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Ribbons and Frills

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Ribbons and Frills costume sewing factory has always been about creating dreams, but when the owner asks his very upper-class son to take over, sparks fly, and not just from the sewing machines. The last time manager Gary Shaw saw Ashley Turner-Hoff was a year ago, when he left Gary standing on the beach with a broken heart and sand in his underwear.

Ashley Turner-Hoff has a plan to save the factory which involves one famous mannequin and a fashion show in London.

Can Gary forgive Ashley and give him a second chance? Can Ribbons and Frills really compete against top fashion designers, and do Gary’s dreams of being on stage finally come true?

Find out in this summer story of sequins, sand, and surprises!

Part of "Summer Bigger Than Others - A Summer Anthology" from Beaten Track Publishing.

43 pages, ebook

First published June 19, 2015

About the author

Claire Davis

25 books106 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,870 followers
December 27, 2016
5 Stars......Loved it.

More pics.

I've just recently discovered these two Authors and from what I've read they can do no wrong.I absolutely love their style of writing,they completely draw you in with their stories and characters even when the books are on the short side.

Gary works in a struggling costume factory and spends his time making his own designs at home.Ashley is the owner's son and for one brief summer the two men had a passionate fling only for Gary to be left devastated when Ashley left for college at the end of the summer.

A year later Ashley turns up at the factory,having been put in charge by his father.He has some grand ideas to save the factory from going under and wants to enter it in a competition in London.This was British humour at its best,especially involving Clive who is quite horrified at the whole idea.

"Blokes? They're dresses and silly skirts for blokes?"

Gary tries so hard not to feel the pull to Ashley again....too no avail and they're soon getting down and dirty.The sex was just delicious and filthy but the two men were also so damn cute together.

This was the perfect read for me.Sexy,sweet,so funny at times and with some great secondary characters.

Highly Recommended.
June 22, 2015

When I was a teenager, I was completely obsessed with the movie The Cutting Edge .

It's probably not a great movie, but I loved the enemies-to-lovers theme even then, and, god, do I love a good underdog story.

Ribbons and Frills is just that: a story about a small costume factory in England that's holding on by a thread and two guys on the brink of something if only they'd listen and try, really try.

Gary, the factory manager, is a talented guy, and his colleagues are damn good craftsmen. They care about what they do, but business is dwindling, and so are Gary's dreams.

It's no help at all when Ashley, the pompous son of the factory owner, shows up (again) in June with a new idea to revive the factory.

Gary doesn't trust Ashley.

After all, Ashley is the one who left last summer, leaving Gary in this "dump" of a town: So, I'm off back to uni tomorrow, thank God. I don't think I could stay here another week. You're a great guy though, Gary.

Yeah, a great guy good for a summer fuck, not sophisticated or cool enough for someone the likes of Mr. Ashley Turner-Hoff.

Gary is a good bloke, but he lives a sad, desperate existence. He's so keen on pushing Ashley away that he misses ... well, everything.

I love this story. It's poignant and real and full of passion and tenderness.

This is a quintessential underdog story, a story about plugging into your dreams and giving it a shot, about trying even when the odds are against you.

It's a competition after all. (Don't ask Clive, though; he thinks these are all "pancy" clothes.)

Even when everything falls to shit, Gary and Ashley carry on.

And there are so many goddamn feels and so much sexiness and sweetness... and a cat named Buzz.

Watching it, gripping [Ashley's] hand, Gary felt giddy and sick, close to tears. It was like finally being able to see the real world after always wearing shades.

I would have read 300+ pages of Gary and Ashley ... and that HEA? ... yeah, I WANTED it, needed it, and I got it.


One clicked the hell out of this baby; didn't even read the blurb.


Claire & Al!

Profile Image for Exina.
1,252 reviews405 followers
October 27, 2018
Gary and Ashley had a summer fling a year ago, a fling that Gary wanted to be a permanent thing. But Ashley left to London, and broke Gary’s heart.

Now he is back, trying to save his father’s sewing factory, where Gary works as operations manager.

Gary tries to keep his distance, but with no avail. Sparks fly, costumes are designed, factory is saved, and they live happily ever after.

Ribbons and Frills is a lovely second chance story. Ashley and Gary are so hot and sweet together. The only problem with the story is that it’s too short, and the end is wrapped up only in a couple of short sentences. I’ll definitely read more from the authors.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,310 reviews40 followers
June 22, 2015

This is a story for second chances. And I'm a sucker for them.

Gary is the manager of Ribbons and Frills, a small costume factory in a small town in England, with a few people working in it. He wears his Tarzan loin cloth underneath his costume for courage, but like his father told him " people like him don't go on stage". Ashley is the son of the factory's owner, who has big dreams and big plans. After a summer fling, Ashley leaves the town and Gary to go to uni.

When said factory is on the brink of disaster, Ashley returns to make a last effort to save it, which includes participating in an international competition. But the factory is not the ony thing in need of saving.

This story is much more than a love story. It is about setting your dreams free. About a small factory competing against top fashion designers and about a unique sense of family between the coworkers.

