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Sky Brooks #2

Darkness Unchained

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Alternate cover edition.

What happens when your only allies are your enemies?

Just survive. That’s been Sky’s goal since uncovering a dangerous secret: she had died at birth and became host to a very powerful spirit shade. Now Skylar has the rare ability to manipulate magic—an ability some would kill for. Needing to lie low, she declines membership in the Midwest Pack, the most powerful pack in the country. Sky thinks she can return to a normal life. She’s wrong.

When a pack member is brutally assaulted, Sky saves her. The Midwest Pack and their rivals, the Northern Seethe, are under attack, and the pack wants Sky to help find the person responsible. Drawn reluctantly back into the otherworld, Sky must work with the Seethe’s hunter, Chris, to finish the job. Chris should be a welcome asset with her connections and extensive knowledge of the otherworld, but her turbulent history with the Seethe and Midwest Pack only causes more conflict between the enemies-turned-allies.

Once again, Sky must negotiate the lies, secrets, and strange politics that govern the otherworld while struggling not to draw attention to her abilities. Now she wonders if she will be able to find the killer—and get out alive.

402 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 6, 2015

About the author

McKenzie Hunter

56 books1,043 followers
McKenzie Hunter is the author of urban fantasy, dark fantasy, and paranormal romance books. She discovered early that new adventures were just a page-turn away; all she had to do was read a book. She’s had her share of escapades from hanging out with vamps, joining the chaos of shifter packs, creating spells with witches, and avoiding deals with the fae.

When she isn't working on her next book, she’s reading, binge-watching TV, or disappearing into her own world during nature walks (probably on the lookout for magical beings—or maybe not).

Want to chat with McKenzie Hunter, discuss her books in her readers group or stay up to date with new releases, see cover reveals first, and participate in exclusive giveaways? Click the link: https://mckenziehunter.com/social-links/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 202 reviews
January 23, 2015
Confused yet Hopeful

I enjoyed parts of the book, the parts where Sky was front and center or even off to the side. But why just why was Ms. Hunter testing my dedication to read the book all the way through with giving me so much Chris time. If I wanted to read a book about her well I would pick up the Chris whatever-last-name...oh wait I wouldn't because I could not dislike her more. I really looked forward to this second novel and now if there is a third I will be hesitant to purchase since in this novel I felt as if Sky made little progress and was given less page time. Forgive me but whose series is this again half through I forgot?
Profile Image for Gia.
338 reviews17 followers
February 23, 2015
I liked but didn't exactly love book number one but book number two, urh major frowny face. I couldn't decide if the series should be renamed the Sky Brooks & Chris Show or Sky Brooks the girl who witnessed a bunch of shit and that's pretty much it.

I made it to about 33% and realised as we yet again headed into a another Chris POV that; A. I pretty must detested Chris B. Ethan went from being the misunderstood bad bad to the misunderstood idiot and C. Sky was turning into the Silent Witness.

So I decided that in order to save my Kindle from being hurled at the wall in disgust this must immediately be shelved with the DNF's which was a bummer because the mystery element did peek my interest, if only those silly characters didn't get in the way!
Profile Image for Runningrabbit.
1,385 reviews97 followers
July 6, 2015
FREE on Kindle Unlimited. Find more cheap paranormal books at Paranormal Book Feast http://on.fb.me/1SRyijA

A 4.7* I can't make up my mind if this book is better than the first. This book injected quite a lot of new material giving insight while maintaining freshness in the novel. "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"

I also have to add that I love the way this author writes, both the sentence structure and excellent vocabulary. The novel also manages to jump upon the reader with some real surprises, leaving me thinking 'wow, I didn't see that one coming'.

This book brings a whole new level of intrigue to this series, with the reader being left curious and curiouser. It comes up with some real surprises, and leaves the reader somewhat shocked about actions, reactions and responsibility.

A lot more material is focused on Chris and I was hesitant about her at first, but it definitely adds more depth to her character and as a result of that, the novel as a whole.

