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La arqueóloga Carter Wessex viaja a Farrell Mountain para resolver un misterio de cientos de años de antigüedad... y encuentra una fortuna en oro escondida. Pero algo se interpone en su camino: Nick Farrell, un famoso tiburón de los negocios con poca paciencia para los desconocidos que se cuelan en sus tierras y demasiado sex appeal. Tras un explosivo encuentro, Carter abandona el proyecto... pero Nick no la va a dejar escapar.
Aunque recelosa del cambio de actitud de Nick, Carter se ve arrastrada al misterio... y a los brazos del hombre del que juró que nunca se enamoraría. Mientras la pasión crece, van los secretos enterrados van saliendo a la superficie y poco a poco se revelan sorprendentes detalles sobre el oro perdido. Y también sobre Nick, lo que lleva a Carter a preguntarse si todo lo que ha habido entre ellos ha sido una ingeniosa estrategia.
¿Cuántos secretos le quedan a Nick por desvelar? Hará falta un corazón de oro para descubrir la verdad... y una fe inquebrantable en que el amor puede ser eterno.

456 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

About the author

Jessica Bird

30 books1,187 followers
Jessica Bird also writes as J.R. Ward

Jessica Rowley Pell Bird was born on 1969 in Massachusetts, USA. She is the daughter of Maxine F. and W. Gillette Bird, Jr. She began writing as a child, penning her thoughts in diaries as well as inventing short stories. She read her first Harlequin Presents novel in a rose garden when she was in her teens. She was hooked immediately. By the time she went to college, she had boxes and boxes of Harlequins and Silhouettes. Every year, her mother would ask why all those books had to live in the house and Jess would reply that if even one of them disappeared she would know. (She'd catalogued them.)

Jess finished her first romance manuscript the summer before her freshman year of college. She attended Smith College and graduated with a double major in history and art history. She then received a law degree from Albany Law School. Shortly after that, she began working in the healthcare industry in Boston. She spent many years as one of the premier medical center’s Chief of Staff. While working as a lawyer in Boston, she completed two novels more and started a number of partials. In 2001, Bird married John Neville Blakemore III. Both her mother and her new husband kept telling her to send something in to an agent, a publisher, the Tooth Fairy, anyone. She thought they were nuts, but eventually got her nerve up and bought a lot of stamps. Since getting published, she has written contemporary romances as Jessica Bird and paranormal romances as J. R. Ward. She has been a Rita Award finalist, received two Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice nominations and has been a HOLT medallion finalist.

New England born and bred, Jess is surprised to find herself living south of the Mason Dixon line. (But that's what happens when you marry a Southern gentleman.) She and her husband live with their golden retriever, who oversees her writing in a supervisory role.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews
Profile Image for Pepa.
999 reviews261 followers
October 20, 2015
No soy muy dada a la contemporánea, pero tenía ganas de leer algo de esta autora y como no leo paranormal, ha sido la ocasión perfecta.
Es una novela poco original, con un argumento bastante predecible y que sigue las tópicas pautas de chico millonario, duro, frío y-como el mismo se define- chico de una noche que harto de sus acartonados líos, cae rendido ante la primera mujer que le planta cara en vez de decirle a todo que sí.
Aún así, está bien escrito, y la autora consigue una historia con ritmo ágil que engancha. El macho alfa tiene su punto, no traspasa límites (algo que me daba mucho miedo) y está bien equilibrado con escenas de ternura que lo "humanizan". Ella está a la altura, sus salidas son buenas y me ha gustado como le planta cara, aunque en algún momento le ha faltado un poco de sensatez y sobrado tozudez.
Sin ser una historia trepidante, se mantiene un ritmo constante, quizás con un final demasiado rápido.
Para ser uno de sus primeros libros, no está nada mal
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews624 followers
October 21, 2015
Exactamente no sé qué decir de este libro, salvo que me hubiera gustado saber cuántas veces se ha ruborizado Carter jajaja... Ahora si, Corazón de Oro es una historia clásica, sin grandes quebraderos de cabeza, con unos personajes bien definidos, fuertes. ¿Un punto fuerte de la novela? No sé, según la autora, el final es uno de los mejores que ha escrito. Sin embargo, para mí, es el saber que Corazón de Oro es el segundo libro que escribió, ver cómo un escritor se hace y nace...
Profile Image for Debbie DiFiore.
2,400 reviews277 followers
April 4, 2021
Liked the mystery more than the romance

