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The Sweet Briar Ladies Society Sewing Circle is needled by the death of a highly strung woman in the new mystery by the author of Wedding Duress.
Downtown Sweet Briar is now home to a new sewing shop run by one of the circle’s own. With the help and support of her fellow members, Rose is determined to make SewTastic a success, and, to that end, she decides to sponsor a series of do-it-yourself weekends for sewing enthusiasts.
But when a group arrives at SewTastic to work on a project, a loud and argumentative guest pushes everyone’s buttons. And when she winds up dead in Rose’s project room—strangled by a sewing machine power cord—it’s up to Tori and the gang to stitch together the clues before Rose’s reason for living is ripped apart at the seams.


304 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published April 5, 2016

About the author

Elizabeth Lynn Casey

12 books400 followers

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Profile Image for Shirley Chapel.
664 reviews141 followers
January 11, 2021
I've so enjoyed reading this series. I love the Characters, who have grown on me since the first book. Book 11 was a favorite of mine. I loved Victoria's new married name. Victoria Sinclair Wentworth. I thought the mystery provided a lot of suspects. The actual murderer was one of the suspects I chose although they were not on the Slueths list of suspects. A good mystery keeps reader's guessing to the two last chapters of the book and this reader was not disappointed with the books conclusion.
Rose Winters and Leona Elkin have finally come to peaceful terms and actually have opened a shop all about sewing notions and crafts. They have even hired an event planner and have set up a sewing craft tour at their new shop, SewTastic. But when the well planned and highly anticipated day arrives unfortunately all does not go well. A group of ladies arrive on the tour bus and get working on their projects but one lady complains constantly and ruins the outing for everyone else. She constantly hurled insults at the other ladies and the workers. But the biggest surprise comes at the ending of the day as most of the ladies have boarded the tour bus ready to leave. They are waiting for the complaining fault finding Opal Goodwin to finish her project, but she will never finish it because she is found dead with a sewing machine cord wrapped tightly around her neck.
Police Chief Dallas orders all the ladies on the tour bus not to leave town until he talks with each one of them. This includes Charles who is visiting from New York City. But the days go by and the Chief of Police is a no show. Seems his mind isn't on gathering evidence from the bystanders. Perhaps he's off fishing or who knows what he's doing. Slueths, Victoria Sinclair Wentworth, Margaret Louise Davis and Charles get to work questioning the tour guests and making a list of suspects. The list keeps growing as it seems the late Opal Ann Goodwin has made everyone's life miserable at one time or another. When they stumble unintentionally on the real killer....well I will let you buy the book and read it.
I recommend this book to readers of Cozy Mysteries and fans of Elizabeth Lynn Casey / Laura Bradford.the book can be read as a stand alone but I would recommend reading the books in their order which will allow you to get the most out of your reading experience.
I borrowed a copy from the Ohio Digital Library. A review was not requested. All opinions expressed here are my own.
Profile Image for Lisa Ks Book Reviews.
842 reviews128 followers
March 26, 2016
The Sothern Sewing Circle Mystery series is everything readers love about cozy mysteries!

With this being the eleventh book in the series, you would think there would be nothing new to add. That is very far from the truth. Author Elizabeth Lynn Casey had kept each new book in this series fresh, fun, and oh so enjoyable. NEEDLE AND DREAD is written confirmation of this fact.

This latest trip to Casey’s town of Sweet Briar, South Carolina was just the vacation I needed. Every time I visit with the ladies that make up the sewing circle, I find myself smiling the entire time. They are for sure one of my favorite cast of characters. (Interestingly enough, one of my other favorite group of characters is from the Amish Mysteries, written by Ms. Casey under her real name, Laura Bradford.)

NEEDLE AND DREAD was outstanding! The story moved as fast as a well maintained sewing machine. Not being able to tear myself away, I finished this phenomenal story in one setting. From the fun beginning, straight through to the inspired, exciting reveal, and conclusion, this book was a truly perfect cozy mystery.

I’m already looking forward to book twelve!

