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Saving Kane

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A twenty-something paramedic suffering from PTSD and a failing relationship with his high school sweetheart becomes embroiled in the tragic life of a young, gay man brutally beaten, raped, and left for dead.

Kane Abel can’t help falling for his caregiver, the handsome paramedic who saves his life, but he’s resistant. The one time Kane threw caution to the wind, he was left with a wired jaw and a tracheostomy. He can’t take much more hurt. But with his attacker’s promise to return, Kane lives in a constant state of fear, and with the ever-present paramedic, arousal.

Garrett Young struggles with the question of his sexuality, unable to get Kane out of his mind even as he fights against the demise of his long-time engagement with his girlfriend Amanda. Every day is complicated by his ongoing battle with PTSD and alcoholism, compounded by his fear for Kane’s life.

235 pages, ebook

First published June 10, 2014

About the author

Michele Micheal Rakes

6 books50 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews
Profile Image for Lucy.
308 reviews52 followers
December 21, 2014

sigh...this damn book....

So in this hot mess we have Kane & Garrett. Kane is brutally gang raped and physically assaulted, Garrett is the paramedic who saves his life by giving him a tracheotomy. If you are considering reading this book, please read this spoiler....

Profile Image for Tamika♥RBF MOOD♥.
1,224 reviews144 followers
September 1, 2014

This is how I felt going into this story!

So many issues with this group of people in here.
This calls for a numerical list this hot ass mess.

1. We meet Kane who was brutally attacked and raped by 6 men.
2. We meet a Garrett, an alcoholic, who is suffering from PTSD who also is a paramedic.Oh the irony of an alcoholic whose hands shake is a paramedic, dude don't ever stop if I need help
3. Garrett's partner is Andy who is either from Minnesota, or Boston based on the author's portrayal of his speech in the book. Prime example "He tastes-Christ on a crackah. What're ya tryin' ta do ta me?". I'm really confused on this because his speech is like this all of the book.
I'm pretty sure we are in present date, as well in New York City.
4. Kane is was brutally raped and beaten initiates sex a week later. WTF, yeah and Garret wonders why his asshole was bleeding. Dafuq?? Really people.
5. A cop name Frank, a rogue FBI name Maddox, and a Transgender name Miss Beulah is our hero sqad, yeah not for me.
6. Back to #2, Garrett also was a firefighter, whose mother died in a fire, who also had these panic attacks and goes on the defense in bed and tussles, hit his fiance while he is fighting in his sleep.
7. Garrett is a straight man, who initiates most of the contact, also a jealous douche bag and so forth.
8. Kane parents deserved to die.
9. The only positive note for me was Bette's Garrett's sister.
10. This is my biggest issue with this book, everyone, and I mean everyone they come in contact with uses the word fa****. I find it extremely hard to believe if you walk in present day New York City Police bull pen, you'll hear several detectives throwing the word around in a common speech, or just fa**** this and that.

This author needs to do us a favor, and take this shit outside, dig a hole, shoot this bs, and bury and write a knitting books, because I don't think any person who gets brutally raped and beaten can have the will power to have sex, and the mindset to do.

Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews438 followers
March 1, 2016
I really really love hurt/comfort. But this was like hurt/comfort on crack.


Kane has been raped, almost beaten to death, and left naked on his doorstep. Garrett is the paramedic responding to the call. When Kane is recovering in the hospital, Garrett can’t seem to stay away. The two form a friendship and Garrett does everything in his power to protect Kane even though he has always thought himself to be straight.

There were just too many things going on in this story. I wish the author just picked one and really got into that, not tried to mush everything together to this jumbled mess.