The moment that Gary realises that he is capable of setting his dreams free and that “Feathers are meant for the sky”...this moment is everything. Better than the romance, better than the sex.

There is slow burn and some smoking hot sex scenes. There is also Mr.B, the factory's old mannequin, a hilarious dancing scene and a employer with the filthiest mouth on him.

Highy recommended! At this point, I am dying to read a full length novel from this author duo!

P.S Buzz, (the factory's cat) I'm sorry I didn't notice you on the cover at first. You are the best cat ever. You were even cheering for the guys while they were having sex on the floor.

Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,033 followers
August 2, 2015
It's not often that I gather up enough emotion from a short story to actually cry. But I cryed during this one. The pain and sorrow in Gary's life was a tangible thing and I loved him for it. I cried at the end too because it was over.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
November 18, 2016
No suelo dar cinco estrellas a las historias cortas, pocas veces, pero lo voy a hacer. La razón es esta sonrisa que veis que se me ha quedado después de terminar de leer. Al fin y al cabo para eso leo yo, para sentir y que me hagan feliz y es lo que el libro ha conseguido.

He leído últimamente seis o siete libross de estos autores y todos son distintas, y todos tienen cosas en común. Consiguen arrancar de la cotidianidad, el día a día, las cosas más simples, las historias más originales. Esta vez partimos de una pequeña fábrica de costura en alguna parte de Inglaterra, a partir de ahí nos cuentan una historia de amor con personajes que son normales, pero que son especiales, y siempre con uno de ellos al menos que a pesar de su soledad, las dificultades de una vida diaria no del todo deseada, consiguen brillar por sí mismos y por su generosidad, adorable Gary.

De nuevo un relato corto, pero de nuevo un relato corto muy bien escrito. Me ha gustado mucho.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
June 24, 2015
4.5 Stars.

What a delightful short story! It was just perfect for my lunch-time read. I love second chance stories, so this one was right up my alley.

Gary felt cast aside by Ashley at the end of last summer when Ashley went back to university and disparaged his home town and his father’s costume factory. Gary wanted more and had hoped that their affair was more than just sex. So Ashley coming back to try to bring the costume factory back from the brink of closure fills Gary with dread.

Ashley spent the last year finishing school and working for a big fashion firm and he learned that the grass is not always greener in London. He's grown up a lot in the past year and he has hope that he and Gary can pick up where they left off.

Their biggest hurdle is communication. Ashley tends to speak before thinking, mostly out of nervousness, I think and as a way to try to protect his heart. He was disappointed that Gary didn't suggest they pick up again. But Ashley isn't afraid to go after what he wants.

I loved the story and loved that it centered around costuming. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Alexis Woods.
Author 41 books82 followers
June 10, 2015
(Spot review of an ARC copy provided by the authors and Beaten Track Publishing House)

Ribbons and Frills was a sweet, highly emotional, romantic story of two English men in their twenties. Ashley is a posh college boy whose father owns a sewing factory and design studio specializing in making costumes for dancers and ice skating champions. One fantastic summer he spends all his time with Gary, the manager of the factory, but leaves at the end to return for college. Gary pines for Ashley, his heart broken with the way Ashley left, and knowing he could never follow in the rich boy's footsteps. Gary has his own dreams of making it big in the costuming and designing world, but he's stuck in the little town of Cleethorpe. Now, with the factory going under, the owner semi-retires and turns the dying buisness over to his son. Ashley has grand ideas, but he needs Gary's help if he is ever to turn the business around. Only with a little imagination and hard-work could they, together, achieve the impossible.

Another cute gem to add to the very growing list of stories written by Al and Claire.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,116 reviews251 followers
May 7, 2016
!!! This is simply a sweet, delightful M/M romance !! *** Ashley spent the summer nights in Gary's arms, but then was off to University. Gary's self esteem plummets, and he's depressed, because he did not have the nerve to tell Ashley how he felt.
Sweeny Todd costume

Why these two stayed apart is a puzzle, but at least they do get to reunite when Ashley comes back to save his Dad's factory, Ribbons and Frills, where the hard working staff makes costumes, that are fun, flashy and fanciful, etc. Gary wears a Tarzan loin cloth for underwear to give himself courage ! Ha ...love it !!
Aladin costume

They work hard, make the clothes, but unforeseen circumstances force Gary to use his personal collection for the competition. We are waiting for Gary or Ashley to finally say the words out loud that they each want to hear.
It's a darling short story that moves fast, and is full of heart !! Great characters in all of these people. only .99 at Amazon. :)
from the author of The Invasion of Todd, and The Invasion of Adam.
Profile Image for Josy.
992 reviews3 followers
August 2, 2016
4.5 stars

A sweet, emotional, passionate, sad, surprisingly sexy short story about second chances.
I'm always surprised how these two authors manage to make me feel so much in just a few pages.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,614 reviews1 follower
March 6, 2016
Damn that was a fast sweet hot read.
Gary and Ashley. I felt close to them. Awesome written story.
Gosh another 5 star.
So much story in so few words, unbelievable.
Ashley left Gary heartbroken two years before.
In the present Ashley has a great plan to save his fathers factory.
Gary the first man is stil dazzled by Ashley.
Sensual, engaging and feelings all over.
Damn I hate short stories *not!!
Profile Image for MaDoReader.
1,349 reviews163 followers
June 12, 2016
Aw, son un amor estos 2, un relato corto pero adorable ♡
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
March 14, 2016
'Ribbons and Frills' is a short story about two men who have a summer romance and then go their separate ways only to be brought back together a year later.

