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The Bone Season #2.5

On the Merits of Unnaturalness

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Be aware, my good Reader, that this Pamphlet, no matter how controversial its content, must never fall into enemy Hands.

The most important piece of clairvoyant literature written in the twenty-first century, On the Merits of Unnaturalness is a pamphlet first published anonymously in 2031 by Jaxon Hall, the voyant who would later become the mime-lord known as the White Binder.

Hall was the first to index both known and supposed forms of Unnaturalness, resulting in the classification of the Seven Orders. This controversial piece of literature spread across the voyant underworld like a plague, revolutionising the syndicate but also creating discord in the form of brutal gang wars between the newly-divided categories, the scars of which can still be seen today.

Revelatory and subversive, On the Merits of Unnaturalness is a must-read for any reader with a desire to further immerse themselves in the incredible world of Samantha Shannon's The Bone Season.

37 pages, ebook

First published January 27, 2015

About the author

Samantha Shannon

27 books25.8k followers
Samantha Shannon is the New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author, born in London in 1991. She studied English Language and Literature at St Anne's College, Oxford, from 2010 to 2013, specialising in the poetry of Emily Dickinson and Principles of Film Criticism.

In 2013, at the age of 21, she published The Bone Season, the internationally bestselling first installment in a seven-book series of fantasy novels. Her first book outside the series, The Priory of the Orange Tree, was a finalist in the Lambda Literary Awards 2020. Its prequel, A Day of Fallen Night, was an instant #1 Sunday Times bestseller.

She is currently working on The Dark Mirror, the fifth book in the Bone Season series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 225 reviews
Profile Image for Samantha Shannon.
Author 27 books25.8k followers
May 30, 2015
This pamphlet is a stunning work of modern genius and cut-glass wit; in fact, I would go so far as to say that it is the most original and well-written piece of literature to have come out of the Republic of Scion in its entire history. It boldly sets forth one obscure writer's theory on the Seven Orders of Clairvoyance, backed up by meticulous research and framed by insightful and humorous footnotes. Beautifully presented by the Spiritus Club, it is the only pamphlet you need ever own, and I should add, with brutal honesty – however much it hurts to admit – that it is significantly better than anything I have ever written, or will write, in my literary career*.

* I was not coerced by Jaxon Hall into giving this pamphlet five stars or writing this review
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,144 reviews1,736 followers
July 18, 2021
This small volume was produced to go alongside The Bone Season series and "details all known Types of Unnaturalness, divides them into seven Orders, and details the Merits of each. The Types are listed in such a way as to express their Rarity, with the first Order containing the most common Types of Clairvoyance."

This explanation was taken directly from the text and also showcases the slightly dry yet totally appropriate and informative writing style used. I loved learning more about the seven Orders and fully appreciate the work Shannon has put into making her world well-rounded and authentic.
Profile Image for Nina.
876 reviews320 followers
February 20, 2018
This is very informative and really helped me understand the world of this book series a little better!
Profile Image for Christina.
256 reviews269 followers
March 1, 2017
This is a super helpful guide to anyone with some interest in The Bone Season series. I'm glad that this has been made available as an Ebook.
It provides you with tons of details about the orders of clairvoyance and the many types of voyants in this series, not to mention has little side notes throughout that are straight from the mind of Jaxon Hall.

Would recommend this companion to anyone who has read or is planning to read The Bone Season, because it can be a confusing series at the beginning.
Profile Image for Alexandra Elend Wolf.
629 reviews313 followers
August 5, 2019
“They are right to fear. They are wise to oppress. For are we not vastly superior to them, we Unnaturals?”

This was so much fun to read! And so informative too.

The concept is pretty simple. We have a description of the "magic" system that is very prominent and important through the story.

The best part? Is an in-world description.

Meaning that this little pamphlet is mentioned several times through the various books that form part of this series.

It's not just a great way to get to know the world and grasp it better but is also a great way to get a better grasp of who, exactly, is Jaxon Hall. Since he's the author we really get a good view of his thinking process and what is really inside him.

The part on the Binders is a really good example of who he is.

Really worthy to read as well as easy.

For me, it was just delightful.

“I have raised you to Roles of great importance, so you shall be the Lords and Queens of these wretched folk; yet see that I have humbled you anew with a prefix, MIME. For though you are a monarch, remember that you are only a mimic. The spirits of the dead have granted us their knowledge so that we may whore it on the streets for coin, sacrificing their secrets for the sake of our continued existence. You, the unnatural, can only ever imitate their greatness.”

