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Be My Hero

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,232 reviews35.1k followers
January 25, 2023
5 ‘Pick is PERFECT’ stars!


This book… I wasn’t expecting for this book to effect me the way it did. I don’t know if it was the characters, the subject matter or what, but I felt so much while reading this one. Much more than I expected. I love to feel when I read. To be moved, to laugh, to cry, to experience a book like that- there is nothing better. And this story gave me all those feelings I seek out as a reader and more.
“I gave you a glimpse…”

Be My Hero starts with a glimpse… Pick is just a child in the foster care system. He meets someone who gives him a glimpse into his future. It’s supposed to be just him, but he see’s someone with him. This is unusual. It’s determined that Pick has a soul mate. His Tinker Bell. He doesn’t know who she is or if she really exists, but he holds on to that hope for ten long years that she’s out there. No matter what direction his life takes, he’s always waiting for his Tinker Bell to appear in his life.


Pick’s life doesn’t go quite the way he imagined it would. He’s marrying his childhood friend so he can help provide for her baby. Tristy is not mother material and after years of trying to keep her safe, keep her clean and off drugs, he’s now essentially supporting her and raising her child. Pick is that kind of guy. He works full time in the garage during the day, and as a bartender at Forbidden at night. That’s where he meets Mason Lowe. Who has a girlfriend named Reese. Who’s pregnant cousin Eva stays with. One night Eva comes into the bar with Reese to pick up Mason. The same day he marries Tristy. From the moment he sees her, feels her, smells her, he knows. It’s his Tink.
Fate hated me. It figured I’d finally meet my soul mate on my wedding day.

Life hasn’t dealt Eva the easiest hand either. She is seven months pregnant and alone with only Reese. When I read Price of a Kiss, I wasn’t the biggest Eva fan. But the more I learned about her past and saw the positive changes she was trying to make, the more I started to love her. When Eva first meets Pick, she can tell there is something there, and that he is a genuine guy. The two develop a friendship over time, only seeing each other sporadically. Just being around Eva is like a drug to Pick. All he wants to do is be with her, but he has this innocent child, Julian, he’s grown to love and care about to think of. For now, just being friends and being near her is enough.

Pick was the sweetest, most honorable man I’d ever met.

I am not even kidding when I say there has never been a more perfect fictional man than Pick. This guy could do no wrong in my eyes. If there were more men out there like him the world would be a better place. I love reading about a hero with a heart like his. He is the most beautiful man. Even though I couldn’t stand Tristy, what he did just to be able to keep and help Julian was so special and honorable. So many of his actions I was just in awe of. They brought me to tears. He deserved so much more out of life than he got. A little piece of heaven is not enough for a guy like Pick- he deserves it all, just like he had in his glimpse. But it seems like thats never going to happen for him…


Eva is a heroine who had so much growth from the first time we met her. I loved watching her change and her character develop. How she was with her child and with Julian was inspiring to watch. I never would have thought someone like Eva Mercer would deserve a guy like Pick, but she did. She was his match and I love what he did for her. Made her feel different than any other man had. He mad her feel loved for the first time, clean for the first time after being with a man.
He was me, and I was him, and we were just this beautiful twisted mass of all our hopes and dreams coming together and exploding in a dizzying array of euphoria.


I loved Pick and Eva together. They had wonderful chemistry and this amazing connection you could feel. The family dynamic was great too. And it was nice to catch up with Reese and Mason. We got quite a bit of them too. My only complaint about this story is the little bit of over the top drama towards the end, but it in no way effected my love for Pick or the book so it’s still keeping it’s 5 star rating along with a place on my bookshelf and favorites list.

Be My Hero is one of the most heartwarming, beautiful and romantic books I’ve read in a while. It left me with such a happy heart when I finished, even if some of the subject matter was difficult for me to read. Trust me when I say you’ve never met such a swoon worthy hero with a heart of gold- you’ve never met anyone quite like Patrick ‘Pick’ Ryan. This is a story about fate, about true love, and about finding your own happy ever after in the most unlikely of places. I can’t recommend this one enough!

March 10, 2017
5 Glimpsing Tinkerbell Stars

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OMG I loved this book. It's my favorite of the series so far! OMG Pick was so delicious. I loved his attitude. He had such a sweetness to him. Protective, hardworking, caring, and very upbeat Pick was just amazing. I swear he was so awesome I think he may have rainbows shooting out his sexy ass! Pick had a hard life but he never let it turn him bitter. He held onto hope and the glimpse of his soulmate Tinkerbell, he had when he was 14 years old. Eva was great too. In book 1 I hated her. I thought she was a total unredeemable bitch, but she turned it around, grew so much and made me love her. When I learned why Eva acted the way she did I totally understood where she was coming from. The things she lived through broke my heart and made me hate her father and mother. Eva had a steel core to her and she was loyal to the ones she loved. She loved with her whole heart. She really grew up when her daughter came along and was a great mother.

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Pick and Eva had a beautiful relationship. It was a slow build up but with tons of sexual tension and a deep connection. I loved how well they worked together. How deeply they loved and respected each other. And all the cute family moments with the babies melted my heart! I loved that Reese and Mason had such a big part in this book. I enjoyed getting to see how they were doing since book 1 ended. I also loved that Mason and Eva made peace with each other and came to care for one another. I love all the men from Forbidden the night club. They are each intriguing in their own ways and I can't wait to read each of their stories. I loved all the bro moments with the guys and the funny as hell guy talk. I will say that I did think the drama got a bit over the top at the end with Eva's dad and Mason's ex landlord, but other than that this book was perfect. The epilogue super sweet and made my day.
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,940 followers
February 22, 2015
2.5 stars!

This is my first book from Linda Kage, and I’m sad to say it wasn’t really a winner for me. I adored the hero of this book though, and I do think he’s a good enough of a reason to read this book, but because everything else – from the convoluted, overdramatic plot to the romantic connection I didn’t really feel or get – didn’t work for me I honestly can’t bring myself to rate this book even 3 stars. For me, this is one of the books where it starts off REALLY good, but by the time I got to the end I was docking stars left and right and just wanted the book to be over already.

The first 20% of this book was a solid 5 star read for me, and I was so giddy thinking I found another winner. The hero Pick is an orphan who’s got a heart of gold, but has no sense of direction in his life. At this point, he’s eerily given a glimpse into his future, a future where he sees himself happy with kids and a wife he calls Tinker Bell. This vision gives him the motivation he needs to live life and search for this girl so he can finally have the happily-ever-after he’s always wanted.

“I wanted it so damn bad I could taste it. I wanted that future and happily-ever-after. And if I never found that girl, if I never found even a portion of those glimpses, the disappointment would probably kill me.”

It was a strange beginning, but it gave the story a fairy-tale spin that was quite unique and atypical and I wanted to see where it would lead. Fast forward ten years later where Pick now works at a bar with his friends, still the softie like he was back then but he’s had no luck in finding his ‘Tink.’ To protect his childhood friend Tristy who’s a druggie and her baby, he marries her to give her life insurance. But then…wonders never cease because the day he marries Tristy he finds his Tink, the heroine Eva Mercer, who’s pregnant and escaped from her toxic family.

“If fate had really labeled Eva Mercer as my soul mate, then why did we come from worlds so far apart it was frankly a miracle we’d ever crossed paths?”

At first I was really with the whole fate and soulmate idea, and it actually touched a hopeless romantic nerve in me I never thought I had. But then, it just kept dragging and dragging and there were two main things that kept me from believing in Eva and Pick’s romantic connection. One was that he kept making Tink remarks and alluding to the vision he’d seen, so often times I wondered if he was falling in love with his fairytale Tink or the real Eva Mercer.

Another thing was that there was SO MUCH SIDE CHARACTER DRAMA it took up the first half of the book and left me wondering where the romance was. At first I really enjoyed seeing the side characters show up because it gave me some background info since I hadn’t read the first 2 books, but it got to the point where they completely overshadowed Eva and Pick. I actually thought about putting this book down and jumping in Mason and Reese’s story since I wanted to know more about his gigolo background and also Noel and Aspen’s story because of the student/teacher dynamic. It’s a serious problem when I’m more interested in the side characters than the main characters.

