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Infected #2


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In a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds.

The newly married Roan is struggling to balance his work with his home life as he grows increasingly distracted by his husband Paris's declining health. One case with strong emotions attached takes up most of his time: finding the murderer of a missing little rich girl. It's a family with secrets so toxic they'd rather no one investigate, and there's no shortage of suspects. But despite the dangers and obstructions involved, Roan won't stop... until he loses something infinitely precious as well.

1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2010

224 pages, ebook

First published December 16, 2010

About the author

Andrea Speed

75 books508 followers
Super nerd. Former EIC at Cx Pulp. I've won Rainbow Awards, and still can't believe it. A small medicinal horse. The Meryl Streep of stunt corpses. Enby.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 215 reviews
Profile Image for Rosa, really.
583 reviews322 followers
November 3, 2014

Well, that fucking sucked.

In an awesome way.

I don't really want to review this book. Reviewing it means letting it go and I want to hold onto the hurt a little longer.

But it's time to suck it up.

Because I love spoiling things for myself I read the blurbs for this entire series, so I knew exactly what was coming in this book.

That's right, people, ugly crying. Snotty crying.

I can't even talk about it. I don't know what to say. It's horrible. It's beautiful. I want more. I never want to read this shit again.

If I gave 2 shits about the mystery it would've been a full 5 stars--but, you know, I didn't. I just wanted to be with Roan and Paris. Which I think reflects Roan's feelings towards his new murder case--solving mysteries is a compulsion, but really he just wants to be with Paris.

Don't let my or other reviews scare you--this is a great series. If you like paranormal detectives, you're going to love this. Just, you know, prepare for some pain.

And it's still funny! I love Roan's humor.
Bad Dude: "I've got the fucking gun, asshole. I give the orders."
Roan: "I really don't think that falling back on American foreign policy is helpful at this moment."
Here, have another sobbing gif:

Jesus, Spock really needs to get his shit together.

Thanks to my BR buddies for holding my hand--Sophia, Otila, R and Desinka!

Profile Image for Skye Blue ☆*~゚ლ(´ڡ`ლ)~*☆.
2,573 reviews28 followers
May 12, 2021

The story was great, the end was heartbreaking.
I know this series goes on, for several more books, but in this moment, I cant imagine how. I know Roan is the real lead to the story, and that the next book will probably blow me away. I just can't imagine not having Paris by his side. think the author had guts, to put out a character that we would fall in love with, knowing that they would be killed off. That's good, authors should be fearless, and tell their story their way, and not how people expect them to go down. The fact, that even though I'm heartbroken, I didn't once throw down my book and swear off the rest of the series, says that the series is so good, that it can take a huge hit like that and still move forward.
I'm looking forward to the next book. That doesn't mean I won't miss Paris. I will.
GAH! I do love this series.
But even it was coming, and knowing the future, this book still hit me hard.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
December 31, 2023
Brilliant meticulous torture. Emotionally epic. Ultimate loss.

First of all-
It is imperative you have the background of the first book before boarding this heart-twisting ride. It’s crucial to properly understand the continuation of this series.
Muster courage, for you will need it.

Having read and adored Prey, I was aware of the emotional demon drop I was surrendering myself to. It was no surprise that there would be grief, heartache and sorrow.
It was a surprise however, how genuine the pain, how raw the suffering and how utterly battered I was left at the end.
Without a doubt, this is the most powerful and emotional book I have EVER had the torturous pleasure of reading.
Andrea Speed has the gifted ability to pull you so deeply into her stories you have no choice but to hang on for one hell of a ride.
She illustrates with flawless clarity when a spouse or loved one is unfairly and unjustly ripped from your clutches due to an illness, the world has the audacity to go on.
Life as you know it may crash down, the ground may crumble beneath your feet and yet the sun will still rise the next day.

