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North Oak #1

Born to Run

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Experience the glamorous, fast paced world of horse racing in the young adult series North Oak.

Running away from the scene of a murder is not how Alexandra pictured spending her thirteenth birthday.

Then again, she wasn't expecting to be swept into a world of high stakes racing and multi-million dollar horse flesh a few days later either.

Alexandra Anderson is on the run from the law. When the thirteen year old orphan can run no further, she collapses at the gates of the prestigious racing and breeding farm, North Oak. Horse racing strikes a deep chord in her. She hears a higher calling in the jingle jangle of bit and stirrup and in the thunder of hooves in the turn for home. It tells her she has a place in the world. But when the racing headlines find her on the front of every sports page, she realizes North Oak is no longer a safe haven... or is it?


First published March 1, 2015

About the author

Ann Hunter

32 books166 followers
Multi-award winning author, Ann Hunter, is the creator of the young adult fantasy series Crowns of the Twelve (including the novels The Subtle Beauty, Moonlight, Fallen, with A Piece of Sky, Ashes, and The Rose In The Briar to follow). She likes cherry soda with chocolate ice cream, is a mom first and a writer second, has a secret identity, and thinks the Twilight movies are cheesier than cheez whiz (which is why they are her guilty pleasure!)

She lives in a cozy Utah home with her two awesome kids and epic husband.



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews602 followers
January 30, 2016
She ran from the nightmare of her lie and the results of being pushed beyond her limits. She ran from the law and all the things life had done to her in her thirteen years. Alex ran until she collapsed and from that point on, her world could be a better place, if she would learn to trust and to open up.

Alex finds a deep love for horses, racing and the excitement of being part of a world where the majestic beauty of horses feels almost as good as a hug. Horses just know when a person is good, no matter what they show the world, and apparently, so do horse people. No matter what, the family at North Oak shows Alex that family stands together just when she needs them most as she struggles with the guilt of her deeds and the weight of being accused of being a monster.

If you have ever spent time around horses, you will understand the magic of their world as the majestic animals give trust and unconditional love. Ann Hunter brings that world to life with a deeply troubled young girl whose life could be forever changed for the better, all because she couldn’t run any farther. Born to Run is a bittersweet tale of a lost girl, and the world that found her. Alex is damaged, her past is her living nightmare, while she dreams of a future filled with the smell of leather and horse sweat. Beautifully written for young adults, this is truly a delightful tale of hope. Ms. Hunter can spin a web that will have you laughing, crying and gasping and cheering for the girl all alone in the world.

I received this copy from Ann Hunter in exchange for my honest review.

Series: North Oak - Book 1
Publisher: Rebel House Ink
Publication Date: March 1, 2015
Genre: YA
Print Length: 126 pages
Available from: Amazon
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com

Profile Image for C.P. Cabaniss.
Author 7 books113 followers
September 8, 2015
*I received a copy of this novel from the author in exchange for an honest review.*

I love horses and when I was younger horse racing was my obsession. I'm always interested in finding new horse books because there just aren't that many out there. So when Ann approached me about reading this, I was excited.

I really enjoyed this story. It's short, but a whole lot happens. Just the opening scene is insane. Death, gunshots, murder. A strong introduction. There are a lot of characters and at times I think this hindered the flow of the story. I still really enjoyed it, I just think a little more focus on just a couple of characters might make it a bit more enjoyable.

You can read the full review on my blog: http://courtneysreads.blogspot.com/20...
Profile Image for Clare O'Beara.
Author 22 books367 followers
October 28, 2017
This is an unusual and interesting YA book about a girl from a foster home. Due to tragic circumstances she starts the book on the run and winds up at a stud farm which also produces racehorses - most places would do one or the other, but we accept that it's good to show young readers the dramas of both breeding and racing. We see a lot of contrast.

I didn't like the repeated hearking back to a crime scene, which must have been major for the character but does get to feel repetitive. I thought it was confusing to have so many female first names starting with A; Ashley, Alexandra, Amber, Angelina and shortened forms too. Alex seems old beyond her thirteen years, but I suppose she might well. Other than these niggles the tale is fine, for older teens who are okay to read about a troubled youngster.

I enjoyed the horse scenes and unlike many YA books, we observe that there are adults in the world who can be trusted. We also see something of the cycle of generations once someone has run away. Getting a series started and setting up the characters is always the hard part. An excerpt from the next book is at the end and I'll be interested to see how the series develops.