Even with all that going on, I still liked the book more than I disliked it and continued on hoping there’d be a bigger focus on Eva and Pick in the last half of the book and for a couple of chapters there was. But then I was so disheartened to read more drama resurfacing. Here’s a brief list that doesn’t even include all of it:

1. Tristy drama
2. Parental rights over Tristy’s baby
3. Eva’s psycho ex-boyfriend (this was supposed to be tied up but apparently not)
4. Eva’s toxic family (this was supposed to be tied up but apparently not)
5. Side character Mason’s past showing up AGAIN (this was supposed to be tied up but apparently not)
6. Drama blowout at Pick’s bar, combined with Eva’s dad and a woman from Mason’s past

Please...give me a break.

It just seemed like anything that could possibly go wrong in the world had a spotlight in this book and I mean…is that necessary? Rape, abuse, drugs, violence, suicide, etc…and more are all heavy themes in the story and when you combine that with the author’s flair for drama and then the side characters who completely overshadowed Pick and Eva, where was the romance?! I bookmarked the place where there was finally Pick and Eva alone time by the way, and you want to know where that spot is? At the 70% mark. Seriously…I honestly can’t fathom their romantic connection, nor was I even close to being impressed with the over-the-top storyline.

Prior to writing out this review, I thought I dug up enough positives to give this at least a 3 star rating, because believe me, I TRIED. But as you can probably tell, the more I wrote this review, the more aggravated and annoyed I got and I had to bump down the rating. When I rate a book, I take the whole story in consideration – plot, characters, writing, etc…and even though the hero was amazing and the fairytale twist at the beginning fascinating, those two positives just aren’t enough for me to give this book even a 3 star rating. However, there are many readers who enjoyed this book so don’t let my one not-so-glowing review sway you from reading this book. I just simply didn’t love it like everyone else did…and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I’m so sorry Jennifer!!! I tried, I really did…thank you for the rec anyways because I got to meet Pick! ;)
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
November 16, 2014

Title: Be My Hero
Series: Forbidden Men #3 (can be read as a standalone)
Author: Linda Kage
Release Date: August 25, 2014
Rating: 5 stars
Cliffhanger:. No

From the moment I met Patrick ‘Pick’ Ryan in To Professor, With Love I knew I would be completely in love with him and his story. How could I not fall for tatted, piereced man with heart of pure gold? But more than that, I have never imagined he would be so beautiful, caring, gentle, giving, good man. Pick completely blew me away. He was the best hero, a girl could ask for. I was hooked from the the moment I finished reading very mysterious and original prologue, that surprised me to the bone. Can’t say I expected the plot would go that way, and even though I was a bit hesitant about that concept, this story picked up speed and not very long, I was enjoying it very much.

The story starts with a prologue that show us fourteen year old Pick. A teenage boy, living in foster care and fighting against the bad and ugly of the homes he used to live in. Even then he loved and cared for other people very much; especially for his broken friend, Tristy, who was brutally raped over and over by their foster ‘dad’.

When Tristy met Madame LeFrey that foretold her future and told her she will die alone and miserable, Tristy decided to end her life. Fortunately, she was rescued by the doctors. Pick immediately wanted to hurt the old witch for that. But when he met Madame LeFrey something unexpected, unbelieveable happened. He got to see flashes of his future. A very happy, good future. He saw his soul mate, Tinker Bell and their home and children. He got his hope back.

„I gave you a glimpse.”
„You gave me a what? What the hell is a glimpse? What does it mean?”
„Mean?” She cocked her head as if confused by the question. „Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. It shows you what your life would look like if you lived it to your heart’s content.”

Ten years passed, but Pick never got to meet his Tinker Bell. Then the same day he decided to help Tristy raise her baby and marry her, to Forbidden, the club he works in, comes in pregnant Eva wearing a t – shirt with Tinker Bell on it. Pick’s world crashes. The woman he was supossed to wait for just came into his world.

Eva, is only nineteen year old and pregnant. She has many other horrible issues also. Not only most of the time she’s terrible bitch but she hides a skeleton in her closet that no one knows of.
When she meets Pick, the sexy, forbidden, married man, her life doesn’t get any easier. The guy she crushes on has a wife and a baby… yet he seems to like her more than he should for their own good.

While Pick and Eva start a friendship, their feelings grow and the hope for better life they both threw away many years before comes back. But can they be together for real?

For those who wonder, there is no cheating in this book :) :)

Be My Hero is absolutely the most swoonworthy, heartwarming and heartfluttering novel I’ve read in ages; this story was so romantic, so perfect and sweet! This book made me feel so fluffy and content. It did knock my socks off and totally blew my mind. While it was very different from previous books in the series, it was also the sweetest one. The humor, the sassiness, the sex, wonderful characters and amazing storyline, everything was there. The perfect mix of everything I love in Linda Kage’s books. The lovers of this series, won’t be disappointed!

**Review Copy kindly provided by an author, Linda Kage, in exchange for honest review. Thank you!


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Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
June 3, 2015
4 “Tinker Bell” Stars.

After a rough past, Eva finds herself pregnant and alone. But when everything seems darker help comes in the most surprising way: in the form of a tattooed bad boy, with a bad past and a future that he believes being connected to Eva.
Eva and Pick are exactly what each other needs, they just have to learn how to see it.


Wow, what a nice surprise this book was. I know I’m way behind in this series, but I intent to keep up with them because these books keep getting better and better. If you’re looking for a sweet, steamy, heartwarming and slightly unconventional romance, this book is a great choice. Linda Kage has the ability of creating slightly taboo stories who had material for being absurdly angsty, and yet she always create these heartwarming romances, with just enough drama to keep us on our toes through the whole book… and she do it brilliantly.
If you haven’t started this series yet, I strongly advise you to start now.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: Eva was a nice heroine. It was nice to see how she grew up as a character, until become a really strong woman. Pick was amazing, sweet, loyal, caring and with a hint of bad boy. Loved him!! I love seeing more of the other characters and I really can’t wait for Quinn’s story.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
August 11, 2014
5 Fated Stars

You don't even know what your mere presence does to me. You're my sanity.

If you've read To Professor, with Love then just like me you've been dying to get your hands on Pick's book ever since. I'm a huge fan of Linda Kage's writing and this book further proves why. While some may not like the particular twist that was added here, I absolutely adored it. It spoke to a hopeless romantic part of me that I never even knew I had.

My favorite part? Patrick "Pick" Ryan. How do you not instantly fall for everything that he is?

He appeared to be a bad boy straight from the wrong side of town. But there was something NOT bad boy about him. He simply didn't look like the type who didn't give a damn about life. His deep brown eyes held too much compassion and vivacity.

If ever there was a perfect sump up of who he was, that was it. Sure he's tatted up and pierced, but this is no bad boy asshole. Pick had a gentle heart and an even gentler soul. A protector. He was THE perfect match for Eva.

Eva is not quite the spoiled rich girl that she had appeared to be at first. This is a girl that is truly broken. Just how broken? Well you certainly don't get eased into her history. The very first few pages offer you a very harsh glimpse into the reality that is her life.

Eva has very good reason to distrust men and shy away from relationships. With her history, it's no wonder that she believes even the nicest of men hide a bastard beneath the good looking surface, even her cousin's boyfriend, Mason.

Pick couldn't be more different. This is a man that not only believes in true love, he yearns for it. Years ago he got a "glimpse" of what his life could be when he met his soul mate, and he's been looking for her since. So when his "vision" walks into the bar where he works, he knows he'll stop at nothing to be with her.

I knew exactly what it felt like to thrust inside this woman. I knew exactly how she looked when she bit her bottom lip when she came, how her muscles clenched around my cock and her breasts arched against my chest. Yet I'd never had sex with her, never actually seen her naked, never even kissed her.