The dynamic duo of MK Investigations continues to solve cases, even as the sexy half begins to fade away. Paris faces his death with dignity and pride, solely concerned with the fate of his treasured husband after he is gone. Roan is grudgingly dragged along, mentally kicking and screaming and would willingly swap places with Par if he could.
Matt returns as a transformed client, and I immensely enjoyed the new and improved model of motor-mouth Matt. I sincerely hope he joins us again in the future.

Ahhh, the future~ it is a bleak and dark place for Roan right now. Once I’ve licked my wounds enough to forge ahead, I will again offer what’s left of my mangled heart.
I bled, I ached, and I am still mourning.
The power of a good book is frightening clear when it comes to this merciless addictive series.

*5 ridiculously ruthless and raw stars*
Profile Image for Sofia.
1,268 reviews256 followers
November 1, 2014

This book is tighter than the first one in which Speed gave us the background and backstory. Now she immediately went down to the nitty gritty and made me walk with Roan, the book made me feel like he did:

Like him, my focus was on Paris and their life together

Like him, I’ve been expecting what happened and yes you do prepare yourself but the knock is still hard.

Like him, I was scared to go forwards.

Like him, I’m feeling the loneliness now that the book is finished, bereft.

One again I BR this with my buddies Rosa, Otila, RA and Desinka which was a godsend as I needed the sharing. Our BR thread link.
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
February 25, 2015

The story starts with Roan taking a case from Matt (the "puppy" boy who has huge crush on him from book (1), who wants Roan to look for his missing friend. But as the investigation goes along, the missing friend turns up dead, and the witness of her disappearance is also stabbed. Roan must sort through a whole bunch of suspected friends; and who might wants the girl killed.

However, while doing the investigation, Roan must also struggle to keep his heart in check. His husband, Paris, has his health deteriorating. Roan knows that any day now, he might have to let Paris go ... that it'll be inevitable. He feels powerless to stop it -- and it feels so unfair for Roan, that he cannot help the only man he wants to help. That Paris is getting worse while Roan's is getting stronger and able to control his lion.


While the mystery was very, VERY good, I totally enjoyed the mystery on finding out the why's and the who, I couldn't shake this dark cloud that seemed to foreshadow the pages. Do you know that feeling, when you know something bad will happen at the end of your book, you know that you must say goodbye to someone you already come to love?

I tried as hard as I could to prolong reading this; because sadly, I already knew what will happen (though not in details) because I spoiled myself with Infected free stories at Andrea Speed's site, prior to the release of this book. So I had a melancholy feeling that have been hanging and gripping my heart.

Then, as I got near the end, it was like I was in a slowly moving car, but steadily going to a train-crash site. Like Roan, I couldn't deny the ending but I would get there no matter how bad I wanted it to end differently.

It's an emotional read -- but at the same time a very good, real, honest, and raw story about what one person who has a terminally ill life-partner is going through .

There is no miracle, no help from God, it's simply a fact of life ...

My heart was breaking when I read how Roan tried some desperate attempts to save Paris. My heart was breaking when I read how Paris made arrangement to ensure that Roan would not regress and turned into his lion after Paris was gone. My heart was breaking when I read how Paris accepted his fate with big heart; Paris felt that he already lived on borrowed time (because tiger-strain infected people never live long) and that his life with Roan was something he would forever cherish.

And well, let me just tell you when I read this line "I'm doing it tomorrow", my water-dam burst and I was drowning in tears. Huge. Fat. Snotty Tears. Never that I find those 4-words sentence to make me feel as hollow as I am right now.

When life ends in whimpers, doesn't it shatter your heart far more than the one ends with a bang?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Otila.
364 reviews29 followers
December 16, 2014
This was such sad and emotional read and it was worth it. Sure, I knew what was coming. If you’ve read book 1 you know too but I thought it was really well done. The ending was perfect. It was sad but it left me with a sense of peace.

The mystery really took a back seat to what was going on with Paris. It was fine and it moved the story along but it was mostly used to show just how well Roan has adapted to the virus.

