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Ashes of Life

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"A beautifully rendered look at love in all its forms. A must read!" ~ Kate Moretti, NYT Bestselling Author of "Thought I Knew You"""An emotionally rewarding story of hope, commitment, and the modern family." ~ Claire Ashby, NYT Bestselling Author of "When You Make It Home""An exquisite tale of love and acceptance, rich with unforgettable characters." ~ Kelly Stone Gamble, Author of They Call Me CrazyMarried for just three months, Alex Barrett is stunned when her husband, David, dies in a tragic accident. And the absolute last thing the pregnant young widow wants is to take on responsibility for his teenage daughter, Maddie. Reeling from loss, Alex struggles to deal with her grief and her troubled stepdaughter, but one question haunts why was David with his ex-wife when he died?All Maddie Barrett wanted was for her parents to get back together, but an icy road took that dream away. Afterward, Maddie is riddled with guilt that she can’t share with anyone. Feeling angry and alone, she lays all the blame on Alex.Alex and Maddie must find a way to move past their pain—shared, yet separate. Thrown together in an untenable arrangement, they fight through a frozen landscape of sorrow and redemption while redefining love, forgiveness, and family.

270 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 28, 2015

About the author

Erica Lucke Dean

18 books178 followers
After walking away from her career as a business banker to pursue writing full-time, Erica Lucke Dean moved from the hustle and bustle of the big city to a small tourist town in the North Georgia Mountains where she lived in a 90-year-old haunted farmhouse.

Tired of being woken up in the middle of the night by a pesky poltergeist, the author of contemporary young adult, romantic comedy, and paranormal romance moved into a cute little cabin in the woods, where she lives with her husband, her dogs, and the occasional bear. Much like the characters in her books, Ms. Dean is a magnet for disaster, and has been known to trip on air while walking across flat surfaces.

How she’s managed to survive this long is one of life’s great mysteries.

You can find out more about Erica, in addition to her humorous blog posts and disasters, on her website.

Represented by: Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Follow me on Bookbub to get notified when my books go on sale. https://www.bookbub.com/authors/erica...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews402 followers
June 9, 2015
Ashes of Life by Erica Lucke Dean
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a book that I am sure to recommend. If you are
anything like
me, and a sucker for a sad, intriguing, thought
provoking, and as near
to anyone's life as this can be, then this is the book for you.

Tragedy can strike anyone at any time at any age.

Alex has only been married to David for 3 months when he is killed in a
tragic accident, on top of this she is pregnant. Oh, and did I mention he already had
a teenage daughter?
Well yes, he does, and Alex has not only to come to terms with her loss
of her husband and Father
to her unborn child, but also to console his daughter. Maddie.

Maddie is a teenager and most of us parents know that teens are not a good age
without anything else
happening to put stress on your, but things to come to a head.

Then on top of this, Alex finds out that her husbands was with his ex.

Things come out.

You know, I have always said that none of us know the inside outs of another person even
if we have been living
with them for years, and in this case, its true.

Alex and Maddie have to keep going and somehow come through it and out the other end.

This book had my attention throughout and I was so engrossed in it the time just flew by.

I will be keeping a close eye on this author if she writes books like this again. Lots
of intense, angst moments.

My thanks go to Red Adept Publishing for allowing me to read and review this and give
my honest thoughts
about. And my kindness to the author for writing such a brilliant piece of work.

Profile Image for Debbie.
1,050 reviews100 followers
August 22, 2015
Married for just three months, Alex Barrett is stunned when her husband, David, dies in a tragic accident. And the absolute last thing the pregnant young widow wants is to take on responsibility for his teenage daughter, Maddie. Reeling from loss, Alex struggles to deal with her grief and her troubled stepdaughter, but one question haunts her: why was David with his ex-wife when he died?

Maddie is a troubled teen that just lost both of her parents and all she really wants to do is forget life for awhile. She tries her hardest to sink into depression, drugs and sex with boys that don't care about her. The worst is when she finds that she is now stuck with Alex her fathers new wife. She can't imagine anything worse.