I took advantage of a free download offer. This is an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Natalia.
52 reviews1 follower
April 15, 2015
Nice, easy (albeit jam-packed read), made me all nostalgic about my Thoroughbred days and this has all the promise of ensnaring a new generation of racing fans. Enjoyed the characters and look forward to reading more when the next books come out :)
Profile Image for Nicole Dunton.
1,323 reviews34 followers
August 24, 2023
Title: Born To Run
Author: Ann Hunter
Release Date: February 28th, 2015
Page Count: 272
Format: ebook
Start Date: August 2nd, 2023
Finish Date: August 2nd, 2023

Rating: 5 Stars


This book reminded me so much of The Horse Whisperer. The movie. I have yet to read the book sadly. I plan to one day. I also feel like this book could be adapted into a movie. Especially a Lifetime movie. That's not an insult. I think some of their movies are just so beautiful. They really can leave a message.

Setting aside my love for reading books about horses, I really did enjoy this book. I completely understood why the girl was running. I understand why she was so afraid. She did a bad thing for the right reasons. It's not like she plotted what happened for months. It does seem like the foster care mother put a lot of planning into things though.

IF I have any complaint about the book, I'd say that I would have loved to see more horse scenes. They are there and they are referenced, but I would have loved to see some riding scenes and what have you. And that's more of a splitting hairs complaint than anything.

I am so happy that I came across this book. I can't wait to read the rest of the series. This book sucked me in from the very beginning. I've actually already recommended it to somebody who I think will love it as much as I did!
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
834 reviews
March 16, 2019
Beautiful and touching!
It start with a very shocking and life altering event in Alex's life. She is 13, but hasn't known much love nor happiness in her short life. When she flees and ends up on North Oak, that slowly changes. She gets friendship, from two girls and horses.
But there is still the threat from her past. And a secret...
I really enjoyed this story!
Profile Image for Patricia.
1,703 reviews45 followers
September 7, 2015

I was so excited to see another horse book . As I started reading , it became more then just a horse book . Welcome to the world or North Oak a breeding farm for thoroughbreds and let me introduce you to Alexandra Anderson. An orphan that has gone through so much in her young life . She is trying to be tough and stay unattached to all people an feelings . When she is found and taken in she is scared and wondering if they will still want her after they find out the deep dark secrets that she is hiding

When I started to read this book, I knew that this way going to be way more then just about a girl and her horse. The author takes on a journey of self discovery and what love can do to a broken soul.

Her characters are complex and conflicted . The story line could be taken out of the pages of a newspaper. The horses are not put into the story line just for show . They are a big part of the story .

Alexandra is a great character . She is trying to be tough but deep down inside she is a scared little girl. She has been through so much in her young life. But she is also a survivor, she doesn't want to get involved with anyone cause of her past in the group home . She sees the love between the families but doesn't know how to react when they show her love. But as you read you see that Alex is starting to blossom under the care. She touches all the other characters in such profound ways. Especially Mr North who knows more then he is letting on. You can see how she has affected him and the rest as you read along .

I read this book in an afternoon. There are twists an turns that will keep you reading. There is so much that goes on , you won't be disappointed. There is a little bit of religion that goes on in the book but it is in appropriate places and doesn't overpower the book. This is a great book for the ages of 13- adult . The characters are great and the story flows with such ease . The ending kind of blew me away . This is a great start to hopefully a great new series . So if you want a great read with horses an complex characters . This will be the series for you .
Profile Image for Kate.
Author 15 books874 followers
June 1, 2017
On one terrible night, Alex murders her foster mother in self-defense. With her foster sister dead, too, Alex fears that she'll end up in prison and goes on the run. She ends up in a horse barn, where she's discovered by the owners and taken in. But North Oak, a racing farm, has many secrets of its own, including a secret Mr. North knows about Alex. Brooke, the daughter of one of the trainers, wants Alex to stay, but when Alex is arrested for the murders, how much will Alex cost the farm?

From the description I was expecting a book version of "Wildfire," but this was quite a bit different. Alex doesn't know how to ride, although she bonds with a yearling named Promenade almost immediately. Brooke's sassy attitude countered Alex's closed-off persona nicely, and I can see the two of them becoming fast friends and butting heads in future books. Mr. North seems both strangely caring but also mysterious and sinister - I found him hard to get a read on, but happily Alex stays with another family that lives on the farm, Hillary and Cade, and their daughter Lauren. The story keeps a fast pace with lots of excitement. Hopefully in future books there will be more horses!

Note: I read this via Wattpad, so the published version might be slightly different.
Profile Image for Charity.
392 reviews29 followers
September 14, 2015
For full review and author interview, please visit 5girlsbookreviews.blogspot.com and/or our Facebook page "5 Girls Book Reviews"

REVIEW BY: Angel, age 12 years, 10 months


This book is astonishing! It had me on the edge with every page I turned!

