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Nothing But Trouble

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Lola Grant is the hottest pop star in Britain and she's about to go global. But behind the music, her addiction to bad boys is taking her personal life in a dangerous direction. When it comes to men, Lola just can't stay away from trouble - and her self-control is pushed to the limit when she meets her handsome new drummer Jake Hunter.
Looking out for Lola is her best friend and manager Harvey Sparks. But Harvey's fighting his own demons and can only watch from the sidelines as the star he helped create begins to fall. When Lola seeks comfort in a life of wild partying, she meets good-hearted showbiz reporter Freddy Jones, a man who may just be able to offer her a way out.
But as she starts rehearsals for her Trouble tour, Lola finds herself faced with an even bigger threat. And unless someone can get through to her before opening night, she's in danger of losing everything she fought so hard for - in full view of the whole world.

528 pages, Paperback

First published July 16, 2015

About the author

Matt Cain

9 books505 followers
Matt Cain writes humorous, riveting and uplifting novels about self-discovery and self-love.

Born in Bury and brought up in Bolton, Matt was a gay child in the 1980s, a time when boys like him were widely hated. He also had a little-known health condition which meant his heart cut out several times a week. Feeling like a freak, he channelled a fierce desire to prove himself into his schoolwork, then a series of high-profile media jobs - as a documentary director for ITV, arts correspondent on Channel 4 News, and editor of Attitude magazine - before pursuing his dream of writing fiction. But he had to battle through ten years of rejection and crowdfund his breakthrough novel, The Madonna of Bolton. He's since become the author of several bestsellers, including The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle, Becoming Ted, One Love, and Game On - a Quick Read and one of the official short novels of World Book Night 2024.

At the age of 37, doctors finally worked out what was wrong with Matt's heart and installed a pacemaker to stop it cutting out. At the age of 44, he bucked decades of romantic failure when he went on a Tinder date and met Harry Glasstone, who he married in 2022. Matt and Harry have since presented their own show on Virgin Radio Pride. They live in London with their cat Nelly, possibly the best loved pet in the world.

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Profile Image for Ana.
514 reviews353 followers
July 16, 2015
Actual rating 3.5/5.

Originally posted on This Chick Reads

*Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

'Nothing But Trouble' is Matt Cain's second novel and a great beach read. It follows Lola Grant, a famous UK pop singer, ready to conquer the world. As we see Lola on the stage, touring in UK and Europe, and back stage with her band and backing vocals, we get a glimpse of what it really feels like to be a mega star. I don't know about you, but I've always found these stories about real life and fictional celebrities so fun and even fascinating. On the surface, they seem perfectly happy and successful, but obviously their life is not as pink as we think it is. Working under great pressure, hanging around people who are only interested in using them for their own benefits, being the centre of attention even when they just want to chill out like any other person.

I personally would never want to be in Lola's shoes. Despite her huge success, she's under the influence of so many people, meeting and being in a relationship with so many 'tramps', as she calls them. It's a LOT to take and I applaud to anyone who can expose themselves to the public like this. But I guess fame is sweet, but it also comes with a price.

This book definitely had its good moments, but there were also some things I didn't really enjoy. While Mr Cain definitely succeeded in portraying Lola like a normal human being, not a Diva as we would assume due to her great achievements in the music industry, she had its dark moments. I know this is perfectly normal and we all have our dark sides, but my main problem and reason why I couldn't relate to Lola to the extent I wanted to, was her indecisiveness when it came to men. She's well aware of the type of men she's not supposed to date for her own good, and yet she's constantly saying one thing and doing the very opposite. I would respect her more if she sticks to the promises she makes and not use them just to write the lyrics for her next hit. This was my main trouble with the book, it drained me to see her constantly switching moods and not being able to make up her mind about her partners. She's torn between the good and the bad guy, Freddy or Jack, one treating her like a Queen and the other like trash. As I woman I can understand the appeal of a 'bad boy', but she should have backed off when she saw the really ugly side of Jack, and that happens pretty early on.

While I liked Freddy, I personally didn't find him that interesting of a character, except that he is respectful to Lola and has a crush on her. However, I didn't feel that strong chemistry or great love he's supposedly feeling for her. I don't know, maybe I've missed something though I doubt it, but I just wasn't convinced he was madly in love with Lola.

