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Sanctuary Bay

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When Sarah Merson receives the opportunity of a lifetime to attend the most elite prep school in the country-Sanctuary Bay Academy-it seems almost too good to be true. But, after years of bouncing from foster home to foster home, escaping to its tranquil setting, nestled deep in Swans Island, couldn't sound more appealing. Swiftly thrown into a world of privilege and secrets, Sarah quickly realizes finding herself noticed by class charmer, Nate, as well as her roommate's dangerously attentive boyfriend, Ethan, are the least of her worries. When her roommate suddenly goes missing, she finds herself in a race against time, not only to find her, but to save herself and discover the dark truth behind Sanctuary Bay's glossy reputation.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published January 19, 2016

About the author

Laura J. Burns

36 books262 followers
Laura J. Burns has written more than thirty books for kids and teens, touching on topics from imaginary lake monsters to out-of-control Hollywood starlets. (Those two things have more in common than you'd think.)

With Melinda Metz, she has also written for the TV shows ROSWELL, 1-800-MISSING, and THE DEAD ZONE. Their next book is THE LOST MAP OF CHAOS, coming in 2018!

Laura lives in New York with her husband, her kids, and her exceptionally silly dogs.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 231 reviews
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
January 19, 2018
I would like to thank Netgalley for the pleasure of receiving a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

This book was completely different than I was expecting, but that ended up meaning it was better than expected. It's been awhile since I have read a YA novel that impressed me this much. It seems much of everything these days are dumbed down teenagers and supernatural creatures (I enjoy a good supernatural read but appreciate variety as well), but this was a well-written, enticing plot that I now realize is slated to be a series (I've heard possibly a trilogy???). The good news is the ending of this book was perfect-more on that later.

Sarah Merson is a foster child who witnessed her parents' murder when she was a very young child. After bouncing around multiple homes, she has mysteriously been recruited to attend school at the Sanctuary Bay Academy. This school is one of the top in the world; everyone who attends becomes someone influential and powerful upon graduation. Think of it as an elite prep academy for our future politicians, movie stars, big wig CEOs, etc. Sarah has a gifted knowledge in chemistry and has hit their radar; she also has a secret ability. Are they interested in that too?

I'm not sure I want to disclose anything else of the plot as it is riddled with spoilers. The less you know going into this book the better. It is a true mystery/thriller with twists and turns galore. There is a bit of your typical teenage romance and love triangle, but it isn't enough to take away from the overall plot; it just added another dimension to it. I was impressed at how well developed the characters became. The first few chapters took me a minute to get into and some of the dialogue between the students was a little cheesy, but I was completely sucked in and felt drawn to learn more about Sarah's story.

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT ENDING??!!! I'm not going to spoil it, but I'll say I was impressed with the ending. The authors seemed to find the perfect balance of leaving me sure I would read the next book but answering all the big questions I needed now. I hate nothing more than reading a book that leaves you hanging in the worst ways so that by the time the next comes out you have forgotten and don't care anymore. This was not the case for me. There was closure for the main plot and mystery of this story, but left some of Sarah's backstory open and ready for the next stage of the big picture.

If you enjoy YA novels or mystery/suspense, I would HIGHLY recommend this one. Even if you don't typically like YA, this one might be for you. I am eagerly awaiting more from this duo.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,895 reviews1,374 followers
January 11, 2016
(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley.)

This book was weird, and confusing.

So this girl Sarah gets a scholarship to a fancy school on an island – Sanctuary Bay, even though she never applied. So off she goes, and when she gets there, strange things start happening. Her roommates run off in the middle of the night to do who knows what, and Sarah has no idea what is going on.

Meanwhile we learn that Sarah has a photographic memory, and that her parents were murdered in front of her when she was really young. Then things got really weird, and really confusing, and even when what was going on was revealed, I didn’t really feel any the wiser for it.

6 out of 10
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
September 28, 2015

You know I was thinking this book was going to be about a school for gifted kids.... but I sure was wrong... nope... nope... nope!

The book starts when Sarah is a little girl and she watches her mom get shot and hears her dad get shot..move forward to the future..in and out of foster homes, when suddenly Sarah gets a scholarship to this awesome school on an island. Remote.. no contact with the outside world, the kids don't anyway and kids that come out of this school have great careers for themselves. Sarah has no idea how they got her name and she's afraid it's all a mistake, but it's not.

Sarah meets some really awesome friends when she gets there. She lives with Karina and Izzy who are both great to her. Most of the kids there are great to her accept Ethan, he's a little full of himself.

Sarah is so happy to have friends, real friends for once in her life. She even gets into one of the secret groups on the campus. Then...... all of the fun begins!

There are some secret caves underneath the campus that have cells in them. Who was in those cells? What's the writing on the wall?

It turns out that Sarah and Ethan become friends and find out some really freaked out stuff about this place. Oh, how I wish I could give some spoilers :) I feel like the author did a really good job with this book, I started to think.. God, this could be going on somewhere. Well, you know it's true!!

The book ends with the idea of a continuation and I certainly hope there is a sequel because I need for Sarah to bring this cluster to an end!

*I would like to thank NETGALLEY and mostly to ST. MARTIN'S PRESS for sending me a copy of this book based on my reading material in the past, in exchange for my honest review.*

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Profile Image for Donita.
198 reviews51 followers
January 22, 2016
Oh, wow. I just realized that this is my first 5 star rating this year. Well, not that I've already read a lot of books this year but still.. I just know that this book will remain, I want to say forever, but let's be a little bit realistic here, lol but this book will remain to me for a long long long time. The first page alone grabs my attention and managed to hold it tightly refusing to break hold. That got to mean something.

When I started reading this book, I was so sure I would give this a 4 star rating. This book still contains a cliche that I usually encounter in my paranormal read and some underdeveloped ideas and story along the way. However, halfway through it, when the ridiculous and unpredictable plot without unnecessary romance kept me at the edge of my sit, I thought, screw this shit Imma give this sonavabitch a 5 star.
"Compared to them, hell, compared to pretty much anything, Sanctuary Bay was a paradise, no matter what lay hidden underneath it."
Sarah, an orphan who pretty much lived her whole life bouncing from different foster home, suddenly and mysteriously received a scholarship from Sanctuary Bay Academy- an Elite Prep school in the middle of a nowhere island. Suspicious, should've been Sarah's first reaction, after all no once could've recommended her. She didn't even try applying there- not even in her dreams, but awe and confusion was all she felt.
"Sarah remained quiet. She didn't think her first thought, 'That's what we call a first-world problem, bitch,' was quite the right way to go about making friends."
Reading Sanctuary Bay was such a breathe of fresh air. First, our perfectly flawed MC was transferred on a elite school, now that may sound a little unoriginal, but what I enjoyed here was that for the first time I read a book where people rich people were not being unreasonably bitchy to the new poor black kid in school, instead everyone was nice, and everyone was relatable. In fact, Sarah was the one being a bitch, and you really can't blame her when she grew up without a single friend around.

