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This Is Our Story

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Five went in. Four came out.

No one knows what happened that morning at River Point. Five boys went hunting. Four came back. The boys won’t say who fired the shot that killed their friend; the evidence shows it could have been any one of them.

Kate Marino’s senior year internship at the district attorney’s office isn’t exactly glamorous—more like an excuse to leave school early that looks good on college applications. Then the DA hands her boss, Mr. Stone, the biggest case her small town of Belle Terre has ever seen. The River Point Boys are all anyone can talk about. Despite their damning toxicology reports the morning of the accident, the DA wants the boys’ case swept under the rug. He owes his political office to their powerful families.

Kate won’t let that happen. Digging up secrets without revealing her own is a dangerous line to walk; Kate has her own reasons for seeking justice for Grant. As she investigates with Stone, the aging prosecutor relying on Kate to see and hear what he cannot, she realizes that nothing about the case—or the boys—is what it seems. Grant wasn’t who she thought he was, and neither is Stone’s prime suspect. As Kate gets dangerously close to the truth, it becomes clear that the early morning accident might not have been an accident at all—and if Kate doesn’t uncover the true killer, more than one life could be on the line…including her own.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published November 15, 2016

About the author

Ashley Elston

7 books4,740 followers
Ashley Elston worked for many years as a wedding photographer before turning her hand to writing. She lives in Louisiana with her husband and three sons. Elston has written six young adult novels. FIRST LIE WINS, her adult debut, was a number one New York Times bestseller and was selected as a Reese’s Book Club pick.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,062 reviews
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,892 reviews12.6k followers
May 26, 2024
Every town has that one group of teens who seem to get away with everything. Inexplicably, no matter what they do, nothing ever sticks.

We all know them. We may even be one of them. There will certainly be no judgements from me on that account.

In Kate Marino's town, this group is the River Point Boys, prep school royalty who host the wildest parties and have their hands in every cookie jar.

But can they really get away with everything? Even murder?

After an all-night party, where a lot of grievances are aired, the River Point Boys decide to go hunting. Still a little drunk and high, going on practically no sleep, this seems like an excellent idea to their teenage minds.

Grant, Henry, Shep, John Michael and Logan walk into the woods that day, but only four walk out.

No one is talking. The survivors didn't see anything. They don't know who did it. This is THEIR story.

Under the suspicion of murder, the remaining boys are forced to leave their cushy prep school and head off to the local public school!

Our protagonist, Kate Marino, is a high school senior, an avid photographer and an intern at the local DA's office.

Brought in to help the DA prep for the case, Kate is more involved than anyone knows. She knew the victim. They had a relationship via text for some time prior to his death.

Kate throws herself into her work, hoping to find justice for the slain boy. However, not all is as it appears and before she knows it, Kate is hit with a truth bomb that the boy she thought she knew...

...isn't really what she thought.

Elston's writing is top notch in this genre. A solid YA Mystery that keeps you guessing until the very end. I loved the pace of this and the investigatory elements woven throughout.

Kate was likable and relatable and I was definitely rooting for her the whole way through. I am trash for Elston's writing at this point and cannot wait to see what she puts out next.

If you haven't read this book yet, please pick it up. It is perfect for this time of year. Highly recommend for YA mystery fans!
Profile Image for Laura.
425 reviews1,303 followers
January 3, 2017
“If one of us goes down for this, it’ll be as bad as all of us going down for this,” I say. “We can’t let that happen.”

The concept is awesome. Five go in the woods. Only four come back out. What happened? No one is saying. One of those five is a killer and one is dead. The other three aren’t speaking. Why? Meet the River Point Boys.

The story follows Kate, a high school senior with an internship at the District Attorney’s office. It’s mostly filing, but could provide an inside scoop to the biggest case their small Louisiana town has ever seen. The DA is pressuring the prosecutor on the case to make it go away as quick as possible without any charges. The River Point Boys are all from well-connected families that practically put the DA in office, so the pressure is on. For reasons only she knows, Kate refuses to let that happen and thinks she owes it to Grant to find his killer. She wants justice and will go to great lengths to find it.

I thought the story was fine and entertaining until it started to get a bit slow. The characters lacked any real characterization making it hard to really connect. And the ending was a letdown. This isn’t one you should read for an epic mystery twist.

It was interesting how most every chapter from Kate’s perspective began with a brief text message exchange providing insight to the timeline. I also enjoyed how every other chapter was either from the killer’s POV or was an interrogation transcript. It’s impossible to guess who the killer is based on the perspective, though.

I do have to add that the cover is fantastic.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,872 reviews747 followers
October 3, 2016
I've loved Ashley's words since I read her first book and she's quickly become a favorite. So obviously I was beyond excited to get my greedy hands on a copy of this one.

I loved Kate right from the beginning. She smart and has such a strive to uncover the truth, no matter what she finds out. I loved being in her head in this book. There were some other great characters {Kate's BFF Reagan is awesome} and some swoony boys. I won't mention who because I don't want to spoil anything. We do get another anonymous POV from one of the boys and I love love loved those short chapters. It was deliciously creepy.

The plot is twisty and it kept me guessing. Every time I thought I had it figured out, something else was revealed. I can't wait to read it again to see if I pick up on the hints, now that I know who it was.

Overall, I was drawn in by the gorgeous cover and captivated by first page. I will definitely be shoving this book into everyone's hands.

**Huge thanks to Ashley for sending me an arc and including me in the acknowledgements**
Profile Image for Chelsea (chelseadolling reads).
1,519 reviews20.3k followers
December 26, 2018
This is a very, very strong 4 stars. The mystery at the center of this book wasn't anything special, but the writing and the atmosphere were some of the best I've read all year. I really, REALLY liked this and I can't wait to read more from Ashley Elston in the future.
756 reviews2,552 followers
November 10, 2017
BR with the Little Detective. ❤️️

3 1/2 stars.

I don't know if it's just me, but I find myself not being able to write proper reviews for thrillers. So I'm just going to keep this short.

I enjoyed this book - which is very rare since most of the thrillers I read aren't that good. When 5 friends go hunting, only four come back. Grant was shot and the boys are being questioned. No one will admit the truth, no one is admitting to who shot Grant, but the real question is, was it murder or just an accident?