I, actually, finished this a couple of days ago and just completely forgot to update it... life has sure been crazy.


Last but not least in this quest to read The Bone Season series with Mer we have this little one.

To be honest I'm really excited to read it because it has been reference through the books a lot and it seems quite informative.

Of course, it's also one of those things that you just read when you are quite the fan... good thing that now I am quite the fan.
Profile Image for Wybredna Maruda.
424 reviews708 followers
March 19, 2017

Gdy po raz pierwszy spotkałam się z twórczością Samanthy Shannon wiedziałam, że jest zdolna do wielkich rzeczy, a jej wyobraźnia nie ma końca. W swoim Czasie Żniw młodziutka autorka stworzyła niespotykany dotąd podział na rasy, wśród których wyróżnia się różnych wróżbitow - od tych posługujących się kartami, przez wróżenie z fusów, na wizjach z wnętrzności zwierząt kończąc. Kontynuowała tę przygodę w Zakonie Mimów, gdzie nawet na moment nie zgubiła się w swoim skomplikowanym świecie. Autorka postanowiła nieco ułatwić czytelnikom zadomowienie się w zawiłych relacjach wróżbitów i Ślepców i postanowiła, niczym J.K. Rowling, pobawić się z nami, mieszając rzeczywistość z fikcją.

O wartościach odmienności to krótki dodatek do tej siedmiotomowej serii, który możemy zakupić tylko i wyłącznie w wersji e-book. Krótki, bo ma zaledwie 50 stron, oczywiste jest więc, że wydanie go w wersji papierowej nie miałoby większego sensu. A dlaczego autorka postanowiła stworzyć coś tak krótkiego? Otóż w Czasie Żniw dowiedzieliśmy się, że na świecie rozpowszechniana jest pewna ulotka napisana przez anonimowego autora, która odkrywa i wyjaśnia wszystkie istniejące rasy istot - siedem kategorii jasnowidzenia, kto jest kim i jakimi rodzajami magii czy też wróżb się posługuje. Samantha więc jest jedynie pośrednikiem i, jak Rowling Baśnie Barda, przekazuje nam tę właśnie ulotkę.

Ulotka ta jest pewnego rodzaju mini encyklopedią. Ze względu na bardzo skomplikowany poziom każdego kolejnego tomu tej serii dobrze jest zaznajomić się ponownie ze słownikiem i co jakiś czas do niego zaglądać. Możemy czasami poczuć się, jakbyśmy czytali naukowy artykuł, bo w takim stylu został wykreowany dodatek. Nie brakuje w nim jednak humoru i sarkastycznego języka tego bohatera, który okaże się być Anonimem. Znajdziemy w nim także wyjaśniające przypisy, które nie są stworzone przez tłumaczy, do czego przywykliśmy, a od twórcy tego przewodnika.

Chociaż to tylko 50 stron, to potwierdzają one, jak bardzo autorka dopracowała cały stworzony przez siebie świat. Każda istota ma tu konkretne umiejętności, konkretną rasę i miejsce w hierarchii, nic nie jest przypadkowe i tworzy nam się wielkie uniwersum, jakie znamy chociażby z wyobraźni Cassandry Clare. O wartościach odmienności nie jest niczym przełomowym, nie jest nawet niczym koniecznym do przeczytania, ale na pewno gratką dla fanów tej serii. I, mimo wszystko, polecam ją przeczytać po tym, jak zapoznacie się już z Czasem Żniw.

O wartościach odmienności trafia na stos:

Profile Image for Camilla.
197 reviews328 followers
July 22, 2020
Mandatory read to the fans of The Bone Season.
On The Merits of Unnaturalness is a pamphlet written by Jaxon Hall that unravels the orders of clairvoyants presented in The Bone Season without much explanation. It is written like a textbook to further understand Samantha Shannon's complex world. Despite being very informative, you can still see Jaxon's personality behind it, the way he values rare orders and despises the common ones.
I'll definitely be revisiting this one in the future, it's a very smart addition to the series.
Profile Image for Lisa.
606 reviews253 followers
July 5, 2017
It was interesting and boring at the same time. Same voyances where obvious since they are well known in the real world and others were new to me. However, you can definitely go without reading this "pamphlet".
Profile Image for Raquel Flockhart.
552 reviews389 followers
January 2, 2021
On the Merits of Unnaturalness is a pamphlet mentioned through the series, a short recollection of the different types of Clairvoyance to get a deeper insight into the voyant underworld. This is a quick and informative addition to The Bone Season series, a classification of the Seven Orders of of Clairvoyance by one the most complex characters of the series, Jaxon Hall.

