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The Choice

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#1 New York Times bestseller Nicholas Sparks turns his unrivaled talents to a new tale about love found and lost, and the choices we hope we'll never have to make.

Travis Parker has everything a man could want: a good job, loyal friends, even a waterfront home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life - boating, swimming , and regular barbecues with his good-natured buddies -- he holds the vague conviction that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style. That is, until Gabby Holland moves in next door. Spanning the eventful years of young love, marriage and family, THE CHOICE ultimately confronts us with the most heartwrenching question of all: how far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?

325 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 30, 2007

About the author

Nicholas Sparks

272 books232k followers
Nicholas Sparks is one of the world’s most beloved storytellers. All of his books have been New York Times bestsellers, with over 130 million copies sold worldwide, in more than 50 languages, including over 92 million copies in the United States alone.

Sparks wrote one of his best-known stories, The Notebook, over a period of six months at age 28. It was published in 1996 and he followed with the novels Message in a Bottle (1998), A Walk to Remember (1999), The Rescue (2000), A Bend in the Road (2001), Nights in Rodanthe (2002), The Guardian (2003), The Wedding (2003), True Believer (2005) and its sequel, At First Sight (2005), Dear John (2006), The Choice (2007), The Lucky One (2008), The Last Song (2009), Safe Haven (2010), The Best of Me (2011), The Longest Ride (2013), See Me (2015), Two by Two (2016), Every Breath (2018), The Return (2020), The Wish (2021), and Dreamland (2022), as well as the 2004 non-fiction memoir Three Weeks With My Brother, co-written with his brother Micah. His twenty-fourth novel, Counting Miracles, will be published on September 24, 2024.

Film adaptations of Nicholas Sparks novels, including The Choice, The Longest Ride, The Best of Me, Safe Haven (on all of which he served as a producer), The Lucky One, Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Nights in Rodanthe, Dear John and The Last Song, have had a cumulative worldwide gross of over three-quarters of a billion dollars. The Notebook has also been adapted into a Broadway musical, featuring music and lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson.

Sparks lives in North Carolina. He contributes to a variety of local and national charities, and is a major contributor to the Creative Writing Program (MFA) at the University of Notre Dame, where he provides scholarships, internships, and a fellowship annually. He co-founded The Epiphany School in New Bern, North Carolina in 2006. As a former full scholarship athlete (he still holds a track and field record at the University of Notre Dame) he also spent four years coaching track and field athletes at the local public high school. In 2009, the team he coached at New Bern High School set a World Junior Indoor Record in the 4×400 meters, as well as US High School National Records in the 800 Medley and 1600 Medley. Click to watch the Runner’s World video with Nicholas.

The Nicholas Sparks Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was founded in 2011, to provide scholarships and fund educational programs for underprivileged and disadvantaged youth. Between the foundation, and the personal gifts of the Sparks family, more than $15 million dollars have been distributed to deserving charities, scholarship programs, and projects. Because the Sparks family covers all operational expenses of the foundation, 100% of donations are devoted to programs.

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Profile Image for Angela.
880 reviews1,506 followers
November 29, 2021
This isn't going to be a long review, but it will be a ranting one. Just going to jump right in...

The characters in this book are ridiculous! First Gabby. One word- Annoying! She got on my last nerve. This is going to sound insane, but she thought way too much. The first half of this book is her just thinking... but it's about nothing at all. She just goes on and on and on about any and everything!!!! Then on top of her babbling she was obsessed with making it crystal clear that she had a boyfriend.

Hey having a party at my house would you like to come- I have a boyfriend. Hi how are you- I have a boyfriend... What time is it- I have a boyfriend.... What color is the sky- I have a boyfriend.


She's also absent minded, jumps to assumptions, and takes her anger out on everyone.... Oh wait there's more... she's needy, whiny, and way too attached to the male characters in this book. Everything she did uggggggggggh drove me insane. Then we have Travis. Travis is perfect. And yeah this is a problem. He is able to do everything, and I'm just not ok with this. Cook, clean, entertain children, ride motorcycles, you name it he does it. I like my characters with flaws and he legit has none. Oh and boy does he ooze of charm. That's another thing! HE IS TOO CHARMING!!!! Yeah, I'll give it to him, he has a few very silly cute moments. However all his perfections overshadowed all. I did prefer Travis to Gabby, but I don't really know what that says.
The relationship between the two is soooooooooo unrealistic. Mr. Sparks you have your two main characters fall in love in one weekend!!!! ONE weekend! I'm not saying that this would be impossible for an author to do what I'm saying is that you are going to have to do it up... You are going to have to pull out all the stops; stops that aren't even invented yet! Good sir, when you make a book 250 pages it's a sprint not a marathon. I'm talking that can't eat-can't sleep-reach for the stars-over the fence world series kind of magic. We don't have time for you to waste on all this pointless backstory BS. Having these characters falling in love over a weekend would mean you would have to have us fall in love with them being in love in a matter of pages... Newsflash you didn't! I DID NOT FOR ONE SINGLE SECOND BELIEVE THESE TWO COULD/DID FALL IN LOVE! I gave no Fs about these two being together.... Which leads me to the plot.