The relationship between the girls are so easy to relate to. Sarah doesn't whine like a bitch when her "new friends" decided not to let Sarah join to whatever they are doing in the middle of the night. She doesn't mind, because she knows how to mind her own business. She's also strong and doesn't got sway with pretty boys. Plus the love interest was someone you'd definitely root for. Ethan has a hint bad-guy reputation without being an obnoxious person. Anyway, there wasn't much a romance in the book, but it's there. A slight touch that made the book so much more interesting!

I thought I knew what this book was about when I was 40% of the way in, but this shit surprise and scare the hell out of me the more I flip on the next page. Sanctuary Bay will give you a plot with a very refreshing start-to-disturbing-to-mysterious-horrifying-to-compelling-to..


I would love to tell you more about this book, to persuade you to pick this book up and read it and fangirl with me, but I really rather not, because this is the kind of book people will definitely enjoy when you go in it blind.

Over all I believe that Sanctuary Bay is one of the best YA-thriller mystery I read so far, not that I've read a lot, but I wouldn't mind reading more from this genre when everything I'd read would be this fucking good.

Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
January 28, 2016
This book was like an old couch that is well worn and used. One that you have to sit in for awhile, wiggle down and find that just perfect position before you truly can relax and feel at home in it.

In other words, it took me awhile to warm up to Sarah and the story it's self, but once I did, I was hooked and in for the long hall.

This story is a hard one to describe. It has some familiar tropes but some new and interesting ones as well, all combined to create a unique story that will leave you anxious to know the outcome and eager to turn the pages.

It took me no time at all to start guessing and jumping to conclusions, only to have those thoughts and guesses stomped on and my having to start over again. This book was so strange in its uniqueness and so much fun to guess and speculate at. Before I knew it I had gobbled it all up and was sad that it was over. I can't find any info about this being a series but I'm really hoping it is because I think it would be so much fun to go back and explore everything once again and to learn more.

*ARC copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Giselle.
131 reviews48 followers
December 19, 2015
I've been invited by the publisher at St. Martin's Press to review this title. I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley. This has in no way affected my review.

The book follows a girl, Sarah Merson , who receives an opportunity to enter one of the most prestigious and enigmatical school in the country called Sanctuary Bay. Although the Sanctuary Bay is number 1 when it comes to academic prestige, the elite school is located in Swans Island with no contact with the outside world; a premise I find very intriguing. It is indeed the most isolated yet the most renowned school in the country. Sarah Merson is one of the luckiest girls who's given a scholarship.

Sarah Merson, albeit her once in a lifetime big win, experienced a very painful childhood. Although she was able to escape the harrowing death of her parents, she was often afraid she could barely escape her nightmares, witnessing both of her parents died became a traumatic event for her. The end result would be her, transferring from different foster homes with no real friends and family. When emotional wounds occur in childhood, it affects one's adult life in measurable ways. The same thing happened to Sarah, she relives the past through the intrusive, recurrent recollections, nightmares and flashbacks. The traumatic event in her life was replayed in a very detailed manner; familiar stressor, no matter how admissible, also trigger her previous traumatic memory. She took refuge in Sanctuary Bay school where she could a life of her own devoid of criticisms. She found solace in the company of her roommates, Karina and Izzy, whom she treated as real friends.

The authors did a really good job in introducing the characters as smart, popular and affluent. Each of them has its own story to tell. But behind the facade of perfection, something dark and depressing lurk inside.

The only thing that I didn't like in the story was when Sarah became excessively self-absorbed over the tragedy that happens in her life. She didn't even display some competence to cope with it. She always seen acting like the victim of unfortunate circumstances when in fact, other students in Sanctuary Bay, regardless of having a great deal of money or how well they were provided for, also experiences some difficulties in their life. But she was so blinded by her own misery; so immobilized by her own loss. That being said, I really enjoyed the conversations/argument between Sarah and Ethan.

As for the rest of the story, the authors were able to handle the plot twists remarkably well. The entire plot was very convincing. I was up all night reading this book because I couldn't put it down!


The writing style from start to finish has been very engaging. Although the book started off quite slow, as soon as you finish reading it halfway through, you wouldn't be able to put it down. You will just find yourself flying through the rest of the pages. I liked how the author ended the story. It was so insane and with that kind of story, I think the book demands a sequel. The authors have a lot of twists and turns to offer in each chapter.

Here are some of the questions wrapped in mystery:

1. Why is the school isolated from the outside world?
2. What is the meaning of the writings on the wall? BROMCYAN?
3. Is her academic performance the only reason why she receives the opportunity to enter the elite school?
4. What is the real story behind Sanctuary Bay?
5. Why does some social groups/organization done in a clandestine manner?
6. What happen to her missing roomate?
7. What are the reasons behind her parents death?
8. How did this painful event in the past affect her future?
9. What makes Sarah Merson different?
10. Why does Ethan want to escape from Sanctuary Bay, like a sheep who would madly flee from a pack of wolves? Is it because of his own sense of freedom? Is it because of the esoterism of Sanctuary Bay? Or because of some riddle shrouded in secrecy?

In this new YA thiller, everything is just so twisted you can't trust anyone. Highly recommended for those who like YA Thriller/Mystery.

*Book Cover: 3/5 (Although I don't have any issues with the book cover, I would have liked it even more if the cover features the Sanctuary Bay School isolated in an island! I think that would be very creepy.)
*Plot: 4/5
*Characters: 4/5
*Writing Style: 4/5
*Ending: 5/5
*Originality: 5/5

Thank you Jordan Hanley of St. Martin's Press for sending me a copy!

Same review will be posted on my blog one month prior to publication:
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,439 reviews1,642 followers
January 10, 2016
Sarah Merson has grown up in the foster care system having been placed there after seeing her parents brutally murdered when she was three years old. Sarah has relived that nightmare over and over throughout her life because she has the ability to remember events exactly as they happened and never forgets any detail.

When Sarah receives a scholarship and invitation to join an elite private school located on Swans Island known as Sanctuary Bay Academy she thinks it will be her ticket to a better life. Sanctuary Bay Academy is an all inclusive school and cut off from the mainland. The students are not to have contact with their families until they graduate but for Sarah that is not a problem since she really didn't have a family to leave behind. Things are not what they seem at the academy though, just when Sarah thinks she's making friends and fitting into her new life something happens to her roommate and friend Karina.