I’m really liking this series and I’m looking forward to book 3.

Thanks to my BR buddies-Sofia, Rosa, R and Desinka! We didn't stray too far off topic this time. We'll just have to try harder next time.

BR Thread
Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews528 followers
December 27, 2010
Bloodlines is the follow up to Infected Prey which brought us into the world of Roan McKichan, a private detective infected with the lion strain. In Roan's world, a cat virus -very similar to AIDS- is on the loose, with the tiger strain being the most dangerous and, ultimately: fatal. And Paris, Roan's husband, is infected by it...

Bloodlines was another solid story by Andrea Speed. The author knows how to tell a good urban fantasy tale, in where she weaves an interesting plot with great characters. This time around, the crime story was engaging as ever, but it paled next to the personal drama going on in Roan's life: his lover being terminally ill.

I must admit though, it took me a little while to fully get into the book. It's clear that Speed originally published the stories on line with a weekly interval, because it just picks up where it was left off in Prey. We get no reminders of past events or characters, which made me confused enough to go back and read parts of the first book.

What I didn't need a reminder of, however, was the love between Roan and Paris. Those two are so good together and their love is palpable -despite the lack of love scenes.

That's why the ending just broke my heart. Speed did a wonderful job of realistically portraying the last days of Roan and Paris. It was truly heartrending, but also beautiful to see Roan struggle with something that Paris had long accepted.
I was waiting for a miracle to happen till the very last moment. Anything to avert the inevitable. But alas, it was not meant to be…

4,5 stars
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
February 20, 2016
3.5 stars

I was taking my time before picking up this book, because I knew what was coming. In Bloodlines I was able to get to know Roan and Paris better and I loved their interaction and their relationship; their ability to function without a lot of words is fascinating. Once again, the mystery was well written and very catchy. I won't say much else, because I can't write an elaborate review after reading this heartbreaking story.

But it was one of those things that was so huge, so impossible to fathom, that it didn't really strike you what was happening until it had already happened. Knowing that the world was about to be ripped out from under you wasn't the same as finding yourself falling into a bottomless chasm.

Looking forward to continue this series.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,438 reviews504 followers
June 14, 2017
The second installment in this paranormal series definitely pulls no punches when it comes to emotional impact and pain. In this world, shifters are either born with a certain cat virus or infected with it; each with their own complicated consequences. Our MC Roan is the rare born shifter who is actually not encumbered with the oft sickly side effects of the virus - he is slowly evolving into a stronger human/cat mix, able to shift at will and maximize his powers for any and all situations. His husband, Paris, is unfortunately infected (not born) with the deadly tiger virus; his remaining life span depressingly dwindling as his body wastes away.

Though there is a main mystery going on, for me, the story was all about Roan and Paris. Their love, their banter, showed how much they knew each other inside and out, how well they fit together and complimented each other in both their work and private lives. So of course, with Paris's mortality hanging in the balance, it definitely brought to the forefront how precious those moments were and how shattering it will be without them.

This is the revised edition of this story and I did see a difference from the first book. This was not as dense with details but just as rich. The author deftly touches on tough subjects - homophobia, bigotry, unrequited love, and of course devastating loss. I appreciated that despite a solemn and serious tone, there were great moments of humor and snark and funny bite in almost every page, making it bearable to reach the story's inevitable and unfair conclusion. This will resonate for a long while and was so worth the painful read.

Thanks to Otila, Rosa, Sophia and Desinka for the much needed BR support!
Profile Image for Tara.
941 reviews56 followers
May 26, 2016
You know, I wish Andrea Speed was a crappy writer, because then I wouldn't give a crap about these characters, but this is not the case at all. This is technically the 3rd book in her Infected Series, which started off as an online free story. The first commercially released book Infected: Prey contains the first two "books" of the series. In all of these books we are introduces to a society where the cat virus is spread much like AIDS. There are virus children and people that get infected. There are four strains of cat: Leopard, Panther, Lion and Tiger. Being infected is a death sentence in general. The transformations are painful and difficult on the human body.