There really isn't much plot to talk about because nothing happens. 85% of this book NOTHING happens! This book puts all its eggs in the basket that is a coma. I'm sure by now you've all seen the trailers for this movie... So you know home girl gets in an accident... Which makes it very clear that the choice will be that he has to either A) pull the plug or B) not. I wont tell you what he chooses to do, but I really don't have to. You will know! Every part of the ending is PRE-DICT-ABLE! Oh and when the big reveal happened I WAS SO PISSED! ROYALLY PISSED! I was so annoyed by how everything went that I was praying to the book gods to just have Gabby die! Live-die, Gabby gonna be real with you I just don't care!!! Actually you know what, just die, it's cool. I was told over and over again by several people that that none of this would matter. That by the end I would still be a blubbering mess...I WASN'T!!! I did not shed a single tear. I cry in almost every book but didn't in this one! I think that really says something. I was just to busy being angry to be upset.

Nick Sparks needs to re-evaluate his writing. This is a story he has done time and time again. Wealthy white people fall in love, someone ends up in the hospital, but in the long run it all works out for them... because LOVE CONQURS ALL EVEN MODERN MEDICINE.

Yeah its just a no! We are not on good terms Nick. F this book.

I was way easier on this book than I planned on being review wise.... I toned it down, which I know in the long run I'll regret doing. Oh and If at this point you're still wondering if I'll be seeing this movie or not?!?!?!... Well you can bet your sweet buns I am. I'm actually still pretty pumped about it.
Profile Image for Laura Cashavelly.
47 reviews10 followers
July 22, 2008
Mr. Sparks, All my life I believed in order for a wonderful marriage all you needed was true love. And now, knowing that for a relationship to work it needs much more then love, reading your books is honestly quite pathetic and sad. All your books are the same, have you ever thought about writing a book that doesn't involve two people falling in love over the course of twenty-four hours?
Profile Image for Lisa.
47 reviews
October 5, 2008
The Choice has assured I will never read another Nicholas Sparks book. I found this novel to be a long-winded, tedious waste of time. And I got really irritated with his lack of research. If you are going to write about a dog whelping – get your facts right. If you are going to write about comatose people – get your facts right. Oh yeah, and if your leading lady is an accomplished P.A. , you might want to try giving her a brain. And I’m sorry, but I see nothing redeeming about defying a person’s legally expressed wishes. In real life, this stuff is not reasonable and it’s unfair portraying it with such an unrealistic ending. If you want a romance novel, a Harlequin writer could have told this story in a third the pages, on a higher reading level and probably have added some needed passion to it.
Profile Image for Katie.
3 reviews2 followers
June 26, 2013
********MAJOR SPOILERS*********

For those of you who have read this book..... Did you have as many problems with it as I did?

First of all Gabby is in a committed relationship and even though its not a perfect one, its not terrible and they're in love. Then she spends some time with Travis and BAMMM! she's in love with him too only after two days! What? And they had to say in like the stupidest way possible! 'i love you Travis Parker.' 'And I love you Gabby Holland.' I do not understand how that can happen in that short amount of time while she's already in love with somebody else.

And she cheats on her boyfriend by sleeping with Travis ever spare minute she has for like five days. Cheating isn't romantic. Travis shouldn't marry her cause if she cheats WITH him, she would probably cheat ON him.

Later in the book Gabby goes in a coma. Travis has a written document that's signed by Gabby saying if she's in a coma for more than twelve weeks with no sign of recovery whatsoever, she basically wants to be taken off life support. Then it comes to that time and you know what Travis does? HE DOESN'T EVEN TELL ANYBODY ABOUT THE PAPER. I mean it's what she WANTED and he just completely ignores it AND breaks the LAW. That just mad me so mad.

And later when she wakes up (of course you have to have a perfect, unrealistic ending) she doesn't even bring it up. Not at all. She doesn't even care that he didn't follow her wishes.

And a lot of the time when people wake up from long term comas, something is different about them. Like maybe their memory is a little messed up or their personality has changed. But nope Gabby is COMPLETELY back to normal??

The last thing that bothered me is that he literally went around asking people and himself 'How far will you go in the name of love?' when trying to decide if he should take Gabby off life support or not . WHO ASKS PEOPLE THAT? What does that even mean? And anyway it's not going 'in the name of love' if you break somebody's trust and wishes.

Does anybody else understand what I'm getting at?
Profile Image for Jaidee.
674 reviews1,403 followers
February 27, 2020
3.5 "beatific part one and mediocre part two" stars !!

This review will consist of two mini-reviews as I feel the quality of part 1 and 2 of the book to be vastly different.

Part 1 4.5 stars !