Sanctuary Bay for me was one of those books that I wasn't sure what to expect when I started off reading and quite honestly I think that was why it grabbed me the way it did. The synopsis doesn't really tell much of what you are going to find in this book but the less you know the better in this case so I won't go into much detail as to the events so as not to spoil the story for anyone. I just felt it was I one of those books that will grab a reader and hang on for a wild and exciting ride until the end.

Everything in the story was very well written to build up the excitement as you go on. Sarah started off as what I would think was going to be someone who would annoy me and wouldn't like as she was focused on race and status being that she is mixed and comes from a poor background. But I found that I could completely understand her as the story went on and sympathize with what she had gone through and it made her into the strong character that she needed to be to make the story work.

There was a bit of a love triangle but it quickly fizzles out and the action in the story takes over any bit of a love relationship angle which was a good thing. It seemed we were going to be led into the normal teenage high school drama angles but I was completely wrong and couldn't have been more pleased.

Overall, a great new YA thriller with an intriguing plot. A bit of a up in the air ending that could lead to a sequel and if so I'd be right there picking up the next book in the series.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.wordpress....

Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,592 reviews1,058 followers
October 31, 2015
**4.5 stars**

Sanctuary Bay defied my expectations. In the best way possible. A really clever novel that starts off as one thing, morphs into something else then by the end has you hook line and sinker – never have I been happier to discover that this is an expected trilogy. A really great read.

Sarah Merson arrives at Sanctuary Bay Academy, determined to make a fresh start, but still with a bit of a chip on her shoulder with regards to her past versus the past of the over privileged that seem to dominate in this new environment. She is a really well drawn and absorbing character with an odd little twist – this alone means that you are immediately involved and intrigued by her story. Characters really are key in the first portion of the tale – she makes friends, an eclectic and equally well drawn supporting cast and the setting of the tale is beautifully imagined, an immersive read that will engage you well before any real dramatics.

And dramatics there are – Sanctuary Bay hides a dark and unexpected secret – one that Sarah will need to uncover if she is to survive this experience. Throughout the narrative the authors keep things fresh and mess with perceptions frequently so you are never quite sure what is going on until the reveals – which come in some genuinely edge of the seat moments that were utterly gripping.

Sanctuary Bay is a gorgeous mix of teen drama and, well, you’ll have to wait and see – but by the end of this I was fascinated by the background and the whole thing has an authentic ambience which makes you completely believe that anything is possible.

Great writing, great story, something a little bit different and I really am looking forward to seeing what happens next. Honestly. One of those times where my chronic impatience kicked in hard as I read the final pages…for that reason alone it would be highly recommended but on the basis of a little touch of storytelling genius, I’ll say highly HIGHLY recommended.

Happy Reading Folks!
Profile Image for Mary Books and Cookies.
624 reviews407 followers
January 11, 2016
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for providing this ARC.

Well this was a wild ride from start to finish. I read the whole book in a couple of days, with the second half in one sitting because I. Just. Had. To. Know. What. The. Deal. Was.You don’t understand, it got SO intense at a point that I was flying through the pages. And that makes it an amazing book for me, because that’s what I’m looking for: total immersion in a book universe. And Sanctuary Bay delivered.

It tells the story of Sarah, an orphan girl offered a mysterious scholarship to the Sanctuary Bay Academy, a remote high school, situated on an island, that offers a totally immersive experience - the students never go home during the 4 years of high school, nor do they have any contact with the world outside the Academy, but which also boasts alumni in all fields, from world leaders, to top scientist and CEOs of major global corporations. Sarah’s parents were murdered when she was very young, and she remembers everything that happens, due to the fact that she has an eidetic memory and a condition that allows her to relive past memories very vividly and with a high amount of detail. She arrives to the Academy and notices that some strange things are going on. Pocking around, she’s thrust into the middle of a conspiracy bigger than she thought.

I’d go into more detail, but it’s very difficult to do that without giving away major plot points. What I can tell you is that it’s a very well constructed book, which will keep you hooked until the end. It’s a bit slow in the beginning, because it takes a bit of time for the writers to set up the events, but once it gets going, it gets going. It’s fast paced, entertaining, and it just kept me guessing all the way. And once I got to the end and found out, I was left satisfied. It made sense. It delivered. And this is something that was amazing, for me at least, because I’ve read books that had a lot at stake with the final plot twist/reveal, and I was left unsatisfied.

Sarah is a likable enough main character. There are instances where I wasn’t that content with her, but I think that she’s more relatable that way. As an orphan, going through heaps of foster homes, she’s very reluctant to trust, she’s had a tough upbringing and she gets very defensive about that, especially when she’s thrown into a community of kids who haven’t had to struggle for anything in their lives and who have led seemingly flawless lives. She’s always had no one else to rely upon but herself. But along the way, she makes friends and she’s happy for the first time in forever, at least until the darkness that lurks under the Academy starts creeping up to light. I loved the diversity of the characters - not just diverse personalities, but racial diversity as well (Sarah herself is biracial).

There were some things that irked me - the reveal was delivered in the style of “the villain telling the hero everything before pulling some stunt” and I was left wanting more in the end, but that’s something that will hopefully be explored in the coming books - from what I understand, this will be a trilogy (there’s definitely enough setup for at least another book). All in all, it was a fun, entertaining and fast paced read, that I definitely recommend to fans of YA mystery/suspense.


To everyone who got this far, thank you for reading and have a wonderful day! Also, feel free to share your thoughts, comment or tell me anything :)
Profile Image for Gaby (lookingatbooks).
438 reviews491 followers
January 9, 2016
Sanctuary Bay by Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Plot: Sarah is a foster kid, living home to home is the norm in her life. So when she receives a letter for a full scholarship to Sanctuary Bay, an elite prep school on a reclusive island, she agrees. Sarah can finally be free of the foster care system. But Sanctuary Bay is a different kind of school. With total immersion for studying, once you arrive you don't leave till graduation. It sounds perfect up until she's pulled into a secret society, but that's only the beginning. Suddenly weird things starts happening.
When the WolfPack decides to pick a human sacrifice, Karina goes missing. Leaving Sarah and Ethan left to look for her when everybody suddenly forgets Karina even existed.

Since I'm a picky reader I tend to take anything I want to read and background check it. Read reviews, ask my friends, ect. But this book was a complete blank, when I read it, there was very little reviews, so I took a chance. After all it was one of Netgalley's most requested books. What could go wrong?