The things that REALLY bothered me:

- Garrett’s PTSD, it was just too much. And the fact he didn’t seek help for this serious problem kept bothering me throughout the book. I’m not sure why it was even necessary for Garrett to have these traumas. I think what was happening to Kane was enough for this story.
- The lack of relationship development between Garrett and Kane (one page Kane thinks he could love Garrett and literally the next page Garrett is talking about marriage).
- The fact that Garrett begs his fiancée to please take him back at 60%. He even grabs her and forces her to kiss him.
- The first time Kane and Garrett have sex, Kane actually tears. I’m sorry, bleeding during sex is NOT sexy! Garrett doesn’t even notice and Kane doesn’t care. (Kane wasn’t completely healed from the rape)
- Very very unbelievable police work. The cop, whose husband was murdered by the serial killer, is allowed to work this case?
That same cop drags Kane to an abandoned warehouse to catch the killer without backup whatsoever?
- Was it really necessary for Kane, who still wasn’t healed (he had a trach tube, couldn’t eat, his jaw was wired shut because it was broken, he had scars all over his face) to witness his friend getting raped and then choked to death at 80% of the book? We even got the details.


It was just all too much of the hurt and not enough comfort. I really wanted Kane and Garrett to have this beautiful relationship, but it was just too underdeveloped for me.

I cannot give this more than 2 stars.
Profile Image for ⚣Michaelle⚣.
3,654 reviews223 followers
March 5, 2017
1.5 Stars

Not rounding up due to the detailed graphic rape and murder at about 80% (and the other violence following) without any kind of a warning in the blurb.

I get the book was supposed to be dark; we got a set of recounted experiences, all the things Kane went through as a kid, a teen and then at Jake's hands and - while the sheer amount of abuse heaped on this character was just overkill to an extreme - all of that was understandable to make the rest of the book read like a Hurt/Comfort tale the summary leads us to believe it is.

But JFC, I really didn't want to read about . I'm thankful I had that last 20% played up to 2x speed so that it was over more quickly and my brain really didn't have time to process the gruesome brutality. I hate that I had to actually think about and remember some of those details to type this fucking review.

Taking all books by this author off the TBR shelf and marking them NOPE. I want to smack MMR's hands and tell her, "Bad author. Bad" then make her sit in a corner and think about what she's done...
Profile Image for Candice.
2,922 reviews132 followers
September 10, 2014
2.5 Stars

Oh man, this is a hard one to rate. There were parts I really liked and parts that I didn't. So I guess what I will do what I normally do when I have a hard time deciding. I need to make a list:

Things I DID like:
1. Garrett coming to terms that he's gay. His jealousy was kind of amusing.

2. Mama :) There are no words how much I love Miss Beulah.

3. Kane's fight to survive.

Things I did NOT like:
1. The writing :( For me, it was too choppy. "It was like this. I didn't want to like it. But, I did. Kind of. I could feel something for Kane. Possibly Garrett, too. Kane didn't deserve the life he lead. Can Garrett heal him? Is the other way around?" The dual first person POV I couldn't get into either, but that's just me, I think.

2. Too much going on. We had Kane's "childhood", the beating, the killer on the loose, Garrett coming to terms with his sexuality, Garrett's demons, Bette's issues, Amanda, Garrett's job, etc. It was just too much to deal with at once.


4. The drinking...in a feeding tube?! Yeah, too much. Let's not forget crushing the pills. The whole club scene was too much.

5. Did I mention Kane's upbringing?

6. HOW long was Garrett drinking for? Nobody called a halt to it sooner?

Okay, so overall, I actually did like this, sort of. I know, I am confused. There was a lot of negative in my opinion, but oh hell, maybe I didn't like this as much as I want to. There was too much going on. :(
Profile Image for Duck.
360 reviews51 followers
May 10, 2016

Reread 05/10/2016: 2 Stars

I don't remember this being so.... over the top. There is so much drama that it becomes a soap opera. I've become especially sensitive when GFY BFY books continually compare feelings the MC has for the "potential" MC to feelings they had with the women they've been with. It pulls me out of the story EVERY single time. It happened constantly in this book.

I've always loved the GFY trope, but I can see how some readers have a problem with it. Especially the way it's presented here. I guess our reading tastes change over time.

Review 08/22/2014: 4 Stars

Eeesh. I need to think about this more. Nearly the entire book was a 4 star read for me. The last few chapters sort of fell off the mark. TBC...