It was surprisingly fun and entertaining to read though it wasn't really "thrilling" but it does have you questioning as to who could've done it. One thing I disliked about this book was that it wasn't that intense and thrilling for me. It seemed really simple and didn't quite have me on the edge of the seat.

I'm also not satisfied by that ending. It was quick and abrupt and just happened suddenly. The author just wrapped it all up quickly, though I'll admit I didn't even think it would be that person to shoot Grant.

Overall, a fun quick read.
Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,379 followers
February 7, 2017

BUDDY READ with this crazy, Sana ♡♡♡

There’s something with thrillers that just capture my attention and DEMAND to be read in one sitting, it’s not my fault, I swear. :) :) :)

Throughout the book I was a mixture of

When five best friends go hunting early in the morning, still drunk from the previous party last night, something is bound to go wrong. One of the boys ends up shot dead and none of the four remaining boys are willing to utter a word on the killer.

“We’re in this together. We stick together.”
I lean forward and the other three do the same. Hovering over poor, dead Grant, I say, “Okay, this is our story…”

This is Our Story starts off with an eerily mysterious narrator describing the scene unfold in front of him. Though he speaks in riddles and has the most ambiguous descriptions, the scene at Point River is chilling to read.

The chapters alternate between our main character, Kate and the mysterious speaker. Kate is spending her senior year working an internship at the district attorney’s office and when the news of the Point River case makes it to her boss, Mr. Stone, Kate is given the opportunity to work alongside him.

People are pushing for information, the DA is trying to rush it through, and the boys are adamant on staying silent but Kate and Mr. Stone won’t let this case finish without justice being served.


This book has got so much suspense and so many twists that leave your brain racing to try and keep up.

Damn, there were even a few times when I had to stop reading just to regain my bearings CAUSE YOU CAN’T SPRING SOMETHING LIKE THAT ON SOMEONE AND EXPECT THEM TO BE OKAY!

Now, the reason for my rating is because though the book was nerve racking and I devoured it and betrayed my reading buddy I felt that the ending came short. It was abrupt and it felt like the author just wrapped it up all nice and quick and slapped a bow on top.

It is the secret that binds us . . . But I know it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

3.75 stars!!!

Profile Image for Sophie.
28 reviews1,669 followers
April 18, 2017
A solid 3.75 stars!

This was an engaging, fast-paced, murder mystery. I really enjoyed being able to unravel bits and pieces of the court case alongside the main character, Kate. It was really fascinating and I couldn't stop guessing and wondering who the killer was the entire time!

I would have given this a higher rating if it had a little bit more oomph to it. It started out strong but there were definitely some parts that dragged, and I think that the ending could have been better considering its very climactic buildup.

Overall, wonderful writing, nicely developed characters and a perfect amount of suspense and plot twists to keep the reader guessing :)
Profile Image for Natalie Monroe.
612 reviews3,773 followers
March 12, 2017
2.5 stars

"I lean forward and the other three do the same. Hovering over poor, dead Grant, I say, "Okay, this is our story."

Your story blows. Can I have another one?

This Is Our Story had the potential to be all shades of amazing. Its premise sounds like a mix between The Raven Boys and With Malice.

The intrigue builds and builds and builds... then fizzles out. There's no ingenuity to the ending. It feels too much like something that would happen in real life. Oh. the cops just overlooked a key piece of evidence and the culprit is a guy already in the suspect lineup. Realism is necessary in murder mysteries, but I like a little shock value too.

The relationships between the River Point boys are nowhere as complex as some of the friendship-based thrillers I've read recently. I would describe them as tip-of-the-iceberg, with only base traits attached to each boy.

With Malice and Dangerous Girls do a magnificent job of attaching history to their characters. Their friendships are rich and layered, full of inside jokes and shared experiences. This Is Our Story is mainly told from Kate's perspective and she doesn't provide the same depth we would have gotten from a River Point boy. We do get chapters narrated by the murderer, but they're largely superfluous and deliberately devoid of personal detail so we don't know who it is.

The writing was also too simple for my tastes. There's nothing fancy about it, Point A to Point B stuff.

Great premise, awful execution. The new "Don't judge a book by its cover".
April 28, 2019
Veronica Mars vibes!
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This book might not have left a mark in me, but since it got me out of a terrible book slump, I feel like I can't judge it too negatively, after all.
Since the beginning, I found it a bit slow but really entertaining, with the right mix of murder mystery and intrigues, and even if I must admit the romance felt a little stale and terribly cheesy at times, it was nice to see two characters respecting the other so much.
I wasn't really impressed with the writing or the plot but there's the whole 'group of boys closer than brothers' thing that I'm always a sucker for (the gangsey still tops the charts, though) that brought me to like this book rather than not. The main character is okay, I don't particularly like her, but I don't particularly dislike her, either. She's cool, I guess, a bit naive, but nothing new. I've got to give it to her, though, she felt rather real and relatable. I loved the interactions with the best friend and the other girls. It was amazing, for once, seeing so much girl support without the shade being involved.

Bravo, Ashley Elston.

Profile Image for Irene.
856 reviews109 followers
January 24, 2022
It kept me up half the night because I couldn't put it down before I learned what had really happened. The truth is that after many guesses - all wrong FYI - the end was totally believable. And justified.
I just didn't really like the aspect of a 17 y.o. girl in the middle of a murder investigation and one that involved a friend of hers. I can understand why the author wanted it this way and it serves the plot well, but it bothered me extremely.
Nonetheless, an enjoyable read it was with lots of teenage angst and I would recommend it to anyone who likes the young adult genre with more than a coming of age theme or romance.
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,441 reviews1,370 followers
October 25, 2016
I knew I was going to love this book, the big mystery was going to be just how much! I’m a huge fan of Ashley Elston’s writing and if you haven’t read her The Rules For Disappearing Duology then you must do so immediately because it’s one of my all-time favorites and I think so very underrated.

That said, I’m talking about This Is Our Story. First, that cover is gorgeous, and oh so fitting for this story, and if you didn’t notice, I’m going to mention that the title also highlights His Story which when you read this you’ll get a feel for why that is so fitting. It’s told from two points of view. The first narrator is Kate and the second is part of the mystery that you have to figure out as you read.