Make sure to check out the back of the book for reader-suggested sewing tips, and a fun sewing pattern! (Don’t worry…you don’t have to know how to sew to enjoy this series!)
Profile Image for Sanderella.
480 reviews
April 14, 2016
Another great cozy mystery from Ms Casey!! The adventures of amateur sleuths from the Southern Sewing Circle gals (and also NYC newcomer Charles) continues in this newest book. Tori and the gang are trying to solve the murder of a participant of a sewing outing that was held in Rose and Leona's new sewing shop. The victim was strangled with the electric cord from one of the sewing machines~~ so who did it?? It had to be one of the other members of the sewing group from Jasper Falls~~ but who had the biggest motive?? Several suspects are on Tori's list, so along with her friends, her new husband, and plenty of goodies from Debbie's bakery, can they figure out who killed Opal?? Or will the killer get on the bus back to Jasper Falls and get away with murder??
I'm already looking forward to the next book in this series. :)
3,073 reviews29 followers
July 26, 2017
In this book, Rose Winters and Leona Elkin have opened a sewing shop in Sweet Briar. The shop has a small tour group and one member of the group is very nasty and by the end of the time at the shop she has been murdered. Tori Sinclair starts asking questions because Rose and Leona are her friends. This book takes place six weeks after Tori & Milo's marriage so there is a little more personal life included. The book was a quick easy read.
Profile Image for Linda Klinedinst.
615 reviews13 followers
September 6, 2018
I really enjoyed this book - I love this book for the simple fact that it is a really good Mystery plus there was lots of talk about Sewing as well in this book. I love to Sew so this was right up my alley. There are other books in this Series too so I want to read the rest of them as well.

Happy Reading :)

Profile Image for Lisa Cornelius Ashby.
126 reviews5 followers
September 17, 2021
This is one of my absolute favorite cozy mystery series!! This is book #11 in the series, the second to last book in the series. This book was wonderful! I loved revisiting the characters in the town of Sweet Briar. I enjoyed the friendship and warmth of the sewing circle group. The mystery was good, and I loved seeing continuing evolution of the friendships. The story made my heart smile and gave me a good mystery. It will be bittersweet to read the next and final book in the series. I highly recommend this series to anyone who loves cozies, even if you have no interest in sewing, you will fall in love with the characters and the friendships within 😊📖📚
Profile Image for LORI CASWELL.
2,665 reviews305 followers
May 1, 2016
Dollycas’s Thoughts

SewTastic is a new shop in Sweet Briar, run by none other than Rose and Leona. Really, even the other members of the sewing circle are surprised that these rivals have teamed up. They all plan to pitch in to help make the place a huge success. Starting with a DIY weekend. There happens to be more helpers than students this time, but one participant in trying everyone’s patience and the circle members do their best to calm the woman and her derogatory comments. Things were stitching right along until the testy guest is found dead in the project room. Someone in the group has to be the killer and Tori and the ladies are going to find out who helped the cranky woman take her last breathe.

The death in this story was a little too close for comfort after my son’s death, but this is one of my favorite series and features my favorite ladies, so I couldn’t just not read it. Compartmentalization helped me enjoy this story. I packed my grief away, skimmed over a couple of things, and got around the things that would have hurt my heart.

While the death was the main part of the plot, there is so much more in this story. I have said it before, the stories in this series are all about the friendship this group of woman have forged. The age range is 20’s to 80’s, they are each unique, opinionated, and strong. When one is down the others pick them up, when one needs help they all rally together. The bonds are strong, they may bend but the never break. I am honored to get a little peek into their lives in these books.

The mystery was quite good too. The victim, Opal, was not a nice woman, she was rich but it didn’t buy her happiness. She had touched many people’s lives and not in a good way. This made for several suspects. Tori researched the woman and brought several things to light. Now the ladies had to work together to find out which one was upset enough to kill.

Elizabeth Lynn Casey always gives us a fantastic story. Her characters leap out the pages. Their humor shines throughout and their dedication to solve the mystery is extraordinary.

The only bad thing about this book was when it ended. I wasn’t ready for my visit to end. Bring on Book 12. I can’t wait to return to Sweet Briar.
Profile Image for Fred.
1,010 reviews64 followers
April 2, 2016
Needle And Dread is the eleventh book in the Southern Sewing Circle Mystery series.

I always have an enjoyable time visiting with the ladies of the Southern Sewing Circle and this time was no exception.

The ladies of the Circle are all surprised when two of the more outspoken members, Leona and Rose, open a sewing shop in Sweet Briar. Rose thinks the way to start the new venture off is to have sewing weekends for other sewers. A group of sewers, whi are on a bus tour will be the first group and they arrive for the store's grand opening. But from the moment Opal Goodwin steps off the bus she is full of negativity for anyone who crosses her path. When Rose goes back to the project room she finds Opal's lifeless body, having been strangled by a power cord from one the sewing machines.

