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Children of the Mark

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AJ Scott is a typical teenager. The only thing he wants to do is survive high school. Clair Anderson and Dougie Edwards have been his friends since the third grade. The teens stumble across a bizarre ritual and their night of adventure quickly turns to panic as they witness the culmination of the Cult of the Elder’s attempt to pull a monstrous deity from the netherworld into our world. A hasty escape leaves the teens terrified and AJ marred from the event. His newfound malady proves to be much more than a simple mark and the trio are pulled into a world of deceit, monsters, and old fashioned horror.

196 pages, Paperback

First published March 15, 2015

About the author

Michael W. Garza

39 books116 followers
Michael W. Garza often finds himself wondering where his inspiration will come from next and in what form his imagination will bring it to life. The outcomes regularly surprise him and it’s always his ambition to amaze those curious enough to follow him and take in those results. He hopes everyone will find something that frightens, surprises, or simply astonishes them.


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Profile Image for Amy.
1,213 reviews31 followers
April 20, 2015
I've read for Mr. Garza before and LOVE his books. Anything having to do with a cult and the Elder's freak me out! I love it!

This a great YA book, not to gory, not to overly flashy. Just enough to let your imagination run wild! This is a story about 3 school friends who venture into a warehouse and stumble upon a cult. Something happens to AJ and he can now see things the other can't. When the cult becomes involved with AJ's family, things start to get sticky. They need to take care of this, quickly and quietly.

Could this be the end for AJ? What about Claire and Dougie? Will they survive the cult?

I like the flow of this book, yes there were slow parts - to much talking between the 3 characters about what they were going to do next. But it didn't take away from the story. I read this book in two days, because I'd get freaked out, have to put it down, but it kept whispering my name to pick it up and read more. I did! I couldn't leave it alone, I needed to know what was going to happen.

I would think this book is for a high school kid or older. There aren't bad horrible language, just some freaky stuff going on! Obviously adults enjoy it too.
Profile Image for Seregil of Rhiminee.
591 reviews45 followers
March 21, 2015
Originally published at Risingshadow.

Because I previously read Michael W. Garza's The Last Infection and found it entertaining, I was interested in taking a look at Children of the Mark. I wasn't sure what to expect from it, because it was a young adult horror novel, but it turned out to be an entertaining and relatively fast read with a bit of mystery elements.

Children of the Mark is an interesting young adult horror novel, because it's a combination of several elements found in the classic Hardy Boys mysteries and the novels and stories written by H. P. Lovecraft, Carolyn Keene and Enid Blyton. The author has created a fascinatingly Nancy Drewish kind of a story with Lovecraftian horror elements for younger readers. This extraordinary combination works well and offers good entertainment to young adults.

Here's information about the story:

AJ Scott, Clair Anderson and Dougie Edwards have sneaked into a warehouse and witness a strange ritual. They see how hooded figures try to summon a horrifying being to our world. They make a hasty escape, but something happens to AJ and one of his eyes turns milky. Soon AJ, Clair and Dougie find out that they've witnessed the gathering of a cult - the Cult of the Elder - whose members seek the power to rule over the world at the left hand of the Elder god of the netherworld, NasNoroth...

Michael W. Garza clearly seems to love good old-fashioned young adult detective and mystery stories, because there's something in this novel that reminds of the classic stories written for children and young adults. The only difference is that in those classic stories the authors never wrote about cults, occult happenings and elder gods.

The author writes well about the protagonists (AJ, Clair and Dougie) and what they do. It was enjoyable to read about their adventures and how they solved problems. They were quite resourceful teenagers and knew how to search for information and figure things out.

I think it's good that the author also writes about AJ's life in general, because many readers will be able to identify themselves with him. For example, the scene in which AJ helps Clair, who has problems with another boy, is a well written scene.

Mrs. Applebottom is an intriguing minor character, because she owns a bookstore. She helps AJ, Clair and Dougie and tells them about many things related to the Elder gods, because she has particular interest in them.

It was especially interesting to read about what AJ saw after his eye had become milky. He was able to see things that others couldn't see. He found out that he has a mark and he has opened himself up to the netherworld, and this has enabled him to see things that he wouldn't normally see.

I think that all young adult readers who are interested in reading about occult happenings and elder gods will love this novel, because it's fascinating to read about what's going on and what kind of monsters AJ sees. The author has created a good atmosphere that will keep readers glued to the story.

Because I'm a big fan Lovecraftian weird fiction and horror, it was intriguing for me to read about Lovecraftian elements in young adult format. In my opinion Michael W. Garza has managed to convert Lovecraftian elements surprisingly successfully to young adult format, because he pays attention to what young adult readers expect from their horror stories and what they want to read about in their stories. He seems to understand the needs of his target audience and knows how to write to young adults, which is nice, because not all horror authors are capable of writing fluent young adult fiction.

It's possible that older readers who are familiar with Lovecraftian elements may wonder if there are any tentacles in this novel, because tentacles are often considered to be an essential part of Lovecraftian horror fiction. I can reveal to these readers that there are tentacles in this novel, but I won't reveal more about this subject.

