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Naked Nobility #1

The Naked Duke

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The Surprise Of Her Life

Sophisticated. Scandalous. In fact, Miss Sarah Hamilton, a proper Philadelphian, finds London society altogether shocking. How can it be that she has awakened from her innocent slumber to find herself in bed next to a handsome--and exceedingly naked--man? The laughing onlookers standing in the doorway are no help whatsoever and surely this amorous lunatic cannot be a duke, as he claims. She is compromised--though she most certainly will not marry him!

The Sweetest Moment Of His

James, the Duke of Alford, is enchanted by his unexpected bedmate--and not at all afraid of her pink-cheeked fury. True, the circumstances and place of their meeting are most unusual, but the spirited American who's pummeling him with a pillow is an incomparable beauty. If Sarah will only listen to his perfectly reasonable explanation, James is sure that he can capture her heart. . .forever.

317 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2005

About the author

Sally MacKenzie

44 books635 followers
Sally MacKenzie decided to become a writer in grade school when she read one of her stories to the class. Her classmates laughed and she was hooked. She sat down immediately to pen her first novel.

Well, not exactly.

The hooked part is right--cursed might be a better description--but the sitting down and writing part came later. Much later.

Sally eventually went on to college, majoring in English, and, upon graduation, did what many English majors do--she went to law school. But she still couldn’t shake her dream of writing fiction. Midway through law school, she faced the fact that she really did not want to be a lawyer. She took a permanent leave of absence, came home to the Washington, D.C. area, and sat down to type her first novel.

Well, not exactly.

She did come home and write, but mostly she wrote regulations for the United States government’s school nutrition programs. (Ketchup as a vegetable, anyone?) When her law school sweetheart graduated, he moved to D.C. and they got married. A couple years later, the first of their four sons was born, and Sally “retired” to manage their family. She wrote a story or two and some picture book texts, all now stored away in a filing cabinet, but she spent most of her energies on baby tending which rapidly evolved into carpool driving. She became an extremely skilled scheduler, getting all four boys to soccer, basketball, baseball, track, swimming, piano, scouts, and birthday parties without ever losing one. (Okay, she did lose the youngest for a few minutes, but she found him before he’d toddled into the parking lot.) And she did more writing--school newsletters, auction programs, class plays, swim league guidance, and the acclaimed annual MacKenzie family newsletter--but no fiction.

Finally, the boys started driving (Eek!) and leaving for college. The nest was emptying and she wasn't getting any younger. The time had come to chase the dream or let it go for good, so she sat down at the computer and wrote. And rewrote. And rewrote again until she had a polished manuscript. She joined the Romance Writers of America, and when the plea went out for Regency manuscripts for the 2004 Golden Heart contest, she sent in The Naked Duke. The stars aligned. She made the final round, and one of the judging editors liked the manuscript and offered to buy it.

Yee haw!!

When not writing or obsessing over the various mysteries of book promotion, Sally can be found at the gym working hard to age gracefully, at the pool on the SLOW side of the Masters swim practice, or at one meeting or another volunteering at the helm of the summer swim league.

Here's Sally with her family--she's 5 ft. 8 in. tall, but she's short in this crowd.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 364 reviews
Profile Image for Samantha.
531 reviews91 followers
March 14, 2017
This story as a whole wasn’t bad, it was just… boring. Nothing really stood out about it, the heroine, Sarah, wasn’t annoying or bitchy or a doormat; she was just average. Same goes for the hero, James, who was just average (except for the whole virgin thing). Then there’s the villain, who is James’ cousin and is just an average mustache twirling villain who’s out to kill James so he can become the Duke of Alvord.

The most disturbing thing about this book was all the rape. If it wasn’t actually happening then it was either being attempted or talked about. The villain, Richard, rapes the prostitute that was supposed to be put in James’ bed instead of Sarah and then kills her. That whole scene made me wince and debate if I truly wanted to continue on. For whatever reason, I was determined to get through the whole story so I continued. But I should've just stopped there because Sarah has at least two different scenes where someone tries to rape her. I managed to make it through the first one, but the one at the very ending of story was just intensely disquieting to me. Most of this book is pretty light-hearted, so to throw heavy subjects like that in and not really deal with them was intrusive and disturbing.