Kate lives in the small town of Belle Terre where everyone knows everyone and she’s definitely not part of the social elite. Her mom is the admin for one of the local DA’s and she’s lucky enough to work as an intern in the court house for the same lawyer, helping out with odds and ends.

All hell breaks loose when five friends head out hunting one morning and only four come back alive. The River Point boys as they’re named, because that’s the location they were hunting when the incident happened, are four boys who have been friends for ages and whose families are among the wealthiest and connected in the area. None of the boys are speaking about what happened and no one knows just went down in those woods, but it’s apparent once the evidence comes in, that whatever it was, it definitely wasn’t an accident.

When the case falls on the desk of the DA that Kate works for, she can’t help but become even more entrenched in figuring out who did what and she wants justice for Grant, the boy who died, even if it means one of the other boys will go to jail.

I’m not going to spoil this for anyone, so I’m just going to stop there with the story specifics. Instead I’m going to tell you why you need to read this.

1. The mystery is so wonderfully plotted. I read a ton of mystery and suspense and I hate it when I can figure out who the ‘bad guy’ is before the end of the book. That was definitely NOT the case here. I went back and forth from guy to guy and then even people outside the group with my suspicions and I didn’t even realize who it was until Elston spills the beans and everyone finds out!

2. The characters are layered and complex and so, so real. I loved all the real complications and struggles that these characters had to wade through. I loved that nothing felt contrived or like it was just a set up for the story, and I loved that Elston weaved in some pretty serious issues that are happening in real life to help make her point about consequences.

3. I really enjoyed the romance. Like really, really enjoyed it. It’s sometimes hard to include romance in books like this that are so suspenseful, and it is especially hard when you don’t know if those in that romance pairing are guilty. Despite the unknowns, I found myself swooning over this guy and I really loved the two together!

4. The friendship! I adored Kate’s best friend Reagan and the wonderful friendship between them! They had each other’s backs no matter what and I love seeing that in YA.

5. The unique way this story is told. Not only are we getting the story from Kate’s perspective, but we get to read along to video interrogation of those who were at the party the night before the incident, text messages, and of course the words of the person who committed this crime. It’s such a great way to learn about everything that led up to the incident and it’s told in so many different perspectives so you don’t actually know what exactly is true or what’s been influenced by the person’s perception!

So to wrap this up, this is a book you want to read. If you don’t currently have this on your TBR pile, I can’t stress enough how much you need to add it. I’m so excited to see what Elston gives us readers next!

Fans of wonderfully written and plotted mystery and suspense definitely need to read this one the day it hits shelves!
Profile Image for Irmak.
400 reviews915 followers
August 11, 2017
Vay canına!
Resmen hop oturup hop kalktığım, meraktan kafayı sıyırdığım bir kitap okudum. Son zamanlarda ihtiyacım olan buymuş onu anladım. Devamlı tetikte okuyacağınız, soluksuz okutan bir kurgusu vardı.

Beş arkadaş. Aralarından su sızmayan, çocukluktan beri bir arada olan beş arkadaş. Her hafta River Burnu'nda uyuşturucunun, içkinin, eğlencenin dibine vurdukları partiler veriyorlar. Her hafta hep beraber River Burnu'nda ava çıkıyorlar. Ve bir hafta sonu her şey tepetaklak oluyor. Yine çılgın bir parti veriliyor ve ertesi gün bütün o sarhoşluğa ve olanlara rağmen beş oğlan ava çıkıyor. İçlerinden birisi av sırasında öldürülüyor. Grant'i vuran silahta hepsinin parmak izi var ve kimse onu öldürenin kendisi olduğunu kabul etmiyor. Bu oğlanlar zengin ailelerin çocukları olduğu için bu olay sansasyonel bir hal alıyor. Dava ile ilgili ilginç şeyler dönerken Başsavcılıkta çalışan Kate, Grant'i kimin öldürdüğünü bulmak için elinden geleni yapıyor ve bizde kitabı Kate'in ağzından okuyoruz.

Kitapta Grant'in katili tarafından yazılmış bazı kısımlar vardı bölüm sonlarında ve bu kısımlara gerçekten bayıldım. Devamlı kafamda bir şeyler dönüp durdu. Okudukça katilin kim olabileceği hakkında bir fikre kapıldım ama her zamanki gibi yanıldım :D

Çocuklardan sadece birisini çok sevdim, alıp bağrıma basıp üzülme annem diye teselli edesim geldi hep. Zavallım benim.

Ve Kate karakterini çok sevdim. Kendisi lise öğrencisi olmasına rağmen Başsavcılıkta çalışıyordu ve birçok insanın göremediği detayları gördü. Birçok insanın gösteremediği cesareti gösterdi kitap boyunca.

Bu senenin favorilerinden oldu Bu Bizim Hikayemiz. Film tadında, muhteşem bir kitaptı benim için.
Profile Image for Fafa's Book Corner.
514 reviews346 followers
May 8, 2017
Mini review:

This was a surprisingly good murder mystery. I did not see any of that coming. And it was interesting how you get to read about the police interviews as well as the murderers point of view without giving anything away.

What really brought this book down was Kate and the romance. Kate was really stupid. Her antics were ridiculous. I understood her need to find the real killer but she should've thought more. The romance was very confusing. As there was a case of mistaken identity. There were also a lot of silly things that happened which felt like plot conveniences.