Tori and other ladies of the sewing circle put on their sleuthing hats to search for the killer so they can get Rose out of the funk she has been in since discovering the body. As they begin their search is clearly evident that just about everyone on the bus had a reason to want Opal dead.

Another enjoyable visit with the ladies of the Southern Sewing Circle. They may have their differences from time to time, but when the chips are down, they have each others back.

Looking forward to another visit to Sweet Briar.
Profile Image for Kayt18.
416 reviews
March 10, 2016
Needle and Dread is amazing. This series is awesome. The characters are lovable, strong and fabulous. This is such a pleasant read. You can not go wrong reading this one or any others in the series. This series set in Georgia ticks all the boxes a cozy should. And Elizabeth Lynn Casey's writing style is effervescent and enthralling. Another hit for sure!!
I was given a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review
400 reviews4 followers
November 22, 2023
Once again I would like to start with that a lot of cozy readers like this series. This series just does not work for me. I do not like the rehash with multiple characters on what previously happened in the story. It just keeps dragging the story out. You knew who the murder was early on in the book but just not the motive. Which the motive was so convoluted at best there is no way you would have known. Tori always comes off as so saccharine sweet but also an air head. At this point in the series I would like to stop reading about Rose hugging her sweater to her and shuffling her feet. Got it she is old but these descriptions are constantly stated through this book and the previous books. Leona is portrayed as a femme Fatale but is described with gray hair and glasses. Sorry she may attract a younger man but not thirty years younger. In addition, Leona is just so mean and insulting. It is about time Tori stands up for herself and puts Leona in her place. Charles description is just so cringe worthy. It is a such a cliché of a gay male it is insulting. I only have one more to read in this series. I will think twice about this author she just is not for me.
Profile Image for Valerie.
731 reviews10 followers
February 8, 2018
I'm so in love with this series. I love the small town living, which remind me of home but the characters are described so well. You can actually feel the unbreakable bond they have. Even Rose and Leona, who just opened a business together, Sewtastic. Everyone is there for the grand opening. They had a tour bus of sewing tourist come to the opening.
It would have been great time accept for one tourist who was putting everyone down. She had a nasty attitude and was found in the project room strangled.
Tori decided she would look into it for Rose because the shop lifted her sprites.
Of course she couldn't investigate without her team of Mary Louise and Charles who had came down for the wedding.
This one took a while to figure out because there was so many people that this woman had entangled with put downs.
It was so fun with Charles there. I just love him and his attitude.
It was an awesome book. Now I have to get my hands on the next book.
I voluntarily ask to review this book. The words are of my own opinion.
1,864 reviews37 followers
March 19, 2018
One of my favorite cozy mystery series is the Southern Sewing Circle series by Elizabeth Casey. Needle and Dread is another fun visit to Sweet Briar, South Carolina. In this installment, SewTastic opens up in downtown Sweet Briar. "The sight of Leona Elkin and Rose Winters--standing side by side behind the sparkly new register--defied everything Tori had come to know as reality where the two nemeses were concerned." That sums up the unlikely duo operating a sewing shop together! Trying to bring interested customers to SewTastic, Leon and Rose host their inaugural crafting weekend. All goes according to plan until they discover Opal Goodwin dead in their project room. Wanting to help her friends and figure out who killed Opal, Tori begins another investigation. Tori and the other main characters provide another entertaining read. Now that I finished Needle and Dread, I am ready for their next adventure!
Profile Image for Sherri Moorer.
Author 43 books91 followers
May 31, 2022
I don't like giving books bad reviews, however, there was one thing about this that disturbed me so much that I couldn't overlook it. As a lifelong native of South Carolina, I feel that this book caved into so many negative stereotypes about southerners (and especially women) that my generation has been working our entire lives to overcome. Sure, it might sound like every word we say ends in an apostrophe, but I'm surprised that an editor let that fly in the printed word when it's a HUGE "no" in the general publishing industry to "write as they speak."

I also feel that the characters were portrayed as slow, overly emotional, and too focused on cutesy nicknames and tropes than the actual plot. The mystery was solved solely on gossip, and had absolutely no actual investigation whatsoever.
Profile Image for Marilyn.
1,426 reviews
December 18, 2018
Around the Year in 52 Books 2018 Reading Challenge. A book you have high hopes for.