Apparently everything can go wrong. This book was beyond dark. There were scenes where I wondered why I was even reading it. I felt as if I had traveled into the twilight zone, this did not match up to the book's description. How on earth was this about a girl finding out where her best friend had disappeared to? The plot of the book didn't even occur till I was 200 pages in. It was just all story building. Which was crappy by the way!
I felt as if I were reading dark erotica. The make out sessions were not young adult appropriate. And the secret society branded a girl in a freaky way. It was genre bending alright!

None of the characters were likable. Not Nate, who Sarah was supposed to have a crush on, or Izzy her roommate. Even Karina, Sarah's other roommate who disappeared was annoying. Ethan was tolerable, I liked him more towards the ending but for the most park he was a jerk. Which leaves the main character, Sarah. I loathed Sarah. Absolutely hated her. She was the stupidest and most gullible character I've read about in a very long time. I'm not sure I've ever disliked a main character that much.

I hate hate hate follower mentality. When people all do the same thing as each other even though it may be wrong. For example: a cult. Which is exactly what Sarah joined when she came to Sanctuary Bay, "The Wolfpack". I mean did this sound okay?! Hell no. The first time Sarah ever saw them, they were burying alive a member of their pack. THAT IS NOT NORMAL! But yet she still joined and loved it. It wasn't long before they sacrificed Karina and she went missing. But everything was okay to the characters. It didn't faze them at all.

No matter how many times someone may read this book, the events will never add up. Everything is still a mystery to me, almost every question asked was unanswered. The book never explained what happened to Phillip or why Ethan's parents could be controlled. Or who Sarah's parents are and why they were murdered. Or somewhat murdered. I'm still confused. The authors did a very poor job when writing this book. I would not read anything by them as a whole or individually. This was just a terrible book.

2 stars
Profile Image for Jamie (Books and Ladders).
1,429 reviews208 followers
January 25, 2016
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
If you are in the US or Canada, you can enter to win a copy of this book through my Twitter account

I thought this one was going to be more like SHUTTER ISLAND or X-Men, but I really liked the way that it turned out. I thought there was a bit too much convenience about how it played out but I liked that Sarah and Ethan made it all work to their advantage.

I saw from reviews on Goodreads that there was a twist, so I was anticipating a bit of a supernatural/paranormal twist rather than a psychological one. Especially with Sarah having the memory she did, I thought maybe it was going to be like X-Men and this was a special school for people with awesome abilities, but nope. And then the whole Wolf Pack thing happened and I was like WHAT.

I thought the whole Wolf Pack thing was pretty strange, I'm not going to lie. But the whole mystery aspect and psychological thriller part was really intriguing to me so I continued reading. And I was pleasantly surprised with what I read. I liked figuring out part of the mystery along with Sarah but I had a lot of it kind of determined before it was actually told to us.

I really liked the relationships that Sarah develops, especially with Ethan, who I loved. And the friendships were great. I really liked that there was so much emphasis on the roommate relationship and being friends with people because it made the school feel real. But I really just liked Ethan. Especially once we learned about his past and his motives, I just felt my heart leap for him.

I actually really enjoyed this one. I thought the twist and weirdness came out of nowhere but it was well thought out and made sense. I liked Sarah and I liked Ethan. I think it was really well done. I'm also glad it was a standalone but I would love to see more of what the two of them are going to do in the future. I highly recommend this one.

Books and Ladders | Queen of the Bookshelves | Books Are My Fandom | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin'
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
January 12, 2016
(I received a copy from Netgalley, In exchange for an honest review.)

Sarah was an alright character, but I didn't love her.

This started out okay, but after a while it turned weird, and It just couldn't catch my interest after that point. It dragged slightly because of it too.

Overall, Started out okay, but went downhill for me.
Profile Image for Carlene Inspired.
991 reviews273 followers
January 21, 2016
Sarah is an orphan and she's been plagued by that one descriptive word her entire life. Her teachers treat her like a cheater, she lacks friendship, and while she has a foster family she doesn't feel like she belongs. After receiving an unheard of scholarship to Sanctuary Bay, an all-immersive high school, Sarah's social worker convinces her this is her best chance at attaining a successful life. With no access to the outside world, Sarah finds herself surrounded by people she likes, without judgement of wealth or privilege. Invited to join a secret society of other students, Sarah finds that the innocent front might have a far more sinister background.

Sarah is a hard to like character, but it works for this book. She's seen a lot of ugly in the world, questions everything, and judges everyone. You would think reading her constant inner monologue of judgement of people would get old, but it really just makes her who she is. I connected with her, with her protective layer over herself and her role as an outcast, even when she no longer was. She isn't the best secret keeper in the world, but she does have the qualities of a great best friend. The saving grace of this book though is Ethan. He's like John Bender from the Breakfast Club, like the criminal with a negative viewpoint, but he makes you think, he brings out the best in Sarah, and he really brings a lot of missing pieces to the puzzle. I really would like to know more about him and see his story line's conclusion. I definitely was surprised by everything in this book, you get the creepy crawlies just knowing Sarah is off to a school that's completely cut off from the outside world, but I didn't expect the twists and turns that did happen. I, for one, wouldn't want anything to do with a school connected to an insane asylum or a POW nazi camp.

I'm not sure if I'm just too caught up in the details, but something was missing in Sanctuary Bay. For all the background we get, I still don't feel like I really understand. The "wolfpack," or secret society, aspect of the story really threw me. I love secret society books, I will read any you give me, but this one confused me. Once you tie in the thing leading the society , you'd think this would make sense, but no it's even worse. Was there even a meaning behind it? I certainly couldn't figure it out. On top of that, the secret society is pretty much sex, drugs, and booze, I mean is it supposed to make me think? All I'm thinking is these 16 year olds are too wild for their own good. Sarah's involvement in it is nonsensical, for a girl who thinks everything through you would think this would have a major question mark next to it, instead she's just as willing to make out with someone she doesn't even know. I get that there's something behind the other students, but Sarah follows along like a puppy and with no explanation whatsoever.

I'm really hoping this book is part of a series, because even though I didn't full understand everything I do really want to know what happens to Sarah and Ethan, as well as with the Bromcyan. There are several story lines that didn't reach conclusion, especially Sarah's life and Ethan's family. I could also easily see a prologue, one involving Sarah's parents, being written, because it sounds so interesting. Like I said, I'm a sucker for the details, but overall this book was a good read. Just enough YA/NA mixed with creepy mystery.
Profile Image for Siobhan ™.
Author 96 books9,107 followers
February 7, 2016
Actual Rating 3.5 Stars

I was so looking forward to reading this book as the blurb and cover are gorgeous, and I discovered that this book was written by the author of the Roswell series (which I loved when I was younger.)

Now that I've read it, I'm kinda struggling to sort my thoughts out. It was good, it was creative and imaginative, and I definitely became invested in the story, but there were things that I didn't like as well which is why my rating isn't higher.