This book is about Alex Anderson, a 13-year-old girl with a horrible life at a foster home. Alex always has had a big heart for her best friend, Ashley, but something goes wrong with her foster mom which ends up with her foster mom and Ashley dead. When Alex starts running from the law, she ends up at North Oak where there are horses, secrets and love. Alex was born to run!

I normally don't like horse novels but Ms. Hunter really pulled off everything that should be in a horse novel and more!
Profile Image for Christine Meunier.
Author 64 books49 followers
November 25, 2016
Alexandra Anderson finds herself in a situation that no person should find themselves in, in Born to Run. Never mind that she is only thirteen years old. On the run for murder, she goes as far as her body will take her.

When she ends up on the doorstep of a large thoroughbred establishment, all she can think about is her plan. The plan to run away and never be found. And when it seems that the woman who is left in charge of her care doesn’t want her there, Alex sees no reason why she shouldn’t keep running. Read more at http://equus-blog.com/born-run-north-...
Profile Image for Rachael Eliker.
Author 36 books115 followers
May 15, 2015
Ann Hunter has composed a great start to the series. I spent a few late nights, wrapped up North Oak and all the twists and turns. I will say I would recommend for older YA readers due to the language and thematic elements but they aren't overwhelming to the point of distracting from the storyline. Read through it in a couple of days--excited for the next book!
Profile Image for Cyrene Olson.
1,320 reviews16 followers
September 2, 2019
Uncaged Review: Alexandra is brought up in the foster system, and she was dealt a crappy blow with her foster home. The foster mother is a drunk, mean, and beats and abuses the kids in her home. When she finally escapes and gets to North Oak, then maybe she’ll begin to heal. She instantly bonds with a young colt named Promenade. Even though the people at North Oak take her in (there is more to this story that you find out in the end of this book as to why they so quickly agreed) – her past with the law and the foster home will return….

There was some confusing parts – one scene would just quickly switch to another one without more than a paragraph break, and do a bit of a time skip, which threw me out of the story a bit.

A nice start to this series, I had to let my own prejudices that I have for the horse racing world be put on the side for this story – but it was well told. Obviously there are many secrets, and not all of them get answered in this book but it doesn’t toss you into a major cliffhanger.
Reviewed by Cyrene
Profile Image for Katie.
553 reviews13 followers
February 24, 2024
DNF at 32%

This felt like it needed another editing pass or two. Flashbacks and scenes set in the present flowed together without anything to let the reader know which was which. The occasional first-person shifts didn't work well as a narrative device - they distracted, rather than enhanced. I also felt the need to have a very heavy suspension of disbelief that Alex was not handed over to - or at least interviewed by - any authority figures after being seen by a doctor.

With the level of physical abuse that was alluded to in the narrative, and medical personnel being mandated reporters, this just felt like poor research or lack of care from the author or editor. Maybe if I had continued, this would have been explained, but the book simply couldn't keep my attention for the reasons mentioned.

I was bored.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
4 reviews
April 20, 2020
I'm the kind of person that, if the cover doesn't get me, the title better or vise versa. If neither of them happen, I won't even open the book (text and antique books being exceptions). This series checked both boxes from jump! When you start reading, it's Really hard to put down. If I were to not started with book one, I feel as though I'd be lost in this one, bc Ann fleshed out all the major cast SO well you feel like you know them.
Believe me when I say "start at book1 and you, too, will fall in love with the North Oaks family/ies" Just don't shoot me when you get the first three books and start reading w/o looking at the clock then you too over and, HOLY CRAP, you've been reading for 8-9 or even 10 hours! These characters are That well written. ENJOY
Profile Image for C.J. Darlington.
Author 15 books381 followers
July 1, 2019
3.5 stars. I'm a sucker for the type of down-on-their-luck heroines featured in Born to Run. And I love horses. Win-win, right? Mostly. The concept was great, but a few things kept me from rating this one higher. Perhaps it was only in the Kindle version, but many scenes completely blend together, switching POV. Plus a few things just didn't make sense. For example, wouldn't someone only have to pay 10% of bail up front rather than the whole amount? And while I loved how accepting the North Oak "family" was of Alex, it seemed like there should've been more questions asked of her and a little more of trust earning. Not a bad read at all, but some things would've made it even better.
754 reviews5 followers
April 2, 2019
Born to Run: North Oak #1 by Ann Hunter is a very poignant and realistic look at what happens to children accused of murder in the Juvenile Justice System. This story was an incredible book that portrays a young girl’s fear of the justice system and her attempt to run from her past. Even though this story starts out with a tragedy it definitely ends on a high note. I became so invested in the story I found it difficult to put down. I recommend this book for anyone middle grades and above who enjoys a story with substance.