Roan, a private detective, is a virus child. His husband, Paris is his assistant, the love of his life, and infected with the most deadly of cat strains, The Tiger strain. In this book they are dealing with the reality of their situation while trying to solve the case of a missing rich girl, brought to them by an old friend.

Read it. Read the whole series. The only thing is that you have to really remember who people are because she doesn't waste a lot of time reiterating things in each book. I have to say I spent some time going back through the last book reminding myself who characters were and what their story was. It makes sense, if you are reading a chapter every week as they were originally released, you'd remember like you do with TV. I think I might make myself a cheat sheet by re-reading the first one so I can remember everyone's backstory. It dosen't take anything away from the writing though.

This is my second review. written with a little time. The original one is below and it full of spoilers. Read at your own risk.


Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
December 13, 2022

It's choppy at the start. The investigation enough to be interesting. But it's all the relationship. I knew it was triggery, knew it would hurt - but holy hell this book is brutal. I'm crying my eyes out here.
Then that last line!

..... ......
There's still an occasional clunkiness and the book gets heavy but the emotional impact is immense. I think this book is smoother than the first, there's less information to get across, though we're still learning about this world that's both familiar and different.

The book could be a trigger for people, from the beginning there's the theme of impending death with both a powerlessness and beauty to it. There's no long speeches, we're carried along close to Roan's heels solving his puzzle and yet the feeling is always present.

Although there is an investigation that spans the book and the side characters are coloured enough to be interesting and have you want to better know them; the main story here is Roan and Paris and it's a highly emotional story of their relationship, love, and what they mean to each other. It's not overly dramatic, the very simplicity of certain events gives them the impact.

I don't suffer any allergies strongly enough to excuse the blotchiness caused by reading. I do now remember why after originally reading this I didn't dive into the next though. I want/need to read what happens next but needed first to re-armour my heart.

In short. It killed me.

Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews474 followers
December 27, 2012
This sucks.

I hate and love this story. The new details we learn about Roan as he deals with Paris is astounding and heartbreaking. The case while good is ancillary to what is happening with them and their marriage. The rest of the review contains major spoilers so I've marked it as such.

Anyway, this is so good, but honestly, I don't think I'll reread it because it is such an emotional wreck.
Profile Image for Tamika♥RBF MOOD♥.
1,224 reviews144 followers
May 30, 2016

Oh my goodness. I haven't cried this hard in a while. I will be walking into work with puffy eyes and a heavy heart. I mean, I knew what was going to happen because certain tossers can't put a spoiler tag on their review. But knowing and reading it in that moment was two completely different things. It was so heartbreaking. From the beginning to the end just reading about it left a dull ache in my chest. I mean Roan and Paris get married and instead of spending their time in married bliss, it's a ticking time bomb on the end that they know it as. I cried early on in the beginning, because Paris was amazing this entire book. I loved the crime and even going into this was better then book one for me. I love seeing Roan grow as a person and a lion. I mean he's steadily growing stronger and the love of his life is getting sicker.

I like the way the author was able to intertwined the plot and the actions of Roan & Paris. I find Roan's actions amendable for even trying to work through all the things he's dealing with. I felt his grief from the page 1. It's like a slow ticking cancer killing you from page to page. Roan sets out to take the missing person case of a wealthy girl. I really liked the case and the drama surrounding this case. We got to see Kevin who I'm enamored with and some familiar faces among the way. I'm scared to know what the future of MK Investigations hold and the future of Roan. I want Roan to be able to live after this, but I understand and it's a week later that I'm extending this review and my grief is still palpable. Here's my favorite quote..

“I'm always going to be with you, you know. As long as you remember me, I will exist. Memory is a form of existence, life after death.”

