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Phoenix Rising

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A female investment banker starts up a visionary airline, taking on Wall Street, the airline industry, and an international terrorist syndicate in this electrifying thriller from New York Times–bestselling author John J. Nance.

Pam Am Flight 10 is heading routinely from Seattle to Tokyo when one by one its engines explode. Only brilliant work by its pilot saves the 747 and the hundreds of passengers on board....

At Pan Am headquarters, the newly revived airline is facing a serious setback--rumors of financial uncertainty have panicked Wall Street and sent stock prices and bond ratings plummeting....

At the airline's maintenance facility, a mysterious intruder has left behind evidence of possible industrial sabotage....

Since the new Pan Am has risen from the ashes of deregulation to challenge the big three U.S. airlines, nothing has gone smoothly. Now with threats from all sides, Pan Am's chief pilot Brian Murphy, its new chief financial officer Elizabeth Sterling, and international financier Creighton MacRae must work together to save the beleaguered airline--if their personal feelings don't get in the way....

"The Airport of the 1990s...A superb novel."

384 pages, Hardcover

First published June 7, 1994

About the author

John J. Nance

72 books213 followers
John J. Nance is an American pilot, aviation safety expert, and author. He served in the USAF during the Vietnam War and also as a Lt. Colonel in Operation Desert Storm.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
Profile Image for Tim.
2,327 reviews271 followers
November 3, 2020
Did not care for this story at all. It's about an airline and what interest could that be unless you work for the industry. Not much here that resembles any of Mr. Nance's good stories. 0 of 10 stars
Profile Image for Space.
219 reviews28 followers
September 23, 2019
This thing was bigger than pro football. I can't even begin to imagine how to go about writing a story with this many moving parts. Once again, Mr Nance delivers a powerful tale in a relatively short book that looks completely impossible from the beginning. I'm very impressed with the level of research and planning it took to pull this one off. Huge plot. Excellent resolution. Brilliant, believable characters. Fun read.
Profile Image for Nolan.
3,018 reviews33 followers
March 9, 2021
A book from this author was my first review of this calendar year. The year isn’t even a fourth done, and I’m back with another book from Nance. I can’t help it. Any time you need a story that is an adrenaline-saturated rollercoaster, you can count on Nance to deliver.

Elizabeth Sterling is a single mom raising a teenage daughter. As the book begins, she’s an investment banker on Wall Street. But a small group of investors have resurrected Pan-Am Airlines, and if they’re successful, they will change forever how airlines operate and how they treat their passengers. Naturally, the major airlines don’t want the upstart to succeed, and it very nearly fails.

The vivid immediacy of Nance’s writing ensures that the author will pull you into and emotionally involve you with the race against court-ordered time as beleaguered employees of the new airline seek to prove that others want to sabotage the new company. Part of that sabotage includes plane trips wherein a sinister shadowy figure compromised the plane’s performance. You learn of some techniques pilots use to prevent crashes. One such incident involved a risky landing on an ice-covered Canadian lake. Those are the scenes that will stay with you long after you finish the book.
June 17, 2018
Breathing problems

As usual Mr Nance has made my heart beat faster and breathing struggle for more air. If you have ever been on an airplane this one is for you. Realistic ideas and knee knocking fast moving. Take it with you the next time you are on a plane. It will be fun to read.
Profile Image for Dan Smith.
1,631 reviews17 followers
August 4, 2023
Very well written with a great deal of action. I continue to enjoy Nance’ stories
Profile Image for Maureen Hadley.
40 reviews1 follower
November 30, 2023
Not as good as some of his other books. Too much legalese. The chapters concerning the aircrafts and flights were good, but I slogged through the rest of it. Two and a half stars.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
231 reviews6 followers
September 4, 2020
I found the lead female character admirable and a true heroine for the story. Sadly, I think white collar crime and corporate takeovers never have the fictional resolution that was central to the story though.
Profile Image for Eric.
60 reviews1 follower
June 25, 2022
Not bad, but not as good as many of his other books. This one didn't have as much in flight adventure as most. This was more running around here and there gathering evidence, getting financing, etc.

What bothered me the most about the book was the oddities in technology throughout. In the initial chapters, nobody had a cell phone. (Book was written in 2016) It was a fluke if someone had a mobile phone, but for the most part everyone was leaving messages on answering machines. At least a dozen times a character had to find a pay phone, and one new reporter camped out in a diner next to a bank of pay phones.