I picked this up to be my Valentine's read for 2020 and boy did it deliver ! The romance and coziness I felt while reading this was top-notch and ever so sweet. Two young white southerners with good values and character meeting up and falling in love amidst good natured friends and loving family. A clean cut middle class romance at its very best. The descriptions of their feelings, their conversations and their activities make you yearn for a different world where people are well-meaning, communities are caring and the world is good. My heart felt so full and hopeful and happy and made me so glad for all the good things in my life.

Part 2 2.5 stars !

I will not give away any spoilers but the couple are dealing with a very difficult situation eleven years into their marriage. This section felt rushed, at times moralistic and maudlin. All the minor characters that were so important in Part 1 take a backseat and act as filler. I so wanted this to be as excellent as Part 1 as the story has many ethical dilemmas and emotions needed to be treated in a deeper and more complex way rather than veering into maudlin and at time saccharine Hallmark greeting card mode.

All in all a mixed read but Part 1 certainly fulfilled a very satisfying Valentine's read.

Profile Image for ♥ℂĦℝΪՖƬΪℕÅ.
230 reviews3,952 followers
March 13, 2019
“How far should a person go in the name of true love?”

The Choice. I made the wrong choice when deciding to read this lol. Sadly this was not an enjoyable read at all. It was very boring and extremely predictable! It seemed to go on and on and on. It's bad when you find yourself not caring for any of the characters and your constantly checking to see how much more is left to read. Gabby was just plan and annoying. While Travis was so completely perfect and single!..?. Can you say BORING? I did tear up like once... maybe? The last few chapters were slightly better but still very predictable. I was beyond thrilled when I finally finished. It was certainly just a one time read or more like a waste of my time.

Yes I will be watching the movie and yes I am excited to see it but that's only because when it comes to Nicholas Sparks books the movies are 100 times BETTER than the books. Odd right? But it's the truth. Sparks just doesn't do it for me.

“Stories are as unique as the people who tell them, and the best stories are in which the ending is a surprise.”

Only the ENDING was NO surprise!
Profile Image for Coco.
1,092 reviews541 followers
May 1, 2016
Uno de los libros más reales y justificados de Nicholas Sparks.
Tiene su dosis de drama, pero es un drama real, de pie de calle, el que le puede pasar a todo el mundo. No es un drama gratuito y de telenovelas como hay en otros libros suyos.
Creo que hasta ahora es el libro que más me ha gustado de él, y eso que he leído casi todo lo que ha escrito.
Travis es un personaje muy logrado, lleno de miedos e inseguridades, pero decidido y valiente a la hora de luchar por lo que quiere.
El final es puro agobio, todo iba mal y estaba ahogándome en mis lágrimas. Y conociendo al autor, ya me hacía a la idea del final que iba a darle. Y ME EQUIVOQUÉ.
Espero que la película le haga justicia al libro, porque tiene el listón muy alto.
Profile Image for Nikki De Los Santos.
11 reviews1 follower
April 25, 2008
Pulled at my heart strings and ended up crying for about 5 mintues at the end. His writting has a way of getting in your head and you can imagine yourself in the situation. What would you do......
Profile Image for Elise.
132 reviews5 followers
January 7, 2008
I should preface this review by saying that The Choice was a really thoughtful Christmas gift from my little brother, Darren. I'm glad I read it, as I've been curious about the Nicholas Sparks following (at least among a certain, um, demographic). Sparks' writing style is also clear, it's an absurdly fast read, and I'd be lying if I claimed the storyline didn't occasionally leave me a bit verklempt.

That, however, is where my praise for The Choice ends. First, the characters in this book were ridiculous. Usually I rail against the media's unrealistic portrayal of women, but the male protagonist in this novel was truly beyond the pale. This man had not ONE character flaw (unless blind, unadulterated devotion to the woman he worships counts). Other issues? Love magically cures what modern medicine can't, cheeeeesy cheeeeeeeesy dialogue, and I WANTED THE FEMALE PROTAGONIST TO DIE. Seriously. There either must be something terribly wrong with me and my empathy skills, or there is something wrong with this book.

I'm sorry, Nicholas Sparks fans. I do enjoy a good fluff-filled love story, and I'm a big fan of certain types of fantasy (hooray, Harry Potter). This was just too much. Maybe The Choice would make a better screenplay; I thoroughly enjoyed the cinematic Notebook, after all.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
October 29, 2019
The Choice, Nicholas Sparks
The Choice is a 2007 novel written by Nicholas Sparks.
Part one: Travis Parker and Gabby Holland set off into an interesting journey of life as neighbors and then young lovers. Travis Parker is a happy man with wonderful friends, a great occupation and an enviable life. He thinks his life is already full of joy and happiness – then Gabby Holland moves in the house next door. What blossoms is an emotional and inspiring love story. It is a story about overcoming barriers to be with your loved ones. It is about pure and intense romantic love, trust, strength, and the reality that all choice is a cheap illusion.
Part two: Gabby suffers an accident, and Travis visits her in the hospital, where she is comatose. The doctors say she probably will never wake up. Travis is forced to make the choice between taking Gabby off life support or to sending her to long term care, knowing that she may never wake up. He decides to take his chances and move her to long term care. Three months later, Gabby wakes up from her coma and moves back into their house.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و نهم ماه اکتبر سال 2012 میلادی
عنوان: انتخاب؛ نویسنده: نیکلاس اسپارکس ؛ برگردان: ناهید کبیری؛ ‏‫‏‏تهران: پوینده، ‏‫‏1390 (1389)؛ در 351 ص؛ شابک: 9789642950102؛ چاپ دوم 1393؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21 م