Profile Image for Emanuela ~plastic duck~.
805 reviews120 followers
November 17, 2011
This is not a proper review, because it's impossible to write a review for a book which strikes all the naked emotions of loss. This story stripped me raw and made me cry buckets of tears and not because it deals with loss in a sappy way, but because it deals with it with honesty. The writing style is terse and it's perfect to describe the desperate emptiness Roan's feels, to convey Paris' dignity in his choice of what to do with his life.

Love flows throughout the book, in Roan's contained grief, in Paris' preparation of Roan's future, in their beautiful, beautiful interaction, in the concern of their friends and acquaintances. I really admire the author for choosing a non-conventional path for her story, but death is a part of life, dealing with loss is so hard, but it's inevitable, memories are bitter, but are also so sweet. So thank you, Andrea Speed. An amazing book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Desinka.
301 reviews57 followers
November 5, 2014
This was the second book in the Infected series and a worthy continuation of Prey. I wasn't all that impressed with the detective story but the relationship bit was done very well and it was very movie despite the foretold ending.

I'm looking forward to reading Book 3:)

Thanks to my reading buddies Sofia, R * A Reader Obsessed, Otila and Rosa for the fun experience:)
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,636 followers
October 25, 2011
It's been a while since I actually cried at the end of a book, but this one did it. Damn. Well written, with a real plot, a deep love story, and the honesty not to dodge the bullet that was coming with a miracle of some kind. I will reread this one often, but I am deeply grateful that the sequel is already published so I can open it immediately.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,463 reviews245 followers
August 29, 2012

”You should charge admission into your life. It’s a trip.”

There is no possible way to explain the gut punch this book threw at me. Tears stinging and threatening. Stomach and heart knotted. Trying to hold on. Then all of a sudden, I’m just an all out hand over my mouth, tears streaming down, big 'ole ball of sobs and snot! Cried myself to sleep actually. And….

I would do it all over again!

Andrea Speed’s characters, world, and writing pulled me in with emotion, humor, mystery, and love. A writing style full of details, layers, wit, and fun that effortlessly wrapped around my own life and heart. Ms. Speed has a way of pulling me along from scene to scene with little life moments and details that touch my heart and make me feel a part of Roan and Paris’s day to day life. Moments you will identify with and make you cheer, cringe, or giggle. Every witty exchange, flirty smile, cinnamon toast breakfast, quiet time, song and forehead kiss added up to pure love and life.

Just as life can blind side me with pain, emotion, or bitter truth, a line from Ms. Speed can come along seemingly from out of the blue and just *whoooosh* my breathe away. Very powerful jabs. Even when I knew the hit was coming, there was no way to control or brace for the pain. Heartbreaking and beautiful.

This story will make you reflect on moments in your own life with smiles and longing. Lost little moments you wish you could have held on to forever.

Enjoy and hold tight to the dollops of whip cream, phone calls from friends, motorcycle rides, and time spent together with the ones you love. Life can hit us hard at times, so enjoy the love and peace when you have them.

Btw…read this series! :)
Profile Image for Karen K.
426 reviews13 followers
December 22, 2010
A normal work of fiction should not affect someone as deeply as this book affected me. Obviously it's not a normal story, but one that grabbed hold of my heart in the first book Infected: Prey and clutched and strangled it even more in this one.

This was like two different books for me - one involving the mystery that needed to be solved and the other only about Paris. I confess I had read a couple of spoilers before I started. I confess I had to set my e-reader aside a few times and read something else to settle my heart. I confess to being scared at the outcome that I knew was inevitable. I confess to being just as worried about Roan as I was about Paris, and I confess to tearing up periodically throughout the whole book, even more so in the last 20 pages, and then crying like a baby in the last 5 or 6.