I love relationships between the ladies of the Southern Sewing Circle. They are there for each other. During a crafting event at the store Rose has recently opened, a nasty rude obnoxious woman is killed. Rose fears that the bad publicity will ruin the future of her store. Tori and the others are determined to solve this murder to save Rose's dream. The authorities are keeping everyone in town until they have made an arrest. But how long can they keep everyone?
945 reviews11 followers
March 13, 2020
This time we concentrate on Rose who is creating a store of her own with her twin Leona. The place is all set up and they are all excited about the upcoming Opening Day which includes a troop of people via bus to visit the new Sewing Store called SewTastic. Unfortunately there ends up a death at the new event and everything including the new store goes in lock down while they find out who was involved.
Profile Image for Deborah Almada.
1,071 reviews31 followers
July 10, 2018
Nothing like a return trip to Sweet Briar and our favorite sewing circle. With Tori and Milo finally married, Charles visiting and Leona and Rose partners in a new sewing store, all should be right in the world, but when someone murders a cranky customer in the new shop, the ladies will have their hands full!!!!
399 reviews7 followers
May 19, 2019
Ah, the intrigue that can arrive in a small southern town!

I love these books. I love Casey's writing, her protagonist and, in fact, all of the women of Sweetbriar's Sewing Circle. This book felt a bit off -- sadly, I think it was because Charles was visiting again -- but I enjoyed it anyway. Will I read the next? Definitely!
Profile Image for Lalena Haro.
38 reviews
March 12, 2018
I want to like this series more than I do, but the authors over exaggeration of some of the characters detracts from the story. The southern accent and snapping need to go.... please write them out of the next book before I give up on the series.
Profile Image for Marti.
912 reviews3 followers
October 6, 2020
Rose and Leona have opened a sewing and crafting supply store and in order to generate interest, they have arranged a crafting event. Things quickly go sideways. Tori and Milo have been married 6 weeks.
Profile Image for Toya Taylor.
296 reviews5 followers
November 14, 2023
Loved this one of course. I have loved each and every book. But the reveal of the killer literally didn't come until the last 20 pages, but I suspected them from the beginning.

Can't wait to start the next one.
Profile Image for Michele.
107 reviews
March 19, 2018
another great story

love this story and the characters i would recommend reading these books in order love the series and look forward to the next one
Profile Image for Lynne Tull.
1,465 reviews50 followers
July 14, 2021
The characters are growing on me. Leona is still not on my 'like list'. I thought I had figured out the murderer and I had. Still recommending if you like 'really' cozy mysteries.
305 reviews
February 26, 2023
A cozy mystery that I picked up at the local library sale. Meh
Profile Image for OpenBookSociety.com .
3,973 reviews122 followers
April 10, 2016

Needle and Dread
A Southern Sewing Circle, Book #11
By Elizabeth Lynn Casey
ISBN: 97804252564
Author website: http://elizabethlynncasey.com/blog/ and http://www.laurabradford.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Kayt


The Sweet Briar Ladies Society Sewing Circle is needled by the death of a highly strung woman in the new mystery by the author of Wedding Duress.

Downtown Sweet Briar is now home to a new sewing shop run by one of the circle’s own. With the help and support of her fellow members, Rose is determined to make SewTastic a success, and, to that end, she decides to sponsor a series of do-it-yourself weekends for sewing enthusiasts.

But when a group arrives at SewTastic to work on a project, a loud and argumentative guest pushes everyone’s buttons. And when she winds up dead in Rose’s project room—strangled by a sewing machine power cord—it’s up to Tori and the gang to stitch together the clues before Rose’s reason for living is ripped apart at the seams.



There is not a more fun or eclectic group of character than the ladies (and one man) of the Southern Sewing Circle. Author Elizabeth Lynn Casey’s group of women run the gambit of ages and personalities. In Needle and Dread, favorite matriarch Rose and man eater Leona have opened a sewing shop – SewTastic. They are having an inaugural do-it-yourself weekend with a small bus of out of towners from a neighboring town. Little did they know one of the guests in the small group was a vicious older woman who would end up dead. It was so sad for me, as a reader, to “see” poor Rose’s devastation and worry for the fate of her dear store. Victoria (Tori) and Margaret Louise have to do something to save it. Tori believes it will save Rose as well. As the ladies and Charles (who is visiting from NYC) begin to investigate, facts are hard to come by since the only other people in the store when the woman was murdered are the out of towners.