Throughout this whole book it felt like there were two different stories going on. One was a light-hearted comedy of mistaken identity and crazy family members. Then there’s the darker and serious story of Richard’s obsession with overcoming James. I had the feeling Richard could’ve been a really complex and interesting character, but every time I thought Mackenzie was going to go more into his motives and background, his scene would abruptly cut off and things would switch back to James and Sarah’s antics.

So basically, I was either disturbed or bored during this book. I definitely won't be continuing this series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mariana.
719 reviews81 followers
July 10, 2022
This is what I was in the mood for. The hero was great. The villain might have been extraordinarily evil, but I thought this reflected brothels more accurately than the last book I read.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,268 reviews174 followers
August 8, 2024
Read: 8/4/24
⚠️ Sorry to the fans of this book in advance. My feelings aren't pretty!

A very funny beginning, but the rest was slow and boring.

Plot: Sarah and Jamed mistakenly end up in the same bed at an inn. Sarah's screams wake up the entire inn, and she is discovered naked with the Duke. It was like a Barney Hill episode with everybody coming in to gawk at the naked couple. James is willing to do the right thing. He needs a wife and heir to prevent his crazy cousin from inheriting his lands. Sarah is beautiful and will make him a good wife. Sarah convinces everybody to forget what happened and that James needs to court her first.( totally realistic 🙄). So, can James entice the colonial to marry him?

My notes
1. I liked James. He was charming but a little too perfect. Still, I would have grabbed him up in a second
2. We are led to believe that James is a rake. It was a surprise to find out he is a virgin. The reason behind him being a virgin made sense.
3. The secondary characters were interesting enough that I might've been tempted to continue the series, but I don't think this author is for me.
4. The villain was pure evil! James's cousin is an unpredictable bag of crazies🤪. He was more interesting than the MC

1. Sarah Sarah Sarah. Her innocence gets old fast! She's not my type of h. She doesn't have an ounce of personality. Even when she's mad, it's only a small blimp on the radar. I think I'd rather have a shrew h than such a dull character. I understand her background, living with a radical father and two spinster sisters (blah blah) , would explain her reserve personality. Still, that doesn't make for an interesting read.
2. After so many see them naked together, you would think they would be forced to marry.No, everybody is going to keep silent 🙄 and James has to court the purtain. This book would have been better if it had been a forced marriage instead. Their romance seemed one-sided and just boring.
3. Sarah believes the villain. He threatens her and then she believes his lies about the H. Maybe the villain might have an ulterior motive. 🤔 Of course, she tells no one. Save me from dumb characters 🙄.
4. Bowstreet not taking his case. Telling James he is " an old soldier who sees phantom enemies behind every bush,". Why believe him? He has just had several deadly accidents, and oh, he's a BLOODY Duke! Most bowstreet runners were paid to investigate and would have taken the case because AGAIN he's a wealthy DUKE.
5. Even the sex scenes were dull 😑 ! When they had sex for the first time, I wasn't sure it actually happened. I had to reread the same 2 sentences.

I wish the story was more dramatic or comical. Everybody has commented on how funny this book is. Are we reading the same book? I was just bored 😴
Profile Image for Netanella.
4,487 reviews13 followers
January 16, 2014
First paragraph: The devil was still asleep.
Sarah Hamilton squeezed closer to the stagecoach window. The farmer next to her grunted, shifting his considerable weight to take over the small space she'd made between them. The movement sent yet another fetid blast of yesterday's fish and sweat her way.

With that lovely aromatic opening, our book begins with penniless pseudo-aristocrat Sarah Hamilton traveling to her English uncle's estate after the death of her father in America. Arriving late, Sarah stays the night at a local tavern, where she is given a room that actually belongs to the local Duke, and is *ahem* "compromised" when she awakens in the morning to discover a naked Duke in her bed.

And then, of course, his entire family barges in.

This was a quick, fun read, although not as humorous as it was made out to be. I enjoyed the two spinster Aunts with their blustering and their sometimes misdirected good intentions. The evil plot element, that of the jealous and insane cousin Richard who wants to steal the throne...no, no, make that the Dukedom...was a little too dramatic and unrealistic to me. However, I did love the character of James, the Duke of Alvord. Charming, romantic, straight up, no games. What can you say? Maybe too unrealistic as well, but a girl can always hope. Isn't that what most romances are all about?