Roan and Paris' relationship is one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever read, even more so when you take into consideration the strength it took for Roan to sit back and let Paris make that final decision, to watch and wait as the love of his life did what had to be done, to hold him in his arms and give him that last ounce of dignity that he truly deserved. The final scene between them broke my heart but it also made me respect the author in a big way. I know that there will be those who question why Paris had to do what he did, and in a small corner of my heart, I'm one of those people, too, but I also understand the reality of what Andrea was trying to maintain in the series and I believe she handled it in the most realistic and respectful way she could. She allowed Paris to keep his dignity and Roan to get his closure in a scene that will be with me for a long time.

I'm not going to talk about the plot or storyline because right now for me it's all about the emotion that I'm still feeling even a few hours after finishing the story. I said before that I understood the reality that Andrea was trying to achieve and I believe she did it spot on My only wish is that reality didn't have to hurt so much.

If you're read Infected Prey, I highly recommend this book, even to those who are scared of the final outcome, as I was. Don't be afraid of a few tears when the love story that's revealed and cherished within the pages is one that is truly unforgettable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for MsMiz (Tina).
882 reviews116 followers
December 22, 2010
As some of you know, I do not give out many 5 star ratings. But I had to for this book for the bottom line here - I have not stopped crying for some time now. That suggests to me that the characters were so well written to evoke such an expression of emotion from me, that even though I knew what was coming, I was still so torn up at the end that it actually happened. I also have never hated an author more (hee - not really Andrea, but right now if you were in front of me, I might actually slap you!!). I kept waiting for a miracle, I really did, but non came other than they were together and had the ending that Paris wanted. The side story murder/mystery was only somewhat engaging, other than it accentuated what Roan and Paris were going through as well.

Recommendation: Read these stories. They are good, really good. For those of you who do not typically read m/m, while Roan and Paris are married, there is no sex in these books.

Oh and Andrea, if you are reading this, you owe us a wedding short. OWE US....damn you;)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jen.
231 reviews
October 21, 2012
Warning - spoilers ahead! I didn't even bother with tags on this one.

Oh, and my other warning - stock up on the Kleenex, folks, because this one is a tear-jerker.

^^^Me, right now.^^^

This will be short and to-the-point, because what can I really say about this book? I knew what was coming from page 1, and even though it broke my heart like I knew it would, it was totally worth the heart-ache.

Roan and Paris's love is pretty epic, and their tragedy completely overshadows the mystery plot of this book. I mean, that part was interesting and clever enough, but really when you get to the last 5%, you just don't give a rat's ass about the girl's death and Roan's preternatural ability to solve crimes.

They still made me laugh all the way the end though, even if it was through my hysterical sobs. LOL XD

This pretty much says it all:

"...I've had so much fun. Thank you."
"What the hell are you thanking me for?"
"For the good time, sailor... You should charge admission into your life. It's a trip."
"People would demand refunds."
"Only if they're complete pussies."

I'm going to miss you while reading the rest of the series, Paris. I really will. <3
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christina.
798 reviews127 followers
November 17, 2013
4.5 stars

Bloodlines was much better than the first one. It still had some of the same writing issues, but it was less irritating in this book. I'm sure this was because Roan and Paris stole the show and now I'm able to ignore most of it. There seemed to be less parenthesis, however the long-ass descriptions still drove me nuts.

I was not expecting this type of heart-ache. You could feel the love between Roan and Paris on every page. Even though I was warned, I was still hoping for miracle. I haven't cried over a book a long time.

I'm glad I stuck with it!