شخصیت نخست داستان، مردی قوی، تقریبا ثروت‌مند، با موقعیت اجتماعی خوب، به نام: «تراویس پارکر» است. او هر چیزی را، که یک مرد ممکن است در زندگی شخصی، و اجتماعی‌ خویش بخواهد، دارد. شغل خوب، و نسبتا پردرآمدی دارد، و در خانه‌ ای در «کارولینای جنوبی» زندگی می‌کند. «تراویس»، بیش‌تر اوقاتش را به قایق‌ سواری، شنا، و خوش‌گذرانی با دوستانش، می‌گذراند، و باور دارد، که رابطه‌ ی جدی با یک زن، تنها محدودیت برایش خواهد آورد، و تقریبا هر کاری می‌کند، تا زیر بار مسئولیت یک رابطه‌ ی جدی، و مشخص با یک زن، نرود. اما زندگی، روی دیگر سکه را به «تراویس پارکر» نشان می‌دهد، و زنی به نام: «گبی هالند»، سر راه «تراویس»، قرار می‌گیرد. او به خانه‌ ی کناری «تراویس»، اسباب‌کشی می‌کند، همان‌جا ساکن می‌شود، و کم‌ کم وارد زندگی شخصی «تراویس» می‌شود. اما داستان همین‌‌جا ختم نمی‌شود. رمان انتخاب بیش‌تر از این‌که داستان پرماجرای جوانه زدن عشق و ازدواج، و تشکیل یک خانواده باشد، داستان یادآوری روزهای سخت، پرتلاطم، و دردناکی است، که یک زوج عاشق‌ پیشه، در روند زندگی مشترک‌شان، ممکن است با آن‌ روبرو شوند. در واقع «انتخاب»، بیش‌تر از این‌که یک رمان عاشقانه باشد، یک داستان درباره‌ ی دشواری‌های زنده نگاه‌ داشتن امید، و عشق است. نقل نمونه متن: «البته همه چیز نمی‌توانست همیشه دلخواه باشد. گاهی اوقات زندگی مثل یک قمار بود. او در سن سی و دو سالگی فهمیده بود که هر کس سهمی از شکست‌ها و حادثه‌ ها دارد. او با این همه توانسته بود خودش را تا آن لحظه خوب حفظ کند. چرا که بعضی از شکست‌ها و حادثه‌ ها می‌توانستند ضربه‌ هائی جدی‌تر از لطمه‌ های بدنی به انسان بزنند. البته زندگی را نمی‌شد پیش‌ بینی کرد. به این سادگی‌ها نبود. مثلا بعضی از هم‌کلاسی‌ هایش، سال‌ها بعد در تصادفات رانندگی مرده بودند. بعضی‌ها بعد از ازدواج طلاق گرفته بودند. بعضی‌ها دچار اعتیاد یا الکل شده بودند، یا سرنوشت، آن‌ها را از این شهر کوچک دور کرده بود. و تنها خاطره‌ هائی از دوران کودکی در ذهن آن‌ها برجای گذاشته بود...؛ او فکر کرد دنسا چقدر کوچک است...؛هریک از آن‌ها، با آن زندگی‌های متفاوت دوران نوجوانی‌شان، با آن جوش‌هائی که پوست صورت‌شان را پر می‌کرد، با آن رابطه‌ ها و مشکلاتی که با دخترها داشتند، با آن حرص و جوش‌ها، که از دست پدرها و مادرهاشان می‌خوردند، هر کدام به چهار دانشگاه، در رشته‌ های مختلف، و ایالت‌های مختلف راه پیدا کردند، درس خواندند و عاقبت یکی پس از دیگری به همین شهر کوچک بیوفورت بازگشتند.»؛ پایان نقل. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,084 reviews453 followers
May 31, 2017
O Milagre de Travis ***

Não sou crente, mas se há coisa em que piamente acredito é em Milagres do Coração!
E isto porque já assisti à realização de muitos impossíveis, apenas por obra e graça desse magnífico sentimento, que dá pelo nome de Amor!

Assim, quando Travis, que é perdido de amores pela sua Gabby, atropela um menu de razões dificilmente refutáveis, optando por não desligar a máquina que mantém a sua amada presa à vida, eu senti um Milagre a caminho.

É certo que tal decisão se opõe à vontade de Gabby, que antes redigira um documento com instruções específicas em sentido contrário!