What I meant by the last few chapters falling off, there are a few scenes that are a bit over the top - a little too much to be believable in a contemporary setting.

Even so, I liked these characters. I wanted them to end up together and happy. This book also has a host of fun secondary characters that were a definite check for the plus column.

I am definitely interested in what this author does in the future.
February 21, 2016
Overall book review: 5 Stars
Audio book: Narrator - Brad Langer 4 Stars
Book cover: 4 Stars


Man oh Man this book was good and had me in a down ward spiral!!! My poor bestie had to keep me calm through out this book. First she had to hear how broken Kane and Garrett was, then she had to keep me calm when the shit hit the fan.....

This book was full on angst!!!!!!! And I loved every single word!!!! WOW!!!!!!
Profile Image for SarkyB*.
15 reviews
March 6, 2015
First of all, I loved the book. I thought the multiple dimensions in the form of different story lines running parallel to each over made the book interesting, the characters more diverse and the world building more realistic. Ok, it's not Tolkein and I'm not gonna wax poetry about it or create a fan page but seriously....some of the negative comments about this book just kill me. Literally, I question the point of this world and shake my head in shame at being part of humanity, cause if people have this much trouble reading a book and writing ACCURATE reviews, then it doesn't hold much hope for the real world does it? (depressed face)

So...for those of you who whaled about the plots being too complex....Very seldom in life does a person just go to work and go home and that's it; life is full of different things, from past memories, past trauma's to trying to over come those and just waking up for one day and not living that guilt or breathing that pain. Living and doing life in different ways, like getting on with life or just earning a paycheck, an honest pay check is about dealing with the un-dealable and moving on, it's healthy IMO.

If you can't appreciate it cause you think it's not realistic or it's too busy, well then I'm jealous cause lord knows I'd love a simpler life. Or if you think it's too far fetched because you can't relate. Well then I feel thankful that you've led an 'easy' life, or rather, not the life Kane had/has. Because I know people who have lived through bad things and let me tell you, waking up each day for them isn't all peaches and cream, even years after the event.

Anyway, I liked the way that Garrett's character grows, yeah ok to begin with he's a bit selfish and he's got a drink problem, but hello?

I think the way Garrett acts is realistic, and his gradual acceptance of loving Kane and not wanting to let go of his security blanket of a life (Amanda /hetero ways) again I can see happening in this world today. Ok it's not honest, it's not complimentary but it's real. It happens. People are complex and aren't automatons that run on logic boards, shit gets mixed up and complicated.

I should mention though

Warning, negative feelz BUT not about the book....

I loved Kane as well, his fears, about going home to his apartment after the attack were real, I mean where else was he supposed to go?
Garrett's sister was great as well, she was really supportive and non-judgmental.

I just thought the whole book was grounded, it wasn't cheesy, it wasn't fake or hyped up or glamorous. It was gritty, the MC's make mistakes, they do silly things in hard times. They get emotional, they hurt, they self destruct. All in all, the events that take place both in the MC's past and present lend credibility to the plot and the reactions from the MC's when good/bad things happened. The MC's had chemistry, they had angst, they had family issues.
Saving Kane was well worth a read and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes romance with crime thrillers and/or mystery built into the plot.

And I've also learned to not read too many negative reviews now for obvious reasons :/

555 reviews
December 7, 2014
This was a great read for me but I was put off by some of the negative reviews. Did they not read the book description and understand that this was not a sweet romance but one that began as violence and how Garrett and Kane worked through their own issues by loving each other. This was also a story of finding the criminals who perpetrated Kane's violation.

From book description -- "A twenty-something paramedic suffering from PTSD and a failing relationship with his high school sweetheart becomes embroiled in the tragic life of a young, gay man brutally beaten, raped, and left for dead."