As the ladies try to research the sewing enthusiasts, they find out that Opal (the dead woman) was even crueler than they thought. Her antics in her home town surely did not garner her any good will. Coming up with motives and viable suspects is not easy, but Tori will not give up. She worries about Rose, her step is slower, she is not sleeping, she just is not doing well. Even though Tori is a newlywed, she has to find answers. Her wonderful husband Milo agrees. As the gang searches for clues and answers, suspects are revealed and motives are discovered.

The cast of characters in Needles and Dread is one of my all-time favorites. Sweet Briar is a fabulous setting. The friendship between this group of ladies, even in the face of their differences, is so enjoyable. Tori is a kind, loving and fabulous protagonist. These ladies have taken her into their lives, their hearts and they are now family. I love how Tori describes them and says there is something to love about each one because there truly is and I do too. As Tori says “with Beatrice it was her sweetness. With Leona, it was her fierce belief in herself. With Charles (yes he is one of the ladies now) it was his all-in personality. With Rose, it was her great strength. And with Margaret Louise, it was her normally endless smile.” Those things are what me us readers love them as well.

I adore returning to Sweet Briar and visiting with this crew. Elizabeth Lynn Casey’s writing style is easy, fun and dances on the page with intellect and humor. The mystery is extremely well plotted and written. The reader is kept guessing until the very end. I really enjoy that no one was outright accused of the murder while the gang was investigating. They researched it and tossed ideas off each other. This is how it should be done, awesome.

Needle and Dread is another exceptional installment in the fabulous Southern Sewing Circle series. Each book is better and better which is a real feat as they are all amazing, starting with the very first one. That said, if you have not read any of the others, you will have no trouble following the characters and story in this one. (Just make sure you go back and read the others. You don’t want to miss out). I recommend Needle and Dread to any cozy fan, especially sewing fans. But also to anyone that enjoys impeccably written fiction with strong and lovable female characters. Any fan of a truly well written mystery will love this one. Author Elizabeth Lynn Casey is a master of all things that truly make cozies a joy to read.

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Andrew Kauffmann.
8 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2016
Hi! Actual gay man here (hush, I promise that it's relevant to my review):

Let me begin by saying that *Needle and Dread* was a fun read. But I'm not here to give it a full review, because I read it weeks ago and it's kind of gotten lost in the books I've read since (not the author's fault, I just read a lot of mysteries).

So, why am I here now? Well, because I only started reviewing in the last couple of days, and there was one thing that definitely *did* stand out for me about this book, even across the weeks and countless pages since I originally read it: Charles.

First of all, I think that the author of this book seems like a thoroughly nice person. I appreciate what I think she was probably trying to do, and I am all about depiction of gay characters, especially in genre fiction. And I also accept that most often a character is just a character, and should not be taken as anything more than that (God knows, if anyone took my own silly efforts at writing as a personal position, they'd not come away with a pleasant impression of me).

But here's the thing, I can't help that I found myself gritting my teeth every time Charles appeared. Yes, there are some flamboyant gay men, and they have their right to representation. There are also many, many, *not* flamboyant gay men (myself included) who wince with every sassy snap thrown off by a fictional gay character. I fully admit that I'm a little too sensitive on the subject (and notice that I gave this book a solid four stars, despite my personal reservations), but it just seems that whenever a gay character makes its way into mainstream fiction, the results are invariably encrusted in pink rhinestones.

For what it's worth, I don't recall Charles' sexuality ever explicitly mentioned in the book, so maybe I'm the one with the closed mind (what, like a straight man can't appreciate a fine chiffon scarf, carefully coordinated with his butter-yellow bootie shorts from time to time?). And I notice that he seems to be something of a fan-favorite. So, obviously the author is doing something right with him, even if it makes me cringe a little. Just, in general, I kind of wish that a mystery writer would include a gay character who was just a guy. Mysteries always seem to push it to a cartoonish level, and it begins to feel like authors are using that as a way to make the gays less threatening for a wide audience: see how harmless they are, they just want to try on your heels and go for mimosas. Just another one of the girls! (This last bit is something that I have actually seen other reviewers say in regards to Charles.)

Edit: Upon browsing the other reviews of this novel, I find that I am hilariously outside of the target demographic and that I should probably have just kept my mouth shut. But I'm going to let it stand. Because, you know, sometimes an otherwise macho-ish guy just likes to read a cozy mystery and air an opinion. Final note: please don't take this as an attack on this particular author. She just happened to be the most recent writer I've read who did this same thing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 59 reviews

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