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Stand Still, Stay Silent #1

Stand Still, Stay Silent, Book 1

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90 Years Has Passed since the great illness, and most of the old world has been forgotten and left to the mercy of trolls, beasts and giants. A small Nordic team of explorers heads out on the first official research mission.

A light-hearted journey of friendship and camaraderie, with elements of Nordic mythology and some horror.

323 pages, Hardcover

First published November 1, 2013

About the author

Minna Sundberg

15 books139 followers
I'm a Finnish-Swedish lady, born in Sweden in 1990 and living in Finland during 1997-2013, and now I'm currently living in Sweden again for a little while. I got myself a bachelor's degree in graphic design from the university of industrial arts in Helsinki in 2013, and during my two final years of those studies I drew my first real webcomic, A Redtail's dream, a 556 page tale built around some concepts of Finnish mythology.

I also ran a crowdfunding campaign for a printed book version of A Redtail's Dream, and it went so well that I'll be able to work full time as a webcomic creator with the profits and only draw SSSS for a while.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 222 reviews
Profile Image for Liam || Books 'n Beards.
542 reviews50 followers
September 20, 2018
Holy hell. I have a new favourite webcomic.

I backed this book ages ago on a random search for publishing on Indiegogo, since then I've refrained from reading the comic so that I could read it (well, the first 280~ pages) in one bash in book form as I much prefer. God, I'm gonna be up til 4 reading the rest of it now.

Beautiful art, great unique setting, very funny without losing sight of the seriousness of the world the characters are living in - very good. Also for a crowd-funded book, incredibly high production quality. Just wow.
Profile Image for Andy .
339 reviews11 followers
December 6, 2021

This post apocalyptic story focuses on a band of friends who team up to discover the silent world 90 years after our world ends. It has this intriguing, brilliant mix mash of elements from Nordic mythology, fantasy, mystery, suspense and vile creatures that tend to increase the intensity of the plot even further.

Apart from Minna Sundberg's creative imagination in weaving timelines and events seamlessly together, her art is exceptional. Her ability to convey emotions and incorporate intricate details in her flawless panels (usually gorgeous maps and kittens) stun me because it's just so beautiful to look at. The way her colour schemes subtly change (from red to orange -blue-purple-blue-green) along with the story signifying the passage of time just makes her characters and surroundings even more visually astounding.

All of the characters have distinct personalities and their vividness is expressed through their expressions and eyes. From the quite, somewhat cutesy naive Lalli, to bashful, lively Tuuri, brawny Mikkel & somewhat vain Sigrun and Emil. Their roles are all different yet vitally important towards their mission. Thus, the story contains information about the magical madges, cleansers, skalds, scouts etc.. Oh, and the featured cats.. This webcomic is simply fantastic from all aspects since it doesn't focus primarily on one genre.
Profile Image for Marie Alhinho.
Author 13 books309 followers
October 3, 2021
Une superbe lecture, pleine d'action et aux personnages attachants, servie par des planches toutes plus belles les unes que les autres.

J'ai particulièrement apprécié les inspirations issues des arts vikings, ainsi que la diversité des langues parlées. Il y a une vraie réflexion sur la langue, la traduction et sur la transmission : comment communique-t-on, comment transmet-on le savoir, quel est le patrimoine qui demeurerait si la civilisation telle qu'on la connaît s'écroulait ?

L'autrice revient aux fondations de sa culture, avec l'iconographie viking, mais aussi les mythes nordiques et la tradition des scaldes. Bref, bien plus qu'une BD post-apo !

Toutefois, comme pour Station Eleven, si vous êtes encore sous le choc de la pandémie, peut-être pas la meilleure lecture pour vous. Les premières pages retracent les débuts d'un pandémie mondiale ayant rayé 90% de la population.
Profile Image for Tamma.
8 reviews
February 27, 2016
I'm reading this as an ongoing webcomic at http://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php - I am addicted. The comments section is also an amazing exception to the internet's general don't read the comments rule. People have good conversations there.