Of course, it is debatable whether or not the reader finds her merely tolerable, her actions understandable, or if we all hate her even more. In many ways, she is not a likable person, whether you're able to empathise with her or not.

The reader also finds out more about the enigmatic Quell. He's different to all the other characters and this adds something extra to the novel. I definitely want to see where things go with Quell, and where his relationships with the people surrounding him go.

Yep, the vampires are still particularly evil, and the shifters still seem to, overall, maintain a dodgy spot in Skylar's life.

This novel completely keeps the reader's interest which is paramount to maintaining a successful series, and I believe this is done with verve and great finesse.

I'm completely loving these, and I understand book three is out in August. Yehh!
 photo mereading_zpsegmohavf.gif
Profile Image for Jazer (catching up on TBRs).
248 reviews12 followers
April 3, 2024

Oh man! Okay. SOOOO many things happening at the same time. I was half-confused, half-intrigued the whole time that I believe, if you don't find this convoluted chaos of a train wreck brilliant, it's just borderline crazy.

This was like watching Gossip Girl with steroids where everyone was scheming and betraying everyone in the supernatural world. My heart wrenched for Joan, Steven, and Winter. The temporary alliance between weres and vampires was entertaining. Quell's appearance in this book felt promising and I looked forward to his role in the future. What I don't understand though was the need for dual POVs between 2 female characters. Was Chris' story significant enough for the end game to have her POV here? Book 2 felt like a Chris book than a Skylar book, especially with the ending being on Chris' POV. It was jarring and I didn't like hearing Chris' thoughts especially when she slept with Ethan again. That stupid bastard.

I seriously thought I'd lose interest in this because of how convoluted it was but I'm ashamed to admit that I lost some sleep over this. Ugh! This could've been a 4 if not for Chris' POV. Let's just hope it's significant and not for naught.
12 reviews2 followers
April 21, 2019
WOW. The lead character Skylar is appealing as a limp noodle. I really thought that she would grow a back bone after the first book but she is still this simpering, fearful mediocre person. Don't even get me started on Chris - I despise her character. Ethan he just likes to have his cake and eat it too. He can't stay away from Chris but still rubs up against Skylar.

If a weak female lead character and arrogant males that every woman is just suppose to drop her clothes and beg is your thing you got the right book.
July 12, 2017
Dissatisfied and Disappointed

I purchased the first book in this series because it was marketed as a romance first and supernatural second. I thought the first book was okay because it led us to believe that a budding romance was on the horizon for Skylar and Ethan (typical cliffhanger). However, the second book (this book) didn't get so far as 24% before Ethan and his ex, Chris couldn't stay away from each other. It's difficult to determine who the main characters are, who the good guys are, and why the enemies seem to have better character traits.
Profile Image for Rachel.
97 reviews2 followers
July 18, 2017
Not gonna lie this book was hard to get through.
1: Skylar literally just sat back and watched things unfold through the first half of the book like it seemed that she had nothing to do with the entire plot line up till the second half!
2: I love a book with a wide range vocabulary in it, however I feel like Mis Hunter had a thesaurus with her and looks up as many words as humanly possible to put in her stories. Normal people, even educated people don't use as many big pointless words that are written in this story. It was really pretentious.
3: the main issue in this story that everything is building up to is solved in the matter of minutes and it's not that exciting, you then have 30% of the book remaining of build up for the next book

I feel like the only purpose for this story is a buildup for the next one.
I have some ideas already of what's going to unfold and I'm actually excited and have more hopes for the next books.
Profile Image for Starrisa.
106 reviews42 followers
August 8, 2018

I'm really confused...is the series name right? I think it should be changed to Chris Brooks :/

Remember Chris in Moon Tortured? (Btw, the book title should be MoonStarrisa Tortured instead) Well, fans of Chris, pleasant surprise for ya'll!!! Chris makes a HUUUUUUGE appearance in this book. In fact, I think she is the forgotten main protagonist in the synopsis! :O

How many times does Chris's name make an appearance in the book? around 430 plus/minus times. Congratulations -- our occasionally TSTL protagonist Skylar has been replaced! Three cheers!