I have been following this author since my early days of reading and social media. Most of her work is in romance but this one just blew me away. I was literally riveted by this story. The sadness of moving on from loss, the realization that the ones you love aren't always the person you think they are and the discovery of new relationships that can sometimes mend the pain.

A beautifully told story that deserves your attention. I recommend this read to anyone who loves literally fiction and wants to support an Indie author that writes beautifully!!

Profile Image for megHan.
604 reviews86 followers
August 19, 2015
I'm going to vent for a minute here so bear with me: I loved this book and absolutely hated this book all at the same time. The emotions that this story brought out of me were - wow. In fact, there were several times that I put my Kindle down and vowed not to pick it back up again. Now, I've only been through part of the situation - my father died when I was a freshman in high school, but my mother never remarried, or even dated, as far as my sister and I know - but the way that these two acted, as if they were the only ones hurting, just really peeved me off. I'm serious - there were times that I wanted to punch both of the main characters in the face, yell at them for their behavior ... and there were times when I really wanted to give them both a giant hug, help to take some of the burden that they were going through off their shoulders. I know, from seeing friends go through the whole step-parent thing, that this is a realistic depiction of the relationship that happens a lot between the child and the parent's new spouse - even more so because of the fact that Alex was the only parent Maddie had left - but they spent far too much time hating each other when they really could have - and should have - bonded together in both their times of sorrow. But I'm also someone looking in on their lives from the comfort of my couch, not actually having to live the life that they lived. But MAN they pissed me off.

^^ That should tell you a lot about how well written this book is. I don't often get super emotional during a book like that, but this one sure did pull the feels out of me. It was eye-opening, to say the least. ^^

The characters are great. Even though I spent quite a bit of time hating Alex and Maddie (when you read the book, you'll understand why), they were both good people and deserved better than what they got from each other. The two men that came into their lives - and both of their best friends - really helped to show the kind of people they were outside of the grief that they were dealing with, and were just as well written as the two main characters.

Amazing job done by both of these authors. This is a great book from the very first to the very fast page. I definitely plan on searching out more from these two authors, and hope they produce something together again.
Profile Image for Carlissa.
531 reviews24 followers
May 30, 2016
When I requested this audiobook from Audiobookblast, it was listed as "Literary Fiction" and the description sounded like something I would like (and I did like most of it), but there was just too much romance for my taste (I'm not a fan of romance novels).

The narrator, Laurel Schroeder, was excellent and this is what kept me going with this book.

I wish to thank the authors, the narrator, and Audiobookblast.com for the opportunity to read and review this book.
October 31, 2018
QGood theme, could have been told differently

It is probably the grandmother in me, but as I read, all I could think about, was, "is this really how the younger generation lives?" If so, I want to corral my grandchildren and immediately home school them. The reviews did not prepare me for the dialog or loose sexual encounters. If young folks really behave this way routinely, we need to work as a nation to change our society.
Profile Image for Sarah (Workaday Reads).
1,073 reviews103 followers
July 23, 2015
This book is amazing. I went into it thinking it was going to be really sad, but this turned out to be a beautiful romance. Yes, there were some sad and troubling parts, but the overall feel was hope and love. This caught me off guard, but was the best kind of surprise.

This was a powerful story about love, and the power of family, and really highlighted that family is something you work for and create. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth the effort.

When I describe this as a romance, I don’t just mean the romance in a sexual relationship. The relationship and bond that Alex and Maddie start to form is a different type of romance, and it’s one that is even more powerful and satisfying than the ones that the women form with the men in the story. Of course, those were also good, and it feels almost wrong to love Grey so much since he’s only a teen, but he’s such a sweetheart.

This was a very uplifting story, and it made me feel good reading it. It was something I really needed, and I’m so happy to have read it.
Profile Image for Courtney LaSalle.
414 reviews18 followers
June 3, 2015
I DNF'ed this book at about 56%
Not because the writing wasn't great because it really was. The author has a wonderful way with words.

With that being said, this book just wasn't for me. I didn't enjoy the main character, I disliked her so much I couldn't even tell you her name. BUT, I do know a lot of people who would enjoy this book. It was just one of those, it's not you, it's me situations.