Well done, and recommended.
Profile Image for Inna (Semi-Hiatus).
1,610 reviews344 followers
October 4, 2022
3.5 stars. This book is worth reading just for the dual virgins. 😅

Otherwise, not a horrible book, but not anything that is likely to blow you away. The love is very insta. The “bad guy” is very evil. As in, crazy, caricature villain evil. There isn’t much angst, despite the fact that a woman is raped and murdered on page, and that the heroine is SA’s and nearly raped on page. It’s weird to say that a book that contains such heavy topics is also low angst and a lighter read.

Safe, both virgins, no cheating, no scenes with om/ow, heroine assaulted by the bad guy, no major ow drama just some misunderstandings.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Luana ☆.
622 reviews138 followers
August 26, 2023
This book was either cute/light-hearted or macabre in turns. The hero was a cinnamon roll, the heroine was okay, but the plot and villain was vile. And the thing that most disturbed me was the fact that not only the vile things are written down in details, the caracteres showed no feelings towards them.

I am going to give an example in case you're thinking about reading this book and need a trigger warning... there's a brutal rape that happens by the hands of the evil villain followed by strangulation and death. And the thing is, the hero told the heroine what happened and there was no sympathy, no talking about it, nothing, they kissed and were immediately talking about their future. I thought it incredibly odd.

This book was ok but many things left a bad taste in my mouth.

2.5 stars.
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
767 reviews242 followers
January 27, 2020
3 Estrellas. Es la primera novela que leo de Sally Mackenzie y aunque no es una joyita, es lo que es y sabía a lo que iba. Sabía que no iba a encontrarme un novelón, si no una comedia y que por lo tanto no podía tomarme en serio ni a los personajes ni a las situaciones, a pesar de ello la he disfrutado mucho.

Este es el primer libro de la serie “Nobleza al desnudo” y en él la autora nos cuenta la historia de Sarah Hamilton y de James, el duque de Alvord.

Empieza con un malentendido que podía haber sido más fuerte de lo esperado. Sarah Hamilton se ha criado en Filadelfia, su padre era hermano de un conde británico, y al morir éste le hizo prometer a Sarah que ésta se iría a vivir a Inglaterra con su familia paterna. Lo ilógico de la situación es que Sarah cruza el Atlántico y media Inglaterra sola y sin una dama de compañía o carabina. Eso para empezar hace que la situación por sí sola sea irreal, pues en ésa época una señorita inocente y bien educada no habría llegado sola a ningún sitio, si es que llegaba, y sin que no la tomaran por una prostituta.

Como sea, y cerca de la casa de su tío, la diligencia donde viaja Sarah para en una posada para hacer noche. En la posada no hay habitación libre y como es lógico al ver a Sarah sola, el posadero la toma por una furcia y le dice que no hay sitio. Pero no pasa nada, llega un señoritingo y se hace responsable de ella y la conduce a una habitación que está libre. Y ahí empieza la trama, la habitación estaba libre, hasta que irrumpe el duque de Alvord, pues la habitación es suya y sus amigos sólo estaban haciéndole una broma.

A la mañana siguiente ambos son sorprendidos por la familia y amigos de él en la cama, y al descubrir James que Sarah no es una prostituta, le propone matrimonio, pero Sarah no acepta, en América las cosas no son así, y ella no conoce a James de nada, a pesar de que no la ha tocado en toda la noche.

La novela pronto se convierte en una trama de enredo al descubrir que el amigo de James, Robbie, el que tomó a Sarah por una prostituta es en realidad su primo y el actual conde. Así que lo lógico de la situación es volverla favorable y que James y Sarah se desposen. Vale, James consigue que lo que ha ocurrido no se difunda para que la reputación de ella no se vea mancillada, dejará que Sarah disfrute de una temporada en Londres haciendo de dama de compañía de su hermana Lizzie, pero si a la mínima se descubre lo ocurrido, o Sarah no ha encontrado otro pretendiente, se casarán.