The story of Reverend Winship and his gold was far better than the romance. I hate when the hero has a other girlfriend for 30% of the book. They were even sleeping together but there was no scenes thank goodness. But he was lusting and kissing on the heroine at the same time. He called his girlfriend back because he needed sex He thought and so she came back and stayed with him in his room and bed. The hero didn't even like her. And so then he decides he wants the heroine he sends the girlfriend away, and sleep with the heroine the next day. In the same bed. I was squicked out but the heroine didn't seem to be. So the romance part did get better eventually but it ruined that for me. But the mystery and the teen nephew and a nefarious colleague kept me engaged in the book. The book was well written and kept my interest even though I just planned on skimming it. I ended up reading it all through and it had a cute ending. With a Red Hawk no less. It was rumored to be the spirit of the Indian that had led the expedition into the wilderness. All in all a nice read.
Profile Image for Iradai.
272 reviews28 followers
September 17, 2017
Me ha gustado, entretenida y muy amena. La parte de arqueología me ha resultado interesante pero con algo más de aventura explotando esa parte me hubiese gustado más.
Profile Image for Nσҽɱí.
461 reviews180 followers
November 10, 2015
la verdad que me ha encantado este libro....Ha sido fácil de leer,entretenido,bien escrito... sólo había leído de esta autora los libros de la hermandad de la daga negra y me encantan,leer algo diferente de ella me ha gustado mucho.Nick y Carter me han enamorado y como se ha desarrollado su relación la verdad que están hechos para estar juntos.Y los personajes secundarios también como el sobrino de Nick.El final ha estado genial.me ha encantado todo.❤❤❤❤❤
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,172 reviews36 followers
March 21, 2020
Книгата е любовно-приключенска и с интерес почнах да я чета. Авторката ни въвежда в света на археологията и разкопките чрез героинята си Картър. Ник разрешава тя да копае на неговите земи с цел да я сдобри с баща ѝ и да го спечели на своя страна. Само че Картър не е лесен характер, а Ник е голям корпоративен играч, свикнал да се разпорежда с всички. Двамата трудно намират път един към друг, всеки е от тях е твърдоглав. Не можах да усетя любовта им и да изпитам емоция от закачките им. Нещо любовната история издишаше. Хареса ми приключенското в книгата, появата на лошия археолог и любовта на двамата тийнейджъра.
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,336 followers
December 13, 2012
Reviewed for THC Reviews
Heart of Gold was another solid story from Jessica Bird (aka J. R. Ward). It's a contemporary romance with just a touch of mystery and suspense. Ms. Bird has a history of writing unique characters and elements. In this case, the heroine is an archaeologist and her latest dig is the centerpiece of the story. Having always been a fan of history and archeology, I enjoyed this part a lot, especially the mystery of the missing gold. The heroine also has an antagonist in the form of a fellow archaeologist, who has a track record of being unscrupulous and riding on the coattails of more talented scientists like Carter. He adds the element of suspense as he periodically menaces her throughout the dig. The main characters were likable and relatable. Both the hero and heroine are fairly intense, both having some past issues to put to rest before they can experience their HEA. Everything fit together perfectly to make this an entertaining read.

I really liked that even though Carter grew up wealthy she isn't shallow. Money means nothing to her. She lives a relatively simple life immersed in her work. She's a very intelligent woman who is dedicated to preserving history. Carter has had a contentious relationship with her father ever since her mother's death. I initially appreciated and even admired her for selling all the ridiculously expensive gifts her father sent in an attempt to win back her love and giving the money to charity. However, we do eventually discover that some of the things she believed about her father are false, and she has to come to terms with that. Carter has a strong back-bone and isn't afraid to go toe-to-toe with Nick who was pretty rude to her in the beginning. I love how earthy Carter is. She's absolutely nothing like the women Nick usually dates, and I think that is a large part of what drew him to her. I was a little frustrated by Carter not telling anyone about her rival, Lyst, showing up at the dig, especially since he was behaving in a threatening manner. She did finally tell her friend and colleague, Buddy, but not Nick, who could have offered some measure of protection. It just seemed like a rather foolhardy decision for such an intelligent woman, but she was pretty stubborn and independent.

