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Chase Banter #1

Family Affair

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Oops is an understatement.
Chase Banter thought her life couldn't get any weirder. Her mother has taken up private investigating, her writer's group's helpful suggestions have led to severe writer's block, and her girlfriend's family is nuts. Growing up isn't high on her list of priorities.
What grip Chase has on her life is severely challenged when her girlfriend tells her about the little oops at the gynocologist. Seems the doctor mixed up the rooms and now Gitana is pregnant.
The reality of Gitana's radiant glow—and growing waistline—finally convinces Chase to accept that she's about to become a parent. There's only one thing to do: Chase embarks on a nine-month plan to grow up, once and for all.

2nd edition

336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 1, 2009

About the author

Saxon Bennett

53 books181 followers
Saxon Bennett is an admitted bibliophile and has the bookcases to prove it. Her favorite book is Harriet the Spy. She grew up among the pine trees of Washington where she learned to be a Keeper of Odd Knowledge with a special liking for new words - the queerer the better. She has a penchant for inspirational quotes - the more motivational the better. A serious aficionado of pie, she also drinks a lot of coffee and tea - especially when she’s writing, which she does every day. Saxon is a parent and a wife—two things she never thought she’d be - and she writes blogs about her family in the style of Erma Bombeck. In her next life she wants to be a professional snowboarder. She likes to grow flowers and tend to her pond. Jelly beans, gummy bears and licorice are her favorite candies. An avid walker with a goal to walk every street in her small town, she hits the pavement each morning. To keep herself limber, she does beginner yoga. She’d like to learn to meditate but her mind is as restless as a squirrel trapped in a box. As an amateur seamstress, she is endlessly trying to create the perfect butch purse. Her favorite quote is “Man plans, God laughs.” Saxon is the author of fifteen novels. Her book Family Affair won the Goldie for General Fiction in 2009. She won the Alice B. Reader Award for her body of work in 2012. Her second book in the Family Affair trilogy entitled Marching to a Different Accordion won a Golden Crown Literary Award for general fiction in 2012. Her book In the Unlikely Event is the final book in the Family Affair trilogy. All her books are available at Amazon and Bella Books in both print and electronic format. She has also written two books with her partner Layce Gardner and they are More than a Kiss and Crazy Little thing. Check them out on Amazon.

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for khi.
234 reviews11 followers
March 16, 2021
So in March 2021 I decided to reread this book and give Saxon Bennett the benefit of the doubt- this book was written in 2009 and I imagine she didn’t really think through the importance of accurate representation. Now I’m not saying Chase’s character is totally inaccurate but most of the portrayal and reaction she gathers from those around her is.

Letting go of a lot of that anger from the misrepresentation I was able to actually enjoy the humor in Chase’s actions which helped raise my two stars to 3.5.

The main difference between my initial review though is my turn around on how I felt about the characters- this time around I definitely found myself liking chase and her girlfriend more. I still can’t fathom why they didn’t want Chase in the delivery and was shocked at her reaction though. Like of course she’s gonna be agitated when she isn’t in there.

Here was my initial review: only the second part still stands:

-With likeable characters the story still manages to fall flat to me. Maybe with a bit more backstory I could’ve found myself actually caring for the main couple-

Not to mention the mishandling of the characters bipolar disorder which not only shows itself more as a form of OCD instead but is borderline offensive to actual people with bpd and embarrassing for the writer.

Chase’s mood swings are also blown way out of proportion.
Profile Image for Canders5.
15 reviews
June 24, 2016
Spoilers ahead, I cannot explain the reason for my rating without describing parts of the book.

This book was disappointing. The authors clearly did minimal research on Bipolar Disorder, as they described it as a woman simply being moody and making bad choices. In deference to the above, I simply did not like how the main character was punching bag of every single character in the book.

The final straw that broke the camel's back was how poorly Chase's 'friends' treated her, despite her mental illness. To give a clear picture,

In summary, instead of trying to understand her behavior, her family and friends make jokes and poke fun at Chase's expense and well-being.

I've mainly enjoyed Bennet's books, but the comedy and characters in this one simply fell short. I appreciate the diverse addition of mental illness, but it wasn't portrayed or handled well. If the characters actually loved Chase, they'd try to understand her mental illness, not call her crazy, make fun of her, or physically bind her to a chair. The fact that the authors, instead of portraying Bipolar Disorder in a positive way, used it as a comedic crutch and victimized Chase makes this book so much more disappointing.