Pese a lo que pueda parecer, James es un hombre bastante decente y bueno y lleva su título y tierras con responsabilidad, tanto lo es que nunca ha estado envuelto ni en habladurías ni en escándalos. Pero James tiene un gran problema, su envidioso primo Richard, a quien le corroe el odio y no descansará hasta conseguir que el título de Alvord sea suyo. En los últimos tiempos James ha sufrido una serie de accidentes, y aunque todo apunta a su primo Richard, pues a nadie oculta que se cree merecedor del título, James no ha podido demostrarlo. Será el odio de Richard lo que determinará esta historia, pues Richard lo que quiere es que James no llegue a casarse ni a tener herederos, y si eso no funcionara, matarlo.

A ver, la historia del primo, dentro del ambiente cómico de la novela me ha resultado algo chocante o fuerte porque no me pegaba mucho. Sí le ha dado vidilla con eso de ir soltando inquina y cizaña por todos lados para destruir la opinión que Sarah tiene de James, pero sinceramente, ciertas escenas o comportamientos creo que sobraban.

Sin embargo debo decir que la historia me ha gustado, tiene gancho, se lee muy rápido y en seguida congenias con los personajes, tanto con los protagonistas, como con los secundarios, como las tías solteronas de James o sus amigos, que sin duda serán los protagonistas de las siguientes novelas.

Tanto esto como el romance al final me han convencido y he disfrutado mucho con este libro. No será lo primero que lea de Sally Mackenzie y estoy segura de que continuaré leyendo esta serie.
Profile Image for Noura .
628 reviews17 followers
November 5, 2015
I had this book for some time, read a few pages, lost interest and then lost the book. And i found the book again recently. I figured that it must be a sign that i should make the effort to finish the book and find out if it's any good.

I have to say that it was a meh kind of book. Not so bad that i would shelf it again as a DNF but not something that would give me a post-reading buzz. To make it easier, i'll list down why:

1) The hero, James Runyon aka Duke of Alvord, is a complete darling. He's a war hero, a gentleman and a virgin (yes...at 28, which is a bit unrealistic in that era or any era). It's like he's a nerd that became a hotie when he got older. But, he's also a nice character - very much a good guy type. It was implied that he's powerful, but is it just because he is a Duke or an ex-soldier? This was never really fleshed out. And he is constantly horny when the heroine is around.

2) The heroine, Sarah Hamilton who is also a cousin of Jame's bestie is....well..ok. I understand that women of that time, especially the ones who come from distinguished families are very protected from any knowledge on sex and the human body. It was implied also that even she is not familiar with her own body. So she's really innocent and naive and goes "Stop it James" almost every other sentence for most parts of the book because she's embarrassed but turned on with Jame's randy come ons.

Sorry...Sarah just annoyed me for many reasons. She is often in the state of "no but yes but no but yes"...ughhhhh!!! I've read books with similar characters but they're not this annoying. Probably the presentation of the character here is just not to my liking. I have read historical romances where the heroine is an innocent but the sexual tension between Sarah and James was just stress inducing to me. I felt like telling the heroine shut up and let him kiss properly! Because she has that I want but i can't...i really really want but i must appear innocent and not a wanton. Oh please. The guy's madly in love with you. And the not saying what really needs to be said part where she assumed he's a rake when she got the information from really dodgy characters? For f***s sake doesn't she have the brain to investigate. But no...she's rather feel sorry for herself that she might have to marry the young, handsome, good and crazy over her Duke after all like it's such a chore. I just don't get it. That's not being innocent or naive. That's being helpless and stubborn for no good reason.

So yeah the heroine annoyed me for most parts of the story. The saving grace are the side characters - family and friends who are so devoted to their aim to get the Duke married and with an heir and getting Sarah to be the Duchess. And the villain is seriously horrible and crazy he's like a nightmare cartoon villain. In fact he's so deranged...he's probably the only character there that knows his part - a vengeful person full of hatred for a lot of things but most especially the Duke.

There are rape scenes that seem a bit too dark for the fluffy parts of the book. And the sex scenes? I read and went ....what exactly happened? Was it in already?Waahhh wahhaaattt???