What follows is a touching and beautiful love story between two very unlikely people. While Evan and Pick couldn't have been more different, they are more similar that they realize.

I couldn't get enough of them. What could have been a story that was insta-everything, truly wasn't. Linda managed to paint a believable and truly heartwarming connection between two people that were the perfect addition to feed the other's void. It was in a word; perfect.

Readers that want more of Mason and Reese will get that here IN SPADES. But the focus was on the love story of Pick and Eva. I can't begin to describe to you how much I loved it. And this is coming from someone that rarely enjoys "sweet". Yet this is what it was. It was a sweet romance with a touch of steam and a little angst with some WTF twists thrown in that you'll never see coming. It will keep you glued to the book from beginning to finish. I'm head over heals in love with this series.

I'm really looking forward to Quinn and Ten's books next. Linda Kage is definitely now one of my go-to authors when I want a NA book that I'm pretty much guaranteed to love. I simply can't recommend this book enough. Read it and see what all my gushing about. Trust me. You'll love Pick as much if not more than I did.

**ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review**

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Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
November 10, 2014



At 14, Pick is given a glimpse into the future. A future filled with love and happiness, a future better than he ever thought possible. He spends the next 10 years striving to find that future. But when things start falling into place, it isn't quite the way he had imagined. When he finds the woman he has been waiting for, he is overwhelmed with other responsibilities and she is 6 months pregnant.
They were suppose to be mine, damn it. My family. My happily ever after.
Eva has spent most of her life hiding a dark secret. Everyone sees her as this self-absorbed, rich girl. But when she finds herself pregnant, she is determined to change, let go of the past and be a good mother. But years of abuse have left her believing all men are truly bastards who cannot be trusted.
I'd always been too concerned with conveying a certain image so no one would ever know my secrets to worry about anyone else, and now that I did care, I was a complete bumbling idiot about it.
Pick and Eva seem like an unlikely pair, but they discover they have more in common than they thought. Will Pick's glimpse be fulfilled? Be My Hero was a heartwarming story, I really enjoyed it.

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,349 followers
November 14, 2021
4.5 *Glimpse* Stars

”It’s a pretty crazy story, so please try to listen until the end. Okay?


Fourteen-year-old Patrick (Pick) Ryan falls into the clutches of a magical old woman trying to bring justice for his foster friend, Tristy for a cruel physic reading she gave the girl. Madam LeFrey gifts young Pick with visions of what his future could be with all the accompanying emotions attached.


”I gave you a glimpse.”

Pick is so taken with the blonde woman, being a father, and the feelings of truly having a family and love in his life that he spends the next ten years holding out hope that his dream life is out there somewhere.


Pick has aged out of the foster care system and he is fixing cars during the day and bartends at Forbidden bar with Mason and the boys in the evenings. He has stuck by Tristy platonically all these years and his love for her son, Julian is so strong that he marries her to give the baby health insurance and a stable parent. Just when Pick has let go of his glimpses and embraces what his life is, Reese enters the bar with her pregnant cousin, Eva Mercer who is sporting a Tinker Bell shirt. Pick’s world will never be the same…

”Fate hated me. It figured I’d finally meet my soul mate on my wedding day.”

Pick and Eva’s interactions were off the chart SWOON!! I loved everything about these two together and Pick has landed him a spot on my book boyfriend shelf.


Eva is a former rich party girl who is still feisty and sadly has a dark hidden secret. She has been living with Reese and Mason and has grown up a ton since last we read. Eva is as taken with the greatness of Pick as a reader will be. This story may have had a bit of instant attraction BUT it totally worked. These two got to know one other SLOWLY when Eva helps Pick take care of Julian after Tristy abandons the baby.

I’m not a huge fan of OTT drama and the author throws several punches in towards the end: Tristy’s return and exit, Eva’s pedophile father’s grand plan along his accomplice… Mrs. Garrison. Still, the love story of Pick and Eva was strong enough for me to go with the drama and embrace this family’s hea.


”You make me so happy,” I murmured in awe.”
“That’s the plan, Tink.”
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews156 followers
November 16, 2020
This book had me engaged and absorbed from the get go to the very last word.

In the first book I really disliked Eva as a character, but this book has made me do a complete turnaround on my feelings for her, here we gain a really good explanation for Eva’s actions and behaviour in the first book, as a character in this she is fab, as is Patrick Ryan (aka Pick) the hero.

The relationship and chemistry between the main characters really worked and even though I knew a HEA was ensured, I still found myself keeping my fingers crossed for them both, since they’ve had plenty of crap to deal with.

Slight over the top drama towards the end when the she-demon from Book 1 makes an appearance, but not in a way that ruined the book. Due to this and the glimpses we get of Eva in book 1, I do think it is valuable to read book 1.

One thing I‘m noticing about this series so far is that having parents who are douches, to put it mildly, is a reoccurring theme (excluding Reese’s parents in book 1). Overall, the author constructs parents we will dislike or despise very well.

My favourite book in the series!
Profile Image for mel ☽.
370 reviews11.3k followers
October 6, 2019
✰5 stars✰

not gonna lie, i totally judged the cover.

i don’t like pregnancy tropes and the cover obviously shows what this is gonna be about but im so glad i read this because the MCs are one of the best characters out there.

“My Tinker Bell. My soul mate.”

i don’t wanna give anything away so imma just list the things i loved:

- the slowburn.
- Pick (H) is not a man ho. he’s loyal, sweet, treats with women with respect, and HONORABLE.

i mean, he adopted and loved a child that wasn’t even his. AND he married his foster care friend out of convenience so she could have his insurance (dw, there’s barely any OW drama here. this friend and him are platonic).

- Eva (h) was a B I T C H in the first book and tbh, i don’t know how i was gonna like her after she called Sarah a “freak” but oh my goodness she won me over here.

she’s definitely my #1 favorite heroine in this series so far.

- the friendships between every characters! especially Mason and Eva. they hated each other in the first book but it’s great seeing them support one another here.

oh and Ten omfg can’t wait to read his book. And Quinn? the used-to-be-virgin, innocent football player? I CANNOT WAIT to read his book!

- and the little witch, vision thing in the prologue where Pick sees his “Tinker Bell”/soulmate. i loved that cuz it reminded me of the whole mate thing in ACOTAR and i LOVE Rhysand and Feyre.

“When I'm with you, though, you make me feel everything. I'm beautiful, loved, and clean.”

this series is definitely worth the read and i am DEFINITELY binge reading this series.

i also really like it because it reminds me of Kristin Ashley (the friendships and banter) and Mariana Zapata (slowburn and emotional connection) so that’s a win-win.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
983 reviews141 followers
March 4, 2015
Before starting the book. > Excited to be starting this one. Peeked at a few reviews and it looks SOOOOO good.

My first Linda Kage book. Hope it's a good one.

My review....

2.5 - 3 It just didn’t work for me stars.

I’m not sure what to say about this one. I read a couple of great reviews and saw that a number of my friends loved it so I fully expected to enjoy it but sadly I didn’t.

Right from the beginning I wasn’t sure if the story was going to work for me. We get a prologue from each of the main characters which equally peaked my curiosity and made me shake my head. But it was enough to make me want to read on.

So I did. The first half of the book was working for me. I loved meeting Pick. What a great guy. I loved that his life story was tattooed on his skin and his appearance marked him as a bad boy, but he had a heart of gold. But.....

Just a tiny bit about the plot ~ Pick lived his life, not always a pleasant one but he had a vision of his future which was his sole motivation to keep going. He was waiting to meet his Tinkerbell, the girl in his visions and his dreams. But meeting his Tink happens on the day he marries Tristy, a woman who has been part of his life for a long time. The marriage is of convenience and nothing more but it is a commitment that he wouldn’t turn away from.

But meeting Eva, his Tink, was everything he had dreamt it would be and he wanted to be with her. He needed her in his life in any way he could have her. And in many ways Eva needed to be with Pick. So when a situation arises, Pick finds himself right where he wants to be. Spending time with Eva experiencing the things he dreamt about for so long. But there was always a black cloud hanging over them.