Garrett is a gorgeous man with a very loving and caring heart who has been estranged from his father since his mother died in a fire trying to save him. He has PTSD from fighting a fire as a firefighter which almost killed him. Garrett tries to save everyone but when he meets the very injured Kane is struck very hard by Kane's horrific injuries caused by other men. Garrett cannot save himself and his fiancé has given up so as a medic he tries to care for Kane and in doing this finds his bisexual attraction to Kane.

Kane lived with his grandmother until she died and at 10 went to live with his parents. His father used his body to rent out for money, taught him to take care of his body -- his only worth. 16 ran away and lived in Eddies stable of young men hired for their bodies until he became a bartender for Eddie -- didn't have to use his body as a means of obtaining money. Kane was a beautiful blonde man who loved dancing (use to dance in the bar before becoming a bartender).

"Garrett’s in my bedroom doorway. He leans against the jamb, watching me, waiting to see if I go crazy or start crying. All I can think of is Jake, in my mouth, and like with Maddox, how much it feels like cheating. I can’t understand where my head got so twisted up, wrapped around this guy with a fiancée...."

“You’re not a whore.”
“He’s been inside me.”

"I want him inside me. I need him. It has to be his cock in me, before Jake finishes what he’s started. I don’t want to die not knowing what this amazing man feels like as he’s burying his cock in the deepest part of me."

"I reach down, taking him in my hand, jacking him once, twice, and then guiding him inside me. The pressure, the slow plunge, burns, and I try to relax, to not imagine the last horrors I felt there."

"...and for the first time in my life, I feel content, complete."

Kane wants to purge his horrific violation by Jake and the 5 men by the caring and loving Garrett. From what I've read, men and women who have been raped either disdain any sexual act or become hyper-sexual and try to reassert control over their sexual relations. I can believe this because after I divorced my husband I tried to control everything I could to gain control over my life.

This is a story of Kane who had been raped and abused as a child, and raped, cut, and beaten as an adult after he felt he had some measure of control as an adult. Both Kane and Garrett see hope and love in each other. I could believe the violence in the ending chapters toward the perpetrator because I would be just as violent in saving any of my children from such a person.

The author did a magnificent job writing this story. I have seen many real stories where young men are treated as Kane. These stories are not headline news but small accounts in local papers. Saving Kane will be one of the books which I will read again and again. I am looking forward to further books from this author.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews151 followers
August 11, 2015
4.5 star review by The Blogger Girls.

This story pulls you into Kane’s unfortunate life right from the first words. Born addicted to meth, druggie parents, father who forced Kane to have sex with him, as well as other men, selling himself as a means to survive, but survive he did. Then the awful bashing that occurred as a result of the one time he actually trusted someone. Kane is really an amazing guy to be able to pull through the horrors he has faced. Luckily he has a guardian angel in Garrett, the paramedic who saved him.

Garrett has issues of his own though. After a devastating fire ended his career as a fireman, he now works as a paramedic. However, he is still having major issues with PTSD from that accident, and more than that, guilt and depression over the fire accident that took his mother’s life. His fiancé has had enough of his drinking and episodes which is another thing for him to deal with. But, after meeting Kane, he is drawn to the sweet man, especially when spending time with Kane seems to be the only thing providing relief from the PTSD.

This story is full of bad things with everything that happens to Kane, his recovery, the continued search for his attacker/stalker and Garrett’s family issues. But there is a lot to enjoy here as well. There are some great side characters, including Garrett’s sister and her son, his fiancé, Amanda, and Miss Buehla who has taken Kane in and continues to nurture and be his family.

Garrett doesn’t spend too much time fighting his attraction for Kane, and it was easy to see how much they each cared. I really liked these two together and how they helped and comforted each other.