I remember the last book aka the first book quite well. It exceeded my expectations quite a bit, though I gave it three stars, but I remember giving it mostly favourable remarks. I remember resonating with Skylar, and appreciating the necessary cruelty of the werewolves/vampires. WELL I TAKE EVERYTHING BACK NOW.

For some reason, I really did not enjoy reading the book. It was by sheer willpower and curiosity (oh, how I hate curiosity, you'll see why later) that I managed to grit my teeth and got through the book. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad and there were some humorous stuff, but mostly I felt myself facepalming. I mean, the first book was forgiven since Skylar was still new to the er, stuff and everything but ohmygod it's the second book and she's the same???

There are sooooo many things that I find could be improved on in this book, and even NOW I still think the same. :( which is sad since I was really really expecting a lot of things for this. *sigh*

First of all, let me take a selfie oops wrong thing! I mean let me take a quick look at my notes. YES I'VE MADE NOTES SINCE IT WAS SO FRUSTRATING TO GET THROUGH THE BOOK AND I NEEDED AN EMOTIONAL RELEASE

The most irritating problem: CHRIS.


First of all, what's up with Ethan??? (it relates to Chris I swear) NOT SO SPOILER ALERT I can't believe the two of them actually get back together!!! Like. What. NO! I mean, he's supposed to be like the Beta of a pack and ohsosmart so I guess why not hmm? I mean I would totally date my ex who threatened to kill me and has allied with my (kinda but not quite) Evil Enemy of All Time. I swear of Ethan is the love interest that I think he is...HE IS A SUCKY LOVE INTEREST!!! sorry but I can name like, ten other guys in the book who will be better heroes than Ethan. Like seriously, half the time Skylar (ohh wait is she the protagonist??? ahhh I just remember) hides from him and the other half she's trying to get him to spill his secrets...I see no romance there -.- I feel no chemistry between them either. And Skylar has not, I repeat, SKYLAR HAS NOT HAVE ANY SORT OF ROMANTIC FEELINGS TOWARDS HIM. Except for maybe minor lust. And she feels NOTHING when she sees him naked (not so spoiler alert: YEAH CHRIS AND ETHAN ACTUALLY GET CAUGHT RED-HANDED BY JOSH AND SKYLAR WHY HEY WHY NOT HM). tbh I'm rooting for Quell. I like him.

Next: SKYLAR. ohmygod

Is she a block of dead wood??? (technically a block of wood is already dead so er,) Let me show you a quote: (it's the START of a chapter btw)

Chapter 7

Josh and Chris were sitting at the library table with a collection of books sprawled over it. She blew out an exasperated sigh as she slouched down in the chair across from Josh, propping her legs on the table. She seemed so relaxed in the pack's home with Josh as her partner in research.

Me: oh. It's Chris's chapter *pretends to be surprised*

Next line:

When I finally walked further into the --

Me: HOLD UP! It's SKYLAR'S chapter?? *genuinely surprised*

The thing is, Skylar spends half her time describing to us in detail what other people are doing and how they react to each other. It's like the author thinks: hey, I need to show other characters' interactions so...Skylar becomes a narrator. I don't know how she feels. How she thinks. I don't want to read a book with the protagonist narrating. I want a book where if someone walks into the library and treats her in a specific way, we get an inkling of what our H feels. Does she feel irritated when she is ignored? Upset? Resigned? Unaffected? It seems like, despite the fact that Skylar is kinda like a Special Snowflake, she does absolutely nothing. She's special for just existing :/

And of course, OHYMYCHRIS

The thing is, when the book series is called "Sky Brooks" and the synopsis sets Skylar as some sort of protagonist, YOU EXPECT HER TO BE THE MAIN PROTAGONIST WHICH ISN'T THE CASE. Halfway through the book she just disappears and then we get Chris! Whee. NOT.