The characters are super cute and/or badass, the art is beautiful, the worldbuilding is rooted in Nordic/Finnish folklore/mythology. (I'm into reading outside of the Western-European yawnsies these days.)

The characters are from different geographic areas and speak different languages; language barriers are an important thing in the story. ("OH NO, CRISIS!" says one person. "He has a question," says a bad translator. "Tell him to shut up!" says the leader. INCOMING CRISIS!!!)
Profile Image for Kira.
215 reviews48 followers
January 19, 2016

So this is the first volume (and the only one in print form thus far) of my FAVORITE webcomic. (Which is a big deal, because I read a lot of webcomics). Anyway, if you like stories in post-apocalyptic settings, Scandinavian languages, creepy/sad monsters, and lovable ragtag protagonists who have no idea what they're doing...you should be reading this right now. (Print copies aren't available right now, but you can buy it as an e-book or just read the whole story online at sssscomic.com)
If that hasn't convinced you...there are also cats? And oh, yeah, the most beautiful art I've ever seen in a graphic novel. Trust me, it's worth reading.
Profile Image for Élo  ♡.
130 reviews10 followers
September 13, 2019
Cette BD est une pure MERVEILLE. Vraiment. L’univers est diablement fascinant et solide ! Les personnages sont bien incarnés, très attachants, drôles, attendrissants... Les visuels sont dingues, avec des couleurs canons comme pas permis et une maquette travaillée. Le visuel est à la hauteur de l’histoire, qui a le don de m’avoir rendue addict. Je cours attraper le livre 2 !!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Mitticus.
1,093 reviews228 followers
June 25, 2016
3.7 nordic felines stars

"The First Rule for survival outside of the safe areas: If you come across a Beast, a Troll or a Giant, do not run or call for help but stand still and stay silent. It might go away."
—Stand Still, Stay Silent

Where the Nordic Countries will be probably contain the last of human population after the apocalypse or After the Rash plague.


This webcomic works the plot in a very, very, slow pace since 2013, but the drawings frequently are in meticulous detail, and really beautiful. Specially the landscape, and the dream world.

I have still many questions because we jump from the rash illness to 90 years later, when after the isolation politics learn that the population is about 249,500. The rest is the Silent World.

Then, some mmm entrepreneurs cough academics plan to send some cough researchers to the Silent World to explore and take notes (aka to find treasures: BOOKS -for profit, of course). With a low budget and poor planning , a group of rag-tag adventurers from different natinalities is assembled and send to the unknow. There are action, bad things, and silly humor.

About the so called trolls et al, are more a sort of mutants/zombies something of the infected mammals ,

If magic is involved in that still don't know, because the group or survivers use very little technology (except for the army), and education is almost non existent but for the mention of some pre-natal immunization program.

Well, no supernatural except for the Mages, more kind of shamanic, sensitives to monsters and do invocations. Lalli, the cat-like character, is a favorite.

The Good: Excelent Art. Really entertaining serie. No issues with a woman leading the expedition (though she is very gryffindor-ish not vey wise).

The not-so-good: I got some problems to discern male and female characters, androginous are us maybe.

Supe de esta serie por una de esas recomendaciones de GR (who knew!) Denle una oportunidad, los personajes tienen todos su propia personalidad bastante humana .... bueno excepto por Lally.
Profile Image for Nicole.
352 reviews13 followers
June 9, 2020
4.25 ⭐

90 años en el futuro, un virus desoló el planeta. Arrasó con gran parte de la humanidad y los únicos animales mamíferos que sobrevivieron fueron los gatos. Ahora, el mundo es una gran tierra desconocida en la que sólo son seguros los países escandinavos, el resto es una zona fuera de los límites.

Todo esto hasta que a un grupo de académicos se les ocurre saber qué hay más allá, cuáles son los misterios de las tierras desconocidas y qué tesoros quedaron en ella. Por eso, contratan a un diverso grupo de exploradores para ir a descubrir el viejo mundo, pero las posibilidades de que la misión tenga éxito son bastante escasas...