Nick behaves like as icy blast of Arctic air during his first meeting with Carter. He's very rude and condescending toward her, and initially sees her as a means to an end, thinking that he can make Carter's father a more loyal business partner by helping him to reconcile with his daughter. Nick is a relentless corporate raider who has enjoyed great success in business, but he can't find a woman who doesn't want him just for his money. Family is very important to Nick. He adored his sister and took in his orphaned nephew, although now that the boy is a teenager, they are about to start WWIII with each other. I thought these things helped to show a softer side to Nick. Writing a commitment phobic bad boy who often says hurtful things can be a very delicate proposition, but I think overall, Ms. Bird did a nice job with Nick. She showed just enough vulnerability in him to off-set his bad behavior and make his eventual turnaround believable. There were also some good moments when he had the opportunity to demonstrate that he did have emotions as well as the ability to get in touch with them, and wasn't just a cold, unfeeling businessman.

Nick and Carter have an intense and angsty relationship, but they also have explosive chemistry. Even when they were fighting during the early parts of the story, I could feel the underlying attraction bubbling beneath the surface. It tended to drive them to moments of acute anger and jealousy which sometimes turned to passion. I had very mixed feelings about Nick already having a girlfriend at the beginning though, and her being present for a while when he was already starting to have feelings for Carter. It did add another dimension to their conflict, but it still isn't my favorite way for an author to raise the stakes for a couple. In some ways it makes Nick seem fickle, because he broke up with Candace mere days before sleeping with Carter for the first time. Nick and Carter's love scenes were sensuous, but still pretty tame for this author when compared to her more recent works. I also had a small issue with them not using protection or even discussing it. Overall, I liked Nick and Carter as a couple, and their first romantic scenes together were lovely, but I think having the contention last so long put a little too much emotional distance between them and drew away some of the romantic mood.

Heart of Gold has a strong cast of supporting characters. I particularly liked Nick's nephew, Cort, and thought that Ms. Bird did a great job of rendering him as a sullen, moody teenager who develops a case of unrequited puppy love for Carter, but then turns his attentions to someone his own age. Carter's friend and colleague, Buddy, was a jovial foil for her and the voice of reason when she was being a little too stubborn for her own good. Buddy's daughter, Ellie, was the consummate good girl. There were other lesser players who also helped to flesh out Nick and Carter's characters. One of those is Carter's best friend, Grace, who also funds Carter's dig. She only appeared in a phone conversation with Carter at the beginning, but she becomes the heroine of An Unforgettable Lady. I wouldn't quite consider these books to be a series though (neither does the author or her publisher apparently), because the connections are minimal enough that readers wouldn't really be missing anything crucial or be confused by reading them out of order.

Overall, Heart of Gold was an engaging read that held my attention quite well. The only thing that really kept me from giving it a higher rating was all that distance between Nick and Carter. I think having two characters with such intense personalities and so much emotional baggage was maybe just a tad too much. But despite that, I still felt it was a very strong 4 stars that I have no trouble recommending to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance.
Profile Image for K.
230 reviews38 followers
April 28, 2020
Разтоварваща, непретенциозна книга, която вероятно няма да запомня с нищо отличително. В сегашната обстановка е точно това, което отговаря на нагласата и настроението ми.

Оценка 3,5
Profile Image for Mojca.
2,132 reviews162 followers
September 22, 2013
Heart of Gold Well, it was better than Leaping Hearts, but still not par with her latest work under the name of J.R. Ward (though we're talking about two completely different genres).Once again I found myself hating the heroine. Her reasoning was rather narrow-minded, she loved double-standards, she simply couldn't make up her mind about herself, her father, the hero...Everything. I simply couldn't stand the woman.
I loved Nick (the hero, though). Despite all his flaws, his cold mask, and his temper, the guy quickly wormed his way into his heart and hasn't left yet. There's just something about a guy who plans his seduction rather meticulously and then ends up completely head-over-heels, mooning after the woman without exactly knowing how he got that way.
I love these kind of storylines, because I'd give anything to somehow reform a bad-boy. Not entirely, naturally, he has to retain his badness, but reform him just enough to make him see that he doesn't lose his 'tude just by falling in love.
And after this slight heart-outpouring let me tell you, this was a sweet, little contemporary romance, though the little jaunt into the suspense waters turned said waters a little to murky for my taste, making the story a little too genre-crammed. I liked it, though.
Profile Image for Victoria .
142 reviews3 followers
September 21, 2020
"Сърце от злато" започва много добре, първите две-три глави са обещаващи, въвеждащи в загадъчния свят на археологическите разкопки и открития. Картър Уесекс е археолог и преподавател в университет, известна с невероятните си постижения в тази сфера. Описанията ми напомниха на прекрасният сериал "Търсач на реликви" и специално на най-младият професор и археолог - Сидни Фокс. Сходствата между главните героини са изумителни и си помислих, че Картър ще бъде умна, силна, непримирима и истински професионалист, също като Сидни. Нищо подобно. Може би подходих с прекалено високи очаквания, но познавам творчеството на Уорд и през цялото време, имах чувството, че книгата не е написана от нея.