I thought this was very well written. There are some gory details which are necessary to really understand what the characters had to deal with, but the story didn’t focus on them too much. I love a story that pulls me in and makes me feel, and this one did that. It was sad and scary, but also funny and sweet. If the tags don’t trigger anything for you, I definitely recommend giving this one a try.
August 5, 2016
This is one of the most flawed books I’ve ever read and I can’t lie. I can’t believe how much I enjoyed Saving Kane. Right off the bat I was rooting for both characters to find some peace because I really liked them. Wait here it comes the truth, they were at times amazingly stupid and I felt like I was reading a script for a “B” movie. Ugly things happen to them and the nastiness in their world was double gross and kept coming. Oh and the butt sex was scary because well, Ouch! The feeding tube and the beer was just mind boggling and I actually openly admitted I was suspending realistic thinking. Wait now for the seriously crazy part. Despite all that I could not stop reading it. I had to know how it was going to end. Yes, if there had been some intense editing and fierce critiquing at a meeting in a fierce writing group this could have and would have been tops. There were just so many – ‘oh stop’ moments. (Don’t tell anyone but I could not and would not look away.)
Profile Image for Betryal.
720 reviews3 followers
August 16, 2014
The book overall is a good read, but it had some scenes that made me cringe. Both men have their problems and their issues. Kane has them more with how he grew up and the circumstances that life handed to him. I'm actually quite surprised that with everything he'd been through that his seemed a little too normal and slightly unaffected by it to a degree. Current events in his life affected him more than the past ones. Maybe it's just me and my perspective of reading this book.

Either you had characters in the story that should have held a grudge and were too forgiving or they were very homophobic.

Yup, I know I gave it a 4, because the story is very well written despite some of the content and I did enjoy the read. Just keep in mind when tackling this book that it will be hard if you're sensitive to rape, brutality and scenes of violence. It's hit on in detail within this book.
Profile Image for Love Bytes Reviews.
2,529 reviews37 followers
April 18, 2015
5 heart review by Dan

I spent most of the day today getting to know Garrett Young and Kane Abel, and I’ve got to say, it was a day well spent!

I thoroughly enjoyed this action/drama/romance. I’m not even sure where it fits in the genres. Is there a romance? Yes, and a well written one. Is there action? Is a serial killer enough? Is there drama? Tons and tons of drama! As I said in my content warning above, it does contain references to past child sexual abuse, where a parent forced his child to have sex with him and other men. It does have a brutal gay bashing and group rape by six men. And it does have a serial killer who is also a stalker. Very dark subject matter, so if any of those would offend you, you should not read the book. All of the subjects were handled tastefully by the author, and I felt were crucial to the overall plot and storyline.

When the book begins a young man is found naked, beaten and raped on his front doorstep in New York City. The young man is Kane Abel, and as we learn more of his story, we find he has been beaten and gang raped and sodomized with a broom handle by six men, five of whom were paid by the sixth man. The sixth man who set it all up is known only as Jake. He, through multiple visits to the bar where Kane was a bartender, lured Kane out one night, and the nightmare began.

Garrett Young is a young NYFD Paramedic who has been working as a paramedic since he was trapped in a warehouse fire and burned severely. He is still dealing with the PTSD from almost dying and it is compounded by his mother having died in fire when he was five, something he has always blamed himself for.

Why does Garrett feel so protective of Kane? His protective streak kicks in almost immediately. There is something about the other young man that makes Garrett want to be there for him, with anything he needs.

But Kane is gay and Garrett is straight. Well, at least he has a girlfriend and has had since high school.

This book has a lot of drama, and very believable characters. Again, it does mention incidents of former child sexual abuse involving Kane at the hands of his father, strangers, and at least one police officer. My final comment…I’m not sure what the heck Andy’s accent was supposed to be? But if that is my only complaint, it means it was a great book!

I very, very highly recommend this book. It is very well written and well edited. I suggest you pick it up today. Let me know how you like it!

A copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review. Please visit www.lovebytesreviews.com to see this and many more reviews, author interviews, guestposts and giveaways!
April 21, 2015
3.5 stars

There is a lot going on in this book! It is dark, brutal, heartbreaking, but there were also some lighter, touching moments, especially for Kane. There were things I really liked about this debut story and things that didn't work for me, but I'll be looking forward to more from this author in the future. There is a lot of drama, darkness, and angst (also be aware of on page rape and abuse). I liked Kane, who is abused horribly throughout this book and his story just keeps getting worse as more is revealed. Garrett, on the other hand, is one big, confused, hot mess and I really wasn't sure what to think of him from one moment to the next, but I did appreciate his struggles.