Estoy completamente enamorada de este cómic, si bien es una trama con una base oscura y ominosa, la narración y los personajes lo convierten en algo fantástico, divertido y ligero, de esas historias que hacen bien al corazón.

Para comenzar, necesito si o si poner como prioridad la preciosura que son las ilustraciones de Minna. Es impresionante el talento que tiene esta mujer para narrar una historia a través de ilustraciones, y no solo esto sino que otro aspecto a destacar es la cartografía de estos comics. Los mapas siempre son algo agradable de ver en la fantasía, pero estos son de otro nivel.

Además, la paleta de colores complementa muchísimo el ambiente de la historia, usando casi exclusivamente colores tierra para mostrar la decadencia en la que cayó el planeta, con apenas algunos tonos verdes para diferenciar las zonas naturales, que tienen que ser purgadas del virus y las bestias que ahora viven ahí.

La estructura de las viñetas es espectacular, las transiciones entre escenas funcionan muy bien y casi parecen un storyboard filmográfico, así de grande es el talento de la autora para ilustrar los planos de una historia, todos los paneles tienen algo para contar y están llenos de detalles más allá de la trama principal.

El primer libro comprende del capítulo 1 al 5, por lo que el ritmo es bastante lento e introductorio, ya que empezamos a conocer a los personajes, su misión y vamos encontrándonos con pistas de cómo es el mundo ahora.

Está ambientado en los países nórdicos y todos sus personajes son de estas zonas, dándonos un vistazo a las culturas de estas regiones, como Dinamarca, Islandia, Finlandia, etc. Lo bueno es que la autora es oriunda de esta zona y además se nota que hay mucho trabajo de investigación, por lo que tiene mucha riqueza cultural. Todo el tiempo el lector va descubriendo nuevos pedazos de información, como árboles lingüísticos, diferencias culturales y más. Por lo que fui notando hasta ahora, también hay influencia en la mitología de cada país y esa parte, aunque no se haya expandido mucho, me fascinó.

Los personajes son preciosos y es imposible no quererlos, cada uno tiene su propia personalidad marcada que los convierte en personas únicas. Más que nada, es gracias a ellos que el cómic tiene un tono más pacífico y cómico, son la calma frente a los terrores de lo desconocido.

Al ser una fantasía, algunos de los personajes son capaces de controlar la magia, y por lo poco que se llega a ver de la misma en este tomo, es tan misteriosa que bordea lo místico y etéreo.
Pero no todo es bueno, la magia también tiene su lado oscuro, con visiones que persiguen a quienes la controlan al punto de provocarles pánico de sólo pensar en ellas.

Lo único que se me complicó cuando recién empecé a leer fue la cantidad de personajes que se iban introduciendo, y muchas veces a través de fichas técnicas, por lo que la información iba a cayendo en grandes partes y mi cabeza no podía contener todo. Además, muchos de los personajes tienen aspectos andróginos y en momentos resultaba confuso distinguirlos.

Fuera de eso, este cómic definitivamente se va a mis favoritos del año, es una historia que desde el primer capítulo se nota que tiene muchísimo potencial que explotar, con personajes adorables que llegan al corazón y es imposible no querer, además de una creación de mundo muy amplia.
Profile Image for Anirudh .
795 reviews
June 17, 2020
It's a good feeling when random google search leads to you discovering something amazing nugget. This webcomic was an accidental find and a wonderful read.

The comic has many things that I really liked and enjoyed. Listing a few positive aspects below

1) It's not set in USA- This is a great thing to find since most post apocalyptic settings are in the US and we hardly get to see how other cultures would change and adapt
2) Setting. - The post apocalyptic setting in the Nordic area sounds like a brilliant idea which has been executed well
3) Use of language- There are 5 languages in the known world now and the protagonists don't all speak a common language. This has been amazingly imagined and wonderfully blended into the story, making it one of the most interesting things about the series
4) Artwork and Panels- The post apocalyptic world has been drawn so beautifully that it's just fascinating to see panels even if there is no dialogue. And then there is the creative usage of dialogues boxes to indicate different languages being spoken, who's talking over whom and many more small things that really bring the panel to life
5) Worldbuilding- This is quite fascinating so far although not much has been revealed yet
6) Magic- There is magic in the series, although the story does not rely too heavily on it. But it's still very interesting and adds a certain character into the story, allowing it to hover seamlessly between Sci Fi and Fantasy