Обикновено връзките, които създава между мъжките и женските персонажи, са постепенни, трайни и съвършени, но тук е ударила голяма греда. Въпреки тежкото минало на Ник, който е претърпял загуба на близък, не го оправдава за грубото му, арогантно отношение към всички наоколо. Той нарече Картър лека жена, ама буквално така ѝ каза, но с други думи, а тя веднага му прости, когато видя мускулестото му тяло без риза. Умът ми не го побира, как е възможно да е професор, да е прочела безценни книги и да постъпва толкова глупаво, водена уж от "химията" помежду им, която аз не усетих. Успях да довършва "Сърце от злато", защото историята с изчезналото съкровище ме развълнува повече от диалозите и сцените с основните герои. Второстепенните такива обаче - бяха много забавни и ми помогнаха да изтърпя историята до самия край.

За съжаление, за златото се разбира в последните двайсет страници и смятам, че Уорд можеше да ни предостави поне още няколко глави с търсенето му, копаенето, разглеждането на карти и дневници, вместо да ни занимава с мрачните настроения ту на Ник, ту на Картър.

"Сърце от злато" е история за втория шанс в отношенията между родители и деца, осъзнаването, че семейството е най-важно на този свят и дори да притежаваш планини от злато, ако близките ти не са до теб, то ти си най-бедният човек живял някога. А дали Картър и Ник откриха златото? Прочетете "Сърце от злато" и ще разберете. :)
Profile Image for Manuela.
1,042 reviews123 followers
August 31, 2013
La Ward dei migliori romanzi della Confraternita è ancora molto lontana, ma rispetto agli altri due precedenti contemporanei pubblicati, questo è indubbiamente un passo avanti. A rendere il romanzo almeno piacevole è sia la parte "archeologica", interessante e non noiosa, sia il personaggio femminile, non banale e ben caratterizzato. Il personaggio maschile è in stile Ward, sempre molto virile e determinato.
La storia tra i due protagonisti parte bene, ma poi un po' si ammoscia. L'innamoramento di lui è un po' troppo fulmineo, l'approfondimento del suo percorso emotivo è praticamente nullo. Anche il suo continuo insistere su una fantomatica assurda relazione tra Carter (che nome è per una donna?) e Buddy, è infantile e messo lì giusto per creare tensione e fraintendimenti.
La parte finale, del salvataggio di lei, molto (troppo) inverosimile, con la polizia che permette a Nick, un civile, sia di portarsi la pistola, sia di intervenire per primo nella stanza.
Le scene passionali sono ridotte all'osso, e non è certamente un male visto che il romanzo è basato su altro. Certo è che la Ward svilupperà l'aspetto hot solo più in là, con la Confraternita. Qui le scene di sesso sono una specie di piccolo riassunto e niente più.
Insomma, qualche scelta ingenua della Ward nello sviluppo della storia, ma in generale arriva alla sufficienza.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lina.
555 reviews24 followers
October 18, 2020
This is the first book, written by J. D. Ward, that doesn't have any paranormal or sci fi plot and heroes in it. It was sooo nice reading it. The story goes fast. And they were moments when I wished to be on the same place with all the characters including the beautiful nature and scenery :).
Profile Image for Sina.
70 reviews
October 22, 2015

Manchmal muss man den Mut haben, auf sein Herz zu hören

Die Archäologin Carter Wessex zieht es zum Farrell Mountain, wo sie ein jahrhundertealtes Rätsel lösen und kostbares verborgenes Gold finden will. Doch eine Sache steht ihr im Weg: Nick Farrell, ein berüchtigter Investor, der es gar nicht gerne sieht, wenn man sein Land betritt – und der einfach viel zu sexy ist. Schon die erste Begegnung ist explosiv, und Carter verwirft ihr Projekt … doch Nick ist ihr auf den Fersen.