I won’t go into the plot anymore because I can see why this book would work for a lot of people and I don’t want to ruin it for anyone. It just didn’t work for me.

Shortly after the halfway mark, everything started to go wrong for me. To put it simply there was just too much drama which caused me to not care enough. I was really bummed though because I did like Pick. I liked Eva. But everything swirling around them, the crap that resurfaced, honestly everything became too much.

I wish I was writing a better review., I really do. Pick was wonderful and the storyline at the beginning showed promise, but it just wasn’t enough. At least for me.
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,464 reviews85 followers
December 12, 2015

Wow!!! That was amazing!!!
I think that the third book of the "Forbidden men" series was even better than the previous two, which where very good also!!!
But this one was more sensitive, more tender, more emotional...

I just can't stop reading about those guys *girls and boys*... I just love them fiercely!!!
Well, this time was Eva's turn (Reese's cousin) and Pick's (another one who was working on the "Forbidden" club)...

We have seen Eva in the first book and i have to admit that i didn't like her at all.
She was from that kind of girls that you can not so easily sympathize...

She was a rich-girl who thought that all the world was in her feet... But i was so damn wrong!!!
In this book, i understand all the reasons why she was acting like that and every ounch of sympathy and even love that exists inside of me, i gave them to her.
She had to live an ugly past. Someone who had to be a protector for her, he violated her with the worst way... and her sassy attitude was her shield for the rest of the world...
And now, i finally got why she was provoking poor Mason all the time... She couldn't help it!!! She thought that all men where scumbags and she wanted to protect her cousin and best friend for his claws.

I really enjoyed the moment that she realised that Mason was a worthy and real nice man... (Okay, i like Mason and i want to settle free his name!!!)

"In that moment, he became the only male I'd ever considered not evil. And for the first time since Reese and he had hooked up, I was actually jealous of her. She'd found a diamond in the rough. She deserved it more than anyone I knew, but a part of me still felt covetous. Now that I knew there was actually such a thing as a good guy, I wanted one too. I wanted some white knight to be my hero.
Screw girl power. I wasn't strong. I wasn't anything. I needed help. A lot of help."

But let me tell you some things about the plot...
Eva was pregnant and when their parents forced her to abortion, she run away and she find a shelter to Mason's and Reese's house.
Now, her only worry is to give a birth to her little girl and to settle down for good.
But in some point, Eva met with Pick and she just couldn't stop thinking about him...

But there were many obstacles between them...

Pick was working his ass off to provide a better life to his best friend and her little baby, who Pick loved fiercely and felt him as his own.
Pick was living all his life in foster care and his life wasn't ideal at all and that was the main reason that forced him to take under his protection, young Julian. He didn't want to be raised in foster system too.
Ten years before, a glimpse of happiness kept him on the straight way.

He was an amazing guy. I don't think that nowadays there is a man like him...
He was so caring, so protective, so kind...
He was doing only good things and he was right beside everyone that needed him.
There was this rumor that she was a man-whore, but that wasn't true at all. He was trying to protect every woman for everything bad that could happen to her.
He was like a hero for all the woman, and Eva especially...

From the beginning, Pick and Eva were having an intense connection that none of them could ignore...
But the day they met for real, fate played an awful game with them...
That day Pick bound his life with somebody else and that happened for a very good cause...
So, they had to stay away from each other. But that was just impossible...

I really liked that story...
First of all, i really enjoyed Eva's tranformation... Under this bitchy attitude was compassionate, caring and very kind.
My heart was aching for all of that shit that she had to deal before that book and toward this book... She didn't deserve that, but she totally deserved to find the happiness by this man's side. They were so good for each other.

"You have given me things I never even knew I needed or wanted, but they've ended up being the most precious things I've ever had."

Pick was the most amazing guy. He was a loving father and a wonderfull man...
Everybody thought that he was the bad boy since he was having piercings and tattoos, but he was a nice guy with golden heart.

"You know how you keep saying I was your hero and I saved you...? That's bullshit. You're my hero. Meeting you in those glimpses saved me. It made me want to be a good person so I could deserve you when I finally found you. And now that you're here, holding me and letting me love you when I just want to implode from the inside out . . . " He buried his face in my hair and inhaled deeply. "You don't even know what your mere presence does to me. You're my sanity."

I also liked that we saw small glimpses from the rest of the guys and especially from Reese and Mason...
Except all of the above, i really liked the parental behaviour of Eva and Pick!!! Those two sweethearts (Julian & Skylar) climb upon my heart too...

Finally, i want to tell to Alex, Patricia, Shawn and Trish that ... you were all of you big bastards and huge...

Thank God, that there is God upon there!!!!
For Trish especially, i would like to say that she was unbelievable. I wanted to hit her several times... She didn't love her son for God's sake and she placed all the burden upon Pick's shoulder...
As for Patricia and Shawn i don't have to say anything more. They were the most awful and digusting persons that could exist upon this earth!!!
And Alex was villain and coward... How could you do that to the woman who was caring your child, ugh????

I will miss Eva and Pick...
I think by now, that they are my most favorite couple.

They touch my heart in a deeper level... And not only them... but also Julian and Skylar too...
They saved each other... They were each other's hero!!!
They fought very hard for their love and their family... and they succeeded!!!

And now it's time for shy and brave ex-virgin -until recently- Quinn and then, it's Ten's time!!!
Thank God!!! I keep hearing about him all the time and i'm very curious about his turn!!!
Profile Image for Bookadmirer.
367 reviews220 followers
August 27, 2020
First of all, I don't like the cover. Sorry, not sorry. I have no grudge against pregnant women, instead I respect them because giving birth is a Hella hard. But u have to admit this cover is hideous.

Now there's a saying, never judge a book by its cover. Which is true because this book is really good.

The hero and heroine doesn't actually gets intimate untill almost 70% of the book which is cool because if the protagonists get together early I mostly lost interest . However I was a bit bored at some point because they don't do anything. The hero goes to work and the heroine takes care of the household, they talk, eat and sleep. That's all. The ending was also a bit abrupt. However, I enjoyed it.

Trigger warning : rape (off page) , pedophilia(off page) , child neglect (on page)
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
September 1, 2014

Imagine being fourteen years old, having spent your entire life in foster care...and given a glimpse of your future. A future filled with love, marriage, babies, and a happily ever after. A dream that was so wonderful, where you were happier than you'd ever been. Where you were afraid to believe in the beauty of it....but you would do anything in your power to have it.


Pick had that dream. He was given the vision of a life he'd never dreamed was possible. But one he was going to make sure he was worthy of. Ten years later, piece by piece that dream became a reality. Maybe not in the way Pick originally imagined. Maybe it wasn't conventional. Maybe it wasn't going to be all hearts and rainbows. But it was his life. His future. His dream. And he would do anything possible to keep it.

Pick was....he was perfect. He was caring and giving. He put others before himself. Pick more than deserved his dream and I loved watching his dreams come true. Discovering what the pieces meant. Who the people were. How they met. What role they played in Pick's life.

Pick's dreams weren't realized overnight. There were ups, there were downs. There was heartbreak and pain. But there was so much happiness and joy. It was impossible not to root for Pick. To want him to have everything he dreamed of.

The only thing keeping this one from a full 5 stars was the excess drama at the end. I thought it was a bit over-the-top. Otherwise, this was a fantastic addition to the series. Pick is one of my favorite hero's to date!!!!

That teaser for Quinn's book.....

Profile Image for Ainhoa.
468 reviews17 followers
November 29, 2021
Don’t come hatin’ but this reminded me of One percent of you (minus the cute toddler blabbing) and River Wild combined together. There, I said it.

