloane
Reviewed on Behalf of Give Me Books
Holy hotness! Make sure you hold on to your panties or maybe just go commando, because wowza, Jackson Ford is one hot dirty-talker.

“You have two choices,” he said, his voice a low growl. “You can lay back right now and spread your legs for me, or you can go upstairs to your room and rest that knee, and we can forget that any of this ever happened. Choose, Ellie.”

Jackson Ford is an author; a temperamental, cocky, arrogant man who thinks he knows everything. Ellie Parker is an editor; she was just recently assigned to Jackson’s latest book and she isn’t impressed.

The two challenge each other. The push and pull between them was magnetic.

“I couldn’t figure out if I genuinely liked him, completely hated him, or just wanted him to fuck me and cook for me every night while telling me stories about his mom. Maybe it was all of the above.”

And they definitely couldn’t keep their hands to themselves when they were in the same room together!

I really enjoyed this story! It was a fun angle with the author and editor scenario, and was hot as hell, as all of Ms. Sloane’s books are! I absolutely loved the secondary characters of Ellie’s best friends, and hope they get their own stories.

At times, I wanted to slap Jackson; his hot-and-cold routine got a bit old at times, but as we learned his secrets, it all started to make sense. I look forward to many more books from Ms. Sloane! ~ Tiffany, 4 stars
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
March 31, 2016
This was a very sexy book and so Roxy Sloane. She knows how to write deeply erotic scenes and that's something I really enjoy. Her characters in this book especially the females were amazing. I thought Ellie and her two besties Bianca and Maggie were superb. Their scenes together had so much love and the support they showed one another was heartwarming. That and Ellie's scenes with her mother was what I cherished. Ellie was a kickass and hardworking woman and a loyal friend.

I liked the story but it didn't wow me. I just couldn't connect with Jackson and Ellie's insta-lust/love. As scorching hot as the scenes were, and trust me they were, it just didn't make me believe and connect with their story. I would have liked some build up to their romance. Jackson was a commitment phobe who shifted from hot to cold in an instant and it didn't do anything for me other irritating the hell out me. But I enjoyed the story none less, thanks to some kick ass ladies. 

3 BadAssDirtyFantasiesStars
Profile Image for Shweta Choudhary.
Author 9 books164 followers
March 23, 2016
I was engrossed in this book from the start. I was a bit disappointed at first as I wanted more and more connection between the characters. But later on, it made up for it and I loved it. I loved Ellie and how dedicated towards her work. She never tried to bring her personal opinion or her personal life affect her work.

I loved Jackson. I do but I was quite seething with what he did. I didn't want him to have a happy ending but I did understand him and I liked that even Ellie did. I liked how Ellie handled the situation, I loved how strong she was and how she didn't let herself loose herself. Mistakes happen but it does a number on the person.

I am going to recommend this to every one who loves steamy, sexy scenes, amazing broken characters and their story. It's a book about love, forgiveness and moving on from past to present.

Profile Image for Janey.
1,304 reviews
March 26, 2016
A great way to spend a Saturday..amongst the seductive words of Roxy...sublime.

Profile Image for Donna.
1,318 reviews31 followers
May 29, 2018
Not very often i complain about too much sex in a book, but I have to say all I can recall right now is “all the sex”, and what a disappointment Jackson was, (not in the sex department, but as a person). I enjoyed the last chapter, but for me it was too little too late. Many times I wanted to DNF this one, but i kept reading great reviews, so I kept going, but sadly, for me, it didn’t get much better. I could not warm to Jackson and therefore could not enjoy the book. Ellie was way too good for him, she should have dumped him after his first email. I do like this author, plenty of steam, and I will not be put off reading other books and can only be thankful that this was a freebie.
Profile Image for Nikki.
29 reviews
March 2, 2016
I just finished the first chapter! I didn't really need to read it, I know that anything Roxy Sloane writes is going to be fantastic. Actually I probably should not have read it because now I know how great it will be and that is going to make the wait that much harder!
Profile Image for Agnieszka.
519 reviews
May 15, 2018
After reading the blurb I expected a nice distraction (fitting one of my challenges) but nothing to get excited about - I have the impression there's not much erotic romance with a well crafted plot and great character development and a reason I'm so excited if I find such a rare gem.

Now I'm so happy I picked this one - it was just perfect: interesting and partly challenging plot, I loved the female character very much, struggled pretty much with the male but it still worked for this story and made sense and it was so hot I had to put my Kindle often away so it won't melt ;-)

I'm looking so much forward to read more by this author!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews

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