However, there's one particular character I really really liked and that was Harvey, Lola's manager who really made the whole story much better. He's not the usual manager, interested in draining the last penny out of Lola, but on the contrary, he's genuinely worried about her and her well being. He's the type of friend we'd all like to have in our lives, and is the most mature character in this book, who's actually speaking reasonably.

Despite not being blown away by Lola, I really loved the fact Mr Cain included a bit of Lola's history and difficult childhood, growing up with a mother who was a drug addict. This didn't seem pathetic at all, but made Lola a survivor and a winner in my eyes. I also like the fact we see the fabulously looking, posh side of a star, but also the ugly side and all the side effects such fame can bring. I loved reading about Harvey's past, and how he manages to pull out of a bad habit, this only making him much stronger in my eyes (though I loved him since the beginning of the story).

Overall, 'Nothing But Trouble' is an interesting, fun, beach read you can certainly read in a day or two (despite being a rather big book). It's about fame, rivalry, the good and the poor choices we make in life. It's just the type of book you need for your holidays, so sit back, grab a cocktail or two and enjoy!

Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
3,045 reviews551 followers
July 8, 2015
Sexy, sassy, bad boys, romance, a pop star who could be going off the rails, a drummer who is far more trouble than he's worth, and a showbiz reporter who people tend to think is lovely, but not want anything more from. Add in all sorts of excesses,revenge, a broken relationship with her mother, and a load of side stories and threads and you have the most amazing and exhilarating book, and that is exactly what Nothing But Trouble is.

This book starts off at a relatively sedate pace as you get introductions to a lot of the key players in this twisted tale, and then it gets continually more gripping, until the last quarter where I couldn't put it down, and was shouting at family if they tried to interrupt my reading of it, as the book builds up a crescendo into a thrilling climax.

Lola is a huge pop star and is preparing for her UK tour, about to try and break into America, and has an addiction to bad boys or "tramps" as she calls them. So she knows she is in trouble when she meets the new drummer for the band Jake.

Jake is essentially new to London, and viewing different areas of it as he gets cabs home, from assorted females houses, after spending the night with them. I don't like to call people names, and I think the kindest words I can come up with describe him would be sex addict.

Harvey is Lola's manager, has battled his own problems with drink in the past, and now is petrified that Lola is going to become the cliché bad girl pop star, of the drunk and disorderly variety. He is also Lola's best friend but can he stop her from getting into a huge mess.

Then there is Freddy Jones, who is a showbiz reporter, and seems to be a genuinely nice guy and is clearly attracted to Lola. In fact there are scenes where you see what both Freddy and Lola are thinking and just want to slam their heads together and get them to see sense! But if that happened then the book wouldn't have been anywhere near as entertaining.

There are also sub plots involving all manner of Lola's general entourage, some better than others, but all adding to the atmosphere of what it must be like as a pop star.

Many times throughout the book I was wondering if there was a real album of Lola's songs available as the lyrics all seemed so strong, I would have loved to hear them against some music like they should be sung.

I found I loved almost all the characters and even the ones I wasn't as keen on, had some good points. There is a fair bit of x-rated content in this book as you would expect, which I feel I should mention in case you have problems with it.

Nothing But Trouble is one brilliant book, and I'm so glad its on a summer release schedule as it is a fabulous summer holiday read, to lose yourself in Lola's life. Based on my utter enjoyment of Nothing But Trouble, I can't believe I haven't read Matt Cain's other book, but I will definitely be moving it up my must read list!

Thank you so much to Pan Macmillan and Netgalley for my review copy of this book. This was my honest opinion.
Author 1 book43 followers
July 21, 2015

Imagine This: You are a pop star! Your base is the UK and your career is about to take off. You have a US record company about to sign you on which means, in no time, you’d be a big star.

But with fame comes Trouble, your new album that’s topping the charts and making your song the in-thing on the lips all girls and gay guys. But you are done with finding a little trouble on your own. Until you are sure it finds you everywhere you go.

You can’t stay away from bad guys who have trouble written all over them. From sexy guitarists, to intense keyboardists and insanely hot drummers. Wherever there’s a bad guy, you latch onto him and his many instruments. ;)

This addiction would get you into a whole lot of trouble than you’ve ever gotten to in the past. And before you have a chance to break out of it, your career would be in tatters for the whole world to see.