Therefore, I am not rating the book at all, because I dont think its fair to rate a book that is good, but wasnt to my liking. Me disliking the character wasnt because she was poorly written or anything, I just couldn't connect or care about her like I was hoping I would after reading the synopsis.
137 reviews1 follower
February 28, 2016
Ashes of Life is a book that I didn't want to stop listening to because I almost felt as if I were right there with Alex and Maddy. Erica Lucke Dean does a beautiful job of making the characters real and believable with honest emotions. This story is so true with things that are happening in our world today. The emotions that Laura M. Kolar put into the voices of these characters was real! She is an amazing narrator! I look forward to listening to more books that she narrates as well as more books written by Erica Lucke Dean.
I was given this book by the narrator in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Lisa.
199 reviews
December 24, 2017
I guess I'm out of the norm in my lack of enthusiasm for this book. I liked it, but I didn't love it.

The basic premise is heart-breaking. Three months after she married the love of her life, Alex's husband and his ex-wife died in a tragic accident together. Not only is Alex pregnant, but she suddenly finds herself legally responsible for her deceased husband's teenage daughter, Maddie. Maddie hates Alex and makes Alex's life miserable, but it seems that there are no other options for her care, so they are forced to make it work. On top of having to deal with her grief and her step-daughter, Alex must grapple with questions about why her husband was with his ex-wife when they died.

So, why didn't I love the book?

• Maybe it's that I'm not a big fan of romance novels and there's a lot of romance in this novel.

• Maybe it's that I work with teenagers and the circumstances around this teenager didn't ring true for me. The adults in her world seem far too casual about figuring out who was going to take responsibility for her and how she is going to get the care she needed.

• Maybe it's that the relationship coincidences in this novel were a few too many for me to believe. It read more like a soap opera, where everyone was interconnected in ways that didn't seem believable.

Don't get me wrong. It's not a bad story. If you love romance novels and a good heart-string pull, you may really enjoy this book.
Profile Image for T.J. Fox.
Author 1 book13 followers
January 19, 2018
I just was not a fan of this. Neither of the two main characters were likable. No matter their situation, they were both pretty self absorbed, bratty and unwilling to look outside of their own bubble of existence. I really wasn't a fan of the romantic relationships on either of their parts either. Way too much yo-yo action going on. To the point that if these characters existed in real life, they should probably be seeking help for mental disorders.

The writing itself wasn't bad, but I won't enjoy a book if I don't like the characters or the believably of their situations. This just didn't do anything other than irritate me.
201 reviews
August 11, 2019
And time moves on.

A wonderful story of pain, hurt, revenge and love and forgiveness. I would have given the review five stars but for the language. An expletive here and there is one thing, but a constant birage of off color language adds nothing to the story. I would have recommended this for young adults, but not with the language.

This was a wonderful story of pain, sadness, revenge, healing, forgiveness and love. I would have given the story five stars but for the language. The constant stream of foul language adds nothing to the story. I would have recommended this for young adults, but I am not comfortable with it.

Profile Image for Penny Koepsel.
6 reviews
June 28, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed “Ashes of Life“ and related to so many of the challenges experienced by the characters. My father remarried when I was in high school so I was familiar with the challenges of accepting and adjusting to a stepmother. I have been a stepmother for 20 years and can relate to being on the receiving end. Four years ago, both of my parents passed away 3 months apart. So I understand how one’s life can change suddenly, unexpectedly, and tragically. I read “Ashes of Life” in one day because I identified so much with the characters, thoroughly enjoyed the emotions it evoked and did not want to put it down.
Profile Image for Sharon Mitchell.
Author 33 books54 followers
July 31, 2019
As I started this book, I didn't like either of the main characters. So, why would I keep reading? Normally, when I find the characters annoying, I'd quit reading. But there was something about the author's writing that kept me there. The writing is wonderful! She portrays two young people who are hurting so much that they can't look past their own grief.Erica Lucke Dean is able to spin a tale so well and these two broken young women end up becoming a family. It takes a skillful writer to make you want to keep reading even when none of the characters are appealing. Excellently done!
October 9, 2019
Tragic but beautiful future

very realistic
Tragic and beautiful
Good moral lessons except sex outside of marriage. I wish the author would have been brave enough to make the DR someone who followed God . Then I wouldn't have had to keep it from my daughter. Great story, I would love to have let my teen read it. But I can t because I can't let her think it's ok to be ok ok ing outside of God's will on purpose. If he had just said, you deserved for me to wait until marriage- but this is where we are and God redeams! I'm sovexcited, will you marry me? I would have recommended the book to high school as well. Adults only though.