Das Cover ist auf den ersten Blick nicht spektakulär, aber wenn man sich das ganze Buch anschaut gefällt es mir immer mehr. Es passt sehr gut zum Buch und die Blumen setzen sich auf dem Cover immer weiter fort, was mir sehr gefällt. Die Frau, die auf dem Cover ist soll anscheinend Carter darstellen, was aber sehr verwunderlich ist, da Carter im Buch ganz anders beschrieben wird. Trotzdem finde ich das Cover sehr passend für einen Liebesroman. :)

Meine Meinung:

Ich habe genau das bekommen, was ich erwartet habe. Einen tollen Liebesroman mit sehr liebenswerten Charas. Carter und Nick sind 2 Personen, die wirklich wissen, was sie wollen und sich deswegen oft selbst im Weg stehen, weil sie nicht nachgeben wollen. Zwischen den beiden herrscht von Anfang an eine Spannung, die man als Leser zu spüren bekommt. Eine andere Person im Buch ist der 16-jährige Cort, welcher der Adoptivsohn von Nick ist. Nick hat ihn bei sich aufgenommen, weil seien Schwester bei einem Autounfall ums Leben gekommen ist und Nick seiner Schwester einen letzten Wunsch erfüllen wollte. Cort verliebt sich am Anfang in Carter, obwohl sie 11 Jahre auseinander liegen. Das fand ich sehr süß, da Cort immer sauer auf Nick war, da er Angst hatte, das Nick Cort, Carter wegnimmt. :)
Außerdem ist dort noch eine Person, die Nicks und Carters Beziehung zerstören will. Im Buch kommt die Person ein paar mal vor, aber am Ende spitzt sich die Situation zu und etwas sehr schlimmes passiert. Im großen und ganzen hat mir dieses Buch sehr gefallen, obwohl ich mir an manchen Stellen ein paar mehr Seiten gewünscht hattem um die situation abzurunden. :)


4 von 5 Sternen

Meine Video Rezension: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUqpL...
Profile Image for Natalia815.
1,576 reviews59 followers
October 1, 2015
Me ha gustado leer algo de J. R. Ward, que no sea algo de la Hermandad, es de agradecer leer cosas nuevas de J.R, aunque sigo echando mucho de menos a los hermanos (espero que no tarden mucho en editar algo nuevo de la saga).

La historia te atrapa y se lee con mucha facilidad. La única pega, por criticar algo, es que la escritora se centra mucho en lo romántico de la historia y deja un poco de lado la expedición, cosa que no pasa con los Hermanos de la daga negra. Aún así, merece la pena leer esta historia.
Profile Image for Miss Dramarama.
179 reviews
May 22, 2016

Corazón de oro ha sido una lectura rápida y entretenida que es perfecta para leer entre libros pesados o en épocas intensas. La trama es sencilla y se va desarrollando sola, es decir, no hay que romperse la cabeza para saber qué está pasando. Hay algún que otro punto de misterio, pero no requiere un gran esfuerzo mental.

La historia en general me ha gustado: si bien empieza de un modo bastante lento, luego va cogiendo ritmo hasta que llega el momento de tensión máxima, al que sigue el final. Corazón de oro es uno de los primeros libros que escribió J.R. Ward, así que la manera de hilar tramas no tiene nada que ver con la de los libros de La Hermandad de la Daga Negra (tampoco hay tantos personajes que introducir, así que bien), pero que se aprecian los diferentes puntos de vista narrativos y la cocción a fuego lento de la trama. Lo que también me ha gustado ha sido que la autora ha añadido algo de misterio y acción a lo largo de toda la historia.