Lola Grant’s trouble-laden musical career and life summed up for your delight.


Go buy this book if you are up for some non-stop musical fun and trouble—lots of it!

First of all, there’s a great storyline. Matt Cain weaves a story that’s the exact portrait of the entertainment industry laden with sex, drugs and bad guys or just bad back-up singers. You’d love Lola’s story, because just like you’ve wondered why men love bitches, you’ve also probably wondered why you ladies love bad guys. Matt Cain infuses the story of a past drunkard and his gay partner into the mix. He also throws in a revengeful back-up singer who would do anything to stop her moronic swaying and the random ‘Ooh’s and ‘Aah’s in between her lead singer’s songs to ruin her career. Fab storyline.── ★

An entertaining multiple character read. Lola’s perfectly portrayed to be that laidback star with charm who greets everyone with darlin’ and a peck on each cheek. You’d love her for being relatable and not going into the usual eyeroll anorexic phase most celebs are into these days. She eats anything. Just as well as she drinks anything . You’d hate her for being stupid at times committing the same mistakes with her love life over and over again. She’s just your regular pop star who cannot stay out of trouble and stumbling out of clubs wasted. A star to her.── ★★

The other characters are amazing. There’s Harvey, the gay manager who’s always around to save the day. There’s Gloria, the revengeful back-up singer I so much loved, because who doesn’t a girl made as the bad guy. There’s Spike, Harvey’s Nigerian descent boyfriend who also cannot stay out of trouble himself. There’s Freddy Jones, the reporter Lola has an eye for. There’s Jake Hunter, the drummer with a bad boy reputation Lola cannot resist. A star to all these characters and more I can’t mention.── ★★★

The suspense in this book is good. Towards the last hundred pages, you’d be practically at the edge of your seat wishing the author would just put you out of your dilemma. A star.── ★★★★

My rating is a four-point-five star (4.5/5 stars).

I recommend this book for anyone who wants to read fiction based in the music industry. Anyone who needs a title with multiple characters who deliver should pick this. If you are up for a summer filled with lots of trouble and fame go get this book. And if you want something suspenseful, this book is a right pick. This book is very Jackie-Collins, so if you love her too, Matt Cain should be up on your shelf with her.
Profile Image for Holly.
105 reviews136 followers
July 17, 2015
Originally reviewed for Bookaholic Confessions

In Matt Cain’s sparkling page-turner of a novel we are given a gloriously juicy insight into the behind-the-scenes workings of the music business.
We meet hugely successful pop star Lola Grant who is preparing to embark on a massive tour. Lola is working hard trying to promote her latest album and things seem to be going well…however like many famous music stars she has an addiction. However, it’s not drugs, alcohol or spending money that is Lola’s downfall…its bad boys.
As if by perfect coincidence Lola then meets Jake, her new drummer and the stereotypical bad boy. Can Lola resist or will she end up risking more than just her career?
We also get to meet Lola’s manager/best friend Harvey and showbiz reporter Freddy along the way who both have stories of their own to tell.
The phrase Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll has never been more apt..

Nothing But Trouble is the ULTIMATE rollercoaster of a novel, with twists, turns, secrets and juicy revelations a-plenty and I simply could not get enough of this story.

Things start off gently and ease you into proceedings nicely, but it’s not long before you’ll completely lose yourself in this novel. It’s no exaggeration to say that there literally is NEVER a dull moment. The thing that I loved most is how you’ve got so many things going on within the storyline. As well as Lola’s pop star fame and fortune and all the fun that comes with that, you have the aherm, shall we say ‘escapades’ of Jake’s, there’s Harvey and his desperate attempt to keep Lola out of trouble, there’s Freddy who is meant to ‘dish the dirt’ on Lola being a showbiz reporter – the only trouble is he actually likes her. A lot. Then you factor in Lola’s past – she has not always led the glittering life that she leads today and has had a difficult upbringing. I found her to be such a complex character and she was fascinating to read about. It’s clear that the events of her past have shaped her into the person she is now and I completely loved her. In fact, I loved all the characters in their own way (maybe apart from Jake…) Matt managed to make them both completely outrageous, flawed and still quite believable at the same time.
The plot line was strong, unpredictable and full of excitement. It made me laugh, cringe, and gasp in horror – in other words it was perfect. Any novel that can evoke such strong reactions from a reader is a winner in my eyes and I loved every scandalous page.