E não é menos certo, ser altamente improvável a reanimação de Gabby após um longo período comatoso.

Além do mais, desligar a máquina seria pôr termo à agonia duma esperança defraudada, cortar com aquele estado límbico de auto-esquecimento a que se entregara, e ... rumar em frente!...

Eram de facto razões demasiado fortes para serem ignoradas e era a Cabeça que lhas ditava.
Só que o Coração recusava-as, e não se rendia:

Aqueles 11 anos na companhia de Gabby souberam-lhe a pouco. Precisava dela para o Aconselhar, Amar e Azucrinar!
NÃO!... Ele ainda não estava pronto para desistir!... Travis queria MAIS e havia que tentar o impossível!
O Coração assim lho exigia!
O Coração assim lho ditava!

"Uma Escolha por Amor" é uma ficção que poderia muito bem ser real!
Porque os Milagres de Amor existem!!!
Porque os Milagres de Amor acontecem!!!

É de Amor Verdadeiro que esta história nos fala - sobre o seu alcance e o seu Potencial Ilimitado!!!

*** Lamento, mas a inclusão de spoilers foi essencial ao tipo de review que me propus elaborar. Contudo, não creio ter arruinado o prazer da leitura, pois trata-se duma obra que é praticamente um ensaio sobre o Amor, o que obviamente só será apreendido, lendo o livro!
Profile Image for Célia Loureiro.
Author 20 books888 followers
February 6, 2016
Bilingual review / Opinião bilingue


This must be the 10th Nicholas Sparks book that I read, after a few years break. The last one had been “Dear John”, and I hated it to the point that I never thought I’d read one book from this man again. To be clear: he’s still the same. If you want to know his “formula”, mix up these ingredients:
- Many dialogues (to make it lighter) with easy and random jokes;
- Really cool and sexy guy with little holes on his chicks who enjoys his beer;
- Pseudo-independent and strong woman who drinks Diet coke;
- Common dates – dinners, barbecues – with nothing spontaneous on their arrangement, where they discuss spontaneity and then decide when and at time will they go out for a boat ride/etc.;
- Conservative kisses in the end of that first date – shall I kiss her, shall I not?
- A widow;
- A desease;
- An accident;
- A dog;
- A weird connection with an animal that no one would ever think of – like Noah (The Wedding) and the swan, and now Travis and a pigeon;
- A complicated moral dilemma like A) she’s dying, should I stick to her? B) her brother is the one who ran over my wife, should I stick to her? C) she cannot haver children, should I stick to her? D) she says that, in order to be with me, I should stop sending letters on bottles to my dead wife, should I stick to her? E) she said that, if she’d ever be in a coma, I should turn off the machines after 12 weeks, should I respect it?

Sparks wrote this novel over his knees.
Anyway, if I ever get into a coma please remember Ramón Sampedro’s words (a Spanish citizen who spent 30 years in bed without being able to move any part of his body but his head – there’s the movie, The Sea Inside):
“The one who loves me is the one who’ll help me die”.


É para aí o décimo livro que leio de Nicholas Sparks depois de uma pausa de alguns anos… o último que tinha lido foi o Juntos ao Luar. Resumindo: continua o mesmo. Se querem conhecer o estilo recorrente de NS somem estes ingredientes:
- Muitos diálogos a propósito de nada com piadas aleatórias.
- Chavalinho porreiro com covinhas na cara que bebe cerveja
- Chavalinha com mau feitio que bebe Diet Coke
- Encontros comuns – jantares, barbecues – combinados e sem nada de espontâneo, onde eles discutem a espontaneidade e decidem que vão dar um mergulho, aprender a andar de mota, algo do género.
- Beijos conservadores no final desse primeiro encontro
- Um viúvo
- Alguém estéril
- Um acidente
- Uma doença
- Um cão
- Uma ligação inexplicável com um animal que não lembra a ninguém – como o Noah da Alquimia do Amor com o cisne, ou agora o Travis com um pombo.
- Um dilema moral complicado, do género: a) ela está a morrer, vale a pena ficar com ela? b) ela diz que para ficar com ela tenho que deixar de mandar garrafas com mensagens à minha mulher que morreu c) ela não pode ter filhos, fico com ela? d) o irmão dela é que atropelou e matou a minha mulher, fico com ela? e) ela pediu que, caso ficasse em coma, etc., eu devia desligar as máquinas ao final de doze semanas. Desligo?
Este dilema e) teria dado um livro excelente. A sério. Gabo-lhe o ter pensado nessa questão, embora não seja totalmente nova, e teria sofrido e vivido realmente este tema. Tudo porque, saberei lá eu explicar, fiz o mesmo pedido a uma pessoa próxima. Se por algum motivo ficar em estado vegetativo, ajudem-me a morrer, já que cá não se pode escolher esse desligar das máquinas, segundo sei. A pessoa disse que não o faria. Não o faria porque gosta de mim. Bom eu devo ter uma ideia muito distorcida do amor, detestei. Não, detestei não chega, DETESTEI, em caps, a mensagem que o Sparks passa neste livro. Fiquei indignada com a pequenhez deste amor que ele descreve e que vende, e que muitas mulheres/homens, se é que o lêem, compram como o ideal. O único, o genuíno. E a dignidade humana? A mulher teria de ficar meses – anos…! – à espera de acordar numa cama, quem sabe se aprisionada no próprio corpo mas consciente, a ansiar por ser libertada? Por poder morrer? Para lhe removerem os tubos que lhe sustêm a vida? Com o corpo a atrofiar-se? O rabo a ser limpo por terceiros? Amor, para mim, tem de ser mais. Mais do que ele gostar dela e não imaginar a vida sem ela. Se a ama respeita-a. Se a respeita cumpre o que ela lhe pediu, em desespero. Mas não, mais vale arriscar, queimar os papéis legais onde ela estipula esse pedido e fazer figas para que ainda esteja vivo um dia, se ela acordar. E depois, como é Nicholas Sparks *spoiler* a senhora claro que acorda. E nem se zanga! É escusado dizer que, se fosse eu, embora agradecesse a oportunidade para ter regressado, me separasse quase certamente de um homem em que não podia confiar. É isso o amor, não? Pedir a alguém que nos dê voz quando ela nos falta, e esperar que repita as nossas palavras sem egoísmos. E ele foi egoísta, tão egoísta…! Não concebo amores assim.