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Profile Image for Werka.
164 reviews
June 19, 2023
Przewodnik (jesli mogę to tak nazwać) po rodzajach wróżbitów i innych mediów. Nie wyniosłam z tego za wiele, ale jasno opisano, czym kto się zajmuje.
Profile Image for Mikayla.
493 reviews32 followers
June 24, 2016
Great little edition to The Bone Season series. Especially from Jaxons point of view, as flawed as it is.
I helps clear up any confusion you might have within any of the books about the differences between clairvoyants.

Great read and was very quick. 5 stars.
Profile Image for elizabeth.
280 reviews8 followers
October 23, 2017
like i really want to read this series but the first chapter has always confused and terrified me so upon discovering this exists and looking at the reviews, i have purchased this and am now ready to start reading this series soon i hope
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,034 reviews356 followers
December 23, 2022
Una guía útil y sencilla para sumergirse, aún más, en el mundo de La era de huesos de Samantha Shannon. Una de las piezas más mencionada a lo largo de los libros, este folleto que en 2031 analizo los siete ordenes de clarividencia conocidas, respaldados por una meticulosa investigación de nuestro querido Vinculador Blanco. Un panfleto perfecto para acompañar a la saga, indagar en el sistema de magia creado por Shannon y obtener una pizca más de información.
Profile Image for Ashleigh (a frolic through fiction).
506 reviews8,554 followers
April 1, 2016
Review originally posted on my book blog: https://afrolicthroughfiction.wordpre...


*I received this book as a giveaway prize*

Readers of The Bone Season will have heard of Jaxon Hall, and the pamphlet he wrote that shaped their modern society – called On The Merits Of Unnaturalness.

Well, in case you hadn’t guessed already, this is that pamphlet.

I honestly can’t get over how great this idea is. To publish the pamphlet, I mean. I’ve said countless amounts of times that the whole setting and society behind The Bone Season books is complicated, and that’s why I love it so much. But to some, all the various names and statuses of clairvoyants can be confusing – understandably. I remember being confused myself when I started The Bone Season oh-so-long-ago. And now here we have this pamphlet, that explains each order, category, name, status, ability… everything.

Straight away you can tell that this is written through Jaxon Hall’s voice. There’s just that air of knowledge, confidence and – dare I say it? – smugness surrounding the words. Exactly how I picture Jaxon Hall. In my mind I see him swaggering around knowing he can’t be touched, getting this pamphlet published illegally and feeling mightily proud that he alone has managed such a feat.

And SOMEHOW , Samantha Shannon has woven his personality into what’s meant to be a purely educational pamphlet. Just the way things are worded to add small snippets of Jaxon’s opinions…it’s amazing.

Like I said before, this book is educational rather than entertaining. But because I learned about a book series I love, that made it SO interesting to me. Almost ridiculously interesting. It makes me want to throw copies of this book at everyone so they can understand the seven orders too. Especially because it’s written to “you”, so I felt like I lived in their world and needed to know.

I know for sure that I’m going to be rereading this book just before the 3rd book (The Song Rising) is released next year…and honestly I’ll probably reread it many more times than that. I’ll be an expert on the orders soon enough
Profile Image for Jessica.
273 reviews6 followers
January 13, 2018
I was looking for something quick to read, with that fantastical element that I love, and this definitely hit the mark!

I've been told to read The Bone Season for months now, but I heard that the magic system was pretty complex (at least, in regards to keep up with all the different clairvoyants). I love it when authors do things like this, when they go out of their way to make add that extra little bit of content. I loved how Samantha Shannon gave us insight into all of the different clairvoyants in this series, but put her own twist on it, having it written by one of the characters of the series!

Overall, this just made me more excited to get to this series and I can't wait to start these books soon!
Profile Image for Helen Corcoran.
Author 4 books263 followers
January 10, 2022
The footnotes shine a strong light into Jaxon Hall’s personality. 😂

* * *

A pamphlet that can be read in between The Bone Season and The Mime Season (where it ideally sits—to me, anyway—grounding the reader in the initial clairvoyant knowledge they get from Paige in The Bone Season).