Initially, I found it very difficult to connect with this story , and I actually put it down to read another book, unsure if I would come back to it. I did, and once I got beyond the 30 percent mark, I began to enjoy it. Now, it was extremely weird and confusing at times, and I didn't like the cult aspect or the wolf-howling scenes (total cheese-fest.)

The second half of this book is a total rollercoaster read - so much is crammed in there that I had to stop and take stock a few times, but it was fast-paced and thrilling and full of mystery and suspense. Awesome.

Our MC, Sarah, was very weak at the start and quite insipid. By the end of the book I had warmed to her but her development wasn't really logical or explicable. Ethan Steere was my favorite character and I felt the only one who had true depth. Now, when you realize what's actually going on it explains some of the other characters strange behaviour and stiff dialogue, so I can forgive that as it works with the plot. Believable.

The revelations about what was really going on in Sanctuary Bay were fantastic, if a little underdeveloped at times. I thought the world building and writing were good.

The ending felt very rushed to me. It had a conclusion, and an epilogue, but to me there is another story in this and a few loose threads that weren't developed. If a second book is released I would read it to see what happens next for Sarah and Ethan.

I'd like to thank St. Martins Press and Netgalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Laura.
198 reviews17 followers
January 19, 2016
*ARC from St Martin's Press via NetGalley*

This book follows Sarah an orphan who has spent her life bouncing from foster home to foster home until she is given the opportunity to go to Sanctuary Bay. Sanctuary Bay is a total immersion school on an island for the privileged. Sarah is thrown in at the deep end but soon makes friends and feels part of the group for the first time in her life. Things soon start to take an unexpected turn and she is thrown into a world of secrets. Sarah herself is quite special, she has a photographic memory. She remembers EVERYTHING she has ever seen, and smells and sounds that's go with memories, as if she is reliving rather than remembering.
I don't normally read thrillers or suspense but was sent this by the publishers so gave it a go. It took me a bit to get into but it really picked up about half way through. For a good chunk of the book I was as conduct as the main character. Saying that it did add something to the book for me because I connected a bit more with Sarah than I would have otherwise.
I know very little about science and chemistry or medicines, so quiet a few of the medicines, equipment and terms used meant nothing to me and I had to Google some.
I did like the writing style, found it flowed very well. I really liked most of the characters and was intrigued about the school and setting. By the end I did like the book and think I would like to find out what happens next.
Overall 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Trisha.
5,183 reviews197 followers
March 29, 2016
Another story that I wish I could have loved more. It had the beginnings of a story I should love. Sarah is our main character and is a pretty disgruntled foster kid. After watching her parents die when she was young, she's been hopping from house to house, school to school, not really settling down or finding anyone who can help her.

But lucky her, she's a smart girl with a near perfect memory - beyond just a photographic memory, she can remember all the senses of memory including smell and sounds!

So when she is invited to come, on a complete scholarship, to a prestigious private school on an island, she's apprehensive but also excited and hopeful. This could really change her life.

So....that sounds like a pretty good start, and for me, it was. I was intrigued with Ethan and Nate and the roommates Izzy and Karina. They were all interesting and I enjoyed their banter. It was once the twist happened that I was unimpressed. I know the bad guys are supposed to be bad, but sometimes it's interesting to see them not as mustache twisting (laughing manically) completely evil, mentally unstable people. Meh. Or maybe I'm in a reading rut.
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews482 followers
January 22, 2016
*Source* Publisher/NetGalley
*Genre* Young Adult, Mystery
*Rating* 3.5

*My Thoughts*

Sanctuary Bay, by author's Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz, features 16-year old Sarah Merson. As a young girl, Sarah witnessed the murder of her parents by unknown individuals and ended up being bounced from one foster home to the next. Sarah faced prejudices at a level that most people can't comprehend or understand. She wasn't white enough for some families, and not black enough for others. Then, when she finally gets to a place where she can actually feel comfortable, she gets an invitation to the the most elite prep school in the country; Sanctuary Bay Academy.

*Full Review Posted @ Talk Supe Blog*


Expected publication: January 19th 2016 by St. Martin's Griffin
Profile Image for Tammy.
963 reviews162 followers
February 1, 2016

The nitty-gritty: A twisty and addictive mystery with cool science fiction overtones, full of atmosphere galore.

I’ve read two outrageous stories in the past week, and this is one of them. (The other being Burning Midnight which I’ll be reviewing later in the week.) And when I say “outrageous,” I mean crazy plots that blew me away with their creative and yes, CRAZY ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed Sanctuary Bay, and while I did have a couple of issues with the story, I have to recommend it for sheer entertainment value. The authors take the idea of a mystery at an exclusive prep school and twist it into an exciting and hard-to-put-down story that just keeps getting crazier the more you read. This book is escapist fiction at its best. Deep down you know what’s happening is ridiculous at times, and yet you can’t stop reading.

Let me set the stage for you. Sarah is a foster kid who has never had any breaks in her life. Her parents were both murdered when she was very young, leaving her to drift through the foster system for most of her life. But one day, she’s told she’s been given a full scholarship to attend a very exclusive school called Sanctuary Bay, where only the best and brightest (and richest!) are allowed to attend. Sarah can hardly believe her luck, but once she actually arrives at the school—by boat, because it’s located on an island—she discovers some hard truths. Because of the school’s “full immersion” program, students aren’t allowed to leave at all until they graduate. Not only that, but all contact with friends and family is severed, as there are no cell phones or internet access at all.

Sarah isn’t too concerned about that, since she doesn’t have any family left, but she is concerned about being dumped into an environment where every other student comes from rich and famous families. But when she’s asked to join a secret society of students called the Wolfpack, she feels acceptance and friendship for the first time in her life. Hanging with her roommates Izzy and Karina and the other members of the group makes Sarah happy, especially after she drinks a strange brew called Blutgrog at the beginning of every meeting. The leader of the Wolfpack, a senior named Nate, stages “missions” for the group to prove their loyalty to one another. But when one of those missions turns deadly, Sarah realizes she’s in way over her head, and that Sanctuary Bay is anything but a sanctuary.

With non-Wolfpack student Ethan to help, Sarah sets out to discover what’s really hidden behind the walls of the school, before it’s too late.