And the ending. What ending???

So....after this book, i don't really feel like reading the next one. I might crack open one of the books in the series that seem to have some promising looking reviews but the others? I think i'd give them a miss unless my curiosity and that OCD-ish feeling that i must read ALL the books in the series gets the better of me.
Profile Image for Niki (mustreadalltheromance).
1,174 reviews98 followers
November 16, 2021
Raised in Philadelphia, Sarah Hamilton arrives in England after her father’s death to find her uncle and only remaining relative. She is wholly unprepared for society, especially when she wakes to find a very handsome, naked man next to her. To make matters worse: said man is a duke, they’ve been seen by his aunt and her cousin, an earl, and now will be forced to marry. Sarah is sure the man is jesting because there’s no way a proper duke could behave in such a fashion and she has no intention of marrying him, compromised or not.

James, the Duke of Alford, is immediately taken with Sarah despite the unusual circumstances of their meeting. He needs a wife and she’s the perfect candidate, if he can just win her heart and keep his grasping, jealous cousin from murdering them both.

I had certain expectations and hopes for this book, perhaps because of the light-hearted title, and was expecting something fluffy and sweet, however, this was rather the opposite of that expectation. The meeting between Sarah and James starts us off on a light note, but things grow decidedly darker from there. James’ cousin Richard is truly evil and mentally unstable, obsessed with taking everything from James because he feels he should’ve gotten it instead, though his true motives with regards to an improper inheritance in the time of their fathers made little sense. As a villain, Charles was too obvious, got away with too much, and had motives that seemed a bit weak.

It must be said that I also listened to this book on audio, and I was not a big fan of the narrator as I couldn’t always understand her male voices. Besides that, there was just a lot going on here with James trying to woo Sarah and the cousin trying to kill them both. I found Sarah to be incredibly annoying. Given that she literally arrived from America with nothing, her constant insistence on not receiving help and her protestations about even simple things such as clothing, got old real fast and just made her seem ungrateful. I really couldn’t root for after that. I hated what happened to her, but I still didn’t like her as a heroine just because of her general attitude and her treatment of James. She made a lot of assumptions about him, mostly based on the word of the man who was very clearly the villain here, a man she knew was bad news, yet she took his word that James was a rake and never really bothered to actually talk to James about her reason for being hesitant to marry him. Instead, she avoided James and acted incredibly childish and immature around him, causing a gradual increase in my dislike of her. I say this so often lately, but I really just want to read some healthy communication sometimes and I think we had enough plot devices in play that we didn’t need to add the miscommunication trope. James was a genuinely good man and very open and honest, willing to discuss anything with her, so I thought he deserved more.

Spoilers from here on.

Finally, I want to briefly address perhaps the biggest surprise of this book: the rape. And not just one, but multiple, including a very near miss for the heroine. Thankfully none of this was by the hero, but it was still very unexpected and didn’t fit with what I thought I was getting into with this book. Thankfully, nothing was irredeemable, but I definitely was unprepared because of the juxtaposition of these dark scenes in what was otherwise a very fluffy book. I was expecting to be delighted by a sweet but sexy virgin hero and heroine scene and that was unfortunately very late in coming and rather underwhelming when we did get it.

Overall, this story wasn’t bad, in fact the writing itself was quite strong, but there was a lot going on and it wasn’t what I was expecting. I did like the hero, but that wasn’t enough to compensate for the plot having so much going on, the abundance of rape that I didn’t expect, and the annoyance that was the heroine.

Blog link: https://mustreadalltheromance.blogspo...
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
April 24, 2019
Parts of this book bugged me because of the characters, but the comedy was fun.
Profile Image for Seon Ji (Dawn).
1,048 reviews255 followers
July 12, 2022
Had this on my TBR list since 2016 and finally got around to reading it. It's only .99 and worth it IMO.

For most of the story, the reader is lead to think

Too much misunderstanding and miscommunication and a cartoonishly evil antagonist brought it down 1 star for me. I also felt the romance could have been sweeter and less lusty.

Over all it had good dialogue, good drama and action. The time period seems to have been decently researched.

I would recommend.

Content concerns:
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,641 reviews431 followers
January 30, 2020
Es la primera vez que leo a la autora y no estuvo tan mal.