It was cute and raw and sweet and I might be suffering from a sugar high but I don’t care, gimme more cake and a snickers. You’re welcome.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,580 followers
January 14, 2023
4.5 Stars(Originally Read 8/15/2015)

4 Stars(Re-Read 3/8/2019)

4 Stars (2nd Re-Read 1/14/2023)

2nd Re-Read Note: Nothing to really add -- I still liked this story and the development of such a loving relationship. I still agree with my previous statements about the ending could have been better, and the drama was a little soap opera -- But! I still loved both characters and still really enjoyed this!

Re-Read Update: This was enjoyable re-read. I still absolutely LOVED the H! I adored the interactions with the babies, and I liked the side characters. I still struggled with the overlap from the other stories though. I also am dropping the rating because the ending could've been sooooo much better. I think the author set up the precedent of an awesome HEA but this was too brief of a glimpse for my liking. While I am dropping my rating, I'm still going to keep this on my favorites shelf because it's still that good!

Overall Opinion: This was a great read that I found hard to put down. I'm not quite sure why, but this was on my tbr list for a long time and I just kept putting it off. I am glad that I finally decided to give it a chance. It was a heartwarming story about soulmates and that all we need is love to find happiness. The only negative that brought it down from a 5 star read was that there was a lot of overlap from Price of a Kiss, and I felt although I could have skipped a lot of that overlap and just been given the important stuff. I suppose it is so the book can be a standalone, because if you haven't read the other books in the series you will not be lost.

Storyline: This is Eva and Pick's story. Eva has run away from her bad home life, is pregnant, and is staying with her cousin and her cousin's boyfriend. Pick works with the cousin's boyfriend and they meet one night. Pick had a shocking encounter with a witch when he was younger that gave him glimpses into his future that all included Eva, so he is even more shocked to find out that she is real. They both have a lot going on in their lives, but find comfort in one another and fall in love. There are a lot of sweet scenes with babies, some sexy times, and a good bit of drama...and they get a HEA ending.

POV:. This alternated between Eva and Pick's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Ok. I had read both of the previous books in the series (Price of a Kiss and To Professor, with Love) so it kinda lagged at the beginning (after the awesome epilogues) because there was a good bit of overlap. But after that, the pace was great.

H rating: 5 stars. Pick. I love him! I loved how he respected women and was every woman's protector. He loved fiercely and was an amazing father and partner for Eva. One of my favorite book boyfriends!

h rating: 4 stars. I HATED her in Price of a Kiss, but Ms. Kage made me understand her so much better in this book. I ended up respecting her and actually liking her by the end which is a great accomplishment because I really disliked her before. I think it was because of this dislike of her character that I was so hesitant to read this book, but I give kudos to the author for changing my opinion so drastically. I liked how she was so great with the kids and embraced her roll as a caregiver.

Sadness level: Moderate. No tears shed here, but I can see where someone might get emotional.

Heat level: Low. Some steamy scenes, but minimal and more about emotional connection rather than physical. I think the amount was appropriate for this story. They fell in love before any physical activity happens.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: We get a jump ahead 8 years to get a glimpse at the couple's success and HEA .

Safety: This one is probably Safe with exception for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences
Profile Image for Viri.
1,235 reviews447 followers
March 10, 2017
Estoy un poco anonadada después de este libro.

No esperaba que me gustara tanto como lo hizo. No esperaba encariñarme así de los protagonistas y mucho menos esperaba está historia.

Los que me conocen bien saben que ODIO. A ese tipo de protagonistas perfectos, llenos de positivismo y que no hacen nada mal.
Lo odio en serio. Pero cuando conocí a Pick... todas mis impresiones sobre los protagonistas perfectos se fueron a la basura.

No hay otra palabra. Pick es PERFECTO. Y estoy tan irremediablemente enamorada de el que hasta yo estoy sorprendida.

Él, es de esos hombres de los que ya no hay. Esos que dan la cara por ti. Que te dan libertad. Que se preocupan por ti. Que adoran el piso por donde caminas. Así era Pick.

Así de perfecto era.

Y me encantó.

Me encantó porque encontró a su campanita. Porque se merecía su "Happily Ever After" como ninguno.
Pero sobre todo me encantó porque se enamoró de Eva.

Ella fue perfecta en su imperfección. Valiente, amorosa, capaz de dar su todo por aquellos a quienes ama.

Lástima que la autora tomara el camino fácil y resolviera todo el problema en unas cuantas páginas al final. Porque sin duda, a pesar de algunos detallitos en cuanto a la personalidad de los protas. Hubiera sido un 5 estrellas.

No leí ningún libro anterior de está serie y aunque no siento que me "faltara" hacerlo si hubiera querido hacerlo solo por haber tenido un precedente de ambos personajes.

PD: amo a los niños. Si saben de un litro con niños déjenmelo en los comentarios. Es en serio!!! Quiero más!!!!
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
November 28, 2016
This is the 3rd installment of the "Forbidden Men" series, and I yet again devoured this one. I thoroughly enjoyed it, although it did get a lower rating from me than the other two books. My main reason for that was the choices that the hero made about his "son" irked me on a level I couldn't ignore. I can't say much but the fact is, I don't agree with how he dealt with his little guy, in the beginning.

When Eva and Patrick Ryan finally gave into their extreme urges to be together...the flames that blazed of the pages was more than sizzling hot!! I kid you not...their sexual tension through a big part of the book was so frustrating; however...when they finally gave in....I couldn't look away!! Eva and Pick were most definitely soul mates and you could feel their intensity through Linda Kage's words!!! I loved every second of that, and it made up for any frustration that I felt in the first part of the book!! LOL

I have said it before, this series is a MUST read!! I am loving it so hard, and I keep asking myself why I waited so long to dive into it!! I have to say that I am not as eager to read the next installment as I have heard things about one of the characters in it. She is not likeable, and I feel the hero of that story deserves the best.. So, I will give myself time to prepare...but I will be coming back to this series....I know I can't stay away for long!! LOL
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews475 followers
September 3, 2014
4 stars

Eva is alone to raise her newborn baby. Pick is supporting his friend and her child. But can they help each other?

I loved Pick, he was the loving caring family man. Eva was also a great feisty character. And the group of friends were fun. But I felt like all the non stop drama overshadowed the romance and it failed to deliver me that hearts and butterflies feeling. Although I didnt love it I still liked it.

It was in a way a bit insta love and OTT drama and I would normally hate that but I could make an exception here as I adore these characters and as always the writing was addictive. A great addition to the forbidden men series.
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,599 followers
October 7, 2016
In the first book, my feelings for the heroine of this book, Eva, were mostly negative. And at first, I didn't want to read this one. But I am glad that I read it because here I understood why Eva was the way she was. What a mind-blowing prologue it was. I started to feel sorry for the girl I disliked.

"I know what you're trying to do, baby doll." The whiskey on his breath choked me and made my eyes water. "You think being with all those boys is going to wipe me off you, but it won't. I'll always be there. I'll always be your first. My touch has forever stained you."

And the hero, Pick, is one sweet soul with a bad-ass appearance, tattoos and face rings in addition to a nipple ring!!!! He is kind-hearted and protective. He is kind of a saint, lacking only a halo :)

And, unusually this book had 2 prologues and Pick's was as mind-blowing as Eva's.

So, the book starts very promising, making you feel that it is going to be one fairy tale but then, it falls a little bit short of that in my opinion.

"A soul mate," she rasped. "How very rare."
She grabbed my arm. "Find her," she told me, urgency lacing her voice. "You're not complete until the two halves come together. You're only half a soul."

With babies, enemies and other problems, the novel revolves around other things more than their fairy tale or chemistry. There are deep emotions there but Pick being the "saint" he is, there are not many "hot scenes" until towards the end. The first kiss comes at %70! The first 2 books in this series are amazingly hot with amazing chemistry but this one is sweet and slow-building, not very hot at all...

To put it in a nutshell, I thought this book was going to blow my mind after reading both prologues but it didn't. Did I like it? Well, yes, it was good... 4 stars out of 3,5... However, its promise was for something better with these beautifully written prologues.

Maybe, I am not into babies or kids in romances and that is why the book didn't satisfy me because it revolved around them more than the couple themselves. So it could be me, not the book).