Children of the Mark is an old-fashioned yet modern horror novel that will appeal to young adults readers who love horror stories with a dash of mystery elements. Because Children of the Mark is a thrilling and entertaining novel that's pure entertainment from start to finish, it may also appeal to older readers who are interested in reading young adult horror.

My final words are:

This novel is good horror entertainment for young adult readers!
Profile Image for Autumn.
2,261 reviews46 followers
April 20, 2015
I received this book to give an honest review.
I have read two other books by this author and loved his writing style. So when he offered up Children of the Mark I didn't hesitate to ask for a copy to review. Let me say first though as of today the book is on sale for .99 so please check before you buy the book to see if it is still at this low price.

I think this book would be great for the teenagers on up. There was not really any graphic scenes and no bad language. Overall it was a decent book about teenagers getting caught up into a cult. AJ and his friends go to this warehouse where they witness a strange sight what happens next has them wondering what is truly going on. The only person that seems to be truly affected by that night is AJ one of his eyes has a turned a milky white and that reason being he can see things that others can not. Because of this the people in this cult of The Elders pretty much stalk him and his friends. I wouldn't say they do anything else but that.

The story revolves around AJ and his friends trying to figure out more about this strange cult along with trying to save AJ's father. While dealing with all this going on AJ and his friends also have the dreaded high school and bullies to deal with so I think teenagers will be able to relate a bit more with these characters as they are teenagers themselves.

There is plenty of action as far as AJ and friends find for themselves. It seems that they find the trouble and do a good attempt to get out of whatever predicament they get into. The way the ending left off I wouldn't say it is a cliffhanger but it does have me asking the question is there a book two in the works.

The only reason I gave this book 4 stars and not a solid 5 is because I didn't feel as much horror as I expected. I read some other reviews and saw the categories the book has been put into, and horror is one of them. I guess maybe because of talk of the demon or what not that showed itself could be considered horror? I am not sure. Though for me I like to be scared when I read something is suppose to have horror written within the pages. Other than that little thing the book was a good read that I sat and devoured in a day. :)
Profile Image for J. Michel.
Author 6 books30 followers
March 29, 2015
Children of the Mark is a horror story, but it’s perfect for teenagers because it’s scary but not overly gory. The story follows three high school students who stumble upon a spine-chilling ritual performed by the Cult of the Elder. The main character, AJ Scott, is attacked by a demon during the ritual, and then he starts having eerie visions. He digs deeper to find out more about the cult and quickly realizes he’s in way over his head.

AJ Scott is one of those endearing main characters that you think about long after you’ve put the book down. He’s sarcastic but has a big heart. The other two main characters are lovable as well. Clair Anderson has been best friends with AJ since third grade, but it seems there might be a bit of a romantic spark developing between the two. Clair is the daredevil in the group. She always finds a way to get into trouble and is the instigator of the trio. Dougie Edwards, on the other hand, is a big scaredy-cat and wants nothing to do with investigating the cult. He’s a sweet kid though, and you can’t help rooting for him.

The teenagers try their best to hide their interactions with the cult from their parents, but AJ’s father gets involved in a real estate transaction with one of the cult’s leaders. AJ and the gang form a plan to save AJ’s parents from getting drawn into the cult, which could lead to his parents’ demise.

Not only is there a perfect amount of gore in the book, but there are also quite a few funny moments. I really enjoyed AJ’s humor, which pops up every few pages. Aside from the creepy cult stalking him, AJ has to deal with school bullies, homework, and typical teenage issues.

The ending is exciting and satisfying, but it also leaves room for a sequel. I hope there are more books about AJ and the gang because I’m dying to find out what kind of trouble they get into next. I highly recommend Children of the Mark to teenagers who are into horror (and adults too!).
Profile Image for Sunshine Somerville.
Author 17 books110 followers
April 1, 2015
Having read Garza’s “The Elder Unearthed,” I thought it was really cool to see that same basic mythology carried over to a YA audience. The Lovecraft similarities are obvious, and I’ve seen a few people mention The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew…but I’m not sure teens care about those references and so I’d say the book feels a bit like Harry Potter if they’d stayed in the muggle world. The three main characters of AJ, Clair, and Dougie certainly have a HP-esque comraderie. But the bad guys are certainly more fixated on demonic rituals than simply dark magic, and the “Elder things” are flat out monsters from nightmares.

I liked the interactions between the three teens the best. AJ is immediately likeable, as are Clair and Dougie, although these two are really just along for the ride as AJ finds himself mixed up in the horrific drama. I thought the parents were a little underplayed, but they’re not really supposed to have any idea what’s going on, so that’s fine. The kids’ one adult confidant is quirky and knowledgeable, and I would have liked to learn a lot more from her or have her be a stronger character.

Overall, really, I would have liked more…horror. More with the cult. More with the monster aspects. The kids spent about as much time discussing bus routes as they did learning about the dangerous cult trying to bring forth these Elders into the world. For a book 1, you can assume more will come later, but I would have liked a bit more danger and information from the get-go.