The suspense part of the story worked very well for me. Although we know the identity of the villain I was kept guessing as to the motives of other characters in the book up until the very end. There were some lovely secondary characters, especially Ms. Beulah and Garrett's sister, and some absolutely nasty ones.

What I had trouble with was the writing was somewhat choppy in spots and I had a bit of a problem with the timeline as far as Kane's healing went (the fact that Kane sustained such serious injuries, checked himself out of the hospital AMA, jaw wired, internal and external injuries, feeding tube, trach, but still managed to be pretty physical and active in a seemingly short amount of time - I'm not a doctor and don't know how realistic the timeline is, there is also quite a bit of medical terminology used, but it made me uncomfortable).

Ms. Rakes definitely took on a lot in this first book, and I'll be interested to see how the next story in this series progresses.
Profile Image for Aeryn Jaden.
Author 16 books38 followers
January 4, 2015
I think I'm a masochist. You have to be a bit to love this book as much as I did. This book is real. It's not fluffy, it's not idealistic. It's not instant love, or lust and when those feeling come they don't make everything fine in the main characters' life. The feelings between them are there to help them survive, to keep them continuing to live. You see the world as it truly is, not back and white. Everything is grey, even the relationship between them gets tainted by the grey and sometimes black surrounding Kane and Garrett. I felt Saving Kane is not about saving Kane, but more about him saving himself as Garrett assists and thus, starts to save himself also. I had moments when I wanted to transport in the book and help them. Michele's writing makes you want to turn your eyes and avoid looking at the blackness that surrounds all of us, while compelling you to face it head on and still hope like a fool. If Kane can, so can I. I stayed with the story even when I wanted to cry at the unfairness. I feared mixing a unaware of being in the closet fireman with a former prostitute would be cliché and turn into another hero story. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love those! This wasn't that. The "saviour" was almost more in need of saving than Kane was. They were wonderfully well rounded human beings and stayed true to themselves during all the adversities they faced, together or separately. It's a very well written book, that you won't have the strength to put down until you finish it. Now I'm going to watch a fluffy movie, because this put me through the wringer. :) And I would read it all over again in a heartbeat.
Profile Image for Relly.
1,459 reviews25 followers
May 4, 2015
Not sure how to rate this one

I'm really not sure how to rate this one. Hurt - Comfort stories are my favourite. But this one I had a few issues with. There were good parts but my issues outweighed the good.
Garret the alcoholic paramedic. I understand his issues with PTSD but I can't believe someone didn't try and help him with the alcoholism earlier.
Kane I liked as a character, but there was so much back story. He was gang raped by 6 men, his past abuse as a child. Really one would have been enough.
I also had problems with how quick the relationship was with the two MCs. Kane had been raped and yet they are having sex so quickly after that, I don't buy it.
2.5 stars
Profile Image for Susan65.
1,607 reviews51 followers
January 31, 2016
It was definitely a lot more dark than I normally prefer, but I was instantly sucked in and read it straight through. I haven't stayed up until 3:30am in a long time for a book, and even though some parts were a little far fetched it was still a pretty amazing read.
Profile Image for Pamela Wilson.
41 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2015
SPOILERS you've been warned! This is a bit of a dark story with some rape and violence. Great love story though!
I read this book in one day. I have a problem putting books down once they grab my attention. This book is quite a journey for Kane and Garrett. Kane is violently attacked by a group of homophobic cruel men. Garrett is the EMT who fights to save Kane's life which thankfully he does. Garrett's life is in shambles due to some hardships in his life. He is drawn to Kane and starts to visit him while he is in the hospital. When Kane is due to leave the hospital Garrett learns that Kane doesn't have anyone to take care of him so he takes him to his apartment. He is torn on what he is feeling for Kane, he isn't sure if it's because his fiance (female) left him and he's lonely or if there is something more to this draw feels with Kane. Garrett feels he's straight but is starting to question that.