Overall this wasn't a bad book. I will definitely be reading more from this author. Recommended.
Profile Image for Kristin Hackett (Merrily Kristin).
217 reviews3,697 followers
February 10, 2017
Originally posted on Super Space Chick:

Personal Thoughts: Okay, so it’s taken me a really long time to properly gather my thoughts for my review of This is Our Story by Ashley Elston and it’s for good reason. This is Our Story was one of my favorite books I read in 2016 and I wanted to write a rave review that could do this story justice. Since this is my personal thoughts section, I’m going to start by talking a little bit about the cover (which I’ve also talked about numerous times on my BookTube channel- PS I’m so happy so many of you have read and loved this book since I started pushing it down your throats!). Obviously the majestic white porcelain deer head against a cerulean blue background appeals to my aesthetic so I was initially drawn in by this cover. Then I read the synopsis and discovered even more brilliance behind the cover design. You see, This is Our Story is about a girl on a mission to identify Grant’s killer and serve him justice. Grant is a boy who goes hunting in the woods with his 4 best friends but unfortunately, he doesn’t make it out alive. The cover depicts five shadows (representing each of the boys who went hunting that morning with the deer head positioned over who we can only assume is Grant- the hunted. As if this weren’t clever enough, the letters “his” in “this” and “story” in “story” are a darker shade of grey than the rest of the title because while this is the story of Kate solving the case, it’s also Grant’s or his story. Another reason I was drawn into this story is because it’s about a group of boy best friends dubbed the River Point boys living in a small town revolving around a mystery so there were some initial Raven Boys vibes for me. So much love for this book<3

Plot Summary: I began describing the plot above but I’ll reiterate it here. This is Our Story follows a girl named Kate who works as an intern for her local DA. She becomes involved in a case surrounding her new classmates who’ve been transferred out of their private school after a tragic event. The five River Point boys, all from the town���s wealthiest families, are longtime best friends who are known for their wild parties. One morning after an out of control event of theirs, the boys head into the woods to hunt, only one of them doesn’t make it out alive and none of the surviving boys are talking. As Kate delves deeper into the case, she begins to uncover secrets and truths she never expected to find. And as she begins to close in on Grant’s killer, her life and the lives of others are suddenly at risk.

Critique: This is Our Story is one of the most well crafted young adult thriller novels I’ve ever read. Because the story is told from the perspective of a girl working for the DA’s office, we’re given all of the evidence in the case as it’s discovered. If you read closely and pay attention to even the most minor clues, you’ll have the opportunity to solve the case. While many readers appreciate the element of surprise while reading thrillers (and trust me, there’s a very high chance that you won’t be able to pick out the killer), I have never felt more satisfied in being able to predict a portion of the outcome. Elston makes you feel as though you’re a detective working to solve the case so the advances the reader makes feel incredibly gratifying. It’s enjoyable to spend the vast duration of the story in our main character Kate’s head. She’s a driven young woman and despite potential fallout from her personal involvement in the case, she’s hellbent on exacting justice. While Kate is definitely a smart cookie, she does make some very questionable decisions which adds to the believability that she’s a high school student. Kate’s perspective is interlaced with our killer’s brief thoughts every couple of chapters. While reading, it was initially very difficult to distinguish one River Point boy from another which I had originally thought was a flaw in the story until I read on and realized that this is exactly what Elston wanted. The boy’s lawyer advises them to be seen as a group to avoid a single person being charged and they do a great job of portraying themselves as a collective group as opposed to individual people. I’m not going to get into my detailed thoughts about each boy because the reader must discover their traits as the story progresses. I’ve heard some criticism regarding the pacing of the story in that it tends to be a bit slow in the middle, but I would have to disagree. The characters are strong enough to keep the reader invested during those seemingly slower moments and each page is building toward the big payoff ending that Elston so flawlessly delivers. P.S. The last thing I want to say is that I adore Kate’s best friend Reagan and her brilliant Halloween costume designs!

Do I Recommend?: Pretty obviously yes! As I said, This is Our Story is one of my favorite young adult thrillers ever written and INSTANTLY purchased Elston’s other books upon finishing. She is without a doubt an auto-buy author for me after reading this book.
Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews177 followers
June 20, 2018

📚”Kate, ben... oldukça kötü durumdaydım. Sadece düşündüm ki, bilmiyorum sadece seni rahat bırakmanın daha iyi olacağını düşündüm. Tüm bunların bir parçası olmana gerek yoktu.”
Yüzündeki acı dolu ifade ve sesindeki kırgınlık nedeniyle içim acıyarak ona yaklaştım.
“Öyleyse niye şimdi söylüyorsun? diye sordum.
“Özledim... Seninle konuşmayı özlüyorum, Kate. Şu an... konuşabileceğim çok az insan var. Seni her gün görmenin ne kadar zor olabileceğini bilmiyordum. Seni tanıyormuşum gibi hissediyorum, sanki aramızda bir şey varmış gibi ama sen bana baktığında ben senin için bir yabancıyım. Bu beni mahvediyor.”

Geçen yıl çıktığında koşa koşa aldığım ama okunacaklar yığınında unuttuğum bir kitaptı. İyi ki unutmuşum, tam da iyi bir kitaba ihtiyaç duyduğumda elime aldım. Hem polisiye yönünü, hem de karakterlerinin yaşları küçük olsa da yazarın bunu hiç hissettirmemesini çok sevdim.

Konunun anlatımı üçe ayrılmıştı; çoğunluğu savcılık bürosunda görevli esas kızımız Kate’in ağzından yazılmıştı. Aralarda katilin ağzından yazılan bölümlere ve şüpheli ya da tanıkların ifade verirken yapılan video kayıtlarının, röportaj şeklinde yazıldığı bölümlere bayıldım. Savcılığın elindeki polis dosyalarını okuyormuşum hissi verdi.

Lise son sınıf öğrencisi olan ve bir şekilde konunun içine giren Kate, en sevdiğim karakter oldu. Adaletin yerini bulması için uğraşması, yardımcı olmaya çalışırken acemice hatalar yaparak kendini zor duruma sokması, 100 sayfa sonra birlikte yaşadığımız şaşkınlık ve sonrasında kendini hemen toplayabilmesi çok güzel anlatılmıştı. Fotoğrafa olan ilgisini, en ufak detayı bile atlamamasını, kimsenin önemsemeyeceği şeylerin üstüne gidip didiklemesini kendime çok yakın buldum. Vizörden bakarak bir çok duyguya tanık olmanın ve o duyguları fotoğraf karesinde saklamanın zevkini Kate’le birlikte tekrar hatırladım. Özellikle sonlara doğru ben Kate’ten daha çok heyecan yaptım, yerimde duramadım. Bazı şeyler öğrendiğinde de kendisiyle, inancıyla, azmiyle gurur duydum.