El comienzo del libro es demasiado divertido y en sí todo el libro entretiene pero si siento varias incongruencias en algunas partes y sobre todo le faltó profundidad.

La protagonista no me cayó del todo bien con eso de no quiero casarme contigo déjame en paz y después porque me ignoras y dices que quieres casarte conmigo o sea QUIEN LA ENTIENDE, muy egocéntrica la niña.

En cambio el Duque si me gustó y es por mucho lo mejor del libro.

PD.. Este un comentario random que a nadie le interese, anyway… como me está constando hacer reseñas, no puedo hacer ninguna coherente.
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews559 followers
August 30, 2010
Although this book did have some good bit and some humourous situations and dialogue, I can't rate it more then a 3 Stars, as for me it was just a bit average, I didn't hate it and I didn't love it and I will probably forget about it fairly quickly.

Everyone was very pleasent in it, and it was very lighthearted, I was hoping it would be a it like Julia Quinn's style of romance; humourous and romantic and with no real angst in it. However, it was no where near as good. The hero James, the Duke of Alford (the Naked Duke of the title!) seemed a bit lecherous most of the time, all he seemed to be thinking about was the quickest way to see the heroines breasts! For me it wasn't very romantic, they didn't seem to have a single conversation where he wasn't talking about getting her naked. There was also a slight discordant note to this book, as one minute you are reading light hearted banter and the next it cuts to a scene where his evil cousin rapes and strangles (simulaneously) a girl, which just completely throw me off!

But it was a light, easy read which although I may not seek another book out I would pick it up if it showed up in my library.
Profile Image for Melissa.
210 reviews16 followers
June 1, 2012
This book had a great beginning. That is the only good thing I can say about it.

The heroine, Sarah, was junior highish, to the point that I didn't want to read sex scenes with her. I never did figure out why the male lead, James, liked her. Or why she liked him for that matter. James was just blah. After about the dozenth time of him calling Sarah 'sweatheart' or 'love' I wanted to punch him in the face, if only he were real.

Now on to the thing that irritated me the most. The author made a point to mention that all three of the main "bad guys" enjoyed sex with other men. As if to be evil you also had to like having gay sex. This wouldn't have bothered me, as much, if she'd also had a same sex "good guys" couple. While I understand that she really couldn't of done this with any of James' friends or his younger sister, I'm assuming they all become main characters in later books; she did have the perfect opportunity for a same-sex "good guy" couple with James's Aunt Gladys and her companion, Amanda.

Even though I paid for the "Naked Bundle" I won't be reading anymore of these books.
Profile Image for Susan (susayq ~).
2,353 reviews132 followers
September 16, 2013
What a great story! I want a James for myself! *whispers* And he was a virgin!!!

This had some definite funny moments, but don't think this was all roses and smiles. James had a nasty cousin, who made his nastiness known, loud and clear. Other than the ending being a bit abrupt for my taste,(I would have liked to have an epilogue) this was a great read:)
Profile Image for Elaine.
3,674 reviews90 followers
June 24, 2018
I adore this book. It has everything I love in a read. Fun, love, sex (not too much alas), and lots of drama.
I have read all the Naked series, and they get better as I read them (IMHO).

Still love it on second and third reading. Classic 2005.
March 12, 2020
Even though there was some humor in the story it was just ok for me. It went from one moment to the next. Sarah went to London because it was what her father asked of her but when she got there she wasn't prepared and ended up in bed with someone who happened to be a duke and everything went crazy but I guess not a too bad since you get a sexy duke.
238 reviews
June 15, 2022
Divertido, se lee bien y sirve para desengrasar entre lecturas más contundentes.
Profile Image for T.Y. Mazer.
Author 6 books116 followers
May 29, 2020
Değişik bir historicaldı. Bir olay yüzünden ciddi ters köşe oldum. Bazı kısımlarında eksik hissetsem de akıcıydı.
Profile Image for Bookswithbenefits.
64 reviews30 followers
February 1, 2013
Sally MacKenzie begins her "Naked" series with James Runyon, Duke of Alford, and Miss Sarah Hamilton, the poor American cousin of the Earl of Westbrooke, Robert (Robbie) Hamilton (James best friend).