Second chances are something that we probably all want at least once in our lives and if we're luck we get them. Gary and Ashley are two men needing second chances in more than one area of their life and when the chips are down the most important question is will they do what it takes to make their second chance work. To get back what they let go and keep what they don't want to loose.

I loved how this story played out and I really liked these two men. Each one had their own challenges to face but when push came to shove they were there for one another. This was a short, sweet, feel good story and I loved it from start to finish.
Profile Image for Tess.
2,049 reviews26 followers
June 23, 2015
Loads of emotion in this short story. I could feel Gary's heartbreak when Ashley leaves and his fears and uncertainties on his return. And when they hooked up again? Pretty hot stuff. Love, love this author duo!!
Profile Image for Aeren.
510 reviews30 followers
June 10, 2016
Fabulosa novella!! Personajes estupendos y una narración amena, no sabía si llorar con Gary o adorarle, qué genialidad en tan poquitas palabras, la única pega es que te deja con ganas de MÁS!!
Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews262 followers
July 1, 2016
It was...okay. I had expected something else, but this was good too. A sweet story.
Profile Image for Amy Spector.
Author 29 books124 followers
July 7, 2015
I LOVE a second chance romance! And Gary, who spends evenings in his apartment dressed is theater costumes? He is just my kind of weird.

I love the attraction between Gary, the Ribbons and Frills' manager and Ashely, the owner's son. After a summer fling that ended when Ashely went back to university, his return to Ribbons and Frills is awkward for Gary, to say the least.

If one of these boys had spoken up, or if Gary's soul crushing low self-esteem had allowed him to see the attraction Ashley obviously felt for him, they may have been having their way with each other on the factory floor a wee bit faster. But what's the fun in that?

An extremely fun and sexy read!

Profile Image for J.J. Carroll.
Author 8 books11 followers
June 22, 2015
5 Mannequins
5 Tarzan costumes
5 Sewing machines -- at full throttle

Oh, this was such a great, fun read. Take a costume factory (Ribbons & Frills) that is about to close, add in Gary (the manager) and Ashley (the boss's son and wannabe designer), and lust and love in all the wrong places -- or so they think, shake it up and you have this delight. Two guys and their sewing machines, plus the supporting cast -- what can I say? These two authors always seem to hit the right notes for me.

And the cover was wonderful.

I'll stop gushing now, and just say thanks for another wonderful story.
Profile Image for MishyJo.
160 reviews60 followers
January 12, 2019
Different from I’ve come to expect from Davis/Stewart. Not as poetic. The MCs were more “normal” (for lack of a better word). Still, I liked it a lot. And it was free.
Profile Image for Wicked.
798 reviews
January 5, 2016
I'm pretty sure I would read anything these two write together, even if that was Ikea instructions. This story managed in just a few pages to twist up my emotions and pull me into the lives of not only the main characters but the secondary ones as well.
Profile Image for Karen Wellsbury.
819 reviews38 followers
October 16, 2017
This was fun, and a bit angsty but as always the writing was good.
It reminded me a bit of the film Kinky Boots in places, the film I kind of wanted Kinky Boots to be.
Loved the setting, and in my epilogue Gary and Ashley are internet successes as well !
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
January 7, 2019
I love these authors. I love their style. I love their delivery.
And although I didn't love this short story as much as some of their previous releases, I still really liked it. And I had a good time reading it. Which is what it's all about.
A spunky story about second chances with an epilogue that made me squeee.
Profile Image for KC.
295 reviews7 followers
December 4, 2016
So very lovely! The story is reminiscent of Kinky Boots, which i loved - both film and musical, and it has all the feels i've come to expect from Claire Davis' and Al Stewart's stories - it's exhilarating, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and simply wonderful.
Profile Image for Ro.
3,072 reviews16 followers
July 21, 2015
When Ashley, the factory owners son, returns to take over Ribbons and Frills, the manager, Gary, is in a bind. He wants the factory to be successful (it’s beginning to fail) but Ashley left him heartbroken the last time they were together. Now Ashley’s father is leaving him in charge of rejuvenating the factory, so there is no choice but to work together. When they hear what Ashley’s plan is, no one is really convinced. They band together to give it a try, though, and in the process Ashley and Gary try to become friends again. Ashley just doesn’t think about what he says sometimes – he already comes across as arrogant a bit, so when he says things such as “What are you still doing in a place like this? You’re not like the others. You could be doing so much better”, it’s no wonder Gary takes offense. For his life and for his friends. I loved Gary, his secret dream lived out at home with his sewing machine, wearing a “Tarzan loin cloth under his suit for strength”. He’s so wonderful and he’s so loyal. When he has to step up after a problem, throwing up and still doing it, I loved him. This is an awesome story about long held and suppressed dreams that sometimes get to come true.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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