Matt’s writing is just fabulous. The way in which he weaves everyone’s stories together is done with ease and he has such a fun style of writing. It’ll make you giggle and possibly snort at the same time. I love how he portrays the life of a star – simply putting across the message that it’s all well and good being famous but it usually comes at a price.

If you read and enjoyed Matt’s debut novel, Shot Through the Heart then you must read Nothing But Trouble, because put quite simply – it’s more of the same. (And believe me this is a VERY, VERY good thing. Shot Through the Heart was amazing!)

Nothing But Trouble is scandalous, glamorous and an absolute must-read for summer 2015.

Profile Image for Book Addict Shaun.
937 reviews316 followers
July 29, 2015
Nothing But Trouble is Matt Cain's second novel. His first, Shot Through the Heart has been on my radar for a while but sadly I've never found the time to read it. I'll be hoping to in the near future however as I loved Nothing But Trouble.

Lola Grant is described as the hottest pop star in Britain and she's about to go global. The opening to Nothing But Trouble is so fabulously OTT it should be silly but I loved it (and that's what books like this are all about). Lola finds herself in a situation (only drunk on live TV making some shocking and embarrassing confessions) that would damage the career of most other pop stars. Lola is a very easy character to like because she's so normal and down to Earth in the beginning. Somebody who is just like the rest of us, seeking reassurance and love and somebody who just wants to be happy. Despite the fact she's a famous pop star she is still at times a relateable character.

On the other side of the camera for this confession is Freddy Jones, a showbiz reporter that lacks the bloodthirstiness of his competitive colleagues and somebody that needs that story that could catapult his career. He's not too sure whether he wants that to be Lola however as he could see himself developing feelings for her. Again Freddy is a believable and accessible character, and I actually saw bits of my own personality in his at times throughout this story.

Lola's best friend is her manager Harvey Sparks. He also catches the eye of somebody from the news team, Spike. A man a little younger than him but so very alike that they are perfect for each other. Harvey and Spike were two of my favourite characters in the story, in the beginning so reluctant to share too much about themselves with each other but the reader could see how similar both their lives had been. Their journey from the beginning to the end of the story was brilliant.

Like most pop stars trouble is always just around the corner and whilst I can't talk too much about the story that comes in the form of drummer Jake Hunter who in the beginning was such a cliche of what a straight man sleeping around should be that it was hilarious. Lola's self-control is pushed to the limit when she meets the infuriating Jake. Meanwhile it seems that not everybody is happy about Lola's new found success and that somebody is plotting revenge in the background. Is Lola about to lose everything she has fought for - in full view of the whole world? I do love stories of revenge and couldn't wait to see how everything would play out in this novel.

It is clear when reading Nothing But Trouble just how much fun Matt had writing it, and that always makes a book so much more enjoyable to me. He also uses his own experiences to add authenticity and give a real and believable insight into the music world. Nothing But Trouble is a brilliant summer read that delivers on everything it promises. It was one of my most anticipated July books and it didn't disappoint. I highly recommend the book for fans of Victoria Fox, Nigel May and Rebecca Chance. I'll be hoping to read Shot Through the Heart really soon.
Profile Image for Alba.
510 reviews103 followers
July 14, 2015
Originally posted on: http://www.albainbookland.com/2015/07...

Have you ever wondered what goes behind the scenes in the glamorous music world? If so, this is the book for you. Lola Grant is about to become a major star and is promoting her album non-stop around Europe before she starts her mega tour that will catapult her where she never dreamed, among the BIG stars. But her wild partying and her weakness for bad boys could jeopardize it all. As we follow her through her adventure, we soon discover what a complex character she is. Coming from a broken home, she is not your average pop star. She is always honest, says what she thinks and is full of insecurities. Which makes you root for her since the beginning.

But the story is not all about Lola, she always has people around her who try to make everything run smoothly for her, like her manager Harvey. He has his own story to tell and is probably my favourite character from the book, together with Freddy, the journalist who is supposed to expose Lola whenever he can but has a soft spot for her. I really loved reading about them and couldn't help cheering them. But not all of the characters surrounding Lola are there to support her, between her entourage, we soon discover the rivalry and jealousy also play main roles in the story and more than one would like to see Lola fall. And are ready to make everything in their hands to achieve it.