Synopsis: Miss Sarah Hamilton leaves Philadelphia for England when her father, an English second-son transplant, makes her promise on his deathbed that she will return to her Uncle's, the Earl of Westbrooke, house. Tired, poor, and having lost her luggage in the bay by Liverpool, the red-haired Sarah arrives at an inn not far from her Uncle's house and tries to find a room to rest for the night. Through a series of rather amusing mistakes about her identity, Sarah ends up in a room that is not her own...which she discovers in the morning when she is woken up by the ungentlemanly advances of James who is under the mistaken impression that she is a common prostitute "gifted" in a drunken mistake by his friend. Upon the obvious screams that ensue and the observation of James' family, James and Sarah are "forced" into a slightly different relationship. While James seems rather happy about the predicament, Sarah has her doubts.

This book as well as the series is rather hilarious. MacKenzie has an excellent sense of humor that creates awkward and humorous moments without being either crude or too light. Her characters are interesting and have their own believable realities that define them. Sarah's American identity is both believable and not too intrusive while James' background as a soldier and a Peer give him the necessary credentials as a regency hero, but don't rule his behavior too much. James, in fact, is one of the few...the proud...the incredibly rare and well-written...male virgins. One of my favorite moments in the book is when MacKenzie is flashing back to James' Eaton years; James' father pays a visit to "help" his son out where he's been lacking. James' observations about the realities of prostitutes is both endearing and refreshing. It's also hilarious. If you're looking for a sweet and laugh out loud love story with just enough plot to hold your interest in the world they inhabit, this story is it. You'll find yourself wondering, and rightly so, what happens next when the last page is flipped. Don't worry...MacKenzie keeps calm and carries on.

As posted on http://bookswithbenefits.com
Profile Image for Anissa.
932 reviews296 followers
May 29, 2012
I thought this was going to be one of those lighthearted, frothy regency romance novels, with lovable mains & giggle worthy situations & perfect for a poolside read. Not so much. Once we get beyond the initial misunderstanding anchoring the plot. It honestly felt like the author couldn't decide if she wanted to go with lighthearted or something more. Richard & Phillip killed any real levity there could have been to be had in this story, so vile were they. Sarah Hamilton lost me pretty early on as a heroine & James (the Duke) was okay but I couldn't understand why he was actually taken with her. Sarah was insipid at times & it made me hard pressed to believe that she'd been a teacher. I liked Lizzie, Ladies Amanda & Gladys more but really, that's no compliment in a romance novel. Ultimately, I didn't feel enough for the characters to care or buy into their romance & that was disappointing. This is the first in a series so I won't complain too much more. Hopefully, the others find their stride & tone in other characters.