Bir de tabii esas oğlanımız, ağzından bal damlayan Shep vardı. Hakkında çok fazla bir şey yazamasam da -spoiler olmasın- katil olup olmamasını hiç umursamadım ve kendisini çok sevdim. En kötü anlarında bile içindeki sevgiye sarılmasına, ne kadar sinirli ya da üzgün olursa olsun Kate’e şefkatle, sevgiyle yaklaşmasına bayıldım.

Kitabın en sevdiğim özelliği 150. sayfadan sonra bazı tahminler yapsam da hiç birinin tutmaması oldu. Geriye kalan 4 kişi de eşit derecede suçlu görünüyordu, en sonunda pes edip Kate’in olayları çözmesini heyecanla bekledim. Bütün kitap boyunca da ‘ölende mi öldürende mi suç?’ çelişkisini yaşadım çünkü Grant pek sevilecek bir karakter olmadı benim için.

Neden sevdiğimi çok fazla anlatamıyorum, çünkü bundan fazla ne söylesem spoiler olacaktır. Kitabı polisiye okumayı seven, young adult olmasına takılmayacak herkese tavsiye ederim. Küçük sürprizleriyle güzel bir kitaptı, bana tam zamanında, ilaç gibi geldi.

(‼️Bu alıntı için ufak bir spoiler uyarısı koyayım.)

📚”...bana güvenemiyorsun. Ve şu an tek istediğin şey de adaletin sağlanması... bu benim hakkımda en kötüsünü; en yakın arkadaşlarımdan birini öldürdüğümü düşünmem anlamına gelse de. Neden peki?” Bir adım daha atıp aramızdaki mesafeyi kapattı ve elimi alıp göğsüne koydu. Kalbinin attığını avucumun içinde hissediyordum. “Haftalardır geceler boyunca konuştuğun kişi o değildi. Bendim. O akşam seni görmeyi bekleyen o değildi. Bendim.”
Biraz daha yaklaştı.
“Her gece uyumadan hemen önce sana mesaj atan kişi o değildi. Bendim.”
Küçük bir adım daha.
“Uyanır uyanmaz sana mesaj atan kişi o değildi. Bendim.”
Kendimi sarsılmış hissettim. Ve de kafası karışık. “Biliyorum,” diye fısıldadım.
“Biliyor musun gerçekten?”

📚(Soruşturmayı yürüten dedektifin, şüpheli oğlanların gittiği lisenin müdür yardımcısıyla yaptığı görüşme)
Dedektif Pierce: Burada ne kadar çılgın bir öğrenci kitleniz var.
Bayan Flynn: St. Bartholomew öğrencilerinin örnek bireyler olmadıklarını ima etmediğinizi umuyorum elbette.
Dedektif Pierce: Diyorum ki, bir ölü öğrenciniz var ve tetiği sınıf arkadaşlarından biri çekti ama hangisinin çektiğini bilemiyoruz çünkü ya ne olduğunu saklıyorlar ya da bunu hatırlayamayacak kadar içmiş ya da uyuşturucu kullanmışlar. O partilerdekilerin çoğu ya içkiden ya da uyuşturucudan kafayı buluyorlar. Spor karşılaşmaları üstüne bahis oynama ve uyuşturucu satışı söylentileri var. Bir veliniz kızının arabasının havalandırma sistemine inek gübresi konduğunu rapor etti. Ayrıca duvar yazısı ve sis bombası olayları var ve konuştuğum herkes bu gruptaki oğlanlardan olası suçlular olarak bahsediyor. Dolayısıyla Bayan Flynn, burada çılgın bir öğrenci kitleniz var derken en kibar şekliyle söylüyorum.

Profile Image for Miranda.
759 reviews108 followers
November 13, 2016
This Is Our Story was one of those books that sucked me in with the first sentence and didn't let me go until the last sentence of the book. I was completely enthralled with this book, and I couldn't stop reading it. The plot was consuming and addictive throughout the entire story. Whenever I thought I had things figured out, the author would throw in a curve ball that had me re-thinking everything. The mystery was so fascinating and I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what happened. My first guess in the beginning of who the killer was was actually correct, but I changed my mind multiple times throughout the book because the author constantly kept me on my toes. I never knew what to expect and who I could trust!

The main character, Kate, was terrific. I connected with her right from the beginning. I loved how dedicated she was to figuring out the truth behind the mystery. She wanted justice and I admired how hard she fought for that. She didn't necessarily think all of her plans out before she executed them, but I thought that helped keep the book exciting.

Kate's best friend Reagan was hilarious and so loyal to Kate. I thought Reagan was a great side character and an even better friend. I really liked that the author focused on the strong friendship between the two girls. The group of boys in this book were very intriguing and mysterious. I couldn't help but want to get into their heads just like Kate did. One boy also happened to be very swoon-worthy, but I don't want to spoil anything with that. All I will say is that the romance that was in this book was unexpected but so perfect and sweet. It was a great addition to this story.

The author's writing was extraordinary. I thought the way she formatted this book was so original and refreshing. There were some chapters told from the killer's perspective that were anonymous, which added such a creepy and addictive factor to the story. The ONLY thing I wish this book would have had was little more closure at the end. I love the way the author wrote the ending and wrapped it up for Kate. However, I wish the author would have delved a little more into the reaction of the boys once they discovered who shot the gun. Their thoughts on the reveal weren't really touched on as much as I would have liked. I would love to read a novella about the boys, their thoughts on the outcome, and how they are dealing with it.

Honestly, I could go on and on about this book. The bottom line is: YOU NEED TO GET THIS BOOK ASAP AND READ IT. I will warn you that you need to have an entire free night to read This Is Our Story because I guarantee you will not be able to put it down. This is definitely going to be one of my favorite books of the year. READ IT, PLEASE BECAUSE I AM STILL NOT OVER THIS BOOK AND I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT.

5 / 5 Fangs

*This ebook was given to me in exchange for an honest review. *

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It

Profile Image for Sail - A Wicked Reader.
255 reviews95 followers
June 18, 2018
A ten-point buck and a dead body make the same sound when they hit the forest floor.

A group of five extremely close boys, known as The River Point Boys, go on a hunting trip one weekend in their home state of Louisiana. What's the problem? Only four come back alive. None of the boys are talking, there's no DNA evidence, and the boys' wealthy fathers have the local judge in their pockets. With nothing to go on, the police have practically given up. But the case lands on the desk of an old district attorney, aka Kate's boss, and they start to dig deep to uncover the truth.