Los personajes en general me han gustado mucho, pero el que se ha ganado un lugar en mi corazón es Cort, el sobrino de Nick. A pesar de ser un adolescente, tiene un aire inocente en cuanto a lo que es la vida más allá de las normas que le impone su tío: no es tonto, para que nos entendamos, pero tampoco es capaz de medir las posibles consecuencias de sus actos y eso lo hace bastante inocentón… Por no hablar de su enamoramiento pasajero de Carter adorable. En fin, que es un amor de chico y de personaje. Carter, la protagonista, me ha gustado mucho, pero su fuerza de voluntad para “mantenerse alejada de Nick” deja mucho que desear. Si de verdad quieres perderlo de vista, ni te le acerques, mujer. No obstante, me ha interesado muchísimo conocer sus habilidades de arqueóloga… Casi más que el romance con el cabeza cuadrada de Nick. Nick, el protagonista masculino, me ha dado infinitos dolores de cabeza: no entiendo cómo Carter puede enamorarse de él si va hot and cold dejad de cantar la canción de Katy Perry, pls cada dos segundos. Además, no es más borde porque no se entrena. Sí que es verdad que cuando quiere es bastante cuqui, pero cuando no… Sin comentarios.

Si os gusta la contemporánea y los libros de J.R. Ward, éste también os gustará. No es la gran historia, pero los diferentes puntos de vista complementan la trama de una manera muy rica y la convierten en algo diferente. Los personajes, en general, me han gustado mucho a pesar de que Nick se me ha resistido bastante. Por lo que tengo entendido, Corazón de oro forma parte de una especie de “serie” en la que se entrelazan personajes de diferentes libros autoconclusivos y, según he podido comprobar, dentro de poco se publica el que sería el predecesor a este libro, Corazones desbocados (es el de la prima de Carter, a quien se menciona en las primeras páginas muy de pasada lo que viene siendo una línea), así que tengo ganas de hacerme con él y leerlo.
Profile Image for Linda .
1,879 reviews309 followers
May 16, 2016
Jessica Bird is a pseudonym for J.R. Ward of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Heart of Gold was published in 2003 and it has an alpha male and some of the wit and tension of the earlier Brotherhood books. A contemporary romance, it is the story of Carter Wessex and Nick Farrell, two strong professionals who rattle each other verbally while trying to figure out emotionally what each means to the other.

Outwardly gruff and curt, Nick Farrell handles everything better in black and white. Respected as a sharp businessman he has trouble showing emotion with people who become close to him. He has custody of his teenage nephew Cort who loves to bicker with Nick. Add Carter to this mix, someone who does not back down from his blunt manners, and this intrigues him.

Carter, a young archeologist, is working on some land that Nick owns. She has her own predicaments: she has almost severed her relationship with her father because of some issues and a co-worker is giving her trouble. These are the two weaker areas of the book that drag the storyline and caused me to give the book three stars rather than four or five. Carter is a strong heroine and a smart individual; I found it hard to believe that she would have not have dealt better with each of these complications.

Still, Ms. Bird has a written a sweet romance that tugs at your heart. Read this fiction if you want a nice romance. The chemistry between Nick and Carter is appealing. Cort is endearing as a 16 year old who has a crush on Carter and lends some believability to the older characters' relationship. Nick loves Cort but has a hard time figuring out how to manage this obstacle. Just don't expect an abundance of suspense with Carter's problems and you won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for ☠tsukino☠.
1,242 reviews160 followers
June 2, 2015
Tre stelle e mezzo

Lettura piacevole ma estremamente prevedibile. Che i segreti di lui e lei, ad un certo punto, sarebbero stati fonte di problemi per entrambi, non era scontato, ma di più. Che l’archeologo pazzo
tentasse ciò che ha fatto, non è stato certamente una sorpresa. Che il nipote sarebbe stato male era più che evidente.
Sui personaggi cosa dire? Carter è parecchio immatura e testarda (combinazione letale), per due anni si rifiuta di parlare con il padre, attribuendogli colpe immaginarie che poi si sono sgretolate, dopo cinque minuti cinque di riflessione profonda e, sempre negli stessi cinque minuti, si accorge che era la madre ad avere qualche problema. Gli stessi errori si ripropongono con Nick.
Nick è sicuramente un personaggio migliore, però è lo stereotipo del maschio alfa, cinico, duro, che ha paura dei propri sentimenti ma che all’improvviso s’innamora e capisce che nella vita c’è altro oltre il lavoro. Però va bene così ^^
All’apparizione del nome di John Smith mi sono ricordata che sono stati Carter e Nick a presentarlo a Grace di Una Donna Indimenticabile ^^
L’ultimo capitolo è quello che più mi è piaciuto ^^
Ci sono un po’ troppi refusi (al solito >_<).
Concludendo, non un libro eccelso, ma il suo sporco lavoro l’ha fatto; ho passato qualche ora in piacevole compagnia.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Xoaniña.
163 reviews
October 20, 2015
primer libro que leo de la autora fuera de la daga negra y tendiendo en cuenta la gran nota que hace al principio del libro sobre que es de los primeros que escribió, lo empecé a leer con algo de miedo de que ella después de revisarlo lo viera como un libro flojillo, pero no defrauda.
Tiene una forma de escribir que te engancha. Muy buena ambientación, buena historia de la arqueología y muy buenos personajes tanto principales (enamoran) como secundarios (te quedas con ganas de saber de una historia por ahí).
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
758 reviews240 followers
May 3, 2016
Me gustó bastante para ser uno de los primeros libros de la Ward, imagino que básicamente por eso, aunque se le notan los orígenes harlequineros.
Una protagonista cabezona, y un protagonista más cabezón aún, y que sabe lo que quiere. Un buen libro donde se ve mucha química y encontronazos entre los protagonistas.
Profile Image for Mareli.
1,034 reviews31 followers
March 19, 2016
I liked it a lot. Normal people (even if he's a sort of supermillionaire), fun and romantic. A very relaxing reading.