So, still Book 1 is my favorite :)

But if you want to continue this series, do not skip this book because you are given glimpses from the couples of Book 4 and 5. Also, you meet the fabulous characters from Book 1, Mason & Reese again and very often in this one! Even their marriage proposal is in this book :)

*** Caution: It includes sexual abuse. Not very graphic scenes, though...

Profile Image for ♥️DevLee♥️.
320 reviews359 followers
September 26, 2023

“You’re the best man I’ve ever met, Patrick Ryan. Thank you for choosing me.”
I kissed her hard. “I’ll always choose you.”

5 "TinkerBell" stars!!!

Eva, a rich spoiled girl, with a dark past and horrifying secrets underneath.
Patrick Ryan, a normal bartender, with a simple life and dreams.

To the outward world, Eva is a bratty slut but inside she is a girl with a harsh past and is struggling to break free and be the mother her son deserves. Pick a man who grew up in foster care and currently working in a bar as he struggles to take care of the baby boy that his so-called girlfriend left him with and while also trying to convince her to stop killing herself.

How can two people so different be together in a world like this? Do they really have no chance or do they?
"He was me, and I was him, and we were just this beautiful twisted mass of all our hopes and dreams coming together and exploding in a dizzying array of euphoria."

First of all, I must say that I'm in love with Linda's writing. It just goes so well with my tastes. And this was exceptional.
I lover this couple, more than I should. Especially Pick * faints * . I love that even though his outward appearance made him look like he was a bad boy with all the tats and piercings that inside he was such a gentle soul. Tats, piercing and plus a sweet man? Are you kidding me😭✋🏻♥️
In the first book, Eva wasn't my favourite character. But when I see that she is not the spoiled brat I thought she was, but actually a spitfire of woman with a painful history I fell for her. Her personality goes so well with Pick and their chemistry is mind blowing! And please the 2 kids are adorable. Originally I gave the book 5 stars but now I feel like too many dramas happened in this book to a point I was relieved when it was ended but other than I loved this book and Pick will always have a sweet spot in my heart.

I don't care if I only have one day left with you or twenty, you just keep doing whatever you're doing until you have to go, and I will forever worship the ground you walk on. Because a little slice of heaven is better than none at all.”


-Pregnant Mom/Single Dad
-Rich Girl/ Male Prostitute
-No cheating

Note: includes violence, HEA

Recommended!! Enjoy!

Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,034 followers
May 11, 2015

Wow, Patrick 'Pick' Ryan is an amazing hero that captures the heart of the readers. He’s the type of man that you actually wish was a real person. Now, whenever I look at a tattooed, pierced man I’ll be wondering if he is someone's hero like Pick was to Eva.

I love the cover of this book. The red shirt pops (pun intended). Once I saw the baby belly I knew I needed to find out why this girl needed a hero. Yes, I pick books because of their covers.

Although, the drama felt slightly reminiscent of a Jerry Springer episode, I was hooked on the vision the witch gave Pick as a child. I had to know it would come to fruition. Wadding through all the drama, with our hero/heroine and the side characters, at times became overwhelming. BUT Pick kept me coming back because I needed my fix of him.

I've only read book one and this book in the Forbidden Men series. In Be My Hero I got to catch up with some of the other characters from book one. I was surprised their story was still playing out in this book. It's been so long since I've read book one I didn't realize their HEA wasn't complete. Actually, when I read it in 2013 it was listed as a standalone. Congrats to Ms. Kage on creating this world filled with great Forbidden Men. Series reading order listed below.

Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1) by Linda Kage To Professor, with Love (Forbidden Men, #2) by Linda Kage Be My Hero (Forbidden Men, #3) by Linda Kage With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men, #4) by Linda Kage A Perfect Ten (Forbidden Men, #5) by Linda Kage

descriptive text here
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
May 23, 2015
5 Be mine Pick Stars

The prologue starts with Pick 5 years earlier. Patrick Ryan, Pick, grew up in the foster care system, but more accurately he basically raised himself. Pick has been taking care of people and looking out for them all his life, so when his foster sister, Tristy, attempts to commit suicide after learning from Madame LeFraye she will die alone and unhappy, he decides to seeks revenge for her. While attempting to vandalize her home Pick is caught in a trap. Once he explains why he is there, LeFraye decides to show mercy and allows him to see glimpses of his future. That’s when he sees the beautiful blonde he names Tinkerbell, their wedding and children, and his happily ever after.

We then get a prologue of Eva 5 years earlier. During this prologue we see the truth behind Eva’s attitude, and why she is typically a bitch to everyone.

Fast forward 5 years: Eva Mercer is nineteen years old, seven months pregnant, and running. She is living with her cousin Reese and her boyfriend Mason, hundreds of miles away from her past. Pick is marrying his best friend Tristy, so she and her baby can have health insurance.

One night after work Pick’s world stops when his Tinkerbell walks into the bar with Reese. Pick knows there is nothing he can do, he is married now and has a baby. Eva is immediately drawn to Pick, he sees her for who she is immediately. Pick and Eva quickly become friends. There is an obvious attraction between he two, but he is married and while his marriage is in name only he still respects his marriage vows.

This story started out a little differently then I expected, but I loved the idea and concept. As for the characters, I loved both Eva and Pick. Pick is one of the most honorable men I have ever read about. He is sweet and loving, but fiercely protective of those he loves. Eva is giving, self sacrificing, loving, and caring. This was an easy, sweet read. It doesn’t have a lot of unnecessary drama and the couple is able to communicate.

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Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
September 6, 2014
*Guest reviewer for Dirty girl romance book blog, ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*

Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,949 reviews1,523 followers
January 8, 2015
4.5 Pick is my hero Stars

I was recommended Be My Hero because of my thing for single moms. It’s very rare I read a single mom read and haven’t loved and let’s just say, I’m pretty much on track.

Be My Hero is a great book. It has all the elements of a dramatic read I am looking for, with character development, drama, damsel in distress, alpha male and unique storyline.

This Book Packs a Punch

This is Pick and Eva’s story. Each book is a different character. You can read them out of order (I did and I usually don’t), but I would suggest you read the first book first because there’s a bit of that story that trickles into this one.

Eva is the rich snobby princess until she gets pregnant and her family kicks her out of the house. She doesn't have the best of childhood, being abused by her father, she is ready to leave, but without money and seven and half months pregnant she isn’t in the best situation.

Eva’s cousin, Reese (main Heroine from the first book) lets Eva stay at Reese and Mason’s place. I like Eva. She has the qualities I look for in a Heroine. She’s a single mom, a damsel and in a need of a Hero. You really feel for the girl and the author builds up Eva’s character a lot. You feel like she is your best friend.

Pick works two jobs to support his wife and baby, *gasp*. No, this isn’t a love triangle, so don’t gloss over to the next review. Pick only marries his best friend for insurance purposes, which is pretty realistic. However Pick’s wife is no picnic and oh boy, she is the villain you will love to hate. I love a nasty villain, especially one I can sink my teeth into and she’s darn right evil. She’s pretty abusive and doesn’t care for her baby.

When Pick is little he gets a future glimpse of his life, which consists of a wife and three kids. Because of that he cleaned up his act and has gone down the straight path. He’s not sure if it will come true, but he has been holding out for a long time for it.

When Pick finally collides with Eva, he believes his future may come true. He wants to pursue her, but his son comes first.

What I love most about this book is the storyline. The Hero gets a glimpse of his future, both have babies and both are kind of single. How random is that? So much happens it will make you head spin but in a good way. There’s a lot of people going against Eva and Pick, with ex’s, family and jealous lovers, you will just be turning the pages like mad.

Oh and if you are a Reese and Mason fan, then this book is a nice little treat because they are in it a lot and I couldn’t get enough.

I recommend.

Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1) by Linda Kage REVIEW|AMAZON
To Professor, with Love (Forbidden Men, #2) by Linda Kage AMAZON
Be My Hero (Forbidden Men, #3) by Linda Kage AMAZON
January 20, 2016

*4.5 stars*

"You’re the best man I’ve ever met, Patrick Ryan. Thank you for choosing me."
“I’ll always choose you.”