Profile Image for Lexxi Kitty.
2,038 reviews468 followers
February 9, 2017
My first book by Saxon Bennett and . . .um . . . hmms. All editions that have covers have Saxon Bennett on the cover. And only Saxon Bennett. Yet the book page says Saxon Bennett and Laycee Gardner. I’m not sure if this is a co written book or a solo work. Whichever it is/was, let’s move on to the book.

I’ve been adding and removing Bennett books to my possibilities pile for a longish while now. I kept adding because they both looked interesting and were part of the Kindle Unlimited program. I kept removing them because they were humor books. Books that out and out say they are hugely funny tend to go two directions. Be entirely about the humor, or have other things. And if the humor is flat; and or just not my type of humor, I’m stuck with nothing – if it’s one of those that rests entirely on humor. So, yeah, I was reluctant to try a Bennett & Gardner book. And now I don’t even know if I did. Since the cover only has one of their names.

The book opens with Chase Bennett in her writer’s room moodily editing. She’s been estranged from her long time girlfriend/partner for several miserable days. Well, they are both lesbians in a long term relationship, and they both had just learned that Gitana is pregnant. One of those things that seems unlikely to happen by accident when the people involved in a relationship are both lesbians (or both gay men, but that’d be an even weirder book).

Fairly quickly everyone learns that there actually had been an accident. Gitana went in to the doctor’s office to have one thing done at the same time someone with the same last name went in to be artificially inseminated. So, it was all a mix-up. They decide to keep the kid.

This means that Chase, here-to-for a grouchy, hermit-like person with borderline insane issues, and deep hatred of other humans, has to, as the book description puts it, grow up.

Oddly enough two things occurred while I was reading this humor book – I found the humor to actually be humorous, and I found a rather compelling, riveting, good story. Now I don’t know if I’d have still liked it if the humor part had hit me wrong, and/or didn’t work for me, but the strong story line that doesn’t rest on humor indicates that I just might have.

Re: riveting – This is one of those books that I found hard to stop reading. I just kept reading and reading and . . . book done. I purposely started a book by a different author this morning so that I’d not be distracted by knowledge of the second book in this series before I had had a chance to write a review. I even read 25% of that book. This seems like an odd thing to be mentioning in a paragraph about ‘riveting’ books. No, that’s coming up – the book I’d read 25% of just wasn’t doing it for me, so I switched to the second book in the Chase series to glance at over lunch. And I just couldn’t stop reading. And am now 19% through that one in a really short batch of time.

So, humor that is actually fun, a good solid story – an interesting intriguing story, good solid supporting cast of characters and actual genuine character growth. Plus, the main character being a writer, and the writer’s group was quite fun to read about.

So, I had fun, I liked the book, and apparently it won some award I’d never heard of before. The “Golden Crown Literary Award for Dramatic/General Fiction (2010)”. Hmm. That sounds like an award for a television program. Drama. Or a play. Or an acting performance. I’m not sure how that corresponds to this specific book. I don’t recall drama, or melodrama. Confusing. Weird. Three books win each year for the same category? Along with ‘Family Affair’, ‘Detours’ by Jane Vollbrecht, and ‘Gemini’ by Geonn Cannon also won this award in 2010.

I just spent way too much time trying to figure out this ‘Golden Crown Literary Award for Dramatic/General Fiction’ – it’s the catch-all category for fiction that doesn’t fall into any other category. It’s not erotica/historical fiction/mystery/thriller/romance/etc. And there were three winners because at least . . . um . . ah, 8 or more books were nominated. If there had been less, say 5-7, 2 winners, 2-4 books, 1 award.

I’d originally awarded . . bah, I got too distracted with awards. I originally rated this book 4 stars last night immediately after finishing the book. Thinking more about the book as time has passed, and I’ve upped the rating to 5 stars. Why? The only negative I can think of associated with the book is the confusion over whether this is a solo or two author work. This isn’t really a negative one way or another. Therefore I can’t think of any negatives, only positives. And it was a good solid humorous book that brought me much joy. So, 5 stars.
Profile Image for Loek Krancher.
1,042 reviews56 followers
May 28, 2018
I loved it!