Profile Image for Nahari Lippman.
64 reviews
November 10, 2020
It's a story about an "alleged" orphan girl who learns to love horses on the estate where she was "found".

It has a four star rating for me because I kinda like stories with an underdog/outsider feel, but on another day this book would probably get three or lower stars because the scenes where quite jumpy and the so-called plot twist was pretty much obvious from the start.

But nevertheless I still enjoyed this book and even though I said some of it's low-points I wouldn't say that this was a totally bad read, and you'll probably love this more if you like horses and racing stuff.
16 reviews19 followers
July 16, 2018
As Fast-paced as a Racehorse

As a kid, I loved reading all the books about horses -- Black Stallion, Timber Trail Riders, My Friend Flicka, etc. This book is as good as all those classics, with a modern edge to it. The emphasis on family is also excellent. Alex is a well-drawn character who has you rooting for her from the beginning. Her story will carry you along at a dizzying pace.
Profile Image for Cort.
1 review
September 3, 2018
I did enjoy this book, though I struggled a little with it. Obviously it is written to be at least somewhat accessible to kids, so I don't want to accuse it of being too simple, but I did find myself struggling with lack of depth in the characters. I also feel as though it has a somewhat immature plot and character construction. However, don't take that as a bad thing, it's just something to be aware of. I enjoyed the book and look forward to reading the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Michele Rolfe.
66 reviews2 followers
April 3, 2019
WOW! What Alex has gone through at only 13 yrs old is horrific! Alex not only gets a new family when she runs away, but she bonds so quickly with a handsome Thoroughbred Yearling Colt, Promenade! Through all of her trials, the horse racing life grounds Alex & she is brought back into the family she does not realize is really hers! Love the Happy, cliffhanger ending!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Rosie Rizk.
475 reviews9 followers
July 2, 2019
It's a good book with an emotional plot and great characters. The writing is a bit choppy tho. It could use an editor to help it flow better, more naturally. Still, I enjoyed the story - the very well developed cast of characters. There were several spots that really tugged my heartstrings.

I'm a big fan of horse books, and while there were some great human-horse bonding moments, Alex, the MC, doesn't learn to ride yet, so I guess that will happen in a sequel.
Profile Image for Mariah Newton.
2 reviews
August 23, 2019
Born to Run is a compelling book for someone who seeks to find redemption in their childhood--someone like me. Alex's story tells of a girl who needs love to mend her wounded soul, and she finds it in two different places. She's saved first by horses, then by a family willing to love her for who she is, and finally her own honesty. This is only the beginning of what will surely be a powerful series where Alex learns what it really means to be "born to run."
Profile Image for Imogen Dior.
624 reviews2 followers
January 2, 2023
3.5 Stars

Born to Run was a good start to the series. Getting to know some of Alex’s story, seeing her go through the pain, heartbreak, anger and constant struggle that she faced was difficult to read especially when she lost her person. Seeing her arrive at North Oak though and seeing and getting to know the cast of secondary characters i’m sure we’re going to see more of i’m excited to see the direction this series heads in and hope Alex gets to heal.
856 reviews
July 30, 2018
This is a very good story of a young girl who feels unwanted by everyone. When her best friend is killed, she kills the woman who not only killed her friend but planned to kill her and the other girls in the home. She finds herself on a breeding and racing farm. Will she ever trust anyone? Will she find a home? The story was well told and was a little sad.
14.7k reviews82 followers
April 11, 2019
She is on the run from a crime she committed and she ends up in front of the ranch. She finds a place she belongs and she loves racing. Soon she is on the front pages of the racing times. Will they still want to know.once they know her crimes? See if they can

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
43 reviews1 follower
April 19, 2020
Characters are alive

Characters are alive and I like how our hero has both good things and bad. Although I am sorry at how bad some of it is, but like real life it happens. Fortunately most often not as much. Still I am enjoying the series. Just waiting for the next one.
Profile Image for Kathy Anderson.
142 reviews32 followers
April 27, 2021
Ann Hunter draws you into the story with descriptive language which seizes your compassion and empathy for her young heroine, Alexandra Anderson. I wept for young Alex and I cheered for her as well.

This is the first book by Ann Hunter I have read. It won’t be the last.
Profile Image for Aurora Wade.
67 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2020
Thoroughbred for Adults

I really enjoyed the origins of Alex and I'm very excited to learn more about her and the others at North Oak in the coming books.
Profile Image for Karen.
531 reviews7 followers
December 26, 2022

This was a fantastic read. So, looking forward to more in the series. Took a chance on this book because it had horses in it.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
414 reviews2 followers
January 24, 2023
Heart Warming. The story of Alex. How she departs her foster home and ends up at becoming part of the North Oak family.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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