No offence, but if we were to take Chris out of the picture will anything change? No. The truth hurts, but Chris is of little significance in the story. Despite how she is portrayed as so special for being a badass human, she is NOT.

Why? Apparently she has survived for like 7 years in the hunting industry which is rare. And I am shocked. By the fact she has survived so long when:
1) She lets emotions get the better of her and sleep with Ethan in view of public (kinda but not quite)<-- if Josh and Skylar are considered public lol
2) She jumps into fights randomly despite one of the creatures having severely wounded the Third of the Werewolves. I'm all for fighting but when you KNOW you will win.
3) Basically, if technology were to fail one day Chris will fail too. She uses guns. Cool. But the act she relies on them kinda heavily (every time there's a fight she whips out her gun magically the creatures are killed by shots)
4) Despite being a "professional" she lets her emotions get the better of her again and has some intense stare-off with Winter because of some weirdy jealousy. OH get out .-.
5) FINALLY MOST DUMB OF ALL she attack the sorta King of Vampires aka Demetrius. I mean why not??? (I am sad she doesn't get killed tbh) Also Chris' curiosity is disgusting. YES. How many times is the word curious said by Chris? Around 9 different occasions. Curiosity kills the catChris (hopefully)

Oops sorry for the messiness but just remembered: Skylar is slightly stupid and dumb when she reveals herself as a Werewolf to David. *sigh* *shake my head* *cries in a corner*

Oh yeah, one of the reasons why I'm not giving this one star is because usually I reserve one stars for DNF and despite everything the storyline has me hooked. My Achilles Heel TT I won't elaborate on it but I guess more stuff gets explained here but there are also large chunks of information being dropped randomly. Seems like Josh is doing most of the Telling here -- no Showing :(

Some things I like a lot are Quell...Quell...and Quell! I wish he's the love interest instead boohoo :( And also I really enjoyed the humour bits as well. Skylar's sarcasm never fails to amuse me hehe. I'll be checking out the next book but if it's still kinda bad then...I may be taking a LOOOOOOONG hiatus from the series temporarily

Anyway, you guys can give it a try. Maybe you'll like it better than me! :) To conclude, I give it 2.35 stars rounded down to 2 stars
Profile Image for Zen.
2,386 reviews
April 11, 2021
It felt like for this entire book, the author was trying to turn Chris into a likable character and have us invested in her story. She's not a likable character. It is hard to sympathize with her when she makes her choices to go to and with the vampires due to a lust for power. She chose the life she led and kept making those same choices. She has two powerful people she is in some sort of relationship with, but she is trying to downplay each of them to the other. I enjoyed the parts of this book that involved Snyder, but those seemed few and far between. I didn't really care about Chris and her poor decision making.
Profile Image for Bit'N Book Tours.
60 reviews40 followers
April 3, 2015
Spoiler Alert- if you haven’t first read “Moon Tortured,” be aware that “Darkness Unchained” is the SECOND in the Sky Brooks Series. Now, with “Darkness Unchained,” welcome Skylar Brooks [character] & Mckenzie Hunter [author] to the world of the sequel. As most fiction fans know sequels can be hazardous waters for successful authors and characters, and with “Darkness Unchained” readers can ask both “can Hunter deliver a second performance as strong as her first?” and “can Sky Brooks as a character keep us as invested the second time around as she did the first?”