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Ahhh and here I am again, back in one of my most favorite worlds from 2015. I won’t say it wasn’t a shock when I picked this series up, knowing it was cheesy as hell, and immediately fell for not only the forbidden men it touts…but for the wonderful dynamics each and every character share together. Whether they are frenemies (however you spell that lol), lovers, friends, or co-workers, each person fits into the group perfectly. And I guess you can say that this is one of my favorite literary families ever. They are all so utterly loyal, behind all the ribbing, and they would do anything for one another.

"…I’d say the fact he’s already shared a woman with….well, you, isn’t something he needs to find out about.”
“Wow, now wait a sec. What’s wrong with me?” Ten pointed to himself, clearly insulted. “I’m fucking flawless.”
I snickered and lifted my hands. “No offense, but I certainly wouldn’t want to stick my dick in anything you’ve already had yours in.”
“Amen,” Mason seconded.
“Hey.” Ten scowled at us.

Every story I pick up, no matter the content, I know I am going to be swooning after one of my favorite men and their relationship even if I hate the story. And hey!!! I have only hated one book….some side characters just don’t need to exist-they can literally obliterate even the sweetest of men’s stories. But all that aside, it comes down to one thing: No matter what type of mood I’m in when I pick up these books, I always have the best time reading them and the most abundant warm fuzzies after.

"Tink, you are the most flirt-worthy girl I know,” Pick spoke up, striding over with his arms open. “Here. I’ll hold Skylar while you get yourself something to eat. Then come back and sit by me. I’d be happy to hit on you.”

And here’s the thing: THEY ALL CRY. All of them. I mean…..I can’t…I just…*takes some odd breaths*…WHERE THE FUCK ARE THESE MEN IN MY LIFE??? I’m married you say?? Yeah, well, technicalities. I love my guy, I truly do, but if Mason Lowe or Noel Gamble, Pick, Quinn, hell, even fucking Ten walked into my life…..okay, I won’t finish that horribly presumptuous sentence lest I burst into flames, but you get my point, yes??? These men, they are just something else.

No, we weren’t going to lose Eva tonight. She was going to be okay. The baby was going to be okay. Everyone was going to be okay, except maybe her baby daddy. I kind of hoped he died.

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And that’s all there is to it. I come to these books not because they are believable, without cheese, nor are they written in the best way. But the fact of the matter is, when I open a Forbidden Men story, I do, in fact, get a sexy forbidden and tortured man….and the author actually follows through with it. She doesn’t dick around and find technicalities-she goes balls to the wall and makes her men (almost) every woman’s wet dream (god I’m being disgusting in this review):

-Forbidden (duh)
-Utterly (and most often inexplicably) into the female lead
-Passionate about her
-Fiercely protective
-Willing to sacrifice it all for her

My point? These men are one page away from selling their left nut to be with these women, no matter the cost…and I find it, not-so-inexplicably, addictive as hell.

My lips fluttered with amusement. “You’re never going to get over that nickname, are you? A girl wears Tinker Bell on her shirt one time-"
“Embrace it.” He grinned before nuzzling his nose against my temple. “Not everyone can pull off the Tink image.”

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I think it goes without saying, or maybe it doesn’t-I don’t know who reads my reviews if you aren’t in my immediate text circle-I have always, always been a sucker for romantic books with peril. And, hey, no matter how brief, how dramatic, how cheesy these perilous scenes are…they tend to pop up in these stories so…yeah….I love….because….boy saves girl. Yeah. I mean, what else do you need (okay, besides poetic, beautiful writing and some actual solidarity that these things could happen in real life-but hey, we don’t want to live in reality-that’s why we read )?? Drama, angst, peril….no matter how cheesy or forced…they are always around. And, for me, that’s a wonderful combo after a long day at work. And yeah, yeah, it’s all somewhat horrid but…sue me…I need my tortured man fix every now and again (ALWAYS).

His gray eyes glittered silver as he grinned at me. “My lips are sealed. But only because I owe you one.” Then he glanced toward the doorway leading into the hall, which lead to his and Reese’s bedroom. “You think it’s been two minutes yet?”
“I think it’s only been thirty seconds, you big horn ball.”
Scowling, he shoved his hands into his pockets and grumbled around a moment before muttering, “Well, I can’t wait anymore.” Then he was off, hurrying down the hall in pursuit of his

So, before I go and disappear, let’s talk about the story and why I almost didn’t read it. For one, and don’t smack me here, I hate pregnancy romances-I have to say I’m not sorry, as well. I want a guy and girl to fall in love and for it to be new and fresh and squeaky clean, not burdened by another man’s discrepancies. That sounds harsh, but it’s one of my book rule no-no’s and it just is what it is. And, you know, I hated Eva in Reese and Mason’s story. She was childish and had no reason to be the way she was (so I thought, and really, she didn’t, but we had to make her story juicy, now didn’t we??). All she did was cause my boy Mason problems. So why my sudden change of heart? Well…there are multiple reasons, but two really stick out:

1. I adore this series, and I knew I would smack myself if I didn’t get more time with these addicting characters
2. Mason. I. Am. Obsessed. With him. He is, without a doubt, my favorite boy (okay ugh and Noel) and when I figured out Eva lived with them in this story…?? I immediately decided to read it because…Mason. Need I say more? MASON.

And I really had heard a ton about this Pick fella who, by the way, really is the f’ing sweetest guy ever, in the generic sense of the word. I mean, he just really does put everyone else ahead of himself and it’s the most selfless thing.

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And when he decides he’s guna go for his Tinker Bell??? No one can stop him. He would do anything for her, no matter what it cost him (see above). And even caring for his child-which really isn’t his own-is above caring for himself. And honestly?? He’s hilarious-

A small cry rent the air, and I immediately spun toward the sound. But Pick was already holding up a hand as he cradled Skylar in the other arm. “We’re good,” he called. “Ten just looked at her. That mug’ll make any girl cry.”
I arched an eyebrow at Ten. He lifted his hands in surrender. “I didn’t even touch her.”
“I think it was his awful breath,” Pick offered casually.

I don’t know. I just really loved everything about him. But to those who said I’d love Pick more than my men? You were dead wrong. I’m a stubborn little shit, so don’t feel bad. Almost every series I read I have people saying who I’m ‘going to love more’ and 99% of the time they are wrong (unless they know me really really well). Exhibit A? This series. Exhibit B? The Calloway Sister series. No one-and I do mean no one-will ever touch my dear Connor and his icy Rose.

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"Honestly, though,” I told him, my voice winded. “The wet shirt look is totally working for you. You sure you want this dull, old dry one?”
Surprise filled his brown eyes before he gave a slow, hooded smile. Using the shirt we were both holding onto to rein me in closer, he lowered his voice. “Why, Eva Tinker Bell Mercer,” he murmured, his tone a teasing scold. “Are you flirting with me?”

That’s not to say I didn’t adore him-this book actually is up there with my favorite ones, if not right below, and there was one consolation prize: I had heard Eva is better and that I’d understand her more….and everyone was right! But even better than that? I adored her.

She skipped up on her tiptoes and slapped a quick kiss to his cheek, right where she’d just patted it. Then she waved goodbye to me. “Toodles, Tinker Bell. Love ya.”
I rolled my eyes. “Bye, Sweet Pea. Love you, too.”

Gone was the whiney, whorish (sorry not sorry all those who find that offensive) girl who pushed herself on Mason to prove a point (and yeah, she just ‘wanted to prove a point’,’s not because Mason is fucking amazing…). She is kind, considerate, willing to do anything to help Mason and Reese (mostly Reese because she loves her so much)

"And then…” She nodded, as if coming to the best part of the story. “While the car’s lying on top of her and the only things poking out are her glittery red Christian Louboutins, I say we steal her shoes and run.”
Wow, what was this, the homicidal version of
The Wizard of Oz?

and even nudges something along-THAT I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO HAVE SEEEEEEN THANK YOU VERY MUCH, LINDA KAGE GRRR- that made my heart soar. So, to say the mother to be was still a loser party girl would be a lie. And I just really enjoyed seeing the mature woman she grew up to be. Really. I didn’t even hate the baby stuff-It was actually adorable and endearing and totally fit the embodiment of what makes Eva and Pick…well…Eva and Pick lol.