A great start of this series and as always it was hilarious. These two authors know how to make you laugh.
Profile Image for XR.
1,851 reviews100 followers
March 17, 2019
I really enjoyed reading this book. I laughed out loud and loved the relationships. Fun read.
Profile Image for Tinything.
245 reviews
November 22, 2017
This is a fun read. I really enjoy this. I dont know why, most of the book i read i mostly came to like or love the second main character alots. Which is, in this one, Gintana. I really enjoy her character for reason. Oh and i do like Chase too. She’s such a funny woman. And yeah like the book title, this book is about families, friends, love and some random weird thing. There are parts that made me smile too :) i enjoy this alots.
48 reviews2 followers
August 30, 2020
The most unique book I have read!

This was written from such a unique perspective! I couldn't get enough of this! It was a romance but so much more! It was a character that evolves before your eyes! So sweet and deep! I can get over this way of writing and evolution! I have downloaded the next.two books and can't wait for the journey!!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
403 reviews5 followers
August 10, 2019
Joyful Story

Watching Chase recreate herself as she awaits the birth of Bud is a humorous ride. Giatana and Chase song with their extended family prepare for Bud's arrival with love, laughter, and a good dose of holy water.
1,055 reviews
April 16, 2021
Frustratingly Entertaining!

This book was so frustrating coming from Saxon Bennett and Layce Gardner. So I am reading a book about a writer, who likes to get her facts straight, likes things simple, overreacts a little, fixable biopolar and literally not ready for being a grownup. However since the premise was already in “the about the book” now she is going to be a parent. Chase and Gitana are going to be parents. Gitana is pregnant and they don’t know how it happened. Because of a mixup at the gynecologist, Gitana is now pregnant and Chase is not happy nor ready for this. So my frustration comes in the form of Whoa! Okay we find out the how, and the why but nothing else. Although Chase’s mother says they are going to sue, nothing comes of it nor is their a question of who’s sperm this is, what are the genetics, anything that would be questioned by any normal person that this might happen to. So I was hesitant to keep reading but did thinking an answer may be coming but it didn’t. Why the five stars? Lovable Characters! I love Chase and think that her struggles with the situation and her need to control by being ahead of things was hilarious. I think Gitana was the perfect partner for Chase. Again confused on the “marriage aspect”. Her best friend Lacey and her mother Stella are the colorful characters that added depth to the story but the real hero of this book is Addison. How that relationship happens and develops is the most entertaining part of this book and the reason Chase is becoming better. That made this book worth it. Okay moving on to book two of the Chase Banter series with fingers crossed.......
410 reviews1 follower
May 13, 2019
Didn't get it.

Usually I enjoy Me Bennett books, but I h ad to force myself to finish reading it using what I call a short cot reading. Only the words spoken.

As far as BiPolar goes, there are different types, which one was Chase, the Lythiam or Ambilify. Why tie her to a chair. Being that the case, Chase should have been "Baker Act".

Anyway, I couldn't get into the story. The only part I found entertaining was Addison intelligence. Was she a genius? Too much for such a young age.

Will check part two, if all seem the same, well I will short cut it again since Me Saxon is a good author, Stella being a private eye, come on.
764 reviews3 followers
February 14, 2019
A doctor's error results in someone having to be able to function better.

A delightful story the author has created concerning two ladies, who is bipolar and the other one owns a orchids nursery. A mistake made at the doctor's office results in one of them getting pregnant. The authors telling of the struggles and behavior of everyone involved brought tears of laughter.Enjoy!
Profile Image for Laura C.
376 reviews5 followers
December 19, 2017
I read the first 50 pages but found it too boring to continue.
Profile Image for Jean Marie Angelo.
520 reviews17 followers
February 1, 2014
I try to be kind to writers. I consider myself one, even though I have yet to complete a novel. I admire anyone who is disciplined enough to invent a story, write the outline, and create compelling characters. I have a nascent book project on file in my MacBook Pro, which is why I approach every novel in the way that I hope someone will someday approach mine. I really hate to say that I disliked Family Affair. The outline of the story is fun: lesbian couple — who never expected to be parents — find themselves expecting a baby. They befriend a young girl and her mom, who, in turn, teach them how to be good parents and better people. Their whacky friends and family members eventually all come around and support their new life chapter.