The two of them get closer over their time together. Here is a part that confused me a bit. Garrett takes Kane to Garrett's sister's house. Things seem to be going well and they have their first sexual encounter. When Garrett's sister's ex shows up Kane leaves and goes home full well knowing the attack on him was a serial killer that knows where he lives. Garrett lets him go. Up to this point you see the protectiveness Garrett has for Kane so why would he allow Kane to return home knowing what he did about the attacker?

Once home the serial killer visits Kane and tells him he's going to finish what he didn't the first time. He gets scared off before he can hurt Kane too badly.
Thankfully Garrettt gives in to the love he feels for Kane (partially thanks to his ex-fiance) and realizes Kane is the one he's in love with and that in fact he himself is gay. I wont give away the ending but it was good to see how the love they have for each other saves them both.
This book does take you to some dark places in showing what the serial killer does but it's done well. Very exciting final chapters.
Great plot and really loved Kane and Garrett!!!
Profile Image for Denisesc21.
149 reviews43 followers
June 10, 2015
I won't lie. I was afraid to read this book. I read Fourth and Long in March, but hadn't read Saving Kane. I heard it was a not a light read. And although not all the books I read need to be light (Fourth and Long certainly isn't), I just kept thinking I needed to mental prepare myself to read this book. I finally did, and I'm sorry I waited so long to read it! It wasn't a light read, that is true, very heavy subject matter, but these men grab your hearts from the word go. I definitely had built up the fear in my mind, but found it was not as frightening as I had initially thought it would be! I mean let's face it...it has an HEA, so what was I afraid of? :)

I don't know how to describe the feelings throughout this book. Anguish immediately, as you see what Kane is going through. Hope, as he recovers physically, and Garrett is by his hospital bed every night, talking to him, despite Garrett believing Kane was asleep. Love, as they try to find a way to connect with each other, despite Garrett being straight. Heartbreak as Kane is a victim once again. And pure joy as they are able to connect with their families, after they have vanquished the evil that had lain before them.

In the end, their love began as a questioned emotion by these men, neither quite sure where they stood with the other. However, where they never failed to stand, was right by each others side. They were, without a doubt, loyal to ensuring that the other was safe and healthy, as much as they could be for not being in a relationship.

As a reviewer, I feel that something being an actual re-read, not just an "I hope to re-read this again someday", but one that will be re-read with certainty is the highest compliment I can pay an author, and deserves a five star rating. Their work is such a joy, or so emotion evoking, or whatever it is that catches each reader, that you are planning into your time to re-read a book that you don't have to read, but that you are looking forward to re-reading. This book (as well as Fourth and Long) are both "must re-reads", without question. Five stars.
Profile Image for Marinieves.
1,165 reviews
April 27, 2015
This is the first book I read from author Mikey Rakes and I have to admit I devoured it like there was nothing else to do.

I was completely engrossed in the story since the beginning and I must say even though I had to stop a couple of times that wasn't to any fault to Mikey, because the way the hard times were approached by the story had been done as tactful as possible.

Kane and Garrett are a pair and you can't talk of one without thinking of the other. Kane felt like Garrett save his life but this is the only thing I differ from the author, the title. It is not Saving Kane ... It was saving Garrett and hence Kane, because they fought together for their safety and love.

I don't want to give the story away ... For that you have to read the book.

The thing that I have to say is ... Suffering ends at the moment you don't let the bad guys win. Living your life and moving forward.

Bravo Mikey !
Profile Image for Ria Restrepo.
Author 4 books23 followers
April 19, 2015
Saving Kane is an intense and enthralling M/M romanic thriller. The writing is excellent, powerful, and very graphic. Although, if you're looking for a light, sexy read before bed, this is probably not the book you want.