With the wide range of characters that Matt Cain presents in Nothing But Trouble, you certainly will find someone to love but also someone to hate. For me, it was Lola's new drummer, he was one of those characters you love hating, the ultimate womanizer, his tales about his latest conquests made my blood boil.

Apparently the saying Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll totally applies to Lola's world. And it makes for a very entertaining, sexy and sassy story. Perfect to enjoy during a summer holiday, you'll wish you were part of her world too, at least for a couple of days because I wouldn't recommend this level of craziness for too long. Only the ferocious and great Lola can handle it!
Profile Image for Vicky-Leigh Sayer.
530 reviews16 followers
July 22, 2015
As a book blogger, I love nothing better than to read a book out of my usual 'comfort' zone and absolutely love it! Nothing But Trouble by Matt Cain completely blew me away. It has strong characters, a brilliant and thrilling plot, and a strong message about drugs and alcohol abuse to boot.

Lola Grant is Britain's hottest pop star with her sights on the U.S. Everyone surrounding her is constantly telling her how fabulous she is, but with the troubled upbringing she had, Lola has a hard time believing in herself.

At the launch party for her spectacular second album Lola meets Freddy Jones. Although Freddy is a showbiz reporter, he is a good guy, and he clearly adores Lola, and doesn't have a bad word to say about her - which doesn't do him any favours with his boss who wants him to dish the dirt on Lola!

I am a little bit (okay, quite a lot) in love with Freddy Jones. Not only is he Welsh (although this is obviously a bonus), he is such a caring, dependable, thoroughly lovely bloke that you actually wish he was real.

Harvey, Lola's manager trusts Freddy Jones, at least more than he would most journalists... He thinks that Lola and Freddy would make the ultimate showbiz couple, but when the rehearsals start for Lola's forthcoming tour, the arrival of her new drummer, Jake, puts a stop to any plans he had for Lola.

Although Lola's single would suggest that she has given up 'Tramps' (men who sleep around) when she sets eyes on Jake, her common sense goes out of the window, the moment she starts to think he might be different, is the moment she pushes the self destruct button.

Harvey and the rest of Lola's entourage are split between encouraging Lola to 'go for' Jake, and advising her to steer well clear. As the start of the tour draws near, it is clear that Lola is in danger of losing everything she has worked so hard for. Can anyone bring her back from the brink? Or is it all over before it really got started?
Profile Image for Lisa Bentley.
1,340 reviews22 followers
August 11, 2015
Like most people, I read for escapism and I can promise you now there is no better novel that acts as a life retreat than Matt Cain’s Nothing But Trouble.

Nothing But Trouble is about singer Lola Grant. Destined for superstardom, Lola Grant is set to take the world by storm; number one single, number one album, upcoming European tour booked and the potential for an American tour. But she is her own worst enemy. She lives a life of decadence, sex and booze being her biggest weakness. Can she hold it altogether before self destruction takes over?

With all the sass and charm that Lola Grant has, you can’t help but picture her as a mixture of Amy Winehouse meets Adele character; she has the loud mouth of Adele with the tragic self destruction button of Amy. You cannot help but love her and even though you know she is going to do silly things, you scream at the book to try and change what has been written. Yep it gets you that involved.

What I loved about Nothing But Trouble is that it revealed the inside story of an existence that many of us will never see or experience ourselves. The world of music and television collide in Nothing But Trouble, along with storylines of sexual promiscuity, drugs and revenge; Nothing But Trouble is almost hedonistic in the lifestyles that it portrays.

Nothing But Trouble by Matt Cain is available now.