There’s also Jaxon’s asides and footnotes, both funny and acerbic, which build on information from The PAle Dreamer and The Bone Season—and show bits of his personality beyond what we see through Paige (just in time for the focus to shift back towards the syndicate in The Mime ORder.
Profile Image for Nara.
939 reviews131 followers
July 13, 2015
Wow, that was actually really useful. I wish there'd be an online version or something published at some point so that everyone can read it. Thankfully I took part in the preorder campaign so I have my own copy, but I know there'll be people out there who won't have a copy because they didn't know about the campaign, or didn't get in the first 500 or something.
Profile Image for Holly Stone.
705 reviews1 follower
November 12, 2021
Ok, this is a short (37 Pages only) look into a new world and a new author for me Samantha Shannon's Bone Season in which she talks about Mime Lords and Mime Queens this is a pamphlet written by "an obscure writer" whom we find out later is the Mime Lord Jaxon Hall. It makes me want to explore this new fantasy series and see where Ms. Shannon takes it and us the readers.
Profile Image for Cindra.
569 reviews43 followers
April 23, 2017
Interesting look at the different psychic abilities in "The Bone Season" 'verse. Samantha Shannon has done an incredible job of building a future world where psychics are outlawed and hunted. Hunted by their own government, and hunted by creatures from the Aether. This pamphlet, "written" by Jaxson Hall, gives in-depth and detailed information on the different types of Voyants, what abilities their gifts bring, and how they utilize them. Really looking forward to the continuation of the series.
Profile Image for Nhi Nguyễn.
967 reviews1,342 followers
April 7, 2019
What an interesting and informative pamphlet! :)) This is such a cool companion book to "The Bone Season" series, as it will give readers all the things they need to know about the 7 orders of Clairvoyant, the power, ability of each order, and how these orders can communicate, react or even affect the Aether world. For those who feel that the world building of "The Bone Season" is too hard to grasp, this pamphlet will further broaden your "fictional" knowledge of clairvoyance and help explain a lot of things that are not there in the main books :D
Profile Image for Rebecca.
205 reviews
July 18, 2022
Samantha Shannon writes with Jaxon's voice incredibly well which makes this short pamphlet from the world of The Bone Season series a really enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it if you're reading the series and especially if you're interested in understanding the different types of clairvoyance better.
Profile Image for Chardou.
108 reviews2 followers
August 19, 2022
Bardzo przydatny dodatek, objaśniający każdą kategorię Jasnowidzenia, dzięki czemu czytelnik nieobeznany w Świecie Czasu Żniw może uzyskać szczegółowe informacje.

Ten, kto uważnie przeczyta, a jeszcze nie dotarł do informacji o tym, kim jest Mało Znany Pisarz, może dojść do wniosku, iż autorem broszury jest Jaxon Hall. I ma rację.
Profile Image for Karolina.
850 reviews106 followers
August 26, 2023
Bardzo fajny dodatek do serii Czas Żniw. Dobrze przybliża rodzaje jasnowidzów, które znamy z serii. Dodatkowo (co było dla mnie najprzyjemniejsze) mamy tak dużo Jax'a pomiędzy wersami. Można wyczuć jego impertynencki charakter. Dlatego też jestem pewna, że jest to idealna lektura zwłaszcza dla fanów jego postaci. Zdecydowanie warto przeczytać.
Profile Image for Mandy.
Author 2 books9 followers
August 20, 2018
I found this very informative and interesting, and it helped me understand the world of The Bone Season a lot better! It was interesting to learn about the orders of clairvoyance and the purpose each one serves in the story!
Profile Image for Ross.
14 reviews
January 2, 2020
As a supplementary piece, On the Merits is both entertaining and helpful in understanding the various types of clairvoyance in the Bone Season series. It's also an insight into Jaxon Hall's perception of his fellow voyants, and a text that ultimately helped shape the Syndicate as a whole. Well worth the read.
Profile Image for Argie Maniati.
145 reviews27 followers
April 9, 2020
I feel weird rating Jaxon Hall's pamphlet with 5 stars, especially after knowing the power his words yielded and the gang wars that resulted after his work was published...

Still it was very informative - however right or wrong his research and opinions might have been.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 225 reviews

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