Highly recommended for all comic book fans
193 reviews9 followers
March 1, 2022
"Lighthearted," the blurb says. This book begins in the chaos and complaints of everything being locked down amid a pandemic. The government says everything is fine, it'll be over soon, but...

I admit it is funny, all the futile denial and anger and bargaining everyone is going through, but...

And then there's the refugee crisis. Iceland has locked down completely. They end up with the largest living population in the Known World, but the way they get there is by gunning down all would-be refugees.

Most of the book is set 90 years later, when small portions of the Nordic countries constitute the Known World. The rest of it is full of eldritch horrors. The pandemic is still around, and has killed most of the mammals, except cats, because cats are magic.
Profile Image for Devon.
25 reviews
April 1, 2023
This graphic novel is amazing, I loved it. A post pandemic/apocalyptic modern day world, heavily influenced by Nordic culture and mythology is just *chefs kiss*. It's wholesome, funny, and terrifying. Definitely recommend the read.
Profile Image for Charlotte L..
333 reviews144 followers
December 21, 2018
Cette BD est tout d'abord un vrai petit bijou esthétique. Les couleurs sont totalement dingues et permettent à elles seules d'installer une ambiance au passage, et les dessins sont superbes, avec des paysages à couper le souffle. Qui plus est, l'histoire est régulièrement enrichie de double-pages de cartes ou d'explications sur l'univers de SSSS. Enfin bref, c'est vraiment une splendeur - à feuilleter d'urgence dans la librairie la plus proche !
Quant à l'histoire, il faut avouer qu'il y a quelques longueurs. Après l'introduction qui montre la propagation de la maladie de la rouille et avant que le groupe d'explorateurs soit vraiment formé, ça traine un peu. Mais j'aime énormément tous les personnages - je suis même carrément fan de Lalli - et c'est un plaisir de les découvrir petit à petit. J'ai hâte de lire le tome 2 qui sera, je pense, beaucoup plus haletant après ce premier tome qui est plutôt une grosse introduction.
Stand Still Stay Silent est en tout cas une bonne grosse claque dans l'univers de la BD, un vrai trésor à découvrir absolument !
Profile Image for Lys.
493 reviews31 followers
May 8, 2023
I love minna sundberg's style and stories so much, A Redtail's Dream has been one of my favorite comics for years now and I've wanted to read this post-apocalyptic slash mythology-inspired story for so long. I love everything about it and it reminds me what I adore in the first place about Scandinavia, their culture, and their language. I can't wait to buy the next ones to follow this team - especially Lalli and Emil!
Profile Image for Julia Benassi.
Author 0 books124 followers
May 7, 2020
And that we should keep to ourselves and leave the world be. Because if we do, perhaps we will be spared. Then maybe one day all will be well again.

Y también otra quote hermosa: If you come across a Beast, a Troll or a Giant do not run or call for help but stand still and stay silent. It might go away.