Passada a fase da indignação acrescento que isto representa a segunda parte do livro. A primeira deve-se ao modo como estes dois vizinhos se conhecem e a sinopse só se debruça sobre ela. Ora a senhora tem namorado – quase noivo – e, ao final de três dias, já anda enrolada com o vizinho. True love, says Nicholas Sparks. Devo mencionar que, dias depois quando um colega de trabalho dela tenta beijá-la o dito vizinho o esmurra e a aconselha a abrir um processo contra ele de agressão física? Fuck logic. Onde está a explicação dela ao namorado quando o larga? O livro sofre um pulo. Ora estão a passear de mota e conhecem-se há três dias, ora já ela está em coma e ele a ama perdidamente, anos depois, casados e com filhos. O senhor escreveu o livro nos joelhos. A Presença, mesmo na 8ª edição, tem o livro cheio de gralhas. Não admira que seja dos dele de que menos se fala…

Enfim, se eu entrar em coma, se eu tiver um AVC e não puder falar, se eu partir o pescoço e implorar a alguém que me ajude a ter paz, façam-no! Como dizia Ramón Sampedro (Mar Adentro), Aquele que me ama é aquele que me ajudará a morrer.

PS - O nome do livro devia ser "Uma Escolha por Egoísmo Que Acaba Bem Porque, Afinal, é Nicholas Sparks"
Profile Image for booknuts_.
808 reviews1,820 followers
March 9, 2016
review found at: www.awesomebooknut.com

I wanted to read this book as soon as I saw the trailer for the movie. But I had to ask a friend if it had a happy ending or a sad one, cause I wanted to be prepared going into it. I usually don't do that but with this author, you just never know!
I loved Travis as a character. He seemed genuinely nice and care-free. I felt that he was a guy enjoyed the pleasures of the world especially when it came to women. He wants to one day settle down but hadn't found a woman that really made him feel different when it came to love.

Gabby was okay. I had a hard time liking her. I felt like she was a bit whiney. I think I understand what the author was trying to convey with this character but she bothered me. I found myself rolling my eyes a lot. When I finally saw the movie I liked movie-Gabby better than book-Gabby.

The romance.... kinda bothered me. Especially in how Gabby and Travis got together. I felt like it almost glorified cheating. Let me explain. Gabby has a boyfriend. A boyfriend she is waiting and hoping will propose. But the author does a great just job of showing that actions are taken with first the thought. What I mean by that is, every step Gabby took towards Travis was a very conscious decision. He had a very romantic weekend with Travis and all of a sudden Gabby and Travis know they are meant to be together. Now I understand that as soon as Gabby chose Travis she quickly ended it with her boyfriend but it still doesn't excuse (in my mind) that she cheated...big time.

I loved the turn of events and the choices that had to be made throughout the whole book, before the ultimate relationship between Gabby and Travis and afterwards. It was really sweet-the afterwards.

Overall: I really enjoyed this story. Despite my mixed feelings about Gabby being in a relationship when she got together with Travis. It was interesting to see how Sparks decided to build the story to ultimately reach its climatic turn of events.

Sexual Content: moderate
Language: mild
Violence: mild/none
Drugs/Alcohol: mild
4 reviews3 followers
March 17, 2009
This has been my favorite book and my plan is to read every Nicholas Sparks book. I read this book last summer and this book is also about love and promises. I learned not all promises should be kept (even though they should). This married couple has been together quite some time and they had there good and bad times. In the time of there marriage a promise came up- If anything ever happened to Gabby and needed be put on life support, then her husband Travis, would only let her be connected for the three months that the insurance covered. Travis needs to make a decision whether Gabby will stay alive or not.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jeremy Perrault  Peterpan23.
70 reviews91 followers
December 13, 2022
Ok, so hear me out. I fell in love with the movie before I read the book. However, I love the movie a little more than the book. I think to each their own, but I’m going to keep this short and sweet!