I will continue with the series as I picked this up as part of a bundle on kindle. Oh, and also, the stories are out of series order in the bundle but thanks to earlier reviews, I knew that going in & am reading them in order. Many thanks to reviewers on the bundled edition.
Profile Image for JennB.
628 reviews
September 25, 2015
I really enjoyed this more than most any other regency era romance (and I've read A LOT of those). I know it took some hits in the reviews because the H/h were "average". I thought they were real and likable, something I am more used to thinking after reading a contemporary romance. I especially liked James. Very funny, and a guys guy without being all broody alpha male.
I'm not a huge history buff, so I'm not nit picky about details. but one thing I noticed about this book was that I felt like I was in the regency time without the author hitting me over the head with it. It seemed like she added just the right amount of details that it wasn't forced in the story.
I have been passing this one up for a while now, and I could kick myself for not reading it sooner. Finished in one sitting yesterday and picking up the second today.
Profile Image for Bethany.
312 reviews1 follower
August 29, 2021
A virginal woman shows up at an inn and just takes a room someone else suggests she take… it happens to already have a warm bath ready and no one to bathe in it? Because people would just waste perfectly warm water during the regency era? Then the man walks in and thinks she’s a whore, but at least she’s the most beautiful whore he’s ever seen… so he’s tempted by her. Come to find out later… whores turn him off AND he’s a virgin. Add to that a little raping and killing by the bad guy and this just had me cringing the entire time. In fact, the main character was almost raped twice in this book. Yet she still wants James’ hands all over her? No. Just no.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Darbella.
619 reviews
May 14, 2020
I loved the chemistry between Sarah and James. For the romance part of the story I would rate it a bit higher, but overall the villain is really a villain and got in the way of the nice romantic parts too much for me. (Which made the story slug along too slow for me). Though I am intrigued enough to want to buy more books from this author who is new to me. The word, republican, was used seven times in this story used to describe the heroine and others of the new country the United States. Title of this story could have also been The naked republican.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Yona Ceaser.
113 reviews16 followers
April 10, 2021
Had 20% left of the book got a little bored, and I have other books waiting for my attention ✌🏾
Profile Image for Rachel-RN.
2,298 reviews28 followers
January 19, 2024
Oh my. This was going to be a solid 3* read, but then that happened.
Anyway, Sarah travels to England after her father dies, because that is what he wanted. He was the younger son of an Earl. So when she arrives and is offered a bed after not being able to sleep in a bed due to her traveling, she takes it. Unbeknownst to her, Robbie believes she is a prostitute and is setting her up with James, a duke. When James goes up to bed, he finds her sound asleep and unable to wake her, he decides to just sleep there too. Of course when the morning comes, James' relatives find them together. Robbie is now the earl and is Sarah's cousin and is good friends with James. James offers Sarah a place to stay as a companion to his sister Lizzie and his fiance. However, Sarah is unsure if she really wants to marry him. Oh, and his cousin Richard is trying to kill him so he can be the duke.
James was a fantastic hero; he's a sweetheart, romantic, and responsible. He knows he needs a wife and he and Sarah get along, so why not? I thought their love story was sweet. My complaint is at the end. I really do not think that was necessary nor was Sarah given any time to process things before James' magical penis cured all.
Profile Image for Océano de libros.
814 reviews91 followers
May 19, 2024
Sarah Hamilton es una jovencita americana que tras la muerte de su padre emprende un viaje a Inglaterra para encontrar a su pariente más cercano. En su viaje las cosas se complican y lo que no espera es encontrarse en la cama con un hombre y varios espectadores y todo ello dé lugar a un compromiso que no quiere y menos con ese hombre que dice ser un duque.
Para James, duque de Alvord ese pequeño error le viene de perlas para solucionar su problema, por fin podrá casarse y tener un sucesor y así evitar las ansias de su primo por usurpar su título.

Mis experiencias con esta autora no habían sido buenas y la verdad es que no me acordaba, encontré esta novela y me decidí por leerla, luego haciendo memoria, vi que ya había leído uno de los títulos de esta serie “El conde desnudo (Naked Nobility 4)” y no me había gustado mucho. Quizá en parte tuve culpa de no leer por orden, pero no tenía buenos recuerdos de la novela.
Este primer libro no puede empezar mejor, con un error que da como resultado que nuestros protagonistas tengan que formalizar un compromiso, o eso es lo que espera James, que se ha quedado del todo prendado de la joven dama.
Sarah Hamilton es una joven inocente de Filadelfia que pierde a su padre y viendo que su situación personal se complica, decide hacer caso a su progenitor y viajar sola hasta Inglaterra en busca de su tío, el conde de Westbrooke. Lo que no esperaba es encontrarse en la cama con un hombre y varios espectadores que la fuerzan a formar un compromiso del que ella no está del todo de acuerdo.
James, duque de Alvord, es todo lo que no se esperaría de un duque: tiene un carácter amistoso y divertido. Su título le está costando literalmente la vida, puesto que su primo Richard cree que es el legítimo duque y constantemente está intentando acabar con su vida. Por ello, encontrarse desnudo junto a Sarah le viene de perlas, tendrá un compromiso y un heredero y mejor aún con una mujer que le atrae mucho, y hará todo lo que esté en su mano para convencerla de que acepte.

La novela ha sido para mí una maravilla y pese a que todo lo leído hasta el momento de la autora me haya dejado con mal sabor de boca, a esta novela le voy a dar la máxima puntuación porque me ha parecido muy entretenida, divertida, con una historia que te engancha, personajes con química y con una sorpresa bastante inesperada.
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