Still, this is a really good read. It’s not at all too dark for teens or even slightly younger kids, but it was also entertaining as an adult reader. It’s funny in places, heartwarming in others, scary occasionally.
2,720 reviews38 followers
April 21, 2015
This is a teen adventure/terror story that avoids the slashed/dead teen track. When the story opens AJ is fifteen and his goals do not extend far beyond getting through his days at school without being harassed and bullied. He has been very close to his two friends Clair (female) and Dougie since grade school and this time they are snooping in a warehouse.
They inadvertently observe a cult attempting to conjure up ghastly creatures and somehow AJ is given enhanced eyesight and one eye is now cloudy. His normal vision is unaffected but now he can see much of the supernatural aspects of the cult operations. The three adventurers gain an ally in their struggles against the cult and they somehow must avoid them while simultaneously stopping the cult members from releasing the evil creatures on to humanity.
There is also the subplot of the three friends reaching the point where more adult feelings are starting to erupt between the male and female members. There are various levels of bravery exhibited, including an act of defending female honor.
There is a climactic scene at the end that does not elicit the tension that the author intended. Furthermore, it ends on a note indicating that there is potentially more to follow. I found the story good, but not great. I easily stopped reading one evening right in the middle of the dramatic confrontation and felt no great desire to continue early the following morning. You want to finish it, but there is no tight grasp of your imagination.

This book was made available for free for review purposes and this review appears on Amazon.
Profile Image for Michael.
Author 53 books64 followers
March 19, 2015
I received Children Of The Mark in exchange for an honest review. Michael W Garza is a talented writer who brings in a classic twist to his YA novel. While some writers attempt and fail at these types of books Garza has brought his Lovecraft influence and infused a healthy dose of Hardy Boys, and even a little bit of Goosebumps.

This may be geared for young adult readers but anyone who's looking for a decent read with with a bit of Lovecraft is going to enjoy this. while we know that this is a YA adult novel it works for everyone.

This is the type of book that allows a writer to spread out a little and Children Of The Mark allows Garza to go off in a different directions. It's a solid read and the pages fly by. Once again Garza has shown us just how talented he is. Marks is a solid effort that works well beyond its YA audience.
Profile Image for T.W. Brown.
Author 96 books294 followers
April 29, 2015
I enjoy Mr. Garza's work. Admittedly, I do not read him enough.

That said, I grabbed this one and then life kept it unread for a bit. Once I got to it, I was thrilled. This is some quality writing. The book is skewed to a younger crowd and does a masterful job of not going too far over for it to be a concern while still managing to keep an older reader interested if he or she picks up the title. The strength of Garza is his ability to bring the reader along via realistic dialog. That allows for narrative to flow and not bog down trying to explain.

This is a solid "supernatural" tale with some occult tones. It is fitting for teens and older.
2,490 reviews44 followers
April 8, 2015
Horror of The Finest

AJ and his friends stumble into The Cult of The Elder when they sneak into a warehouse. AJ is marked in one eye and it causes him to see things and have telekinetic powers.
They meet a woman in a bookstore that knows them.
Between being followed and needing to save his parents, AJ must stop the cult from bringing a host of monsters into our world.
Pretty decent horror.
Profile Image for Tanya Watt.
Author 1 book111 followers
April 11, 2015
A Great Horror story geared for YA audience! I'm a huge fan of Michael Garza's writing, and Children Of The Mark is no exception. Even though the story is not as gruesome as his others, it still gave me chills as I followed AJ and his friends through their search in finding the truth behind the Cult of the Elder.
This is a story any horror fan will love! Michael Garza brings the fear back into reading, his writing makes you wish you still had a night light!

Profile Image for Kim (Wistfulskimmies Book Reviews).
428 reviews12 followers
August 10, 2015
This is the story of AJ, Clair and Dougie. One day they are exploring an abandoned warehouse and stumble on a Cult Ritual. On viewing a summoning, AJ's eye turns milky. From then on, their lives aren't the same as they try and find out what's going on, and stop AJ's parents from getting involved in the Cult, whilst learning AJ has suddenly developed new psychic powers...

I enjoyed this. It was aimed at young adults, and the language and flow of the story read as such but I think I'm young at heart anyway! I enjoyed the idea of mini sleuths, reminded me of Nancy Drew or The Hardy Boys back in the day. The characters were solid, although Dougie came across as quite wet at times, but that's his character I think. The story flowed well, and the ending left it that there may be more of these. I hope so as I really enjoy Michaels style of writing.

Profile Image for Gina.
71 reviews3 followers
May 14, 2015
This book is about three tens who find themselves in trouble,big supernatural trouble, (my favorite kind). The characters in this book are so well developed I act was able to identify them with kids I went to high school with. This story is written in very visual detail, and was easily able to hold your attention. I enjoyed this book very much and especially think it will be a hit with the young crowd. I like that the author leaves you with hope for a second part.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews

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