The mystery itself was so freaking well done, that for the first time in my life, I truly couldn't figure out who the bad guy was. I kept switching back and forth and coming up with all these different theories, so I was definitely full of suspense the whole time trying to figure it out. I was truly shocked by the ending, although it totally makes sense.

This Is Our Story by Ashley Elston photo IMG_8125_zpsvmbyougq.jpeg

“If one of us goes down for this, it’ll be as bad as all of us going down for this,” I say. “We can’t let that happen.”

The characters were all so complex and layered that they felt very realistic. Every one of The River Point Boys had ulterior motives and seemed extremely sketchy and I am so here for that. I love morally grey or just "bad" characters in general plus it made the mystery that much harder to figure out. But even the MC, Kate, and the rest of the cast were all great as well.

This was my first time reading a novel by Ashley Elston but I absolutely loved her writing style. The writing itself really set the eerie mood and made the plot creepier than it already was. And my favorite thing about the entire novel was how it was narrated. Of course the majority of it was told from Kate's POV, and her perspective was highly enjoyable. But we also got to see video surveillance of the initial interrogations from the police of The River Point Boys. (Basically this part was done similarly to The Illuminae Files) But the absolute best thing about the narration is that we get a POV from the murderer!!!! But we don't know who he is. It was FANTASTIC.

Honestly the only issue I had with This Is Our Story was the romance, and even that was only minor. It flowed with the storyline well, but it seemed a little cliché. But that's my ONLY complaint.

“We’re in this together. We stick together.”
I lean forward and the other three do the same. Hovering over poor, dead Grant, I say, “Okay, this is our story…”

Characters - 17/20
Plot line - 16/16
Originality - 16/16
Writing Style - 15/16
Pace - 15/16
Ending - 15/16
5/5 stars

I'd highly recommend this novel to anyone! It's a highly enchanting thriller that definitely keeps you on your toes. I think anyone would like it.
Profile Image for cor.
306 reviews81 followers
August 24, 2022
murder mystery ✅
side plot of romance ✅
good secondary characters ✅
a few plot twists ✅

did i predict the killer? i did and i am proud of it. but overall the story was good and held my interest. i now want to read more books by this author!!
Profile Image for Harmonyofbooks.
500 reviews198 followers
August 28, 2017
Bir seçeneğimiz yoktu.
Biz o ormanda bir anlaşma yapmıştık.
Ya bundan hep beraber kurtulurduk ya da biçbirimiz kurtulamazdık.
Hepimiz sonuçları biliyorduk.
Bu kadar basitti.
Gerilim-gizem türünde gün geçtikçe daha çok roman okuyorum ve her elime aldığım kurguda arka plan hakkında daha çok mantıklı tahminde bulunuyorum. Kitabın olayı anlatım tarzını çok beğendim. Hem Kate'in ağzından her şeyi takip etmemiz, hep soruşturma kayıtlarını okumamız, hem de dörtlünün bir araya geldiklerinde yaptıklarına dair kısa paragraflarla birlikte bana göre yazımı bakımından okuduğum en zengin gerilim-gizem türünde kitapların başında geliyor. Kate'ın bu cinayetle ilgilenmesinden sonra Grant ile arasında bir şeyler geçtiğini öğrenmek kitaba ilgimi arttırdı. Ve bu ilişkiye asıl karakter Shep'ın katılmasıyla merak duygum ikiye katlandı ve tabii ki sürekli aklımdan ihtimaller uçuşup durdu. Açıkçası gruptaki dört gençten herhangi birinin cinayeti işlediğine dair inancım hiç azalmadı. Hatta ne zaman ki Shep'in masumluğına inanmaya başladım, belki de yazar şok edici bir sonla bizi bekliyordur diye düşünerek bu inancımı bile geri iteledim. Kitaptaki yüksek dozda verilen merak ve gizem duygusunu çok beğendim. Hikayenin okuyucuya aktarılışı da bir yerinde eleştiri bulamayacağım kadar iyiydi. Fakat sonu bakımından beklediğim şok beni bulup ağzını açık bıraktı diyemem. Açıkçası benim aklımda hep bir ihtimal vardı ve öyle bir şey olsaydı gerçekten çok şaşırırdım ama aksine sadece sonuyla beni şoka sorup o anda tam puan vermeye karar vereceğim tarzda bir ortaya çıkış bulamadım. Tüm kitabı heyecanlı bir keyif ve merak bana eşlik ederek okudum. Cinayetin arka yüzünün daha çarpıcı olmasını beklerdim. Yine de bu türde beğenerek önereceğim bir kitaptı. Sizlere keyifli okumalar dilerim..
Profile Image for PinkAmy loves books, cats and naps .
2,493 reviews239 followers
February 22, 2024
Grade: B+

Five boys went hunting. Four survived. And they aren't saying which of them accidentally shot Grant. Kate interns for the assistant DA. As part of her job, she becomes an involved in the investigation. Everybody, including Kate is hiding something about Grant and his murder.

Suspend your disbelief that a small town DA is going to make a high school girl who attends school with the victim and suspects his assistant. Pretend that teenagers are better detectives than the police. Then get reading THIS IS OUR STORY. Narrated mostly by Kate, with some texts and police interviews and partially by the shooter, Ashley Elston crafted an interesting story about power, privilege and teenage drama.

Kate was a great, multidimensional character, easy to champion, flawed in judgment. I loved her best friend and enjoyed her love interest. While the suspects had somewhat distinct backstories, we know this from telling rather than showing. The young men weren't in a lot of scenes, so I wasn't invested in whom the culprit was. As long as it wasn't Shep, I would be happy with whomever did it. The mystery component would have been more compelling if the suspects interacted more with Kate.

Most of the story lacked tension. I never felt like Kate was in real danger, which would have added to the intrigue.

While I enjoyed THIS IS OUR STORY, it didn't keep me reading late into the night and when the perpetrator was revealed, I didn’t care much. Still that didn’t interfere with my enjoyment of the book.
Profile Image for starryeyedjen.
1,719 reviews1,266 followers
November 18, 2016
An ARC of this title was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts are my own. This review can also be found at The Starry-Eyed Revue.