The answer to both questions is resoundingly yes! In “Darkness Unchained” Sky Brooks emerges not as the naïve victim & novice to the paranormal world of her true birth that she was in “Moon Tortured,” but now as a genuine heroine. Refreshingly, Sky does not appear as a bad-ass heroine slaying vampires with ease; instead, Hunter develops her character much more realistically, couching her heroic emergence as one of ethical courage as Sky repeatedly navigates choices to hide behind others more physically trained and powerful than herself or to take the morally easy road and give in to her animalistic or victimized impulses. In trial after trial, the Sky Brooks who emerges throughout “Darkness Unchained” is a young woman of resolute integrity, increasingly confident not just in her slowly growing physical survival skills but more importantly in her ethics and decisiveness amidst the chaos of crisis & combat. In a genre flooded with the stereotypes of indecisive or weak & easily dominated female protagonists, Hunter gives her readers a true heroine in “Darkness Unchained” as Sky Brooks grows crisis by crisis into a werewolf willing to make hard split-second choices that, regardless of consequences, solidify her integrity and affirm her ethical humanity despite her developing position in an inhumanly weird world.

Yet in “Darkness Unchained” Hunter doesn’t stop at her successful development of Sky Brooks. Rising with great talent to the challenge of the sequel, Hunter provides a diverse cast of characters that rounds out the palette for readers of any taste. In Ethan, Josh, Steve & Sebastian she provides male characters of multiple types whose powers and positions are as complicated as their personalities & interactions with Sky- none are love interests, none are one-dimensionally safe, but all are resolute and become familial despite clashes with Sky’s ethics. In Winter, Joan & Chris (the sole human to occupy center stage in the unfolding story) Hunter provides a trio of powerful female characters each of whom easily eclipses Sky as a fighter, and each of whom comes into the story with dramatically different (and reader-challenging) origins & outcomes. She also injects a surprising degree of complexity to the vampires, portraying them as undesirable allies of convenience against a common enemy without denuding them of their cold-blooded capacity for murderous and perverse tastes. This is evident in the ethically challenging but intimate bond between Quell & Sky, or Demetrius & Michaela’s complicated polyamorous political dynamics within the seethe. Finally, the expanded dynamics for witches, the fae, and elves offer readers hints at exciting new complexities for the series.

As a result of these rare successes in both character & plot development, while retaining her now trademark gritty realism in a world of vivid paranormal surrealism that leaves readers irresistibly invested in the future of Sky Brooks and her shadowy world of dangerously enticing characters (including Chris, the human woman straddling two worlds with a success Sky can only envy), Mckenzie Hunter’s “Darkness Unchained” earns another solid 4 out of 5 stars and a call for more!

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Profile Image for Shari-amor.
217 reviews33 followers
September 12, 2019
I dont think I've ever read a book where the main character is 95% a spectator. How are you on the sidelines the majority of the book? I'm not quite sure if there is suppose to be some type of love triangle in here but uh it sucks. There is no believing that any of these men and Skylar can have sexual chemistry or a connection. And this dual POV with Chris is weird. I hate it. Her POV added nothing to the book. I thought we would see more of the social and political dynamics of the vampires but naw. And the worst of it all, Skylar doesnt grow at all in this book. She is the exact same person at the end of this one from the 1st book which is frightening terrible because from the 1st book until now, a little over a year has passed.
Profile Image for Megan.
3,349 reviews43 followers
June 21, 2018
Chapter 1 -4
So massive attack on were-creatures. Ethan is doing this threatening thing but also sort of giving her vibes. Vampires were also attacked by creatures they cannot identify.

Chapter 4-9
I don't like this going back and forth to Chris POV. I don't like the change of perspective and I'm not bothered about Chris.
Thaddeus is dead and Chris seems to be very effected by this.
I also don't get who is Skylar attracted to, the vampire or the werewolf. Or are we going to have a triangle/square?

I felt a little lost in this book, it jumped around so much instead of telling two stories at once this would benefit with a spin off (as much as I hate them) otherwise this is just ridiculous.
Profile Image for Marialys Amador.
11 reviews
May 30, 2017
The duo POV was just not a good idea

I must say I really tried to go into this book with an open mind. But I just did not see how having the POV of Chris in the book made any sense. It felt forced like either there wasn't enough of a story line and adding her POV in it added extra pages or something. However, I must admit that if she ever wants to explore and give Chris her own story then that would not be such a bad idea. Some mistakes here or there but nothing to spend a whole paragraph bitching about it.
Profile Image for Ms. Cyn.
1,544 reviews
March 21, 2020