May I present you... MY NEW OBSESION!
No, en serio, creo que me obsesioné con este webcomic. Tanto que no quiero seguir leyendo por miedo a que se me termine.
Stan Still, Stay Silent es un webcomic/novela gráfica que transcurre 90 años después del fin del mundo. Solo algunos países del noroeste de Europa siguen subsistiendo, y el resto del mundo se convirtió en un territorio inexplorado y peligroso. En medio de todo esto, un grupo de personas decide hacer una expedición a este mundo desconocido, y por eso reúne a un grupo que va desde jóvenes hasta adultos para que lo exploren. And here it begins.
Si bien los primeros 5 capítulos que recopila el Libro 1 no hacen más que presentarnos a los personajes, a la aventura que se aproxima y al mundo, nunca me sentí tan sumergida en una historia gráfica. Con SSSS me doy cuenta de la magia que se puede hacer con los dibujos y las viñetas, y decir que me enamoré del estilo y la escritura de Minna es poco. Me fascinó, así de simple. No había un solo momento en el que no quisiera seguir leyendo, basically. (Y estoy dejando de lado el prólogo que MY GOD. Just that.)
Si les gustan las novelas gráficas y necesitan salirse un poco de lo light que son las graphic novels YA contemporáneas, les súper recomiendo Stand Still, Stay Silent. No solo van a encontrar una historia TREMENDA, un world-building que te saca el aliento y un arte hermosos, sino que también van a descubrir una muy buena trama, compleja y por sobre todo original, con un elenco de personajes que se hacen querer en nada. Posta pienso que SSSS es ÚNICO y todos deberían leerlo.
Nada, amo todo y amo que se veneren a los gatos y que haya páginas dedicadas a darle información al lector, porque de otra forma esa información no podría ser transmitida (y hace que todo sea más dinámico).
Also, amo a Lalli. That's a fact and the most important one. He is my tiny puppy must protect.
Profile Image for Leslie.
604 reviews16 followers
July 15, 2021
My biggest issue with this comic is the same thing I have issue with in many web comics - because the author has infinite space and time to create their story, pages and pages are used to set up scenes and story beats that could (and often should) be condensed down to a page or two. It means that most of this volume is set up with things actually starting to happen in the last 40-ish pages only for it to then end.

The best thing about this comic is the art. Sundberg creates stunning landscapes and atmospheric environments for the characters to play in. Many pages might not have any words, but the art was so beautiful that for the most part I wouldn't mind. Even when the story was meandering a bit too slowly for me, the art always managed to keep me sticking with it.

The prelude involves characters that are long since gone once the main story starts, so it's fine that I couldn't keep any of them straight. The main cast is mostly different enough to keep them straight, though they are all very pale white people with red or blonde hair.

With all that said, Lalli is the best and I love him forever. There are characteristics of him and Emil especially that I really enjoy, and their relationship together is starting to get pretty fun. The concept of going out into a wild unknown decimated land to save books hits me right in my librarian heart, and the monsters are suitably disgusting and creepy.

Mostly though, I stick around for Lalli.
Profile Image for Lilian.
126 reviews6 followers
February 5, 2017
This is such a gorgeous comic, with a lovely story line. It's available online, but the print edition is also wonderful - a delightfully solid hardback with good quality paper worthy of the art. I'm considering sleeping cuddled up with it tonight...
Profile Image for Juho Pohjalainen.
Author 5 books344 followers
October 6, 2018
A tense, mellow, hilarious, sad, heartwarming, heartwrenching, bowel-loosingly terrifying post-apocalyptic adventure story. It captures every human emotion, in a cast of likeable and relatable characters that you'll want to see through to the end.
Profile Image for Agathe.
115 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2023
J'ai adoré ce premier tome. Le démarrage est un peu long mais une fois dedans ça se lit tout seul. L'histoire est fantastique et les dessins sont magnifiques.
J'adore Lalli qui est mystérieux mais tellement attachant !!
Profile Image for Sydney S.
779 reviews68 followers
October 18, 2018
This is a Nordic book that takes place in places like Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway. The art is beautiful, some of the best I’ve seen in a comic, and the color scheme stays consistent. That really adds to the beauty. The story idea is great too, but it just didn��t get there fast enough for me. Very slow. I lost interest a few times and put it aside to read other things. The prologue is extremely long, and all of the characters we meet during that time are not in the rest of the story at all. Because, well, they’re dead. The real story is 90 years after the prologue. I get that a story like this needs some background information and build up to the “90 years after the world ends” bit, because we have to see why the world ends. But it was mostly filler panels that didn’t serve as background info. It could’ve been shortened to a dozen pages and I would've gotten the gist of it. But that’s OK! It gets so much better after the prologue, so I'm only taking away one star for that. (Really, I'd give this 4.5 if Goodreads would update their rating system for half stars).