Sanctuary Bay starts with a typical high school story, complete with peer pressure, jealousy, competition among students and cattiness, all the elements you’d expect to find in a drama about teens. I liked the fact that although these teens are mostly privileged, rich and smart, Sarah feels like a fish out of water, as she’s none of these things. Throw in the fact that she’s of mixed race and a foster kid, well, you can imagine she has one big chip on her shoulder. At first I thought the teen drama was going to overtake the plot, but it doesn’t take too long before Sarah is plunged headlong into the mysteries surrounding the school, after which most of that drama falls away. Yes, there’s some romantic angst at first, as Sarah starts to crush on not one but two boys (one of which is her roommate Karina’s boyfriend!), but it soon becomes clear that the secret goings-on at Sanctuary Bay are far more important than who’s sleeping with who.

Burns and Metz give Sarah a truly fascinating ability, one which I’d never heard of before. Not only does Sarah have an eidetic (photographic) memory, but she has something called “hyperthymesia,” the strange ability to remember with clarity every single detail of her daily life, even when she was two or three years old. Because of this, she often falls into fugue states where she’s not certain whether she’s remembering the past or dreaming. This ability plays an important part later in the story, when the reader finally gets to learn what’s really going on at Sanctuary Bay. It also creates a chasm between Sarah and her peers, as most of them think she’s crazy.

The atmosphere was so well done, that I felt as if I were actually there on the island. The cold wind, the deadly cliffs, the freezing rain and the vast corridors of the school all gave the story a Gothic feel that chilled me to the bone. The authors add not one, but two crumbling and deserted structures to the land around the school. First, the tunnels of an old POW prison lie directly under the foundation of the school, and farther away are the ruins of an abandoned lunatic asylum. Add all these together and you get a delightfully creepy setting with so many possibilities.

So what didn’t work for me? Well, a couple of things, but they’re minor and didn’t detract much from my overall enjoyment of the story. I wasn’t too keen on Sarah in the beginning, since she has the biggest chip on her shoulder ever in regards to her "mixed race heritage/poor foster kid/I’ve had to struggle my whole life/my parents were murdered" attitude. I get that the authors were probably trying to use these things to discuss “issues,” but Sarah’s insecurities and her anger towards the other students did the opposite of what I think was intended, which was to make her a sympathetic character.

I also thought the authors’ inclusion of diversity in the book was too heavy-handed. I’m not saying I don’t applaud them for writing a story with lots of diversity, but going out of their way to comment on each student’s race and background, hair and skin color felt way too forced, almost as if they wanted to include diversity for its own sake, and not for the benefit of the story.

But if you’re looking for twists, sinister plots, secret government shenanigans and lots more, you won’t find a more entertaining story than Sanctuary Bay. The authors do a great job of explaining all the mysteries, including how Sarah’s murdered parents fit into the story, and they even wind things up on a hopeful note. I was completely immersed in this story, and despite my brain trying to step in and say “Hey, that is utterly ridiculous! There’s no way that would ever happen!”, I happily ignored it and kept reading.

Big thanks to the publisher for supplying a review copy. This review originally appeared on Books, Bones & Buffy

Profile Image for Summer.
202 reviews128 followers
July 19, 2017
3 Stars, Completed January 27, 2016

Let me just share with you guys that I actually don’t like thrillers
. I’m one of the few that detested Gone Girl and a few other well known thrillers, however I’m always willing to try them anyway if the premise is interesting enough. I like to think this genre is a special spin of horror and mysteries, a fusion of two very different genres I’m not much a fan of. And I was hoping that since Sanctuary Bay was created for young adults it’d be less creepy. Gosh, was I wrong. This was so very dark but still managed to be pleasant and compelling enough for me. Honestly, I couldn’t put this one down once I started it.

Sanctuary Bay starts with the readers meeting an underprivileged orphan by the name of Sarah Mersen. She has the rare opportunity to attend the most prestigious elite prep school in the country, Sanctuary Bay, that happens to produce some of the world’s most successful and talented individuals. Sarah is special because she happens to be eidetic and possesses hyperthymesia, meaning along with having a photographic memory her senses are hypersensitive to certain, vivid memories. Because of her abilities, soon she becomes disillusioned by the chilling setting, secretive people, and mysterious administration when she notices some idiosyncrasies in the three. Naturally, when her roommate disappears and the students and faculty don’t seem to be bothered, she’s determined to uncover the dark truth behind the elite academy.

The really interesting thing is that this book was nothing how I imagined it to be. When I first read the premise I pegged it being some dark contemporary but in fact there’s some science, technology, and a pinch of science fiction in this. When I read this had two male leads, I automatically categorized it as another love triangle romance. Imagine my surprise when the romance was not a big focus for this book at all. And I don’t know how I jumped from “dangerously attentive boyfriend” to a stalker-like, obsessive figure but I was proved wrong with that angle, too. But the fact that this book was so different from what I thought made it very unpredictable and engaging.

Sanctuary Bay reminded me a mix between the Maximum Ride series and Lord of the Flies , which also probably explains why I enjoyed it so much since I loved the two former works. It’s very much like Maximum Ride with the experimentation and unethical medical testings. There’s also a likable, fearless female lead that (guess what?) fits the diversity bill! Sarah is mixed African American and Caucasian, and she actually elaborates and reasonably feels sensitive about her differentness from the other students. And this story really made me reminiscent of James Patterson’s ya series because there were a myriad of well placed plot twists throughout (however, sadly, I admit that by the end of Max Ride there were too many that it became distasteful and hard to believe-I sure hope if this story continues as a series it won’t be the same in that respect). And the Lord of the Flies similarities I perceived were how there were a bunch of people trapped on an island and it somehow awakened man’s dark, corrupt subconscious. And there’s no denying that Lord of the Flies was one heck of a creepy classic. Sanctuary Bay had moments that were no less disturbing.

However, the ultimate reason why I gave this book the rating I did is solely because of the ending. By now, you all know the two things that bother me most. One, when a character’s entire life changes because of a love interest. There needs to be build up and valid reasoning before someone comes to that conclusion. Luckily, Sanctuary Bay had none of that nonsense. Instead, it had the other element that bothers me just as equally: a somewhat convenient turn of events for an ending. Like the rest of the book, the last five percent of this was extremely fast paced-but not exactly in a good way. I wouldn’t say the book wrapped up nicely; there is a bearable cliffhanger. And it’s likely there’ll be a sequel because there’s much left to be revealed. However, how the main plot was solved was a bit too simple and convenient for me. I wasn’t convinced. Why couldn’t a revolution come sooner if it was that uncomplicated?

Nevertheless, I still think this is suitable for those that enjoy thrillers and read a lot of books for young adults. It was so fast paced and will be a fast read because of the captivating plot. The writing wasn’t something I particularly admired or took notice of, but it didn’t make the reading experience dislikable by any means. Not many characters were memorable aside from our main female lead, but that was okay for me. There was so much intrigue from the storyline alone. I found myself really enjoying this despite my reservation with the conclusion. The mystery elements in this won’t disappoint readers, for sure. I’m definitely looking forward to the next installment.