This is my second read of this story It was better the second time. I think this series has a lot of tragedy. Skylar gets mixed up in pack business because of monster attacks and Chris' story becomes a train wreck. I think it isn't the Pack that has the problems, its the Seethe. They are a menace even when they don't try. Bleeding hearts like Skylar's have no place around vampires.
Profile Image for vyoletkyss.
807 reviews
August 8, 2018
Another series that has a interesting premise but devolves into a shit "poor me" 'heroine', an abusive romantic relationship, and ultimately just a lame job at coming to any sort of conclusion with story lines. So if you like the whole trope of "the bad guy keeps getting more powerful so let me keep making my heroes more powerful to conquer", coupled with a horridly written abusive "romantic" relationship then this series is for you.
Profile Image for Melodylovesbooks .
185 reviews65 followers
August 12, 2023
I enjoyed book 2 more than book 1! I am still waiting for Sky to become a powerful force to be reckoned with! I love a strong female character! The different POV was interesting to say the least but I still don’t like Chris
Profile Image for Jessica Sexton.
521 reviews11 followers
May 30, 2024

This story is feeling a little drawn out. There is 7 books in this series but I truly never understand where the characters fall. Plus when they switch to Chris’ POV it goes from first to 3rd person.
Profile Image for Cassandra (Thebookishcrypt).
585 reviews54 followers
November 3, 2015
*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

I can't find words to describe how EPIC this world is. McKenzie has created a story that I am still hypnotized and awed by to this day. All her characters are the most unforgettable I have come across. This is another one of the few series that has failed to make me hate a character it has. And that's an amazing feat. Why? Well, because ALL of them are wonderfully complex and intriguing to the max. There is not one that intrigued me more than the other. Not possible... except maybe a few but only because they took my attention from the first book.
Michaela got THIS CLOSE to making me despise her guts and the air she breathes buuuuuuut... I am too amazed by her gruesome ways to hate her. Every single character had a quality about them that made me fall in love and respect fiercely. Quell, Steven, Ethan, Josh, Winter, Demetrius, Sebastian, Joan... I could go on and on about every single one but I will not spoil it for any of you. If you are intrigued by their names... read this! God, I can't stress enough how much this series means to me!! Every aspect of it is burned into my brain and I remember everything (mostly) as if I had just finished it a second ago.
This book changed it up a little for us. Mainly, instead of only including Skylar's, the main character, POV, McKenzie also included Chris's POV (in the third person). I swear, it sounds a little weird but it works perfectly for this book! Another reason was that it delves deeper into the characters that we saw only in passing on the first book. It allowed me to form deeper connections with all of them, and boy did I.
Also, this book is horrible for fangirls. So many amazing thought-out male characters makes it IMPOSSIBLE to ship Skylar with just one. At least for me. So I gave up. Whoever captures her heart, I am on board just because I love them all. This world is unbelievably precious. I recommend it to everything, living or not. Just read it!
4.5 stars!

Profile Image for Marsha.
2,994 reviews55 followers
August 21, 2017
(3.5 Stars)
Like so many other reviewers I found Ms. Hunter's decision to tell "Darkness Unchained" from both Skylar and Chris' point of view rather strange. It would have been different if Chris' story was minor but in this case it has equal emphasis as Skylar's. Although Chris is not a character I love, I found Ethan's behavior in this read a lot more deplorable. By the end of this read, he went from a brooding character to downright despicable. I have to say, he lost the sexy factor for me quite easily.

Someone or something is attacking and killing members of the were packs as well as the Seethe. In an effort to get to the bottom of this, Sebastian and Demetrius will have to work together and oh what fun it will be to watch these two rivals move through the shark infested waters of compromise. During this brief alliance we get a glimpse of the good, bad and ugly of both sides; yet, Skylar will have to forgo her attempt at a normal life to find out who is causing the problems.