So, the book was solid. “If it is not broken, then don’t fox it!” The beginning, to part two, and then the end. Oh my goodness, the ending was touching. I believe in good karma. Good things happen to those who wait. Patience is such a virtue, and rewards us every time! Nicholas Sparks asks a vital question we all think about as humans, “How far would you go in the name of love?” More or less, “what would you do in the name of love?” A promise made and not kept is never a promise at all, but a means of putting someone else before thy self. Allowing the person to be vulnerable, naked and willing to allow you to make the decision they can’t. They weaken their senses by asking you to promise them to, “not push the red button”, when they know they wish they could.

The sense that Travis and Gabby was immortal. True love written in the stars!

Now, the movie! Well written in an, “alternative perspective.” However, the one line they didn’t have from the movie in the book.. the one thing I was waiting for… the one thing that got me.. made me fall in love with the characters…..

“YOU BOTHER ME!”….. God,
Nicholas Spark’s, “YOU BOTHER ME!”… Well written!
Profile Image for Becky.
248 reviews4 followers
November 26, 2007
When a new Nicholas Sparks novel comes out, you know what you're in for - a southern romance between a romantic, lovable, handsome man and an intelligent, independent, naturally beautiful woman. It will be a fast read that makes you long for the simple, small town life. I'm not a big fan of romances, but Sparks books are simply good stories and always enjoyable reads. Also, one never knows whether the ending will be a certifiable tear-jerker or joyful happiness. "The Choice" is about two neighbors who fall in love, despite one being in a relationship. Readers don't find out what choice the title suggests until deep into the story. While this is another surefire bestseller, I still prefer my favorite Sparks' books: "A Bend in the Road" and "The Rescue."
Profile Image for Sheri.
788 reviews18 followers
April 26, 2009
Well, what a monumental waste of time and money!! It was insipid and anyone could have written it without being a bestselling author. The worst thing is that I paid full price for it at the airport and didn't even like it well enough to pass it on to anyone else to read. Why inflict more pain? I don't know that I'll ever read another one of his books again and if I do, rest assured, I'll get it at the library. The funny thing is that my other choice was a Grisham novel (another author who writes anything now that his name is known) but I'm wondering if that would have been a better choice. I haven't read him in awhile so hopefully
he's gotten back in the groove!
And if you really want to read The Choice, you won't need but a few hours(if you're a slow reader) and half a brain,,,there is no plot a 6 yr.
old couldn't come up with.
Man falls in love, woman can't decide between this too-good-to-be-true-in-every-way man and her boyfriend that she's not even happy with. He's her next door neighbor, blah blah blah.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
January 12, 2016
I'm one of the few people on the planet who is not a huge Nicholas Sparks fan, but that said, I liked this book.

This is a book for those times when you just want to sit in front of the fire and read something that isn't too deep. It's a very easy read, something that you can put down when the kids need diapers changed or someone has started a kitchen fire, and when you have the chance to pick it back up, you won't be totally lost.

The story line is easy to follow, not so many characters that things get complicated.
Profile Image for zainab .
121 reviews71 followers
September 20, 2020
Travis wants a life with his wife and children, but he didn't find the right one, until one evening, his neighbor Gabby stood in front of him and complained about the dog. Beautiful days passed, years went by and suddenly everything changed. But Travis does not give up, because he now has everything he always wished for. It is a beautiful book, typical Nicholas Sparks.
Profile Image for Serena Miles.
1,331 reviews58 followers
May 22, 2022
3.5 ⭐
Este libro lo forma en dos partes. La primera me ha gustado mucho es cuando se conocen los protagonistas pero me ha dejado con la sensación de que falta algo porque cuándo acaba nos ha solucionado lo del novio de Gabby.
La segunda parte me ha recordado totalmente al libro El cuaderno de Noah y es totalmente reflexivo acerca de una decisión que tiene que tomar Travis 10 años después, y se pasa los capítulos rememorando cosas que han pasado entre ellos y dando vueltas a dicha decisión. Realmente no se soluciona nada o no se ve color hasta el epílogo qué es un poco largo para compensar, creo yo pero tampoco ha llegado a convencerme del todo.
Una lástima porque al principio prometía mucho más
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.1k followers
February 8, 2016
But what if . . .

No one can write a love story like Nicholas Sparks. There something about the way he tells a story that gets me every single time.

This isn’t my favorite of his books, but it’s one that I still really enjoyed. What made the story great was Travis and Gabby. Their banter and teasing made me laugh and their connection felt natural from the start. They just sort of fit.