Special thanks to St. Martin’s Griffin for providing me this review copy of Sanctuary Bay and giving me a chance to participate in this blog tour. In no way did this affect my reading experience or honest review.


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Profile Image for Lekeisha The Booknerd.
942 reviews121 followers
February 1, 2016
Enter to win a finished copy over on my blog! Ends 2/8 US/CAN only. Enter HERE

Your creepy radar will go off the moment Sarah steps foot on that island. I’m not exactly sure how to give you the goods without giving up the goods. Did that make sense? I had more fun with this than I thought I would going in. I love the premise, but some of the ends didn’t tie up like I expected. Here’s to hoping for another book.

The moment Sarah lets her guard down, things start happening. I’m always up for reading about secret societies that involve teens, so it was no surprise when someone went missing. All I could think of was getting to the end of this book, to see what was going on. As far as YA thrillers go, this one is worthy of reading. I say that only because I hope there will be another book to fill in a few plot holes.


Sarah has a perfect memory, so it makes sense for her to be targeted after the horror that she went through as a child. Still, so many questions remain.


I don’t care what your status is in society, everyone goes through things. Sarah had to let go of that “rich people make me sick” mentality. She had to see that, just because life dealt her a bad hand, it doesn’t mean that she can’t be the best person she can be under the circumstances. She’s a biracial girl, trying to see what she can make out of this hard thing called life.


I wasn’t really into the romance here. It felt forced, as just something to throw in the story. There was enough conspiracy in this story to keep me interested. The ending wasn’t wrapped up completely with a bow. There’s more story to be read, and I hope that the authors deliver.

I think fans of the Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant will enjoy this. Though the plots are completely different, they both have that thrill behind them and will keep you reading until the end. Recommended!
Profile Image for Erin Dunn.
Author 2 books92 followers
September 15, 2016

I won a free copy of Sanctuary Bay By: Laura J. Burns & Melinda Metz on a blog! Thank you to whatever blog it was. I'm so sorry, I know I'm horrible at remembering where I win books from. I'm working on doing better about this in the future!

Short Review Summary:
This reminds me of The Skulls with a few twists.

To me Sanctuary Bay is like a Goosebumps novel meets an Are You Afraid Of The Dark? episode meets that movie The Skulls. I got a Goosebumps vibe because Sarah going to Sanctuary Bay and how secluded it is reminded me of all of the Goosebumps camp novels. The reason it also made me think of Are You Afraid Of The Dark? is because a few things in the beginning were just weird and that whole "out of place kind of creepy" and didn't make sense till the end. Of course it mostly reminded me of The Skulls because of the school's secret society. So right away I was pretty sure that I would enjoy this book and I did!

Early on I was pretty sure that I had guessed at least a big part of the outcome of the book. Well I was mostly wrong. LOL! Which makes me so thrilled because I love when a thriller is surprising. There are a few interesting twists that had me saying, "WTF?!" a few times. I love it and I spent a lot of time trying to guess where the story would go.

I also like that Sanctuary Bay flows really well and it's an easy read. There are a few old reliable tropes, but combined with the twists it worked fabulously. I also did like how the book ended, but I'm confused as to if there will be a sequel or not. Based on how it left off there could be a sequel, but I'm not sure how good that would be. I would try it for sure though!

Overall I am really surprised by how much I enjoyed Sanctuary Bay. This is one that didn't end up how I expected it to and you just have to read it for yourself! I will say there's a lot going on in this book, but it's pretty fantastic!!

I recommend Sanctuary Bay for fans of books with spot on twists and for fans of the movie The Skulls.
Profile Image for ᒪᗴᗩᕼ .
1,789 reviews186 followers
November 4, 2015
"Flippin' kind a trippy. "

Book Title: Sanctuary Bay
Author: Laura J Burns
Series: ??
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult
Publisher: St. Martin's Press Expected Publication: 01/19/16
Source: Netgalley Arc

Why I picked that quote: It's my own quote; and it’s how I felt while reading this...

Overall Rating: 4.3/5 Stars

✧Breakdown of Rating✧

●Plot: 4.2/5 The pacing is perfect, I just have some issues with the content.
●Characters: 4.5/5
●Theme: That's a tricky one to rate…
●Flow: 4.2/5 It is well written, It just had some glitches.
●Originality: 5/5 When I first started this I thought…orphaned kid goes to remote school that seems too good to be true…sounds like Variant, which I didn't really like all that much…but this really wasn't like that story, at all. It had a plot that was believable. Crazy but believable.
●Book Cover: 5/5 It's really quite beautiful.
●The Feels: 4/5 Not a lot of gushy type feels but more like WTF is going on kind of feels.
●Sex Factor: There is a lot of talk of sex (but, no explicit sex scenes) and I believe this is more appropriate for older teens.
●Ending: 4.5/5 a bit of a nail biter, but I felt something was missing. Cliffhanger: Not exactly, but I believe there is the possibility for a sequel, though.

Will I continue the series: If there is one, then yeah I will.

My Thoughts:

This story drew me in quickly and effortlessly. There are elements to this story, which ultimately make more sense as you progress further in the book, that strike me as inappropriate for the YA genre. I think it may glorify certain behavior, which ultimately shouldn’t be. Basically, like I mentioned above, I think it is better suited to 16+.
Profile Image for Debbie.
1,751 reviews104 followers
October 5, 2015
4 stars
This was definitely what I expected. I expected Sarah to be the suspect in her roommate's death. I wasn't even close. Apparently this was the beginning of yet another trilogy. However, this one did keep my interest and I did not see what was coming. I can't really say a lot about it without giving out any spoilers.

I will say that that my heart is still racing after reading it and I even took a cigarette break. Definitely read the ending before bedtime. There is a line in there that will definitely be a jaw dropper for you. At least it was for me.

The writing was done well and the story made sense and was believable. There was great character development and you really thought it was a normal school. It was weird though that no one was allowed to leave and there was no contact with the outside world. That part was kind of weird. Yet, they got care packages from their families and most of their families were wealthy.

I found it to be exciting, entertaining and I definitely recommend the book. I'm not sure on the trilogy thing it just seemed with the ending that there is more to come. Which is a good thing, because I still have questions.

Thanks St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for this free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kelly Hager.
3,105 reviews150 followers
January 11, 2016
This book is sort of a neo-gothic suspense novel. There are a lot of different things going on, and there's at least one twist too many but I had a great time reading it. I won't discuss much of what's going on, because pretty much everything is a spoiler. So honestly, just read it. It's crazy fun.