Meanwhile, Chris and Ethan and having another go round with their on again/off again relationship leaving everyone to wonder why they cannot see the utter ridiculousness of any union between them. We also get to see a different side of the usually mean spirited Chris which makes you wonder what will be in store for the future. Of everything that occurred, the downright cruelty of Ethan surprised me the most and makes me question my alliance to him and whether or not I can see him with Skylar in the future. Who knows? Maybe it will be a union between Josh and Skylar. Only time will tell.
Profile Image for Shonna.
75 reviews3 followers
March 20, 2015
In this second installment of the SKYE BROOKS SERIES, many of the secondary characters from the first book take a step forward. Getting to know more about them and their role in this intriguing story the author weaves is compelling. It not only expands the story in new directions, it binds the closeness of the characters and shows how they touch each others life in one way or another. Some in a good way, some in a bad. Not a typical otherworld book, the werewolves have their own unique standards of life that are in many ways different from anything I have ever read. Embracing their animal side, many of their characteristics strongly reflect this more rather than the human side. Refreshing and entertaining, several characters keep you on your toes as to whether they are really good or evil. Not knowing for sure makes this story even more tantalizing and not able to put down.
Profile Image for Pseudo Nymph.
206 reviews7 followers
January 8, 2020
My biggest issue with this series is how the author keeps trying to force a first person limited narration. She spends a lot of time having her characters sneak around so they can witness private conversations between other characters. Everyone in the book is a supernatural creature with enhanced hearing, and they all have major secrets, but somehow Skye is always there to hear them. I think the Chris narrative was only added because the author couldn't figure out how to give the reader all of the information that they needed with just Skye. It was painful at some points.

It was a decent story for the most part, not anything ground breaking, but readable. I wouldn't recommend this series to people, but I'll read the next book.
Profile Image for Sheila Ryals.
2,290 reviews11 followers
April 24, 2015
Better than the first

This one was a bit better than the first book. I found myself hooked from the first book. The fact that she changed views between Chris and Skylar was intriguing. For some reason I kinda liked Chris's view more than I did Skylars. I hope the next book comes out soon I can definitely say I'm hooked on this series!
Profile Image for Jacki Planck.
12 reviews
February 24, 2015
Action and emotion

This is the second book in this series. The stories multiple characters are well defined. I really like the story line with action and angst with my only complaint being that sometimes it gets too repetitive.
10 reviews
August 19, 2017
not sure why this was book 2 in the Sky Brooks series as 75% of the book was about Chris and she was a very unlikeable person.
Profile Image for Susana.
127 reviews2 followers
August 30, 2017
this was a total whinge,really needed some real emotion not simply a whingeing first lady.no more for me .
Profile Image for NL Clarke.
236 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2020
Please accept this rating and review "with a grain of salt."

This was a good 2nd novel of a series - the narrative style was still very good (if, in some places, wordy), the technical skills (grammar, punctuation, spelling) were admirable but a few errors still reared their ugly faces, the characters stayed true to the form established in the first novel, the plot was intriguing and featured a good number of questions and suspense and thrills....

HOWEVER... I really wanted to know more about the titular character - Skylar ("Sky") - and wanted to witness the evolution of her relationship to the Midwest Pack (and the other main male protagonists, "Ethan," "Josh," and "Steven").

Instead, I felt as though the author had placed me in a "holding pattern." This novel was mostly about a character I considered to be a sorta, kinda secondary in the first novel - Chris ("Christina"), who was the ex-lover of one of the main male protagonists.

Since I don't really care about Chris and all her mental ruminations about her life and her personal relationships to the male protagonists (AND antagonists), I skimmed most of the novel - especially after I hit the 45% mark with not much advancement of Skylar's storyline. I feel that this novel should have been broken into an "1.5" novella about "Chris" and the "2.0" version of the series should have been expanded to detail Skylar's trials and tribulations.

The author mentions in a blub about this novel that the THIRD novel is written entirely from Skylar's viewpoint, so I'm about to see if it's more up my alley than this second of the series.