I especially love that there’s a Cast page, detailing everything you need to know about the characters. Here’s a little taste of that cast page, showing two of the team members.
 photo tuuri and lalli_zps3hun79ms.png

And there are maps! A lot of them! Which is pretty much the best thing about this comic. The maps are incredible. I love any story that includes maps, and this one does it right.
 photo 66 map_zpsttliggzq.jpg

 photo 86 map Keuruu-Pori_zpsajhglequ.jpg

 photo 127 map solleron_zpsf7d96uyo.jpg

There’s also a page for nationalities,
 photo 67 nationalities_zpsbne5fdll.jpg

a page for mages,
 photo 87 mages_zpsjyf0ymh3.jpg

pages for rules,
 photo 68 rule 1_zpslntw14i2.jpg

Nordic languages and Old-World Language Families (SO AWESOME),
 photo 195 nordic languages_zpsa2l9j3fr.jpg
 photo 196 language families old world_zps6yyzzgaf.jpg

and pages for the blessed felines (cats are special in this post-apocalyptic world). Here’s the first cat page.
 photo 102 cats_zpsl4agtpnb.jpg

(There are also pages for Cleansers, Beasts, Trolls, Giants, etc., but I’ll leave those out since they’re kind of spoilers).

The way the comic is written and setup is just beautiful. The creator makes it very easy to follow along. If we’re seeing a longshot panel of landscape or the scene zoomed-out, we have speech bubbles with little sketches of the character’s face, whoever is speaking.
 photo 110 face bubbles_zpsqv8xmyas.jpg

And speech bubbles have a little nationality flag next to them to let you know when someone is speaking in a different language, or when someone is translating.
 photo 106 flag_zpstdorveby.jpg

It’s all so helpful and so well done.
The color scheme is also beautiful. Mostly oranges/pinks and blacks/purpleish blues. It’s consistent and really works with this comic.

I found it a little difficult to tell the characters apart for the first 100 or so pages… but eventually I was able to differentiate. I guess that would be my main complaint (after the slow prologue). And around chapter four everything just falls into place and things start getting awesome. Everything is easier and works.

Overall, it’s funny, relatable, beautiful, interesting, and exciting.
 photo 131 funny_zpsrsf9hssb.jpg
 photo 157 train art_zpsgpls7neo.jpg
 photo 204_zpsvdtcptaq.jpg
Profile Image for Aapo.
744 reviews
January 9, 2021
Suvereenin upeaa, maailmanluokan sarjakuvaa, jossa on paljon persoonallisia ja hauskoja elementtejä. Tai no, ei ehkä täysin ennennäkemätöntä ole vanhojen kansantarujen yhdistäminen dystooppiseen meininkiin, mutta jotenkin tämä onnistuu tekemään sen tuoreesti. Lukujen väleissä olevat "faktalaatikot" ovat kivoja ja antavat sopivasti lukijan mielikuvitusta houkuttelevia täkyjä: mitä oikein on tapahtunut ja mitä jännittävyyksiä päähenkilömme tulevatkaan vielä kohtaamaan.

Pohjoismainen miljöö ja kielikysymys on myös virkistävä asia. Hieman vain harmittaa, että kieliasiasta ei saada irti ihan hirveän paljon. Voisikohan tästä joskus saada version, jossa kaikki puhekuplat olisivat englannin sijaan oikeasti sillä kielellä, jota päähenkilö puhuu? Toki ymmärrän hyvin tämän ratkaisun.

Ainoa isompi miinus liittyy oikeastaan siihen, miten tarina tästä eteenpäin jatkuu. Näin lupaavan alun jälkeen rima on korkealla, mutta sen verran mitä olen verkosta lukenut saagaa eteenpäin, homma muuttuu hieman tylsän toisteiseksi hirviöhipaksi. Tämä eka kirja kuitenkin yltää viiteen tähteen.