"Whatever,” I snapped, sending her an incredulous glower. There wasn’t a single wild thing about him. And besides, “He’s way hotter than Mason.”

Reese didn’t seem to notice the panic on my face; she was too busy choking on her disagreement. “Not even possible. No one-I mean, no one-is hotter than Mason.”
I patted her hand sympathetically. “Yeah, just keep telling yourself that, sweetie.”

So, you know, another beautiful, smutty book gone. It makes me sad I only have a couple more left. And to think, who knows how many are even going to be released??? I sure don’t know. But what I do know is, it’s been a long time since I have wanted a book more than my next breath, and that book is Noel’s Brother/Mason’s sister’s story. I. CAN’T. WAIT. UNTIL. [undisclosed date] LATE 2016 (being totally hopeful and pushy with that). I just….I can’t….I mean…brain overload. My two FAVORITE men who made me fall for this series are going to be in it NON STOP and the people they love most, besides their women, are going to fall in love. I mean….COME ON!!!! PERFECTION!!!! ARGHHH!!!!! COME ON COME ON ALREADY! Phew. Now that I got that over with , it’s admission time: While I adored seeing Pick and Eva’s story unfold, and me falling for yet another forbidden man in this series, I fell the hardest for this story when Reese and Mason were a part of it. They just….have my heart. And they were in it…A LOT.

"Wow.” Pick shook his head, stunned. “You are the complete opposite of your boyfriend, aren’t you?”
Reese scowled. “What do you mean?”
“At work, that boy avoids women like the plague, never checks them out, and he never shares details about you two…I mean, other than the jelly thing.”
Reese gasped, turning a bright tomato red. “I am so going to kill him for that. Now if you two will excuse me, I need to go home and…punish my man, probably with a nice strawberry or grape.” She touched her chin thoughtfully. “Though he does have an affinity for peach jam.”

So… fantasies were fulfilled and, frankly, they are the main reason I read this one anyway. I would say I’m a filthy Mason-loving-whore….but you already knew that. ONTO THE NEXT! ♥

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Profile Image for Ilze.
265 reviews218 followers
August 31, 2014
"A little slice of heaven is better than none at all."


This is the third book in Forbidden Man series, although they all are about different couples I would recommend you reading the first two before you start this.


Pick was 14-years-old when he got a glimpse of his future, which included Tinker Bell, his true love . Since then he is always trying to be the good guy even if that means marrying somebody he doesn't love just to help out.

Eva was a rich girl, who acted like she is better than anybody else, until she got pregnant and kicked out of house because she chose to keep her baby. Now she is pregnant, unemployed and homeless.

When Eva's ex returns with intentions to get rid of the baby, Pick steps in and becomes the hero Eva needed.

"He is pretty hot," Reese said as if answering my unspoken question. "I mean not as hot as Mason. But there's definitely some notable steam rolling off him. The tattoos and piercings make him all wild and uncontrollable."

Ohhh Pick. He was so sweet, and honest, and protective, and caring, and loving, and.... he was just perfect. Fantastic father, friend and lover. Life gave him a shitty hand, but he didn't allow it to change him, instead he learned from it and looked out for everybody else. Doesn't that sound perfect? I guarantee YOU want to meet him!!!

"You are. You're my hero."

At first I had problems with Eva, I really didn't like her because she acted like a pretentious bitch. Plus, she offended Mason, which still deserves her a bitch slap in my book. Anyway, I wasn't too stoked to see that nothing has changed with her. Thankfully she got better quickly and 'bitch-Eva' was present in only 7% (?) of the book. I didn't fall in love with her and I am not sure I even liked her, but I think she was a great mother and I liked how easily she adopted at Pick's place. Overall, I think she was a pretty strong and fun heroine, although she did make some bad decisions along the way.

"You don't have to be brave and strong all the time, Tink."

I had a few major problems with their decisions and often I felt like banging my head against the wall because everything felt just a bit too melodramatic. In spite of that I still enjoyed the story. Plus, I liked the characters and I will be anxiously waiting for Quinn's and Ten's book. Reading about this little group is very fun!

Lastly, Patrick Jason Ryan,
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,022 reviews967 followers
October 20, 2014
5 Perfect Hero Stars!

I ♥♥♥♥♥ this book hard!!

Linda Kage has given us the perfect swoon worthy man in Pick...A boy who grew up in the foster system and had every reason to let it turn him into a bitter man but doesn't and Eva.. a girl that looks like she has it all on the outside but her home life is anything but happy.

Pick/ AKA Patrick

Pick may look like a super bad boy with all his piercings and tatts, but he's actually a really good guy. So good, that he has stood by the crack junkie girl he grew up with in the foster system... Stood by her threw everything and even stepped up to be a dad for her child. Pick works 2 jobs to take care of her and sweet baby Julian. Going so far as to get a marriage in name only.. just so he can keep Julian safe and have both him and the crack whore on his insurance.

Eva/ AKA Tinker Bell

Eva appears to be a spoiled rich bitch with a major attitude.. and well, that's true to an extent. It's actually just a façade to cover up the nightmare she lives at home where she's lived with abuse for years. An accidental pregnancy forces her to leave home and move to Florida to live with her cousin Reese and Reese's boyfriend Mason ( from the first novel in this series). Eva's pregnancy forces her to grow up quickly. Before, she would have never considered herself possible mommy material.. but this baby has changed her life. She'll do anything to keep it safe and away from the nightmare she left behind at home..

In the prologue when we meet Pick.. he is pissed off at the local creepy witch/fortune teller that told Tristy ( his foster home friend) that she would die miserable and alone. This leads to her attempting suicide and makes Pick livid. He goes to the witch all pissed but ends up getting a vision of a perfect future.. A future so beautiful and heart consuming.. a picture of a beautiful blonde woman and children. And in this vision he is overwhelmingly happy and content. In his vision, he calls her his Tinker Bell.. it is because of this vision that he completely changes course of the delinquent he was into the man he wanted to be..a man that would be worthy of this mysterious Tinker Bell...

5 Years later.. Pick is no longer the angry teen he was.. but he's not happy. He constantly does for others hoping to me good enough for when he meets his Tinker Bell.. but when Tristy becomes pregnant, he realized what he has to do. He has to give up waiting on his Tink, and step up and be a daddy to baby Julian. Tristy is a lifetime junkie and all Pick wants to do is make sure she and her baby are safe. Now don't worry about this scenario.. there is no love at all for Tristy from Pick.. this is purely a self sacrificing move for him to be able to give Julian the care he needs.

But what happens when Tinker Bell finally walks into his life.. after he has just committed himself to being husband ( in name only) and a daddy...?

Yep, I loved this one.. I absolutely loved the immediate chemistry between Pick and Eva... Here Pick is ready to give up on the vision the witch showed him.. and then she walks right into his life! And she's preggers! Yep.. this story was just awesome.. Pick is the perfect man trying to do the right thing but with the possible love of his life showing up.. this might just change everything.

Let me say that there is no cheating! If you hate cheaters, don't worry. This is not a love triangle.. It's sweet , sexy , and heart warming .. but it does have some intense moments too. I loved every minute of Pick and Eva's story and a sweet HEA...

Profile Image for Jeannine Allison.
Author 13 books537 followers
July 28, 2017
4 Stars (Re-Read 7/25/2017)

4.5 Stars (First Read 11/18/2014)

I still really loved the romance in this one, and Pick is still one of my top book boyfriends. But I felt like certain aspects of the overall plot were OTT at times, and there were some scenarios that seemed more convenient than plausible.
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