The protagonist is Chase, a writer, who lives in New Mexico with her partner Gitana. Chase is moody and self-indulgent. Gitana is a nurturing owner of a greenhouse that grows orchids. Chase's mom is a blue-blood, country club member who becomes a private eye and radical senior. These are the aspects I like about this story. Some phrases and descriptions are great. A ninth grade teacher is called, "bitchi extremus." Chase is described later in the story as a woman who has become "eccentric without savagery."

I am told on the book jacket that Saxon Bennett has written 15 novels! I hope the others were better than this. The narrative is riddled with holes and actions that make no sense. Major life changes beg more description and explanation. Yet, paragraphs and pages are dedicated to humor that falls flat. Ah well, on to the next book.

106 reviews
July 15, 2014
I totally read this series out of order but I still truly enjoyed Chase Banner's story in each and every installment. In Family Affair, Saxon Bennett displays her talent at having characters wiggle their way into the hearts of the readers. Chase's ability to logically, though crazy logic, explain and justify herself and her actions carry the story as Chase prepares to become a parent. Of course those actions are over the top and crazy funny but that is where Bennett's talent for comedy is highlighted. I definitely recommend Family Affair and all the Chase Banner stories.
Profile Image for Simply Melz.
11 reviews
August 29, 2014
Absolutely love this book. Saxon Bennett is an amazingly talented author, and every book I have read of her's I have loved hands down! This is the first in a 3 part series, and I devoured all three in the manner of days. Saxon's ability to develop quirky and fun to read character's make all of her books a pleasure to consume!
Profile Image for W. Gregory Kett.
70 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2015
I had a little bit of a rocky start, had trouble keeping the characters straight. A few chapters in and I was thoroughly hooked. Supposed to be sleeping and I kept reading one-more-chapter...
Humorous and quirky. Enough zaniness to keep the humor going without going into ridiculousness. Well Done!
Profile Image for Ginger Smith.
306 reviews34 followers
January 24, 2012
I really liked the story and the main character of Chase Banter. She reminded me of an author friend. I was kind of annoyed by the lack of editing though and I thought it skipped a lot of parts that might have been fun and interesting to read.
Profile Image for Bobbi.
111 reviews43 followers
March 28, 2020
I love the dialogue in this book. My face hurt after finishing this from having a goofy grin on my face all the time. I love the author's sense of humor and Chase's dysfunctional quirkiness along with all the other unique characters is fun to read, though I think Addison really steals the show.
89 reviews3 followers
September 7, 2011
loved it, and read the second in the series immediately following...
Profile Image for Death.
5 reviews
March 6, 2017
LOVED IT . imma read read this series till it is seeped into my bones and nerves. :D
1,149 reviews16 followers
April 1, 2016

Thanks for writing a funny entertaining book. Thank you for introducing me to Chase, Gitana, Lacey, and Bud. Thoroughly enjoyed this book. On to the next.
Profile Image for MEC.
390 reviews37 followers
February 11, 2012
Definitely recommended. I think I originally balked at reading this one because of the premise - Gitana is accidently impregnated at the Dr's office when they mix up the charts of two women with the same last name. Sounded like if I had to suspend my disbelief that much in the first few pages, the rest would be over the top and trying to hard for laughs. I was wrong.

Bennet has a deft hand with humour - her main character, Chase, is charmingly neurotic and is surrounded by a large cast of friends and family who would probably all do well to have a few sessions of therapy. This is a smart and funny story that follows Chase as she deals with impending (and unexpected) parenthood. I'm not too sure if I laughed out loud when reading this one (mostly because I read it on the bus to and from work), but it kept a smile on my face the whole time and more than once I found myself identifying with Chase's thoughts or actions.

Profile Image for Dide.
1,431 reviews53 followers
April 15, 2018
So after reading the second book (Marching to a different accordion) I figured I must fill in the gaps and go find the first book. So now after reading it I have gaps filled but also realise that Bud's character in the 2nd book was a great plus to Chase's character as I did not like Chase character in this 1st book as much as I did in the 2nd.
But an entertaining read all the same!
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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