I've had this ARC for months, but I wanted to wait until I was in the perfect mood for it because if blogging has taught me anything, it's that I am SUCH a mood reader. And I also know from experience that forcing myself to read a book when I'm not in the right frame of mind for it can be detrimental to my mental state, as well as reflect poorly on the book itself. And with a book like this, that I've been anticipating for some time, I didn't want to take any chances. But with hunting season -- or I should say, rifle season -- having just started here in Texas, it finally felt like the right time.

I haven't been writing many full-length reviews lately, but honestly, this book couldn't be summed up in just a few short lines like my regular snippet reviews of late. It's near-perfection means that I just have to regale you with just how amazing this story is. And. It. Is. Amazing.

I like sleep a lot. Sure, when I was younger, I used to stay up till the wee hours of the morning to finish a book in one sitting, but those days are pretty much past me. Except when it comes to a book like this one. It's SO rare for me to forego sleep in the name of a good book, but for the past two nights, I have stayed up reading This is Our Story and I haven't regretted a single second of missed sleep. I don't know that I've read a book that kept me on the edge of my seat like this one in ages...maybe ever.

It's not often that a suspenseful book can actually keep me in suspense, but this novel managed it. There were aspects that I definitely figured out beforehand, but the mystery at the heart of the story -- who killed Grant Perkins -- remained hidden for me throughout the story. Sure, looking back now, I should have seen it, but the red herrings and misdirections were so twisty and cleverly-plotted that I never realized I was being misled. That is quite a talent considering I'm usually only 20% into a story before I've figured out everything. I was just so invested, so captivated by the drama unfolding, that I never saw it. And I'm glad for it because it made that ending so much more powerful.

And let's be real...I was also a bit totally distracted by the romance, which was ill-advised at worst and oh-so-sweet at best. Kate took a lot of chances. I think things would have gone very differently, had she not been involved with the case, but then where would the story be? It wouldn't be THEIR story, that's for sure.

A few other things I want to mention before I just start screaming at you to go get this book because you absolutely have to read it and love it and caress that beautiful cover:

- I LOVED the way this story is told, with alternating chapters from the killer's POV and Kate's perspective. I also loved the addition of interrogation transcripts and text messages between Kate and her prospective love interest. Mixed media to tell a complete story is quickly becoming my favorite format. It's so inclusive and really makes you feel a part of the story. Honestly, I was kind of waiting for the audiobook - which apparently isn't a thing yet - but I'm glad I read the book instead because of the format.

- My husband is an avid hunter, so I worried about how realistic this story would be, how true to real-life it would hold. But it's not really about the hunting experience, more the experience of losing a friend and having it pinned on his four closest friends and what that does to a community, especially a small one like the one depicted in this story. I will point out that I find it hard to believe that these kids were hunting for deer with GUNS on October 5th. I know that different regions have different rules and regulations, but I find that awful early, considering that's usually when archery season starts for deer here in Texas. I researched it a little, just to satisfy my own curiosity, but I'm still not 100% on it so I'm not gonna quote facts. Plus, I get that the kids were all dicking around and probably had no intention of actually shooting a deer that morning, plus they were on private property and the rules are often different in those circumstances, as well. So, probably not worth mentioning, lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- The characters in this novel are just all so wonderfully complicated. Their friendships run deep and their loyalties run deeper still. It was kind of heart-breaking to watch it all crumble, but also immensely fascinating.

- This story DEFINITELY got that small town feel right, where everyone knows your business, sometimes even before you do. And I especially loved what the author did with the "good ole boy" system...so gratifying.

This was my first experience reading an Ashley Elston novel, but I cannot sing its praises enough. If you love a thriller that will keep you guessing, that will keep you turning the pages and then turning them back to double-check things, YOU WANT THIS BOOK.


GIF it to me straight:
Profile Image for Zey.
223 reviews17 followers
November 25, 2019
Gerçekten iyiydi. Soluksuz okudum. Zamanım olsaydı bir oturuşta bile okurdum. Akıcı, güzel bir anlatımı vardı. Karakterlerin analizleri ve sorgu halleri güzel yansıtılmıştı. Ve kitap tasarımını da söylemeden geçemeyeceğim, başarılı olmuş valla.
Off bu arada Shep çok iyiydi ya. Kalbimi çaldı ♥️ Oradan bir dal Shep lütfen
Profile Image for Peony.
4 reviews4 followers
November 29, 2020

Kitap gerçekten çok akıcıydı. Hikaye genel olarak Kate'in gözünden anlatılsa da aralarda oğlanlardan birinin (kim olduğunu uzuuun bir süre anlamıyorsunuz ama tahmin serbest) düşüncelerini ve savcılık dosyasındaki sorguların dokümanlarını okuyorduk -ki bu da sanki olayı çözümlemeye birebir şahit oluyormuşsunuz hissini yaratıyordu<3-.
Her neyse genel olarak kitabı sevdim. Hatta çok sevdim diyebilirim. Bundan sonra daha çok gerilim polisiye okumaya karar verdim. Gerçi kitapta inanılmaz bir gerilim olduğunu söylemek zor ancak katilin kim olduğunu tahmin edememenin ve aralarda şüpheli bir oğlanın düşüncelerini okumanın azıcık da olsa gerginlik yarattığını inkar edemeyeceğim. Bir an Kate'in de başı belaya girecek diye korkmadım değil hani.
Kitapta en sevdiğim şey ise Kate oldu. Zeki kadın karakterler okumayı seviyorum ve Kate gerçekten oldukça iyi bir gözlem ve analiz kabiliyetine sahipti. Onunla birlikte olayları çözmeye çalışmak kitabı okumayı daha heyecanlı hale getirdi. Shep ile olan ilişkisi,konuşmaları ve işbirliği de çok güzeldi.<3
Eğer bir eleştiri yapacaksam sanırım bu sonu için olurdu. Aslında tahmin etmediğim biri çıktı ki bu güzeldi ama yine de olmasını beklediğim ters köşeyi pek yaşayamadım. Nedenler biraz zayıf geldi bunu da katilin ''gizli'' psikolojik rahatsızlıklarına verdim. : \
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sevgi.
311 reviews
November 22, 2019
Akıcıydı, güzeldi. Ama önceki okuduğum kitaplar gibi beni şaşırtmadı, heyecandırmadı. Sonda "Katil bu muydu yani?" dedim. Sanırım bunda öncesinde Wulf Dorn'u okumamın etkisi büyük. Beklentim çok yüksekti bundan da olabilir. Benim için ortalama bir kitap oldu. Biraz daha aksiyon, kovalamaca isterdim.
Profile Image for Kristal Kitap.
370 reviews36 followers
July 20, 2017
Çok güzeldi beee! Acayip sürükleyici acayip heyecanlı. Merak, adrenalin, heyecan... hepsi bir arada, hepsi baştan sona sarıyor okuyucuyu. İlk yarısında nefesimi tutarak okudum diğer yarısında ellerim titrer vaziyette. Sonlara doğru hem nefes almayı unuttum hem ellerimin titremesini durduramadım. Üstüne bir de kalp atışlarım hızlandı. Çok beğendim. Çok! Şiddetle tavsiye ederim. Alın okuyun. Yazar bundan sonra kesinlikle takip ettiklerim arasında olacak. Bir sonraki kitabını gözüm kapalı alacağım.