17 reviews
October 23, 2018
I enjoyed this read, especially the authentic imperfections of each character. The story evolved in a credible and engaging way, carrying me along all the way. My only reservations lie in a level of predictability that is perhaps just part of the genre. I wanted a surprise or two; some revelations that made me unsure of where the story would go. But there were a lot of twists and turns that kept the story a lot of fun.
74 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2024
The heaviness of grief

I was very confused at the beginning of the book as to who was who? Eventually figured it out and it made it much easier to follow along. I felt like the author was very untuned with the feeling of Alex and Maddie and her other characters which made it more enjoyable to read and feel the story! Excellent job! Plus it was nice to have the story end and not have to read another book!
Profile Image for Debra.
3,367 reviews10 followers
August 7, 2019
Ashes of Life

What happens when your husband and his ex wife die together? Not only that but for are guardian of their daughter? Your life is no longer the dream that you were expecting. This story of lies betrayal and forgiveness. Two hurting souls having to readjust to the new reality. And the new men in their lives.
Profile Image for Louise Child.
258 reviews3 followers
August 8, 2019

Dreadful ,cliche ridden "Stepmom" story .Both the step mom and daughter constantly misunderstand each other and their boyfriends .Both need rescuing ,constantly ,and are supposed to be "strong women!" Of course , the good looking , strong men do rescue them and they all loved happily ever after .
Profile Image for Andree Radzik.
18 reviews
December 3, 2017
Good book. Enjoyed reading it!

It was good and kept me engaged throughout! I would highly recommend this book. In fact, would love a series to find out what happens in the lives of all characters.
Profile Image for Beth Klein.
283 reviews1 follower
November 4, 2018
I enjoyed the book and liked the characters . If I wonder what’s going on when I’m not reading ( think about the book) that’s a good sign . I found myself wanting more in the end -
All the issues seemed to suddenly resolve too quickly
10 reviews1 follower
August 6, 2019
The book was well written and I mostly enjoyed the story. However, I found it hard to believe that Alex would jump into a relationship so quickly after her husband's death. Especially since she considered him the love of her life and was only married for 3 months.
3 reviews
August 8, 2019
Ashes of Life

I enjoyed this novel immensely due to its emotional and interesting narrative. Through the eyes of the step mother Ashley and grieving teenage daughter Madey we can visualise their views, frustrations, needs and insecurities. Finally it gives us that love triumph.
Profile Image for CLAIR Withers.
129 reviews
August 8, 2019
Ashes of Life

Throughly enjoyed reading this story. Learning how Alex & Maddie got on with life after a tragedy. Definitely recommend this story.
Really feel it could be continued.
391 reviews2 followers
September 15, 2019
A lovely book

I loved all the characters and the story line. Good plot and well thought out. Great narrative and well written. Every person in the story was likable except for one. Guess you’ll have to read it to find out who that is. The way it all came together was perfect.
45 reviews
September 23, 2019
Ashes of Life

I rated this a five because it kept my attention and I felt so many emotions. I loved the fleshing g out of the characters. What a terrible start and a fitting end. I wish all situations like this ended as well.
October 5, 2019
Often what we think we know turns out to be something totally different. Some people master jumping to conclusions and allow their imaginations to get the best of them. Follow one woman’s journey through her grief. Watch it turn into something extraordinary.
13 reviews
January 5, 2023
I enjoyed reading this book even though it was predictable in all ways. Teenage angst and guilt are tough emotions to bring to life and the author did a good job. I did feel that the relationship between the widow and the doctor progressed too quickly after the husbands death .
122 reviews2 followers
December 3, 2017
To pat

Didn’t address the issues to pat. I felt it needed more involvement by each character. It needed more development. It was a good idea.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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