Follow Matt Cain (@MattCainWriter) on Twitter.
Profile Image for Nicola Head.
2 reviews
August 18, 2015
I really enjoyed this book , which would be an ideal holiday read ( unfortunately I wasn't at the time ! ) . It made a complete change from my usual crime / thriller type of read , and what I enjoyed most was the insight the reader is given into various different relationships ( romantic , platonic , professional & familial ) in which the main character , Lola , is involved . The characters are very believable & human . I do agree with a previous reviewer that Lola's indecision & flitting between Freddy & Jake was a bit annoying as it was so obvious to the reader where she would be better off , but ( myself excepted ) some women can't resist a bad boy , I suppose ! The relationship with her manager Harvey ( and between Harvey and his boyfriend Spike ) was much easier to warm to . I did find myself wanting the central characters to find happiness . There was quite a lot of tension as the story built to its climax , and this took me a little by surprise . All in all a very enjoyable read .
Profile Image for Nikki Price.
6 reviews
September 21, 2015
I received a copy of this book through the Goodreads competition. I have never heard of Matt Cain so probably not a book i would have picked up ordinarily, but let me tell you, this book is amazing. Im not very good at reviews and dont want to give any of the plot away but the writing kept me excited to the very end, will she wont she, will it all go wrong, will it be a happy ending. This is the sort of book that i would recommend to anyone. I am now going to find "Shot Through The Heart" by Matt Cain. As i said i won this book through Goodreads and, if the author happens to be reading this, i would like to say a big thank you for writing this in the first place, but the personal autographed copy and the little note inside when it came. I give the book 10/10 xxx
Profile Image for Bev Dulson.
Author 12 books12 followers
August 18, 2015
Loved this, a blatantly brill book. I love anything that is based around the rich and famous and the shenanigans they get up to.

Lola Grant has it all... or does she? She's never been in love and moves from one bloke to the next with disastrous results (but does give her inspiration for her hit songs).

When she meets journalist Freddy, who might actually be the one, will her destructive streak get in the way and ruin her chance of true love?

Added to that someone who is plotting revenge then you have the perfect summer read. Great characters in this book as well as some fantastic names.

Can't wait for the next one!!
Profile Image for Charlie Cavill.
21 reviews2 followers
August 23, 2015
Bubblegum summer fun, page turner with a decent plot. I found some of the main characters over use of certain words a little off putting 'blatantly and Blud' didn't help give they characters a voice just sounded a bit odd.
Profile Image for Chrys.
1,122 reviews11 followers
July 19, 2015
Not as entertaining as I'd hoped. Really shallow and self absorbed characters, a dull plot line and some horrible use of vernacular.
Profile Image for David Ridgeway.
11 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2015
I found some of the charector names a bit funny but I honestly loved it...definately my kind of story and would love to read more books by Matt Cain.x
Profile Image for Amanda.
382 reviews174 followers
July 19, 2015
Nothing But Trouble
Matt Cain
Published as a paperback original by Pan on 16th July 2015
The music business is laid bare in Matt Cain’s stunning second novel. Glamour, intrigue and seething rivalry.
Some stars fall fast. Others fall hard . . . Lola Grant is the hottest pop star in Britain and she’s about to go global. But behind the music, her addiction to bad boys is taking her personal life in a dangerous direction. When it comes to men, Lola just can’t stay away from trouble – and her self-control is pushed to the limit when she meets her handsome new drummer Jake Hunter.
Looking out for Lola is her best friend and manager Harvey Sparks. But Harvey’s fighting his own demons and can only watch from the sidelines as the star he helped create begins to fall. When Lola seeks comfort in a life of wild partying, she meets good-hearted showbiz reporter Freddy Jones, a man who may just be able to offer her a way out.
But as she starts rehearsals for her Trouble tour, Lola finds herself faced with a new threat, one much bigger than anything she’s ever experienced. And unless someone can get through to her before opening night, she’s in danger of losing everything she fought so hard for – in full view of the whole world.
This is the first book by Matt I have read and I did enjoy it another new author on my list to look out for .This is his second novel a great summer read to add to your list of book
It all about love ,lust , friendships and revenge all that making it a very fun sex read it does become a page turner it will grip you as soon as you start to read
I found it a great insight to behind the music business scene I love all the twist and turns lots of secret also come to light making it very interesting to read you will be so involved in the plot
All the characters were fabulous some very over the top but i love that side to them just what you think a pop star may be but they will become your friends they seem so real to me you can tell Matt enjoyed writing about them you can feel has passion for them all
It will make you see to that life as a pop star may not be as glamorous as you think it is
I enjoyed the way Matt weaves all the plot together so well making it a very fun sex interesting read I had got to see what was happening next .It will make you laugh smile and you make want to shout at them all at times I did I was caught up with all the life’s
I will say I did find the started a bit slow in places but helps with the story it help you to understand the fun characters
You will love this book it so good it brilliantly wrote very easy to read a good storyline
A must read book
4 dolls I like to thank Lucie Cuthbertson-Twiggs for letting me be on this fab tour
Praise for Matt Cain
3 reviews
September 14, 2015
From the very beginning of the novel we are thrown in to pop star Lola Grant's exciting world of fame, press and excess. However Lola doesn't make things easy for herself personally or professionally, during her rise to the top of the charts. This is due to her attraction to 'bad boys'(such as her new sexy American drummer Jake) and her self destructive streak, which leads to a dramatic climax towards the end of the novel. During her most self-destructive period Lola can be completely unreasonable and almost unlikeable at times. However we soon learn about her past and her character is so well rounded that it is easy to understand where her self-esteem issues came from and I ended up rooting for her to turn her life around.