Sadece ufak bir noktada pürüz var ama umrumda değil. Çünkü hikayeye; yazarın beni kapıp götürmesine, kalp atışlarımı hızlandırmasına, kitapla bütünleşmemi sağlamasına bayıldım! Soluksuz okudum. Bir çırpıda bitirdim. Keşke daha fazlası olsa dedim. Keşke bitmese. Keşke hissettirdiği duyguları daha uzun süre tadabilsek. Tereddüt etmeyin bence almayı düşünüyorsanız.
Profile Image for Rachel Patrick.
295 reviews238 followers
November 10, 2016
This review (and others) can be seen in all its properly formatted glory on my blog Beauty and the Bookshelf.

4.5 stars!

I was worried about this book. Sure, it had a lot of things going for it: a synopsis that called to me (thrills, mystery, suspense, and murder, oh my!), a cover with antlers on it (I love antlers), and, most importantly, it's by Ashley Elston. I've been a fan of Ashley's since reading her debut The Rules for Disappearing over three years ago (and staying up way, way too late reading it, I might add), and I've been waiting for more of her words to eat up. So This Is Our Story came along, Ashley sent me an ARC (I'm the official unofficial co-captain of her fan club), and I couldn't help but be a bit worried: with all the book had going for it--and all I hoped to glean from it--what if I didn't love it?

It might be worth noting that Ashley is one of my friends, so there was that extra pressure that comes with reading a friend's book: you know the author, so you feel like you have to like the book. There's almost so much forcing you to like the book that you can't. So let me tell you about my reading experience with This Is Our Story. I read it in one sitting, starting it at 8:38 p.m. and finishing it five hours later at 1:43 a.m. (Wow, Rachel, way to be specific.) Those two things rarely happen: me reading a book in one sitting, and me reading a book so fast. I'll be honest: I devoured it. That's because this book was that good. Everything it has going for it? Goes for it.

This Is Our Story is a story about a story that's trying to be told and solved. Five River Point boys--and best friends--went hunting, but only four returned. There's a big question in town: who killed Grant? And Kate--who just happens to have an internship in exactly the right kind of place--knew Grant and is desperate to solve the mystery. So the story is, like I said, trying to find the story: who's the killer? Kate transforms into a sort of Nancy Drew character, cutting corners, breaking rules, and doing whatever it takes to identify the killer. But if you know Nancy Drew or any problem-solving guru, you know that the path to the unsub is riddled with twists and turns and turmoil. (And, okay, maybe sometimes things seem just a little too easy or convenient--I'll admit that I wondered at how much Kate could really do at her internship and with a murder case--but whatever, I don't really care.) We, the reader, get to figure it all out along with Kate, and it makes for an exciting, thrilling ride with lots of toe-curling, butterfly-fluttering, oh-my-gosh moments. (Which are the best.)

If you happen to watch my early review of This Is Our Story you'll actually see me freaking the hell out over this book. (That review, by the way, is much better at showing my feelings for this book than this shitty one is.) I was pulled in from page one and didn't leave after turning the last one. This Is Our Story has so many elements that make the book work, and it kept me guessing until the very end. This book also just happens to have the best text messages in the history of ever, and something happens that literally had me rolling around like a potato bug and screaming. (I'm one-million percent serious. I flipped my shit.) The thriller genre is one of my favorites, but it's also one I don't read enough of. This Is Our Story fits into it well, and the prose is done in a way that keeps the darkness from feeling too dark, while still packing on the feels and squeals. You know...I think my foray into thrillers--the beginning of my never-satiated hunger for books with peril and suspense and mystery--may have begun with The Rules for Disappearing. But it certainly doesn't end here.

I can't say too much about This Is Our Story for two reasons: one, because it's the kind of book that you have to be careful talking about because of spoilers, and two, because I read it nine months ago and made the mistake of waiting nine months to write about it. (Whoops.) Just know that Kate is a strong, determined character set on telling a story and all the narratives in between, and that there are other characters too, but my lips are sealed. Aaand it just so happens that This Is Our Story has a very high chance of being one of my top ten books of the year. It's got so many elements that are combined so well, and it's a page turner that will keep you on your toes as you try to figure out who the hell did it. I love books like this, and I want more. The only downfall is that I'm now stuck waiting, once again, for another Ashley Elston book.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


Full review to come much closer to the release date, BUT...

4.5 stars!

Do you ever read a book and, despite what it's about, find yourself smiling and feel your insides buzzing because you're so damn into it?

That was me with this book, from like page one until the very last word. And I read it one sitting, and honestly, spotting a unicorn is more likely than me reading a book that fast and at once.

I love thrillers and mysteries, and I loved Ashley's Rules books, and This Is Our Story was no disappointment. It also had the cutest text messages ever and I want a whole book of them. There was also a FREAKING PLOT TWIST that you will never see coming and it literally had me rolling around on my bed like a potato bug stuck on its back screaming "SHUT UP NO" on repeat.

So yes. This book. You want it.

And now I'm sitting here with no more new Ashley Elston books to read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,062 reviews

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