Paperiversion eksklusiiviset "dvd-ekstrat" ovat kiva bonus: mielenkiintoista taustatietoa sarjakuvan tekemisestä, mikä lisää entisestään kunnioitusta tekijää kohtaan.
Profile Image for Milie_Baker.
539 reviews11 followers
January 26, 2019
Un web comic rassemblé afin de donner cette bande dessinée absolument incroyable "Stand Still Stay Silent".

Dans un monde futuriste et apocalyptique, la population a chuté de plus de 50% à cause d'une maladie appelée la rouille.
90 ans plus tard, un couple rassemble une équipe de volontaire afin de s'aventurer dans le monde et de voir ce qu'il en reste.
Nous découvrons ainsi tous les personnages de cet équipage bancal et peu confiant.

Tout dans cette bande dessinée est parfait. Les dessins sont justes magnifiques et incroyables. On peut passer plus de 10 minutes sur chaque dessin, pour voir les détails ou tout simplement pour les admirer tellement ils sont merveilleux.
J'ai été aussi bluffé par toute la backstory, que ce soit dans les langages, les créatures, le monde extérieur de l'Islande et des nouvelles/anciennes technologies, l'autrice a vraiment fait un travail monstrueux afin de nous présenter un monde cohérent, efficace et pensé du début à la fin. C'est rare, dans un premier tome, d'avoir autant d'explications et de détails. Nous découvrons à peine le monde en dehors de la civilisation et pourtant nous en avons appris énormément sur les personnages et sur l'histoire avant l'épidémie.

Un coup de cœur absolu pour cette bande dessinée fantastique, qui nous donne une claque. Minna Sundberg vient de créer un chef d'œuvre et j'attends avec impatience le tome 2 de cet ovni époustouflant.
Profile Image for Juliette.
463 reviews25 followers
May 16, 2019
Superbe roman graphique !!
La mythologie et l'univers sont fascinants avec un post-apo très bien géré et un worldbuilding impressionnant pour une histoire illustrée, qui se mêle à toute la culture scandinave qui est fascinante à découvrir. Les bêtes, trolls et géants sont absolument terrifiants et on sent à tout instant la menace de la rouille, même cent ans après la fin de l'épidémie. L'angoisse est toujours palpable et très bien désamorcée par un humour très présent, souvent décalé qui surprend et fait toujours mouche.
Les dessins sont absolument magnifiques, avec un jeu sur les formes et les mouvements et surtout sur l'utilisation des couleurs. Chaque partie du livre a un ton qui lui est propre avec une palette de couleur distincte, permettant aussi de jouer avec certains flashs backs et on a l'impression d'avoir une ambiance différente à chaque fois. C'est juste bluffant.
Les personnages sont assez attachants et j'ai une affection particulière pour Lalli que je trouve absolument génial.
Profile Image for Maggie Gordon.
1,913 reviews153 followers
December 31, 2017
I am constantly amazed at just how amazing webcomics can be. Stand Still, Stay Silent is about a dystopian future centered on the Nordic countries. There's weird magic and language barriers and beautiful landscapes. Also, terrifying ghost/zombie things that can eat you! Both gorgeously told and expertly illustrated, Sundberg should have publishers banging down her door. Unfortunately, it's a bit hard to track down this book as it is a Hiveworks publication, but I would very much recommend given the excellent production values!
Profile Image for Mathilde (dailytopas).
200 reviews15 followers
February 16, 2021

J'ai jamais vu un roman graphique aussi beau ! Un 5/5 sans hésitation !
TREs perturbant de lire ce roman écrit il y a plus de 5 ans alors qu'il parle de pandémie mondiale, de confinement, quarantaine, port du masque ... c'est fou

Sinon les couleurs, les paysages , les différentes planches ...Une pure merveille !
Après, je suis pas très objective sur un roman scandinave qui parle de la Scandinavie vu que j'ai vécu en Suède et Norvège, ce sont mes pays préférés ^^ C'était obligé que j'aime !

Lu en VF en physique.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 222 reviews

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