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In the morning after the night before, Alex meets an enigmatic figure who leads him into a series of time travelling adventures to his island's Viking past and to ever more distant locations, till finally he comes full circle. In his travels he encounters real-life characters from history who have been thrown into his own fantastical situation...and is himself caught up in discovering the identity of his enigmatic companion, by means of a riddle that seems unsolvable. Within a framework of fantasy the story explores issues of human error, love, treachery, bitterness, and ultimately, forgiveness and healing. It captures the timelessness and magic of the islands of the west.

578 pages, Paperback

Published March 19, 2015

About the author

J.C. Milne

6 books98 followers
I've been enjoying Goodreads for some time now so thought I'd better change the profile. I'm a Goodreads author and have just decided to start using the blog feature to put occasional bits and pieces of my writing on. Living on a small island off the west coast of Scotland, I'm not likely to be able to attend literary gatherings, festivals or launch events, and Goodreads offers the opportunity for me to share writing with friends here.
I find Goodreads a really supportive community, and I would like to thank my GR friends for enlarging my reading life!
Just adding a note - I've had a number of friend requests lately from people who have just joined Goodreads. I have had to start ignoring these and I do feel rude. I welcome friend requests from people who read and write reviews and whom I have got to know through shared comments threads. I just don't have time to correspond with people with whom I have no books or reviews in common.

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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews
Profile Image for Daniel Shindler.
292 reviews133 followers
September 9, 2022
Amadan is a work of great scope and imagination.It was originally presented in forty two monthly installments spanning three and a half years.The narrative is laden with fantasy and has structural elements of both picaresque and allegorical novels.

Set on an island in the outer Hebrides, the plot focuses on the adventures of a callow youth,Alex,as he embarks on a journey of transformation,personal development and spiritual awareness.Alex’s odyssey begins after a night of carousing and song.He meets a mysterious man who arouses the youth’s curiosity by positing a series of pointed questions and an enigmatic riddle.Intrigued by this conundrum, Alex is drawn into a series of time traveling events.His companions are a Celtic monk and a three thousand year old Jewish priest who can shift his shape and generally travels as a black cat.

This imaginative structure serves as the vehicle for a series of interconnected stories that are filled with adventure and reflect on worldwide intellectual, literary and biblical thought.The narrative is enhanced by richly described Celtic and Norse legends, biblical stories and historical references that are laced with humor and infused with lush prose.By the end of this odyssey, Alex has experienced a series of epiphanies.These nascent stirrings will provide him with a sense of compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love.Thus he will be able to navigate a path forward as the rest of his life unfolds. He is starting to evolve from an amadan( Gaelic for fool) into a sentient being.

Exploring this novel is not something a reader should embark on lightly.The depth of imagery, legends and literary references challenged me to make connections to my own reality and beyond.Journeying through this novel,I kept calling up the image of Salome and her seven veils.I was personally able to strip away three or four of the veils.I plan to return in the future to strip away the remaining veils.4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Ian.
862 reviews62 followers
December 30, 2015
I can't write an unbiased review as the author is a close family member. A fantasy novel set in Scotland's Western Isles, in which the central character, initially a rather selfish and aimless youth, is taken on a series of time travelling journeys which change his character. The book has something of a Christian theme, although it also incorporates elements of pre-Christian Celtic and Norse beliefs. Highly imaginative and with rich language.
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