Lola isn't the only well rounded character in the novel as there are some fantastic sub-plots: Lola's long term best friend and manager Harvey (who has battled and overcome his own demons) starts dating sweet, younger TV producer Spike.
Gloria is a single mum, a failed pop star and now sings backing vocals for Lola, which she is far from happy about.
We also follow American drummer Jake as he sleeps his way around the majority of the female members of Lola's entourage and crew!
Freddie is a lovely, kind Welsh TV entertainment reporter who has a soft spot for Lola. Would someone like her, date someone like him?
Karen Grant, Lola's mum is finally trying to stay sober once and for all but will she ever be able to salvage a relationship with her daughter?

I really liked the way that Matt Cain includes short glimpses of the different characters' thoughts in italics throughout the novel, so that it is possible to see their different points of view. We also learn about Spike's, Gloria's and particularly Harvey's pasts and how they impact upon the people they are now. This lead to me being invested and interested in every one of their storylines. I think that every character is either likeable or easy to empathise with, perhaps with the exception of Jake.

I was entertained and excited to read on throughout the novel however the last part of the book was the most enthralling and I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen in the end. I loved how the ending tied up the storylines and it left me feeling happy and pleased for most of the characters.

I really enjoyed 'Nothing But Trouble' and will definitely be buying Matt Cain's other book 'Shot Through The Heart' as soon as possible.
1 review
July 17, 2015
I absolutely adored this book. I read it cover to cover at breakneck speed because I couldn't stop. I told myself I should take it slower because I knew how sad i'd be when it was over, but I just had to finish it!

I don't think I've ever had so much fun reading a book - you get rewarded regularly in the form of astonished gasps, giggles, guffawing-- all these responses are perfectly balanced with moments of true emotion.

The protagonist is a popstar called Lola - we meet her just as she is verging on super stardom and world domination. She is somewhat troubled (aren't we all) and we get to join her mid-journey as she goes to fight her demons. You become part of her inner circle and you see the way that fame and exposure interact (mess!) with relationships, friendships and how you make choices and go about your day to day life. How can you make decisions when you are surrounded by temptation? I couldn't believe how much i was rooting for Lola and how much i loved getting to know the characters around her; Her manager Harvey is a brilliantly layered character you really do care for him as you adventure around the world on a whirlwind of showbiz parties, stadium gigs, private cars and TV studios.

The brilliant thing about the writing is that you get to see a 360 look into the lives of the characters. Using various first person accounts you get to build the story yourself, a story built from witty blocks provided by the author. You can tell he really knows the material and can perfectly blend smutty jokes with high emotion, all tied up with just a little bit of extra je-ne-sais-quois.

In 2015, we are surrounded by stories of celebrities on social media, in papers, magazines, TV, everything and this book gives you a genuine peak behind the scenes. It's clear from the offset that the author is going to share something really special with you. And boy, does he deliver.

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483 reviews28 followers
June 30, 2015
ARC provided for an honest review :))

Review to come

It was my 1rst book by Matt Cain :)) and I enjoyed reading it. Matt Cain's writting is good.

This book is good, funny with a little bit of drama... Welcome to the star system... Jalousy, Drugs, Sex & Music!

1 review
August 19, 2015
Pop Star glamour rocks! Really fun and sexy read as we hurtle along with pop star Lola's meteoric rise to superstardom.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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