It was hard for me to believe that anyone would be ready to say the l-word after only one weekend together though. I cringed when it happened, not once, but three times. Why, oh why, would he do that? I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but I was able to overlook it. Maybe because it’s Nicholas Sparks and he’s written so many books that I absolutely adore??

With any of his books, you have to expect a sad turn. There is always something that sort of test the couple’s love for one another and this one was no different.

The story is broken up into two parts and with the start of part two, I felt like one thing was happening, when in fact, it was something totally different. Something worse actually. It was sad and devastating watching Travis struggle. Of course, it made me contemplate what I would do if I was in his situation. In the end, he made the right choice.
Profile Image for Kirsti.
2,465 reviews92 followers
December 27, 2011
Yech. So I thought the Notebook was a little disappointing, but suspected that was because I'd seen and adored the movie so much that it overrode the contents of the book. Now I decide to read another of the Sparks books, only to be terribly disappointed AGAIN. I must be a sucker for punishment.

First, Travis is perfect. Utterly perfect, and I would punch him in the face if I met him in real life, not fall madly in love with him. All he seems to do is exercise, so accordingly, he is physical perfection. Gabby, who already has a decent if not slightly boring boyfriend, realizes the stud muffin next door is 'the one' and bam, on to chapter two and they're married with kids, yada yada yada. Now Travis has to make a 'choice' (clever use of a title....not) after he breaks his perfection by making a mistake and putting Gabby in a coma.

I spent the whole book hoping that the next page I turned would be the last. I love sappy romance, but I like believable sappy romance, and there wasn't much here. I hired out another of Sparks' books at the same time as this one, 'Dear John', but it might be a few days before I get over the bitter aftertaste this one gave me before I can even attempt to read it!
Profile Image for Staci.
2,040 reviews601 followers
April 22, 2020
I am undone. I finished this General Market novel with tears rolling down my face.

Travis' story begins and ends in 2007, however, the vast majority of the novel takes place in 1996. Travis is established as a veterinarian in his home town and has a great group of married friends. He would love to have a family, but is waiting for the right woman.

The story line and writing are both engaging. I adored Travis' sister Stephanie. And the moment the meaning behind the title, The Choice, became clear, my heart ached.
Profile Image for Paul.
2,239 reviews20 followers
August 29, 2017
This was my first Nicholas Sparks (unless you count the movie version of The Notebook) and it was... OK, actually.

Yes, it's schmaltzy but I'm a big ol' softie beneath my tank-like exterior and am not completely averse to some schmaltz from time to time. While this didn't exactly set my world afire, it was quite entertaining and even had some poignant moments. I'll probably read some more Sparks eventually but there're definitely a lot of books in front of it in the queue...
Profile Image for Becky.
299 reviews
November 21, 2008
I have to be in a certain type of mood to read a Sparks book. A friend told me this was a good, but I get irritated with Sparks tendency to kill off his protagonists by the end.

The Choice is a great read (and thoughtful...who doesn't need to be reminded that we all need Living Wills.) I loved the Part One where Travis and Gabby "grow" in love. Part Two moves too quickly, but this might not be a bad thing. As a reader, I wanted more details, but admit this would have muddle the plot and ultimately the point of the story: How far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?

A great read for a snowy afternoon under a quilt.

Profile Image for Aleksandra.
192 reviews33 followers
February 18, 2016
Nakon još jedne pročitane Sparksove knjige sam sad potpuno sigurna da su mi bolji svi filmovi snimljeni po njima. Čitajući njegove romane kao da čitam dobar opširniji sinopsis i upravo zato filmovi mi ostavljaju puno jači, dublji dojam. Tako i u ovom romanu ljubavna priča Travisa i Gabi, iako zabavna, nije me posebno dojmila, a čitala sam je stalno očekujući da se nešto desi i poremeti tu idilu kao i u svakom Sparksovom romanu. Naravno desilo se i naravno emocionalno me dotaklo, ali sve je to prilično zbrzano, a roman ima mali broj stranica pa mi je sve to ostalo nekako površno. Stoga sam nakon pročitane posljednje stranice rekla sebi, u redu dobra je to priča, ali ipak jedva čekam njenu ekranizaciju kojom bi tek trebao biti postignut pravi efekat na emocije.
3 reviews
March 14, 2016
This book is an insult to women, literature, love, relationships, marriage, men, medical professionals, comatose patients, legal documents, sexual harassment victims, and all those who had the misfortune to read it.
Profile Image for Shaikha.
224 reviews148 followers
April 27, 2017
I watched the movie first and I absolutely HATED it, I was VERY very disappointed.
Then I decided to give it another chance since it's about a medical student (kind of obsessed with the concept) and read the book during the summer, just going to be honest here, I couldn't even finish it.
I do feel bad giving this book less than 3 stars but damn Nicholas Sparks, you could do SO much better! The plot actually had potential, it started off as okay but then shit turned bad. 👎🏼
Displaying 1 - 30 of 8,949 reviews

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