And faxes everywhere.

In 2016???

But oddly, by the final chapters, almost everyone had a cell phone.

Reading start to finish, it felt like the book was started in 1980 and finished in 2016. And maybe that's what happened, but if so, a bit of continuity checking would have been nice.

Maybe most people wouldn't notice the wild swing in available tech throughout the book, but it was a bit jarring to me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Diana H..
810 reviews2 followers
September 2, 2020
Once I actually started reading this book, I could hardly put it down. It had my heart rate jumping and my muscles tensed as I anticipated the results of the airline problems being described. (I'm not a good airline passenger, so...).
Anyway, if you like thrillers and suspense you will really appreciate this book. The technology may be a little dated, but the plot line and story-telling live up to current standards - actually, I think this book exceeds expectations by a huge margin.
Definitely worth reading.
My new book to recommend!
3,197 reviews24 followers
June 6, 2018
An exciting novel by JIM about the hierarchy of the station industry and the pitfalls of big business. A major airline has declared insolvency , but has attracted enough investors to keep the company operating. Then a few unexplained hazardous events occur. Which immediately effects the newly reformed company in the stock market. Subterfuge is suspected and the employees attempt to work around the problems to keep the company running. This is an excellent bread for the genre.....DEHS
772 reviews12 followers
December 21, 2021
What a treat to discover that I had missed one of John Nance's and so had a 'new' read. This one is not one of his best - it is one of his earliest. But a sub par John Nance is still better than most of the rest. Pan Am is reborn as an airlines and is being sabotaged.
24 reviews3 followers
August 31, 2019
Interesting plot

Lists of twists and turns that leaves you on the edge of your seat. None of the good guys lose in the end
Profile Image for Lee.
385 reviews9 followers
May 21, 2024
A decent, um, thriller I guess you could call it. Very long, very detailed. A huge, frayed, dangling thread, which is annoying. The main problem is I knew what the end was pretty early on. Of course, the only major woman in the novel, who was the central character, was smart but drop-dead gorgeous too so of course all the men swoon over her. It's so boring -- why couldn't she have just been a smart woman? I guess men like John Nance wouldn't bother with an ordinary-looking woman. Why couldn't one of the lawyers, or even the villains, be a woman? It's very sexist tale that was published less than ten years ago -- no excuse for it, really.

Then there's the economics of decking out airliners like luxury liners. I didn't buy into that -- unless the airline was only for the rich. I've been flying as a passenger in all kinds of jets and prop planes for more than 50 years and flying has never been luxurious for those of us who are not wealthy. A little more leg room was about the most luxury we got. I even flew Pan Am to Mexico -- definitely not the lap of luxury.

It starts out as a fun read, and I initially like all the business machinations, but it soon grew tiresome (especially because you know things will end well) -- it was just too long. Even the exciting parts were too long.
Profile Image for Neil Turner.
Author 9 books92 followers
May 17, 2023
I always dive into a John J. Nance aviation thriller excited for the adventure ahead. Phoenix Rising doesn’t disappoint. An iconic airline name from the golden age of air travel is resurrected to brand a new airline. The people leading the venture intend to shake up the industry by delivering a flying experience that draws on the past in defiance of the bean-counting cattle call that rules the modern industry. This is a big, sprawling story with many disparate elements that plunge readers into the same sense of bewilderment the protagonists feel as events spiral out of control. Unexpected, potentially lethal punches land on our protagonists at every turn, lending a sense of urgency as the propulsive plot gathers steam in a race against the clock. The characters are compelling, Nance keeps us in suspense with clever writing, and the resolution is exciting and satisfying. Another day at the office for this masterful thriller writer; an exciting adventure for the rest of us!
May 14, 2024