Profile Image for Natalia.
56 reviews11 followers
January 4, 2016
Esperaba una novel empalagosa, pero me ha sorprendido, la trama está muy entretenida y me ha gustado mucho, hay bastante acción
Profile Image for Dorothy Shaw.
Author 19 books754 followers
March 21, 2016
Still another sweet romance from JR Ward - but she started to break out of the shell in this one. Overall I enjoyed the book and the characters. =)
Profile Image for Pennie Morgan.
2,120 reviews8 followers
February 10, 2020
This was pretty good, definitely early in J. R. Ward's career. Carter Wessex wants to dig on Nick Farrell's mountain looking for early American artifacts. It was quite a fight between them and fighting the attraction was something else. Definitely enjoyed this one.
Profile Image for Francy.
257 reviews14 followers
June 17, 2013
Da http://leggerefantastico.blogspot.com
J.R. Ward è un marchio assoluto di garanzia. E potrei anche finire qui la mia recensione. Ho detto tutto. Non so davvero come faccia, ma ogni cosa che scrive, ogni frase, ogni romanzo si trasforma in un piccolo e prezioso gioiello. Tralasciando la serie della Confraternita, oggi parleremo invece di Un Cuore D' oro, il terzo contemporary romance targato Leggereditore e scritto dall' autrice sotto lo pseudonimo di Jessica Bird. Dopo Una Donna Indimenticabile e Colpevole d' Amare, la Ward ci porta a conoscere una giovane, determinata e grintosa archeologa, Carter Wessex e un uomo d' affari, sexy e tutto d' un pezzo, il duro e fiero, Nick Farrell. Carter sta cercando di convincere Nick ad avere il permesso di scavare sulla sua montagna dove, si ipotizza, si nasconda il tesoro nascosto da alcuni soldati durante la Guerra d' Indipendenza.
Scontroso e rigido, Nick Farrell è un uomo che non ha nessuna intenzione di cedere alle lusinghe di una donna come Carter, tantomeno cedere all' arrivo prepotente quanto improvviso di una bollente attrazione per lei. Ma come sappiamo bene, all' amor non si comanda e l' attrazione dirompente tra i due, si trasformerà ben presto in un sentimento incontrollabile. Ma non tutto filerà liscio come potremmo pensare. Oh no. La Ward si diverte a complicare le cose. Giocando con fantasmi del passato, relazioni tormentate e la minaccia di un nemico pronto a tutto pur di avere l' oro tutto per sè, Un Cuore D' Oro diventa un romanzo ricco di sorprese, ritmo serrato e tanta, tantissima carica passionale. La Ward traccia per Carter e Wessex un sentiero denso di pericoli e sensazioni nuove e loro, sino alla fine, dovranno percorrerlo alla cieca. Nel grigiore della loro vita dovranno scardinare porte e portoni, abbattere muri di diffidenza, esitazione e paure, per trovarsi liberi e felici uno tra le braccia dell' altro, pronti ad amarsi senza barriere e costrizioni mentali. Il cammino sarà molto lungo e in molte occasioni entrambi decideranno di arrendersi. Ma l' amore, che non smette mai di sorprenderci, troverà un modo per far capire ai due quanto sia flebile e sprecata una vita da vivere a metà.
Devo dire che, proseguendo con questi romanzi peraltro tutti auto-conclusivi ma legati l' uno all' altro da alcuni personaggi, la mia ammirazione per questa scrittrice va continuamente aumentando. Ero già innamorata della Ward, ma leggendo questi romance ho notato come la stessa autrice sia cresciuta ad ogni romanzo. Se Una Donna Indimenticabile era stata una buonissima lettura, sicuramente consigliata ma non completamente all' altezza del nome Ward e Colpevole d' Amare sia stata un lettura ancora più gradevole, Un Cuore d' Oro è andato a migliorare, se possibile, ancora di più questa già imperdibile serie. Un Cuore d' Oro è una lettura che ti cattura grazie alla scrittura perfetta e alla trama avvincente, grazie alle esplosioni di travolgente passione disseminate nel corso del libro e narrate in modo sublime e dirompente, e grazie ai personaggi magistralmente caratterizzati e privi di una qualsiasi sfumatura negativa. Il bello della Ward, secondo me, sta anche nel fatto che riesca a modellare i propri personaggi rendendoli vivi, attribuendogli paure e incertezze in modo da renderli accattivanti, interessanti e teneramente familiari al lettore. E la bravura della Ward sta, oltretutto, nel saper costruire personaggi maschili completamente devastanti, ormonalmente parlando. Nick Farrell è un uomo inaccessibile, inflessibile, bravissimo a rinchiudere le proprie emozioni a doppia mandata in un cassetto del suo cuore. E' caparbio a nascondere le sue incertezze e i suoi timori al resto delle persone, ma con l' arrivo di Carter vedrà smarrire questa chiave e riversare ogni sensazione, emozione buona o cattiva che sia, ad ondate inarrestabili. La sua rigidità e l' amore incondizionato per il nipote diabetico, lo renderanno fragile e adorabile agli occhi del lettore. Cuore d' Oro alla fine vorrà rappresentare proprio questo. Dietro ad una facciata di incrollabile durezza, si nasconde un animo buono e generoso, un cuore da amare. Questo romanzo è una lettura estremamente consigliata alle lettrici di romance perchè contiene tutto ciò che una lettrice vorrebbe trovare: amore a palate, avventura, screzi, amicizia e passione.
August 31, 2012
This review was posted at Under the Covers