Profile Image for Em.
648 reviews137 followers
August 24, 2014
I now feel completely numb and have just cried for the last twenty minutes or so but what a perfect final day for Paris and Roan. I love that Paris did all he could to prepare Roan and plan for when he's not going to be around, making sure he'll be surrounded by friends and not left to wallow in his grief. I think the only way forward for me is to dive headfirst into the next book Life After Death.
Profile Image for Eve.
550 reviews42 followers
June 17, 2014
I had a slow day at work and decided to finish reading this in my office, which turned out to be a big mistake. Had to close the door and have a quiet cry.
Profile Image for SueM.
777 reviews144 followers
March 10, 2012
4.5 stars
I had delayed reading this novel as I knew going in it would be a sad one - and it was. Oddly though, not as sad as I expected (says she, as tears remain drying on her face as she types) as Paris's character became clearer (and dearer) and Roan more vulnerable. This novel seemed to be more focused on Paris and their relationship, as well as their relationships with those around them, than on a crime/case than I expected, and given the circumstances, rightly so. I ended up enjoying the story rather more than I thought I would, but given the talent of Ms Speed, that really shouldn't have been a surprise. I am definitely not going to wait so long before read the next two novels in the series!
Profile Image for Rie.
224 reviews19 followers
March 2, 2015
I've never cried like this over a book. It's just so heartbreaking and if I re-read this I'm going to cry like a baby again.

Can I give it 10* ?

1* for beautiful writing.
1* for a good plot.
1* for solid characters (I love all the characters here including the bad guys)
1* for Paris and his lovable traits.
1* for Roan and his strength to love Paris after he was betrayed by his former lover.
1* for Roan and his strength to love Paris even though he knows the ending of their relationship.
1* for Paris and his love for Roan that make him a better man.
1* for Paris and his strength to face the end of his life with dignity.
1* for Roan and his lost.
1* for Andrea for making me such a mess after reading this book.

Profile Image for Chappy.
2,027 reviews103 followers
October 28, 2017
Wow, amazing and so much better than the first book.

I'm still disappointed that there are no on-the-page sex scenes but the great character development makes up for it. Roan is still a little too focused on work but that's what makes him such a great investigator. Paris is simply wonderful and Canadian :D

Make sure to have some tissues...this one is a doosey!!!
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
December 10, 2013

In this sequel, we find Rhoan and Paris newlywed, fresh from their trip to Canada where the visited Paris’ family. Paris’ virus was still wreaking havoc on his system. He had lost weight and Rhoan was getting really worried about his partner’s health. The Tiger strain that Paris was infected with, is one of the deadliest and all these seasons of forced change has finally broken Paris’ immune system down.
Ro gets a missing persons case, and it becomes clear that Paris will not be able to function as his assistant in the capacity that Ro is used to. Paris has low energy and is doing his best to hide how he is feeling so Ro won’t worry about him. So Ro sets out to find out what happened to the missing rich girl, both as a job and as a favor to their old friend. While the mystery was an interesting one, the personal life of Rhoan and Paris took front and center for me. I was so sad when Paris didn’t get into the clinical trial and I read the rest of the book with this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I held out hope as I am an optimist and I just kept the belief that love will find a way. Ro is so strong because it would be devastating to watch your loved one waste away right before your eyes.
But this story really gave us the bird’s eye view of “For Better or For Worse”.

Very torturous writing by Andrea Speed. I would like to say Bravo…but I would also like to say a big “F” you too. That’s how mixed up the story made me. It must have taken guts for the author to take this risk, but it was a good story.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews119 followers
July 23, 2021
Book two in the 'Infected' series continues the action, intensity, and drama that was so prevalent in the first book. Roan and Paris are married now, but Paris continues to suffer, physically, as part of the curse of the werecat virus is the monumental toll it wreaks on the body. I mean, can you imagine your bones completely rearranging themselves, and you sprouting fur, teeth, and claws? Yes, I think that might make me a little sick, too. There is so much happening in this installment that I couldn't put it down until I'd finished.

Roan has a new investigation into the death of a rich, little girl and her family is definitely no prize! The virus within his DNA is beginning a subtle transformation, but to what, I have no clue. Roan has now become the go-to guy/lion for the police whenever they run across Infecteds whom they cannot seem to handle. And, his worry about Paris is a constant thread through the story, to the point where he is willing to undergo experimental research performed by a doctor who treated him as a child, Dr. Rosenberg, in order to possibly increase Paris's lifespan.

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