This legal/aviation thriller is now my favorite book of my husband’s! It is a gripping story of sabotage of a newly reestablished airline and the heroic efforts of the pilots when threatened in the sky, as well as the newly appointed CFO’s adept handling of the financial plight that is threatening immediate ruination. With last minute twists and turns it’s impossible to put the book down. And it has the right mix of understandable flight and legal suspense. I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Bobbi.
10 reviews
December 4, 2018
This book was very suspenseful. I really could appreciate the stress that pilots feel when things go wrong with the plane. I am impressed with pilots' ability to make split second decisions as well as the responsibility they feel for all the people in their care.
My only issue with this book was the romantic dilemma experienced by the main character. I did not think it was necessary and I felt that it detracted from the story line.
Profile Image for Tom Brown.
7 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2023
This is about the third John Nance novel I have read, and the others were... rather mediocre. Much of the action was out of the realm of believability, too verbose, repetitive, and overblown. Phoenix Rising, on the other hand, has an intricate, multithreaded plot with believable characters. I enjoyed the international intrigue, which must have involved either plenty of research or a genius imagination, or both. I may look for more books by Nance that have great reviews.
49 reviews4 followers
September 14, 2021
Pan Am is under attack, financially and planes have been sabotaged. Traveling around the world to find a loan to avoid bankruptcy, smart female CFO goes after the perpetrators with help of a former victim of a like crime from Scotland. I liked this thriller about high stakes finances and subterfuge. Wrapped up nicely.
Profile Image for Christine.
234 reviews7 followers
September 11, 2022

I'd previously only read Turbulence bt Mr. Nance but had unsuccessfully searched for additional books since. Phoenix Rising is another in these exciting airline books. It is isn't necessary to understand pilot talk, although Mr. Nance, a pilot himself, seeds the story eith tech talk. However, the story itself will pull you along and retain interest. Give it a try.
Profile Image for Janis.
920 reviews4 followers
April 18, 2021
I was absolutely gripped by the first half of the book, but lost interest quickly as it started spending more time in the finance world. That’s a world I don’t understand and don’t have any interest in.
402 reviews3 followers
May 11, 2023
Super novel

John J Nance is imo second only to Colin Forbes so if you like Colin Forbes get into John J nance.
Profile Image for Paul Bennett.
130 reviews4 followers
December 31, 2023
Good story, nice plot.

I wish he wouldn’t write sex scenes, they are cringeworthy. He also mentions CNN multiple times in every novel. I guess that’s just the period that he was writing in.
Profile Image for Henry Northcott.
156 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2024
Gripping Airline tale

This one is a real page turner .I intended just to read it in two sittings but ended up reading it in less than four hours . Didn't spot any typos either
Profile Image for Teri Heyer.
Author 4 books52 followers
June 3, 2024
If you're looking for a fast-paced, action-packed thriller, then Phoenix Rising is the book for you. This is the 2nd book I've read by John J. Nance.
Profile Image for Jan Norton.
1,646 reviews3 followers
April 24, 2023
A nonstop story. It was interesting especially since I believe it really could happen.
1,156 reviews21 followers
November 28, 2012
Mr. Nance writes some crackerjack Aviation genre novels. Okay, after awhile I get a little amazed at the miraculous landings the pilots in his novels do, but in real life pilots have done some amazing things, like landing a plane in the Potomac river. So that's okay.. Nance knows his aviation so he knows his stuff.

I'm also appreciative that Nance's characters are not extremely foul-mouthed. In fact, I sent an email to Nance once upon a time and he suggested that some of his books would have even less of that type of language if his editors/publishers didn't push for a bit more of it. In this case, he drops an F-bomb towards the end of the book that seems entirely in character and though it was a shock, his usage, unlike that of so many other authors, was completely understandable and in keeping with the tone of the story.

Most of all, I appreciate the sense of time running out almost every one of his novels seem to have. In this case, an airlines is racing the clock to find evidence of fiscal sabotage and I could feel the tension mounting, something Nance does very well.

I was a bit confused by Elizabeth, the heroine, who felt as if she loved one man, but was aroused and attracted to another... I got the impression that Nance might have been writing about a character he knew and trying to wrap his own head around her feelings and using the writing as an exercise. The cool thing was that as the reader, I had the same sense of confusion about her attraction that she had.

This book was a quality thriller, even if a bit dated when it comes to computer technology, etc. A new Pan Am airlines is starting up and immediately runs into fiscal problems, equipment problems, and apparent sabotage on every front along with FAA inspectors threatening to shut them down and financiers threatening to foreclose on their loans. Is there a conspiracy against the airline and if so, who is behind it. Nance keeps the reader turning to the very end, even if I easily spotted one of the bad guys.

A good read, well worth the .25 I paid for it at a library sale. Nance is definitely an author I watch for.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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