Kane Abel has been brutally gang raped and left for dead on the sidewalk outside his apartment. Garrett, a former firefighter-turned-paramedic suffering from PTSD, barely manages to keep Kane alive. Not only does Kane become enamored of the man who saved him, but Garrett also finds himself inexplicably drawn to Kane -- despite being "straight" and being engaged to a woman.

Once I started reading Kane and Garrett's story, I couldn't put it down. It kept me on the edge of my seat with lots of twists and turns. The descriptions were vivid and very realistic. They go through hell -- including personal demons and a sadistic serial killer -- but ultimately, the ending is very satisfying.
Profile Image for Aerin.
594 reviews1 follower
August 28, 2014

I really wanted to like this book. It started off interesting enough, but it quickly became apparent the MCs were idiots. Irresponsible, weak and soooooo bad when it comes to making wise decisions.

Garrett is a paramedic but he thinks it's a great decision to give Kane codeine mixed with alcohol? Really? I mean considering how injured Kane was and he still had the tube in his throat, wasnt he still on antibiotics? Well I gave up trying to understand.

This book is very dark and speaks in detail about rape and torture, yet that's not what bothered me. It was the constant negative events what made me quit reading. I just couldnt keep going after reading the scene where Garrett fucks Kane. It made me throw up in my mouth, because reading about Kane tearing during sex,when he's still recuperating from being raped with a broom, that's too much for me.
Profile Image for Lauri James.
174 reviews
December 12, 2014
I was intrigued by Dan Sinner's amazing hot cover. This was a story of two damaged men who find each other in tragedy and realize together they can heal each other through acceptance and love the suspense in this story could have been written for a dateline episode. We meet Kane a dancer and once rent boy horribly abused and beaten clinging to lifeThe paramedic on the sceneGarrett is horrified by what was done to Kane and feels a kinship with the beautiful blond stranger. Both men have heartbreaking histories and loss. Garrett becomes Kane's protector which I find sweet and romantic. I won't divulge too much of the plot as I want readers in the same suspense I was in. I finished while waiting for radiation for cancer the ending took me away from my long wait sio thank youMs. Rakes I can't wait to read more from you.
Profile Image for Harper Jewel.
Author 14 books60 followers
February 6, 2015
Wow! Where to begin… This story of two victims, both under different circumstances, forced to continue with life as best as possible was an emotional roller coaster ride I never wanted to end. Both Kane’s and Garrett’s backgrounds pulled at my heartstrings. Between the inner battle that plagued Garrett regarding his sexuality and the horrific ordeal Kane endured throughout the book, I found myself both laughing and crying at the same time. Garrett seemed almost clueless and befuddled by his own feelings and made me shake my head a few times, while Kane’s simple acceptance of his fate had me grinding my teeth at times. I absolutely loved the way these two men found solace and acceptance in each other. A riveting 5-star read to be sure!
Profile Image for Lesley.
304 reviews3 followers
September 5, 2014
I picked this book because of the mixed reviews it had and wanted to make my own mind up.

Once you get past the getting drunk through a feeding tube I really quite enjoyed this book.

No it's not the most realistic portrayal of rape or addiction and the way the MCs dealt with it, but it's a book. it's about a good story and keeping your interest
921 reviews7 followers
April 16, 2015
I think this book is a lot better than some of the other reviews make it out to be. There is mystery, drama, romance, friendship and sex. Plus we get a HEA. This book held my interest more than I thought it would due to the reviews. Yes you have to read past a little of the timeline and that they had sex. But it was still well written
Profile Image for Fi Brit.
323 reviews4 followers
September 10, 2014
Loved it. Two wonderful broken men. Of course it was all a little too easy and a tad unrealistic in regards of timeline and police procedure but I found it fairly easy to suspend disbelief because I was so caught up in the story and characters.
Profile Image for Denise White.
1,896 reviews
September 27, 2014
This book was really good.. Poor Kane went thru it.. And I felt like I was right their with him ... The writing was excellent... I'm glad he had Garett .. I strongly recommend this book.. It ain't no fluff book either so be prepared !!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews

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