My favorite part of this is the secret society aspect* (it made me want to watch The Skulls again!) but pretty much everything here is fun. And if we're being honest, wouldn't everyone want a sort of perfect existence where you get pretty much everything you'd want?

(Well, okay, maybe not if there turns out to be a body count attached.)

There's a sequel, right? Because I need one.


* = we learn about that pretty early on, so it's not a spoiler in the way that other aspects would be.
Profile Image for Kyra.
174 reviews
February 20, 2016
Full five stars. This was awesome. Too awesome. I'll write a review as soon as my head clears up :((
(p.s. A huge thank-you to the awesome ate Donita who recommended it to me! #TeamEthan)
86 reviews
November 8, 2015
Received a copy from NetGalley for an honest review. Thanks NetGalley!!

I think I must have read something different than everyone else who reviewed this book. Let me start with the good:

The opening was good. I wanted to know who these people were. Yes, it was obvious the dad told Sarah to give a fake name (not that she knew because she was so young), but I did want to see where this goes. It was good that she kept flashing back to this memory. It didn't make it seem a one time thing. It was something that obviously deeply affected her. I wanted to know what led up to that moment and why.

The concept of the school being a front for illegal, yes illegal if anyone has even a slight concept of the procedures of clinical testing, psychopharmacological testing is interesting. These kids being generations in the making gave it some depth and some plausibility.

That's about where the good ends.

I did not like that Sarah had this big, dark secret yet told practically everyone and without hesitation!!! Isn't the purpose of a secret that you don't tell it??!! She wasn't able to keep a single secret to save her life. She told about the Wolfpack yet didn't get punished. Didn't Grayson, another member, also speak of it and got punished. How did the pack not know that she told yet they did find out with this other girl?? There were never any consequences to her spilling the beans. Ever. There should have been some kind of consequence.

Then there's the antagonist/villain/bad guy telling the whole plan as soon as he comes to meet the good guys/protagonists. Seriously- who does that??!! It's a complete cliche. It would have been so much better had it been handled differently. For example, Sarah could have been captured and when in an exam room with the staff prepping her for treatment, the villain could have walked in, posing as a doctor. What would give him away- his ring. Sarah would know he was the one that killed her parents. But making this encounter between Sarah and the villain work differently and better would have made this a completely different book. Possibly making it more interesting. As it is, it made me want to stop reading. It's an easy out for the villain to put everything out there and the good guys not to have to work to find out the true plan.

I also did not like how Sarah, being suspicious of everyone and untrusting of people her whole life (at least that's how it was stated, not quoted but the message came across) yet she was so accepting of these people on this island. Yes- she did question why she came there, but let it drop after talking to the dean. Really??!! There was only 1 other charity case mentioned on this island (Nate) and no explanation as to how this place found him. He didn't apply. Neither did Sarah. So how did this exclusive school know to find them and offer them a place there?? Did these characters even consider that? It would seem very suspicious for such an exclusive school to do this.

At the end, Ethan looks at her with love when he thinks he's going to die and she feels the same for him. Ummmm....hello? Did I miss something?? Yes they were kinda friends because they were in the same circle, but I never got the impression that they actually hung out that much and only occasionally talked in the short trip from the chem lab to the cafeteria, and that happening only when Ethan actually showed up for class. How does this lead to love??!! How does this suddenly happen at the end. A crush- yeah maybe. Attraction- sure. But not love. This insta-love thing is awful!!!

Lastly, I feel the writing style was more for tweens than teens/young adults. It's all good when you want your story to read quickly and keep the action going, but it doesn't need to be dumbed down so to speak.

Overall, I really wanted to like this book. As stated, it started off pretty strongly and was interesting but then it disintegrated to disappointment.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Norrie.
538 reviews104 followers
February 6, 2020
I’m glad books like Sanctuary Bay were not around when I went to high school, because I probably would have gotten some unrealistic expectations about the whole experience. You see, we didn’t have secret societies, didn’t attend orgies and unlike the hot guys with ropy muscles in this school, most boys were rather shrimpy.

What this book does best, is creating an atmosphere that is ominous from the beginning and gets increasingly unnerving as we are heading toward a shocking conclusion. Sure, it’s slightly over the top, but it was hell of a lot of fun! I promise.

Sarah is an orphan, tossed around in the foster system until she lands on Swans Island, and Sanctuary Bay Academy. Gifted with an unusually precise memory and a knowledge in chemistry, it’s not so strange that she was chosen to attend this elite school where great leaders and successful scientists are created.

Dr. Diaz, the science teacher fascinated by her ability to recall past events, immediately takes Sarah under his wings. When shit hits the fan, he’s the only one Sarah trusts, but even so, things get confusing pretty quickly. Sarah’s roommate is missing, but nobody seems to care. Why is Sarah the only one who remembers something terrible happening? Did she have a vivid dream? Are those secret society meetings are just simple drug parties, messing with her mind?

Ethan, the “jerk” (but of course also hot too) has some secrets of his own as well which might lead them to an answer. But not one they wanted to find.

Oh, you guys, this book was so delicious and exhilarating! Mind you, I would have found it more believable if it took place at a university campus, because all the characters behaved more like how adult would, rather than teenagers.

Profile Image for Beck.
298 reviews198 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 14, 2016
Things I appreciated: the diversity; taking the time to point out ALL races and not just those of people of color. It's so rare that you see whiteness pointed out.

But, I didn't like anything else about it. Sarah was very harsh and very judgmental - and I understand why, but it was still exhausting. I read 40 pages and the entire time it was just Sarah comparing her poor upbringing with the "rich" kids of Sanctuary Bay, even though she doesn't actually know anything about them. (I mean, Nate proved her wrong and she still goes on to assume things about her flatmates that may not even be true.) I understand that she's poor - I've been there - but her ratty underwear were mentioned more times than is reasonable.

The thing that made me put down the book though, was when one character (who clearly has eating issues) says she's eating everything with chopsticks so that she can eat slower and thus lose weight and then another character (Izzy, who according to Sarah is the "alpha; has the upper hand") says "I'm sure your roommates will appreciate you switching over from the scarf and barf method." I just can't deal with making fun of certain things and those things include sexuality, appearance, and illness. I like dark humor, but this isn't it.
Profile Image for i..
332 reviews36 followers
March 12, 2016
I am giving this book three stars out of five for the beginning of the novel and two for the end , which was a bit of a letdown. It is not predictable, I didn't see it coming at all,though.

Some people may find the twists in the plot refreshingly different ,however, I found the story and the way the characters behaved thoroughly implausible and being a dystopia and sci-fi fan that's a lot to say for me.

Despite this, I recommend the book to avid readers looking for a combination of genres.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 231 reviews

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