There is a pretty big distinction in the writing when I read a Jessica Bird book as opposed to a J.R. Ward book. It also shows how much the author has grown into her own voice as a writer. With HEART OF GOLD, her second book ever published, I found the story to be a thrown together. Don't get me wrong, it was still cute but there was no originality and the conflicts were weird and felt like they were building up to something big that never came and the resolutions were just...too easy.

Nick Farrell is a sexy hero. Hot, young, rich and very much the brooding and grouchy type. Used to always getting his way and quite often rude to others. His sister died recently leaving him in charge of taking care of his teenage nephew. He's had archaeologists asking to dig on his mountain looking for gold for a long time and it's not until beautiful and young Carter Wessex asks him that he agrees. And that has everything to do with his attraction.

First the issue of Nick's nephew having a crush on Carter, then the reason why Carter hasn't talked to her father since her mother's death, then the fact that Nick is apparently in love with this woman without actually spending any time getting to know her just a few small conversations and well of course sex. There were just so many things that could've blown up into something more and given depth to the story but never did.

I thought the book was an enjoyable, light read. Although I have other authors that I enjoy more than this to read when I'm in this kind of mood, HEART OF GOLD was still sweet with a touch of sexy enough to like it.
Profile Image for Cindy.
1,326 reviews5 followers
February 17, 2013
The second book of this author has been re-released after the success of her two series. I am very happy with that, because it is a wonderful book that is easily and fun to read. I could hardly put it down.
Nick and Carter are matched against each other. The discussions between the two are well written. The other people in the book are written down as real persons. Like people you can just walk into in real life. Also funny to see people come along, whom in later books will be the main characters.
Carter doesn’t like rich men after the death of her mother, she doesn’t want to talk to her father. But Nick has a mountain on his land where probably a historic find place is hidden, but nobody is allowed do dig there. Carter neither, but then Nick changes his mind and allowes her to do the job.
She thought that Nick would not be at present, but he is. The attraction between Nick and Carter is causing fireworks between them. Both find it difficult to trust the other. Will they trust each other at last? For that you have to read the book, you also discover what is found on the mountain that way.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews

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