Again, this is NOT a bad novel, or even an "OK" novel - it's very good and I would recommend it to others. It just didn't meet my expectations and, therefore, caused a little disappointment.
46 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2022
I didn't pay to read about Chris!

First of all, let me say that the premise of the book is really good and imaginative. That said, I did not pay for this book to read about a terribly unlikable character like Chris. I continued the torture from book one, thinking that I would find more about Sky. The series is supposed to be about Sky, right? I only got book two to see how and if Skylar has evolved. Ultimately, that's part of the joy of reading, taking a journey with the characters. Sadly, it seems that Sky never evolves; she just seems to kind of be stuck in the same place. Don't get me wrong, I do understand being in your twenties. I've been in my twenties before, but how does that excuse her refusal to develop as a person/were-animal when she seems satisfied to wallow in continued naivete? Especially with the added impact of all she's witnessed and been a part of?

Not only that, sometimes it's like the author forgot that Sky was dropped into this world by emergent circumstances and doesn't really know that much about the inner workings because even in book 1, suddenly Skylar's inner monolog is dictating all these historical and knowledge based facts that she should not know.

Also, how is it that a twenty-something year-old woman has absolutely no love interest whatsoever? She has all these hot men around her, and none of them are interesting? Oh, come on!

For all those reasons, I really do not think I can continue the series. While there are some redeeming qualities to the story, and definitely some things I'm just plain curious to see conclude, the flaws in character development, consistency, and fluidity just make the idea of continued reading unpleasant.
Profile Image for Shannon.
323 reviews
April 19, 2023
Skylar's had the veil lifted from her eyes and she can't find from the realities surrounding her. She's training with Winter when weird and lethal creatures attack. Now, after she gets Winter to safety, she can just move right along and mind her business? Nope! She wants to know how she can help her friend and prevent others from meeting the same fate.
It's a good story that flows pretty well, and more species are introduced with the varying rules for survival. And this time is a creature who wants to take over the pack and the seethe, so the gang is really up against a tough one. Sky is interesting enough when she's given something to do, there are times where it seems that since Chris has a POV, the more action-y parts are given to her rather than Sky. It's still a good story and I know the series gets better (I'm currently doing a reread of it), Sky just has to go through some life changing things first.
I always like multiple POVs! They are always my favorite when they add to the story and bonus if it's in difference voice, too. Hearing from both Sky and Chris was interesting. I don't think it necessarily enhanced the story in this case, but it didn't hurt it either. There were some not so smooth transitions from Sky to Chris's POV, but they were easy to figure out. There's only one chapter than specifies who narrates it, while all the other times you figure it out on your own.
It's a nice book with some swearing and suggestive comments, but nothing spicy in this book (but the story does heat up in the later books).

The story finishes at about 92% of the way through with the first chapter of Ethan's book 2 and the next Sky Brooks story to take up the remaining percentage.
Profile Image for C. Erani Kole.
1,705 reviews49 followers
August 20, 2021
I think I’m done now

2.5 for the multiple POV of women that should’ve been the main characters.

I think I’ve been satisfied enough with the story. I no longer care what will happen. It takes too long, I’m going through too many unnecessary writing, and this now multiple POV is too jarring when the only reason I continued was because it was Sky’s POV and story. I wanted to know what happened to HER.

The only thing I liked about this was watching Ethan and Chris bang again. I thought he was into Sky but I guess not. And that always intrigues me. Then there’s the bad guy and what Sky could mean to him. But again, I’m too exhausted to care. Even if it’s a KU read.

Well, maybe… it IS a KU read. I might suck it up and read the third book since it’s technically free for me now. I really really reaaaaally wish someone would edit this and make it less slow and chaotic. And slow. Or maybe I just need to accept that this a type of writing style and ensure I never come across another. Hunter is the only author I’ll bare reading this type from. As of yet. Ugh I hate that I’m too curious to not stop.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 202 reviews

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